CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material – Factors of Production

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory of Production and Cost – Factors of Production

Factors of Production


Generally, land means earth’s surface.
However, in economics land refers to all the free gifts of nature i.e. natural resources. Land includes natural resources:

  1. on the surface of earth; E.g. Soil, forest, plots of land, etc.
  2. below the surface of earth, E.g. mineral deposits, etc. and
  3. above the surface of earth, E.g. climate, sunshine, rain, etc.

Land has the following characteristics

  1. Primary Factor. Land is the original and primary or natural factor of production. It provides various natural resources for production.
  2. Free Gift of Nature. Land is the creation of nature and not man made. It is a free gift of nature to mankind.
  3. Inelastic Supply. Land is fixed in supply. Its supply cannot be either increased or decreased by any human efforts. However, its supply is relatively elastic from the point of view of a firm.
  4. Lacks Geographical Mobility. Land cannot be moved bodily from one place to another. However, land is said to be mobile in the sense it can be put to many alternative uses.
  5. Passive Factor. Land does not yield any result unless human efforts and capital are employed.
  6. Heterogeneous. Land differs in nature, fertility, uses and productivity from one place to another.
  7. Permanent. It means that land cannot be destroyed. The productive power of soil is original and indestructible according to RICARDO.
  8. Diminishing Returns. The land is subject to the Law of Diminishing Returns more quickly in the cultivation of land.


  • Labour in economics means any work whether physical or mental done in exchange for some monetary reward.
  • Anything done out of love and affection is not labour in economic sense.

Labour has the following peculiarities (characteristics) which makes it different from other factors:

1. Labour is inseparable from labourer

  • All other suppliers of factors can be separated from the factors which they supply. E.g. Land can be separated from its owner.
  • However, the labourer cannot be separated from the work which he performs. E.g. A doctor has to attend his patients in person. Labour is connected with HUMAN EFFORTS.

2. Human Factor

  • It is a live factor of production. Hence, labour has feelings and temperament.
  • So it is very much affected by surroundings, working, conditions, motivation, leisure, recreation, working hours, etc.

3. Highly perishable

  • Labour cannot be stored for future use. It is highly perishable.
  • A day lost without work means a day’s work gone forever.
  • Hence, labourer has weak bargaining power and has to accept even low wages.

4. The labourer sells his services and not himself

  • In the labour market it is labour which is brought and sold and not the labourer.

5. Heterogeneous

  • Labour power differs from labourer to labourer.
  • Labour power depends upon physical strength, education, skill, training, efficiency, etc.
  • Hence, labour can be classified as unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled labour.
  • The skilled labour is called as human capital.

6. Mobile

  • Labour is a mobile factor.
  • Labour is much less mobile than capital.
  • Labourer is human being and hence has attachment with his family, custom, religion, culture, etc. and so is hesitant to move from one place to another.

7. Active Factor

  • Labour is the most active factor of production. Other factors are made operative with the use of labour.

8. Labour has sociological characteristics.

  • Employment of labour involves problems relating to labour welfare.
  • E.g. Social security like provident fund, gratuity, medical benefits, pension, etc.
  • Other factors do not have such characteristics.

9. Supply curve of labour is backward sloping.

10. The supply of labour is inelastic in short run.


  • In ordinary language, capital is used in the sense of money.
  • But in economics the term ‘Capital’ means man made stock of goods like factories, machines, tools, equipments, raw materials, dams, canals, transport vehicles, etc. which are used in production.
  • Thus, ‘Capital’ in economics is used in the sens(e of real capital i.e. capital goods.
    Capital has therefore, been rightly defined as “produced means of production” and as “man made instrument of production”.

Land and labour are primary or original factors of production. But capital is produced by man working with nature to help in the production of further goods. Following are the main characteristics of capital: –

1. Capital is man made
Capital is not produced by nature. It is artificial as it is produced by man.

2. Capital is productive
Use of capital increases the overall productivity in a given process. It provides tools and implements to labour for production.

3. Supply of capital is elastic

  • The supply of capital can be adjusted to demand.
  • The stock of capital depends on capital formation.
  • Thus, by raising the rates of savings and investments the supply of capital can be increased.

4. All capital is wealth

  • Capital is that part of wealth which is used in further production of wealth.
  • Hence, capital has all the characteristics of wealth like utility, scarcity, transferability and price.

5. Capital is a passive factor
It alone is unable to produce anything. It is ineffective without the use of labour and land.

6. Capital is the most mobile factor.
It has both place as well as occupational mobility.

7. Capital is durable
Physical capital assets like plant and machinery, factory buildings, etc. last over a long time in the process of production. However, they are subject to depreciation.

8. Capital involves social cost

  • In the creation of capital, the money to be used for present consumption has to be diverted.
  • Sacrifice of present consumption and enjoyment of the people is treated as a social cost.

Types of capital

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Factors of Production 1

  • Fixed Capital. Those durable physical assets which can be repeatedly used in the process of production for long periods are called fixed capital. E.g. Machinery, Plant, Tools, Factories, Railways, etc.
  • Circulating or Working Capital. Working capital refers to those goods which are used up in the single act of production. Such goods are used only ONCE in production. E.g. raw materials, power, fuel, etc. They are single use producer’s goods.
  • Sunk Capital. Sunk capital is the capital which is used to produce only one single commodity. It can be put to a single specialized use only. E.g. A brick kiln can be used only to bake brick and nothing else. Sunk capital therefore, lacks occupational mobility.
  • Floating Capital. Floating capital is that which can be put to several uses. E.g. electricity, money, leather, etc.
    Real Capital. Real capital refers to the physical capital goods like machinery, raw material, factory buildings, etc. which help in production.
  • Human Capital. The human capital is in the form of people who are equipped with education, skills, training, good health, etc. A faster economic growth can be achieved with the accumulation of human capital.
  • Tangible Capital. Tangible capital is one which can be seen and touched. E.g. machinery, tools, etc. in other words, it is real capital.
  • Intangible Capital. It cannot be seen or touched. It can only be felt. E.g. goodwill, etc.
    Money Capital. It is in the form of shares, debentures, bonds, stock certificates, etc. Money is invested in expectations of returns.
  • Individual Capital. Capital resources having personal or private ownership of an individual or group of individuals is called individual capital. E.g. Tata Enterprises.
  • Social Capital. The capital which is owned by the society as a whole is called as social capital. E.g. roads, railways, schools, dams, canals, etc.

Capital Formation

  • Capital formation means a sustained increase in the stock of real capital in a country.
  • It is thus, an addition of capital goods like machines, tools, factories, transport facilities, power, etc. in the country.
  • Such capital goods are used for further production of goods and thus increases the production capacity of the country.
  • Capital formation is also known as investment.
  • Capital formation plays an important role in the development of an economy generally, higher the rate of capital formation, more economically developed an economy would be.

There are mainly three stages of capital formation which are as follows:-

1. Savings
Savings represents that part of income which is not consumed. Level of savings in a country depends on – (i) ability to save, and (ii) willingness to save.

(i) ability to save

  • Ability to save depends upon the income of an individual.
  • Higher the income, higher is the savings.
  • This is because with the increase in income the propensity to consume falls and propensity to save increases.
  • This is true in case of both the individuals and the economy.

(ii) willingness to save

  • A person with ability to save must also have willingness to save.
  • Willingness to save depends upon individual’s concern about future. If a person is foresighted and wants to make future secure, he will save more.
  • Willingness to save also depends upon family affection, desire for the growth and promotion of business, desire for prestige and power habits, sound banking system, stability in the money value, State’s taxation policy, etc.

2. Mobilization of Savings.

  • The money so saved by the households must enter into circulation i.e. must be mobilized and make them available to the businessmen or entrepreneurs who require it for investment purposes.
  • This requires a network of banks, financial institutions (like UTI, IDBI, etc.), insurance companies, etc.
  • Such facilities help to promote high rate of mobilization and canalization of savings.

3. Investments

  • The final stage is the investment of savings into capital assets like machinery, tools, buildings, dams, etc.
  • Investment requires a large number of honest, dynamic, daring, efficient and skilled entrepreneurs in the economy.
  • Investments also depends upon the factors like expected profits, rate of interest, size of market, stability in the money value, internal peace and security, fear of foreign aggression, etc.


  • The most important factor in production i.e. enterprise is provided by entrepreneur.
  • An entrepreneur is a person or group of persons who bring together the different factors of production i.e. land, labour and capital at one place; combine them in right proportions; initiate the process of production by making them work together and bear the risks and uncertainty involved in it.

He is therefore also called the organizer, the manager or risk bearer. An entrepreneur performs the following functions:-

1. Initiating a business enterprise

  • The first function of an entrepreneur is to start a business. For this he brings together the different factors of production like land, labour and capital.
  • He pays them their respective remuneration i.e. rent for land, wages to labour and interest to capital.
  • Any surplus left after factor payment is his reward i.e. profit which is not fixed.
  • If his planning goes wrong he may also incur losses.

2. Risk and Uncertainty bearing

  • Main function of an entrepreneur is to bear risk and uncertainty. According to Prof. F. H. Knight there are two types of risks namely –
    1. Foreseeable or insurable risks e.g. risk of fire, thefts, accidents, etc.
    2. Unforeseeable or non-insurable risk e.g. technological risks due to inventions, fluctuations in demand due to change in fashion etc., trade cycles, changes in govt, policies, etc.
  • Foreseeable risks can be predicted and hence can be insured. Such risks do not cause uncertainty and thus do not give rise to profits.
  • Unforeseeable risks involve uncertainty and give rise to profits.
  • True entrepreneurship lies in bearing non-insurable risks and uncertainties.

3. Innovations

  • Prof. Joseph A. Schumpeter considers innovation as the true function of the entrepreneur.
  • Innovation refers to all those changes in the production process the objective of which is to reduce the cost of production and increase profits.
  • Innovations in wider sense includes introduction of new or improved production methods, a new machine, a new plant, use of a new source of raw material, change in the internal organizational set-up, etc.
  • Such innovations give rise to profits but temporarily because once these are adopted by other firms, the profits could disappear.
  • Hence, entrepreneur has to continuously introduce new innovations and contribute to technological progress and economic growth of the country.

Enterprise’s objectives and constraints
Earning profit is considered to be the prime objective of every business. However, earning profit cannot be the only objective of the business because an enterprise functions in the economic, social, political and cultural environment. Hence, an enterprise has to set us objectives in relation to such environment. The objectives of an enterprise are as follows:

1. Organic objectives: The basic purpose of all kinds of enterprises is to SURVIVE and EXIST i.e. to stay alive. This is possible only when it is able to recover its costs and earn profits. Once the enterprise is assured of its survival, it will aim at growth and expansion.

  • Growth as on objective has gained importance with the rise of professional managers. H.L. Marris’s and other economists assert that managers of a corporate firm are interested in maximizing the growth rate rather than in profit maximization.
  • Owners are interested in profits, capital, market share and public reputation.
  • For growth and expansion of the firm it is necessary that adequate profits are made so as to provide internal funds for further investment.
  • Growth and profit are both positively related to the size of the firm. Both of the objectives converge in one namely A STEADY GROWTH IN THE SIZE OF THE FIRM.
  • Managers prefer balanced rate of growth over profits. The growth rate and growth is measured in terms of sales, number of branches, number of employees, etc.

2. Economic Objectives: The basic and important objective of every business is to earn profit. Accordingly therefore, the firm determines the price and output policy in a j manner that profits can be maximized.

  • Investors expect sufficient returns from their company. Similarly, creditors and employees are also interested in profitable enterprise.
  • The definition of profits in economic sense has different meaning than accountants’ definition of profits.
  • Accounting Profit = Total Revenue – Accounting Cost (Explicit Cost)
  • Economic Profit = Total Revenue – Economic Cost (i.e. Explicit + Implicit Cost)
  • Profit maximization objective has been criticized because all firms do not aim to maximize profits. E.g.-
    (i) Some firm try to achieve SECURITY with reasonable level of profit.
    (ii) Some firms may try to MAXIMISE SALES (Prof. Baumol)
    (iii) Some economists point that owners and managers of a company try to MAXIMISE THEIR UTILITY rather than profit.

3. Social Objectives: A business enterprise is an integral part of society. It lives in a society. It cannot grow unless it meets the needs of the society. It makes use of resources of society. Therefore, it owes something to society. Some of the important social objectives j of business are-

  • To maintain continuous and desired quantity of unadulterated goods of standard quality.
  • To avoid unfair trade practices.
  • To avoid profiteering and anti-social practices.
  • To create opportunities for gainful employment for the people in the society. A business should specially consider the handicapped, disabled and poor people.
  • To avoid air, water or noise pollution.

4. Human Objectives: Employees are precious resources who contribute abundantly to the success in business. Therefore, the overall development of its employees, keep them motivated and taking care of employees should be major objectives of an organization. The common human objectives are-

  • To provide fair deal to the employees at different levels.
  • To provide good working conditions.
  • To pay competitive and satisfactory wages and salaries.
  • To impart training to employees and keep updating their knowledge.
  • To provide opportunities to employees in decision making process on the matters affecting them.

5. National Objectives: An enterprise should try to fulfil the nations need and aspirations. It should work towards implementation of national plans and policies. Some of the national objectives are- .

  • To remove inequality of opportunities and provide opportunities to all irrespective of caste and religion to work and to progress.
  • To produce according to national priorities.
  • To help country achieve self-sufficiency in production of all types of goods and thus reduce dependence on other countries.
  • To provide education and training to young men to bring about skill formation for achieving growth and development.
  • All the enterprises have multiple objectives and therefore, the need to set priorities by balancing of the objectives.

In the pursuit of the above objectives an enterprise’s action may get constrained in following ways-

  • Lack of knowledge and information about many variable that affect business.
  • Constraints may be experienced due to governments’ restrictions on the production, price and movement of factors.
  • There may be infrastructural bottleneck.
  • Changes in business and economic conditions; change in government policies about location, prices, taxes, etc.; natural calamities like fire, flood, famine, etc.
  • Constraints are also faced due to inflation, rising interest rates, unfavourable exchange rate, capital and labour costs, etc.

Enterprise’s Problems
A business enterprise face many problem from its start, through its life time till it is closed down. Following are the main problems:

1. Problems relating to objectives: An enterprise functions in the economic, social, political and cultural environment. Therefore, it has a set of many objectives in relation to its environment.

These multifarious objectives many times conflict with one another. Hence, the enterprise faces the problem of choosing and striking balance between them.
E.g.- Social responsibility objective may run into conflict with expansion of production activity resulting in pollution.

2. Problems relating to location and size of the plant: An enterprise has to decide about ‘ the LOCATION of its plant. In doing so, it has to consider many costs like cost of labour, facilities and cost of transportation to decide where its plant should be located.

Another problem faced is about SIZE of the firm, whether it should be a small scale or large scale unit. Before deciding upon the scale of operations several aspects will have to be considered like technical, managerial, marketing, financial, etc.

3. Problems relating to selecting and Organising physical facilities: A firm has to decide about the nature of production process to be used and the type of equipments required for it. This will depend upon the require^ volume of production
This choice will be based on-
(i) the evaluation of costs of different equipments, and (ii) efficiency
It has also to prepare layout of plant.

4. Problems relating to Finance: A firm also has to do good financial planning. For this an enterprise will have to determine-

  • amount of funds required,
  • demand and cost of its products,
  • profits on investments, and
  • capital structure

5. Problems relating to Organisation Structure: An enterprise faces problem relating to organizational structure. It has to divide the total work of the enterprise by creating different departments in order to carry on the specialized functions by each department. It has to clearly define the roles and relationships of all positions also.

6. Problems relating to Marketing: For survival and growth, a firm has to properly do marketing of its products and services.

  • It has to identify its actual and potential customers, tools of marketing, etc.
  • After identifying the market, the firm has to decide upon product, promotion, price and place aspects.

7. Problems relating to Legal Formalities: Many legal formalities are to be carried out at the time of formation, during the life time and at closure.
E.g.- assessing various taxes and paying, maintenance of records, filing various returns, adhering to laws formulated by Govt., etc.

8. Problems relating to Industrial Relations: This problem relates to winning worker’s co-operation, enforcing discipline among workers, workers participation in management, dealing with trade unions, etc.


CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material – Monopoly

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets – Monopoly



  • ‘Mono’ means single and ‘Poly’ means seller.
  • So monopoly refers to that market structure where there is a single firm producing and selling a commodity which has no close substitute.
  • As there is no rival firms producing close substitute,
    – the monopoly firm itself is industry, and
    – its output constitutes the total market supply.

Features of Monopoly Market:

Following are the main features of the monopoly market:

  1. Single seller and Large number of buyers
    • There is only one seller or producer of a commodity in the market but there are many buyers.
    • As a result, the monopoly firm has full control over the supply of the commodity.
  2. No close substitutes.
    • The commodity sold by the monopolist generally has no close substitutes.
    • Therefore, the cross elasticity of demand between monopolist’s commodity and other commodity is zero or less than one.
    • As a result monopoly firm faces a downward sloping demand curve.
  3. Restrictions to entry for new firms.
    • The monopoly firm controls the situation in such a way that it becomes difficult for new firms to enter the monopoly market and compete with monopoly firm.
    • There are many barriers to the entry of new firm which can be economic, institutional or artificial in nature.
  4. Price maker
    • A monopoly firm has full control over the supply of the commodity
    • Price is solely fixed by the monopoly firm.
    • So, a monopoly firm is a “price maker”.

Sources of Monopoly:

The sources of monopoly may be listed as follows:

  1. Patents, copyrights and trade marks.
    • Legal support provided by the government to promote inventions, to produce a particular commodity, etc. by granting patents, copyrights, trademarks, etc. creates monopoly.
  2. Control of raw materials.
    • If one firm acquires the sole ownership or control of essential raw materials, then the other firms cannot compete.
  3. Economies of large scale.
    • The monopoly firm may be very big and enjoy economies of large scale of production.
    • The cost of production is therefore low, hence it may supply goods at low prices.
    • This leaves no scope for new firms to enter the market.
  4. Government control on entry
    E.g. – In defense production; public utility services like water, transportation, electricity, etc.
  5. Business combines.
    • Monopolies are created by forming cartels, pools, syndicates, etc. by the firms producing the same goods to control price and output.

Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue Curves under Monopoly

  • Monopoly firm constitutes industry.
  • Therefore, the entire demand of the consumers faces the monopolist.
  • The demand curve of a monopoly firm is the same as the market demand curve of the commodity.
  • As the demand curve of the consumers for a commodity slopes downward, the monopolist faces a downward sloping demand curve.
  • This means that monopolist can sell more quantity only by lowering the price of the commodity
  • The demand curve facing the monopolist is also his average revenue curve. Thus, average revenue curve of the monopolist slopes downwards
  • As the demand curve i.e. average revenue curve slopes downwards, marginal revenue curve will be below it.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Monopoly 1
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Monopoly 2

  • In the figure above, AR curve of the monopolist slopes downward and MR curve lies below it.
  • At a quantity OQ, average revenue ie. price is OP (=QT) and marginal revenue is QK which is less than average revenue OP (=QT).

Thus, in case of monopoly —

  1. AR and MR are both negatively sloped curves,
  2. MR curve lies half way between the AR curve and the Y-axis,
  3. AR cannot be zero i.e. AR curve cannot touch X-axis,
  4. MR can be zero or even negative i.e. MR curve can touch or cut the X-axis.

Short Run Equilibrium of the Monopoly Firm (Price – Output Equilibrium)

  • A monopolist will produce an output that maximizes his total profits.
  • A monopolist will maximize his total profits when —
    1. Marginal Cost = Marginal Revenue (MC = MR), and
    2. Marginal cost curve cuts the marginal revenue curve from below.
  • When a monopoly firm is in the short run equilibrium, it may find itself in the following situations —
    1. Firm will earn SUPER NORMAL PROFITS if its AR > AC;
    2. Firm will earn NORMAL PROFITS if its AR = AC, and
    3. Firm will suffer LOSSES if its AR < AC.

1. Super Normal Profits (AR > AC):
The monopoly firm would earn super normal profits if at the equilibrium output AR > AC.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Monopoly 3
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Monopoly 4

2. Normal Profits (AR = AC):
The monopoly firm would earn normal profits if at the equilibrium output AR = AC.

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3. Losses (AR < AC):
The monopoly firm would suffer losses, if at the equilibrium output its AR < AC.

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If monopoly firm’s AR > AVC or AR = AVC, it can continue to produce though it suffer losses at the equilibrium level of output. .

Long Run Equilibrium of a Monopoly Firm:

  • The long run equilibrium of the monopoly firm is attained where its MARGINAL COST = MARGINAL REVENUE ie. MC = MR.
  • The monopoly firm can continue to earn super normal profits even in the long run.
  • This is because entry to the market for new firms is blocked.
  • All costs are variable costs in the long run and these must be recovered.
  • This means that monopoly firm does not suffer loss in the long run.
  • However, if it is unable to recover variable costs, it should shut down.

Fig. Shows the long run equilibrium of a monopoly firm.

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  • Thus, we find that monopoly firm continue to earn super normal profits in long run.
  • A monopoly firm does not produce at the lowest point of LAC curve ie. does not produce at optimum level because of absence of competition.
  • In other words, it operates at sub-optimum level and therefore, does not produce optimum output.

Price Discrimination:

  • A monopoly firm is also the industry.
  • A single firm controls the entire supply.
  • Therefore, the firm has the power to sell the same commodity to different buyers at different prices.
  • When the firm charge different prices to different customers for the same commodity, it is engaged in price discrimination.
    E.g. – Electricity supplying firm charge higher rate per unit of electricity from industrial units than domestic consumers.

Conditions for price discrimination:
Price discrimination is possible under the following conditions:

  1. Existence of two or more than two sub-markets.
    • The monopolist should be able to divide the total market for his commodity into two or more sub-markets.
    • Such division of market may be on the basis of income, geographic location, age, sex, etc.
    • E.g. on the basis of income, a doctor may charge high fees from rich patients than from poor.
  2. Different markets should have different price elasticity of demand.
    • The difference in price elasticity of demand in different markets enables the monopolistto discriminate among customers.
    • He can charge higher price in inelastic market and lower price in elastic market.
  3. No possibility of resale.
    • It should not be possible for buyers to purchase the commodity from a cheaper market and sell it in the costlier markets.
    • In other words, there should be no contact among the buyers of the two markets.
  4. Control over supply.
    • The supply should be in full control of the monopolist.

Price-output determination under price discrimination

  • Suppose a discriminating monopolist sell his output in market ‘A’ and market ‘B’.
  • Market ‘A’ has less elastic demand and market ‘B’ has more elastic demand.
  • Suppose the monopolist has only one production facility then he is faced with the questions—
    • How much to produce?
    • How much to sell in each market?
    • How much price to charge in each market?
  • The monopolist will first decide profitable level of total output (ie. where MR = MC) and then allocate the quantity between two markets.
  • The condition for equilibrium here would be —
    1. MC = MRa = MRb. It means that MC must be equal to MR in individual markets separately.
    2. MC = AMR (aggregate marginal revenue). It means that the monopolist must be in equilibrium not only in individual markets but also when the two markets are treated as one.

The process of price determination under price discrimination is shown in the following figure —

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  • In the fig. – MC curve intersect the AMR curve at point E
  • Point E shows the total output is OQ.
  • When a perpendicular EH is drawn, it intersect MRa at E1 and MRb at E2. These are the equilibrium point of market A and B
  • Point Et shows that quantity sold in market A is OQ1 and the price charged is OP1
  • Point E2 shows that quantity sold in market B is OQ2 and the price charged is OP2
  • Price charged in market ‘A’ is higher than in market ‘B’.
  • Thus, a discriminating monopolist chargers a higher price in the market ‘A’ having less elastic demand and a lower price in the market ‘B’ having more elastic demand.
  • The marginal revenue is different in different markets.

E.g. – Suppose the single monopoly price is Rs. 40 and elasticity of demand in market A and B is 2 and 4 respectively.

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  • It is clear from the above example that the marginal revenue is different in different markets when elasticity of demand at the single price is different.
  • MR is higher in the market having high elasticity and vice versa.
  • In the above example, since marginal revenue in market ‘B’ is more, it will be profitable for monopolist to transfer some units of the commodity from market ‘A’ to ‘B’.
  • When monopolist transfers the commodity from market A to B, he is practicing price discrimination.
  • As a result, the price of commodity will increase in market A and will decrease in market B.
  • Ultimately the marginal revenue in the two market will become equal.
  • When marginal revenue becomes equal in the two markets, it will no longer be profitable to transfer the units of commodity from market A to B.

Objectives of Price discrimination:
To earn maximum profit; to dispose off surplus stock; to enjoy economies of scale; to capture foreign markets etc.

Degrees of price discrimination:
Pigou classified price discrimination as follows:

  1. first degree price discrimination where the monopolist fix a price which take away the entire consumer’s surplus,
  2. second degree price discrimination where the monopolist take away only some part of consumer’s surplus. Here price changes according to the quantity sold. E.g. large quantity sold at a lower price,
  3. third degree price discrimination where the monopolist charges the price according to location customer segment, income level, time of purchase etc.


CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 5 Business Cycles – MCQs

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 5 Business Cycles – MCQs


1. The term business cycle refers to –
(a) fluctuations in aggregate economic activity over time.
(b) ups and down in the production of goods
(c) increasing unemployment
(d) declining savings

2. Expansion phase all but one of the following characteristics.
(a) Increase in national output
(b) Increase in consumer spending
(c) Excess production capacity of industries
(d) Expansion of bank credit

3. Which one of the following is not the characteristic of business cycle?
(a) They are recurrent
(b) They are not at regular intervals
(c) They have uniform causes
(d) All the above

4. The turning points of the business cycle are
(a) Expansion and Peak
(b) Peak and Contraction
(c) Contraction and Trough
(d) Peak and Trough

5. _____ refers to the top or the highest point of business cycle.
(a) Expansion
(b) Peak
(c) Expansion and Peak
(d) None of the above

6. Involuntary unemployment is almost zero in the _____ phase of business cycle.
(a) Expansion
(b) Contraction
(c) Trough
(d) Depression

7. The economy is said to be overheated at the _____ phase of business cycle.
(a) Expansion
(b) Peak
(c) Contraction
(d) Depression

8. Cost of living increases when business cycle is _____
(a) expanding
(b) contracting
(c) at peak
(d) at lowest point

9. There is large scale of involuntary unemployment in the _____ phase of business cycle.
(a) expansion
(b) peak
(c) contraction
(d) none of the above

10. Fall in the level of investments, fall in production, fall in employment, fall stock prices, etc. are found during _____ phase of business cycle.
(a) expansion
(b) boom
(c) peak
(d) contraction

11. All but one are the endogenous factors of business cycle
(a) War
(b) Changes in government spending
(c) Money supply
(d) Fluctuations in investments

12. _____ is the severe form of recession with lowest level of economic activity.
(a) Upswing
(b) Depression
(c) Downswing
(d) Peak

13. Fall in the interest rates is a typical feature of
(a) recovery
(b) boom
(c) depression
(d) contraction

14. During depression _____ industry suffer from excess production capacity.
(a) capital goods
(b) consumer durable goods
(c) non-durable goods
(d) both ‘a’ and ‘b’

15. The great depression of _____ caused enormous misery and human sufferings
(a) 1929 – 33
(b) 1919 – 23
(c) 1940 – 53
(d) 1950 – 63

16. The lowest level of economic activity is called _____
(a) contraction
(b) trough
(c) recovery
(d) none of the above

17. There is end of pessimism and the beginning of optimism at ______
(a) expansion
(b) peak
(c) trough
(d) depression

18. Which of the following is not the features of business cycle?
(a) Business cycle follow perfectly timed cycle
(b) Business cycle vary in intensity
(c) Business cycle vary in length
(d) Business cycle have no set pattern

19. The trough of a business cycle occur when _____ hits its lowest point.
(a) the money supply
(b) the employment level
(c) inflation in the economy
(d) aggregate economic activity

20. Industries that are most adversely affected by business cycles are the _____
(a) Durable goods and services sector
(b) Non-durable goods and services
(c) Capital goods and Non-durable goods sectors
(d) Capital goods and durable goods sectors

21. _____ indicators change before the economy itself changes.
(a) Lagging
(b) Coincident
(c) Leading
(d) concurrent

22. _____ indicators change after the economy as a whole changes.
(a) Lagging
(b) Coincident
(c) Leading
(d) Concurrent

23. Changes in stock prices, profit margins and profits, manufacturing activity, etc. are examples of _____ indicator.
(a) Leading
(b) Lagging
(c) Concurrent
(d) Coincident

24. A variable that moves later than aggregate economic activity is called _____
(a) a leading variable
(b) a coincident variable
(c) a lagging variable
(d) a cyclical variable

25. While _____ indicators forecast economic fluctuation, _____ indicators confirm the trends.
(a) lagging ; leading
(b) lagging ; coincident
(c) coincident ; leading
(d) leading ; lagging

26. A variable that occur simultaneously with the business cycle movements is _____ indicator.
(a) Leading
(b) Lagging
(c) Coincident
(d) Cyclical

27. Coincident indicators show _____
(a) the current state of business cycle
(b) the rate of change of expansion
(c) the rate of change of contraction
(d) all the above

28. At the time of Great Depression of 1930s, the global GDP fell by around _____
(a) 12%
(b) 14%
(c) 15%
(d) 10%

29. Which one of the following is not correct about business cycle?
(a) They occur simultaneously in all industries and sectors
(b) They affect not only output level but also other related variables
(c) They are international in character
(d) None of the above

30. Which of the following describes best a typical trade cycle?
(a) Economic expansions are followed by economic contractions
(b) Inflation is followed by rising income and employment
(c) Economic expansions are followed by economic growth and development
(d) Stagflation followed by rising employment

31. During upswing, the unemployment rate and output _____
(a) rises ; falls
(b) rises ; rises
(c) falls ; rises
(d) falls ; falls

32. Which of the following does not occur during expansion phase?
(a) Consumer spending increases
(b) Employment increases as demand for labour rises
(c) Business profits and business confidence increase
(d) None of the above

33. When aggregate economic activity is declining, the economy is said to be in _____
(a) contraction
(b) an expansion
(c) a trough
(d) a turning point

34. Which one of the following is not an example of coincident indicator?
(a) GDP
(b) inflation
(c) retail sales
(d) New orders for plant and machinery

35. Which one of the following is an example of lagging indicator?
(a) personal income
(b) new orders for plant and equipment
(c) the consumer price index
(d) slower deliveries

36. _____ is of the view that fluctuations in economic activities are because of fluctuations in aggregate effect demand.
(a) Keyens
(b) Schumpeter
(c) Nicholas Kaldor
(d) Joan Robinson

37. High rate of investment brings _____
(a) high level of employment
(b) increase in the aggregate demand
(c) increase in output
(d) all the above

38. If any unemployment exists during expansion phase of business cycle, it is _____ un employment.
(a) voluntary and frictional
(b) technological and structural
(c) frictional and structural
(d) structural and involuntary

39. The most probable outcome of increase in aggregate demand is _____
(a) expansion of economic activity
(b) contraction of economic activity
(c) stable economic activity
(d) volatile economic activity

40. According to _____ a trade cycles is a purely monetary phenomena
(a) Keyens
(b) Hawtrey
(c) Schumpeter
(d) Nicholas Kaldor

41. Optimistic and pessimistic mood of the business community also affects the economic activities is the view of _____
(a) Hawtrey
(b) Schumpeter
(c) Pigou
(d) Keyens

42. According to _____ trade cycles occur due to onset of innovations
(a) Hawtrey
(b) Adam Smith
(c) JM Keyens
(d) Schumpeter

43. Business cycles appear due to present fluctuations in prices affecting the output and employment in future is _____
(a) Cobweb theory by Nicholas Kaldor
(b) Ordinal theory by Allen & Hicks
(c) Cobweb theory by J.M. Keyens
(d) None of the above

44. Production of _____ goods fall during the war times.
(a) arms and ammunition
(b) non-durable and capital
(c) capital and weapons
(d) capital and consumer

45. During war times most of the productive resources are diverted for the production of
(a) capital goods
(b) consumer goods
(c) weapons and arms
(d) service

46. Economic recession is characterized by all of the following except _____
(a) Decline in investments, employment
(b) Increase in the price of inputs due to increased demand for inputs
(c) Investors confidence is shaken
(d) Demand for goods, services decline

47. Production of new and better goods and services using new technology results in _____
(a) expansion of employment
(b) increase in the incomes and profits
(c) boost to economy
(d) all the above

48. Understanding the business cycle is important for business managers because _____
(a) they affect the demand for their products
(b) they affect their profits
(c) to frame appropriate policies and forward planning
(d) all the above

49. Businesses whose fortunes are closely linked to the rate of economic growth called _____
(a) Cyclical business
(b) Capital good business
(c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) None of the above

50. If the population growth rate is higher than the economic growth rate it will result in _____
(a) higher income ; lower savings ; lower employment
(b) lower income ; lower savings ; lower investment
(c) higher investment ; lower income ; higher saving
(d) lower income ; lower savings ; higher employment


CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 5 Business Cycles - MCQs answers

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material – Perfect Competition

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets – Perfect Competition



Perfect competition is a market structure where there are large number of firms (seller) which produce and sell homogeneous product. Individual firm produces only a small portion of the total market supply.

Therefore, a single firm cannot affect the price.
– Price is fixed by industry.
– Firm is only a price taker.
– So the price of the commodity is uniform.

Features of perfect competition

Following are the main features of perfect competition:

  1. Large number of buyers and sellers:
    • The number of buyers and sellers is so large that none of them can influence the price in the market individually.
    • Price of the commodity is determined by the forces of market demand and market supply.
  2. Homogeneous Product:
    • The product produced by all the firms in the industry are homogeneous.
      – They are identical in every respect like colour, size, etc.
      – Products are perfect substitutes of each other.
  3. Free entry and exit of the firms from the markets:
    • New firms are free to enter the industry any time.
    • Old firms or loss incurring firms can leave industry any time.
    • The condition of free entry and exit applies only to the long run equilibrium of the industry.
  4. Perfect knowledge of the market:
    • Under perfect competition, all firms (sellers) and buyers have perfect knowledge about the market.
    • Both have perfect information about prices at which commodities can be sold and bought.
  5. Perfect mobility:
    • The factors of production can move freely from one occupation to another and from one place to another.
  6. No transport cost:
    • Transport cost is ignored as all the firms have equal access to the market.
  7. No selling cost:
    • Under perfect competition commodities traded are homogeneous and have uniform price.
    • Therefore, firm need not make any expenditure on publicity and advertisement.

Equilibrium of the Industry:

  • Industry is a group of firms producing identical commodities.
  • Under perfect competition, price of a commodity is determined by the interaction between market demand and market supply of the whole industry.
  • The equilibrium price is determined at a point where demand for and supply of the whole industry are equal to each other.
  • No individual firm can influence the price.
  • Firm has to accept the price determined by the industry.
  • Therefore, the firm is said to be price taker and industry, the price maker.

Equilibrium of the industry is illustrated as follows:

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Perfect Competition

The above table and fig. shows that at a price of ₹ 6 per unit, the quantity demanded equals quantity supplied.
The industry is at equilibrium at point ‘E’, where the equilibrium price is ₹ 6 and equilibrium | quantity is 60 units.

Equilibrium of a firm:

  • We have already seen that under the perfect competition, the price of the commodity is determined by the forces of market demand and market supply le. price is determined by industry.
  • Individual firm has to accept the price determined by the industry. Hence, firm is a PRICE TAKER.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Perfect Competition 1

  • In the table – the equilibrium price for the industry has been fixed at ₹ 6 per unit through the inter-action of market demand and supply.
  • Table – shows that the firm has no choice but to accept and sell their commodity at a price that has been determined by the industry ie. ₹ 6 per unit.
  • The firm cannot charge higher price than the market price of ₹ 6 per unit because of fear of loosing customers to rival firms.
  • There is no incentive for the firm to lower the price also.
  • Firm will try to sell as much as it can at the price of ₹ 6 per unit.
  • Table – shows that firm’s AR = MR = Price.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Perfect Competition 2

  • Fig. shows that being a price taker firm, it has to sell at a given price i.e. ₹ 6 per unit.
  • Therefore, firm’s demand curve is a horizontal straight line parallel to X-axis i.e. a perfectly elastic demand curve.
  • We know that price of a commodity is also the AR for the firm.
  • Therefore, demand curve also shows the AR for different quantities sold by the firm.
  • As every additional unit is sold at a given price i.e. ₹ 6 per unit, the MR = AR and the two curves coincides.
  • Thus, in a perfectly competitive market a firm’s AR = MR = Price = Demand Curve

Conditions for equilibrium of a firm:

  • In perfect competition, the firms are price takers and output adjusters.
  • This is because the price of the commodity is determined by the forces of market demand and market supply ie. by whole industry and individual firm has to accept it.
  • Therefore firm has to simply choose that level of output which yields maximum profit at the prevailing prices.
  • The firm is at equilibrium when it maximises its profit.
  • The output which helps the firm to maximise its profit is called equilibrium output.
  • There are two conditions for the equilibrium of a firm. They are —
    1. Marginal Revenue should be equal to the marginal cost i.e. MR = MC. (First order condition)
    2. Firm’s marginal cost curve should cut its marginal revenue curve from below i.e. marginal cost curve should have positive slope at the point of equilibrium. (Second order condition)
  • If MR > MC, there is incentive to produce more and add to profits.
  • If MR < MC, the firm will have to decrease the output as cost of production of additional units is high.
  • When MR = MC, it is equilibrium output which maximises the profits.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Perfect Competition 3

  • Fig. shows that OP is the price determined the industry and firm has to accept it.
  • At prevailing price OP the firm faces horizontal demand curve or average revenue curve.
  • Since the firm sells every additional unit at the same price, marginal revenue curve coincides with average revenue curve.
  • In the fig. at point ‘A’, MR = MC but second condition is not fulfilled.
  • Therefore, OQ1 is not equilibrium output. Firm should expand output beyond OQ1 because
    – it will result in the fall of marginal cost, and
    – add to firm’s profits.
  • In the fig. at point ‘B’ not only
    MR = MC
    but MC curve cuts the MR curve from below Le. it has positive slope.
  • Therefore, OQ2 is the equilibrium level of output and point ‘B’ represents equilibrium of firm.

Supply curve of the firm in a competitive market

In a perfectly competitive industry, the MC curve of the firm is also its supply curve. This can be explained with the help of following figure.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Perfect Competition 4

  • The fig. shows that at the market price OP1 the firm faces demand curve D,.
  • At OP1 price the firm supplies OQ1 quantity because here MC=MR.
  • If the price rises to OP2 the firm faces demand curve D2.
  • At OP2 price the firm supplies OQ2 quantity.
  • Similarly at OP3 and OP4 price corresponding supplies are OQ3 and OQ4 respectively.
  • Thus, the firm’s marginal cost curve indicates the quantities of output which it will supply at different prices.
  • It can be observed that the competitive firm’s short run supply curve is identical only with that portion of MC curve, which lies above the AVC.
  • Hence, price ≥ AVC.

Short Run Equilibrium of a Competitive Firm. (Price – Output Equilibrium)

A competitive firm in the short run attains equilibrium at a level of output which satisfies the following two conditions:

  1. MC = MR, and
  2. MC curve cuts the MR curve from below.

When a competitive firm, is in short run equilibrium, it may find itself in any of the following situations —

  1. it break evens i.e. earn NORMAL PROFITS where Average Revenue = Average Cost i.e. AR = AC.
  2. it earns profit i.e. earn SUPER NORMAL PROFITS where Average Revenue > Average Cost i.e. AR > AC.
  3. it suffer LOSSES where Average Revenue < Average Cost i.e. AR < AC.

Normal Profits (AR = AC):
A firm would earn normal profits if at the equilibrium output AR=AC.
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Perfect Competition 5

Super Normal Profits (AR > AC):
A firm would earn super normal profits if at the equilibrium output AR > AC.
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Perfect Competition 6

Losses (AR < AC):
A firm suffer losses, if at the equilibrium level of output, its AR < AC.
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Perfect Competition 7
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Perfect Competition 8

  • When the firm incur losses, a question arises whether it should continue to produce or should it shut down ?
  • The answer to this lies in the cost structure of the firm.
  • Total cost of a firm = Total Fixed Costs + Total Variable Costs
  • Fixed costs once incurred cannot be recovered even if the firm shuts down.
  • Therefore, whether to shut down or not depends on variable costs alone.
  • If AR (Price) > AVC or AR = AVC, the firm can continue to produce even though it suffer losses at the equilibrium level of output.
  • If AR (Price) < AVC, the firm should shut down.

Long run Equilibrium of a Competitive Firm

  • In a perfectly competitive market there is no restriction on the entry or exit of firms.
  • Therefore, if existing firms are earning super normal profits in the short run, they will attract new firms to enter the industry.
  • As a result of this, the supply of the commodity increases. This brings down the price per unit.
  • On the other hand, the demand for factors of productions rises which pushes up their prices and so the cost of production rises.
  • Thus, the price line or AR curve will go down and cost curves will go up.
  • As a result of this, price line or AR curve becomes tangent to long run average cost curve. This wipes out super normal profit.
  • Hence, in long run firms earn only normal profits.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Perfect Competition 9

  • Fig. Shows that long run LMR = LMC = LAC = LAR = Price
  • The firm is at equilibrium at point E1
  • E1 is the minimum point of LAC curve. Thus firm produces equilibrium output OQ1 at the minimum or optimum cost.
  • In the long run under competitive market —
    – Firms earn just normal profits, and
    – competitive firms are of optimum size because they produce at optimum cost Le. at the lowest point of long run average cost curve.


CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material – Determination of Prices

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets – Determination of Prices

Determination of Equilibrium Price

  • We know that law of demand reveals, if other conditions remain unchanged, more quantity of a commodity is demanded in the market at a lower price and less quantity is demanded at a higher price. Therefore, demand curve slopes downward.
  • Similarly, the law of supply reveals, if other conditions remain unchanged, more quantity of a commodity is supplied in the market at a higher price and less quantity is supplied at a lower price. Therefore, supply curve slopes upward.
  • Demand and supply are the two main factors that determine the price of a commodity in the market. In other words, the price of a commodity is determined by the inter-action of the forces of demand and supply.
  • The price that will come to prevail in the market is one at which quantity demanded equals 1 quantity supplied.
  • This price at which quantity demand equals quantity supplied is called equilibrium price.
  • The quantity demanded and supplied at equilibrium price is called equilibrium quantity.

The process of price determination is illustrated with the help of following imaginary schedule and diagram.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Determination of Prices

The above table shows that at a price of ₹ 3 per unit, the quantity demanded equals quantity supplied of the commodity. At ₹ 3 two forces of demand and supply are balanced. Thus, ₹ 3 is the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity at ₹ 3 is 300 units.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Determination of Prices 1

  • The equilibrium between demand and supply can also be explained graphically as in Fig.
  • In Fig. the market is at equilibrium at point ‘E’, where the demand curve and supply curve intersect each other. Here quantity demanded and supplied, are equal to each other.
  • At point ‘E’, the equilibrium price is ₹ 3 per unit and equilibrium quantity is 300 units.
  • If the price rises to ₹ 4 per unit, the supply rises to 400 units but demand falls to 200 units. Thus, there is excess supply of 200 units in the market.
  • In order to sell off excess supply of 200 units the sellers will compete among themselves and in doing so the price will fall.
    As a result the quantity demand will rise and quantity supplied will fall and becoming equal to each other at the equilibrium price ₹ 3.
  • Similarly, if the price falls to ₹ 2 per unit, the demand rises to 400 units but supply falls to 200 units. Thus, there is excess demand of 200 units in the market.
  • As the price is less there is competition among the buyers to buy more and more. This competition among buyers increases with the entry of new buyers.
  • More demand and less supply and competition among buyers will push up the price.
  • As a result, quantity demanded will fall and quantity supplied will rise and become equal to each other at the equilibrium price of ₹ 3.

Effects of Shifts in Demand and Supply on Equilibrium Price

While determining the equilibrium price, it was assumed that demand and supply conditions were constant. In reality however, the condition of demand and supply change continuously.
Thus, changes in income, taste and preferences, changes in the availability and prices of related goods, etc. brings changes in demand conditions and cause demand curve to shift either to right or left.
In the same way, changes in the technology, changes price of labour, raw materials, etc., changes in the number of firms, etc. brings changes in supply conditions and cause supply curve to shift either to right or left.

(a) Change (shift) in Demand and Supply remaining constant.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Determination of Prices 2

  • In Fig.- DD and SS are the original demand and supply curves respectively intersecting each other at point E.
  • At point E, the equilibrium price is OP and the demand and supply (ie. equilibrium quantity) are equal at OQ.
  • When the demand increases, the demand curve shifts upwards from DD to D1D1 supply remaining the same.
    As a result, the equilibrium price rises from OP to OP1 and the equilibrium quantity increases from OQ to OQ1 as shown at point E1.
  • When the demand decreases, the demand curve shifts downwards from DD to D2D2, Supply remaining the same.
  • As a result, the equilibrium price falls from OP to OP2 and the equilibrium quantity decreases from OQ to OQ2 as shown at point E2.

(b) Change (shift) in Supply and Demand remaining constant.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Determination of Prices 3

  • In Fig. – DD and SS are the original demand and supply curves respectively inter-sections each other at point E.
  • At point E, the equilibrium price is OP and the demand and supply (i.e. Equilibrium quantity) are equal at OQ.
  • When the supply increases, the supply curve shifts to the right from SS to S1S1 demand remaining the same.
  • As a result, the equilibrium price falls from OP to OP1 and the equilibrium quantity increases from OQ to OQ1 as shown at point E1.
  • When the supply decreases, the supply curve shifts to the left from SS to S2S2, demand remaining the same.
  • As a result, the equilibrium price rises from OP to OP2 and the equilibrium quantity decreases from OQ to OQ2 as shown at point E2.

Effects of Simultaneous Shifts in Demand and Supply on Equilibrium Price

Sometimes demand and supply conditions may change at the same time changing the equilibrium price and quantity. The changes in both demand and supply simultaneously can be discussed with the help of following diagrams:

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Determination of Prices 4

  • In Fig. – DD and SS are the original demand and supply respectively intersecting each other at point E at which the equilibrium price is OP and the equilibrium quantity is OQ.
  • Fig. (a) shows that the increase in demand is equal to increase in supply. The new curves D1D1 and S1S1 intersect at E1. Therefore, the new equilibrium price is equal to old equilibrium price OP. But equilibrium quantity increases.
  • Fig. (b) shows that the increase in demand is more than increase in supply. The new curves D1D1 and S1Sintersect each other at point E, which shows that new equilibrium price OP1 is higher than old equilibrium price OP. But equilibrium quantity increases.
  • Fig. (c) shows that the increase in supply is more than increase in demand. The new curves D1D1 and S1Sintersect each other at point E1 which shows that new equilibrium price OP1 is lower than old equilibrium price OP. But equilibrium quantity increases.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material – Meaning and Types of Markets

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets – Meaning and Types of Markets


  • In ordinary language, a market refers to a place where the buyers and sellers of a commodity gather and strike bargains.
  • In economics, however, the term “Market” refers to a market for a commodity. E.g. Cloth market; furniture market; etc.
    According to Chapman, “the term market refers not necessarily to a place and always to a commodity and buyers and sellers who are in direct competition with one another”.
  • According to the French economist Cournot, “Market is not any particular place in which things are bought and sold, but the whole of any region in which buyers and sellers are in such free intercourse with each other that the prices of the same goods tend to equality easily and quickly”,

The above mentioned definitions reveals the following features of a market:

  1. A region. A market does not refer to a fixed place. It covers a region, which may be a town, state, country or even world.
  2. Existence of buyers and sellers. Market refers to the network of potential buyers and sellers who may be at different places.
  3. Existence of commodity or service. The exchange transactions between the buyers and sellers can take place only when there is a commodity or service to buy and sell.
  4. Bargaining for a price between potential buyers and sellers.
  5. Knowledge about market conditions. Buyers and sellers are aware of the prices offered or accepted by other buyers and sellers through any means of communication.
  6. One price for a commodity or service at a given time.

Classification of Market:

Markets may be classified on the basis of different criteria. In Economics, generally the classification is made as pointed out in the following chart—

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Meaning and Types of Markets 1


Market can be classified on the basis of area, volume of business, time, status of sellers, regulation and control.
The main types of markets can be summed up as follows:

  1. Perfect Competition:
    • Perfect competition market is one where there are many sellers selling identical products to many buyers at a uniform.
  2. Monopoly:
    • Monopoly market structure is a market situation in which there is a single seller of a commodity selling to many buyers.
    • The commodity has no close substitutes available.
    • A monopolist therefore, has a considerable influence on the price and supply of his commodity.
  3. Monopolistic Competition:
    • Monopolistic competition is a market situation in which there are many sellers selling differentiated goods to many buyers.
  4. Oligopoly:
    Oligopoly is a market situation in which there are few sellers selling either homogeneous or differentiated goods.

Table: Features of major types of markets

Points Market Types
Perfect Competition Monopoly Monopolistic Competition Oligopoly
i. Number of sellers Many One Many Few
ii. Product Homogeneous Unique having no substitutes Differentiated Homogeneous or Differentiated
iii. Selling Cost No Negligible High High
iv. Degree of control over price No Control. Price taker. Full control. Price maker Limited due to product differentiation. Limited
v. Demand (or AR) Curve Horizontal straight line parallel to x-axis Downward sloping Downward sloping Indeterminate
vi. Price elasticity of demand Infinite P = MC Small P > MC Large P > MC Small


Total Revenue: (TR)

  • Total revenue may be defined as the total amount of money received by the firm by selling a certain units of a commodity.
  • It is obtained by multiplying the price per unit of a commodity with the total number of units sold.
  • Total Revenue = Price per unit X Total No. of units sold
    TR = P X Q
  • E.g. A firm sells 100 units of a commodity @ ₹ 15 each, then its total revenue is ₹ 15 X 100 units = ₹ 1,500

Average Revenue: (AR)

  • Average revenue is the revenue per unit of the commodity sold.
  • It is simply the total revenue divided by the number of units of output sold.
    CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Meaning and Types of Markets 2
  • E.g. A firm earns total revenue of ₹ 2,000 by the sale of 100 units of a commodity, then its average revenue is ₹ 20 (₹ 2000 -MOO units)
  • By definition average revenue is the price per unit of output. To prove it
    CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Meaning and Types of Markets 3

Marginal Revenue (MR):

  • Marginal revenue refers to the addition to total revenue by selling one more unit of a commodity.
  • Marginal revenue may also be defined as the change in total revenue resulting from the sale of one more unit of a commodity
  • E.g. If a firm sells 100 units of a commodity @ ₹ 15 each, its TR is ₹ 1,500. Now, if it increases the sale by ten units i.e. it sells 110 units @ ₹ 14 each, its TR is ₹ 1,540. Thus,
    CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Meaning and Types of Markets 4
    ∆TR is the change in total revenue
    ∆Q is the change in the quantity sold
  • For one unit change – MRn = TRn – TRn-1
    MRn = Marginal Revenue from ‘n’ units
    TRn = Total Revenue of ‘n’ units
    TRn-1 = Total Revenue from ‘n-1’ units
    n = any give number


The relationship between AR, MR and price elasticity of demand can be examined with the formula —
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Meaning and Types of Markets 5
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Meaning and Types of Markets 6
Figure: The relationship between AR, MR, TR & elasticity of demand.

The above figure reveals the following on a straight line demand curve (or AR curve):

  1. When e > 1, marginal revenue is positive and therefore total revenue is rising,
  2. When e = l, marginal revenue is zero and therefore total revenue is maximum, and
  3. When e < l, marginal revenue is negative and therefore total revenue is falling.


Principle 1: A firm should not produce at all if its total revenue is either equal to or less than its total variable cost.
Principle 2: It will be profitable for the firm to expand output so long as marginal revenue is more than marginal cost till the point where marginal revenue equals marginal cost.
Also the marginal cost curve should cut its marginal revenue curve from below.


CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost – MCQs

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost – MCQs


Theory of Production

1. The term production in economics means-
(a) creation of a physical product only
(b) rendering of a service only
(c) creation of economic utilities
(d) none of the above

2. Which of the following is considered production in economics?
(a) Singing a song in a birthday party
(b) Run for fun
(c) Giving tuitions
(d) Helping an old man to cross road

3. Making use of personal skill of doctors, lawyers, actors, etc. results in the creation of-
(a) form utility
(b) place utility
(c) personal/service utility
(d) time utility

4. Making available materials at times when they are normally not available is called conferring of utility of-
(a) place
(b) time
(c) form
(d) service

5. Which of the following statements incorrect?
(a) Man cannot create matter.
(b) Production is an activity of making some-thing material only.
(c) Production can be defined as addition of utility.
(d) Production is any economic utility which is directed towards the satisfaction of the wants of the people.

6. Economic utilities may be created or added
(a) By changing the form of raw materials into finished goods
(b) By transporting goods from one place to another
(c) By making things available when they are required
(d) All the above

7. Which of the following is not a feature of land
(a) Free gift
(b) Limited in quantity
(c) Mobile factor
(d) Indestructible

8. The factor of production which has no reserve price is-
(a) land
(b) labour
(c) capital
(d) all the above

9. Which of the following can be considered as labour in economics-
(a) Singing for pleasure
(b) A teacher teaching his own child at home
(c) Looking after, a sick friend
(d) A teacher teaching in school

10. The supply of land is-
(a) Unlimited
(b) Increased
(c) Decreased
(d) Limited

11. Land in economics means-
(a) Material and Non-material goods
(b) Minerals under the surface of earth
(c) All natural resources available to man for producing wealth
(d) All the above

12. Labour is-
(a) Active factor
(b) Passive factor
(c) Alternative factor
(d) None of the above

13. Which factor loses its value of it cannot find a purchaser today-
(a) Land
(b) Labour
(c) Capital
(d) All the above

14. Supply curve of labour is-
(a) upward sloping
(b) horizontal
(c) backward bending
(d) vertical

15. Income effect when wage rises means
(a) work hours rise
(b) work hours fall
(c) work hours remain constant
(d) work hours first fall and then rise

16. Which of the following statements is not true?
(a) Capital is a produced means a production.
(b) Capital is a man made instruments of production.
(c) Capital is a primary factor of production.
(d) Machine tools, factories, dams, canals, etc. are examples of capital.

17. Tools, machines, etc. are included in-
(a) circulating capital
(b) fixed capital
(c) sunk capital
(d) human capital

18. The capital which belongs to the society as a whole is called-
(a) Individual Capital
(b) Human Capital
(c) Social Capital
(d) Floating Capital

19. Raw material is an example of –
(a) Circulating Capital
(b) Fixed Capital
(c) Tangible Capital
(d) Real Capital

20. Which capital includes education, training, skill, ability?
(a) Human Capital
(b) Individual Capital
(c) Social Capital
(d) Real Capital

21. Goodwill, patent rights, etc. are examples of –
(a) Tangible Capital
(b) Real Capital
(c) Intangible Capital
(d) Human Capital

22. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) Capital Formation involves production of more capital goods.
(b) Capital Formation is also called investment.
(c) To accumulate capital goods, some current consumption is to be sacrificed.
(d) All the above

23. Surplus of production over consumption in an economy in a year is called-
(a) Capital
(b) Capital formation
(c) Stock
(d) Savings

24. The third stage of capital formation is-
(a) creation of savings
(b) mobilization of savings
(c) distribution of savings
(d) investment of savings

25. With an increase in income-
(a) the propensity to consume increases
(b) the propensity to save increases
(c) the propensity to consume remains constant
(d) the propensity to save falls

26. A ____ country has greater ability to save.
(a) poor
(b) developing
(c) rich
(d) under developed

27. An individual’s saving level depends upon-
(a) ability to save
(b) willingness to save
(c) both ‘a’ & ‘b’
(d) only ‘a’

28. The factor which mobilize land, labour and capital; combines them in the right proportion and then organizes the production activity is –
(a) Owner
(b) Labour
(c) Manger
(d) Entrepreneur

29. The reward of all factors of production is usually predetermined (pre-fixed) except-
(a) Land
(b) Labour
(c) Capital
(d) Entrepreneur

30. The reward of an entrepreneur for his efforts and risk-taking is-
(a) Interest
(b) Profit/Loss
(c) Rent
(d) Wages

31. The reward of capital is-
(a) Rent
(b) Interest
(c) Wages
(d) Profit

32. The reward of an entrepreneur i.e. profit is –
(a) predetermined income
(b) residual income
(c) constant income
(d) none of the above

33. The risks which can be anticipated and can be insured against are called-
(a) Insurable risks
(b) Non-Insurable risks
(c) Unforeseeable risks
(d) None of the above

34. The risks like change in demand for a commodity, the cost structure, fashion, technological, etc. which an entrepreneur has to bear are called-
(a) Uncertainties
(b) Insurable risks
(c) Foreseeable risks
(d) Both ‘a’ and ‘c’

35. According to _____ innovations introduced by an entrepreneur give rise to profits.
(a) Prof. F.H. Knight
(b) Prof. Joseph A. Schumpeter
(c) Prof. Paul Samuelson
(d) Dr. Alfred Marshall

36. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
(a) Mobilisation of savings is done through network of banking and other financial institutions.
(b) Land lacks geographical mobility but has occupational mobility.
(c) Entrepreneur is also called the organizer, § the manager or the risk taker.
(d) Labour can be stored.

37. Labour is ____
(a) Human factor
(b) Perishable
(c) inseparable from labour
(d) All the above

38. Leather in a shoe factory is
(a) Fixed capital
(b) Sunk capital
(c) Floating Capital
(d) Circulating capital

39. _____ Cannot be stored.
(a) Land
(b) Labour
(c) Capital
(d) Both a & b

40. Capital that can be used for several purposes or by several industries is
(a) Working capital
(b) Social capital
(c) Floating capital
(d) Human capital

41. Addition to the stock of capital goods in a country means
(a) Capital reduction
(b) Investment
(c) Capital formation
(d) Both (b) & (c)

42. Find the odd out
(a) Capital is man-made
(b) All capital is wealth
(c) Capital is durable
(d) Mobilisation of savings

43. Consider the following groups of items:
(i) Factory buildings
(ii) Plant and Machinery
(iii) Stocks of raw materials
(iv) Wage bills
Which of these are known as working capital?
(a) i and ii
(b) iii and iv
(c) i, ii and iii
(d) ii, iii and iv

44. The production function means relationship between
(a) Cost of input
(b) Cost of output
(c) Physical input to physical output
(d) Wages of profit

45. A production function is an expression of _____ relation between inputs and outputs.
(a) monetary
(b) economic
(c) quantitative
(d) qualitative

46. A short run production function is one in which-
(a) at least one factor is fixed
(b) all factors are fixed
(c) all factors are variable
(d) at least one factor is variable

47. Technically efficient combinations of inputs of those which-
(a) minimizes wastage
(b) maximizes profits
(c) minimises cost
(d) maximises reve¬nue

48. In the short period there is no change in factors.
(a) fixed
(b) variable
(c) human
(d) physical

49. In the period all factors are variable.
(a) short
(b) long
(c) market
(d) secular

50. In its original for Cobb-Douglas production function applies to-
(a) individual manufacturing firm
(b) individual firm
(c) whole of manufacturing in US
(d) None of the above

51. Cobb-Dauglas production function revealed that the increase in the manufacturing production was contributed by labour and capital respectively by-
(a) 3/4 th and l/4 th
(b) l/4 th and 3/4 th
(c) 2/3 rd and l/3 rd
(d) None of the above

52. Cobb-Douglas production-
(a) is linear
(b) is homogeneous
(c) shows constant returns to scale
(d) all the above

53. Cobb-Douglas production function exhibits returns to scale.
(a) increasing
(b) diminishing
(c) constant
(d) negative

54. The above equations shows that-
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(a) One factor is fixed and another variable
(b) Both factors are fixed
(c) Both factors are variable
(d) Both factors are semi-variable

55. The main difference between the short period/ run and the long period/run is that –
(a) in the short period all inputs are fixed, while in the long period all inputs are variable.
(b) in the short run at least one input is fixed
(c) in the short run firm varies the quantities of all inputs
(d) in the long run, the firm uses the existing plant capacity

56. The law of variable proportions is a law of production which takes place in the-
(a) market period
(b) short run
(c) long run
(d) very long period

57. All but one are the assumptions of the law of variable proportions. Which one is not?
(a) There is only one factor which is variable
(b) All units of variable factor are homogeneous
(c) State of technology remains constant
(d) Applies in long run

58. When there is a fixed factor and a variable factor, then the law would be-
(a) law of increasing returns to scale
(b) law of constant returns to scale
(c) law of decreasing returns to scale
(d) law of variable proportions

59. The total quantity of goods and services produced by a firm with the given inputs during a specified period of time is called-
(a) Total Product
(b) Average Product
(c) Marginal Product
(d) Labour Product

60. The amount of output produced per unit of variable factor employed is called-
(a) Total Product
(b) Average Product
(c) Marginal Product
(d) Labour Product

61. The change in TP resulting from the employment of an additional unit of a variable factor is called-
(a) Total Product
(b) Marginal Product
(c) Average Product
(d) All the above

62. The average product of a variable input can be described as-
(a) total product divided by the number of units of variable input
(b) additional output resulting from employment of additional unit of variable factor
(c) the total quantity of goods produced with all inputs
(d) None of the above

63. TP of variable factor is –
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(a) only i
(b) only i and iii
(c) only ii
(d) only ii and iv

64. Initially TP curve increases at an-
(a) increasing rate
(b) diminishing rate
(c) constant rate
(d) maximum rate

65. As more units of variable factor is employed it will-
(a) always increase the TP
(b) always decrease the TP
(c) not always increase the TP
(d) always result in constant TP

66. As long as TP is positive, AP is-
(a) negative
(b) constant
(c) positive
(d) falling

67. AP curve is-
(a) U-Shaped
(b) S-Shaped
(c) inverted U-Shaped
(d) inverted S-Shaped

68. MP curve is the slope of at each point.
(a) AP curve
(b) TP curve
(c) TR curve
(d) AR curve

69. When TP is maximum, MP is –
(a) rising
(b) falling
(c) zero
(d) negative

70. When TP is falling, MP is –
(a) zero
(b) rising
(c) negative
(d) falling

71. MP curve is –
(a) U – shaped
(b) S- shaped
(c) inverted U – shaped
(d) inverted S – shaped

72. When TP is maximum, the slope of TP curve is –
(a) rising
(b) falling
(c) constant
(d) zero

73. TP is the area under the –
(a) AP curve
(b) AR curve
(c) MP curve
(d) MR curve

74. MP is positive so long as TP is-
(a) increasing
(b) decreasing
(c) maximum
(d) negative

75. When TP is rising-
(a) AP and MP are rising
(b) AP and MP are falling
(c) AP and MP may be either rising or falling
(d) Only MP is either rising or falling

76. When MP is negative-
(a) TP and AP are falling
(b) TP and AP are rising
(c) TP and AP are constant
(d) Only TP is falling

77. When MP is at a maximum-
(a) AP = MP and TP is rising
(b) AP < MP and TP is rising
(c) AP > MP and TP is rising .
(d) AP and TP are falling

78. If MP goes on increasing, it should be understood that law of _____ is applying.
(a) increasing returns
(b) decreasing returns
(c) constant returns
(d) diminishing returns

79. If MP goes on decreasing it should be understood that law of _____ is in operation.
(a) decreasing cost
(b) constant cost
(c) average cost
(d) increasing cost

80. When MP is falling, TP will increase at the rate.
(a) constant
(b) increasing
(c) diminishing
(d) normal

81. When average product is maximum, marginal product is equal to-
(a) total product
(b) zero
(c) one
(d) average product

82. MP curve cuts AP curve from-
(a) its top
(b) below
(c) both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’

83. The marginal product is maximum at the .
(a) equilibrium point
(b) inflection point
(c) focal point
(d) optimum point

84. The stage of production where the marginal product is greater than the average product is-.
(a) stage of increasing returns
(b) stage of diminishing returns
(c) stage of negative returns
(d) stage of constant returns

85. Which of the following statements reveal the diminishing returns?
(a) The MP of a factor is constant
(b) The MP of a factor is positive and rising
(c) The MP of a factor is falling and negative
(d) The MP of a factor is positive but falling

86. The MP curve is above the AP curve when the average product-
(a) is constant
(b) is falling
(c) is increasing
(d) is negative

87. The actual stage of production under the law of variable proportions is-
(a) stage of increasing returns
(b) stage of diminishing returns
(c) stage of negative returns
(d) stage of either increasing or diminishing returns

88. Reason for rise in both AP and MP curves is-
(a) under utilization of the fixed factor
(b) under utilization of the variable factor
(c) over utilization of the fixed factor
(d) over utilization of the variable factor

89. Reason for fall in both AP and MP curves is-
(a) under utilization of the fixed factor
(b) over utilization of the fixed factor
(c) under utilization of the variable factor
(d) full utilization of the variable factor

90. When AP and MP curves are rising, MP curve rises-
(a) at a faster rate
(b) at a lower rate
(c) at normal rate
(d) at constant rate

91. When AP and MP curves are falling, MP curve falls-
(a) at a faster rate
(b) at a lower rate
(c) at normal rate
(d) at constant rate

92. When AP and MP curves are rising, AP curve _____
(a) lies above the MP curve
(b) lies below the MP curve
(c) co-inside with the MP curve
(d) none of the above

93. The reason for increasing returns to factor is-
(a) Indivisibility of fixed factor
(b) Division of labour
(c) Specialisation
(d) All the above

94. When the ideal factor ratio is violated in short run-
(a) diminishing returns to a factor set in
(b) MP of the variable factor starts falling
(c) TP increases at a diminishing rate
(d) All the above

95. AP increases so long as-
(a) MP > AP
(b) MP < AP
(c) MP = AP
(d) MP is zero

96. AP may continue to even when MP starts declining.
(a) rise
(b) fall
(c) remain constant
(d) fluctuate

97. MP curve cuts AP curve from its top, this means-
(a) MP < AP
(b) MP > AP
(c) MP is rising
(d) MP is zero

98. Increasing MP implies TP is increasing at-
(a) increasing rate
(b) constant rate
(c) diminishing rate
(d) fluctuating rate

99. MP of labour becoming negative implies-
(a) excessive employment
(b) disguised unemployment
(c) over exploitation of the fixed factor
(d) all the above

100. TP starts declining only when-
(a) MP is rising
(b) MP is falling
(c) MP is negative
(d) MP is constant

101. MP of the variable factor may be zero or negative, but AP continue to be-
(a) constant
(b) positive
(c) negative
(d) zero

102. AP decreases when-
(a) MP = AP
(b) MP > AP
(c) MP < AP
(d) None of the

Use the following information of answer questions 103 to 105
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103. In the above equations the fixed factor is-
(a) Labour
(b) Capital
(c) Output
(d) both ‘a’ & ‘b’

104. The MP of variable factor is-
(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 7

105. In the equation (i) the AP of the variable factor is-
(a) 12 units
(b) 14
(c) 10
(d) 16

Use the following data to answer questions 106 and 107
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TP is Zero level of employment

106. The total product when 5 units of labour are employed is-
(a) 60
(b) 76
(c) 90
(d) 96

107. The average product of 3rd unit of labour is-
(a) 21
(b) 20
(c) 19
(d) 18

Use the following data to answer questions 108 and 109
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108. The total product of 3 units of labour is-
(a) 30
(b) 50
(c) 90
(d) 120

109. The marginal product of 5th unit of labour is-
(a) 10
(b) 20
(c) 30
(d) 40

Use the following data to answer questions 110 and 112
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110. What is the total product when 2 hours of labour are employed?
(a) 160
(b) 200
(c) 360
(d) 540

111. What is the average product of the first 2 hours
(a) 250
(b) 260
(c) 270
(d) 280

112. What is the marginal product of the 3rd hour of labour?
(a) 160
(b) 180
(c) 120
(d) 200

113. Find the odd one out-
(a) law of diminishing returns to factor
(b) law of returns to scale
(c) cost function
(d) production function

114. The production process described below exhibits
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(a) increasing marginal product of labour
(b) increasing returns to scale
(c) diminishing marginal product of labour
(d) constant marginal product of labour

115. Diminishing marginal returns for the first four doses of inputs when all factors of production are increased in the same proportion is revealed by the total product sequence
(a) 50, 50, 50, 50
(b) 50, 100, 150, 200
(c) 50, 90, 120, 140
(d) 50, 110, 180, 260

116. The behaviour of output in response to a change in the scale is studied in the-
(a) Market Period
(b) Short Period
(c) Long Period
(d) Very Short Period

117. In the theory of production the long runs is defined as the period of time in which-
(a) All factors can be varied
(b) No factors can be varied
(c) Some factors are fixed but other can be varied.
(d) None of these

118. If all inputs are increased in the same proportion, then it is a case of-
(i) Short run production function
(ii) Long run production function
(iii) Laws of Variable Proportions
(iv) Laws of Returns to Scale
(a) i and ii only
(b) ii and iii only
(c) i and iv only
(d) ii and iv only

119. In the long run-
(a) all inputs are fixed
(b) one input is fixed and one input is variable
(c) all inputs are variable
(d) two inputs are variable and one input is fixed

120. Law of increasing returns to scale will apply if-
(a) economies exceed the diseconomies
(b) economies and diseconomies are equal
(c) diseconomies exceed the economies
(d) in all the above situations

121. Internal economies accrue when-
(a) an industry develops
(b) an economy grows
(c) foreign trade develops
(d) a firm expands production in long run

122. External economies accrue when-
(a) a firm expands
(b) an individual progress
(c) an industry expands
(d) trade expands

123. If we have constant returns to scale and we increase both labour and capital by 10% output will also increase by-
(a) 20%
(b) 30%
(c) 10%
(d) 5%

124. Find the odd one out-
(a) All factors are variable
(b) A firm can experience returns to scale
(c) Management can be reorganized
(d) Law of variable proportions

125. Economies of scale means-
(a) reduction in per unit cost of production
(b) reduction in per unit cost of distribution
(c) addition to the per unit cost of production
(d) reduction in the total cost of production

126. Linear Homogeneous Production Function is-
(a) Increasing Returns to Scale
(b) Constant Returns to Scale
(c) Diminishing Returns to Scale
(d) Negative Returns to Scale .

127. Internal economies relate to
(a) Marketing economies
(b) Financial economies
(c) Managerial economies
(d) All the above

128. In which of the following cases there is less than proportionate increase in output when all factors are increase-
(a) Constant returns to scale
(b) Diminishing returns to scale
(c) Increasing returns to scale
(d) Increasing as well as diminishing returns to scale

129. Problems like difficulties in management, lack of supervision, higher input cost, etc. due to large scale production leads to-
(a) economies of scale
(b) real economies of scale
(c) diseconomies of scale
(d) Both ‘b’ and ‘c’

130. Benefits like improved organization, division of labour and specialization, better supervision and control, etc. enjoyed by a firm when it expands production leads to-
(a) economies of scale
(b) real economies
(c) diseconomies of scale
(d) both ‘a’ and ‘b’

131. _____ economies are common to all the firms in an industry and shared by many firms or industries.
(a) internal
(b) external
(c) real
(d) all the above

132. _____ economies are related to an individual firm’s own cost reduction effort.
(a) internal
(b) external
(c) real
(d) all the above

133. means all those factors which raise the cost of production per unit when production is expanded by a firm beyond optimal capacity.
(a) External economies
(b) Internal economies
(c) External diseconomies
(d) Internal diseconomies

134. Economies of localization, cheaper inputs, growth of ancillary industries, etc. are examples of-
(a) Internal economies
(b) Internal diseconomies
(c) External economies
(d) External diseconomies

135. _____ economies can be of long term in nature
(a) nature
(b) internal
(c) production
(d) real

136. _____ shows all the input combinations that will produce the same level of output.
(a) Isoquant
(b) Isocost line
(c) Expansion Path
(d) None of the above

137. Isoquant is also called as _____
(a) production indifference curve
(b) is-product curve
(c) equal-product curve
(d) all the above

138. All of the following are the properties of isoquant except-
(a) An isoquant is downward sloping curve
(b) A higher isoquant represents a higher level of output
(c) Two isoquants can intersect each other
(d) Isoquants are convex to the origin

139. An isoquant slopes-
(a) downward to the left
(b) downward to the right
(c) upward to the left
(d) upward to the right

140. In the context of input-output relation _____ means same output produced from different combinations of inputs.
(a) law of variable proportions
(b) ridge lines
(c) law of constant returns
(d) isoquant

141. A higher isoquants denotes a –
(a) higher level of output
(b) lower level of output
(c) same level of output
(d) none of the above

142. An isoquant is _____ indifference curve
(a) buyer’s
(b) producer’s
(c) trader’s
(d) economy’s

143. The rate of which one factor of production can be substituted for the other is known as-
(a) marginal rate of substitution
(b) marginal opportunity cost
(c) marginal rate of technical substitution
(d) marginal cost

144. The slope is iso-product curve show-
(a) MRSxy
(b) MRTSxy
(c) elasticity of an iso-product curve
(d) none of the above

145. An isoquant is-
(a) downward sloping and concave to origin
(b) downward sloping and convex to origin
(c) downward sloping straight line curve
(d) horizontal straight line curve

146. The convexity of isoquants is due to the _____ MRTSxy
(a) increasing
(b) constant
(c) diminishing
(d) none of the above

147. Convexity of an isoquant implies _____ slope.
(a) diminishing
(b) increasing
(c) constant
(d) none of the above

148. MRTSxy is constant then an isoquant is _____
(a) downward sloping and convex to origin
(b) downward sloping straight line curve
(c) right angled curve
(d) downward sloping and concave to origin

149. MRTSxy is increasing then an isoquant is
(a) downward sloping and convex to origin
(b) downward sloping straight line curve
(c) right angled curve
(d) downward sloping and concave to origin

150. A right-angled isoquant denotes that the
(a) two factors are perfect substitutes of each other
(b) two factors are imperfect substitutes of each other
(c) two factors are perfect complements of each other
(d) position between perfect substitutes and perfect complements

151. The MRTSxy is constant if two factors are _____ of each other
(a) perfect substitutes
(b) perfect complements
(c) imperfect substitutes
(d) imperfect complements

152. MRTSxy =
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153. Increasing MRTSxy could happen only when the _____ operate.
(a) law of increasing returns
(b) law of diminishing returns
(c) law of constant returns
(d) law of negative returns

154. Which of the following isoquant indicates that the two factors ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are imperfect substitutes of each other?
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155. At a point near the right hand below the corner of isoquant curve, the MRTSxy of factor ‘X’ for factor ‘Y’ is –
(a) very high
(b) very low
(c) zero
(d) neither high nor low

156. Convexity of an isoquant denotes that the two factors are _____ of each other.
(a) perfect complements
(b) imperfect complements
(c) perfect substitute
(d) imperfect substitutes

157. In order to increase output, if both inputs mustbe increased in fixed proportion, it follows that both the inputs are ____ of each other.
(a) perfect substitutes
(b) perfect complements
(c) imperfect substitutes
(d) imperfect complements

158. _____ is the locus of various combinations of two inputs which a producer can buy with the given outlay and the prices of two inputs.
(a) Isocost line
(b) Opportunity cost line
(c) Production line
(d) Profit line

159. Isocost line is also known as _____
(a) outlay line
(b) price line
(c) producer’s budget line
(d) all the above

160. If the expenditure to be done on purchase of factors increases, the prices of both inputs remaining the same, the firm’s isocost line will –
(a) shift downward
(b) shift upward
(c) remain the same
(d) none of the above

161. The slope of the isocost line can change when the outlay remains the same but the price of –
(a) only one input change
(b) both the inputs change
(c) both inputs remain unchanged
(d) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

162. The iso-cost line in production optimization is _____
(a) Vertical straight line
(b) Straight line sloping upward towards right
(c) Straight line sloping downwards towards right
(d) Horizontal straight line

163. The slope of isocost line with factor ‘Y’ on the vertical axis and factor ‘X’ on the horizontal axis is –
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164. At equilibrium point, a particular isoquant _____ to isocost line
(a) tangent
(b) perpendicular
(c) parallel
(d) concave

165. Where the slope of isoquant = the slope of isocost line, it is the _____ combination of inputs.
(a) maximum cost
(b) least cost
(c) balanced cost
(d) cost-production

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(a) consumer is in equilibrium
(b) consumer is not in equilibrium
(c) producer is in equilibrium
(d) producer is not in equilibrium

167. Where the isocost line is tangent to an isoquant-
(a) equal amount of factors give equal output
(b) the prices of the factors are equal
(c) the ratio of prices of the two factors equal MRTS
(d) none of the above

168. All but one of the following statements are correct. Find the incorrect statement.
(a) The word isoquant means equal quantities.
(b) The slope of isoquant is called MRTS.
(c) The producer is at equilibrium where MRTSxy = px / py 
(d) A set of isoquant curves is called isocost map.

169. If there is perfect substitution between two factors of production the shape of isoquant is-
(a) linear
(b) non-linear
(c) positively sloped
(d) right angled

170. Condition for the producer’s equilibrium is-
(a) Isoquant should be tangent to the isocost line
(b) At tangency point, isoquant should be convex to origin
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(d) all the above

171. Technically efficient combinations of inputs is those which-
(a) minimizes cost
(b) minimizes loss
(c) maximizes profits
(d) maximizes revenue

172. Internal economies and diseconomies of scale occur due to _____ causes.
(i) endogenous
(ii) exogenous
(iii) internal
(iv) external
(a) i and ii
(b) iii and iv
(c) i and iii
(d) ii and iv

173. External economies and diseconomies of scale occur due to _____
(a) endogenous
(b) exogenous
(c) internal
(d) both (b) and (c)

174. When a large firm takes up advertising and grants higher margin to retailers, it is called-
(a) technical economies
(b) managerial economies
(c) marketing economies
(d) financial economies

175. When a firm’s dependence on external sources of funds increase and it finds difficulty to repay, it is a case of –
(a) financial diseconomies
(b) financial economies
(c) managerial diseconomies
(d) technical diseconomies

176. A firm uses two inputs, labour (L) and capital (K). The firm produces and sells a given output. You have the following information PL = ₹40; PK = ₹ 100; MPL = 40; MPK = 40. What would you say about the firm?
(i) That the firm is operating efficiently
(ii) That, the firm is not operating efficiently
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(a) Only i
(b) Only ii
(c) i and iii
(d) ii and iv

177. A firm can hire additional labour @ ₹ 50 per hour. By hiring 10 more hours of labour output will increase by 3 units. If per unit sells for ₹ 200, should the firm hire the labour? Why?
(a) No ∴ MP of labour < price of labour
(b) Yes ∴ MP of labour > price of labour
(c) Neither ‘a’ or ‘b’
(d) Only ‘a’

178. If MRTSLK,equals 2, then the MPK / MP1
(a) 1/2
(b) 2/1
(c) 1/1
(d) 0/1

179. Suppose that we are producing holes. The only way to get a hole is to use one man and one shovel. What shall be the shape of isoquants?
(a) downward sloping and convex to origin
(b) downward sloping straight line curve
(c) downward sloping and concave to origin
(d) light angled curve

180. You are doing homework. The inputs needed to produce homework is blue ink pen or black ink pen. What shall be the shape of isoquants?
(a) downward sloping and convex to origin
(b) downward sloping straight line curve
(c) downward sloping and concave to origin
(d) right angled curve

181. When 5 units of variable factor are combined with 5 units of fixed factor and MP remains constant at 10 units. Find TP
(a) 30
(b) 40
(c) 50
(d) 60

182. The production function of a firm is- Q = 5L 1/2 K 1/2 What would be the maximum possible output the firm can produce with 100 units of L and 100 units of K.
(a) 500
(b) 400
(c) 600
(d) None of the above

183. The production function of a firm is- Q = 2 L2 KFind the output the firm can produce with 5 units of L and 2 units of K.
(a) 100
(b) 200
(c) 300
(d) 150

184. What will be the output with 10 units of L and 10 units of K, if the production function is Q = 5L + 2K production
(a) 50
(b) 60
(c) 70
(d) 80

185. From the following find out AP and MP of 4th unit of Labour.
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(a) 15 ; 15
(b) 10 ; 15
(c) 10 ; -15
(d) 10 ; -10

Theory of Cost

186. Cost analysis refer to the study of ____ inrelation to different production criteria.
(a) production
(b) cost
(c) price
(d) inputs

187. Cost is a _____ function
(a) direct
(b) derived
(c) both direct and derived
(d) none of the above

188. Theory of costs is restatement of the theory of _____ in monetary terms
(a) demand
(b) consumer’s behaviour
(c) production
(d) all the above

189. _____ costs relate to those costs which involve cash payments by the entrepreneur of the firm.
(a) Accounting
(b) Marginal
(c) Economic
(d) Implicit

190. Accounting costs are also called _____ costs.
(a) economic
(b) implicit
(c) explicit
(d) opportunity

191. Wages paid to labourers, cost of raw-materials purchase, interest on the money borrowed, etc. are examples of _____ cost.
(i) accounting
(ii) implicit
(iii) economic
(iv) explicit
(a) i and ii
(b) iii and iv
(c) ii and iii
(d) i and iv

192. Economic costs includes-
(a) Accounting cost + Explicit cost
(b) Accounting cost + Implicit cot
(c) Fixed cost + Variable cost
(d) Accounting cost + Direct cost

193. Economic costs equals-
(a) Explicit cost + Implicit cost
(b) Fixed cost + Variable cost
(c) Accounting cost + Explicit cost
(d) none of the above

194. _____ costs are the value of foregone opportunities that do not involve any contractual obligation of cash payment.
(a) Explicit
(b) Implicit
(c) Accounting
(d) Hidden

195. _____ includes all payments made to factors of production and opportunity cost.
(a) Accounting costs
(b) Economic costs
(c) Implicit costs
(d) Explicit costs

196. An entrepreneur must recover his _____ cost if he wants to earn normal and abnormal profits.
(a) accounting
(b) implicit
(c) economic
(d) all the above

197. Which of the following are implicit costs?
(i) A shop taken on rent by entrepreneur
(ii) Savings invested to start business
(iii) An individual is both owner and manager of business
(iv) A farmer takes a farm on rent
(a) i and ii
(b) iii and iv
(c) ii and iii
(d) i and iv

198. Which of the following are explicit costs?
(i) A producer borrows money to start a factory
(ii) A producer invests his savings to start a factory
(iii) Wages paid to workers
(iv) An individual is both owner & manager of business
(a) i & ii
(b) iii & iv
(c) i & iii
(d) ii & iv

199. The difference between Economic Cost and Accounting Cost is equal to _____
(a) Implicit cost
(b) Explicit cost
(c) Marginal cost
(d) none of the above

200. All but one is not included in the books of account? Which one?
(a) Taxes
(b) Electricity charges
(c) Cost of raw-material
(d) Imputed salary of owner

201. _____ costs involve actual expenditure of funds on wages, material, rent, etc.
(a) Opportunity
(b) Outlay
(c) Economic
(d) Implicit

202. The cost that a firm incurs in purchasing or hiring, the services of various productive factors is referred to as-
(a) Explicit cost
(b) Fixed cost
(c) Implicit cost
(d) Variable cost

203. Explicit costs are also known as-
(a) Accounting costs
(b) Outlay costs
(c) Out-of-Pocket costs
(d) All the above

204. For an economist, the cost means-
(a) Accounting Costs
(b) Economic Costs
(c) Outlay Costs
(d) Sink Cost

205. Implicit costs are also known an-
(a) Opportunity costs
(b) Imputed costs
(c) Notional costs
(d) All the above

206. Opportunity cost refers to-
(a) money expenses incurred on purchasing or hiring factor, services
(b) the next best alternative
(c) involving cash payment
(d) all the above

207. Opportunity cost refers to-
(a) Cost of opportunity foregone
(b) Comparison between the policy that was chosen and the policy that was rejected
(c) Costs relating to sacrificed alternatives
(d) all the above

208. The cost of one thing in terms of the alternative given up is known as-
(a) Production cost
(b) Accounting cost
(c) Opportunity cost
(d) Real cost

209. Opportunity costs find its application in situations _____
(a) for short run and long run decision making
(b) capital expenditure budgeting
(c) when the supply of input factors is strictly limited
(d) all the above

210. Opportunity costs are a result of _____
(a) Abundance of resources
(b) Scarcity of resources
(c) Technology obsolescence
(d) Cost controls

211. All but one are true about opportunity cost. Which one is not true?
(a) Opportunity costs are recorded in the books of account.
(b) Opportunity costs are applicable to those factors which have alternative uses.
(c) Opportunity cost is also known as ‘alternative cost’
(d) Opportunity cost is also known as ‘displacement cost’

212. If no sacrifice is involved, then the opportunity cost is
(a) very high
(b) very low
(c) zero
(d) both ‘b’ & ‘c’

213. The concept of opportunity cost helps us to know that-
(a) resources are scarce,
(b) resources have alternative uses,
(c) how scarce resources get allocated in different production activities
(d) all the above

214. If you give up a full-time job to go to college, the major cost is –
(a) tuition fees
(b) room and board
(c) the income you could have earned from job
(d) social expenses

215. If a firm’s machinery, has no possible alternative use, its opportunity cost is –
(a) high
(b) low
(c) zero
(d) none of the above

216. If you own a cottage in Shimla which you could rent for August and September to some family for a net gain of ₹ 20,000/- after all expenses and taxes, the opportunity cost of living in it yourself for summer is _____
(a) ₹ 10,000
(b) ₹ 20,000
(c) ₹ 30,000
(d) ₹ 40,000

217. Cost of getting something involves losing something else means –
(i) accounting costs
(ii) opportunity costs
(iii) explicit costs
(iv) implicit costs
(a) Only i
(b) ii and iii
(c) i and iii
(d) ii and iv

218. The costs which can be identified easily and indisputably with a unit of operation, a product, a department, a plant or a process are called-
(i) direct cost
(ii) indirect cost
(iii) traceable cost
(iv) non-traceable cost
(a) Only i
(b) ii and iii
(c) i and iii
(d) ii and iv

219. _____ costs are not identified readily and indisputably to specific product, process, department, plant, operations, etc.
(a) Indirect costs
(b) Traceable costs
(c) Non-traceable costs
(d) Both ‘a’ & ‘c’

220. Accounting process recognizes-
(a) direct costs
(b) indirect cost
(c) only direct costs
(d) both direct and indirect costs

221. The function which gives least cost combinations of inputs corresponding to different levels of output is called-
(a) Production function
(b) Demand function
(c) Cost function
(d) Supply function

222. Cost functions are derived from _____
(a) Demand function
(b) Supply function
(c) Isoquant function
(d) Production function

223. _____ refers to the functional relationship between cost of a product and the various determinants of cost.
(a) Cost function
(b) Isoquant function
(c) Production function
(d) Supply function

224. In a cost function, the total cost or cost per unit is a/an _____
(a) Dependent Variable
(b) Independent Variable
(c) Either ‘a’ or ‘b’
(d) Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’

225. In a cost function, the prices of factors of production is a/an _____
(a) Dependent Variable
(b) Independent Variable
(c) Either ‘a’ or ‘b’
(d) Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’

226. Which one of the following is the dependent variable in a cost function?
(a) Level of capacity utilization
(b) Lot size of output
(c) Scale of operations
(d) Total Cost

227. Which one of the following is an independent variable in a cost function?
(a) Cost per unit
(b) Total cost
(c) Managerial efficiency
(d) None of the above

228. All but one are independent variables. Which one is not independent variable?
(a) Quantity of output
(b) Prices of factors of production
(c) Per unit cost of production
(d) Time Period under study

229. Which one of the following is not a determinant of the firm’s cost function?
(a) Price of firm’s output
(b) Production function
(c) Price of labour
(d) Rent paid for use of building

230. The functional relationship between output and the long-run cost of production is called _____
(a) Cost function
(b) Production function
(c) Long-run Cost function
(d) Long-run Production function

231. Law of Returns to Scale forms the basis of _____ cost function
(a) Long-run
(b) Short-run
(c) Fixed
(d) all the above

232. A cost function determines the behaviour of cost with change in _____
(a) Output
(b) Input
(c) Technology
(d) Wages

233. Increase in the size of a firm and its production capacity determines _____
(a) Short-run production function
(b) Long-run production function
(c) Fixed production function
(d) None of the above

234. When a firm operates with a given scale of production it affects the _____
(a) Long-run production function
(b) Fixed production function
(c) Short run production function
(d) All the above

235. Find the odd one-
(a) Output
(b) Price of raw-materials
(c) Time period
(d) Total cost

236. The costs which do not change with the level of output are called :
(i) Supplementary Costs
(ii) Money Costs
(iii) Overhead Costs
(iv) Prime Cost
(a) i & ii
(b) ii & iii
(c) i & iii
(d) i, ii, iii & iv

237. The costs which change with the level of output are called _____
(a) Prime cost
(b) Direct cost
(c) Variable cost
(d) All the above

238. The costs which remain constant at all the levels of output are called _____
(a) Supplementary Costs
(b) Fixed Costs
(c) Overhead Costs
(d) All the above

239. Fixed costs includes-
(a) Historical costs
(b) Explicit costs
(c) Implicit costs
(d) Both ‘b’ and ‘c’

240. At zero level of output _____ cost can never be zero.
(a) Variable
(b) Fixed
(c) Direct
(d) Real

241. At zero level of output cost _____ is zero.
(a) Fixed
(b) Overhead
(c) Variable
(d) Real

242. _____ costs are incurred even before production starts
(a) Fixed
(b) Variable
(c) Real
(d) Marginal

243. _____ costs are incurred after the production actually starts.
(a) Fixed
(b) Variable
(c) Marginal
(d) Real

244. At zero level of output Fixed Cost must be greater than Variable Cost.
(a) False
(b) Partially True
(c) True
(d) None of the above

245. Fixed Costs are a function of _____
(a) Time
(b) Output
(c) Both time and output
(d) All the above

246. Variable Costs are a function of _____
(a) Time
(b) Output
(c) Both time and output
(d) All the above

247. _____ costs are directly or positively related to output.
(a) Fixed
(b) Stair-step
(c) Semi-Variable
(d) Variable

248. When production level is zero, then fixed cost is-
(a) zero
(b) negative
(c) positive
(d) equal to variable cost

249. Which of the following indicates fixed costs?
(a) Electricity Bill
(b) Wages to daily labourers
(c) Expenses on transportation
(d) Interest on fixed capital

250. Variable costs include costs of-
(a) Hiring the building for the factory
(b) Purchase of heavy machines
(c) Pay wages to factory manager
(d) Paying for power and fuel

251. Which one of the following is correct?
(a) TC = TFC × TVC
(b) TC = TFC ÷ TVC
(c) TC = TFC + TVC
(d) TC = TFC – TVC

252. Which cost increases continuously with the increase in production?
(a) Average cost
(b) Marginal cost
(c) Fixed cost
(d) Variable cost

253. When output is increased variable cost also rises initially at _____ rate and later at _____ rate.
(a) diminishing; constant
(b) increasing; constant
(c) diminishing; increasing
(d) constant; increasing

254. The costs which are neither perfectly variable, nor absolutely fixed when output level are changed are _____
(a) Variable costs
(b) Semi Variable costs
(c) Stair Step costs
(d) Prime costs

255. _____ costs are independent of the level of output.
(a) Fixed
(b) Variable
(c) Marginal
(d) Semi Variable costs

256. TVC can be calculated as-
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257. TC reflect the behaviour of-
(a) TFC
(b) TVC
(c) AFC
(d) None of the above

258. At zero level of output Total Cost of Production is equal to-
(a) Total Fixed Cost
(b) TotalVariableCost
(c) Marginal Cost
(d) Explicit Cost

259. Total Fixed Cost Curve is indicated by a-
(a) Positively sloped Curve
(b) Vertical Straight Line Curve
(c) Horizontal Straight Line Curve
(d) Negatively sloped Curve

260. Total cost curve shoots from a point on Y-axis means-
(a) we are referring to the short period
(b) we are referring to the long period
(c) we are referring to the market period
(d) we are referring to the secular period

261. In the short period, TC = ∑ MC Is it correct ?
(a) Yes
(b) No, as TC = TFC + ∑ MC
(c) Partially correct
(d) none of the above

262. Total Variable Cost initially rises at a diminishing rate due to-
(a) increasing returns to factor
(b) increasing returns to scale
(c) diminishing returns to factor
(d) diminishing returns to scale

263. Total Variable Cost curve shoots upwards from-
(a) a certain point on quantity axis
(b) a certain point on cost axis
(c) origin
(d) Any of the above

264. TFC curve will be a straight line –
(a) Parallel to X-axis
(b) Parallel to Y-axis
(c) Sloping upward from left to right
(d) Sloping downward from left to right

265. Total Variable Cost curve originate from the point of origin means-
(a) Variable cost is zero at zero output
(b) Variable cost has to be incurred at zero output
(c) Variable cost is diminishing
(d) All the above

266. The total cost curve and total variable cost curve are parallel because-
(a) Vertical distance between the two is total fixed cost which is constant
(b) behaviour of total cost depends upon total variable cost
(c) change in total cost is only due to change in variable cost
(d) all the above

267. The vertical distance between TVC and TC is equal to –
(a) Marginal Cost
(b) Total Fixed Cost
(c) Average Variable Cost
(d) None of the above

268. The fixed cost per unit of output is called-
(a) Average Fixed Cost (b) Total Fixed Cost
(c) Marginal Cost (d) None of the above

269. In the short run, when output of a firm increases, its average fixed cost-
(a) rises continuously
(b) falls continuously
(c) remain constant
(d) first rises and then falls

270. Average Fixed Cost curve _____
(a) slope upwards
(b) slope downwards
(c) is TJ’ shaped
(d) is ‘S’ shaped

271. Total Variable Curve is _____ shaped
(a) ‘U’ shaped
(b) Inverted’U’shaped
(c) Inverted ‘S’ shaped
(d) ‘C’ shaped

272. Average Fixed Cost curve is indicated by-
(a) a rectangular hyperbola
(b) a straight line parallel to X-axis
(c) a straight line parallel to Y-axis
(d) a ‘U’ shaped curve

273. Average Fixed Cost curve will never touch-
(a) X-axis
(b) Y-axis
(c) both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) none of the above

274. Average Variable Cost equals-
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275. Which of the following falls continuously?
(a) Marginal Cost
(b) Average Fixed Cost
(c) Average Variable Cost
(d) Total Fixed Cost

276. Average Variable Cost falls as output is expanded-
(a) upto normal capacity output
(b) beyond normal capacity output
(c) all the levels of output
(d) Nothing can be said

277. Beyond normal capacity output, as output in-creases AVC will-
(a) remain constant
(b) decrease
(c) increase
(d) nothing can be said

278. Average variable cost is inversely related to _____
(a) MP of variable factor
(b) AP of variable factor
(c) TP
(d) nothing can be said

279. AVC falls as output increases upto normal ca-pacity due to-
(a) constant returns to scale
(b) diminishing returns to factor
(c) increasing returns to factor
(d) negative returns to factor

280. AVC curve is-
(a) ‘S’ shaped
(b) ‘U’ shaped
(c) Inverted ‘S’ shaped
(d) Inverted’U’shaped

281. _____ and _____ curves start from the same point on Y-axis which is above the origin.
(a) TFC and TVC
(b) TVC and TC
(c) TFC and TC
(d) None of the above

282. Two curves which are inverted ‘S’ shaped are –
(a) TFC and TVC
(b) TVC and TC
(c) TC and AVC
(d) AFC and AVC

283. Average Cost curve is-
(a) Horizontal Line parallel to x-axis
(b) Inverted ‘S’ shaped
(c) Inverted ‘U’ shaped
(d) ‘U’ shaped

284. When output is increased Average Cost at all the levels of output includes both AVC and AFC means that-
(a) AC curve will always lie above the AVC curve
(b) AC curve will always lie below the AVC curve
(c) AC and AVC are parallel to each other with same vertical distance throughout
(d) None of the above

285. The vertical gap between AC and AVC curves as the output increases.
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) remain constant
(d) None of the above

286. Since AFC can never be zero, _____ and _____ curves never intersect each other
(a) AC and MC
(b) AC and AFC
(c) AC and AVC
(d) None of the above

287. The two inverted ‘S’ shaped short run cost curves are parallel to each other and maintain a constant distance of ₹ 100. Which cost is indicated by ₹100?
(a) Total Variable Cost
(b) Total Cost
(c) total Fixed Cost
(d) Average Fixed Cost

288. Find the odd one out-
(a) Salary to manager of the company
(b) Payment of insurance premium for insurance of factory
(c) Interest on loan taken from Union Bank
(d) Payment of excise duty

289. Average Fixed Cost falls as the output rises because-
(a) AFC and output are inversely related
(b) AFC and output are positively related
(c) AFC and output are not related
(d) All the above

290. Production at the loss of _____ may continue in short run.
(a) Variable Cost
(b) Fixed Cost
(c) Marginal Cost
(d) Direct Cost

291. Production at the loss of _____ cannot be continued in short run.
(a) Direct Cost
(b) Fixed Cost
(c) Marginal Cost
(d) Variable Cost

292. Which of the following statements is correct of the relationship among the short run costs?
(a) ATC = AFC – AVC
(b) AVC = AFC + ATC
(c) AFC = ATC + AVC
(d) AFC = ATC -AVC

293. Average Total Cost equals-
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294. Average Total Cost means-
(a) The general average cost
(b) The average cost of producing one unit
(c) The cost of producing the last unit
(d) None of the above

295. Average Cost curve contains in it-
(a) Normal Profits
(b) No Normal Profits
(c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) None of the above

296. Average Cost curve is a _____
(a) ‘S’ shaped curve
(b) T shaped curve
(c) ‘U’ shaped curve
(d) Straight Line

297. When expressed as an average, it shows a continuous fall with increase in output-
(a) the average cost of a firm
(b) the fixed cost of a firm
(c) marginal cost
(d) variable cost

298. An addition to the total cost caused by producing one more unit of output is called _____
(a) average cost
(b) marginal cost
(c) fixed cost
(d) variable cost

299. Marginal Cost varies inversely with _____ in short run
(a) average product of variable factor
(b) total product
(c) marginal product of variable factor
(d) both ‘a’ and ‘b’

300. Marginal Curve is _____
(a) ‘U’ shaped
(b) ‘L’ shaped
(c) ‘S’ shaped
(d) downward sloping continuously

301. At the minimum average cost, a firm can produce the _____
(a) maximum output
(b) optimum profit
(c) optimum output
(d) marginal output

302. Any change in Marginal Cost will lead to a change in firm’s _____
(a) total fixed cost
(b) total variable cost
(c) average fixed cost
(d) both ‘a’ and ‘c’

303. With increase in output, the average fixed cost will fall in _____
(a) very long period
(b) long period
(c) market period
(d) short period

304. Marginal Cost is the slope of _____ curve.
(a) total variable cost
(b) total fixed cost
(c) average cost
(d) all the above

305. When total variable cost rises at a diminishing rate, marginal cost _____
(a) rises
(b) remain constant
(c) falls
(d) none of the above

306. When TVC rises at an increasing rate, MC _____
(a) rises
(b) falls
(c) remain constant
(d) none of the above

307. Graphically, the area under the Marginal Cost curve is _____
(a) TFC
(b) TVC
(c) TC
(d) AC

308. Marginal Cost Curve cuts the Average Cost Curve at its _____
(a) falling part
(b) rising part
(c) minimum point
(d) both ‘a’ and ‘b’

309. Marginal Cost is independent of
(a) fixed cost
(b) variable cost
(c) opportunity cost
(d) output

310. All but one are ‘U’ shaped
(a) The AVC curve
(b) The AC curve
(c) The MC curve
(d) The AFC curve

311. Find the Odd One out of the following
(a) TCn – TCn-1
(b) TFCn – TFCn-1
(c) TVCn-TVC-1
(d) TCn-(TVCn-1+TFCn-1) .

312. The point at which marginal cost equate average cost shows-
(a) The maximum Profit
(b) The equilibrium point of the consumer
(c) The plant capacity
(d) The minimum price of the product

313. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
(a) MC – ‘U’ shaped
(b) AFC – Rectangular Hyperbola
(c) TC – ‘J’ shaped
(d) AVC – ‘U’ shaped

314. If a table shows number of units produced and average cost of each unit, one can calculate-
(a) AVC
(b) MC
(c) TC
(d) All the above

315. Consider the following statements and point the correct one-
(a) If MC curve is below the AC curve, then the AC curve must be rising
(b) When MC curve is above the AC curve, then the AC curve must be falling
(c) MC cost curve cuts the AC curve at the minimum point of AC curve
(d) AC pulls up or down the MC Sp

316. When AC is at its minimum, then-
(a) AC >MC
(b) AC < MC
(c) AC = MC
(d) All the above

317. Per unit cost of a commodity is called-
(a) fixed cost
(b) variable cost
(c) average cost
(d) marginal cost

318. When MC curve cuts AC curve-
(a) AC = MC
(b) AC > MC
(c) AC < MC
(d) both AC and MC are falling

319. What happens to Average Cost when MC > AC?
(a) AC will fall
(b) AC will rise
(c) AC will remain constant
(d) None of the above

320. Marginal cost includes-
(a) fixed cost and variable cost
(b) only fixed cost
(c) only variable cost
(d) None of the above

321. If the marginal cost of production is less than the average cost then-
(a) MC curve lies under the AC curve
(b) AC would be falling
(c) MC cost pulls down AC
(d) All the above

322. MC is greater than AC when production is in a state of _____
(a) increasing returns
(b) diminishing returns
(c) constant returns
(d) None of the above

323. AC is greater than MC, so long as –
(a) AC is falling
(b) AC is rising
(c) AC is constant
(d) All the above

324. MC = AC when –
(a) AC is falling
(b) AC is rising
(c) AC tends to stabilize
(d) None of the above

325. The distance between AC and AVC curves tends to _____ at higher level of output
(a) increase
(b) remain constant
(c) reduce
(d) None of the above

326. ATC and AVC curves tend to intersect at some level of output
(a) Statement is Incorrect
(b) Statement of Correct
(c) Statement is Partially Correct
(d) None of the above

327. The difference between ATC and AVC:
(a) is constant
(b) is total fixed cost
(c) gets narrow as output falls
(d) is the average fixed cost

328. Can AC fall, when MC is rising?
(a) No
(b) Yes
(c) Can’t say
(d) None of the above

329. When MC < AVC, _____ with increase in the output
(a) AVC rises
(b) AV C falls
(c) AVC remain constant
(d) AVC curve cut MC curve

330. When MC becomes equal to AC and AVC, they _____
(a) begin to rise
(b) begin to fall
(c) become constant
(d) Any of the above

331. There will be productive efficiency when-
(a) MC = AC
(b) firm is producing at the minimum point of Average Cost Curve
(c) MC curve cuts the AC curve
(d) All the above

332. Marginal Cost is _____
(a) Always less than the Average Cost
(b) Always more than the Average Cost
(c) Equal to the Average Cost at its minimum point
(d) Never equal to Average Cost

333. The slope of the TVC or total cost curve indicates the-
(a) marginal revenue
(b) average cost
(c) variable cost
(d) marginal cost

334. Falling average cost means-
(a) increasing returns
(b) diminishing returns
(c) constant returns
(d) negative returns

335. _____ costs are important in short run to de¬termine optimum level of output
(a) Fixed
(b) Marginal
(c) Opportunity
(d) Sunk

336. Short run average costs eventually rise because of _____
(a) rising overhead costs
(b) rising factor prices
(c) falling marginal and average productivity
(d) None of these

337. Decreasing average costs for a firm, as it expands plant size and output-
(a) results from decreasing returns to scale
(b) results usually from the effects of increased mechanism and specialization
(c) results from increased complexity of rapid expansion
(d) None of the above

338. MC curve passes through the minimum point of _____
(a) AC curve
(b) TC curve
(c) AVC curve
(d) both ‘a’ and ‘c’

339. Which of the following statements about the relationship between marginal cost and average cost is correct? –
(a) When MC is falling AC is falling
(b) AC equals MC at MC’s lowest point
(c) When MC exceeds AC, AC must be rising
(d) When AC exceeds MC, MC must be rising

340. Salesmen’s commission is an example of –
(a) Fixed cost
(b) Variable cost
(c) Semi-Variable cost Le. fixed over some range and then increase
(d) Stair-Step cost

341. The Long Run Average Curve shows the average cost of production when _____ in supply
(a) all factors are fixed
(b) all factor are variable
(c) some factors are fixed while some are variable
(d) one factor is fixed while all others are variable

342. Which one of the following is called planning curve?
(a) Long Run Average Cost Curve
(b) Short Run Average Cost Curve
(c) Average Variable Cost Curve
(d) Average Total Cost Curve

343. Falling portion Le. negatively sloped portion of the long run average cost curve is because of-
(a) economies of scale
(b) diseconomies of scale
(c) diminishing returns
(d) law of variable proportions

344. Each point on LAC curve is a point of tangency with the corresponding-
(a) short run AC curves
(b) short run AVC curves
(c) short run MC curves
(d) none of the above

345. Which one of the following is also known as PLANT CURVE?
(a) LAC curve
(b) SAC curve
(c) AVC curve
(d) ATC curve

346. The LAC curve helps the firm to make choice about size of plant for producing a particular output at _____
(a) Optimum Cost
(b) Minimum Cost
(c) Maximum Cost
(d) Nothing can be said

347. Which of the following is correct regarding Long Run Average Cost curve?
(i) It shows least cost of producing each level of output
(ii) LAC curve is envelope of SAC curves
(iii) LAC is U-shaped
(iv) LAC curve is U-shaped due to economies and diseconomies
(a) (i) and (ii) only
(b) (ii) and (iii) only
(c) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(d) (iii) and (iv) only

348. When the long run average cost curve is falling, it is tangent to _____
(a) the falling portion of SAC curve
(b) the rising portion of SAC curve
(c) the minimum point of SAC curve
(d) the minimum point of MC curve

349. When LAC curve is _____ it will be tangent to rising portions of the SAC curves
(a) sloping downward
(b) sloping upwards
(c) constant
(d) none of the above

350. When the LAC curve slopes upward, the firm is experiencing _____
(a) economies of scale
(b) external economies
(c) diseconomies
(d) none of these

351. Larger outputs can be economically produced ie. at the lowest cost with the _____
(a) smaller plant
(b) medium size plant
(c) bigger plant
(d) none of these

352. The LAC is –
(a) U-shaped
(b) Inverted U-shaped
(c) V-shaped
(d) S-shaped

353. In the long run, when a firm faces infinite SAC curves, the LAC curve will be-
(a) perpendicular to each SAC curve
(b) connect the lowest point of each SAC curve
(c) smooth curve, so as to be tangent to each of the SAC curves
(d) all the above

354. The LAC curve envelopes many SAC curves, it is therefore also called _____
(a) planning curve
(b) envelope curve
(c) family curve
(d) none of these

355. The LAC curve is flattened U-shaped because-
(a) some factors are fixed
(b) some factors are variable
(c) of change in technology
(d) technology remains constant

356. Modern firms face _____ shaped LAC curves
(a) L
(b) U
(c) S
(d) C

357. L-shaped LAC curve over a range shows that all sizes of plant have the _____
(a) different minimum cost of production
(b) falling cost of production
(c) same minimum cost of production
(d) rising cost of production

358. In the short period the firm can control only the _____ cost and not the _____ Cost and therefore must recover at least _____ Cost
(a) fixed ; variable ; fixed
(b) variable ; fixed ; variable
(c) average ; marginal; average
(d) accounting ; opportunity ; accounting

359. In short run the producer can control only _____ cost
(a) fixed
(b) semi-fixed
(c) variable
(d) stair step

360. In the long period _____ costs are under the control of the producer
(a) fixed
(b) variable
(c) all
(d) none

361. What does the shaded area show in the figure below?
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost - MCQs 361

(a) TFC
(b) TVC
(c) TC
(d) ATC

362. Consider the figure and answer which region represents diseconomies
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost - MCQs 362

(a) Region ‘c’ to ‘d’
(b) Region ‘a’ to ‘b’
(c) Region ‘d’ to ‘e’
(d) Region ‘b’ to ‘d’

Consider the following diagram to answer questions 363 to 369.
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost - MCQs 362.1

363. In the above diagram curve numbers 1, 2 and 3 are _____ respectively
(a) AVC ; AFC ; AC
(b) AFC ;AVC ; AC
(c) AC ; AFC ; AVC
(d) AC ; AVC ; AFC

364. In the above diagram at OK level of output, the average cost equals-
(a) KN
(b) KM
(c) KL
(d) MN

365. In the diagram above at OK level of output, KL denotes-
(a) AFC
(b) MC
(c) AVC
(d) AC

366. In the diagram above at OK level of output, KM denotes-
(a) AC
(b) AVC
(c) MC
(d) AFC

367. In the diagram above at OK level of output, the vertical distance shaded between LN denotes-
(a) AFC
(b) AVC
(c) AC
(d) None of these

368. In the above diagram, on the right side curve 3 becomes closer to curve 2 means-
(i) component of AFC shrinks
(ii) component of AFC increases
(iii) component of AVC increases
(iv) component of AVC shrinks
(a) i and iii
(b) ii and iv
(c) ii and iii
(d) none of the above

369. In the above diagram on the right side curve 1 gets away from curve 3 means-
(a) component of AFC increases but component of AVC shrinks
(b) component of both AFC and AVC increases
(c) component of AFC shrinks but component of AVC increases
(d) None of the above

370. Marginal Cost reflects change in either _____ or _____
(a) total cost; total variable cost
(b) total cost; average variable cost
(c) fixed cost; total variable cost
(d) none of the above

Use the following data to answer questions 371 to 376 :
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost - MCQs 370

371. The total variable cost of the 3rd unit is-
(a) 216
(b) 84
(c) 126
(d) 174

372. The marginal cost of the 2nd unit is-
(a) 0
(b) 45
(c) 39
(d) 42

373. The average cost of producing the 4th unit is-
(a) 66
(b) 48
(c) 67
(d) 49

374. The total fixed cost at the 3rd unit of output is-
(a) 180
(b) 42
(c) 66
(d) 90

375. The average fixed cost at the 4th unit of output , is-
(a) 42
(b) 32
(c) 22.5
(d) 20

376. The average variable cost at the 3rd unit of output is-
(a) 42
(b) 32
(c) 22
(d) none of these

Use the following data to answer questions 377 to 379:
Suppose that the Total Fixed Cost is ₹ 120
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost - MCQs 376

377. The total variable cost of the 3rd unit is-
(d) 120
(b) 200
(c) 300
(d) 520

378. The marginal cost of the 2nd unit of output is-
(a) 120
(b) 80
(c) 100
(d) 220

379. The total cost of 4th units of output is-
(a) 320
(b) 420
(c) 640
(d) 900

Use the following data to answer questions 380 to 382:
Fixed cost of a firm is ₹ 30.
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost - MCQs 379

380. Total Cost of 4th unit is-
(d) 68
(b) 116
(c) 50
(d) 90

381. The Average Cost of 2nd unit is-
(a) 50
(b) 34
(c) 29
(d) None of the above

382. The Marginal Cost of 3rd unit is-
(a) 18
(b) 22
(c) -26
(d) 50

Use the following data to answer questions 383 to 386:
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost - MCQs 382

383. The Total Fixed Cost of the 5th unit is-
(a) 80
(b) 40
(c) 120
(d) 240

384. The Average Fixed Cost of 2nd unit is-
(a) 40
(b) 20
(c) 10
(d) 05

385. The Average Variable Cost of 3rd unit is-
(a) 65
(b) 46.67
(c) 42.5
(d) 44

386. The Average Total Cost of 2nd unit is-
(a) 120
(b) 85
(c) 52.5
(d) 52

387. Table for the production of a firm.
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost - MCQs 387

One the basis of the above table match the following
(i) Prime Cost
(ii) Direct Cost
(iii) Fixed Cost
(iv) Variable Cost
(v) Total Cost
(a) (A, i) (B, ii) (C, iii)
(&) (A, ii) (B, iii) (C, iv)
(c) (A, iii) (B, iii) (C, iv)
(d) (A, v) (B, iii) (C, iv)

388. Considering the following information of firm’s production department for a week, the TVC, AVC and ATC would be-
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost - MCQs 388

(a) ₹ 11,9000 ; ₹ 119 and ₹ 123 respectively
(b) ₹ 11,600 ; ₹ 116 and ₹ 123 respectively
(c) ₹ 11,900 ; ₹ 119 and ₹ 119 respectively
(d) None of these

389. The average cost is ₹ 40 and it is minimum when 8 units are produced. The marginal cost of producing 4 unit is-
(a) 40
(b) 160
(c) 48
(d) 10

390. If the marginal cost of producing 1 unit of a commodity is ₹ 15 and that of producing 2 units is 10, which of the following is correct?
(a) Total cost = ₹ 25
(b) Variable cost = ₹ 25
(c) Average cost = ₹ 25
(d) None of the above

391. The total cost at 10 units of output is ₹ 55. The fixed cost is ₹ 5. The average variable cost at 10 units of output is-
(a) ₹ 25
(b) ₹ 6
(c) ₹ 5
(d) ₹ 1

392. The total cost of producing 5 units of a commodity is ? 20 and that of producing 4 units is? 15, what will be the marginal cost?
(a) ₹ 2.5
(b) ₹ 5
(c) ₹ 7.5
(d) ₹ 10

393. A firm produces 100 units of a commodity. Actual money expenditure incurred on producing this commodity is ₹ 1500. The owner supplies inputs worth ₹ 500 for which he does not get any payment. The economic cost turned out to be ₹ 2,100. The difference is-
(a) Normal Profit
(b) Loss
(c) Abnormal Profit
(d) None of these

394. What would be the economic cost considering the following-
Purchase of raw materials ₹ 200
Payment of wages and salaries ₹ 500
Payment of rent ₹ 50
Estimated value of owner’s services ₹ 300
Expected minimum profit ₹ 40
Estimated super normal profit ₹ 240
(a) 1000
(b) 1,180
(c) 1,090
(d) 2000

395. The total cost curve makes an intercept of ₹ 50 on y-axis, Calculate total fixed cost and total variable cost of 3rd unit of output :
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost - MCQs 395

(a) 50 ; 15
(b) 40 ; 50
(c) 50 ; 70
(d) 110 ; 50

396. A firm is producing 20 units. At this level of output, ATC and AVC are equal to ₹40 and ₹37 respectively. What is the total fixed cost of the firm?
(a) ₹ 3
(b) ₹ 60
(c) ₹ 40
(d) ₹ 20

397. The total cost of producing 9 units of output is ₹85. If the ATC of producing 10 units is ₹10, then what will be the marginal cost of producing the 10th unit?
(a) ₹ 10
(b) ₹ 05
(c) ₹ 15
(d) ₹ 20

398. The AC of producing 5 units is ₹ 6 and AC of producing 6 units is ₹5. What is the MC of the 6th unit?
(a) ₹ 0
(b) ₹ 15
(c) ₹ 20
(d) ₹ 30

399. The TC of a firm increased by ₹450, when production increased from 12 units to 14 units. What is the MC of the firm?
(a) ₹ 150
(b) ₹ 175
(c) ₹ 200
(d) ₹ 225

400. Find the AC and AVC if entire output is sold at ₹ 60 per unit from the following :
Wage Bill ₹ 20,000
Raw-material Bill ₹ 60,000
Interest ₹ 6,000
Fuel consumption ₹ 10,000
Rent ₹ 4,000
(a) ₹ 50 ; ₹ 50
(b) ₹ 50 ; ₹ 45
(c) ₹ 45 ; ₹ 45
(d) ₹ 45 ; ₹ 50

401. A firm’s average fixed cost is ₹ 40 at 12 units of output. What will it be at 8 units of output.
(a) ₹ 120
(b) ₹ 60
(c) ₹ 80
(d) ₹ 40

402. A firm producing 5 units of output has AC of ₹ 150 and it pays ₹ 200 to its fixed factors of production. What is the AVC?
(a) ₹ 100
(b) ₹ 50
(c) ₹ 110
(d) ₹ 150

403. What is the Average Cost of producing 20 units if the Total Fixed Cost is ₹ 5,000 and AVC is ₹ 2?
(a) ₹ 250
(b) ₹ 260
(c) ₹ 258
(d) ₹ 252

404. The ATC of producing 50 units is ₹ 250 and TFC is ₹ 1,000. What is the AFC of producing 100 units?
(a) ₹10
(b) ₹ 30
(c) ₹ 20
(d) ₹ 5

405. When a bus with a seating capacity of 50 passengers is carrying on 40 passengers. The cost of passenger ticket is ₹ 100. What would be the Marginal Cost of carrying one additional passenger?
(a) ₹ 100
(b) zero
(c) ₹ 4,100
(d) ₹ 4,000

406. Electricity charges are increased for the commercial use from ₹ 3 per unit to ₹ 5 per unit. This would affect-
(a) Fixed Cost
(b) Variable Cost
(c) Both Fixed and Variable Cost
(d) Neither Fixed Cost nor Variable Cost

407. The development of Special Economic Zone will-
(a) generate internal economies and lower per unit cost
(b) generate external economies and lower per unit cost
(c) generate internal diseconomies and increase per unit cost
(d) generate external diseconomies and in-crease per unit cost

408. The following is the marginal cost schedule. Find the avarage cost of production of 4 unit of output
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost - MCQs 408

(a) ₹ 4
(b) ₹ 6
(c) ₹ 5
(d) ₹ 7

409. If the total cost of production of Good ‘X’ is ₹ 1,25,000; out of it implicit cost is ₹ 35,000 and normal profit is ₹ 25,000. What will be the explicit cost of Good ‘X?
(a) ₹ 60,000
(b) ₹ 90,000
(c) ₹ 1,00,000
(d) ₹ 65,000

410. When output increased from 40 units to 55 units, TC increased from ₹ 2,500 to ₹ 3,250. The MC is-
(a) ₹ 150
(b) ₹ 50
(c) ₹ 100
(d) ₹ 200


CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost - MCQs answers

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost - MCQs answers1

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets – MCQs

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets – MCQs


1. In economics the term market refers to –
(i) a particular place
(ii) a commodity
(iii) buyers and sellers
(iv) bargaining for a price
(a) only i
(b) only ii
(c) ii & iii
(d) ii, iii and iv

2. Price depends on –
(a) utility and scarcity
(b) Cost of production
(c) transferability
(d) all the above

3. The basic behavioural principle which apply to all market conditions –
(a) A firm should produce only if its TR \(\ge\) TVC
(b) A firm should produce at a level where its MC = MR
(c) MC curve cuts the MR curve from below.
(d) All the above

4. Total revenue can be found out by –
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets - MCQs 4
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets - MCQs 4.1

5. When marginal revenue is zero, total revenue will be –
(a) lowest
(b) highest
(c) negative
(d) zero

6. If MR < 0, then the TR will be –
(a) rising
(b) highest
(c) falling
(d) zero

7. The change in the total revenue that results from a one unit change in sales is –
(a) Total Revenue
(b) Average Revenue
(c) Marginal Revenue
(d) both c and d

8. The revenue per unit of called as – one commodity sold is
(a) Total Revenue
(b) Marginal Revenue
(c) Average Revenue
(d) None of the above

9. AR can be found out by the formula –
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets - MCQs 9

10. Which of the following is not correct –
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets - MCQs 10

11. Which concept of revenue is called price?
(a) TR
(b) AR
(c) MR
(d) None of these

12. If a producer sells 4 units of a good at ₹ 10 per unit and 5 units at ₹ 8 per unit, marginal revenue would be –
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets - MCQs 13

(i) Total Revenue
(ii) Marginal Revenue
(iii) Average Revenue
(iv) Price
(a) i & iii
(b) ii & iv
(c) ii & iii
(d) iii & iv

14. Which of the following statement is incorrect –
(a) Demand and supply determine price of a commodity
(b) At equilibrium price quantity demanded equals quantity supplied.
(c) Demand factor influences price more.
(d) Equilibrium price can change.

Use the following figure to answer questions 15-16
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets - MCQs 14

15. In the figure above at the equilibrium point E –
(a) demand is more than supply
(b) supply is more than demand
(c) demand and supply are equal
(d) none of the above

16. In the above figure equilibrium point, quantity and price are –
(a) E , OQ , OP
(b) E , ES , EP
(c) ES , ED, OQ
(d) E , EP , ED

17. When demand and supply increase equally, then –
(a) both equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity remain unchanged.
(b) both equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity increase
(c) equilibrium price remains unchanged but equilibrium quantity increases
(d) equilibrium price changes but equilibrium quantity remains unchanged.

18. If increase in demand is more than increase in supply, then –
(a) equilibrium price will fall but equilibrium quantity will increase
(b) equilibrium price will increase but equilibrium quantity will decrease
(c) both equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity will increase
(d) both equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity will decrease

19. When demand increases equilibrium price will increase only if –
(a) supply also increases
(b) supply also decreases
(c) supply remains same
(d) if the elasticity remains the same

20. The equilibrium price remains constant only if demand and supply
(a) increase unequally
(b) decrease unequally
(c) increase equally
(d) none of the above

21. The price will decrease if demand remains same and –
(a) supply increases
(b) supply decreases
(c) supply is more than the previous level
(d) none of these

22. In the short period equilibrium price is –
(i) higher than long run price
(ii) higher than market price
(iii) lower than market price
(iv) lower than long run price
(a) i & ii
(b) ii & iii
(c) iii & iv
(d) i & iii

23. The inter-action of market demand and supply curves determines the –
(a) equilibrium price
(b) reserve price
(c) both a & b
(d) none of these

24. Uniform price for homogeneous product at any one time is the essential condition of –
(a) monopolistic competition
(b) oligopoly
(c) perfect competition
(d) duopoly

25. For maximizing profit, the condition is –
(a) AR = AC
(b) MR = AR
(c) MR = MC
(d) MC = AC

26. MC = MR = AR means equilibrium position of a firm –
(a) in the long period
(b) in the short period under imperfect com-petition
(c) in the short period under perfect competition
(d) under perfect competition.

27. Under perfect competition –
(a) MC = Price
(b) MC > Price
(c) MC < Price
(d) none of these

28. All but one are correct about perfect competition –
(a) Large number of buyers and sellers
(b) Homogeneous product
(c) Differentiated product
(d) Uniform price

29. An increase in demand for a commodity causes –
(a) an increase in equilibrium price
(b) an increase in equilibrium quantity
(c) both a & b
(d) none of these

30. Which of the following is/are the features of perfect competition ?
(i) Large number of buyers and sellers
(ii) Identical product
(iii) Free entry and exit
(iv) No transportation cost
(a) i, ii and iii
(b) ii, iii and iv
(c) i, ii, and iv
(d) i, ii, iii and iv

31. The demand curve of a commodity faced by a competitive firm is –
(a) very elastic
(b) perfectly inelastic
(c) very inelastic
(d) perfectly elastic

32. In the short period, a perfectly competitive firm earns –
(a) normal profit
(b) super normal profit
(c) can incur losses
(d) all the above

The questions 33 to 35 are based on the above diagram
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets - MCQs 32

33. Figure (A) shows the equilibrium position –
(a) of an industry
(b) of a firm
(c) of a perfectly competitive industry
(d) of a perfectly competitive firm

34. Figure (B) shows the equilibrium –
(a) of a firm
(b) of a long run perfectly competitive firm
(c) of a short run competitive firm
(d) none of these

35. In figure (B) L, M and N represents –
(a) SMC, SAC and STC
(b) LMC, SAC and AR = AC
(c) SMC, LAC and AR = AC
(d) LMC, LAC and AR = MR

36. The following figure shows that –
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets - MCQs 35

(a) a firm is a price maker
(b) a firm is price taker
(c) an industry is price taker
(d) none of these

37. The figure above shows that the firm belong to –
(a) Imperfect competitive market
(b) monopoly
(c) oligopoly
(d) Perfectly competitive market

38. The firm’s short run supply curve is its marginal cost curve above its average variable cost curve is correct about –
(a) perfect competition
(b) oligopoly
(c) monopoly
(d) duopoly

39. Under perfect competition the price of commodity
(a) can be controlled by a firm
(b) cannot be controlled by a firm
(c) controlled up to some extent by a firm
(d) none of the above

40. AR and MR curve coincide in –
(a) Monopoly
(b) Monopolistic Competition
(c) Perfect Competition
(d) Oligopoly

41. Consider the following figure-
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets - MCQs 41

(a) super normal profit
(b) normal profit
(c) loss
(d) shut down point

42. Perfectly elastic demand curve implies that –
(a) the firm has no control over price
(b) the firm can sell any quantity at the ruling price
(c) the firm is price taker and output adjuster at ruling price
(d) all a, b and c.

43. Under perfect competition, if the AR curve lies below the AC curve, the firm would –
(a) make only normal profit
(b) incur losses
(c) make super normal profit
(d) firm cannot determine profit

44. Short run supply curve of a perfectly competitive firm is represented by –
(a) short run MC curve
(b) short run AC curve
(c) the part of the MC curve that lies above AVC
(d) none of these

45. Firms are of optimum size in the long period in case of –
(a) Monopoly
(b) Perfect competition
(c) Monopolistic competition
(d) All the above

46. The condition of the long run equilibrium for a competitive firm is –
(a) MC = MR = AR
(b) MC = AC = AR
(c) MC = MR = AC
(d) MC = MR = AR = AC

47. In the long run, firms only earn normal profits is a feature of –
(a) perfect competition
(b) monopoly
(c) both a & b
(d) none of these

48. Odd one out of the following :
(a) Firms are of optimum size and earn normal s profits only in long run.
(b) Firms sell identical product at uniform price
(c) Firms are not of optimum size and earn super normal profits in long run.
(d) Firms are free to move in or out of the industry.

49. The industry’s demand curve and the average revenue curve are same in case of –
(a) perfect competition
(b) monopoly
(c) oligopoly
(d) none of the above

50. All the characteristics of monopolistic competition except –
(a) Large number of buyers and sellers
(b) Freedom of entry and exit
(c) Excess production capacity in long run
(d) Full control over price of commodity

51. There is no difference between firm and industry in case of –
(a) pure monopoly
(b) pure oligopoly
(c) duopoly
(d) perfect competition

52. Find the odd out –
(a) Monopoly may be the result of control over raw materials
(b) Monopoly may be the result of business combines
(c) Monopoly may be the result of patents, copyrights, etc.
(d) Monopoly may be the result of control over demand of commodity

53. The demand curve of consumers for product produced by firm is indicated by –
(a) the average cost curve of a firm
(b) the marginal cost curve of a firm
(c) the average revenue curve of a firm
(d) the average revenue curve of an industry.

54. If in the long run super normal profits can be made by a firm, it means the firm belongs to
(a) perfect competition market
(b) monopolistic competition market
(c) monopoly market
(d) oligopoly market

55. If e >1 on average revenue curve –
(a) MR is positive and TR is rising
(b) MR is negative and TR is falling
(c) MR is zero and TR is maximum
(d) none of these

56. When MR is zero the elasticity of demand on AR curve is –
(a) e < 1 and TR is maximum
(b) e = 1 and TR is maximum
(c) e > 1 and TR is rising
(d) none of these

57. Entry to the market for new firms is blocked in –
(a) perfect competition
(b) monopoly
(c) oligopoly
(d) monopolistic competition

58. When the firm charges different prices to different customers for the same commodity, it is engaged in –
(a) price determination
(b) price rigidity
(c) price discrimination
(d) none of these

59. Lux Supreme, Rexona, Dove Soap, Pears Soap, Liril Soap, etc. indicates –
(a) perfectly competitive market
(b) monopoly market
(c) monopolistic competitive market
(d) duopoly market

60. If price and marginal revenue are same then the demand curve must be –
(a) perfectly inelastic and vertical
(b) highly elastic and downward sloping
(c) perfectly elastic and horizontal
(d) highly inelastic and downward sloping

61. Perfectly elastic demand curve signifies that –
(a) the firm has no control over price of commodity
(b) the firm has to sell any amount of commodity at prevailing price
(c) the firms average revenue and marginal revenue coincide
(d) all the above

62. If under perfect competition, the demand curve lies above the average cost curve, the firm would –
(a) make normal profits
(b) incur losses
(c) make super normal profits
(d) profit is indeterminate

63. If a monopoly firm is charging price ₹ 20 per unit and elasticity of demand is 5, then, MR will be –
(a) ₹ 10
(b) ₹ 12
(c) ₹ 14
(d) ₹ 16

64. Monopoly price is the function of –
(a) MC of production
(b) price elasticity of demand
(c) neither (a) nor (b)
(d) both (a) and (b)

65. Railways is an example of –
(a) perfect competition
(b) monopoly
(c) oligopoly
(d) monopolistic competition

66. Highly elastic negatively sloped demand curve is related to –
(a) monopoly
(b) monopolistic competition
(c) perfect competition
(d) both (a) and (b)

67. The cross elasticity of demand for monopolist’s product is –
(a) zero
(b) less than zero
(c) infinite
(d) unity

68. A market situation in which there are only few firms producing differentiated product which are close substitutes is –
(a) monopolistic competition
(b) oligopoly
(c) duopoly
(d) perfect competition

69. The cross elasticity of demand for the product of a firm under perfect competition is –
(a) zero
(b) less than zero
(c) infinite
(d) unity

70. Demand curve of a firm is indeterminate in case of –
(a) monopoly
(b) oligopoly
(c) duopoly
(d) none of these

71. Under monopolistic competition the cross elasticity of demand for the product of a single firm is –
(a) infinite
(b) highly elastic
(c) highly inelastic
(d) zero

72. At every level of output AR = MR in case of –
(a) perfect competition
(b) monopoly
(c) oligopoly
(d) all the above

73. Kinked demand curve is related to –
(a) monopoly
(b) pure competition
(c) oligopoly
(d) none of these

74. A single movie theatre in a small town or city means –
(a) perfect competition
(b) monopoly
(c) monopolistic competition
(d) both (a) and (b)

75. According to kinked demand curve theory, the upper segment of the demand curve is –
(a) highly elastic
(b) highly inelastic
(c) unitary elastic
(d) perfectly inelastic

76. A firm under perfectly competitive market wants to double its sales. The firm would –
(a) lower the price of commodity
(b) improve the quality of commodity
(c) offer double the quantity for sale at ruling price
(d) advertise the product aggressively

77. For maximization of profits, MR = MC is the first order condition –
(a) only under monopoly
(b) only under perfect competition
(c) both under monopoly as well as perfect competition
(d) in any type of market

78. Which of the following statements are correct with regard to firm’s equilibrium –
(i) MR = MC
(ii) MC curve cuts the MR curve from below
(iii) TR = TC
(iv) MR = AR
(a) i & ii
(b) ii & iii
(c) iii & iv
(d) none of these

79. A firm under monopolistic competition is in long run equilibrium –
(a) at the minimum point of the long run AC curve
(b) at the falling segment of the long run AC curve
(c) at the rising segment of the long run AC curve
(d) when Price = MC

80. The AR curve is tangent to the minimum point of AC curve in the long run, if there is –
(a) perfect competition
(b) oligopoly
(c) monopoly
(d) monopolistic competition

81. In the long run, one firm operates at the optimum level while other operates at sub-optimum level. Such firms belong to –
(a) monopoly and perfect competition
(b) perfect competition and monopolistic competition
(c) monopolistic competition and oligopoly
(d) oligopoly and monopoly

82. Which one of the following gives the correct relationship between MR, AR and price elasticity
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets - MCQs 82

83. Marginal revenue will be negative if elasticity of demand is –
(a) equal to zero
(b) less than zero
(c) greater than one
(d) less than one

84. The phenomena of excess production capacity is associated with –
(a) Perfect competition
(b) Monopolistic competition
(c) Monopoly
(d) Oligopoly

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets - MCQs 85

The AR and MR for 6 units would be –
(a) 55 and 30 respectively
(b) 30 and 55 respectively
(c) 60 and 30 respectively
(d) 30 and 60 respectively

Use the following data to answer Qs. 86 – 87
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets - MCQs 85.1

86. The total revenue of the of 2 units would be –
(a) ₹ 10
(b) ₹ 16
(c) ₹ 18
(d) can not be determined

87. The marginal revenue of 3rd unit would be –
(a) ₹ 10
(b) ₹ 6
(c) ₹ 4
(d) ₹ 2

88. Suppose the price of a commodity determined in a competitive market is ₹ 5, then the marginal revenue of the 4th unit sold would be –
(a) ₹ 20
(b) ₹ 15
(c) ₹ 10
(d) ₹ 5

89. A monopoly firm faces a downward sloping demand curve because –
(a) it has an inelastic demand
(b) it sells large quantities to few buyers
(c) it is same as the industry
(d) consumers prefer its product

90. At the quantity where MR equals MC, the AFC is ₹ 7; AVC is ₹ 23 and the price is ₹ 30, hence, the firm –
(a) should continue production in short run
(b) should continue production in long run
(c) should shut down
(d) none of these

91. A firm has to take decision whether to produce 15th unit of output but finds its marginal cost of 15th unit to be ₹ 25 and marginal revenue of 15th unit to be ₹ 18 hence firm –
(a) should produce 15th unit
(b) should cut down its output level
(c) should further expand production beyond 15th unit
(d) can not determine output level

Use the following data for Qs. 92-94
A perfectly competitive firm has the following cost schedule
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets - MCQs 91

92. if the market price is ₹ 13, to maximize profits the firm should produce –
(a) 8 units
(b) 7 units
(c) 6 units
(d) 9 units

93. At the market price of ? would be – 6, the maximum profits
(a) ₹ 5
(b) ₹ 10
(c) ₹ 15
(d) ₹ (-) 24

94. Suppose the price falls choose to produce – to ₹ 7, the firm would
(a) 5 units
(b) 6 units
(c) 7 units
(d) 8 units

95. A competitive firms MC curve and AVC curve are given to, show which region of the curves show the firm’s supply curve in the short run.
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets - MCQs 95

(a) region HE
(b) region EG
(c) region EF
(d) region IE

96. A firm making zero economic profit –
(a) earns super normal profits
(b) incur losses
(c) earns a normal profits
(d) profit or loss is indeterminate

97. If average variable cost exceeds the market price, the firm should produce –
(a) zero output with fixed costs
(b) zero output without fixed cost
(c) less output without fixed costs
(d) zero output with or without fixed cost

98. An individual firm is only output adjuster at ruling market price in –
(a) monopoly
(b) oligopoly
(c) perfect competition
(d) monopolistic competition .

99. There are few firms selling homogeneous or differentiated products in –
(a) Perfect competition
(b) Oligopoly
(c) Monopolistic competition
(d) None of these

100. Kinked demand curve shows-
(a) Fall in price
(b) rise in price
(c) Stability in price
(d) both (a) and (b)

101. In the above figure, the demand curves facing a seller under perfect competition, monopolistic ‘ competition and Monopoly are-
(a) AR2 ; AR1, AR
(b) AR1, AR2, AR
(c) AR, AR2, AR1
(d) AR, AR1, AR2

102. The demand curve is undefined under _____ market structure.
(a) oligopoly
(b) monopoly
(c) perfect competition
(d) monopolistic competition

103. When demand is elastic, MR is _____
(a) negative
(b) positive
(c) zero
(d) one

104. The market that induces formation of cartels is _____
(a) Perfect Competition
(b) Monopoly
(c) Oligopoly
(d) None of these

105. Match the following ;
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets - MCQs 105

(a) A-2 ; B-3 ; C-1 ; D-4
(b) A-4 ; B-1 ; C-2 ; D-3
(c) A-1 ; B-2 ; C-3 ; D-4
(d) A-2 ; B-1 ; C-4 ; D-3

106. A bilateral monopoly is one which-
(a) there are two products with one producer
(b) there are international monopoly agree-ments
(c) monopoly is shared between the people
(d) a monopolist is facing a monopsonist

107. The characteristic of monopolistic competition which is compatible with monopoly is-
(a) One seller and large number of buyers
(b) Full control over price
(c) Freedom of entry and exit
(d) Demand Curve slopes downward

108. If the demand curve of a firm is a horizontal straight line-
(a) a firm can sell any quantity at prevailing price
(b) a firm can sell only specific quantity at prevailing price
(c) all firms can sell equal amount of a com-modity
(d) firms can differentiate their products

109. When demand curve is inelastic ; MR is-
(a) negative
(b) positive
(c) zero
(d) one

110. A rational producer will always operate on the _____ portion of the demand curve
(a) elastic
(b) inelastic
(c) unitary elastic
(d) perfectly inelastic

111. Firms have chronic excess production capacity in _____ market
(a) duopoly
(b) perfect competition
(c) monopolistic competition
(d) oligopoly

112. The theory of monopolistic competition is developed by-
(a) H.E. Chamberlin
(b) Mrs.JoanRobinson
(c) Dr. Marshall
(d) Nicholoas Kaldor

113. The point where P = AC is called –
(a) profit earning point
(b) loss making point
(c) breakeven point
(d) shut down point

114. TR is a straight positively sloping line from origin is under-
(a) perfect competition
(b) monopoly
(c) duopoly
(d) oligopoly

115. If a monopolist resorts to price discrimination, price will be higher in the market where demand is-
(a) unitary elastic
(b) elastic
(c) inelastic
(d) none of these

116. Under collusive oligopoly, price is often decided by-
(a) the industry
(b) the firm
(c) price leader
(d) none of these

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets - MCQs 117
In the figure above, If OP is price, then ACO represents-

(a) TC
(b) TR
(c) TR at OP price
(d) TR at OY price

118. Slope of firm’s demand curve = ∞ under perfect competition means demand curve is_____
(a) horizontal
(b) vertical
(c) positive
(d) negative

119. Price exceeds MC under monopoly, but not under perfect competition because-
(a) in perfect competition AR = MR
(b) in perfect competition AR = MC
(c) in monopoly AR > MR
(d) all the above

120. In the long run, a monopolist produces _____ level of output and charge a _____ price than a firm under perfect competition market
(a) lower ; higher
(b) lower; lower
(c) higher ; lower
(d) higher ; higher

121. TR minus total explicit cost is called
(a) profit
(b) economic profit
(c) supernormal profit
(d) accounting profit

122. Under perfect competition when price line (AR) passes through minimum point of AVC curve is called _____
(a) minimum losses point
(b) shut down point
(c) breakeven point
(d) profit point

123. At the shut down point, losses of a firm under perfect competition are equal to-
(a) AVC
(b) TFC
(c) AC
(d) MC

124. In the long run under monopolistic competition, profit maximizing profit is _____
(a) less than least cost output
(b) more than least cost output
(c) equal to least cost output
(d) none of the above

125. “Purchase only made-in-India jadi-booti toothpaste” will impact the different of market more towards
(a) monopoly
(b) duopoly
(c) oligopoly
(d) none of the above

126. A monopolist can determine –
(a) price
(b) output
(c) either price or output
(d) both price and output

127. A monopolistic firm has a position of ATC = price in the _____
(a) short run equilibrium
(b) very short run equilibrium
(c) long run equilibrium
(d) any period of time

128. In perfect competition, in the long run, if new firms enter the industry the supply curve shifts to the right resulting in ______
(a) fall in price
(b) rise in price
(c) no change in price
(d) none of the above

129. The difference between least cost output and profit maximizing output is called _____
(a) reserve capacity
(b) excess capacity
(c) normal capacity
(d) abnormal capacity

130. The kink occurs at-
(a) any price
(b) prevailing price
(c) any quantity
(d) to be determined price

131. Doctors, lawyers, consultants, services like power supply, telecommunication fees to different patients/clients. This is a ______ price discrimination.
(a) first degree
(b) second degree
(c) third degree
(d) both second and third degree

132. Charging different prices by monopolist to customers in geographically separate market is a degree of price discrimination.
(a) first
(b) second
(c) third
(d) price discrimination is not possible in separate markets

133. Monopolist charging a price that takes away the entire consumer surplus is a case of _____ degree of price discrimination.
(a) first
(b) second
(c) third
(d) none of the above

134. Which of the following statements refer to Trice leadership?
(a) Existence of perfect competition
(b) A form of price collusion
(c) Stiff competition
(d) The maintenance of a monopolistic price

135. How many sellers usually exist in an oligopoly market?
(a) A large number of sellers
(b) One seller
(c) Few sellers
(d) Two sellers

136. Which of the following is not correct?
(a) if e > 1, MR is +ve
(b) if e < 1, MR is – ve
(c) if e = 1, MR = 0
(d) if e = 0, MR = 0

137. Long-run supply curve in the constant cost industry-
(a) slopes downward to the right
(b) slopes upward to the right
(c) is horizontal straight line
(d) none of the above

138. The concept of group equilibrium is related to-
(a) Paul Sweezy
(b) Chamberlin’s monopolistic competition
(c) Perfect competition
(d) none of the above

139. Dumping is an example of price discrimination which is _____ price discrimination
(a) of first degree
(b) of second degree
(c) of third degree
(d) international

140. _____ is the market structure where there is a single buyer.
(a) Monopsony
(b) Monopoly
(c) Oligopsony
(d) Duopoly

141. At all the level of output AR = MR in _____
(a) a perfect competition market
(b) a monopoly market
(c) a oligopoly market
(d) all the above

142. The long run supply curve of an increasing cost industry
(a) slopes downwards towards right
(b) slopes down towards left
(c) slopes up towards right
(d) none of these

143. The long run supply curve sloping down towards right belongs to _____ industry
(a) increasing cost
(b) decreasing cost
(c) constant cost
(d) none of these

144. Under perfect competition, the MC curve at equilibrium will be-
(a) constant
(b) rising
(c) falling
(d) none of these

145. Market price is the price that prevails in a _____
(a) very short period market
(b) short period market
(c) long period market
(d) secular period market

146. The market in which normal price prevails is a _____ market.
(a) Market period
(b) short period
(c) long period
(d) secular period

147. Excess capacity is not found under
(a) Monopoly
(b) Monopolistic Competition
(c) Oligopoly
(d) Perfect Competition

148. Which of the following is not a characteristics of a “price taker”?.
(a) TR = P X Q
(b) AR = Price
(c) Negatively sloped demand curve
(d) Marginal Revenue = Price

149. In monopolistic competition, a firm is in long run equilibrium _____
(a) at the lowest point of the LAC curve
(b) at the falling part of the LAC curve
(c) at the rising part of the LAC curve
(d) when, price = MC

150. The sale of branded goods is common situation is case of _____
(a) perfect competition
(b) monopolistic competition
(c) monopoly
(d) pure competition

151. Which market explains that Marginal Cost is equal to price for attaining equilibrium.
(a) Perfect Competition
(b) Monopoly
(c) Oligopoly
(d) Monopolistic Competition

152. When AR = ₹ 10 and AC = ₹ 8 the firm makes
(a) Normal Profit
(b) Net Profit
(c) Gross Profit
(d) Supernormal Profit

153. A firm’s AVC curve is rising, its MC curve must be ______
(a) constant
(b) above the TC curve
(c) above the AVC curve
(d) all the above

154. When a market is in equilibrium or has cleared it means _____
(a) No shortages exist
(b) Quantity demanded equals quantity sup-plied
(c) A price is established that clears the market
(d) All the above

155. If a competitive firm doubles its output, its total revenue-
(a) doubles
(b) more than doubles
(c) less than doubles
(d) none of these

156. Which is the first order condition for the profit of a firm to be maximum?
(a) AC = MR
(b) MC = MR
(c) MR = AR
(d) AC = AR

157. Full capacity is utilized only when there is
(a) Monopoly
(b) Perfect Competition
(c) Price Discrimination
(d) Oligopoly

158. The upper portion of the kinked demand curve is relatively-
(a) More elastic
(b) More inelastic
(c) Less elastic
(d) Inelastic

159. In the very short run period, the price of the commodity is influenced most by-
(a) demand
(b) supply
(c) cost
(d) production

160. Long run normal prices is that which is likely to prevail-
(a) all the times
(b) in market period
(c) in short-run period
(d) in long-run period

161. The degree of monopoly power is measured in terms of difference between-
(a) Marginal Cost and the price
(b) Average Cost and Average Revenue
(c) Marginal Cost and Average Cost
(d) Marginal Revenue and Average Cost


CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 4 Price Determination in Different Markets - MCQs answers

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 2 Theory of Demand and Supply – MCQs

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 2 Theory of Demand and Supply – MCQs


Law of Demand and Elasticity of Demand

1. Demand in economic sense means-
(a) mere desire for a commodity
(b) mere ability to pay price of the commodity
(c) mere wiling to pay the price of the commodity
(d) desire backed by ability and willingness to pay for the commodity desired

2. In economics, demand refers to-
(a) quantity demanded at a particular time
(b) quantity demanded backed by ability to pay
(c) quantity demanded of all goods
(d) quantity demanded at a particular price in a given period of time

3. The concept of demand demonstrates that-
(a) demand is always with reference to price
(b) demand is referred to in a given period of time
(c) buyer’s ability and willingness to pay
(d) all the above

4. Demand is a
(a) flow concept Le. quantity per unit of time
(b) stock concept
(c) wealth concept
(d) none of the above

5. Demand concept explains the ________ behaviour in response to change in price of a good.
(a) producer’s
(b) seller’s
(c) consumer’s
(d) none of the above

6. Individual Demand is also called-
(a) industrial demand
(b) market demand
(c) household’s demand
(d) all the above

7. ________ means quantity demanded of a good by a single consumer at various prices per unit of time.
(a) Market Demand
(b) Individual Demand
(c) Industrial Demand
(d) None of the above

8. _______ means the aggregates of the quantities
demanded by all consumers in the market at different prices per unit of time.
(a) Market Demand
(b) Individual Demand
(c) Industrial Demand
(d) Household Demand

9. All but one are the factors which affect individual demand. Find the odd one out.
(a) Price of related good
(b) Income of the consumer
(c) Tastes and preferences of consumer
(d) Number of consumers in the market

10. _________ is a tabular presentation showing different quantities demanded by buyers at different levels of prices in a given period.
(a) Supply Schedule
(b) Demand Schedule
(c) Production Schedule
(d) Cost Schedule

11. A demand schedule is shown as-
(a) a result of increase in the size of the family
(b) a result of change in tastes and preferences
(c) a function of price
(d) all the above

12. Market Demand is the sum total of-
(a) all quantities that producer’s can produce
(b) all quantities actually sold in the market
(c) all quantities demanded by individual households and consumers
(d) all the above

13. Demand of a good of several consumers when added together is called _______ demand.
(a) individual
(b) market
(c) joint
(d) independent

14. When a good can be used to satisfy two or more wants, it is said to have _______ demand.
(a) composite
(b) competitive
(c) joint
(d) market

15. Indirect demand of a good is also known as _______ demand.
(a) direct
(b) derived
(c) joint
(d) competitive

16. Which of the following is a determinant of Individual Demand?
(a) Cost of production
(b) Nature of commodity
(c) Economic Policies of the Government
(d) Tastes and Preferences of consumers

17. Which of the following is NOT the determinant of demand?
(a) Price of the commodity
(b) Price of related commodities
(c) Income of consumer
(d) None of the above

18. How are APPLES and ORANGES related when as a result of rise in price of Apples, demand for Oranges increases?
(a) Substitute goods
(b) Complementary goods
(c) Normal goods
(d) Inferior goods

19. If two goods are complementary then rise in the price of one results in-
(a) rise in demand for the other
(b) fall in demand for the other
(c) rise in demand for both
(d) none of these

20. If the demand for CNG increases as price of petrol increases, the two goods are-
(a) Normal goods
(b) Complementary goods
(c) Substitute goods
(d) Superior goods

21. Comforts lies between-
(a) inferior goods and necessaries
(b) luxuries and inferior goods
(c) necessaries and luxuries
(d) none of the above

22. When price of commodity rises, the demand for it _______ .
(a) rises
(b) contracts
(c) remain constant
(d) becomes negative

23. When the price of petrol goes up, demand for two-wheelers will-
(a) rise
(b) fall
(c) remain same
(d) none of these

24. An increase in the income of a consumer has effect on demand in general.
(a) no
(b) negative
(c) opposite
(d) positive

25. The demand for Scooter and petrol is an example of _______ demand.
(a) joint
(b) composite
(c) competitive
(d) market

26. _______ goods are those goods which are used for the production of other goods.
(a) Durable
(b) Producer’s
(c) Non-Durable
(d) Consumer’s

27. _______ goods are those which are used for final consumption.
(a) Durable
(b) Producer’s
(c) Non-Durable
(d) Consumer’s

28. Bread, Milk, Readymade clothes, T.V., etc. are examples of _______ goods
(a) perishable
(b) producer’s
(c) consumer’s
(d) inferior

29. The goods which cannot be consumed more than once, like milk are known as _______ goods.
(a) non-durable consumer goods
(b) producer’s
(c) inferior
(d) durable consumer goods

30. _______ goods meets only our current demand.
(a) producers
(b) durable consumer goods
(c) non-durable consumer goods
(d) inferior

31. The goods which can be consumed more than once over a period of time are known as _______ goods.
(a) non-durable consumer goods
(b) producer’s
(c) durable consumer goods
(d) inferior

32. When demand of any good depends upon the demand of another good, it is said to have _______ demand.
(a) joint
(b) derived
(c) competitive
(d) direct

33. The total demand for steel in the country denotes _______ demand.
(a) industry
(b) company
(c) both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) autonomous

34. If the demand for a product is independent of the demand for other goods, it is called as _______ demand.
(a) company
(b) industry
(c) autonomous
(d) derived

35. If the construction activity in housing sector, infrastructure, etc. rises, the demand for cement will _______ as it has _______ demand.
(a) rise ; autonomous
(b) fall; autonomous
(c) rise ; derived
(d) none of these

36. Demand for steel produced by Tata Iron and Steel Company is an example of _______ demand.
(a) industry
(b) company
(c) autonomous
(d) joint

37. When demand of any good reacts immediately to price changes, income changes, etc. it is said to have _______ demand.
(a) short-run
(b) long-run
(c) very short run
(d) very long run

38. A relative price is-
(a) price expressed in terms of money
(b) what you get paid for babysitting your cousin
(c) the ratio of one price to another
(d) equal to a money price

39. The quantity demanded of a good or service is the amount that-
(a) consumer plan to buy during a given period at a given price.
(b) firms are willing to sell during a given time period at a given price.
(c) a consumer would like to buy but may not be able to afford.
(d) is actually bought during a given period at a given price.

40. Coca-Cola and Thumbs-Up are substitutes. A rise in the price of Coca-Cola will _______ the demand of Thumbs-Up and the quantity demanded of Thumbs-Up will _______ .
(a) increase ; increase
(b) increase;decrease
(c) decrease ; decrease
(d) decrease;increase

41. If the price of Orange Juice falls, the demand for Apple Juice will _______ .
(a) increase
(b) decrease
(c) remain the same
(d) become negative

42. The demand for consumer goods is a _______ demand.
(a) direct
(b) indirect
(c) constant
(d) company

43. If the price of inferior goods fall, the demand for them will _______.
(a) rise
(b) fall
(c) remain constant
(d) become zero

44. The Law of Demand states _______ relation between demand and price of a commodity.
(a) a direct
(b) positive
(c) an indirect
(d) no

45. When total demand for a commodity whose price has fallen increases, it is due to
(a) income effect
(b) substitution effect
(c) complementary effect
(d) price effect

46. With a fall in the price of a commodity
(a) Consumer’s real income increases
(b) Consumer’s money income increases
(c) Consumer’s real income falls
(d) Consumer’s money income falls

47. When we draw a market demand curve, we _______.
(a) do not consider tastes, incomes and all prices
(b) assume that tastes, incomes and all other prices change in the same way price changes
(c) assume that tastes, incomes and all other prices are irrelevant
(d) assume that tastes, incomes and all other prices remain the same

48. All but one of the following are assumed to remain the same while drawing individual’s demand curve for a commodity. Which are is it?
(a) The tastes and preferences of the consumer
(b) Income of consumer
(c) The price of the commodity
(d) The prices of related commodities

49. A fall in price of a commodity leads to _______.
(a) a shift in demand curve
(b) a rise in consumer’s real income
(c) a fall in demand
(d) none of the above

50. If a fall in price of ‘y’ results in a decrease in the sale of ‘x’, the two good appear to be-
(a) substitute goods
(b) complementary goods
(c) inferior goods
(d) neutral goods

51. Which of the following is not a complementary good for pen?
(a) refills
(b) paper
(c) notebook
(d) rice

52. _______ goods are the goods which can be used with equal case in place of each other.
(a) Neutral
(b) Normal
(c) Complementary
(d) Substitute

53. Which of the following pairs of goods are an example of substitutes?
(a) Tea and Sugar
(b) Tea and Coffee
(c) Pen and Ink
(d) Shirt and Trouser

54. When the price of a substitute of good ‘X’ falls, the demand for good ‘X’
(a) rises
(b) falls
(c) remains unchanged
(d) None of these

55. If the demand rises with the rise in consumer’s real income, such a good is called _______.
(a) Normal goods
(b) Neutral goods
(c) Inferior goods
(d) Luxury goods

56. Giffen goods are-
(a) Normal goods
(b) Inferior goods
(c) Luxury goods
(d) Neutral goods

57. As the consumer’s income increases, the demand for necessaries of life will increase _______ to the increase in income.
(a) Less than proportionate
(b) More than proportionate
(c) Proportionate
(d) Nothing can be said

58. As the consumer’s income increases, the demand for comforts and luxuries will increase _______ to the increase in income.
(a) Less than proportionate
(b) More than proportionate
(c) Proportionate
(d) Nothing can be said

59. During boom period in economy, the demand for goods in general _______.
(a) rises
(b) falls
(c) remains same
(d) none of these

60. Larger the size of population of a country _______ is the demand for goods and services in general.
(a) lower
(b) ineffective
(c) neutral
(d) higher

61. In case the consumer expects a steep rise in price of Potatoes in future, his current demand for it will _______.
(a) remain same
(b) fall
(c) rise
(d) none of the above

62. All but one of the good’s demand is not affected by changes in weather conditions-
(a) Ice-cream
(b) Woollen clothes
(c) Cold drinks
(d) Wheat

63. If the government increase the rate of indirect taxes on goods and services, the demand for then will _______ in general.
(a) rise
(b) fall
(c) remain neutral
(d) be ineffective

64. If the government reduces the tax on any pro-duct, the demand for the product _______ in the short run.
(a) rises
(b) falls
(c) remain unchanged
(d) tax has nothing to do with the demand of any product

65. If the demand for petrol remains unchanged with rise in its price, it means petrol is a _______
(a) Normal good
(b) Necessity
(c) Luxury good
(d) Inferior good

66. If quantity demanded of good ‘X’ is plotted against the price of its substitute good ‘Y’, the demand curve will be-
(a) Vertical Straight line
(b) Positively sloped
(c) Horizontal Straight line
(d) Negatively sloped

67. Consider the following figure:

In the above figure, RS part of the demand curve represents-
(a) Superior good
(b) Inferior good
(c) Normal good
(d) Giffen’s good

68. In case of normal goods the income effect is _______
(a) zero
(b) negative
(c) positive
(d) constant

69. Income effect on demand of a good is _______.
(a) positive for normal goods
(b) always positive
(c) negative for normal goods
(d) always negative

70. The Law of Demand is explained by-
(a) Cardinal approach
(b) Ordinal approach
(c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’

71. The Law of Demand refers to functional relation between-
(a) Price & Supply
(b) Price & Cost
(c) Price & Income
(d) Price & Demand

72. The term “Ceteris Paribus” in the Law of Demand means-
(a) All factors except one remain constant
(b) All factors remain constant
(c) All factors are variable
(d) None of the above

73. Which of the following is a variable and influencing factor in the Law of Demand?
(a) Consumer’s Income
(b) Consumer’s Tastes and Preferences
(c) Price of related goods
(d) Price of the good

74. The phrase “Other things being equal” in the Law of Demand means-
(a) Income of the consumer remain unchanged
(b) Price of related goods remain unchanged
(c) Tastes and Preferences of consumer remain unchanged
(d) All the above

75. The total effect of price change of a good is-
(a) Substitution Effect + Income Effect
(b) Substitution Effect + Price Effect
(c) Substitution Effect + Demonstration Effect
(d) Demonstration Effect + Veblen Effect

76. Substitution Effect subscribe to the inverse relation between Px and Qx in case of-
(a) normal goods only
(b) inferior goods only
(c) normal and inferior goods both
(d) none of the above

77. Income Effect does not subscribe to the inverse relation between Px and Qx in case of-
(a) both normal and inferior goods
(b) inferior goods
(c) normal goods
(d) none of the above

78. The Law of Demand will fail in case of inferior goods only if-
(a) Substitution Effect is greater than Income Effect
(b) Income Effect is greater than’Substitution Effect
(c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’

79. The Law of Demand is a _______ statement.
(a) Positive
(b) Normative
(c) Descriptive
(d) Both ‘a’ and ‘c’

80. _______ refers to the effect of change in the price of a product on the consumer’s purchasing power.
(a) Real Income Effect
(b) Substitution Effect
(c) Consumer’s Surplus
(d) None of the above

81. When the price of Thumbs-up falls, other things being constant, buyers substitute Thumbs-up for Coca-Cola. This is called-
(a) Price Effect
(b) Substitution Effect
(c) Income Effect
(d) Veblen Effect

82. _______ refers to the buyer’s reaction to a change in the relative prices of two products, keeping the total utility constant.
(a) Consumer’s Surplus
(b) Income Effect
(c) Substitution Effect
(d) None of the above

83. The Law of Demand can be explained by-
(a) The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
(b) Indifference Curves
(c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’

84. Consumers buy a good till Px = MUx. If the price falls, the consumer will reach equilibrium-
(a) at a lower quantity
(b) at a higher quantity
(c) at zero quantity level
(d) all the above

85. “Petrol is becoming cheaper, yet the demand for cars is not rising”. This statement indicates that-
(a) The Law of Demand is not operative for cars
(b) The Law of Demand is operative for petrol
(c) The Demand Curve for cars will shift
(d) All the above

86. Downward slope of the demand curve shows-
(a) positive relationship between price and quantity demanded
(b) inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded
(c) no relationship between price and quantity demanded
(d) none of the above

87. In case of NORMAL GOODS, demand curve shows:
(a) a negative slope
(b) a positive slope
(c) zero slope
(d) none of these

88. Law of Demand fails in case of –
(a) normal goods
(b) Giffen goods
(c) inferior goods
(d) both ‘b’ and ‘c’

89. In case of Giffen’s Paradox, the slope of the demand curve is-
(a) parallel to X-axis
(b) positive
(c) negative
(d) parallel to Y-axis

90. A Giffen good is one for which a small change in price results in-
(a) zero income effect out weighted by a positive substitution effect
(b) zero income effect being equal to zero substitution effect
(c) negative income effect out weighed by a positive substitution effect
(d) none of these

91. The Law of Demand indicates the
(a) direction of change in demand of a commodity
(b) magnitude/amount of change in demand of a commodity
(c) both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) elasticity of demand

92. In case of Giffen goods, demand varies _______ with the price.
(a) inversely
(b) directly
(c) proportionately
(d) none of these

93. Analysis of the relationship between demand of a commodity and prices of related commodities is-
(a) Price Demand analysis
(b) Income Demand analysis
(c) Cross Demand analysis
(d) Market Demand analysis

94. _______ observed that when the price of inferior goods fall, the demand for such goods also fall.
(a) Adam Smith
(b) Dr. Alfred Marshall
(c) Ragnar Frisch
(d) Sir Robert Giffens

95. The Law of Demand was propounded by _______ in his book ‘Principles of Economics’.
(a) Lord Keyens
(b) Adam Smith
(c) Dr. Alfred Marshall
(d) Ragnar

96. The tendency of low income group to imitate the consumption pattern of high income group is known as _______ effect.
(a) Demonstration
(b) Copy
(c) Prestige
(d) Veblen

97. The Law of Demand is applicable for _______.
(a) Giffen’s Goods
(b) Prestige Goods
(c) Necessary Goods
(d) Normal Goods

98. When price changes and proportionate change in market demand is more than proportionate change in individual demand implies that the market demand curve is _______ than the individual demand curves.
(a) Steeper
(b) Flatter
(c) Vertical
(d) None of the above

99. A positively sloped demand curve implies
(a) Violation of the law of demand
(b) Giffen good
(c) Income effect is negative and greater than substitution effect
(d) All the above

100. An increase in consumer’s income will increase demand for a _______ but decrease demand for a _______.
(a) substitute good; inferior good
(b) normal good ; inferior good
(c) substitute good ; complementary good
(d) inferior good ; normal good

101. When the quantity of a good that a buyer demands rises when there is growth of purchases by other individuals, such an effect is called _______
(a) Bandwagon Effect
(b) Snob Effect
(c) Veblen Effect
(d) None of the above

102. When the quantity of a commodity that an individual buyer demand falls in response to the growth of purchases by other buyers, such an effect is called _______
(a) Bandwagon Effect
(b) Snob Effect
(c) Veblen Effect
(d) None of the above

103. Some buyer’s demand more of certain commodities at a higher price, such an effect is called _______.
(a) Bandwagon Effect
(b) Snob Effect
(c) Veblen Effect
(d) None of the above

104. The market demand curve in case of Veblen Effect is _______.
(a) steeper
(b) flatter
(c) vertical
(d) horizontal

105. The market demand curve in case of Bandwagon Effect is _______.
(a) less elastic
(b) steeper
(c) flatter
(d) horizontal

106. The market demand curve in case of Snob Effect is _______.
(a) flatter
(b) steeper
(c) less elastic
(d) both ‘b’ and ‘c’

107. A downward sloping Engel Curve shows –
(a) Normal goods
(b) Inferior goods
(c) Substitute goods
(d) Complementary goods

108. Assume that the market demand curve for Dinshaw Ice cream is known and given to us. With summer setting in, price remaining the same the consumers would –
(a) shift to a lower demand curve leftward
(b) move upward along the same demand curve
(c) shift to a higher demand curve rightward
(d) move downward along the same demand curve

109. An exceptional demand curve is one that slopes-
(a) upward to the right
(b) downward to the right
(c) upward to the left
(d) horizontal

110. What will be the impact on the demand curve of CARS when the price of petrol rises?
(a) There will be downward movement on demand curve
(b) Demand curve will shift to left
(c) There will be an upward movement on demand curve
(d) Demand curve will shift to right

111. What will be the impact on the demand curve of DESKTOP COMPUTERS when the price of LAPTOPS increase?
(a) There will be downward movement on demand curve
(b) Demand curve will shift to left
(c) There will be an upward movement on demand curve
(d) Demand curve will shift to right

112. What will be the impact on the demand curve of SUGAR with increase in its price?
(a) Downward movement along the demand curve
(b) Leftward shift of the demand curve
(c) An upward movement along the demand curve
(d) Rightward shift of the demand curve

113. The demand for TROUSERS will lead to _______ due to change in the preference in favour of JEANS.
(a) Extension in Demand of trousers
(b) Increase in Demand of trousers
(c) Contraction in Demand of trousers
(d) Decrease in Demand in trousers

114. The demand curve for BAJRA will when a poor person’s income rises.
(a) shift to the right
(b) shift to the left
(c) be downward sloping
(d) none of the above

115. Match the following—

116. If more is demanded at the same price or the same quantity is demanded at a higher price, it is known as-
(a) Extension of Demand
(b) Contraction of Demand
(c) Increase in Demand
(d) Decrease in Demand

117. A downward movement along the same demand curve means –
(a) more is demanded when the price of good falls
(b) more is demanded at the same price
(c) less is demanded at the same price
(d) less is demanded when the price of good rises

118. A leftward shift of the demand curve shows-
(a) more is demanded at the same price
(b) less is demanded when the price of good rises
(c) less is demanded at the same price
(d) more is demanded when the price of good falls

119. When same quantity of a good is demanded at a lower price, it is known as-
(a) Extension of Demand
(b) Increase in Demand
(c) Contraction of Demand
(d) Decrease in Demand

120. When less quantity is demanded as the price of good rises, there is ________.
(a) Downward movement along the demand curve
(b) Leftward shift of the demand curve
(c) An upward movement along the demand curve
(d) Rightward shift of the demand curve

For Q. Nos. 121 to 124 refer the following demand equation Q = 180 – 6p

121. At what price no one would be willing to buy the commodity?
(a) Rs. 20
(b) Rs. 30
(c) Rs. 40
(d) Rs. 15

122. If the commodity is given free Le. if the demand is autonomous, what is the quantity demanded?
(a) 180
(b) 160
(c) 140
(d) 120

123. If the price of the commodity falls down to Rs. 1, by how much will the quantity demanded change?
(a) 6
(b) 5
(c) 12
(d) 10

124. The total quantity demanded when the price is Rs. 1 p.u. is-
(a) 180
(b) 174
(c) 190
(d) 186

For Q. Nos. 125 to 127 refer the following demand equation
Qx = 12 – 2 Px

125. What would be the quantity demanded at a price of Rs. 3?
(a) 4 units
(b) 5 units
(c) 6 units
(d) 8 units

126. What would be the price when quantity demanded is zero?
(a) Rs. 8
(b) Rs. 4
(c) Rs. 5
(d) Rs. 6

127. What would be the quantity demanded when the price is zero?
(a) 12 units
(b) 10 units
(c) 22 units
(d) 20 units

128. The demand function of a commodity ‘X’ is given by Qx = 20 – 3 Px. What would be he value of Px when the corresponding value of Qx = 14.
(a) Rs. 5
(b) Rs. 4
(c) Rs. 3
(d) Rs. 2

129. At a price of Rs. 10 p.u. the market demand of a commodity is 58 units, out of which consumer ‘A’ has purchased 20 units and consumer ‘B’ has purchased 10 units. How much quantity consumer ‘C’ has purchased?
(a) 28 units
(b) 26 units
(c) 24 units
(d) 22 units

130. The linear demand function is given as- Q = 80 – 20 P. Derive the market demand function when there are 100 consumers in the market.
(a) Q = 8000 – 20 P
(b) Q = 80 – 2000 P
(c) Q = 8000 – 2000 P
(d) None of the above

131. All but one can be referred as Variations in Demand. Which one is not variation in demand?
(a) Movement along the same demand curve
(b) Shifting of demand curve
(c) Changes in the Quantity Demanded
(d) Expansion and Contraction of Demand

132. In case of Expansion and Contraction of Demand, the demand curve-
(a) shifts to the right
(b) shifts to the left
(c) remains the same
(d) none of the above

133. A movement along the demand curve means-
(a) expansion of demand
(b) contraction of demand
(c) changes in the quantity demanded
(d) all the above

134. Change in the demand of a commodity due to the factors other than price is known as-
(a) Increase and Decrease in Demand
(b) Changes in Demand
(c) Shift in Demand
(d) All the above

135. Increase in demand leads to-
(a) Leftward shift of the demand curve
(b) Rightward shift of the demand curve
(c) Upward movement on the same demand curve
(d) Downward movement on the same demand curve

136. Which of the following would result in the shifting of the demand curve?
(a) Increase in the tax on shoes
(b) Growth in the size of population
(c) Changes in weather conditions
(d) All the above

137. Shift in demand does not take place due to-
(a) Change in consumer’s tastes and preferences
(b) Advertisement
(c) Trade conditions
(d) Change in the price of the commodity

138. A rightward shift in the demand curve for Bread would be predicted from-
(a) A decrease in the number of breakfast eaters
(b) A change in tastes
(c) A fall in the price of Bread
(d) A rise in the price of Corn Flakes

139. Consider the following demand curve-

State whether-
(a) The two goods are complementary
(b) The two goods are substitutes
(c) The two goods are not related
(d) None of the above

140. Consider the following figure-

It shows-
(a) Inferior goods
(b) Giffen goods
(c) Normal or Superior goods
(d) All the above

141. Consider the following figure-

It shows demand curve for-
(a) Necessities
(b) Comforts and Luxuries
(c) Inferior Goods
(d) None of the above

142. Consider the following figure-

It shows demand curve for-
(a) Necessities
(b) Comforts and Luxuries
(c) Inferior Goods
(d) None of the above

143. Consider the following figure-

It shows demand curve for-
(a) Necessities
(b) Comforts and Luxuries
(c) Inferior Goods
(d) None of the above

144. Which of the following is shown in the figure?

(a) An increase in demand
(b) Indifference Curve
(c) Supply Curve
(d) None of the above

145. Other things being equal a decrease in demand can be caused by-
(a) A rise in the price of the commodity
(b) A rise in the income of the commodity
(c) A fall in the price of the commodity
(d) A fall in the income of the consumer

146. A rational consumer is a person who
(a) behaves judiciously all the time
(b) is not influenced by the advertisement
(c) knows the prices of goods in different markets and buy the cheapest
(d) has perfect knowledge of the market

147. A normal demand curve of a commodity-
(a) is vertical straight line curve
(b) has a negative slope
(c) is horizontal straight line curve
(d) has a positive slope

148. If the quantity demanded of a commodity is plotted against the price of a substitute goods ceteris paribus the curve is expected to be-
(a) Vertical
(b) Negatively sloped
(c) Horizontal
(d) Positively sloped

149. Income effect operates when there is an-
(a) increase in real income due to fall in price of the commodity
(b) increase in real income due to rise in price of the commodity
(c) increase in real income due to rise in demand of the commodity
(d) increase in money income due to fall in the price of the commodity

150. Who explained the abnormal shape of demand curve for diamonds through the doctrine of conspicuous consumption?
(a) Thorstein Veblen
(b) Robert Giffen
(c) David Ricardo
(d) Alfred Marshall

151. Conspicuous good are also known as-
(a) prestige goods
(b) snob goods
(c) Veblen goods
(d) all the above

152. Elasticity of demand is defined as the responsiveness of the quantity demanded of a good to changes in
(a) price of the commodity
(b) price of related goods
(c) income of the consumer
(d) all the above

153. ________ was the economist to formulate the concept of price elasticity of demand.
(a) Alfred Marshall
(b) Adam Smith
(c) Paul Samuelson
(d) Edwin Cannon

154. The concept of Elasticity of Demand whenever referred unless otherwise specified always means-
(a) Price Elasticity of Demand
(b) Income Elasticity of Demand
(c) Cross Elasticity of Demand
(d) All the above

155. The concept of price elasticity of demand analyses-
(a) direction of change in response to change in price of the commodity
(b) degree of change in response to change in price of the commodity
(c) absolute change in response to change in price of the commodity
(d) none of these

156. When there is no change in quantity demanded in response to any change in price, it is a situation of-
(a) infinite price elasticity
(b) unitary price elasticity
(c) zero price elasticity
(d) high price elasticity

157. Price Elasticity of Demand is defined as-
(a) Change in quantity demanded ÷ Change in Price
(b) % Change in quantity demanded ÷ % Change in Price
(c) Change in quantity demanded ÷ % Change in Price
(d) % Change in quantity demanded ÷ Change in Price

158. Price Elasticity of Demand is given by-

159. When percentage change demand is less than percentage change in price, demand is-
(a) perfectly elastic
(b) perfectly inelastic
(c) less than unitary elastic
(d) more than unitary elastic

160. When percentage change in demand is equal to percentage change in price, demand is-
(a) perfectly elastic
(b) unitary elastic
(c) perfectly inelastic
(d) more elastic

161. Price Elasticity of demand is always because of relationship between price and quantity demanded
(a) negative ; inverse
(b) positive ; direct
(c) negative ; positive
(d) positive ; inverse

162. Coefficient of price elasticity of demand ranges from to
(a) one ; infinity
(b) zero ; infinity
(c) zero ; one
(d) none of the above

163. When there is an infinite demand at a particular price and demand becomes zero with a slight rise in the price then
(a) demand by commodity is perfectly elastic
(b) Ed = ∞
(c) demand curve is horizontal straight line parallel to X-axis
(d) all the above

164. When percentage in quantity demanded is more than percentage change in price then
(a) demand of commodity is highly elastic
(b) Ed > 1 and demand curve is flatter
(c) Ed < 1 and demand curve is steeper
(d) Only ‘a’ and ‘b’ 1

165. When demand curve is parallel to X-axis, elasticity of demand is-
(a) unity
(b) zero
(c) greater than unity
(d) infinity

166. Which curve is called rectangular hyperbola?
(a) Highly Elastic Demand Curve
(b) Less Elastic Demand Curve
(c) Unitary Elastic Demand Curve
(d) None of the above

167. When demand curve is parallel to Y-axis, elasticity of demand is-
(a) unity
(b) zero
(c) less than unity
(d) more than unity

168. As the demand curve becomes flatter and flatter, the elasticity of demand becomes-
(a) higher
(b) lower
(c) equal to infinity
(d) equal to zero

169. When the demand for a commodity does not change with the increase in its price from Rs. 2 to Rs. 5, then elasticity of demand is
(a) E = ∞
(b) Ed = 0
(c) Ed < 1
(d) Ed > 1

170. Slope of perfectly elastic demand curve is equal to ________
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3

171. On all points of a rectangular hyperbola demand curve, elasticity of demand is –
(a) equal to one
(b) zero
(c) more than one
(d) less than one

172. When slope of demand curve = 0, the elasticity of demand is-
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) oo
(d) none of the above

173. To say that the demand for a commodity is elastic means-
(a) That the demand curve slopes downward to the right
(b) That more is sold at a lower price
(c) That a rise in price will increase total revenue
(d) That the change in quantity sold is proportionately greater than the change in price

174. A demand curve is perfectly inelastic if-
(a) a rise in price causes a fall in quantity demanded
(b) a fall in price causes rise in sellers total receipts
(c) the commodity in question is very perishable
(d) a change in price does not change quantity demanded

175. When the demand curve is vertical straight line, demapd is-
(a) perfectly elastic
(b) perfectly inelastic
(c) relatively elastic
(d) relatively inelastic

176. For goods with perfectly inelastic demand-
(a) ∆q = 0
(b) ∆q < ∆p
(c) ∆q = ∆p
(d) ∆p = 0

177. For goods with less elastic demand-
(a) ∆q > ∆p
( b) ∆q = ∆p
(c) ∆q < ∆p
(d) none of the above

178. If the demand of a commodity is less elastic the demand curve will be-
(a) Horizontal line
(b) Vertical line
(c) Downward sloping to the right, flatter
(d) Downward sloping to the right, steeper

179. Rectangular hyperbola is also called-
(a) Equilateral Hyperbola
(b) Vertical Line
(c) Square
(d) Horizontal Line

180. The factor which generally keeps the price elasticity of demand for a good low is-
(a) Variety of uses of that good
(b) Its low price
(c) Close – substitutes for that good
(d) High proportion of the consumer’s income spent on it

181. If you spend more on rent than on soap, your price elasticity of demand for housing is likely to be-
(a) greater than your price elasticity of demand for soap
(b) less than your price elasticity of demand for soap
(c) equal to your price elasticity of demand for soap
(d) none of the above

182. The demand for common salt has low price elasticity because-
(a) it has no close substitute
(b) it is necessity
(c) it constitutes only a small proportion of consumer’s expenditure
(d) all the above

183. The devaluation of currency would increase the export earnings only when demand for the nation’s exports in foreign market is-
(a) Elastic
(b) Inelastic
(c) Perfectly Inelastic
(d) Unitary Elastic

184. The demand for sugar and tea is usually:
(a) Elastic
(b) Inelastic
(c) Perfectly elastic
(d) Perfectly inelastic

185. Availability of close substitutes makes the demand-
(a) Less elastic
(b) More elastic
(c) Perfectly elastic
(d) Perfectly inelastic

186. Elasticity is greater than unity for-
(a) necessaries
(b) luxuries
(c) complementary goods
(d) inferior goods

187. Complementary goods exhibit ________ elasticity of demand.
(a) low
(b) high
(c) unitary
(d) none of the above

188. All but one of the following commodities has elastic demand. Which one has inelastic demand?
(a) Coca-Cola
(b) Butter for poor person
(c) Cigarettes
(d) Electricity

189. Demand is ________ in the long period than in the short period.
(a) less elastic
(b) perfectly elastic
(c) perfectly inelastic
(d) more elastic

190. The demand for necessities is ________
(a) Highly elastic
(b) Highly inelastic
(c) Slightly elastic
(d) Slightly inelastic

191. If the demand for a commodity is ________, the entire burden of indirect tax will fall on the consumer.
(a) Relatively inelastic
(b) Perfectly inelastic
(c) Relatively elastic
(d) Perfectly elastic

192. Which of the following helps the manager to estimate the demand of a commodity?
(a) Price of the commodity
(b) Price of the substitute commodities
(c) Elasticity of the commodity
(d) All the above

193. The price elasticity of demand for a face cream is estimated to be ONE, no matter what the price or quantity demanded. In this case-
(a) a 1096 increase in price will result in 1096 increase in quantity demanded
(b) a 1096 increase in price will result in 1096 fall in quantity demanded
(c) an increase in price will increase the seller’s revenue
(d) none of the above

194. If demand is ________ then price cuts will ________ spending.
(a) perfectly inelastic ; increase
(b) elastic; increase
(c) elastic; decrease
(d) none of the above

195. Suppose the demand for Dosa at Dosa Plaza is elastic. If the owner of the restaurant is consid¬ering raising the price, it can expect relatively-
(a) large fall in quantity demanded
(b) large fall in demand
(c) small fall in quantity demanded
(d) small fall in demand

196. If a 1096 rise in the price of a commodity causes the demand to fall by 2096
(a) demand was inelastic
(b) demand was infinitely elastic
(c) demand was elastic
(d) none of the above

197. On typical straight line demand curve, the elasticity of demand at a point where it meets the price axis is-
(a) 2
(b) 0.75
(c) 1
(d) infinite

198. On a straight line demand curve the elasticity of demand at the mid-point of the curve is-
(a) 1/2
(b) 2
(c) 0
(d) 1

199. To measure price elasticity over large changes in price we use ________
(a) point elasticity method
(b) arc elasticity method
(c) income elasticity method
(d) none of the above

200. If the demand for a good is elastic, an increase in its price will cause the total expenditure of the consumers of the good to
(a) Remain the same
(b) Increase
(c) Decrease
(d) None of these

201. When the price of Good ‘X’ goes up by 1096 its demand falls from 800 units to 600 units. What is the price elasticity of Good ‘X?
(a) – 2.5 with flatter demand curve
(b) 2.5 with flatter demand curve
(c) – 1.5 with steeper demand curve
(d) 1.5 with steeper demand curve

202. The demand by a consumer for a commodity falls by 1096 when its price increases from ₹ 5 to ₹ 6 per unit. What is the price elasticity of demand?
(a) unitary elastic
(b) 0.5
(c) .8
(d) 1.5

203. 30 units of a commodity is purchased by a consumer at the price of ₹ 46 per unit. When the price rises to ₹ 50 per unit, he buy 15 units only. The co-efficient of elasticity do demand is –
(a) 4.75
(b) 5
(c) 5.75
(d) 6

204. A consumer spends ₹ 40 on a good at a price of ₹ 1 per unit and ₹ 60 at a price of ₹ 2 per unit. The elasticity of demand is-
(a) 0.25
(b) 2.5
(c) .35
(d) 3.5

205. A consumer buy 20 units of a good at ? ₹ 10 p.u. The price elasticity of demand of this good is -1. How much quantity would be demanded by the consumer when the PRICE FALLS to ₹8 p.u.?
(a) 21 units
(b) 22 units
(c) 23 units
(d) 24 units

206. A consumer buy 40 units of a commodity at ₹ 5 per unit. Its Ed = -3. How much demand of quantity he will buy at ₹ 6 per unit?
(a) 15 units
(b) 16 units
(c) 17 units
(d) 18 units

207. The market demand of a commodity at ₹ 4 per unit is 100 units. The price RISES and as a result its market demand falls to 75 units. If Ed = -1, find out its new price.
(a) ₹ 5
(b) ₹ 6
(c) ₹ 7
(d) ₹ 8

208. A consumer buy 80 units of a commodity at ₹ 4 per unit. When the price FALLS, he buy 100 units. If Ed = -1, the new price will be-
(a) ₹ 3.5
(b) ₹ 3
(c) ₹ 2.5
(d) ₹ 2

209. Demand for good ‘X’ is perfectly inelastic. What will be the change in demand if price falls from ₹ 10 per unit to ₹ 5 per unit?
(a) No change in demand
(b) Large change in demand
(c) Medium change in demand
(d) None of the above

210. What happens to total expenditure on a commodity when its price falls and its demand is price elastic?
(a) Total expenditure will remain constant
(b) Total expenditure will fall
(c) Total expenditure will increase
(d) None of the above

211. As the price of a product falls by 7%, the total expenditure on it has gone up by 3.5%. The elasticity of demand of this product is-
(a) Ed = 0
(b) Ed > l
(c) Ed < 1
(d) Ed = 1

212. Let Qx = 1400/p Find, total expenditure on good ‘X’ when Px falls from ₹ 6 to ₹ 1 ; derive the value of Ed and what shape the demand curve will take?
(a) ₹ 1400 ; Ed = 1 and rectangular hyperbola
(b) ₹ 1400 ; Ed < 1 and steep demand curve
(c) ₹ 1400 ; Ed > 1 and flatter demand curve
(d) ₹ 2800 ; Ed = 1 and rectangular hyperbola

213. The demand of a commodity was 100 units initially. With the rise in price by ₹ 5, the quantity demanded falls by 5 units. Elasticity of demand is 1.2. Find out the price BEFORE the change in demand.
(a) ₹ 100
(b) ₹ 140
(c) ₹ 120
(d) ₹ 160

214. Regardless of changes in its price, if the quantity demanded of a good remains constant, then the demand curve for the good will be-
(a) horizontal
(b) vertical
(c) positively sloped
(d) negatively sloped

215. The total revenue of the seller will increase with a fall in price if-
(a) demand is unitary
(b) the percentage change in quantity demand¬ed is less than percentage in price
(c) demand is inelastic
(d) the percentage in quantity demanded is greater than the percentage change in price

216. Point elasticity is useful for which of the following situations?
(a) A restaurant is considering increasing the price of dosa from ₹ 100 to ₹ 200
(b) Lakme is considering lowering the price of its lipsticks by 50%
(c) Maruti Car Ltd. lower the price of Alto 800 by ₹ 1,000
(d) None of the above

217. If there are finite change in price and quantity demanded over a stretch on the demand curve, it is called-
(a) Arc elasticity
(b) Point elasticity
(c) Average elasticity
(d) Both ‘a’ and ‘c’

218. The formula used in the Arc Elasticity method is-
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 2 Theory of Demand and Supply - MCQs 218
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 2 Theory of Demand and Supply - MCQs 218.1

219. When price elasticity at a single point on a demand curve is measured, we use ____
(a) Proportionate Method
(b) Geometric Method
(c) Total Expenditure Method
(d) Arc Elasticity

220. The exact and precise co-efficient of elasticity cannot be found by _____ method.
(a) Proportionate Method
(b) Geometric Method
(c) Total Expenditure Method
(d) Arc Elasticity

221. ____ method only classifies elasticity into elastic, inelastic or unitary elastic.
(a) Proportionate Method
(b) Geometric Method
(c) Total Expenditure Method
(d) Arc Elasticity

222. Slope of a demand curve may remain constant but elasticity still can does change. This is-
(a) Absolutely correct as slope of a curve and its elasticity are not the same thing
(b) Absolutely incorrect as slope of a curve and its elasticity are same thing
(c) Partly correct and partly incorrect
(d) None of the above

223. Let slope of demand curve = -0.5. The elasticity of demand will be ____ if initial price is ₹ 20 per unit and initial quantity is 50 units of the commodity
(a) – 0.6
(b) – 0.7
(c) – 0.8
(d) – 0.9
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 2 Theory of Demand and Supply - MCQs 223

For Q. Nos. 224 to 226 refer the following information. Given –
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 2 Theory of Demand and Supply - MCQs 224

224. What is the price of the commodity when Quantity Demanded is 20 units ?
(a) ₹ 4
(b) ₹ 5
(c) ₹ 6
(d) ₹ 7

225. What is the price of the commodity when the Quantity Demanded is 30 units?
(a) ₹ 4
(b) ₹ 5
(c) ₹ 6
(d) ₹ 7

226. Using percentage method, the price elasticity of demand is-
(a) 1.5
(b) 2.0
(c) 2.5
(d) 3.0

227. Life saving drugs has ____ demand.
(a) inelastic
(b) elastic
(c) perfectly elastic
(d) perfectly inelastic

228. The price elasticity of demand is 0.5. The percentage change in quantity is 4. What is the percentage in price?
(a) 6
(b) 8
(c) 10
(d) 12

229. When price of a commodity gets doubled, its quantity demanded is reduced to half. The coefficient of price elasticity of demand will be-
(a) – 1
(b) – 0.5
(c) – 1.5
(d) – 2

230. Calculate the price elasticity of demand-
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 2 Theory of Demand and Supply - MCQs 230

(a) – 1
(b) – 2
(c) – 2.5
(d) – 1.5

231. The price elasticity of demand for good ‘X’ is twice that of good ‘Y’. Price of ‘X’ falls by 5% while that of good ‘Y’ rises by 5%. The percentage change in the quantities demanded of X and Y will be
(a) 10% and 5%
(b) 5% and 10%
(c) 10% and 15%
(d) 15% and 20%

232. A consumer buys a certain quantity of a good at a price of ₹ 10 per unit. When the price falls to ₹ 8 per unit, he buys 40% more quantity. The price elasticity of demand will be-
(a) 8
(b) 6
(c) 4
(d) 2
Consider the following diagram to answer questions from 233 to 234
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 2 Theory of Demand and Supply - MCQs 232

233. At a price of OP the total expenditure of the consumer is-
(a) OC RP1
(b) OBTP
(c) BCRT
(d) None of the above

234. At a price of OP1 the total expenditure of the consumer is-
(d) OC RP1
(b) OBTP
(c) BCRT
(d) None of the above

235. All demand curves but one indicate same elasticity of demand at all their points-
(a) Horizontal Straight Line Demand Curve
(b) Vertical Straight Line Demand Curve
(c) Relatively Elastic Demand Curve
(d) Rectangular Hyperbola

236. The point where the downward sloping straight line demand curve intercept the horizontal axis, price elasticity of demand is ____ because price at the point is ____
(a) zero ; zero
(b) = 1; zero
(c) > 1 ; zero
(d) < 1 ; zero

237. If the price elasticity of demand is ZERO, it means expenditure on the commodity may ____ with the change in price of the commodity.
(a) increase
(b) decrease
(c) increase or decrease
(d) remain constant

238. The price elasticity of demand is higher, when the price of the commodity is-
(a) higher
(b) lower
(c) constant
(d) zero

239. If 10% increase in price of good ‘X’ causes a 10% increase in expenditure on good ‘X’, elasticity of demand is equal to ____
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 1
(d) zero

240. Price of the commodity increases from ₹ 10 to ₹ 12 per unit and expenditure on the commodity increases by 20%, elasticity of demand would be-
(a) 3
(b) zero
(c) 2
(d) 1

241. The income elasticity of demand in case of an inferior good is-
(a) positive
(b) zero
(c) negative
(d) infinite

242. If a good is a luxury, its income elasticity of demand is-
(a) positive & less than one
(b) negative but greater than one
(c) positive and greater than one
(d) zero

243. When a given change in income does not lead to any change in the quantity demanded, it is called as-
(a) negative income elasticity of demand
(b) income elasticity of demand less than one
(c) zero income elasticity of demand
(d) income elasticity of demand is greater than one

244. The goods having zero income elasticity of demand are called goods.
(a) luxury
(b) comfort
(c) necessity
(d) neutral

245. Salt, Match Box, etc. are ____ goods as Σy = 0
(a) neutral
(b) necessary
(c) luxury
(d) none of the above

246. As income rises, the consumer will go in for superior goods and as a result the demand for inferior goods will fall. This implies-
(a) income elasticity of demand less than one
(b) negative income elasticity of demand
(c) zero income elasticity of demand
(d) unitary income elasticity of demand

247. Firms that supply products with higher income elasticity of demand can expect ____ as the economy grows.
(a) rise in sales
(b) fall in sales
(c) constant sales
(d) first rise then

248. Firms that supply products with relatively low income elasticity of demand experience in an economic downturn.
(a) rise in sales
(b) fall in sales
(c) stable sales
(d) none of the above

249. Which one of the following is income inelastic product/service?
(a) Air travel
(b) Visit to water park
(c) Life Saving Drugs
(d) Dinner at a five star hotel

250. The responsiveness of demand of a commodity to the change in income is known as-
(a) price elasticity of
(b) income elasticity demand of demand
(c) cross-elasticity
(d) none of the above of demand

251. The responsiveness of the change in quantity demanded of one commodity due to a change in the price of another commodity is known as-
(a) price elasticity of demand
(b) income elasticity of demand
(c) cross elasticity of demand
(d) none of the above

252. Cross elasticity of demand between two perfect substitutes will be-
(a) low
(b) very high
(c) infinity
(d) very low

253. Complementary goods like tea and sugar have a ____ cross elasticity of demand.
(a) Negative
(b) Positive
(c) Zero
(d) Infinite

Consider the following information to answer Q. Nos. 254 to 256
The following elasticities relating to demand for CORN are given-

  • Price Elasticity EP = 1.50
  • Cross Elasticity between the demand for CORN and price of WHEAT = 0.75
  • Income Elasticity, Ey = 0.50

254. If the price of corn rises, other things being the same, the consumers will spend ____ on corn.
(a) more
(b) less
(c) same amount
(d) none of the above

255. The above information shows that wheat and corn are ____
(a) neutral goods
(b) necessity
(c) complementary goods
(d) substitute goods

256. If income rises, the share of income spent on corn will-
(a) remain same
(b) increase
(c) fall
(d) none of the above

257. Given – Qx = 500 – 4 Px
Find elasticity demand when price = ₹ 25
(a) .50
(b) .25
(c) 1
(d) .75

258. Give – Qx = 20 – 2 Px, what is the price elasticity of demand when price is ₹ 5?
(a) 0.50
(b) .25
(c) 1
(d) .75

259. If the amounts of two goods purchased increase or decrease simultaneously when the price of one changes, then the cross elasticity of demand between then is-
(a) one
(b) negative
(c) positive
(d) zero

260. Of the following commodities, which has the lowest elasticity of demand?
(a) Car
(b) Tea
(c) Houses
(d) Salt

261. Suppose your income increases by 20% and demand for a commodity increases by 10%, then the income elasticity of demand is-
(a) infinity
(b) negative
(c) zero
(d) positive

262. Which of the following does not have uniform elasticity of demand at all points?
(a) A downward sloping demand curve
(b) A vertical demand curve
(c) A rectangular hyperbola demand curve
(d) A horizontal demand curve

263. A negative income elasticity of demand for a commodity indicates that as income falls the amount of commodity purchased-
(a) remains unchanged
(b) falls
(c) rises
(d) none of these

264. In which case the elasticity shown by different points of a curve is the same?
(a) A rectangular hyperbola curve
(b) A straight line curve
(c) A downward sloping curve
(d) None of these

265. “The proportional change in quantity purchased divided by the proportional change in price”. The quotation is given by-
(a) Alfred Marshall
(b) Cobb – Douglas
(c) Joan Robionson
(d) Adam Smith

266. If the quantity demanded of a commodity is plotted against the price of a substitute goods, the curve is expected to be-
(a) Vertical
(b) Positively sloped
(c) Horizontal
(d) Negatively sloped

267. Cross elasticity of demand between petrol and automobiles is-
(a) infinite
(b) high
(c) zero
(d) low

268. There are two goods ‘X’ and ‘Y’. The cross elas¬ticity of demand for ‘X’ with respect to price of ‘Y’ is greater than zero, they are-
(a) complementary to each other
(b) complementary goods
(c) substitutes
(d) close substitutes

269. If two demand curves are shooting downward from the same point, then-
(a) flatter curve have greater elasticity of demand
(b) steeper curve have greater elasticity of demand
(c) both curves show same elasticity of demand since they shoot down from the same point
(d) none of the above

270. If income elasticity for the household for good A is 2, then the good is-
(a) necessity item
(b) inferior good
(c) luxury item
(d) neutral good
Consider the following figure to answer Q. Nos. 271 to 273
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271. In the figure above elasticity of demand at point ‘D’ is-
(a) < elasticity of demand at point ‘C’
(b) > elasticity of demand at point ‘C’
(c) = elasticity of demand at point ‘C’
(d) None of the above

272. Price at point ‘B’ price is ____ and therefore elasticity of demand is ____
(a) high ; high
(b) low; low
(c) zero ; zero
(d) zero ; high/low

273. The elasticity of demand at point ‘A’ is-
(a) low
(b) infinite
(c) high
(d) zero
Consider the following figure to answer Q. Nos. 274 to 276
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 2 Theory of Demand and Supply - MCQs 273

274. In the figure above, for a given fall in price to P1 the change in quantity is highest in case of-
(a) d1
(b) d2
(c) d3
(d) None of the above as all curves shoot from same point

275. Demand curve d2 is-
(a) more elastic than d1
(b) less elastic than d1
(c) more elastic than d2
(d) none of the above

276. Of the three demand curves highest elasticity is denoted by-
(a) d1
(b) d2
(c) d3
(d) all show same elasticity

277. If the quantity demanded of a commodity is plotted against the price of a complementary good, the demand curve will be-
(a) Negatively sloped
(b) Positively sloped
(c) Vertical
(d) Horizontal

278. Income of a household rises by 10% and its demand for jawar falls by 4%. In this case jawar is ____ good.
(a) Normal
(b) Luxurious
(c) Inferior
(d) Neutral

279. If Cross Elasticity of Demand is equal to Zero, it means that the goods are-
(a) Perfect Substitute goods
(b) Complementary goods
(c) Unrelated goods
(d) Substitutes

280. If the quantity demanded of Tea rises by 5% when the price of Coffee increase by 20%, the Cross Elasticity of demand between Tea and Coffee is-
(a) – 0.25
(b) 0.25
(c) – 4
(d) 4

Theory of Consumer Behaviour

281. Want satisfying power of a commodity is called-
(a) consumption
(b) utility
(c) production
(d) value addition

282. Utility depends on the ____ of a want.
(a) intensity
(b) quality
(c) novelty
(d) uniformity

283. All but one are the commodities that have both utility and usefulness except-
(a) pencil
(b) notebook
(c) tobacco
(d) clothes

284. Utility is-
(a) a subjective and relative concept
(b) morally or ethically colourless
(c) different from pleasure
(d) all the above

285. Utility may be defined as-
(a) power of a commodity to satisfy wants
(b) usefulness of a commodity
(c) desire for a commodity
(d) none of the above

286. The utility of a commodity is ____
(a) its accepted social value
(b) the extent to which it is of practical use
(c) the fact that it is wanted by some people
(d) its relative scarcity

287. Utility is measured in terms of-
(a) Grams
(b) Seconds
(c) Centimeter
(d) Utils

288. Utility is-
(a) usefulness
(b) moral implications
(c) legal implications
(d) none of the above

289. The cardinal approach postulates that utility can be ____
(a) compared
(b) measured
(c) ranked
(d) all the above

290. Cardinal Utility Theory is associated with-
(a) W.S. Jevons
(b) Dr. A. Marshall
(c) H.H. Gossen and Walras
(d) All the above

291. Cardinal Utility approach is also known as-
(a) Indifference Curve Analysis
(b) Hicks and Allen Approach
(c) Marginal Utility Analysis
(d) All the above

292. Marginal Utility Approach is also called-
(a) Ordinal Utility Analysis
(b) Hicks and Allen Approach
(c) Cardinal Utility Analysis
(d) All the above

293. According to marginal utility analysis, utility can be measured as-
(a) 1st, 2nd, 3rd ……
(b) 1,2,3, ……
(c) Nominal numbers
(d) All the above

294. Cardinal measure of utility is required in-
(a) Marginal Utility Theory
(b) Indifference Curve Theory
(c) Revealed Preference Theory
(d) None of the above

295. Which of the following approaches uses MONEY as a measuring rod of utility-
(a) Ordinal
(b) Cardinal
(c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’

296. Which of the theories is applicable under Cardinal Approach to Utility?
(a) Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
(b) Law of Equi-Marginal Utility
(c) Consumer Surplus Theory
(d) All the above

297. All but one are the assumptions of the Cardinal Utility Theory. Which one is not the assumption?
(a) Rational Consumer
(b) Constant Marginal Utility of money
(c) Perfectly Competitive Market
(d) Independent Utilities

298. Which of the following assumptions ignores the presence of complementary and substitute goods in Cardinal Utility Theory?
(a) Rational Consumer
(b) Constant Marginal Utility of money
(c) Independent Utilities
(d) None of the above

299. The price that a consumer is ready to pay for a commodity represents the utility he is expecting from the commodity means-
(a) Utility is measurable
(b) Utility is not measurable
(c) Money is the measuring rod of utility
(d) Both ‘a’ and ‘c’

300. Consumer makes all calculations carefully and then purchase the commodities in order to maximize his utility means consumer is-
(a) careless
(b) rational
(c) irrational
(d) unpredictable

301. Which of the following statements regarding ordinal utility is true?
(a) Utility can be measured, but cannot be ranked in order of preferences
(b) Utility can be measured only
(c) Utility can neither be measured nor be ranked in order or preferences
(d) Utility cannot be measured, but can be ranked in order of preferences

302. The cardinal approach to utility assumes marginal utility of money is-
(a) Zero
(b) Constant
(c) Increasing Trend
(d) Decreasing Trend

303. ____ is the sum total of the utility derived from additional units of a commodity
(a) Average utility
(b) Marginal utility
(c) Total utility
(d) Ordinal utility

304. _____ is the addition made to the total utility by the consumption of additional unit of a commodity
(a) Marginal Utility
(b) Total Utility
(c) Average Utility
(d) Ordinal Utility

305. Marginal Utility can be stated by-
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 2 Theory of Demand and Supply - MCQs 305
(b) Additional utility derived from additional unit of a commodity
(c) TUn – TUn-1
(d) All the above

306. Utility of a good can be termed as the ____
(a) Monetary value a consumer gains from consuming a particular good
(b) The difference between what a consumer is willing to pay and actually pays
(c) The satisfaction a consumer derives from the consumption of a particular good
(d) The desire to consume a good

307. Marginal Utility-
(a) is always positive
(b) is always negative
(c) can be positive or negative but not zero
(d) can be positive or negative or zero

308. Total Utility can be calculated as-
(a) TU = Σ MU
(b) TU = MU1 + MU2 + MU3 + MUn
(c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) none of the above

309. When only ONE unit of the commodity is consumed-
(a) MU = TU
(b) MU > TU
(c) MU < TU
(d) none of these

310. When marginal utility is negative, total utility is-
(a) zero
(b) diminishing
(c) maximum
(d) minimum

311. When total utility is maximum, marginal utility becomes-
(a) zero
(b) unity
(c) positive
(d) negative

312. Total Utility is ____ when marginal utility is positive
(a) maximum
(b) diminishing
(c) increasing
(d) minimum

313. When TU is increasing at a diminishing rate, MU must be-
(a) increasing
(b) decreasing
(c) constant
(d) negative

314. MU of a particular commodity at the point of saturation is-
(a) zero
(b) unity
(c) greater than unity
(d) less than unity

315. Which of the following equation is incorrect?

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316. The rate of which TU changes is indicated by-
(a) MU
(b) TU
(c) both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) none of these

317. With the increase in consumption by ONE unit of the commodity, TU increases from 120 to 150, then marginal utility is-
(a) 50
(b) 1.25
(c) 0.88
(d) 30

318. The shape of MU curve is-
(a) upward sloping
(b) Concave to origin
(c) downward sloping
(d) straight line

319. TU starts diminishing when-
(a) MU is positive
(b) MU is increasing
(c) MU is negative
(d) MU is constant

320. TU curve-
(a) always rises
(b) always falls
(c) first falls and then rises
(d) first rises at a diminishing rate, reaches maximum point and then falls

321. MU curve will be below X-axis when-
(a) MU is positive
(b) MU is negative
(c) MU is zero
(d) MU is constant

322. What is called the point of satiety?
(a) The point where MU >0
(b) The point where MU < 0
(c) The point where MU = 0
(d) None of these

323. ____ states that marginal utility of a good diminishes as the consumer consumers additional units of a good.
(a) The Law of Equi-Marginal Utility
(b) The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
(c) Revealed Preference theory
(d) None of the above

324. MU curve of a consumer is also his ____
(a) indifference curve
(b) total utility curve
(c) supply curve
(d) demand curve

325. ____ curve is the slope of the TU curve.
(a) MU Curve
(b) Average Utility Curve
(b) Supply Curve
(d) Indifference Curve

326. At saturation point the slope of total utility curve is ____
(a) rising
(b) falling
(c) zero
(d) none of these

327. Constant Marginal Utility of Money means ___
(a) quantity
(b) importance
(c) composition
(d) Both ‘a’ and ‘c’

328. A curve which first move upwards then down wards is naturally ____
(a) Marginal Utility Curve
(b) Average Utility Curve
(c) Total Utility Curve
(d) Demand Curve

329. The peradox of value means that-
(a) people are irrational in consumption choices
(b) the total utilities yielded by commodities do not necessarily have relationship to their prices
(c) value has no relationship to utility schedule
(d) free goods are goods that are essential to life

330. The value paradox (diamond and water paradox) arises because-
(a) Water has too low price
(b) Value in use differs from utility
(c) Diamonds are too high priced
(d) Value-in-use differs from value-in-exchange

331. In ONE COMMODITY, case, the consumer is at equilibrium when-
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332. The second samosa consumed gives lesser satisfaction to Mohan. This is a case of-
(a) Law of Demand
(b) Law of Diminishing Returns
(c) Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
(d) Law of Supply

333. Marginal Utility of a commodity depends on its quantity and is –
(a) inversely proportional to its quantity
(b) not proportional to its quantity
(c) independent of its quantity
(d) none of the above

334. Which of the following is NOT an assumption of Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility?
(a) Homogenity
(b) Continuity
(c) Standard Unit
(d) None of the above

335. MU of one commodity has no relation with MU of another commodity implies-
(a) assumption of uniform quality
(b) assumption of rational consumer
(c) assumption of independent utilities
(d) assumption of reasonable quantity

336. Consumer in consumption of single commodity ‘X’ will be at equilibrium when-
(a) MUx = Px
(b) Mux >Px
(c) Mux < Px
(d) all the above

337. if Mux >Px then consumer-
(a) is not at equilibrium
(b) he will buy more of X good
(c) he will buy less of X good
(d) both ‘a’ and ‘b’

338. Suppose the price of good X is given as ₹ 8 and the MU in terms of money for 4 units is given as-
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How many units should a consumer purchase to maximize satisfaction?
(a) 4 units
(b) 3 units
(c) 2 units
(d) 1 unit

339. Following is the utility schedule of a person-
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If the commodity is sold for ₹ 4 and MU of one rupee is 5 utils, how many units will the consumer buy to maximize satisfaction?
(a) 1 unit
(b) 2 units
(c) 3 units
(d) 4 units
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340. Suppose that an ice-cream is sold for ₹ 30. Ritu has already eaten 3 ice-creams. Her MU from eating the 3rd ice-cream is 90 utils. MU of ₹ 1 is 3 utils. Should she eat more ice-creams or stop?
(a) Stop eating more ice-creams
(b) Continue eating more ice-creams
(c) Stop after eating one more ice-cream
(d) Eat 2 more ice-creams

341. If one burger give you satisfaction of 15 utils and two burgers give total satisfaction of 25 utils, then the marginal utility of second burger is-
(a) 10 utils
(b) 11 utils
(c) 12 utils
(d) 13 utils

342. ____ refers to a situation when a consumer maximizes his satisfaction with his limited income.
(a) Producer’s Equilibrium
(b) General Equilibrium
(c) Consumer’s Equilibrium
(d) None of these

343. The general condition of consumer’s equilibrium with respect to any particular product is-
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344. The consumer is in equilibrium and is consuming good-X only. The MU from last unit of good X consumed is 50 utils and Mum =10. What is the price of good X?
(a) ₹ 5
(b) ₹ 40
(c) ₹ 10
(d) ₹ 4

345. The principal limitation of utility analysis re¬lates to the basic assumption that utility can be expressed in terms of-
(a) cardinal numbers
(b) ordinal numbers
(c) both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) none of these

346. Marginal Utility theory is based on ____ from a good.
(a) actual satisfaction
(b) anticipated satisfaction
(c) realised satisfaction
(d) none of these

347. Which one of the following is the ODD one?
(a) Law of Substitution
(b) Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
(c) Indifference curve analysis
(d) Law of Variable Proportions

348. Which statement is correct in connection with utility?
1. It is same for all consumer
2. It is a subjective concept
3. It is different for all its consumers
4. It’s a want satisfying power
5. It decreases uniformly for all its consumers
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only
(b) 2, 3 and 4 only
(c) 3, 4 and 5 only
(d) 1, 3 and 5 only

349. The excess of the price which a person would be willing to pay rather than go without the thing over that he actually does pay is called-
(a) extra satisfaction
(b) surplus satisfaction
(c) consumer’s surplus
(d) all the above

350. The doctrine of consumer’s surplus is based on ____
(a) Elasticity of Demand
(b) Indifference Curve Analysis
(c) Law of Substitution
(d) Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

351. The term optimum allocation of consumer’s expenditure on different goods and services is used in-
(a) Law of Demand
(b) Giffens Paradox
(c) Law of Equi-Marginal Utility
(d) Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

352. Buyer’s surplus is highest in the case of _____
(a) Luxuries
(b) Comforts
(c) Necessaries
(d) All the above
For Q – Nos. 353 to 355, refer the following figure :
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353. In the above figure, the total utility is represented by the area ____
(a) DPR
(b) OQRP
(e) OQRD
(d) none of these

354. In the above figure, the given price is _____ and the consumer for OQ amount of commodity spends a total amount of money equal to the area _____
(a) OP ; POOR
(b) OD ; POOR
(c) OP ; DPR
(d) OD ; DPR

355. In the above figure, the consumer’s surplus is shown by the area-
(a) POOR
(b) DPR
(c) OQRD
(d) none of these
For Q. Nos. 356 and 359 refer the following figure
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356. In the above diagram, the consumer’s surplus at the price of P1 is equal to the area-
(a) P1CA
(b) P1OQ1
(c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) none of these

357. In the above diagram when price of the commodity decreases from P1 to P2, the gain in consumer’s surplus is equal to ____
(a) AP3C
(b) AP2D
(c) P1P2DC
(d) AP3B

358. In the above diagram, when price of the commodity rises from P1 to P3, the loss in consumer’s surplus is equal to ___
(a) AP3B
(b) AP1C
(c) AP2D
(d) P1P3 BC

359. The consumer’s surplus at the price P1 is ____ than the consumer’s surplus at the price of P3 but ____ at the price of P2.
(a) greater; less
(b) less ; greater
(c) same at all the prices
(d) none of these

360. The area of consumer’s surplus is correctly shaded in ____
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361. The concept of consumer’s surplus is useful in ____
(a) Distinguishing between value-in-use and value-in-exchange
(b) Comparing the advantages of different places
(c) Useful in cost benefit analysis of projects
(d) All the above

362. Amit divides his income entirely between Good X and Good Y. He allocates his income between these two goods is such a way that he maximizes his satisfaction. His MU from extra unit of Y is 4 Utils and the price of Y is ₹ 40. If the price of X is ₹ 80, how much of X good he consumes per day?
(a) 4
(b) 6
(c) 8
(d) 10

363. A free good is plentiful so as to have no price, will be used upto the point where its marginal utility is ____
(a) zero
(b) highest
(c) lowest
(d) none of these

364. The more rapidly the marginal utility of additional units of a good falls, the will be the elasticity of demand.
(a) more
(b) less
(c) zero
(d) infinite

365. According to utility theory, for a consumer who is maximizing total utility, Mu/ Mub
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366. In which of the following fields the concept of consumer’s surplus is useful?
(a) Monetary policy
(b) Tax policy
(c) Investment policy
(d) Fixing remuneration on factors

367. An example of a commodity having consumers surplus is ____
(a) Salt
(b) Branded Shirt
(c) Machinery
(d) Pen

368. Consumer’s surplus means-
(a) difference between market price and individual price
(b) difference between actual and potential price
(c) low price is prevailing
(d) happiness of the consumer

369. Consumer’s surplus is measured with the help of ____
(a) market demand curve
(b) marginal productivity curve
(c) marginal utility curve
(d) none of these

Consider the following details to answer Q. Nos. 370 to 372
Given Px = ₹ 2 and Py = ₹ 1 and income = ₹ 12.
Also given is the utility schedule of good X & Y.
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370. How many units of X and Y the consumer will buy in order to maximize utility?
(a) 2 units of X & 6 units of Y
(b) 3 units of X & 5 units of Y
(c) 4 units of X & 4 units of Y
(d) 3 units of X & 6 units of Y

371. What will be the total utility received by the Consumer from the two commoddities
(a) 90
(b) 92
(c) 93
(d) 95

372. How much of total income will the consumer spend on good X and good Y?
(a) ₹ 3 & ₹ 6
(b) ₹ 6 & ₹ 6
(c) ₹ 6 & ₹ 3
(d) ₹ 3 & ₹ 3

373. When the price of both the commodities is same, the consumer attains maximum satisfaction where

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374. A consumer will purchase more of Good-x than Good-Y, only when :
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375. A locus of constant utility is called the ____
(a) expansion path
(b) utility function
(c) indifference curve
(d) demand function

376. An indifference curve is ____
(a) downward sloping and convex to origin
(b) downward sloping and concave to origin
(c) upward sloping and convex to origin
(d) vertical and parallel to y-axis

377. The slope of indifference curve show-
(a) marginal rate of substitution
(b) level of satisfaction to the consumer
(c) elasticity of indifference curve
(d) none of the above

378. At a point near the right hand below corner of a indifference curve, the MRS of commodity ‘X’ for commodity ‘Y’ is-
(a) very high
(b) very low
(c) zero
(d) neither high nor low

379. As one moves upward towards left along an indifference curve, the MRS of commodity ‘X’ for commodity ‘Y’-
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) is constant
(d) fluctuates

380. A higher IC denotes-
(a) a higher level of satisfaction
(b) a lower level of satisfaction
(c) same level of satisfaction
(d) none of the above

381. Which of the following is not a characteristics of the indifference curve-
(a) downward sloping to the right
(b) convex to the origin
(c) intersecting at one point
(d) none of the above

382. IC theory assumes that-
(a) buyers can measure satisfaction
(b) buyers can identify preferred combinations of goods
(c) the prices of the goods are equal
(d) none of the above

383. An IC shows all combinations of two commodities which-
(a) give the same level of satisfaction to the consumer
(b) represent the highest level of satisfaction to the consumer
(c) give the different level of satisfaction to the consumer
(d) none of the above

384. The slope of IC tends to diminish as we move down the curve means-
(a) MRS is constant
(b) MRS is increasing
(c) MRS is decreasing
(d) none of the above

385. Marginal rate of substitution of ‘X’ for ‘Y’ is calculated as-
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386. In an indifference map, higher IC indicates :
(a) lower level of satisfaction
(b) same level of satisfaction
(c) higher level of satisfaction
(d) either same or higher level of satisfaction

387. MRS is determined by-
(a) satisfaction level of the consumer
(b) income of the consumer
(c) tastes of the consumer
(d) preferences of the consumer

388. A set of ICs drawn in a graph is called-
(a) indifference curve
(b) indifference map
(c) budget line
(d) budget set

389. An IC is convex to origin because of-
(a) diminishing marginal utility
(b) diminishing marginal productivity
(c) diminishing marginal cost
(d) diminishing marginal rate of substitution

390. Marginal Rate of Substitution indicates the slope of-
(a) budget line
(b) indifference curve
(c) total utility curve
(d) demand curve

391. The slope of IC is different at different points of the curve
(a) Correct
(b) Incorrect
(c) ∴ slope of IC is measured by MRS which falls
(d) Both ‘a’ & ‘c’

392. Only one IC will pass through a given point on an indifference map implies that-
(a) One combination can lie only on one IC
(b) One combination can lie on two ICs.
(c) One combination can lie on as many ICs.
(d) none of the above

393. Considering the map, the satisfaction derived from the combination is _____
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(а) A > B, B > C but A > C
(b) A>B>C
(c) A < B > C
(d) C > B > A

394. A consumer may not be in equilibrium at point C or D because _____
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(a) MRSxy = Px / Py
(b) The whole income is not spent
(c) Point E gives higher level of Satisfaction with the same expenditure as on point C and D
(d) Of sufficiency of income

395. On an indifference curve, the MRS falls when-
(a) moving upwards
(b) moving downwards
(c) at the middle
(d) none of these

396. Should a consumer move upward along an IC, his total utility-
(a) First increases and then decreases
(b) First decreases and then increases
(c) Remains constant
(d) Increases

397. Which of the following is not an assumption of ordinal utility analysis?
(a) Consumers are consistent in their preference
(b) Consumers can measure the total utility
(c) Consumers are non-satiated with respect of two goods
(d) None of the above

398. All points on the same IC represent-
(a) Equal satisfaction
(b) Higher satisfaction
(c) Lower satisfaction
(d) All the above

399. IC approach deals with-
(a) One commodity only
(b) Two commodities
(c) Many commodities
(d) No commodities at all

400. If two goods were perfect substitutes of each other, the IC will be-
(a) Curvilinear
(b) linear
(c) right angled
(d) convex to origin

401. A downward sloping linear IC indicates that the rate of MRSxy is-
(a) diminishing
(b) increasing
(c) constant
(d) zero

402. In the case of two perfect substitute goods, the IC will be-
(a) L – shaped
(b) U – shaped
(c) S – shaped
(d) Straight line

403. If a consumer has monotonic preferences, which bundle will he choose?
(a) (10,8)
(b) (8,6)
(c) (10,7)
(d) (8,8)

404. If a consumer has monotonic preferences how would he rank his preference over the bundles (10,9); (9,9) (10,10)-
(a) (10,9) (10,10) ; (9,9)
(b) (10,10) (10,9) ; (9,9)
(c) (9,9) (10,10) ; (10,9)
(d) None of the above

405. When an IC is L shaped, then two goods will be-
(a) Perfect Substitute Goods
(b) Perfect Substitute
(c) Perfect Complementary Goods
(d) Complementary Goods

406. The Other name associated with ordinal approach apart from R.G.D. Allen and J.R. Hicks is-
(a) Edgeworth
(b) Vilfredo Pareto
(c) Slutsky
(d) All the above

407. _____ depicts complete scale of consumer’s tastes and preferences.
(a) Budget Line
(b) MU curve
(c) Indifference curve map
(d) One indifference curve

408. One combination can lie only on one IC means-
(a) Only one IC will pass through the point
(b) Two ICs will pass through the point
(c) As many ICs can pass through the point
(d) None of the above

409. When the quantity of one good is increased in the combination, the quantity of other is reduced to maintain same level of satisfaction. This means that IC is ____
(a) positively sloped
(b) vertical straight line
(c) horizontal straight line
(d) negatively sloped

410. When the combinations on a IC do not represent same level of satisfaction, it means IC is _____
(a) positively sloped
(b) horizontal straight line
(c) vertical straight line
(d) all the above

411. is a graphical representation of all possible combination of two goods which can be purchased given income and prices.
(a) Budget Line
(b) Price Opportunity Line
(c) Consumption Possibility Line
(d) All the above

412. If a combination is below the Budget Line, it indicates that there is-
(a) Underspending by a consumer
(b) Overspending by a consumer
(c) Full spending by a consumer
(d) None of the above

413. All combinations that lie on the budget line are _____
(a) unaffordable by consumer
(b) affordable by consumer
(c) attainable by consumer
(d) Both ‘b’ and ‘c’

414. Each point on the budget line shows-
(a) the ratio of change in MU
(b) the ratio of prices of two goods
(c) Marginal Rate of Substitution .
(d) Both ‘b’ and ‘c’

415. A shift of the budget line, when prices are constant, is due to-
(a) change in demand
(b) change in income
(c) change in preference
(d) change in utility

416. Slope of budget line is indicated by-
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417. The budget line of a consumer in the analysis of IC is-
(a) Vertical straight line
(b) Horizontal straight line
(c) Straight line sloping down towards right
(d) Straight line sloping upwards towards right

418. The budget line is not known as-
(a) consumption possibility curve
(b) price line
(c) price opportunity line
(d) isoutility line

419. Refer the following figure-
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Figure denotes-
(a) Change in income
(b) Change in price of Good-X
(c) Change in price of Good-Y
(d) Change in the prices of both Good X & Y

420. When the prices of both Good-X and Good-Y change by same percentage, a rise in price will-
(a) shift the budget line upwards
(b) shift the budget line downwards
(c) no shift in budget line
(d) all the above

421. If the budget line does not shift it means-
(a) prices of both goods X & Y has changed by same percentage
(b) there is no change in the prices of both goods X & Y
(c) money income of consumer has changed
(d) income of the consumer and prices of both goods X & Y change by same percentage

422. If price of Goods-X falls and price of Good-Y rises then budget line will-
(a) shift upward
(b) shift downward
(c) rotate
(d) remain same

423. Refer the following figure, what change budget line shows –
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(a) Px fails and Py rises
(b) Px rise and Pv falls
(c) Px=Py
(d) none of the above

Refer the following to answer question nos. 424 to 426

A consumer wants to buy two good X and Y. The prices of the two goods are ₹ 4 and ₹ 5 respectively. The consumers income is ₹ 20.

424. If the consumer spends the entire money income to buy only Good-X, how much quantity he can buy of it?
(a) 5 units
(b) 6 units
(c) 4 units
(d) 3 units

425. If the consumer spends the full income only to buy Good-Y, how much quantity he would be able to buy of it-
(a) 5 units
(b) 6 units
(c) 4 units
(d) 3 units

426. The slope of the budget line is-
(a) 0.9
(b) 0.8
(c) 0.7
(d) 0.5

427. A consumer can buy 6 units Good-X and 8 units of Good-Y if he spends his entire income. The prices of the two goods are ₹ 6 and ₹ 8 respectively. What is the consumer’s income.
(a) ₹ 100
(b) ₹ 150
(c) ₹ 200
(d) ₹ 250

428. Ravi consumes Apples and Bananas whose price are ₹ 6 and ₹ 3 p.u. respectively. If he is in the state of equilibrium, the value of marginal rate of substitution is-
(a) 4
(b) 3
(c) 2
(d) 1

429. A budget constraint line is a result of
(a) market price of good X
(b) market price of good Y
(c) income of the consumer
(d) all the above

430. The budget line equation is-
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431. The consumer will maximize his satisfaction and will be at equilibrium where-
(a) budget line is tangent to IC
(b) price line crosses on IC
(c) price line does not touch the IC
(d) none of the above

432. How many indifference curves can touch the price line-
(a) Two
(b) One
(c) As many as possible
(d) No IC will touch

433. MRSxy = px / py where-
(a) consumer is in equilibrium
(b) consumer is not at equilibrium
(c) producer is at equilibrium
(d) none of the above

434. The point where the budget line is tangent to an IC-
(a) equal amounts of goods give equal satisfaction
(b) the ratio of prices of the two goods equals MRS
(c) the prices of the goods are equal
(d) none of the above

435. Maximisation of total utility is an assumption of a consumer in an analysis that is-
(a) Indifference curve approach
(b) Demand analysis
(c) Utility analysis
(d) All the above

436. A consumer is in equilibrium at the point of tangency of his IC and the price line, because-
(a) He cannot go below
(b) He cannot go beyond
(c) He cannot go along
(d) None of the above

437. Which of the following conditions is necessary for utility to be maximum?
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Consider the following figure and answer question Nos. 438 and 439
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438. The consumer is not at equilibrium at point C, since-
(a) MRSxy > Px / Py
(b) MRSxy = Px / Py
(c) MRSxy < Px / Py (d) None of the above

439. The consumer is at equilibrium at point E, since-
(a) MRSxy > Px / Py
(b) MRSxy = Px / Py
(c) MRSxy < Px / Py
(d) MUx = MUy

440. In a situation where MRSxy > px / py , the consumer would react by-
(a) reducing the consumption of Good – X
(b) increasing the consumption of Good – Y
(c) increasing the consumption of Good – X
(d) none of these

441. When MRSxy < px / py , in order to reach equilibrium, the consumption of-
(a) Good-Y should increase
(b) Good-X should increase
(c) Good-Y should decrease
(d) None of these

442. The situation of a consumer is better when-
(a) MRSxy >Px / Py
(b) MRSxy < Px / Py
(c) MRSxy = Px / Py
(d) none of these

Read the following to answer question Nos. 443 and 444
A consumer wants to buy two goods X and Y. He has ₹ 24 to spend. The prices of two goods X and Y are ₹ 4 and ₹ 2 respectively.

443. Which of the following bundles a consumer would be able to buy-
(a) 4X and 5Y
(b) 2X and 7Y
(c) 3Xand6Y
(d) None of the above

444. What will be the MRSxy when the consumer is at equilibrium-
(a) 1:2
(b) 2:1
(c) 1:1
(d) 2:2

445. At the point of equilibrium on Indifference Curve-
(a) Slope of budget line = slope of IC
(b) Slope of budget line > slope of IC
(c) Slope of budget line < slope of IC
(d) None of the above

446. In case of IC approach, an income effect means-
(a) a movement towards X-axis
(b) a movement towards the right
(c) a movement towards another indifference curve
(d) a movement along the indifference curve

447. In the case of substitution effect in IC approach, the consumer moves-
(a) along the same IC from left to right
(b) up and down along the same IC
(c) from a point on IC to a point on budget line
(d) none of these

448. IC is downward sloping from left to right since more X and less Y gives-
(a) less satisfaction
(b) more satisfaction
(c) equal satisfaction
(d) maximum satisfaction


449. In economics, supply means-
(a) quantity of a commodity which is actually offered for sale at a given price in a given period of time
(b) quantity of a commodity which is offered for sale at a particular price
(c) stock of commodity which is sold at a give price
(d) none of the above

450. Which of the following is not true in case of supply?
(a) Supply is a flow concept
(b) Supply is a stock concept
(c) Supply is directly related to price
(d) Market supply is horizontal summation of the individual supply curves

451. When price rises, quantity supplied-
(a) expand
(b) falls
(c) increases
(d) is unchanged

452. Which of the following statement is correct?
(a) Supply does not depends on Govts, tax policy
(b) Stock is the quantity brought to market for sale
(c) There is difference between stock and supply
(d) Stock and supply are always equal

453. The supply of good refers to-
(a) actual production of a good
(b) total stock of the good
(c) stock available for sale
(d) amount of the good offered for sale at a particular price per unit of time

454. According to law of Supply-
(a) there is positive relation between supply and price
(b) there is negative relation between supply and price
(c) there is constant relation between supply and price
(d) there is no relation between supply and price

455. ______ shows the quantity of goods a producer or seller wishes to sell at a given price level
(a) Average Product Curve
(b) Marginal Product Curve
(c) Supply Curve
(d) Total Product Curve

456. The supply curve slopes-
(a) Slopes downward from left to right
(b) Slopes upwards from left to right
(c) Slopes upward from right to left
(d) None of the above

457. Graphical presentation of supply curve of an individual firm in the market is called-
(a) producer’s demand curve
(b) consumers demand curve
(c) individual supply curve
(d) market supply curve

458. When the state of technology improves, supply
(a) fall
(b) contract
(c) increase
(d) expand

459. When government imposes taxes, supply will
(a) expand
(b) increase
(c) contract
(d) decrease

460. Movement along the supply curve occurs due to-
(a) rise in price of the commodity
(b) fall in price of the commodity
(c) factors other than own price of the commodity
(d) both ‘a’ and ‘b’

461. Supply curve shifts rightward due to-
(a) increase in the number of firms
(b) fall in the price of factors of production
(c) new and better technology
(d) all the above

462. Expansion of supply takes place due to-
(a) change in goal of the firm
(b) rise in price of the commodity
(c) number of firms
(d) technique of production

463. If producer expects an increase in price of goods in the near future, then current supply will:
(a) fall
(b) rise
(c) remain constant
(d) become zero

464. When more units of the good are supplied at a higher price, it is called-
(a) Contraction of supply
(b) Change in supply
(c) Extension in supply
(d) Increase in supply

465. When supply price increases in the short run, the profit of the producer-
(a) Increases
(b) Decreases
(c) Remains constant
(d) Decreases a bit

466. The long-run supply curve of a diminishing cost industry is-
(a) downward sloping to right
(b) upward sloping to left
(c) horizontal
(d) vertical

467. The law of supply does not apply to-
(a) agriculture goods
(b) industrial goods
(c) perishable goods
(d) both ‘a’ and ‘c’

468. When supply falls due to factors other than own price of the commodity, it means-
(a) contraction of supply
(b) decrease in supply
(c) extension of supply
(d) none of these

469. In case of contraction of supply, there is-
(a) an upward movement on supply curve
(b) shift of supply curve to the right
(c) downward movement on supply curve
(d) shift to supply curve to the left

470. In case of increase in supply, there is –
(a) an upward movement on supply curve
(b) shift of supply curve to the right
(c) downward movement on supply curve
(d) shift to supply curve to the left

471. Imposition of a unit tax, shifts the supply curve-
(a) to the right
(b) to the left
(c) to the right as well
(d) none of these as to the left

472. Due to incentives like tax holiday, subsidies which reduces the cost of production, the supply quantity will-
(a) Increase
(b) Decrease
(c) Remain Constant
(d) Become zero

473. In case of failure of rains, floods, etc. the supply of agricultural goods will-
(a) Increase
(b) Decrease
(c) Remain constant
(d) Become zero

474. The percentage change in quantity supplied due to percentage in price is called-
(a) Expansion of supply
(b) inelastic supply
(c) elasticity of supply
(d) changes in supply

475. Elasticity of supply refers to the responsiveness of quantity supplied to changes in its-
(a) Demand
(b) Price
(c) Cost of production
(d) State of technology

476. When supply curve is a vertical straight line, it indicates _____ supply
(a) unitary elastic
(b) perfectly elastic
(c) perfectly inelastic
(d) relatively elastic

477. A straight line supply curve passing through origin forming 50° indicates-
(a) E =0
(b) Es= 1
(c) Es > 1
(d) Es < 1

478. Elasticity of supply for a positively sloped supply cure that starts from price axis is –
(a) zero
(b) greater than one
(c) less than one
(d) equal to one

479. In case of perfectly elastic supply the supply curve is-
(a) rising
(b) vertical
(c) falling
(d) horizontal

480. Supply is relatively elastic in-
(a) very short period
(b) short period
(c) long period
(d) both ‘b’ and ‘c’

481. When supply curve is parallel to X-axis, elasticity of supply is-
(a) zero
(b) infinity
(c) unity
(d) negative

482. If the co-efficient of elasticity of supply is 0.6, the supply is-
(a) perfectly inelastic
(b) inelastic
(c) perfectly elastic
(d) elastic

483. When upward sloping straight line curve shoots up from quantity axis, it implies-
(a) Es < 1
(b) Es > 1
(c) Es = 1
(d) Es = 0

484. Which of the above curves unitary elastic demand?
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 2 Theory of Demand and Supply - MCQs 484

(a) Curve A
(b) Curve B
(c) Curve C
(d) all the above

485. Elasticity of supply for a positively sloped supply that shoots from origin
(a) Es < 1
(b) Es > 1
(c) Es = 1
(d) Es = ∞

486. The supply of perishable goods is-
(a) relatively elastic
(b) relatively inelastic
(c) perfectly elastic
(d) none of the above

487. The supply function of a commodity is given by – Q = 20 + 3 Px. If the price is ₹ 6, the quantity supplied is-
(a) 35 units
(b) 38 units
(c) 40 units
(d) 42 units

Refer the following supply function to answer 0. Nos. 488 to 490
Qs = -10 + 2p

488. How much quantity is supplied at a price of ₹ 10?
(a) 10 units
(b) 8 units
(c) 12 units
(d) 6 units

489. At which price, the supply would be zero?
(a) ₹ 1
(b) ₹ 3
(c) ₹ 4
(d) ₹ 5

490. Calculate the price at which, the firm is willing to supply 100 units
(a) ₹ 55
(b) ₹ 50
(c) ₹ 45
(d) ₹ 40

491. When price of a commodity falls by 20%, the quantity supplied falls by 25%, the price elasticity of supply is-
(a) 0.75
(b) 1.25
(c) 1.50
(d) 1.75

492. A vegetable vendor sells 80 quintals of potatoes at a price of ₹ 4 p. kg. The elasticity of supply of potatoes is known to be 2. How much quantity will he sell at ₹ 5 p. kg.?
(a) 100 quintals
(b) 110 quintals
(c) 120 quintals
(d) 130 quintals

493. When the price of a good rises from ₹ 15pu to ₹ 19pu, its quantity supplied increases from 75 units to 95 units. The price elasticity of supply is-
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4

494. Total revenue of a firm rises from ₹ 50 to ₹ 100 when the price rises from ₹ 5 pu to ₹ 10 pu. The co-efficient of Es =
(a) 0
(b) 0.8
(c) 1
(d) 1.2

495. The price of a commodity doubles, to its response the quantity supplied increases 4 times of orig¬inal quantity supplied. The co-efficient of price elasticity of supply is-
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4

496. A price of ₹ 10 p.u. the quantity supplied is 500 units. If the price falls by 10% and quantity supplied falls to 400 units, the co-efficient of price elasticity of supply is-
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4

497. Market forces refer to-
(a) Demand
(b) Supply
(c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’

498. Supply is the-
(a) limited resources that are available with the seller
(b) cost of producing a good
(c) entire relationship between the quantity supplied and the price of good
(d) willingness to produce

499. In a very short period the supply-
(a) can be changed
(b) cannot be changed
(c) can be increased
(d) none of the above

500. If the demand is more than supply, then the pressure on price will be-
(a) upward
(b) downward
(c) constant
(d) none of the above

501. A perfectly inelastic supply curve shooting up from X-axis shows-
(a) constant supply at higher price
(b) constant supply at lower price
(c) constant supply at zero price
(d) all the above

502. What is incorrect about advertisement elasticity?
(a) It is the responsiveness of good’s demand to changes in firm’s expenditure on advertising
(b) It is also called promotional elasticity of demand
(c) Advertising elasticity of demand is typically positive
(d) all the above

503. All but one are correct about demand forecasting. Which one is not correct?
(a) Demand forecasting is the art and science of predicting probable demand of a product in future
(b) Demand forecasting is a simple guesses
(c) It considers past behaviour pattern and prevailing trends in the present
(d) Demand forecasting plays an important role in planning and decision making

504. The burden of forecasting is put on customers in _____ method of demand forecasting
(a) Survey of buyers intentions
(b) collective opinion
(c) Expert opinion
(d) Controlled experiments

505. Delphi technique was developed by-
(a) Schumpeter
(b) Nicholas Kaldor
(c) Olaf Helmer
(d) Hawtrey

506. Collective opinion method of demand forecasting is useful for _____ forecasting.
(a) short run
(b) long run
(c) secular period
(d) none of the above

507. _____ method of forecasting is useful in use of capital goods.
(a) Collective opinion
(b) Expert Opinion
(c) Barometric
(d) Survey of buyer’s intention

508. Which of the following affect the demand for non-durable consumer goods?
(a) Disposable Income
(b) Price
(c) Demography
(d) All the above

509. What would be the shape of the supply curve of T-shirts, if the seller offers to sell any number of T-shirts at ₹ 250?
(a) Vertical
(b) Horizontal
(c) Upward sloping
(d) Downward sloping

510. All the following factors affect the demand for durable consumer goods except-
(a) special facilities for use
(b) credit facilities
(c) disposable income
(d) social status

511. ____ is considered as a ‘naive’ approach to demand forecasting.
(a) Trend Projection Method
(b) Expert Opinion Method
(c) Collective Opinion Method
(d) Regression Analysis

512. Short-term demand forecasting is useful for-
(a) current production scheduling
(b) purchases of. raw materials
(c) inventory of stocks
(d) all the above

513. A firm planning capacity expansion and diversification will go in for-
(a) Short term demand forecasting
(b) Medium term demand forecasting
(c) Long term demand forecasting
(d) Current demand forecasting


CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 2 Theory of Demand and Supply - MCQs answer
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 2 Theory of Demand and Supply - MCQs answer1
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 2 Theory of Demand and Supply - MCQs answer2
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 2 Theory of Demand and Supply - MCQs answer3

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material – Supply

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 2 Theory of Demand and Supply – Supply


Supply of a commodity refers to the quantity of commodity offered for sale at a particular price during a given period of time. Thus, the supply of a commodity may be defined as the amount of commodity which the sellers or producers are able and willing to offer for sale at a particular price, during a given period of time.

Thus, defined, the term supply shows the following features:

  1. Supply of a commodity is always with reference to a PRICE,
  2. Supply of a commodity is to be referred to IN A GIVEN PERIOD OF TIME.
  3. Supply of a commodity depends on the ABILITY OF SELLER TO SUPPLY A COMMODITY. However, ability of a seller to supply a commodity depends ON THE STOCK available with him.
  4. Supply of a commodity also depends on the WILLINGNESS OF SELLER TO SUPPLY A COMMODITY. A seller’s willingness to supply a commodity depends ON THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE RESERVATION PRICE and the PREVAILING MARKET PRICE.
  5. E.g. A dairy farm’s daily supply of milk at the price of Rs. 12 per litre is 600 litres

Determinants of Supply

Supply of a commodity depends on many factors like price of the commodity, price of related goods, prices of factors of production, technology, etc. All determinants of supply can be expressed in the form of supply function as follows-
S= f(Px, Pr, Pf, T, O …….. )
Where – Sx = Quantity supplied of commodity x
f = function of (depends on)
Px = Price of commodity x
Pr = Price of related commodities
Pf = Prices of factors of production.
T = Technology
O = Objectives/Goals of the firm

Price of the commodity:

  • Other things being equal the supply of a commodity is DIRECTLY related with its price.
  • It means that, larger quantity of a commodity is offered for sale at higher price and vice versa.
  • This is because the profits of the firm increases if the price of its product increases.

Price of the related commodities:

  • The supply of a commodity also depends on the prices of related commodities i.e. substitute goods and complementary goods.
  • Other things being equal, if the price of a substitute goes up, the firms will be tempted to produce that substitute to get higher profits. E.g. – If the price of coffee rises, the firm would reduce the quantity supplied of tea.
  • On the other hand, other things being equal/if price of a complementary good goes up, the supply of the product in question also rises. E.g.- If the prices of fountain pens rise, it may cause an increase in the supply of ink.

Prices of factors of production:

  • Supply of a commodity depends on the cost of production. The cost of production itself depends upon the prices of various factors of production.
  • So, if the price of any factor of production rises, the production costs would be higher for the same level of output (and vice versa), Hence the supply will tend to decrease.
  • Conversely, a fall in the cost of production tends to increase the supply.

State of technology:

  • A change in technology affects the supply of commodity.
  • A technological progress and improvement in the methods of production increases productivity, reduce the cost of production and increases the profits. As a result more is produced and supplied.
  • Also discoveries and innovations bring new variety of goods.

Objectives of the firm:

  • The objectives of the firm and business policy pursued by it also affect the supply of the product produced by it.
  • Some firms believes in higher margin of profits and lower turnover while others believe in lower margin of profit and higher turnover (i.e. sales) to capture the market or to improve status, goodwill and prestige in the market.

Government Policy:

  • The supply of a commodity is also affected by the economic policies followed by the Government.
  • The Government may impose taxes on commodities in the form of excise duty, sales tax and import duties or may give subsidies.
  • Any increase in such taxes will raise the cost of production and so the quantity supplied will fall. Under such conditions supply will increase only when its price in the market rises.
  • Subsidies reduce the cost of production and thus encourages firms to produce and sell more.


  • Supply is a function of time also.
  • In a short period, it is not possible to adjust supply to the conditions of demand.
  • If the time period is sufficiently long, all possible adjustments can be made in the production apparatus and the supply can be fully adjusted to demand.

Number of firms:
If the number of firms producing a product increases, the market supply of the product will also increase and vice-versa.

Other factors:
Supply of a commodity also depends upon Natural conditions like rainfall, temperature, etc.; industrial and foreign policies, infrastructural facilities; War; market structure; etc.

Law of Supply

  • The Law of Supply express the nature of functional relationship between the price of a commodity and its quantity supplied.
  • It simply states that supply varies DIRECTLY to the changes in price i.e. supply of a commodity expands when price rises and contracts when price falls.
  • “The Law of Supply states that the higher the price, the greater the quantity supplied or the lower the price the smaller the quantity supplied, other things remaining the same.” (Dooley)
  • Thus, there is DIRECT RELATIONSHIP between supply and price.
  • It is assumed that other determinants of supply are constant and ONLY PRICE IS THE VARIABLE AND INFLUENCING FACTOR.

Thus, the law of supply is based on the following main assumptions:-

  • Cost of production remains unchanged even though the price of the commodity changes.
  • The technique of production remains unchanged.
  • Government policies like taxation policy, trade policy, etc. remains unchanged.
  • The prices of related goods remains unchanged.
  • The scale of production remains unchanged etc.

The law can be explained with the help of supply schedule and a corresponding supply curve.


  • The supply schedule shows that when price rises from Rs.10 per unit to Rs. 20 per unit, the supply also rises from 20 units per week to 30 units per week and so on.
  • Thus, it shows a direct relationship between price and quantity supplied other things being equal.
  • A supply curve is the supply schedule depicted on the graph. The supply curve shows the same information as the supply schedule.


  • In the diagram, the supply curve is sloping upwards from left to right showing a direct relationship between the price and quantity supplied.
  • A single point on supply curve show a single price supply relationship E.g. – Point ‘C’ show that if price is Rs. 30, quantity supplied is 40 units.
  • The law of supply states that, supply of a commodity varies directly with its price.

But, in some cases, this may not hold true. Hence, the law of supply has the following EXCEPTIONS.

  1. When the seller expects a further rise in the prices in future, he may hoard stock of commodity. So the supply at present will fall and vice versa.
  2. At higher wage rates, there is tendency among labourers to prefer more leisure than work. As a result when wages rise, labour supply falls.
  3. In the case of rare commodities like paintings, coins, etc. the supply is fixed. Whatever the price, it cannot change.
  4. In an auction or in all those cases where the seller wants to get rid of his goods, he will sell the goods at whatever price they fetch.

Changes in Quantity Supplied OR Expansion & Contraction of supply OR Movement along a supply curve

  • When supply of a commodity changes only due to change in the price of commodity other determinants remaining unchanged, it is called changes in quantity supplied.
  • Changes in quantity supplied thus means -expansion of supply & contraction of supply
  • When price of a commodity rises, quantity supplied also rises. This is called expansion of supply.
  • When price of a commodity falls, quantity supplied also falls. This is called contraction of supply.

As other determinants of supply like price of related commodities, prices of factors of production, state of technology, etc. are assumed to be constant, the position of the supply curve remains the same. The seller will move upwards or downwards on the same supply curve.

In the figure above –

  • At price OP quantity supplied is OQ
  • With a rise in price to OPthe quantity supplied rises from OQ to OQ1 The co-ordinate point moves up from E to E1 This is called ‘a rise in quantity supplied’.
  • With a fall in price to OPthe quantity supplied falls from OQ to OQ2 The co-ordinate point moves down from E to E2 This is called ‘a fall in quantity supplied’.

Changes in supply OR Increase and decrease in Supply OR Shift in Supply curve

  • When there is change in supply due to change ‘ in factors other than price of the commodity, it is called changes in supply.
  • It is the result of change in technology, govt, policies, prices of related goods etc.
  • Change in supply means- increase in supply & decrease in supply.
  • Price remaining the same when supply rises due to change in factors other than price, it is called increase in supply.
  • Likewise, price remaining the same when supply falls due to change in factors other than price, it is called decrease in supply.

In this case the supply curve shifts from its original position to rightward when supply increases and to leftward when supply decreases. Thus, change in supply curve as a result of increase and decrease in supply, is technically called shift in supply curve.

In the figure above-

  • Original supply curve is SS. At OP price, OQ quantity is being supplied.
  • As the supply changes, the supply curve shifts either to the right (S1S1)or to the left (S2S2)
  • At S1S1, OQ1, quantity is being supplied at the price OP. This shows increase in supply. More quantity is being supplied at same price. It is denoted by rightward shift in supply curve.
  • At S2S2, OQ2 quantity is being supplied at the price OP. This shows decrease in supply. Less quantity is being supplied at same price. It is denoted by leftward shift in supply curve.

Elasticity of supply

  • Price elasticity of supply measures the degree of responsiveness of quantity supplied of a commodity to a change in its own price.
  • In other words, the elasticity of supply shows the degree of change in the quantity supplied in response to change in the price of the commodity.
  • Elasticity of supply can be defined “as a ratio of the percentage change in the quantity supplied of a commodity to the percentage change in its own price”.
  • It may be expressed as follows –
  • Since the law of supply establishes positive relationship between price and quantity supplied, the elasticity of supply would be positive.
  • However, in case of decreasing cost industry elasticity of supply is negative.
  • The value of elasticity co-efficient will vary from zero to infinity.

The elasticity of supply, according to its degree, may be of following types:-

1. Perfectly Inelastic Supply: Es = 0:
When a change in the price of a commodity has no effect on its quantity supplied, then supply is perfectly inelastic.
E.g. – If price rises by 20% and the quantity supplied remains unchanged then Es = 0/20 = 0. In this case, the supply curve is a vertical straight line curve parallel to Y-axis as shown in the figure.
The figure shows that, whatever the price quantity supplied of the commodity remains unchanged at OQ.

2. Perfectly Elastic Supply: (Es = ∞):
When with no change in price or with very little change in price, the supply of a commodity expands or contracts to any extent, the supply is said to be perfectly elastic. In this case, the supply is a horizontal straight line and parallel to X-axis.
The figure shows (Es = ∞) that, at given price supply is ever increasing.

3. Unit Elastic Supply : (Es =1):
When the percentage change in price is equal to percentage change in quantity supplied, then the supply is said to be unit elastic.
E.g. – If price rises by 10% and the supply also rises by 10% then, E= 10/10=1
In this case the straight line supply curve SS when extended will pass through origin.

4. Relatively/More Elastic Supply: (E>1):
When a small change in price leads to big change in quantity supplied, then the supply is said to be relatively or more elastic. E.g. – If price rises by 10% and supply rises by 30% then,
E= 30/10 = 3>1. The coefficient of elasticity would be somewhere between ONE and INFINITY. The elastic supply curve is flatter as shown below-
Supply curve SS is flat suggesting that the supply is more elastic. In this case the supply curve SS when extended will pass through Y-axis.

5. Relatively Inelastic Or Less Elastic Supply: (Es<1).
When a big change in price leads to small change in quantity supplied, then supply is said to relatively inelastic or less elastic.
E.g. – If price rises by 30% and supply rises by 10% then, Es = 10/30 = 1/3 < 1. The coefficient of elasticity would be somewhere between ZERO and ONE. The supply curve in this case has steep slope as shown below –
Supply curve SS is steeply sloped suggesting that supply is less elastic. In this case the supply curve SS when extended will pass through X-axis.

Measurement of Elasticity of Supply

The different methods of measuring price elasticity of supply are:

  1. The Percentage or Ratio or Proportional Method,
  2. The Point or Geometric Method, and
  3. The Arc Method

1. The Percentage Method:
Thus method is based on the definition of elasticity of supply. The coefficient of price elasticity of supply is measured by taking ratio of percentage change in supply to the percentage change in price. Thus, we measure the elasticity by using the following formula-

  • If the coefficient of above ratio is equal to ONE, the supply will be unitary.
  • If the coefficient of above ratio is MORE THAN ONE, the supply is relatively elastic.
  • If the coefficient of above ratio is LESS THAN ONE, the supply is relatively inelastic.

2. The Point Or Geometric Method:
In point elasticity method, we measure elasticity at a given point on a supply curve.
We can measure E at point ‘R’ in the following manner

  • Extend the supply curve ‘S’ towards the extension of X-axis so that it cuts X-axis at T.
  • Draw a perpendicular from ‘R’ cutting X-axis at ‘M’
  • Take the ratio of intercepts MT and OM.
    Es = MT/OM

In the figure MT > OM, elasticity is GREATER THAN ONE.

In the adjoining figure, supply curve when extended meets X-axis to the right of the point of origin so that
Es = MT/OM < 1
i.e. MT<OM and so elasticity is LESS THAN UNITY

In the adjoining figure, supply curve when extended meets X-axis exactly at the point of origin so that
Es = MT/OM = 1,
i.e. MT = OM and so elasticity of supply is EQUAL TO UNITY/ONE.

3. The Arc Elasticity Method:
Under this method we measure elasticity of supply over an ARC of the supply curve. The arc elasticity is a measured of the “average elasticity” i.e. elasticity at MID-POINT that connects the two points on the supply curve. Thus, an arc is a portion of a curved line, hence a portion of supply curve. The formula used is

Equilibrium Price

  • Equilibrium means a market situation where the quantity demanded is equal to quantity supplied. Thus, the two factors determining equilibrium price are market demand and market supply.
  • Equilibrium price is the price at which the sellers of a good are willing to sell the quantity which buyers want to buy. Thus, equilibrium price (also called market clearing price) is the price at which demand and supply are equal.
  • At equilibrium price both sellers and buyers are satisfied.
  • At equilibrium price, there is neither SHORTAGE nor SURPLUS. So at equilibrium price, market is said to be CLEARED.

The following table and figure explains the equilibrium price.

  • Equilibrium is struck a point E where the demand and supply curve intersect each other.
  • At E, equilibrium price is OP i.e. Rs. 3 and equilibrium quantity is OQ ie. 300 units.
  • When the price is Rs. 5 per unit, the quantity demanded is 100 units and quantity supplies is 500 units. It is situation where market demand < market supply and there is excess supply i.e., surplus supply. At a given price, sellers are willing to sell more than what buyers are ready to buy. As a result of pressure of excess supply the market price falls to Rs. 4.
  • At a price of Rs. 4, the pressure of excess supply still continues and hence the price falls further to Rs. 3.
  • At a price of Rs. 3, the market is CLEARED as the quantity demanded and supplied are equal to each other. There, is no SURPLUS.
  • Thus, we can conclude that pressure of excess supply (surplus) reduces the price.
  • Similarly, if the price is Rs. 1, the quantity demanded is 500 units and quantity supplied is 100 units. It is a situation where market demand > market supply and there is excess demand or SHORTAGE of supply. As a result of excess demand or SHORTAGE of supply the market price will rise. So long as pressure of excess demand continues price will rise i.e. till point E. At point E, excess demand is eliminated and quantity demand and supplied are equal to each other. The market has CLEARED.
  • Thus, we can conclude that pressure of excess demand (shortage of supply) increases the price.
  • The equilibrium price is determined by the intersection between demand and supply therefore, it is also called as the MARKET EQUILIBRIUM.


CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material – Theory of Consumer Behaviour

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 2 Theory of Demand and Supply – Theory of Consumer Behaviour

Theory of Consumer Behaviour


All wish, desires, tastes and motives of human beings are called wants in Economics. Human wants show some well marked characteristics as follows-

  • Wants are unlimited
  • Particular want is satiable
  • Wants are complementary
  • Wants are competitive
  • Some wants are both complementary and competitive
  • Wants are alternative
  • Wants vary with time, place, and person
  • Wants vary in urgency and intensity
  • Wants recur
  • Wants are influenced by advertisement
  • Wants become habits and customs
  • Present wants appear to be more important than future wants

Classification of wants:

1. Necessaries:

  • Necessaries of existence – These are the things without which we cannot exist. E.g. minimum of food, clothing and shelter.
  • Necessaries of Efficiency – These are the things which are not necessary to enable us to live, but are necessary to make us efficient workers and to take up any productive activities.
  • Conventional Necessaries – These are the things which are needed either because of social custom or traditions and because the people around us expect us to so.

2. Comforts:
Those goods and services which make for a fuller life and happy life are called comforts. E.g. for a student book is a necessity, a table and a chair are necessaries of efficiency, but cushioned chair is comfort.

3. Luxuries:
Luxuries are those wants which are superfluous and expensive. They are something we could easily do without. E.g. jewellery, big house, luxurious car, dining in a five star hotel etc.

What is Utility?

  • The demand of a commodity depends on the utility of that commodity to a consumer.
  • The want satisfying capacity or power of a commodity is called utility. It is anticipated satisfaction by a consumer.
  • It is a subjective and relative term and varies from person to person, place to place and time
    to time.
  • Utility does not mean the same things as usefulness. E.g. Liquor, Cigarettes, etc. have utility as people are ready to buy them but they are harmful for the health.
  • Therefore, utility has no moral or ethical significance.
  • To study the consumer behaviour, the two important theories are –
    – Marginal utility analysis, given by Dr. Alfred Marshall, and
    – Indifference curve analysis given by Hicks and Allen.

Marginal Utility Analysis

  • The theory of Marginal utility Analysis of demand was given by Alfred Marshall, a British economist.
  • He explained how a consumer spends his money income on different goods and services in order to get maximum satisfaction ie. how a consumer reaches equilibrium.
  • Dr. Alfred Marshall assumes that the utility derived from the consumption of a commodity is measurable. Hence, this approach is called CARDINAL APPROACH.

Marginal utility Analysis is based on the following assumptions:-

  • The Cardinal Measurability of utility: According to this theory, utility is a cardinal concept, ie. it is possible to measure and quantify satisfaction derived from the consumption of various commodities. According to Marshall, money is the measuring rod of marginal utility. E.g. – If a person is ready to pay Rs. 10 for pastry and Rs. 6 for burger, we can say that price represents the utility which he is expecting from these commodities.
  • Constancy of the Marginal Utility of Money: The marginal utility of money remain constant during the time when the consumer is spending money on a good and as a result of which the amount of money is reducing. This is so because money is used as a measuring rod of utility. If the money which is a unit of measurement itself varies, it cannot give correct measurement of the marginal utility of a good.
  • Independent Utilities: According to this assumption, the amount of utility which a consumer gets from one commodity, does not depend upon the quantity of other commodities consumed. E.g. – If a person is consuming Rooh Hafza Sharbat, its utility is not affected by the availability of sugar or Rose Sharbat. It just depends upon the availability of Rooh Hafza Sharbat only. This assumption, in other words, totally ignores the presence of complementary and substitute goods.
  • Rationality: The consumer is assumed to be rational whose aim is to maximise his utility subject to the constraint imposed by his given income. He makes all calculations
    carefully and then purchases the commodities.

The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility is based on two important facts, namely:
(a) Human wants are unlimited
(b) Each separate human want is limited. The amount of any commodity which a man can consume, in a given period of time is limited and hence each single want is satiable.

The law describes that, as the consumer has more and more of a commodity, the additional utility which he derives from an additional unit of commodity goes on falling. Marshall stated the law as follows

“The additional benefit which a person derives from a given increase in stock of a thing diminishes with every increase in the stock that he already has.” The law can be explained with the help of following table:


  • The above table shows that as the consumer goes on consuming rossgullas, the additional or marginal utility goes on diminishing.
  • The consumption of 3rd unit of rossgulla gives no additional utility and the 4th unit is giving negative utility.
  • The 4th unit instead of giving satisfaction causes dissatisfaction.
  • Total utility goes on increasing as long as MU is positive, but at diminishing rate.
  • When total utility is highest, marginal utility is zero. This is the point of full satisfaction.
  • When marginal utility becomes negative, total utility starts falling.
  • MU is the rate of change in TU or slope of TU curve.
  • MU can be positive, zero or negative.

We can show the information given in the table on a graph as follows:-
The figure shows that marginal utility curve goes on declining as the consumption increases. It even crosses the X-axis and suggest negative marginal utility. Total utility curve rises upto a point and then starts

The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility helps us to understand how a consumer reaches equilibrium in ONE COMMODITY CASE.

  • A consumer tries to equalize marginal utility of a commodity with its price in order to maximize the satisfaction. A consumer thus compares the price with the marginal utility of a commodity.
  • He keep on purchasing a commodity till MU > P. In other words, so long as price is less, he buys more which is also the basis of the law of demand.
  • The consumer is at equilibrium where:
    Marginal Utility of the commodity = Price of the commodity

In reality, a consumer spends his money income to buy different commodities. In case of many commodities, consumer equilibrium is explained with the Law of Equi-Marginal Utility.

  • The law states that a consumer will allocate his expenditure in a way that the utility gained from the last rupee spent on each commodity is equal or the marginal utility each commodity is proportional to its price.
  • The consumer is said to be equilibrium when the following condition is met-

The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility is based on the following assumptions:-

  1. Homogeneous Units:
    It is assumed that all the units of the commodity are homogeneous ie. identical in every respect like size, taste, colour, quality, blend, etc.
    E.g. – If a consumer is consuming CADBURY DAIRY MILK CHOCOLATE (40 gms.), then all bars of chocolate must be of Dairy Milk Chocolates and not of any other type.
  2. Continuous Consumption:
    There should not be any time gap or interval between the consumption of one unit and another unit.
  3. Rationality:
    The consumer is assumed to be rational.
  4. Cardinal Measurement:
    The utility is measurable and quantifiable.
  5. Constancy of Marginal Utility of Money:
    The marginal utility of money remain unchanged throughout when the consumer is spending on a commodity.
  6. The tastes of consumers should remain constant.

Exceptions to and limitations of the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility:
In some cases a consumer gets increasing marginal utility with the increase in consumption.
Such cases are called as exception which are as follows-

  1. Hobbies and Rare Collections: The law does not hold good in case of hobbies and rare collections like reading, collection of stamps, coins, etc. Every additional unit gives more satisfaction ie. the marginal utility tends to increase.
  2. Abnormal Persons: The law does not apply to abnormal persons like misers, drunkards, musicians, drug addicts, etc. who want more and more of the commodity they are in love with.
  3. Indivisible Goods: The law cannot be applied in case of indivisible bulky goods like T. V. set, house, scooter, etc. No one purchases more than one unit of such goods at a time.

The limitations of the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility are as follows –

  1. Cardinal Measurement Unrealistic: The law assumes cardinal measurement of utility. This is unrealistic, because, utility being a subjective or psychological phenomenon, cannot be measured numerically. The feeling experienced by a consumer cannot be quantified.
  2. Unrealistic Conditions: The law is based on unrealistic assumptions. It is not possible to meet all conditions like homogeneous goods, continuous consumption, rationality, etc. at the same time.
  3. Constant Marginal Utility of Money: The law assumes that marginal utility of money remains constant. Therefore, the utility of the commodity depends on its quantity alone. But, the marginal utility of money never remains constant.
  4. Inapplicable to Indivisible Goods: The assumptions of the Law of DMU cannot be made applicable to indivisible bulky goods like T. V. Sets, scooter, house, etc. because no one purchases more than one unit of such goods at a time.
  5. Single Commodity Model: The Law of DMU is a single commodity model. Marginal utility of each commodity is measured independently. But, a consumer may purchase more than one commodity. Also, utilities of goods such as complementary or substitutes are interdependent.

Consumer’s surplus

Consumers Surplus is one of the important concept in economic theory and in economic policy making. It was given by Dr. Alfred Marshall. Marshall’s concept of consumer surplus is based on the following assumptions:

  • Utility can be cardinally measured in monetary units.
  • Marginal utility of money remains constant.
  • Income, fashion and taste of consumer remains constant.
  • Independent marginal utility of each unit of the commodity. .
  • The law of diminishing marginal utility holds good.


  • In our daily expenditure, we often find that the price we pay for a commodity is less than the satisfaction derived from its consumption.
  • Therefore, we are ready to pay much higher price for a commodity than we actually have to pay.
    E.g. Commodities like salt, newspaper, match box, etc. are very useful, but they are also very cheap.
  • From the purchase of such commodities we derive a good deal of extra satisfaction or surplus over and above the price that we pay for them. This is consumer’s surplus.
  • Marshall defined consumer surplus “as the excess of the price which a person would be willing to pay rather than go without the thing over that which he actually does pay”.
  • Thus, it is the difference between what a consumer is ready to pay and what he actually pays.
    Consumer Surplus = What a consumer is ready to pay – What he actually pays = Sum of Marginal Utilities – (Price X Units Purchased)
    = Total Utility – Total amount spent.

We can illustrate the concept of consumer’s surplus with the help of following table-


When the consumer buy first unit of commodity he is ready to pay Rs. 25 for it as he expects satisfaction worth Rs. 25 from it and thus gets a surplus worth Rs. 15. For second unit he is ready to pay only Rs. 20 for it as he expects lesser satisfaction from it and thus gets surplus worth Rs. 10 only. The consumer will go on buying the commodity till Marginal Utility = Price & consumer surplus is Zero i.e. upto 4th unit.
Here, Consumer Surplus = Total Utility – Total Amt. Spent = Rs. 70 – Rs. 40 = Rs. 30.
We can represent consumers surplus with the following diagram.

In the diagram MU is the marginal utility curve. OP (Rs. 10) is the market price. In equilibrium, consumer would buy OQ (4) units (at this MU = P). For OQ (4) units he is required to pay OQ (4 units) X OP (Rs. 10) = OQSP(Rs. 40). The consumer was ready to pay (by MU curve) OQ SA(Rs. 70). Thus, he derives surplus of satisfaction. OQSA(Rs. 70) – OQSP(Rs. 40) = PSA(Rs. 30)

The uses/importance of the consumer surplus concept are as follows:-

1. Distinction between Value-in-Useand Value-in-exchange: Consumer’s surplus draws a clear distinction between value-in-use and value-in-exchange. E.g. – SALT have great value -in-use but much less value-in-exchange. Being necessity and cheap thing, it yield a large consumer surplus. The consumer’s surplus depends on total utility, whereas price depends on marginal utility. The total utility of salt consumed is much greater but its marginal utility (and price) is low due to its excess supply.

2. Comparing Advantages of Different Places: The concept of consumer’s surplus is useful when we compare the advantages of living in two different places. A place with greater amenities available at cheaper rates give large surplus of satisfaction to consumers than backward place or region. Consumer’s surplus thus indicates conjunctural advantages, Le. the advantages of environment arid opportunities.

3. To the Businessman and Monopolist: A businessman can raise prices of those goods in which there is a large consumer’s surplus. The seller will be able raise price especially if he is a monopolist and controls the supply of the commodity.

4. Useful to the government in determining taxes: The concept is very useful to Finance Minister in imposing taxes on various goods and fixing their rates. He will tax those goods in which the consumers enjoy large surplus. The consumers thus will have to pay more and their consumer’s surplus will fall. But at the same time it will raise the revenue of the government. The loss of consumers must be compared with the gains to the government. If the loss of consumers is greater than the gains to government, then, the tax is not proper and vice versa.

5. Measuring Benefits from International Trade: Through international trade, a country can import goods cheaply le. a country can get goods at lower price than they are prepared to pay for them. The imports, therefore give larger surplus of satisfaction to people. The larger this surplus, the more beneficial is the international trade.

6. Useful in cost-benefits analysis of projects: While undertaking any project the government
usually compare the cost of project and flow of benefits from project both in economic and in non-economic terms. E.g. For FLYOVER BRIDGE PROJECT the government will consider the consumers surplus Le. benefits in terms of time saving, fuel saving, etc. expected from flyover bridge project.

The CRITICISMS of the consumer’s surplus concept are as follows:-

  1. Imaginary: The concept of consumer’s surplus is quite imaginary idea. One has to imagine what you are prepared to pay and you proceed to deduct from that what you actually pay. It is all hypothetical and unreal.
  2. Cardinal measurement is not possible: Consumer’s surplus cannot be measured precisely because it is difficult to measure the total utilities and marginal utilities of the commodities consumed in quantitative terms.
  3. Ignores the interdependence between goods: The concept of consumer’s surplus does not consider the effect of availability and non-availability of substitutes and complementary goods on the consumption of a particular commodity. Actually consumer surplus derived from a commodity is affected by substitutes and complementary goods.
  4. Cannot be measured in terms of money: This is because the marginal utility of money changes as purchases are made and the consumer’s stock of money diminishes. But, Marshall assumed that-the marginal utility of money to be constant.
  5. Not applicable to Necessaries: It does not apply to the necessaries of life. In such cases the surplus is immeasurable e.g. – Food and Water. Consumer surplus is infinite because a consumer will stake whole of his income rather than go without them.
  6. Not applicable to prestige: e.g. – Diamonds jewellery, etc. fall in their prices lead to a fall in consumer’s surplus.

Indifference Curve Analysis

  • An indifference curve is a curve which represents combinations of two commodities that gives same level of satisfaction to the consumer.
  • As all the combinations give same level of satisfaction, the consumer becomes indifferent (Le. neutral) as to which combination he gets.
  • In other words, all the combinations lying on indifference curve are equally desirable and equally preferred by the consumer.

To Understand consider the following indifference schedule.


In the schedule I above, the consumer is indifferent whether he gets combination A, B, C or D. This is because all combinations give him same amount of satisfaction and therefore equally preferable to him. He gets as much satisfaction from 1 burger and 10 sandwiches as from 3 burgers and 3 sandwiches.

By plotting the above combinations on a graph, we can derive an indifference curve as shown in the following figure:


In the diagram, quantity of burger is measured on X-axis and quantity of sandwiches on Y-axis. The various combinations A, B, C, D are plotted and on joining them, we get a curve known as indifference curve. All combinations lying on the indifference curve give the same level of satisfaction to the consumer. Hence, the consumer is indifferent among them.

If the indifference schedule II is also plotted on the graph, we will get IC2. This will lie above the IC1 as all of IC2 combinations contain greater quantities of burgers and sandwiches. Similarly, we can draw IC3, IC4, etc… to make a complete indifference map as follows. Indifference map represents a full description of consumer’s tastes and preferences.


In the diagram, the various combinations E, F, G, H on IC2 give consumer same level of satisfaction and hence equally preferable to the consumer. The consumer is indifferent whether he gets combination E or F or any other combination.

The consumer however will prefer any combination lying on IC2 as it will give him more satisfaction than any combination lying on IC1.

This is because combinations lying on IC2 have larger quantity of burgers and sandwiches.

Thus, a higher indifference curve represents a higher level of satisfaction than lower indifference curve but HOW MUCH HIGHER cannot be indicated.

It is so because IC system is based on ORDINAL APPROACH according to which utility cannot be quantified but can only be compared.

Assumptions of indifference curve

  • Non-satiety: This assumption means that the consumer has not reached the point of full satisfaction in the consumption of any commodity. Therefore, a larger quantity of both commodities are preferred by the consumer. Larger the quantities of commodities, higher would be the total utility.
  • Rationality: Consumer is assumed to be rational. He aims at the maximisation of his total utility, given the market prices and money income. He is also assumed to have all relevant information like prices of goods, the markets where they are available, etc.
  • Consistency: The consumer is consistent in his choice Le. the preferences of consumers are consistent. If he prefers combination ‘A’ over combination ‘B’ in one period of time he will NOT prefer ‘B’ over ‘A’ in another period of time.
  • Transitivity: If combination A is preferred to B and ‘B’ is preferred to C, then, A is preferred to C. Symbolically, if A>B, and B>C, then A>C.
  • Ordinal Utility: It is assumed that consumer cannot measure precisely utility or satisfaction in absolute units Le. cardinally, but he can express utility ordinally. In other words, consumer is capable of comparing and ranking satisfaction derived from various goods and their combinations.
  • Diminishing Marginal Rate of Substitution: It means that as more and more units of ‘A’ are substituted for ‘B’ consumer will sacrifice lesser and lesser units of ‘B’ for each additional unit of ‘A’.

Marginal Rate of Substitution

  • The concept of marginal rate of substitution is the basis of Indifference Curves in the Theory of Consumer’s Behaviour.

Consider the following schedule-


  • The above schedule shows the combinations of two goods ‘X’ and ‘Y’. Suppose the consumer wants more of ‘X’. To do so he must sacrifice some units of ‘Y’. in order to maintain same level of satisfaction.
  • Initially, the consumer sacrifices 4Y to get 1X, to obtain second unit of ‘X’ he sacrifices 2Y and so on.
  • This rate of sacrifice is technically called Marginal Rate of Substitution (MRS).
  • Thus, for any goods X and Y, the MRS is the loss of Y which can just be compensated by a gain of X. MRSxy goes on diminishing.

We can also measure MRS on an indifference curve. Consider the following diagram-


In the diagram, when the consumer moves from combination A to combination B, he gives up AC of Y and takes up CB of X and gets the same level of satisfaction.

MRSxy between two points is also the slope of the indifference curve between these two points. As the consumer moves from combination B to C, C to D, the MRSxy goes on diminishing.

The MRS goes on diminishing due to following reasons-

  1. The want for a particular commodity is satiable. So, as the consumer has more and more
    of that commodity, he is willing to take less and less of it. Thus, in the above example, when the consumer has more and more of ‘X’, his intensity of want for X’ diminishes but for ‘Y’ increases. Therefore, he does not want more of ‘X’ now and is not ready to H sacrifice more number of ‘Y’ for ‘X’.
  2. The second reason is that, the goods are not perfect substitutes of each other in the satisfaction of particular want. If they are perfect substitutes, the MRS would not fall and remain constant.

Properties of Indifference Curves

(Refer to Schedule I and above diagram)

Indifference curves always slope downwards from left to right:

  1. This means that an indifference curve has a negative slope.
  2. REASON – In order to maintain same level of satisfaction, as the quantity of burgers is increased in the combination, the quantity of sandwiches is reduced.
  3. Thus, this property follows from the definition of an IC and non-satiety assumption ie. more is preferred to less.
  4. Indifference curve cannot be horizontal straight line or vertical straight line or positively sloped.

Indifference Curves are convex to the origin:

  1. This means that IC is relatively steeper first in its left hand portion and tends to become relatively flatter in its right hand portion.
  2. REASON: Diminishing Marginal Rate of Substitution.
  3. The schedule and diagram shows that the consumer sacrifices less and less of sandwiches for every additional unit of burger.
  4. The convexity of an IC means that the two commodities can substitute each other but are not perfect substitute.
  5. If IC were concave to origin, it would mean increasing MRS. This is against the assumption of diminishing MRS.
    Similarly, IC cannot be straight lines as it would mean that MRS remains constant (for perfect substitute.)

Higher Indifference Curves Represents Higher Level of Satisfaction:

  1. In an indifference map, combinations lying on a higher IC gives higher level of satisfaction than the combinations lying on a lower IC. But how much higher cannot be indicated.
  2. REASON: This is because combinations on higher IC contains more quantity of either sandwiches or burger without having less of other as shown in the following diagram.
  3. Combinations B and C on IC2 will be preferred by the consumer than the combination A on IC1.
  4. Combination B on IC2 contains more quantity of sandwiches without having less of burgers compared to combination A on IC1.
  5. Hence, all combinations on IC2 gives more satisfaction to consumer. Thus, higher IC represents higher satisfaction.

Indifference curves cannot intersect each other:

  1. It means that only one IC will pass through a point in the indifference map.
  2. In other words, ONE combination can lie only on one IC.
  3. Higher IC represents higher level of satisfaction and lower IC represents lower level of satisfaction. If they intersect each other, it would lead to illogical result.
  4. It can be proved with the help of following diagram –

In the diagram two IC intersect each other at point A. On IC1; combinations A = B and on IC2, Combinations A = C. Therefore, by assumption of transitivity if, A = B and A = C. ∴ B = C. But C>B as it lie on higher IC giving higher satisfaction due to more quantity of sandwiches. So two IC cannot intersect.

Indifference curve will not touch either X-axis or Y-axis


  1. The indifference curve will not touch either X-axis or Y-axis because we have assumed that consumer is considering the different combinations of TWO commodities.
  2. If IC touches either of the axis, it would mean that consumer is interested in one commodity only.
  3. In the diagram IC touches X-axis at point B and Y-axis at point A.
  4. At point B the consumer is satisfied with OB quantity of X-commodity and zero quantity of A. This is against the definition of IC. Therefore, IC curve will not touch either axis.

Budget Line Or Price Line (Or Price Opportunity Line Or Expenditure Line Or Budget Constraint or Consumption Possibility Line)

  • A higher indifference curve shows a higher level of satisfaction than lower one.
  • Therefore, to maximize satisfaction consumer will try to reach the highest possible indifference curve.
  • He will try to buy more and more goods to get more and more satisfaction. But, what and how much a consumer can actually buy depends on –
    1. The money income of consumer,
    2. Prices of goods he wants to buy. They are the two objective factors which form the budgetary constraint of the consumer.

The budgetary position of the consumer can be graphically shown by BUDGET LINE. A budget line or price line shows maximum quantity of the different combinations of TWO GOODS that the consumer can purchase with his given money income and given market prices of goods.
The consumer’s money income is Rs. 100 to spend on X and Y.
Price of X is Rs. 5 per unit Price of Y is Rs. 2 per unit
Therefore, the consumer can get either 20 units of X and no Y.
50 units of Y and no X.
Combination of X and Y
Hence, 20 X and 50 Y form the two extreme limits of his expenditure. But the consumer can buy any ONE of the many combinations of X and Y within these limits. Graphically it can be shown as followsca-foundation-business-economics-study-material-theory-of-consumer-behaviour-16
This budget line corresponds to the following equation, called Budget Line Equation
Px. X + Py. Y = M
M = Total Money Income
Px = Price of commodity ‘X’
X = Quantity of X commodity
Py = Price of commodity
Y = Quantity of ‘Y’ commodity

It can be seen in the diagram that the consumer can buy a maximum of 20 units of X as denoted by points ‘L’ or buy a maximum of 50 units of Y as denoted by point ‘P’. On joining points P &L, we get a line PL called as budget line. It determines the limit or boundary of purchase.

The consumer can choose any combination of X and Y lying on budget line like combinations ‘a’ (8 X & 30 Y) or ‘b’ (12 X & 20 Y) or any other combination. However, the consumer cannot choose combination ‘Z’ as it is beyond his means i.e. budget. Any combination like ‘S’ lying within the budget line, shows under spending by consumer.

The slope of budget line is equal to the ratio of the prices of two goods Le. ratio of the prices of X to the price of Y. Thus, the slope of the budget line PL is Px/Py

Consumer’s equilibrium

  • The consumer is said to be in equilibrium when he maximizes his satisfaction (i.e. utility).
  • To explain the consumer’s equilibrium under ordinal approach, we have to make use of TWO TOOLS of indifference curve analysis namely-
    1. the consumer’s INDIFFERENCE MAP, and


  • The consumer has a fixed amount of money income to spend.
  • The consumer intends to buy TWO GOODS.
  • The Consumer is RATIONAL and tries to maximise his satisfaction.
  • The prices of two goods are GIVEN and are CONSTANT. Therefore, budget line has constant slope.
  • The scale of preference of consumer Le. his taste & preferences remains unchanged. Scale of preference is expressed through indifference map.

The CONSUMER’S INDIFFERENCE MAP shows all indifference curves which rank the consumer’s preferences between various possible combinations of TWO commodities.

  • To maximises his satisfaction consumer would like to reach highest possible indifference curve.
  • The slope of IC at any one point shows the MARGINAL RATE OF SUBSTITUTION (which diminishes).
  • To maximise satisfaction consumer will try to reach the highest possible IC and so will try to buy more and more of the two commodities.
  • But there are limits to which he can go on and on.
  • These limits are imposed (i) his money income, & (ii) prices of the commodities. These limits are described by PRICE/BUDGET LINE which shows the various combinations of two commodities the consumer can afford to buy.
  • All the combinations lying on the budget line are affordable by the consumer. Any, combination lying beyond budget line is unaffordable.
  • The slope of budget/price line shows the ratio of the prices of two commodities ie. Px/Py
  • Now we can show how a consumer reaches equilibrium ie., how he allocates his money expenditure between commodities X and Y and gets maximum satisfaction.

For showing this, we will have to superimpose the price line on the indifference map as follows-


  • In order to maximise his satisfaction, the consumer will try to reach highest IC ie. IC4.
  • But the budget constraint forces him to remain ON THE BUDGET LINE.
  • In the diagram, budget line PL shows all the combinations of X & Y that the consumer can buy. In diagram, we find combinations a, b, c, d, e lie on budget line PL and hence are affordable.
  • Points a,b,d and e lie on lower ICs and so are not the points of equilibrium as the consumer can get more satisfaction with the same amount of money.
  • Point ‘C’is the point of equilibrium as it lies on budget line and also on highest possible indifference curve IC3 giving maximum satisfaction.
  • At ‘point’ ‘C’, the budget line PL is TANGENT to indifference curve IC3.
  • At the point of tangency, Slope of indifference Curve = Slope of Budget Line
  • Thus, the consumer is at equilibrium when