CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material – Internal and External Economies

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory of Production and Cost – Internal and External Economies

Internal Economies and Diseconomies

  • Internal economies are those benefits which accrue to a firm when it expands the scale of production.
  • Internal economies are the result of the firm’s own efforts independent of the actions of other firms.
  • These economies are particular to the individual firms and are different for different firms depending upon the size of the firm.

The main types of internal economies are as follows

1. Technical Economies:

– The large scale production is associated with technical economies.
– As the firm increases its scale of production, it becomes possible to use better plant, machinery, equipment and techniques of production.
– Following are the main forms (causes/reasons) of technical economies

  • Economies of superior techniques
    – A large sized firm can use sophisticated and costly machines and equipments.
    – Use of superior techniques reduces the cost of production per unit and increases aggregate output.
  • Economies of increased dimensions
    – A large firm can get the mechanical advantage in using large machines and other mechanical units to produce more output.
    – E.g. A Large boiler, large furnace, etc. can be operated by same team as required by smaller boiler, furnace, etc.
  • Economies of linked processes
    – A large sized firm can develop its own sources of raw material, means of transportation, distribution system, etc.
  • Economies of the use of By-products
    – A large sized firm can avoid all kinds of wastage of materials. The firm can use its by- products and waste material to produce another material.
    – E.g.- Sugar industry can make alcohol out of the molasses.
  • Economies of specialization
    – A large sized firm can introduce greater degree of division of labour and specialisation.

2. Managerial Economies:

  • Large sized firms can introduce division of labour in managerial tasks.
  • They can employ business executive of high skill and qualification to look after the functioning of various departments like production, finance, sales, advertising, personnel, etc.
  • This helps to increase the efficiency and productivity of managers resulting in reduction in managerial costs.

3. Commercial Economies:

  • A large sized firm is able to reap economies of bulk purchases.
  • It can get discounts from suppliers, railways, transport companies, etc.
  • It enjoys prompt and regular supply of raw materials.
  • A large sized firm can also afford to spend large amount of money on advertising, publicity, etc.
  • It can also give various concessions to wholesale and retail dealers and customers and thus capture markets for its product.

4. Financial Economies:

  • A big firm enjoys goodwill among lenders or investors.
  • For raising finance it can either borrow from bank as it can offer better security or it can raise finance by issuing shares, debentures and by inviting public deposits. Such opportunities are not available to small firms.

5. Risk Bearing Economies:

  • A large firm is better placed to face the uncertainties and risks of business.
  • A big firm producing many variety of goods is in a better position to withstand economic ups and downs. Therefore, it enjoys economies of risk bearing.

Internal diseconomies means all those factors which raise the cost of production per unit of a particular firm when the scale of production is expanded beyond the point of optimal capacity.

Such diseconomies of scale are as follows

1. Production Diseconomies:

  • Production diseconomies sets in when expansion of firm’s production beyond optimum size leads to rise in the cost per unit of output.
  • E.g. Use of inferior or less efficient factors due to non-availability of efficient factors raises the per unit cost of output.

2. Managerial Diseconomies:

  • As the scale of production increases burden on management also increases.
  • Co-ordination of work among different departments becomes difficult. Supervision and control over the activities of subordinates becomes difficult, decision taking is delayed, etc.
  • As a result, wastage increase and the efficiency and productivity decrease.
  • Per unit cost starts rising.

3. Technical Diseconomies:

  • Every equipment has an optimum point at which it works more efficiently and economically.
  • Beyond optimum point they are overworked and may result in breakdowns, heavy cost of maintenance, etc.

4. Financial Diseconomies:

  • Expansion of production beyond the optimum scale results in increase in the cost of capital.
  • It may be due to increased dependence on external finances.

5. Marketing Diseconomies:

  • Selling diseconomies set in if the scale of production is expanded beyond optimum level.
  • The advertisement expenditure and marketing overheads increase more proportionately with the scale.

External Economies and Diseconomies

  • External economies are those benefits which accrue to all the firms operating in a given industry from the growth and expansion of that industry.
  • External economies are not related to an individual firm’s own cost reduction efforts.
  • These are common to all the firms in an industry and shared by many firms or industries.

The main types of external economies are as follows

1. Technological Economies:

  • When the whole industry expands, it may result in the discovery of new technical knowledge, firms pool manpower and finance for research and development resulting in new and improved methods of production and new inventions.
  • Use of improved and better machinery improves production function and cost of production per unit falls.

2. Economies of Localization:

  • When in an area, many firms producing the same commodity are set up, it is called localization of an industry.
  • Due to localization there is expansion of railways, post & telegraph, banking services, insurance, setting up of booking offices by transport, companies, setting § up of powerful transformer by electricity department, etc.
  • All the firms get these facilities at low prices.

3. Economies of Information:

  • As pointed earlier, firms pool their resources for research and development.
  • All firms get the benefit of the research in terms of market information, technical information, information about governments economic policies, information about availability of new source of raw material, etc.
  • Also, specialized journals give information about latest developments.

4. Cheaper Inputs:

  • When an industry expands its needs for raw materials, machines, etc. also expand.
  • This may result in exploration of new and cheaper sources of raw materials, machinery, etc.
  • Also, the industries producing such inputs also expand in scale.
  • Therefore, they can supply these inputs at lower prices.
  • As a result the cost of production per unit of the firm using these inputs falls.

5. Growth of Ancillary Industries:

  • With the growth of an industry, many firms specialized in the production of inputs like raw material, tools, machinery, etc. come up.
  • Such firms are called ancillary units which provides inputs at lower cost to the main industry.
  • Likewise, some firms may get developed by processing the waste products of the industry.
  • Thus, wastes are converted into by-products. This reduces the cost of production in general.

6. Development of Skilled Labour:

  • When an industry expands specialized institutions like colleges, training centers, management institutes, etc. develop.
  • This results in continuous availability of skilled labour like technicians, engineers, management experts, etc.

7. Better transportation & Marketing Facilities:-

  • When an industry expands many specialized transporters also develop.
  • The firm in need of specialized transport service can get them easily at cheaper rates.
  • Also many new marketing outlets and specialized marketing institutions develop. The firm need not spend on developing its own marketing outlets.
  • This reduces the cost.

The growth and expansion of an industry in a particular area beyond optimum level results in many disadvantages for firms in the industry. Such disadvantages increases the costs of production of each firm. Therefore, they are called external diseconomies. Some of the external diseconomies are as follows:

1. Diseconomies of Scarcity of Inputs:

  • When an industry expands its need for raw materials, machines, tools and equipments, etc. also expands.
  • Some inputs are such which cannot be totally substituted.
  • The firms supplying these inputs come under pressure and may supply inputs at a higher price.
  • This raises the cost of production per unit of the firm who uses these inputs.

2. Diseconomies of Strains on Infrastructure:

  • Due to concentration of firms in an area infrastructural facilities become inadequate over a time.
  • E.g. Excessive pressure on transport system results in delayed transportation of raw materials and finished goods.
  • Other facilities like electric power supply, communication system, water supply, etc. are also over taxed.
  • This puts strain on infrastructural facilities resulting in increased cost of production. ’

3. Diseconomies of High Factor Prices:

  • With the concentration of an industry in a particular area, the demand for factors of production rises.
  • Thus, the prices of the factors of production go up resulting in increased cost of production.

4. Diseconomies of Expenditure on Advertising:

  • Expansion of an industry also means increase in the number of firms.
  • This means increase in competition among the firms.
  • This forces a firm to spend more and more on advertising.
  • This raises per unit cost.

Internal and External Economies

  • Internal economies are the benefits which accrue to a firm when it expands the scale of production.
  • External economies are those benefits which accrue to all the firms operating in a given industry from the growth and expansion of that industry.
  • Internal economies are called ‘internal’ because these arise due to the internal efforts of the firm.
  • These economies are specific to the individual firm and are different for different firms depending upon the size of the firm.
  • External economies are called ‘external’ because they accrue to a firm as a result of factors that are entirely outside the firm i.e. from the expansion of the industry.
  • Internal economies are the result of the firm’s OWN EFFORTS INDEPENDENT OF THE ACTIONS OF OTHER FIRMS.
  • These economies are peculiar to each fir m.
  • It reflects the working pattern of the firm.
  • External economies are independent of firm’s own efforts and output.
  • They are dependent on the general development of the industry.
  • They are not restricted to a single firm but are shared by a number of firms.
  • Internal economies cause the long-run average cost to fall in the initial stage and internal diseconomies cause the long-run average cost to rise at the later stage.
  • Thus, the shape of LAC curve is determined by internal economies and diseconomies as scale expands.
  • External economies and diseconomies cause the LAC curve to shift down or up as the case may be.
  • When external economies increase, the cost per unit of output falls.
  • So, LAC curve shift downwards.
  • When external diseconomies are more, the cost per unit of output rises.
  • So, LAC curve shift upwards.
5. CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Internal and External Economies 1 CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Internal and External Economies 2
  • If every thing is effectively managed, internal economies can be of long term in nature.
  • External economies depend upon the conditions of the entire industry and economy.
  • Thus, it can be of short term in nature.
  • Internal economies are in the form of technical economies like superior techniques, use of by- products, etc.; managerial economies; commercial economies; financial economies and risk-bearing economies.
  • External economies are in the form of cheaper inputs; discovery of new technical knowledge; development of skilled labour; economies of information; growth of ancillary units; better transport and marketing facilities.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material – Production Optimisation

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory of Production and Cost – Production Optimisation

Production Optimisation

An iso-product curve or isoquant is a curve, which represents the various combinations of two variable inputs that give the same level of output. As all combinations on the iso-product curve give the same level of output, the producer becomes indifferent to these combinations. That is why iso-product curve are also called ‘production indifference curve’ or ‘equal product curve’. To understand consider the following production isoquant schedule.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Production Optimisation 1

In the schedule I above, the producer is indifferent whether he gets combination A, B, C, D or E. This is because all the combinations of capital and labour give the same level of output i.e. 100 units.

By plotting the above combinations on a graph, we can derive an iso-product curve as shown in the following figure:

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Production Optimisation 2

In the diagram, quantity of capital is measured on X-axis and quantity of labour on Y-axis.

The various combinations A, B, C, D, E of capital and labour are plotted and on joining them we derive an iso-product curve. All combinations lying on the iso-product curve yield the same level of output i.e. 100 units and hence technically equally efficient.

If the production schedule II is also plotted on the graph, we will get another iso-product curve IQ200. This will lie above the IQ100 as the combinations contain greater quantities of capital and labour. A set of iso-product curves is called iso-product curve map.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Production Optimisation 3

In the diagram, it can be observed that each iso-product curve is labelled in terms of output. All combinations lying of IQ100 give the output of 100 units and all the combinations lying on IQ200 give the output of 200 units. Higher iso-product curve represent higher level of output. Also it indicates how much more output can be achieved.

Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution
The rate at which one factor of production is substituted in place of the other factor without any change in the level of output is called as the marginal rate of technical substitution. Consider the following schedule.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Production Optimisation 4

Each of the factor combinations in the table above yields same level of output. Moving from combination A to B, one unit of capital replaces 4 units of labour. Similarly, moving from B to C, one unit of capital now replaces only 3 units of labour and so on. It implies that labour and capital are imperfect substitutes. That is why MRTSKL is continuously diminishing. We can measure MRTSKL on an iso-product curve.

‘Iso-Cost Line’ OR ‘Equal Cost Lines’
Iso-cost line (also known Equal Cost Line; Price Line; Outlay Line; Factor Price Line) shows the various combinations of two factor inputs which the firm can purchase with a given outlay (i.e. budget) and at given prices of two inputs.

Example. A firm has with itself Rs. 1,000 which it would like to spend on factor ‘X’ and factor ‘Y’.
Price of factor ‘X’ is Rs. 20 per unit.
Price of factor ‘Y’ is Rs. 10 per unit.
Therefore, if the firm spends the whole amount on factor X, it can buy 50 units of X and if the whole amount is spent on factor Y, it can buy 100 units of Y. However, in between these two extreme limits, it can have many combinations of X and Y for the outlay of Rs. 1,000. Graphically it can be shown as follows –

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Production Optimisation 5

In the diagram OP shows 100 units of Y and OM shows 50 units of X. When we join the two points P and M, we get the iso-cost line. All the combinations of factor X and factor Y lying on iso-cost line can be purchased by the firm with an outlay of Rs. 1,000. If the firm increases the outlay to Rs. 2,000, the iso-cost line shifts to the right, if prices of two factors remains unchanged. The slope of the iso-cost line is equal to the ratio of the prices of two factors. Thus,
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Production Optimisation 6

Producer’s Equilibrium OR Production Optimization
A firm always try to produce a given level of output at minimum cost. For this it has to use that combination of inputs which minimizes the cost of production. This ensures maximization of profits and produce a given level of output with least cost combination of inputs. The least-cost combination of inputs or factors is called producer’s equilibrium or production optimization. This is determined with the help of (a) isoquants, & (b) iso-cost line.

An isoquant or iso-product curve is a curve which shows the various combinations of two inputs that produce same level of output. The isoquants are negatively sloped and convex to origin. The slope of isoquants shows the marginal rate of technical substitution which diminishes. Thus, MRTSxy
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Production Optimisation 7
Iso-cost line shows the various combination of two factor inputs which the firm can purchase with a given outlay and at given prices of inputs. There can be different outlays and hence different iso-cost lines. Slope of iso-cost line shows the ratio of the price of two inputs i.e. Px/Py

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Production Optimisation 8

Which will be the least cost combination can be understood with the help of following figure. Suppose firm wants to produce 300 units of a commodity. It will first see the isoquant that represents 300 units.

In the adjoining diagram we find that all combinations a, b, c, d and e can produce 300 units of output. In order to produce 300 units firm with try to find out least cost combination. For this it will super impose the various iso-cost lines on isoquant as shown in the diagram. The diagram shows that combination ‘C’ is,the least cost combination as here isoquant is tangent to iso-cost line HI. All other combinations a, b, d and e lying on isoquant cost more as these points lie on higher iso-cost lines. Hence, the point of tangency of isoquant and iso-cost line shows least cost combination. At the point of tangency.

Slope of iso-quant = Slope of iso-cost line

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Production Optimisation 9
Thus, the firm will choose OM units of factor X and ON units of factor Y and be at equilibrium as the marginal physical products of two factors are proportional to the factor prices.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material – Law of Returns to Scale

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory of Production and Cost – Law of Returns to Scale

Law of Returns to Scale

  • The Law of Returns to Scale examines the production function i.e. the input – output relation in long run where increase in output can be achieved by varying the units of ALL FACTORS IN THE SAME PROPORTION.
  • Thus, in long run all factors become variable.
  • It means that in long run the scale of production and the size of the firm can be increased.

The law of returns to scale analyse the effects of scale on the level of output as-

  1. Increasing Returns to Scale:
    • When the output increases by a greater proportion than the proportion increases in all the factor inputs, it is increasing returns to scale.
    • E.g. When all inputs are increased by 10% and output rises by 30%.
    • The reasons of increasing returns to scale are – internal and external economies of scale; indivisibility of fixed factors; improved organisation; division of labour and specialisation; better supervision and control; adequate supply of productive factors, etc.
  2. Constant Returns to Scale:
    • When the output increases exactly in the same proportion as that of increase in all factor inputs, it is constant returns to scale.
    • E.g. – When all inputs are increased by 10% and output also rises by 10%.
    • The reason of constant returns to scale is that beyond a certain point, internal and external economies are NEUTRALISED by growing internal and external diseconomies.
  3. Diminishing Returns to Scale:
    • When the output increases by a lesser proportion than the proportion increase in all the factor inputs, it is diminishing returns to scale.
    • E.g. When all inputs are increased by 20% but output rises by 10%.
    • The reason of diminishing returns to scale is increased internal and external diseconomies of production.
    • Internal diseconomies like difficulties in management, lack of supervision and control, delay in decision-making etc.
    • External diseconomies like insufficient transport system, high freights, high prices of raw materials, power cuts, etc.

The law of returns to scale can also be illustrated with the help of the following schedule and diagram.
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Law of Returns to Scale 1
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Law of Returns to Scale 2

Returns to Factor and Returns to Scale

Returns to Factor Returns to Scale
1. Meaning
  • Returns to factor refers to the various production sizes where one factor is variable and other factor of production are fixed.
  • In other words, it examines production function when the output is increased by varying the quantity of one input.
  • It examines the effect of CHANGE IN THE PROPORTIONS between inputs on output.
  • Returns to scale refers to the various production sizes where increase in output can be achieved by varying the units of ALL FACTORS in the SAME PROPORTIONS.
  • It show the effects on output when all factor inputs are varied in the same proportion simultaneously.
2. Nature of Inputs
  • Quantities of some inputs are fixed while the quantities of other inputs vary.
  • In other words, there are FIXED and VARIABLE factors of production.
  • Quantities of all inputs can be varied.
  • In other words, all factors of production are VARIABLE.
3. Time Element
  • Returns to factor is called a SHORT RUN production function.
  • Returns to scale is called a LONG RUN production function.
4. Application
  • It does not apply where the factors must be used in fixed proportion to produce a commodity.
  • It does apply where the factors must be used in fixed proportions to produce a commodity.
5. Stages of Law
  • The law has three stages namely –
    (a)    Increasing Returns to factor,
    (b)   Diminishing Returns to Factor, &
    (c)   Negative Returns to factor ‘
  • Of the three stages, diminishing returns pre-dominate.
  • The law has three stages namely –
    (a)    Increasing Returns to Scale,
    (b)   Constant Returns to Scale,
    (c)   Diminishing Returns to Scale.
  • All the three stages of return appear.
6. Causes of Operation
  • Increasing returns to factor is due to indivisibility of fixed factors and division of labour and specialisation.
  • Diminishing returns is due to non- optimal factor proportion and imperfect substitutability of factors.
  • Negative returns fall in the efficiency of fixed and variable factors.
  • Increasing returns to scale is due to increased internal and external economies.
  • Constant returns to scale is due to the fact that internal and external economies are neutralised by growing internal and external diseconomies.
  • Diminishing returns is due to internal and external diseconomies of scale.
7. Scale of Production
  • The scale of output is unchanged and the production plant or the size and efficiency of the firm remain constant.
  • This is because, only one factor is variable and all other factors are fixed.
  • The scale of output can be increased and so the size of the firm too can be expanded.
  • This is because all factors are variable and hence can be increased in the same proportion simultaneously.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material – Law of Variable Proportions

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory of Production and Cost – Law of Variable Proportions

Law of Variable Proportions

  • The Law of Variable Proportions examines the production function i.e. the input-output relation in short run where one factor is variable and other factors of production are fixed.
  • In other words, it examines production function when the output is increased by varying the quantity of one input.
  • Thus, the law examines the effect of change in the proportions between fixed and variable factor inputs on output in three stages viz. Increasing returns, diminishing returns and negative returns.

Statement of the Law :-
“As the proportion of one factor in a combination of factors is increased, after a point first the marginal and then the average product of that factor will diminish”. (F. Benhan)

The law operates under some assumptions which are as follows:-

  1. There is only one factor which is variable. All other factors remain constant.
  2. All units of variable factor are homogeneous
  3. It is possible to change the proportions in which the various factors are combined.
  4. The state of technology is given and is constant.

The three stages of the law can be explained with the help of the following schedule and diagram.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material - Law of Variable Proportions

Stage I: The Law of Increasing Returns to Factor –

  • During this stage, total product (TP) increases at an increasing rate upto the point of inflexion ‘I’ and thereafter it increases at diminishing rate.
  • This is because marginal product (MP) of the variable factor increases upto point ‘M’ on MP curve and then start falling.
  • Rising MP also pulls up average product (AP), which goes on rising, in the first stage.
  • Rising AP indicates increase in the efficiency of variable factor i.e. labour.
  • Stage I ends where AP is maximum and is equal to MP as shown by point ‘C’ in the diagram.

The law of increasing returns operates because of the following two reasons:

1. Indivisibility of fixed factors

  • Due to indivisibility, the quantity of fixed factors is more than the quantity of variable factors.
  • So when the quantity of variable factors is increased to work with fixed factors, output increases speedily due to full and effective utilisation of fixed factors.
  • In other words, efficiency of fixed factors increases.

2. Efficiency of Variable Factor Increases
Due to increase in the quantity of variable factor, it becomes possible to introduce DIVISION OF LABOUR leading to SPECIALISATION. This results in more output per worker.

Stage II: The Law of Diminishing Returns to Factor –

  • In second stage, TP continues to increase at diminishing rate. It reaches the maximum at point ‘D’ in the diagram, where the second stage ends.
  • In this stage, both AP and MP of variable factor are falling- though remains positive. That is why this stage is called as the stage of diminishing returns.
  • At the end of this stage MP becomes, zero as shown by point ‘B’ in the diagram and corresponding to highest point ‘D’ on TP curve.

The law of diminishing returns operate due to the following two reasons:

1. Indivisibility of fixed factors

  • Once the optimum proportion between indivisible fixed factors and variable factors is reached (as in Stage I) with any further increase in the quantity of Variable factor, the fixed factors become inadequate and are overutilised.
  • The fine balance between fixed and variable factor gets disturbed. This causes AP and MP to diminish.

2. Imperfect Substitutability of factors

  • Variable factors are not perfect substitute of fixed factors.
  • The elasticity of substitution between factors is not infinite.

Stage III: The Law of Negative Returns to Factor –

  • In third stage, TP falls and so, TP curve slopes downward. MP becomes negative and the MP curve goes below the X-axis. AP continues to fall.
  • As the MP of variable factor becomes negative, this stage is called the stage of negative returns.
  • In this stage the efficiency of fixed and variable factors fall and factor ratio becomes highly sub-optimal.

The law of negative returns operate due to the following reasons:

  1. The quantity of the variable factor becomes too excessive compared to fixed factors. They get in each other’s way and so TP falls and MP becomes negative.
  2. Too large number of variable factors also reduce the efficiency of fixed factors.

Conclusion -Where to operate?

  1. A rational firm will not produce either in Stage I or in Stage III.
  2. In stage I, the marginal product of fixed factor is negative as its quantity is more than variable factor.
  3. In stage III, the marginal product of variable factor is negative as its quantity is too large than fixed factor.
  4. Therefore, firm would seek to produce in Stage II where both AP and MP of Variable factor are falling.
  5. At which point to produce in this stage will depend on the prices of factor inputs.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material – Meaning of Production

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory of Production and Cost – Meaning of Production

Meaning of Production

  • Production is one of the important economic activity that takes place in any economy apart from consumption and investments.
  • An individual firm is the micro-economic unit which undertake the production of goods and services.
  • A firm’s survival depends upon whether it is able to achieve optimum efficiency in production by minimizing the cost of production.
  • Production is the transformation of resources into goods and services. In other words, production is the act of transformation of INPUTS into OUTPUT which satisfies the wants of some people.
    E.g.- Inputs of sugarcane, capital and labour are used to produce SUGAR.
    Production also includes production of SERVICES like those of lawyers, teachers, doctors, etc.
  • The amount of goods and services that an economy is able to produce determines whether it is rich or poor. A country like U.S.A. is a rich country as its production level is high.
  • Man cannot create or destroy matter.
  • In Economics, the term production means creation of economic utilities in the matter i.e. in the things that already exist.
  • Thus, production means creation of those goods and services which have economic utilities i.e. exchange value.
  • According to James Bates and J.R. Parkinson, “Production is the organized activity of transforming resources into finished products in the form of goods and services; and the objective of production is to satisfy the demand of such transformed resources.”
  • Professor J. R. Hicks has defined production “as any activity whether physical or mental, which is directed to the satisfaction of other people’s wants through exchange.”
  • The definition indicates that the term production covers the whole process from creation of utilities till the satisfaction of human wants.

Utilities may be created or added in many ways, such as :-

1. Form Utility

  • It is created by changing the form of raw materials into finished goods for man’s use.
  • E.g. converting raw cotton into cotton fabric.
  • Form utility is created by manufacturing industries.

2. Place Utility

  • It is created by transporting goods from one place to another.
  • E.g. when goods are taken from factory to marketplace, place utility is created.
  • Transport services are involved in creation of place utility.

3. Time Utility

  • It is created by making things available when they are required.
  • E.g. Banks create time utility by granting overdraft facilities.

4. Service Utility (Personal Utility)

  • It is created by providing personal services to the customers by professionals likes lawyers, doctors, bankers, shopkeepers, teachers, transporters, etc

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material – Concepts of Product

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory of Production and Cost – Concepts of Product

Product i.e. output refers to the volume of goods produced by a firm in a particular period of time.
There are three concepts relating to the physical production by factors namely-

  1. Total Product (TP),
  2. Average Product (AP), and
  3. Marginal Product (MP).

1. Total Product (TP):

  • The total output produced by all the factors per unit of time is called total product.
  • Total product increases with an increase in the variable factor input.
  • Column Nos. (1) and (2) of the following table shows a total product schedule.

2. Average Product (AP):

  • The. average product means the total product per unit of a variable factor.
  • In other words, it is the total product divided by the number of units of a variable factor.<CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Concepts of Product 1
  • Column No. (3) of the following table shows the average product of variable factor.

3. Marginal Product (MP):

  • The marginal product means addition made to total product by the use of an extra unit of variable factor.
  • It may be stated as-
    MPn = TPn – TPn-1
    MPn = Marginal product when ‘n ’ units of variable factors are used
    TP = Total Product
    n = number of units of variable factors used.
  • Marginal Product may also be defined as the change in total output due to use of additional unit of variable factor
    CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Concepts of Product 2
    Where –
    Δ = a small change Column No. (4) of the following table shows the marginal product schedule.

Table: Product Schedule

Units of Variable Total Product (TP) factor E.g. LABOUR Average Product (AP) Marginal Product (MP)
1 10 10 10
2 30 15 20
3 60 20 30
4 80 20 20
5 90 18 10
6 90 15 0
7 85 12.1 -5

Average product and Marginal product are related to one another.

(i) – When average product of the variable factor is rising, marginal product of the variable factor is more than its average product.
– So when average product curve is rising, the marginal product curve will lie somewhere above it.

(ii) – When average product of the variable factor is falling, marginal product of the variable factor is less than its average product.
– So when average product curve is falling, the marginal product curve will lie somewhere below it.

(iii) – When average product of the variable factor is maximum and constant, marginal product is equal to average product.
– In other words, the marginal product curve cuts the average product curve at its maximum point.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material – Fixed Inputs (Fixed Factors) and Variable Inputs (Variable Factors)

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory of Production and Cost – Fixed Inputs and Variable Inputs

Fixed Inputs (Fixed Factors) and Variable Inputs (Variable Factors)

Comparison Fixed Inputs Variable Inputs
(i) Meaning
  • The factors which cannot be easily and quickly changed and require long time to make adjustment in them with the changes in the level of output are called fixed inputs or fixed factors of production.
  • In other words, factor inputs whose quantity does not vary from day-to-day are called as fixed inputs.
  • The factors which can be easily and quickly changed and readily adjusted with the changes in the level of output are called variable inputs or variable factors of production.
  • In other words, factor inputs whose quantity may vary from day-to-day are called as variable inputs.
(ii) Examples
  • Examples of fixed inputs – buildings, machinery, plant, top management, etc.
  • It requires long time to make variations in them.
  • E.g. To construct a new factory building with a larger area and capacity.
  • Examples of variable inputs – ordinary labour, raw-material, power, fuel chemicals, etc.
  • It can be readily changed.
(iii) Relation with Output
  • Fixed inputs do not vary with the level of output.
  • Its quantity remains the same, whether the output is more or less or zero in SHORT RUN
  • Variable inputs vary directly with the level of output.
  • Such factors are required more, when output is more; less, when output is less and zero, when output is zero in SHORT RUN.
(iv) Cost
  • The cost of the fixed inputs is called FIXED COST.
  • In the short run the firm has to bear the fixed cost even if the output is zero.
  • Since the quantity of fixed inputs remains the same, fixed cost remains the same whatever be the level of output.
  • The cost of the variable inputs is called VARIABLE COST.
  • Since variable inputs vary directly with the level of output, variable costs are also positively related with output. If output is zero, variable cost is also zero.
  • If output is increased variable cost also increases and vice-versa.

Short Run (Short Period) & Long Run (Long Period)

Comparison Short Run Long Run
(i) Meaning
  • The short run is defined as the period of time in which some factors of production or at least one factor is fixed i.e. does not vary with output.
  • Thus, in the short period some factors are FIXED FACTORS E.g. Factory building, machinery, management, etc. and some are VARIABLE FACTORS E.g. Labour, raw-material, power, fuel, etc.
  • The long run is defined as the period of time in which all factors may vary.
  • In the long run, all factors become variable and so there is no distinction between fixed and variable factors.
(ii) Scale of Production OR Size of the Firm
  • In the short run, the output is produced with a GIVEN SCALE OF PRODUCTION i.e. the size of plant or firm (and so the production capacity) remains unchanged.
  • Hence, production can be increased or decreased only by changing the amount of variable factors.
  • In the long run, the output is produced with the CHANGE IN THE SCALE OF PRODUCTION i.e. the size of plant or firm can be increased (and so the pro­duction capacity).
  • Hence, production can be increased by varying all factors i.e. fixed factors (of short period) as well as variable factors.
(iii) Produc­tion Law
  • The production function which is studied in the short run period is called as the Law of Variable Proportions.
  • The production function which is stud­ied in the long run period is called as the Law of Returns to Scale.
(iv) Decisions about Change in factors
  • The decisions to change the amount of variable factors (like raw material, labour, etc.) are taken very frequently depending upon changes in demand of the commod­ity.
  • Hence, short run is the ‘ACTUAL PRO­DUCTION PERIOD’ during which some factors are fixed while some are variable.
  • Thus, firms operate in the short run period.
  • The decisions to change the amount of fixed factors i.e. scale of production or to close down the firm are taken only once in a while.
  • Hence, long run is the ‘PLANNING PERIOD’.
  • Thus, firms plan in the long run period.
(v) Nature of Supply
  • In the short run period, supply can be adjusted upto a limited extent as per changes in demand.
  • In other words, supply is relatively inelastic.
  • In the long run period, supply can be fully adjusted as per changes in demand.
  • In other words, supply is relatively elastic.
(vi) Nature of Cost
  • In short run period, cost is classified as FIXED COST and VARIABLE COST.
  • Fixed cost is the cost of fixed inputs and Variable cost is the cost of variable inputs.
  • Fixed cost is the main feature of short run period
  • In long run period ALL COSTS ARE VARIABLE.
  • Variable cost is the main feature of long run period.
(vii) Effect on Price
  • In short-run, the price determination of a commodity is more influenced by –
    (a) The demand forces than supply forces because supply in short-run is rela­tively inelastic, and
    (b) The UTILITY of the commodity.
  • The short-run price is called SUB-NOR­MAL PRICE
  • In long-run, the price determination of a commodity is more influenced by-
    (a) The supply forces than demand forces because supply in long-run is relatively elastic, and
    (b) The COST OF PRODUCTION of the commodity.
  • The long-run price is called NORMAL PRICE.
(viii) Average Cost Curve
  • The short-run average cost curve is ‘U’ shaped.
  • Its U-shape is explained with the Law of Variable Proportions.
  • The long-run average cost curve is also U shaped.
  • But its U- shape is not as prominent as short-run average cost curve.
  • Its U-shape is explained with the Law of Returns to Scale.
  • Long-run average cost curve is also called ‘PLANNING CURVE’ and ‘ENVELOPE CURVE’.
(ix) Profit of Firms In the short-run period –

  • The firms under perfect competition on being at equilibrium may earn normal profits, super normal profits or incur losses;
  • The monopoly firm on being at equi­librium may earn normal profits, super normal profits or incur losses;
  • The firms under monopolistic competi­tion on being at equilibrium may earn normal profits, super normal profits or incur losses.
In the long run period-

  • The firms under perfect competi­tion earn only NORMAL PROFITS and operate at optimum level.
  • The monopoly firm can earn SUPER NORMAL PROFITS and operate at sub-optimum level.
  • The firms under monopolistic competition earn only NORMAL PROFITS and operate at sub-opti­mum level.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material – Production Function

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory of Production and Cost – Production Function

Production Function

  • Output is a function of inputs i.e. factor services such as land, labour and capital which are used in production. In other words, production is a transformation of PHYSICAL INPUTS into PHYSICAL OUTPUT.
  • The functional relationship between physical inputs and physical output, per unit of time under a given state of technology is called production function.
  • It can also be expressed in the form of a mathematical equation in which output is the dependent variable and inputs are the independent variables.
    Q = f (a, b, c ………… n)
    Where –
    Q denotes quantity of output of a commodity per unit of time
    f stands for function of i.e. depends on a, b, c,… n denotes quantity of various inputs.

Assumptions of Production Function:
The production function is based on the following assumptions:

  1. It is specified with reference to a specified period of time.
  2. It is assumed that the state of technology remains the same, during the period of time.
  3. It is assumed that the firm uses best and most efficient technique available in production.
  4. It is assumed that the factors of production are divisible into viable units.

The production function can be explained under two heads:
1. The short run production function in which input – output relations are analysed where –

  • One input is variable, all other inputs are fixed, (described as the Law of Variable Proportions) OR
  • Two inputs are variable, all other factors are fixed (explained with the help of isoquants)

2. The long run production function in which input- output relations are analysed where all the inputs are variable (described as the Law of Returns to Scale).

Cobb-Douglas Production Function
Q = f (L, K).
Where –
Q = Output; L = Labour; K = Capital

Paul H. Douglas and C.W. Cobb of the U.S.A. studied the production function of the American manufacturing industries. This production function applies to the whole of manufacturing in U.S.A. rather than to an individual firm. In this case, output is manufacturing production and inputs used are labour and capital.

The conclusion of study is that labour contributed 3 /4th and capital about 1 /4th in the manufacturing production.

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material – Factors of Production

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory of Production and Cost – Factors of Production

Factors of Production


Generally, land means earth’s surface.
However, in economics land refers to all the free gifts of nature i.e. natural resources. Land includes natural resources:

  1. on the surface of earth; E.g. Soil, forest, plots of land, etc.
  2. below the surface of earth, E.g. mineral deposits, etc. and
  3. above the surface of earth, E.g. climate, sunshine, rain, etc.

Land has the following characteristics

  1. Primary Factor. Land is the original and primary or natural factor of production. It provides various natural resources for production.
  2. Free Gift of Nature. Land is the creation of nature and not man made. It is a free gift of nature to mankind.
  3. Inelastic Supply. Land is fixed in supply. Its supply cannot be either increased or decreased by any human efforts. However, its supply is relatively elastic from the point of view of a firm.
  4. Lacks Geographical Mobility. Land cannot be moved bodily from one place to another. However, land is said to be mobile in the sense it can be put to many alternative uses.
  5. Passive Factor. Land does not yield any result unless human efforts and capital are employed.
  6. Heterogeneous. Land differs in nature, fertility, uses and productivity from one place to another.
  7. Permanent. It means that land cannot be destroyed. The productive power of soil is original and indestructible according to RICARDO.
  8. Diminishing Returns. The land is subject to the Law of Diminishing Returns more quickly in the cultivation of land.


  • Labour in economics means any work whether physical or mental done in exchange for some monetary reward.
  • Anything done out of love and affection is not labour in economic sense.

Labour has the following peculiarities (characteristics) which makes it different from other factors:

1. Labour is inseparable from labourer

  • All other suppliers of factors can be separated from the factors which they supply. E.g. Land can be separated from its owner.
  • However, the labourer cannot be separated from the work which he performs. E.g. A doctor has to attend his patients in person. Labour is connected with HUMAN EFFORTS.

2. Human Factor

  • It is a live factor of production. Hence, labour has feelings and temperament.
  • So it is very much affected by surroundings, working, conditions, motivation, leisure, recreation, working hours, etc.

3. Highly perishable

  • Labour cannot be stored for future use. It is highly perishable.
  • A day lost without work means a day’s work gone forever.
  • Hence, labourer has weak bargaining power and has to accept even low wages.

4. The labourer sells his services and not himself

  • In the labour market it is labour which is brought and sold and not the labourer.

5. Heterogeneous

  • Labour power differs from labourer to labourer.
  • Labour power depends upon physical strength, education, skill, training, efficiency, etc.
  • Hence, labour can be classified as unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled labour.
  • The skilled labour is called as human capital.

6. Mobile

  • Labour is a mobile factor.
  • Labour is much less mobile than capital.
  • Labourer is human being and hence has attachment with his family, custom, religion, culture, etc. and so is hesitant to move from one place to another.

7. Active Factor

  • Labour is the most active factor of production. Other factors are made operative with the use of labour.

8. Labour has sociological characteristics.

  • Employment of labour involves problems relating to labour welfare.
  • E.g. Social security like provident fund, gratuity, medical benefits, pension, etc.
  • Other factors do not have such characteristics.

9. Supply curve of labour is backward sloping.

10. The supply of labour is inelastic in short run.


  • In ordinary language, capital is used in the sense of money.
  • But in economics the term ‘Capital’ means man made stock of goods like factories, machines, tools, equipments, raw materials, dams, canals, transport vehicles, etc. which are used in production.
  • Thus, ‘Capital’ in economics is used in the sens(e of real capital i.e. capital goods.
    Capital has therefore, been rightly defined as “produced means of production” and as “man made instrument of production”.

Land and labour are primary or original factors of production. But capital is produced by man working with nature to help in the production of further goods. Following are the main characteristics of capital: –

1. Capital is man made
Capital is not produced by nature. It is artificial as it is produced by man.

2. Capital is productive
Use of capital increases the overall productivity in a given process. It provides tools and implements to labour for production.

3. Supply of capital is elastic

  • The supply of capital can be adjusted to demand.
  • The stock of capital depends on capital formation.
  • Thus, by raising the rates of savings and investments the supply of capital can be increased.

4. All capital is wealth

  • Capital is that part of wealth which is used in further production of wealth.
  • Hence, capital has all the characteristics of wealth like utility, scarcity, transferability and price.

5. Capital is a passive factor
It alone is unable to produce anything. It is ineffective without the use of labour and land.

6. Capital is the most mobile factor.
It has both place as well as occupational mobility.

7. Capital is durable
Physical capital assets like plant and machinery, factory buildings, etc. last over a long time in the process of production. However, they are subject to depreciation.

8. Capital involves social cost

  • In the creation of capital, the money to be used for present consumption has to be diverted.
  • Sacrifice of present consumption and enjoyment of the people is treated as a social cost.

Types of capital

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Factors of Production 1

  • Fixed Capital. Those durable physical assets which can be repeatedly used in the process of production for long periods are called fixed capital. E.g. Machinery, Plant, Tools, Factories, Railways, etc.
  • Circulating or Working Capital. Working capital refers to those goods which are used up in the single act of production. Such goods are used only ONCE in production. E.g. raw materials, power, fuel, etc. They are single use producer’s goods.
  • Sunk Capital. Sunk capital is the capital which is used to produce only one single commodity. It can be put to a single specialized use only. E.g. A brick kiln can be used only to bake brick and nothing else. Sunk capital therefore, lacks occupational mobility.
  • Floating Capital. Floating capital is that which can be put to several uses. E.g. electricity, money, leather, etc.
    Real Capital. Real capital refers to the physical capital goods like machinery, raw material, factory buildings, etc. which help in production.
  • Human Capital. The human capital is in the form of people who are equipped with education, skills, training, good health, etc. A faster economic growth can be achieved with the accumulation of human capital.
  • Tangible Capital. Tangible capital is one which can be seen and touched. E.g. machinery, tools, etc. in other words, it is real capital.
  • Intangible Capital. It cannot be seen or touched. It can only be felt. E.g. goodwill, etc.
    Money Capital. It is in the form of shares, debentures, bonds, stock certificates, etc. Money is invested in expectations of returns.
  • Individual Capital. Capital resources having personal or private ownership of an individual or group of individuals is called individual capital. E.g. Tata Enterprises.
  • Social Capital. The capital which is owned by the society as a whole is called as social capital. E.g. roads, railways, schools, dams, canals, etc.

Capital Formation

  • Capital formation means a sustained increase in the stock of real capital in a country.
  • It is thus, an addition of capital goods like machines, tools, factories, transport facilities, power, etc. in the country.
  • Such capital goods are used for further production of goods and thus increases the production capacity of the country.
  • Capital formation is also known as investment.
  • Capital formation plays an important role in the development of an economy generally, higher the rate of capital formation, more economically developed an economy would be.

There are mainly three stages of capital formation which are as follows:-

1. Savings
Savings represents that part of income which is not consumed. Level of savings in a country depends on – (i) ability to save, and (ii) willingness to save.

(i) ability to save

  • Ability to save depends upon the income of an individual.
  • Higher the income, higher is the savings.
  • This is because with the increase in income the propensity to consume falls and propensity to save increases.
  • This is true in case of both the individuals and the economy.

(ii) willingness to save

  • A person with ability to save must also have willingness to save.
  • Willingness to save depends upon individual’s concern about future. If a person is foresighted and wants to make future secure, he will save more.
  • Willingness to save also depends upon family affection, desire for the growth and promotion of business, desire for prestige and power habits, sound banking system, stability in the money value, State’s taxation policy, etc.

2. Mobilization of Savings.

  • The money so saved by the households must enter into circulation i.e. must be mobilized and make them available to the businessmen or entrepreneurs who require it for investment purposes.
  • This requires a network of banks, financial institutions (like UTI, IDBI, etc.), insurance companies, etc.
  • Such facilities help to promote high rate of mobilization and canalization of savings.

3. Investments

  • The final stage is the investment of savings into capital assets like machinery, tools, buildings, dams, etc.
  • Investment requires a large number of honest, dynamic, daring, efficient and skilled entrepreneurs in the economy.
  • Investments also depends upon the factors like expected profits, rate of interest, size of market, stability in the money value, internal peace and security, fear of foreign aggression, etc.


  • The most important factor in production i.e. enterprise is provided by entrepreneur.
  • An entrepreneur is a person or group of persons who bring together the different factors of production i.e. land, labour and capital at one place; combine them in right proportions; initiate the process of production by making them work together and bear the risks and uncertainty involved in it.

He is therefore also called the organizer, the manager or risk bearer. An entrepreneur performs the following functions:-

1. Initiating a business enterprise

  • The first function of an entrepreneur is to start a business. For this he brings together the different factors of production like land, labour and capital.
  • He pays them their respective remuneration i.e. rent for land, wages to labour and interest to capital.
  • Any surplus left after factor payment is his reward i.e. profit which is not fixed.
  • If his planning goes wrong he may also incur losses.

2. Risk and Uncertainty bearing

  • Main function of an entrepreneur is to bear risk and uncertainty. According to Prof. F. H. Knight there are two types of risks namely –
    1. Foreseeable or insurable risks e.g. risk of fire, thefts, accidents, etc.
    2. Unforeseeable or non-insurable risk e.g. technological risks due to inventions, fluctuations in demand due to change in fashion etc., trade cycles, changes in govt, policies, etc.
  • Foreseeable risks can be predicted and hence can be insured. Such risks do not cause uncertainty and thus do not give rise to profits.
  • Unforeseeable risks involve uncertainty and give rise to profits.
  • True entrepreneurship lies in bearing non-insurable risks and uncertainties.

3. Innovations

  • Prof. Joseph A. Schumpeter considers innovation as the true function of the entrepreneur.
  • Innovation refers to all those changes in the production process the objective of which is to reduce the cost of production and increase profits.
  • Innovations in wider sense includes introduction of new or improved production methods, a new machine, a new plant, use of a new source of raw material, change in the internal organizational set-up, etc.
  • Such innovations give rise to profits but temporarily because once these are adopted by other firms, the profits could disappear.
  • Hence, entrepreneur has to continuously introduce new innovations and contribute to technological progress and economic growth of the country.

Enterprise’s objectives and constraints
Earning profit is considered to be the prime objective of every business. However, earning profit cannot be the only objective of the business because an enterprise functions in the economic, social, political and cultural environment. Hence, an enterprise has to set us objectives in relation to such environment. The objectives of an enterprise are as follows:

1. Organic objectives: The basic purpose of all kinds of enterprises is to SURVIVE and EXIST i.e. to stay alive. This is possible only when it is able to recover its costs and earn profits. Once the enterprise is assured of its survival, it will aim at growth and expansion.

  • Growth as on objective has gained importance with the rise of professional managers. H.L. Marris’s and other economists assert that managers of a corporate firm are interested in maximizing the growth rate rather than in profit maximization.
  • Owners are interested in profits, capital, market share and public reputation.
  • For growth and expansion of the firm it is necessary that adequate profits are made so as to provide internal funds for further investment.
  • Growth and profit are both positively related to the size of the firm. Both of the objectives converge in one namely A STEADY GROWTH IN THE SIZE OF THE FIRM.
  • Managers prefer balanced rate of growth over profits. The growth rate and growth is measured in terms of sales, number of branches, number of employees, etc.

2. Economic Objectives: The basic and important objective of every business is to earn profit. Accordingly therefore, the firm determines the price and output policy in a j manner that profits can be maximized.

  • Investors expect sufficient returns from their company. Similarly, creditors and employees are also interested in profitable enterprise.
  • The definition of profits in economic sense has different meaning than accountants’ definition of profits.
  • Accounting Profit = Total Revenue – Accounting Cost (Explicit Cost)
  • Economic Profit = Total Revenue – Economic Cost (i.e. Explicit + Implicit Cost)
  • Profit maximization objective has been criticized because all firms do not aim to maximize profits. E.g.-
    (i) Some firm try to achieve SECURITY with reasonable level of profit.
    (ii) Some firms may try to MAXIMISE SALES (Prof. Baumol)
    (iii) Some economists point that owners and managers of a company try to MAXIMISE THEIR UTILITY rather than profit.

3. Social Objectives: A business enterprise is an integral part of society. It lives in a society. It cannot grow unless it meets the needs of the society. It makes use of resources of society. Therefore, it owes something to society. Some of the important social objectives j of business are-

  • To maintain continuous and desired quantity of unadulterated goods of standard quality.
  • To avoid unfair trade practices.
  • To avoid profiteering and anti-social practices.
  • To create opportunities for gainful employment for the people in the society. A business should specially consider the handicapped, disabled and poor people.
  • To avoid air, water or noise pollution.

4. Human Objectives: Employees are precious resources who contribute abundantly to the success in business. Therefore, the overall development of its employees, keep them motivated and taking care of employees should be major objectives of an organization. The common human objectives are-

  • To provide fair deal to the employees at different levels.
  • To provide good working conditions.
  • To pay competitive and satisfactory wages and salaries.
  • To impart training to employees and keep updating their knowledge.
  • To provide opportunities to employees in decision making process on the matters affecting them.

5. National Objectives: An enterprise should try to fulfil the nations need and aspirations. It should work towards implementation of national plans and policies. Some of the national objectives are- .

  • To remove inequality of opportunities and provide opportunities to all irrespective of caste and religion to work and to progress.
  • To produce according to national priorities.
  • To help country achieve self-sufficiency in production of all types of goods and thus reduce dependence on other countries.
  • To provide education and training to young men to bring about skill formation for achieving growth and development.
  • All the enterprises have multiple objectives and therefore, the need to set priorities by balancing of the objectives.

In the pursuit of the above objectives an enterprise’s action may get constrained in following ways-

  • Lack of knowledge and information about many variable that affect business.
  • Constraints may be experienced due to governments’ restrictions on the production, price and movement of factors.
  • There may be infrastructural bottleneck.
  • Changes in business and economic conditions; change in government policies about location, prices, taxes, etc.; natural calamities like fire, flood, famine, etc.
  • Constraints are also faced due to inflation, rising interest rates, unfavourable exchange rate, capital and labour costs, etc.

Enterprise’s Problems
A business enterprise face many problem from its start, through its life time till it is closed down. Following are the main problems:

1. Problems relating to objectives: An enterprise functions in the economic, social, political and cultural environment. Therefore, it has a set of many objectives in relation to its environment.

These multifarious objectives many times conflict with one another. Hence, the enterprise faces the problem of choosing and striking balance between them.
E.g.- Social responsibility objective may run into conflict with expansion of production activity resulting in pollution.

2. Problems relating to location and size of the plant: An enterprise has to decide about ‘ the LOCATION of its plant. In doing so, it has to consider many costs like cost of labour, facilities and cost of transportation to decide where its plant should be located.

Another problem faced is about SIZE of the firm, whether it should be a small scale or large scale unit. Before deciding upon the scale of operations several aspects will have to be considered like technical, managerial, marketing, financial, etc.

3. Problems relating to selecting and Organising physical facilities: A firm has to decide about the nature of production process to be used and the type of equipments required for it. This will depend upon the require^ volume of production
This choice will be based on-
(i) the evaluation of costs of different equipments, and (ii) efficiency
It has also to prepare layout of plant.

4. Problems relating to Finance: A firm also has to do good financial planning. For this an enterprise will have to determine-

  • amount of funds required,
  • demand and cost of its products,
  • profits on investments, and
  • capital structure

5. Problems relating to Organisation Structure: An enterprise faces problem relating to organizational structure. It has to divide the total work of the enterprise by creating different departments in order to carry on the specialized functions by each department. It has to clearly define the roles and relationships of all positions also.

6. Problems relating to Marketing: For survival and growth, a firm has to properly do marketing of its products and services.

  • It has to identify its actual and potential customers, tools of marketing, etc.
  • After identifying the market, the firm has to decide upon product, promotion, price and place aspects.

7. Problems relating to Legal Formalities: Many legal formalities are to be carried out at the time of formation, during the life time and at closure.
E.g.- assessing various taxes and paying, maintenance of records, filing various returns, adhering to laws formulated by Govt., etc.

8. Problems relating to Industrial Relations: This problem relates to winning worker’s co-operation, enforcing discipline among workers, workers participation in management, dealing with trade unions, etc.


CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost – MCQs

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost – MCQs


Theory of Production

1. The term production in economics means-
(a) creation of a physical product only
(b) rendering of a service only
(c) creation of economic utilities
(d) none of the above

2. Which of the following is considered production in economics?
(a) Singing a song in a birthday party
(b) Run for fun
(c) Giving tuitions
(d) Helping an old man to cross road

3. Making use of personal skill of doctors, lawyers, actors, etc. results in the creation of-
(a) form utility
(b) place utility
(c) personal/service utility
(d) time utility

4. Making available materials at times when they are normally not available is called conferring of utility of-
(a) place
(b) time
(c) form
(d) service

5. Which of the following statements incorrect?
(a) Man cannot create matter.
(b) Production is an activity of making some-thing material only.
(c) Production can be defined as addition of utility.
(d) Production is any economic utility which is directed towards the satisfaction of the wants of the people.

6. Economic utilities may be created or added
(a) By changing the form of raw materials into finished goods
(b) By transporting goods from one place to another
(c) By making things available when they are required
(d) All the above

7. Which of the following is not a feature of land
(a) Free gift
(b) Limited in quantity
(c) Mobile factor
(d) Indestructible

8. The factor of production which has no reserve price is-
(a) land
(b) labour
(c) capital
(d) all the above

9. Which of the following can be considered as labour in economics-
(a) Singing for pleasure
(b) A teacher teaching his own child at home
(c) Looking after, a sick friend
(d) A teacher teaching in school

10. The supply of land is-
(a) Unlimited
(b) Increased
(c) Decreased
(d) Limited

11. Land in economics means-
(a) Material and Non-material goods
(b) Minerals under the surface of earth
(c) All natural resources available to man for producing wealth
(d) All the above

12. Labour is-
(a) Active factor
(b) Passive factor
(c) Alternative factor
(d) None of the above

13. Which factor loses its value of it cannot find a purchaser today-
(a) Land
(b) Labour
(c) Capital
(d) All the above

14. Supply curve of labour is-
(a) upward sloping
(b) horizontal
(c) backward bending
(d) vertical

15. Income effect when wage rises means
(a) work hours rise
(b) work hours fall
(c) work hours remain constant
(d) work hours first fall and then rise

16. Which of the following statements is not true?
(a) Capital is a produced means a production.
(b) Capital is a man made instruments of production.
(c) Capital is a primary factor of production.
(d) Machine tools, factories, dams, canals, etc. are examples of capital.

17. Tools, machines, etc. are included in-
(a) circulating capital
(b) fixed capital
(c) sunk capital
(d) human capital

18. The capital which belongs to the society as a whole is called-
(a) Individual Capital
(b) Human Capital
(c) Social Capital
(d) Floating Capital

19. Raw material is an example of –
(a) Circulating Capital
(b) Fixed Capital
(c) Tangible Capital
(d) Real Capital

20. Which capital includes education, training, skill, ability?
(a) Human Capital
(b) Individual Capital
(c) Social Capital
(d) Real Capital

21. Goodwill, patent rights, etc. are examples of –
(a) Tangible Capital
(b) Real Capital
(c) Intangible Capital
(d) Human Capital

22. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) Capital Formation involves production of more capital goods.
(b) Capital Formation is also called investment.
(c) To accumulate capital goods, some current consumption is to be sacrificed.
(d) All the above

23. Surplus of production over consumption in an economy in a year is called-
(a) Capital
(b) Capital formation
(c) Stock
(d) Savings

24. The third stage of capital formation is-
(a) creation of savings
(b) mobilization of savings
(c) distribution of savings
(d) investment of savings

25. With an increase in income-
(a) the propensity to consume increases
(b) the propensity to save increases
(c) the propensity to consume remains constant
(d) the propensity to save falls

26. A ____ country has greater ability to save.
(a) poor
(b) developing
(c) rich
(d) under developed

27. An individual’s saving level depends upon-
(a) ability to save
(b) willingness to save
(c) both ‘a’ & ‘b’
(d) only ‘a’

28. The factor which mobilize land, labour and capital; combines them in the right proportion and then organizes the production activity is –
(a) Owner
(b) Labour
(c) Manger
(d) Entrepreneur

29. The reward of all factors of production is usually predetermined (pre-fixed) except-
(a) Land
(b) Labour
(c) Capital
(d) Entrepreneur

30. The reward of an entrepreneur for his efforts and risk-taking is-
(a) Interest
(b) Profit/Loss
(c) Rent
(d) Wages

31. The reward of capital is-
(a) Rent
(b) Interest
(c) Wages
(d) Profit

32. The reward of an entrepreneur i.e. profit is –
(a) predetermined income
(b) residual income
(c) constant income
(d) none of the above

33. The risks which can be anticipated and can be insured against are called-
(a) Insurable risks
(b) Non-Insurable risks
(c) Unforeseeable risks
(d) None of the above

34. The risks like change in demand for a commodity, the cost structure, fashion, technological, etc. which an entrepreneur has to bear are called-
(a) Uncertainties
(b) Insurable risks
(c) Foreseeable risks
(d) Both ‘a’ and ‘c’

35. According to _____ innovations introduced by an entrepreneur give rise to profits.
(a) Prof. F.H. Knight
(b) Prof. Joseph A. Schumpeter
(c) Prof. Paul Samuelson
(d) Dr. Alfred Marshall

36. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
(a) Mobilisation of savings is done through network of banking and other financial institutions.
(b) Land lacks geographical mobility but has occupational mobility.
(c) Entrepreneur is also called the organizer, § the manager or the risk taker.
(d) Labour can be stored.

37. Labour is ____
(a) Human factor
(b) Perishable
(c) inseparable from labour
(d) All the above

38. Leather in a shoe factory is
(a) Fixed capital
(b) Sunk capital
(c) Floating Capital
(d) Circulating capital

39. _____ Cannot be stored.
(a) Land
(b) Labour
(c) Capital
(d) Both a & b

40. Capital that can be used for several purposes or by several industries is
(a) Working capital
(b) Social capital
(c) Floating capital
(d) Human capital

41. Addition to the stock of capital goods in a country means
(a) Capital reduction
(b) Investment
(c) Capital formation
(d) Both (b) & (c)

42. Find the odd out
(a) Capital is man-made
(b) All capital is wealth
(c) Capital is durable
(d) Mobilisation of savings

43. Consider the following groups of items:
(i) Factory buildings
(ii) Plant and Machinery
(iii) Stocks of raw materials
(iv) Wage bills
Which of these are known as working capital?
(a) i and ii
(b) iii and iv
(c) i, ii and iii
(d) ii, iii and iv

44. The production function means relationship between
(a) Cost of input
(b) Cost of output
(c) Physical input to physical output
(d) Wages of profit

45. A production function is an expression of _____ relation between inputs and outputs.
(a) monetary
(b) economic
(c) quantitative
(d) qualitative

46. A short run production function is one in which-
(a) at least one factor is fixed
(b) all factors are fixed
(c) all factors are variable
(d) at least one factor is variable

47. Technically efficient combinations of inputs of those which-
(a) minimizes wastage
(b) maximizes profits
(c) minimises cost
(d) maximises reve¬nue

48. In the short period there is no change in factors.
(a) fixed
(b) variable
(c) human
(d) physical

49. In the period all factors are variable.
(a) short
(b) long
(c) market
(d) secular

50. In its original for Cobb-Douglas production function applies to-
(a) individual manufacturing firm
(b) individual firm
(c) whole of manufacturing in US
(d) None of the above

51. Cobb-Dauglas production function revealed that the increase in the manufacturing production was contributed by labour and capital respectively by-
(a) 3/4 th and l/4 th
(b) l/4 th and 3/4 th
(c) 2/3 rd and l/3 rd
(d) None of the above

52. Cobb-Douglas production-
(a) is linear
(b) is homogeneous
(c) shows constant returns to scale
(d) all the above

53. Cobb-Douglas production function exhibits returns to scale.
(a) increasing
(b) diminishing
(c) constant
(d) negative

54. The above equations shows that-
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(a) One factor is fixed and another variable
(b) Both factors are fixed
(c) Both factors are variable
(d) Both factors are semi-variable

55. The main difference between the short period/ run and the long period/run is that –
(a) in the short period all inputs are fixed, while in the long period all inputs are variable.
(b) in the short run at least one input is fixed
(c) in the short run firm varies the quantities of all inputs
(d) in the long run, the firm uses the existing plant capacity

56. The law of variable proportions is a law of production which takes place in the-
(a) market period
(b) short run
(c) long run
(d) very long period

57. All but one are the assumptions of the law of variable proportions. Which one is not?
(a) There is only one factor which is variable
(b) All units of variable factor are homogeneous
(c) State of technology remains constant
(d) Applies in long run

58. When there is a fixed factor and a variable factor, then the law would be-
(a) law of increasing returns to scale
(b) law of constant returns to scale
(c) law of decreasing returns to scale
(d) law of variable proportions

59. The total quantity of goods and services produced by a firm with the given inputs during a specified period of time is called-
(a) Total Product
(b) Average Product
(c) Marginal Product
(d) Labour Product

60. The amount of output produced per unit of variable factor employed is called-
(a) Total Product
(b) Average Product
(c) Marginal Product
(d) Labour Product

61. The change in TP resulting from the employment of an additional unit of a variable factor is called-
(a) Total Product
(b) Marginal Product
(c) Average Product
(d) All the above

62. The average product of a variable input can be described as-
(a) total product divided by the number of units of variable input
(b) additional output resulting from employment of additional unit of variable factor
(c) the total quantity of goods produced with all inputs
(d) None of the above

63. TP of variable factor is –
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(a) only i
(b) only i and iii
(c) only ii
(d) only ii and iv

64. Initially TP curve increases at an-
(a) increasing rate
(b) diminishing rate
(c) constant rate
(d) maximum rate

65. As more units of variable factor is employed it will-
(a) always increase the TP
(b) always decrease the TP
(c) not always increase the TP
(d) always result in constant TP

66. As long as TP is positive, AP is-
(a) negative
(b) constant
(c) positive
(d) falling

67. AP curve is-
(a) U-Shaped
(b) S-Shaped
(c) inverted U-Shaped
(d) inverted S-Shaped

68. MP curve is the slope of at each point.
(a) AP curve
(b) TP curve
(c) TR curve
(d) AR curve

69. When TP is maximum, MP is –
(a) rising
(b) falling
(c) zero
(d) negative

70. When TP is falling, MP is –
(a) zero
(b) rising
(c) negative
(d) falling

71. MP curve is –
(a) U – shaped
(b) S- shaped
(c) inverted U – shaped
(d) inverted S – shaped

72. When TP is maximum, the slope of TP curve is –
(a) rising
(b) falling
(c) constant
(d) zero

73. TP is the area under the –
(a) AP curve
(b) AR curve
(c) MP curve
(d) MR curve

74. MP is positive so long as TP is-
(a) increasing
(b) decreasing
(c) maximum
(d) negative

75. When TP is rising-
(a) AP and MP are rising
(b) AP and MP are falling
(c) AP and MP may be either rising or falling
(d) Only MP is either rising or falling

76. When MP is negative-
(a) TP and AP are falling
(b) TP and AP are rising
(c) TP and AP are constant
(d) Only TP is falling

77. When MP is at a maximum-
(a) AP = MP and TP is rising
(b) AP < MP and TP is rising
(c) AP > MP and TP is rising .
(d) AP and TP are falling

78. If MP goes on increasing, it should be understood that law of _____ is applying.
(a) increasing returns
(b) decreasing returns
(c) constant returns
(d) diminishing returns

79. If MP goes on decreasing it should be understood that law of _____ is in operation.
(a) decreasing cost
(b) constant cost
(c) average cost
(d) increasing cost

80. When MP is falling, TP will increase at the rate.
(a) constant
(b) increasing
(c) diminishing
(d) normal

81. When average product is maximum, marginal product is equal to-
(a) total product
(b) zero
(c) one
(d) average product

82. MP curve cuts AP curve from-
(a) its top
(b) below
(c) both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’

83. The marginal product is maximum at the .
(a) equilibrium point
(b) inflection point
(c) focal point
(d) optimum point

84. The stage of production where the marginal product is greater than the average product is-.
(a) stage of increasing returns
(b) stage of diminishing returns
(c) stage of negative returns
(d) stage of constant returns

85. Which of the following statements reveal the diminishing returns?
(a) The MP of a factor is constant
(b) The MP of a factor is positive and rising
(c) The MP of a factor is falling and negative
(d) The MP of a factor is positive but falling

86. The MP curve is above the AP curve when the average product-
(a) is constant
(b) is falling
(c) is increasing
(d) is negative

87. The actual stage of production under the law of variable proportions is-
(a) stage of increasing returns
(b) stage of diminishing returns
(c) stage of negative returns
(d) stage of either increasing or diminishing returns

88. Reason for rise in both AP and MP curves is-
(a) under utilization of the fixed factor
(b) under utilization of the variable factor
(c) over utilization of the fixed factor
(d) over utilization of the variable factor

89. Reason for fall in both AP and MP curves is-
(a) under utilization of the fixed factor
(b) over utilization of the fixed factor
(c) under utilization of the variable factor
(d) full utilization of the variable factor

90. When AP and MP curves are rising, MP curve rises-
(a) at a faster rate
(b) at a lower rate
(c) at normal rate
(d) at constant rate

91. When AP and MP curves are falling, MP curve falls-
(a) at a faster rate
(b) at a lower rate
(c) at normal rate
(d) at constant rate

92. When AP and MP curves are rising, AP curve _____
(a) lies above the MP curve
(b) lies below the MP curve
(c) co-inside with the MP curve
(d) none of the above

93. The reason for increasing returns to factor is-
(a) Indivisibility of fixed factor
(b) Division of labour
(c) Specialisation
(d) All the above

94. When the ideal factor ratio is violated in short run-
(a) diminishing returns to a factor set in
(b) MP of the variable factor starts falling
(c) TP increases at a diminishing rate
(d) All the above

95. AP increases so long as-
(a) MP > AP
(b) MP < AP
(c) MP = AP
(d) MP is zero

96. AP may continue to even when MP starts declining.
(a) rise
(b) fall
(c) remain constant
(d) fluctuate

97. MP curve cuts AP curve from its top, this means-
(a) MP < AP
(b) MP > AP
(c) MP is rising
(d) MP is zero

98. Increasing MP implies TP is increasing at-
(a) increasing rate
(b) constant rate
(c) diminishing rate
(d) fluctuating rate

99. MP of labour becoming negative implies-
(a) excessive employment
(b) disguised unemployment
(c) over exploitation of the fixed factor
(d) all the above

100. TP starts declining only when-
(a) MP is rising
(b) MP is falling
(c) MP is negative
(d) MP is constant

101. MP of the variable factor may be zero or negative, but AP continue to be-
(a) constant
(b) positive
(c) negative
(d) zero

102. AP decreases when-
(a) MP = AP
(b) MP > AP
(c) MP < AP
(d) None of the

Use the following information of answer questions 103 to 105
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103. In the above equations the fixed factor is-
(a) Labour
(b) Capital
(c) Output
(d) both ‘a’ & ‘b’

104. The MP of variable factor is-
(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 7

105. In the equation (i) the AP of the variable factor is-
(a) 12 units
(b) 14
(c) 10
(d) 16

Use the following data to answer questions 106 and 107
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TP is Zero level of employment

106. The total product when 5 units of labour are employed is-
(a) 60
(b) 76
(c) 90
(d) 96

107. The average product of 3rd unit of labour is-
(a) 21
(b) 20
(c) 19
(d) 18

Use the following data to answer questions 108 and 109
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108. The total product of 3 units of labour is-
(a) 30
(b) 50
(c) 90
(d) 120

109. The marginal product of 5th unit of labour is-
(a) 10
(b) 20
(c) 30
(d) 40

Use the following data to answer questions 110 and 112
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110. What is the total product when 2 hours of labour are employed?
(a) 160
(b) 200
(c) 360
(d) 540

111. What is the average product of the first 2 hours
(a) 250
(b) 260
(c) 270
(d) 280

112. What is the marginal product of the 3rd hour of labour?
(a) 160
(b) 180
(c) 120
(d) 200

113. Find the odd one out-
(a) law of diminishing returns to factor
(b) law of returns to scale
(c) cost function
(d) production function

114. The production process described below exhibits
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(a) increasing marginal product of labour
(b) increasing returns to scale
(c) diminishing marginal product of labour
(d) constant marginal product of labour

115. Diminishing marginal returns for the first four doses of inputs when all factors of production are increased in the same proportion is revealed by the total product sequence
(a) 50, 50, 50, 50
(b) 50, 100, 150, 200
(c) 50, 90, 120, 140
(d) 50, 110, 180, 260

116. The behaviour of output in response to a change in the scale is studied in the-
(a) Market Period
(b) Short Period
(c) Long Period
(d) Very Short Period

117. In the theory of production the long runs is defined as the period of time in which-
(a) All factors can be varied
(b) No factors can be varied
(c) Some factors are fixed but other can be varied.
(d) None of these

118. If all inputs are increased in the same proportion, then it is a case of-
(i) Short run production function
(ii) Long run production function
(iii) Laws of Variable Proportions
(iv) Laws of Returns to Scale
(a) i and ii only
(b) ii and iii only
(c) i and iv only
(d) ii and iv only

119. In the long run-
(a) all inputs are fixed
(b) one input is fixed and one input is variable
(c) all inputs are variable
(d) two inputs are variable and one input is fixed

120. Law of increasing returns to scale will apply if-
(a) economies exceed the diseconomies
(b) economies and diseconomies are equal
(c) diseconomies exceed the economies
(d) in all the above situations

121. Internal economies accrue when-
(a) an industry develops
(b) an economy grows
(c) foreign trade develops
(d) a firm expands production in long run

122. External economies accrue when-
(a) a firm expands
(b) an individual progress
(c) an industry expands
(d) trade expands

123. If we have constant returns to scale and we increase both labour and capital by 10% output will also increase by-
(a) 20%
(b) 30%
(c) 10%
(d) 5%

124. Find the odd one out-
(a) All factors are variable
(b) A firm can experience returns to scale
(c) Management can be reorganized
(d) Law of variable proportions

125. Economies of scale means-
(a) reduction in per unit cost of production
(b) reduction in per unit cost of distribution
(c) addition to the per unit cost of production
(d) reduction in the total cost of production

126. Linear Homogeneous Production Function is-
(a) Increasing Returns to Scale
(b) Constant Returns to Scale
(c) Diminishing Returns to Scale
(d) Negative Returns to Scale .

127. Internal economies relate to
(a) Marketing economies
(b) Financial economies
(c) Managerial economies
(d) All the above

128. In which of the following cases there is less than proportionate increase in output when all factors are increase-
(a) Constant returns to scale
(b) Diminishing returns to scale
(c) Increasing returns to scale
(d) Increasing as well as diminishing returns to scale

129. Problems like difficulties in management, lack of supervision, higher input cost, etc. due to large scale production leads to-
(a) economies of scale
(b) real economies of scale
(c) diseconomies of scale
(d) Both ‘b’ and ‘c’

130. Benefits like improved organization, division of labour and specialization, better supervision and control, etc. enjoyed by a firm when it expands production leads to-
(a) economies of scale
(b) real economies
(c) diseconomies of scale
(d) both ‘a’ and ‘b’

131. _____ economies are common to all the firms in an industry and shared by many firms or industries.
(a) internal
(b) external
(c) real
(d) all the above

132. _____ economies are related to an individual firm’s own cost reduction effort.
(a) internal
(b) external
(c) real
(d) all the above

133. means all those factors which raise the cost of production per unit when production is expanded by a firm beyond optimal capacity.
(a) External economies
(b) Internal economies
(c) External diseconomies
(d) Internal diseconomies

134. Economies of localization, cheaper inputs, growth of ancillary industries, etc. are examples of-
(a) Internal economies
(b) Internal diseconomies
(c) External economies
(d) External diseconomies

135. _____ economies can be of long term in nature
(a) nature
(b) internal
(c) production
(d) real

136. _____ shows all the input combinations that will produce the same level of output.
(a) Isoquant
(b) Isocost line
(c) Expansion Path
(d) None of the above

137. Isoquant is also called as _____
(a) production indifference curve
(b) is-product curve
(c) equal-product curve
(d) all the above

138. All of the following are the properties of isoquant except-
(a) An isoquant is downward sloping curve
(b) A higher isoquant represents a higher level of output
(c) Two isoquants can intersect each other
(d) Isoquants are convex to the origin

139. An isoquant slopes-
(a) downward to the left
(b) downward to the right
(c) upward to the left
(d) upward to the right

140. In the context of input-output relation _____ means same output produced from different combinations of inputs.
(a) law of variable proportions
(b) ridge lines
(c) law of constant returns
(d) isoquant

141. A higher isoquants denotes a –
(a) higher level of output
(b) lower level of output
(c) same level of output
(d) none of the above

142. An isoquant is _____ indifference curve
(a) buyer’s
(b) producer’s
(c) trader’s
(d) economy’s

143. The rate of which one factor of production can be substituted for the other is known as-
(a) marginal rate of substitution
(b) marginal opportunity cost
(c) marginal rate of technical substitution
(d) marginal cost

144. The slope is iso-product curve show-
(a) MRSxy
(b) MRTSxy
(c) elasticity of an iso-product curve
(d) none of the above

145. An isoquant is-
(a) downward sloping and concave to origin
(b) downward sloping and convex to origin
(c) downward sloping straight line curve
(d) horizontal straight line curve

146. The convexity of isoquants is due to the _____ MRTSxy
(a) increasing
(b) constant
(c) diminishing
(d) none of the above

147. Convexity of an isoquant implies _____ slope.
(a) diminishing
(b) increasing
(c) constant
(d) none of the above

148. MRTSxy is constant then an isoquant is _____
(a) downward sloping and convex to origin
(b) downward sloping straight line curve
(c) right angled curve
(d) downward sloping and concave to origin

149. MRTSxy is increasing then an isoquant is
(a) downward sloping and convex to origin
(b) downward sloping straight line curve
(c) right angled curve
(d) downward sloping and concave to origin

150. A right-angled isoquant denotes that the
(a) two factors are perfect substitutes of each other
(b) two factors are imperfect substitutes of each other
(c) two factors are perfect complements of each other
(d) position between perfect substitutes and perfect complements

151. The MRTSxy is constant if two factors are _____ of each other
(a) perfect substitutes
(b) perfect complements
(c) imperfect substitutes
(d) imperfect complements

152. MRTSxy =
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153. Increasing MRTSxy could happen only when the _____ operate.
(a) law of increasing returns
(b) law of diminishing returns
(c) law of constant returns
(d) law of negative returns

154. Which of the following isoquant indicates that the two factors ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are imperfect substitutes of each other?
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155. At a point near the right hand below the corner of isoquant curve, the MRTSxy of factor ‘X’ for factor ‘Y’ is –
(a) very high
(b) very low
(c) zero
(d) neither high nor low

156. Convexity of an isoquant denotes that the two factors are _____ of each other.
(a) perfect complements
(b) imperfect complements
(c) perfect substitute
(d) imperfect substitutes

157. In order to increase output, if both inputs mustbe increased in fixed proportion, it follows that both the inputs are ____ of each other.
(a) perfect substitutes
(b) perfect complements
(c) imperfect substitutes
(d) imperfect complements

158. _____ is the locus of various combinations of two inputs which a producer can buy with the given outlay and the prices of two inputs.
(a) Isocost line
(b) Opportunity cost line
(c) Production line
(d) Profit line

159. Isocost line is also known as _____
(a) outlay line
(b) price line
(c) producer’s budget line
(d) all the above

160. If the expenditure to be done on purchase of factors increases, the prices of both inputs remaining the same, the firm’s isocost line will –
(a) shift downward
(b) shift upward
(c) remain the same
(d) none of the above

161. The slope of the isocost line can change when the outlay remains the same but the price of –
(a) only one input change
(b) both the inputs change
(c) both inputs remain unchanged
(d) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

162. The iso-cost line in production optimization is _____
(a) Vertical straight line
(b) Straight line sloping upward towards right
(c) Straight line sloping downwards towards right
(d) Horizontal straight line

163. The slope of isocost line with factor ‘Y’ on the vertical axis and factor ‘X’ on the horizontal axis is –
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164. At equilibrium point, a particular isoquant _____ to isocost line
(a) tangent
(b) perpendicular
(c) parallel
(d) concave

165. Where the slope of isoquant = the slope of isocost line, it is the _____ combination of inputs.
(a) maximum cost
(b) least cost
(c) balanced cost
(d) cost-production

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(a) consumer is in equilibrium
(b) consumer is not in equilibrium
(c) producer is in equilibrium
(d) producer is not in equilibrium

167. Where the isocost line is tangent to an isoquant-
(a) equal amount of factors give equal output
(b) the prices of the factors are equal
(c) the ratio of prices of the two factors equal MRTS
(d) none of the above

168. All but one of the following statements are correct. Find the incorrect statement.
(a) The word isoquant means equal quantities.
(b) The slope of isoquant is called MRTS.
(c) The producer is at equilibrium where MRTSxy = px / py 
(d) A set of isoquant curves is called isocost map.

169. If there is perfect substitution between two factors of production the shape of isoquant is-
(a) linear
(b) non-linear
(c) positively sloped
(d) right angled

170. Condition for the producer’s equilibrium is-
(a) Isoquant should be tangent to the isocost line
(b) At tangency point, isoquant should be convex to origin
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(d) all the above

171. Technically efficient combinations of inputs is those which-
(a) minimizes cost
(b) minimizes loss
(c) maximizes profits
(d) maximizes revenue

172. Internal economies and diseconomies of scale occur due to _____ causes.
(i) endogenous
(ii) exogenous
(iii) internal
(iv) external
(a) i and ii
(b) iii and iv
(c) i and iii
(d) ii and iv

173. External economies and diseconomies of scale occur due to _____
(a) endogenous
(b) exogenous
(c) internal
(d) both (b) and (c)

174. When a large firm takes up advertising and grants higher margin to retailers, it is called-
(a) technical economies
(b) managerial economies
(c) marketing economies
(d) financial economies

175. When a firm’s dependence on external sources of funds increase and it finds difficulty to repay, it is a case of –
(a) financial diseconomies
(b) financial economies
(c) managerial diseconomies
(d) technical diseconomies

176. A firm uses two inputs, labour (L) and capital (K). The firm produces and sells a given output. You have the following information PL = ₹40; PK = ₹ 100; MPL = 40; MPK = 40. What would you say about the firm?
(i) That the firm is operating efficiently
(ii) That, the firm is not operating efficiently
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(a) Only i
(b) Only ii
(c) i and iii
(d) ii and iv

177. A firm can hire additional labour @ ₹ 50 per hour. By hiring 10 more hours of labour output will increase by 3 units. If per unit sells for ₹ 200, should the firm hire the labour? Why?
(a) No ∴ MP of labour < price of labour
(b) Yes ∴ MP of labour > price of labour
(c) Neither ‘a’ or ‘b’
(d) Only ‘a’

178. If MRTSLK,equals 2, then the MPK / MP1
(a) 1/2
(b) 2/1
(c) 1/1
(d) 0/1

179. Suppose that we are producing holes. The only way to get a hole is to use one man and one shovel. What shall be the shape of isoquants?
(a) downward sloping and convex to origin
(b) downward sloping straight line curve
(c) downward sloping and concave to origin
(d) light angled curve

180. You are doing homework. The inputs needed to produce homework is blue ink pen or black ink pen. What shall be the shape of isoquants?
(a) downward sloping and convex to origin
(b) downward sloping straight line curve
(c) downward sloping and concave to origin
(d) right angled curve

181. When 5 units of variable factor are combined with 5 units of fixed factor and MP remains constant at 10 units. Find TP
(a) 30
(b) 40
(c) 50
(d) 60

182. The production function of a firm is- Q = 5L 1/2 K 1/2 What would be the maximum possible output the firm can produce with 100 units of L and 100 units of K.
(a) 500
(b) 400
(c) 600
(d) None of the above

183. The production function of a firm is- Q = 2 L2 KFind the output the firm can produce with 5 units of L and 2 units of K.
(a) 100
(b) 200
(c) 300
(d) 150

184. What will be the output with 10 units of L and 10 units of K, if the production function is Q = 5L + 2K production
(a) 50
(b) 60
(c) 70
(d) 80

185. From the following find out AP and MP of 4th unit of Labour.
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost - MCQs 185

(a) 15 ; 15
(b) 10 ; 15
(c) 10 ; -15
(d) 10 ; -10

Theory of Cost

186. Cost analysis refer to the study of ____ inrelation to different production criteria.
(a) production
(b) cost
(c) price
(d) inputs

187. Cost is a _____ function
(a) direct
(b) derived
(c) both direct and derived
(d) none of the above

188. Theory of costs is restatement of the theory of _____ in monetary terms
(a) demand
(b) consumer’s behaviour
(c) production
(d) all the above

189. _____ costs relate to those costs which involve cash payments by the entrepreneur of the firm.
(a) Accounting
(b) Marginal
(c) Economic
(d) Implicit

190. Accounting costs are also called _____ costs.
(a) economic
(b) implicit
(c) explicit
(d) opportunity

191. Wages paid to labourers, cost of raw-materials purchase, interest on the money borrowed, etc. are examples of _____ cost.
(i) accounting
(ii) implicit
(iii) economic
(iv) explicit
(a) i and ii
(b) iii and iv
(c) ii and iii
(d) i and iv

192. Economic costs includes-
(a) Accounting cost + Explicit cost
(b) Accounting cost + Implicit cot
(c) Fixed cost + Variable cost
(d) Accounting cost + Direct cost

193. Economic costs equals-
(a) Explicit cost + Implicit cost
(b) Fixed cost + Variable cost
(c) Accounting cost + Explicit cost
(d) none of the above

194. _____ costs are the value of foregone opportunities that do not involve any contractual obligation of cash payment.
(a) Explicit
(b) Implicit
(c) Accounting
(d) Hidden

195. _____ includes all payments made to factors of production and opportunity cost.
(a) Accounting costs
(b) Economic costs
(c) Implicit costs
(d) Explicit costs

196. An entrepreneur must recover his _____ cost if he wants to earn normal and abnormal profits.
(a) accounting
(b) implicit
(c) economic
(d) all the above

197. Which of the following are implicit costs?
(i) A shop taken on rent by entrepreneur
(ii) Savings invested to start business
(iii) An individual is both owner and manager of business
(iv) A farmer takes a farm on rent
(a) i and ii
(b) iii and iv
(c) ii and iii
(d) i and iv

198. Which of the following are explicit costs?
(i) A producer borrows money to start a factory
(ii) A producer invests his savings to start a factory
(iii) Wages paid to workers
(iv) An individual is both owner & manager of business
(a) i & ii
(b) iii & iv
(c) i & iii
(d) ii & iv

199. The difference between Economic Cost and Accounting Cost is equal to _____
(a) Implicit cost
(b) Explicit cost
(c) Marginal cost
(d) none of the above

200. All but one is not included in the books of account? Which one?
(a) Taxes
(b) Electricity charges
(c) Cost of raw-material
(d) Imputed salary of owner

201. _____ costs involve actual expenditure of funds on wages, material, rent, etc.
(a) Opportunity
(b) Outlay
(c) Economic
(d) Implicit

202. The cost that a firm incurs in purchasing or hiring, the services of various productive factors is referred to as-
(a) Explicit cost
(b) Fixed cost
(c) Implicit cost
(d) Variable cost

203. Explicit costs are also known as-
(a) Accounting costs
(b) Outlay costs
(c) Out-of-Pocket costs
(d) All the above

204. For an economist, the cost means-
(a) Accounting Costs
(b) Economic Costs
(c) Outlay Costs
(d) Sink Cost

205. Implicit costs are also known an-
(a) Opportunity costs
(b) Imputed costs
(c) Notional costs
(d) All the above

206. Opportunity cost refers to-
(a) money expenses incurred on purchasing or hiring factor, services
(b) the next best alternative
(c) involving cash payment
(d) all the above

207. Opportunity cost refers to-
(a) Cost of opportunity foregone
(b) Comparison between the policy that was chosen and the policy that was rejected
(c) Costs relating to sacrificed alternatives
(d) all the above

208. The cost of one thing in terms of the alternative given up is known as-
(a) Production cost
(b) Accounting cost
(c) Opportunity cost
(d) Real cost

209. Opportunity costs find its application in situations _____
(a) for short run and long run decision making
(b) capital expenditure budgeting
(c) when the supply of input factors is strictly limited
(d) all the above

210. Opportunity costs are a result of _____
(a) Abundance of resources
(b) Scarcity of resources
(c) Technology obsolescence
(d) Cost controls

211. All but one are true about opportunity cost. Which one is not true?
(a) Opportunity costs are recorded in the books of account.
(b) Opportunity costs are applicable to those factors which have alternative uses.
(c) Opportunity cost is also known as ‘alternative cost’
(d) Opportunity cost is also known as ‘displacement cost’

212. If no sacrifice is involved, then the opportunity cost is
(a) very high
(b) very low
(c) zero
(d) both ‘b’ & ‘c’

213. The concept of opportunity cost helps us to know that-
(a) resources are scarce,
(b) resources have alternative uses,
(c) how scarce resources get allocated in different production activities
(d) all the above

214. If you give up a full-time job to go to college, the major cost is –
(a) tuition fees
(b) room and board
(c) the income you could have earned from job
(d) social expenses

215. If a firm’s machinery, has no possible alternative use, its opportunity cost is –
(a) high
(b) low
(c) zero
(d) none of the above

216. If you own a cottage in Shimla which you could rent for August and September to some family for a net gain of ₹ 20,000/- after all expenses and taxes, the opportunity cost of living in it yourself for summer is _____
(a) ₹ 10,000
(b) ₹ 20,000
(c) ₹ 30,000
(d) ₹ 40,000

217. Cost of getting something involves losing something else means –
(i) accounting costs
(ii) opportunity costs
(iii) explicit costs
(iv) implicit costs
(a) Only i
(b) ii and iii
(c) i and iii
(d) ii and iv

218. The costs which can be identified easily and indisputably with a unit of operation, a product, a department, a plant or a process are called-
(i) direct cost
(ii) indirect cost
(iii) traceable cost
(iv) non-traceable cost
(a) Only i
(b) ii and iii
(c) i and iii
(d) ii and iv

219. _____ costs are not identified readily and indisputably to specific product, process, department, plant, operations, etc.
(a) Indirect costs
(b) Traceable costs
(c) Non-traceable costs
(d) Both ‘a’ & ‘c’

220. Accounting process recognizes-
(a) direct costs
(b) indirect cost
(c) only direct costs
(d) both direct and indirect costs

221. The function which gives least cost combinations of inputs corresponding to different levels of output is called-
(a) Production function
(b) Demand function
(c) Cost function
(d) Supply function

222. Cost functions are derived from _____
(a) Demand function
(b) Supply function
(c) Isoquant function
(d) Production function

223. _____ refers to the functional relationship between cost of a product and the various determinants of cost.
(a) Cost function
(b) Isoquant function
(c) Production function
(d) Supply function

224. In a cost function, the total cost or cost per unit is a/an _____
(a) Dependent Variable
(b) Independent Variable
(c) Either ‘a’ or ‘b’
(d) Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’

225. In a cost function, the prices of factors of production is a/an _____
(a) Dependent Variable
(b) Independent Variable
(c) Either ‘a’ or ‘b’
(d) Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’

226. Which one of the following is the dependent variable in a cost function?
(a) Level of capacity utilization
(b) Lot size of output
(c) Scale of operations
(d) Total Cost

227. Which one of the following is an independent variable in a cost function?
(a) Cost per unit
(b) Total cost
(c) Managerial efficiency
(d) None of the above

228. All but one are independent variables. Which one is not independent variable?
(a) Quantity of output
(b) Prices of factors of production
(c) Per unit cost of production
(d) Time Period under study

229. Which one of the following is not a determinant of the firm’s cost function?
(a) Price of firm’s output
(b) Production function
(c) Price of labour
(d) Rent paid for use of building

230. The functional relationship between output and the long-run cost of production is called _____
(a) Cost function
(b) Production function
(c) Long-run Cost function
(d) Long-run Production function

231. Law of Returns to Scale forms the basis of _____ cost function
(a) Long-run
(b) Short-run
(c) Fixed
(d) all the above

232. A cost function determines the behaviour of cost with change in _____
(a) Output
(b) Input
(c) Technology
(d) Wages

233. Increase in the size of a firm and its production capacity determines _____
(a) Short-run production function
(b) Long-run production function
(c) Fixed production function
(d) None of the above

234. When a firm operates with a given scale of production it affects the _____
(a) Long-run production function
(b) Fixed production function
(c) Short run production function
(d) All the above

235. Find the odd one-
(a) Output
(b) Price of raw-materials
(c) Time period
(d) Total cost

236. The costs which do not change with the level of output are called :
(i) Supplementary Costs
(ii) Money Costs
(iii) Overhead Costs
(iv) Prime Cost
(a) i & ii
(b) ii & iii
(c) i & iii
(d) i, ii, iii & iv

237. The costs which change with the level of output are called _____
(a) Prime cost
(b) Direct cost
(c) Variable cost
(d) All the above

238. The costs which remain constant at all the levels of output are called _____
(a) Supplementary Costs
(b) Fixed Costs
(c) Overhead Costs
(d) All the above

239. Fixed costs includes-
(a) Historical costs
(b) Explicit costs
(c) Implicit costs
(d) Both ‘b’ and ‘c’

240. At zero level of output _____ cost can never be zero.
(a) Variable
(b) Fixed
(c) Direct
(d) Real

241. At zero level of output cost _____ is zero.
(a) Fixed
(b) Overhead
(c) Variable
(d) Real

242. _____ costs are incurred even before production starts
(a) Fixed
(b) Variable
(c) Real
(d) Marginal

243. _____ costs are incurred after the production actually starts.
(a) Fixed
(b) Variable
(c) Marginal
(d) Real

244. At zero level of output Fixed Cost must be greater than Variable Cost.
(a) False
(b) Partially True
(c) True
(d) None of the above

245. Fixed Costs are a function of _____
(a) Time
(b) Output
(c) Both time and output
(d) All the above

246. Variable Costs are a function of _____
(a) Time
(b) Output
(c) Both time and output
(d) All the above

247. _____ costs are directly or positively related to output.
(a) Fixed
(b) Stair-step
(c) Semi-Variable
(d) Variable

248. When production level is zero, then fixed cost is-
(a) zero
(b) negative
(c) positive
(d) equal to variable cost

249. Which of the following indicates fixed costs?
(a) Electricity Bill
(b) Wages to daily labourers
(c) Expenses on transportation
(d) Interest on fixed capital

250. Variable costs include costs of-
(a) Hiring the building for the factory
(b) Purchase of heavy machines
(c) Pay wages to factory manager
(d) Paying for power and fuel

251. Which one of the following is correct?
(a) TC = TFC × TVC
(b) TC = TFC ÷ TVC
(c) TC = TFC + TVC
(d) TC = TFC – TVC

252. Which cost increases continuously with the increase in production?
(a) Average cost
(b) Marginal cost
(c) Fixed cost
(d) Variable cost

253. When output is increased variable cost also rises initially at _____ rate and later at _____ rate.
(a) diminishing; constant
(b) increasing; constant
(c) diminishing; increasing
(d) constant; increasing

254. The costs which are neither perfectly variable, nor absolutely fixed when output level are changed are _____
(a) Variable costs
(b) Semi Variable costs
(c) Stair Step costs
(d) Prime costs

255. _____ costs are independent of the level of output.
(a) Fixed
(b) Variable
(c) Marginal
(d) Semi Variable costs

256. TVC can be calculated as-
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost - MCQs 256

257. TC reflect the behaviour of-
(a) TFC
(b) TVC
(c) AFC
(d) None of the above

258. At zero level of output Total Cost of Production is equal to-
(a) Total Fixed Cost
(b) TotalVariableCost
(c) Marginal Cost
(d) Explicit Cost

259. Total Fixed Cost Curve is indicated by a-
(a) Positively sloped Curve
(b) Vertical Straight Line Curve
(c) Horizontal Straight Line Curve
(d) Negatively sloped Curve

260. Total cost curve shoots from a point on Y-axis means-
(a) we are referring to the short period
(b) we are referring to the long period
(c) we are referring to the market period
(d) we are referring to the secular period

261. In the short period, TC = ∑ MC Is it correct ?
(a) Yes
(b) No, as TC = TFC + ∑ MC
(c) Partially correct
(d) none of the above

262. Total Variable Cost initially rises at a diminishing rate due to-
(a) increasing returns to factor
(b) increasing returns to scale
(c) diminishing returns to factor
(d) diminishing returns to scale

263. Total Variable Cost curve shoots upwards from-
(a) a certain point on quantity axis
(b) a certain point on cost axis
(c) origin
(d) Any of the above

264. TFC curve will be a straight line –
(a) Parallel to X-axis
(b) Parallel to Y-axis
(c) Sloping upward from left to right
(d) Sloping downward from left to right

265. Total Variable Cost curve originate from the point of origin means-
(a) Variable cost is zero at zero output
(b) Variable cost has to be incurred at zero output
(c) Variable cost is diminishing
(d) All the above

266. The total cost curve and total variable cost curve are parallel because-
(a) Vertical distance between the two is total fixed cost which is constant
(b) behaviour of total cost depends upon total variable cost
(c) change in total cost is only due to change in variable cost
(d) all the above

267. The vertical distance between TVC and TC is equal to –
(a) Marginal Cost
(b) Total Fixed Cost
(c) Average Variable Cost
(d) None of the above

268. The fixed cost per unit of output is called-
(a) Average Fixed Cost (b) Total Fixed Cost
(c) Marginal Cost (d) None of the above

269. In the short run, when output of a firm increases, its average fixed cost-
(a) rises continuously
(b) falls continuously
(c) remain constant
(d) first rises and then falls

270. Average Fixed Cost curve _____
(a) slope upwards
(b) slope downwards
(c) is TJ’ shaped
(d) is ‘S’ shaped

271. Total Variable Curve is _____ shaped
(a) ‘U’ shaped
(b) Inverted’U’shaped
(c) Inverted ‘S’ shaped
(d) ‘C’ shaped

272. Average Fixed Cost curve is indicated by-
(a) a rectangular hyperbola
(b) a straight line parallel to X-axis
(c) a straight line parallel to Y-axis
(d) a ‘U’ shaped curve

273. Average Fixed Cost curve will never touch-
(a) X-axis
(b) Y-axis
(c) both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) none of the above

274. Average Variable Cost equals-
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost - MCQs 274

275. Which of the following falls continuously?
(a) Marginal Cost
(b) Average Fixed Cost
(c) Average Variable Cost
(d) Total Fixed Cost

276. Average Variable Cost falls as output is expanded-
(a) upto normal capacity output
(b) beyond normal capacity output
(c) all the levels of output
(d) Nothing can be said

277. Beyond normal capacity output, as output in-creases AVC will-
(a) remain constant
(b) decrease
(c) increase
(d) nothing can be said

278. Average variable cost is inversely related to _____
(a) MP of variable factor
(b) AP of variable factor
(c) TP
(d) nothing can be said

279. AVC falls as output increases upto normal ca-pacity due to-
(a) constant returns to scale
(b) diminishing returns to factor
(c) increasing returns to factor
(d) negative returns to factor

280. AVC curve is-
(a) ‘S’ shaped
(b) ‘U’ shaped
(c) Inverted ‘S’ shaped
(d) Inverted’U’shaped

281. _____ and _____ curves start from the same point on Y-axis which is above the origin.
(a) TFC and TVC
(b) TVC and TC
(c) TFC and TC
(d) None of the above

282. Two curves which are inverted ‘S’ shaped are –
(a) TFC and TVC
(b) TVC and TC
(c) TC and AVC
(d) AFC and AVC

283. Average Cost curve is-
(a) Horizontal Line parallel to x-axis
(b) Inverted ‘S’ shaped
(c) Inverted ‘U’ shaped
(d) ‘U’ shaped

284. When output is increased Average Cost at all the levels of output includes both AVC and AFC means that-
(a) AC curve will always lie above the AVC curve
(b) AC curve will always lie below the AVC curve
(c) AC and AVC are parallel to each other with same vertical distance throughout
(d) None of the above

285. The vertical gap between AC and AVC curves as the output increases.
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) remain constant
(d) None of the above

286. Since AFC can never be zero, _____ and _____ curves never intersect each other
(a) AC and MC
(b) AC and AFC
(c) AC and AVC
(d) None of the above

287. The two inverted ‘S’ shaped short run cost curves are parallel to each other and maintain a constant distance of ₹ 100. Which cost is indicated by ₹100?
(a) Total Variable Cost
(b) Total Cost
(c) total Fixed Cost
(d) Average Fixed Cost

288. Find the odd one out-
(a) Salary to manager of the company
(b) Payment of insurance premium for insurance of factory
(c) Interest on loan taken from Union Bank
(d) Payment of excise duty

289. Average Fixed Cost falls as the output rises because-
(a) AFC and output are inversely related
(b) AFC and output are positively related
(c) AFC and output are not related
(d) All the above

290. Production at the loss of _____ may continue in short run.
(a) Variable Cost
(b) Fixed Cost
(c) Marginal Cost
(d) Direct Cost

291. Production at the loss of _____ cannot be continued in short run.
(a) Direct Cost
(b) Fixed Cost
(c) Marginal Cost
(d) Variable Cost

292. Which of the following statements is correct of the relationship among the short run costs?
(a) ATC = AFC – AVC
(b) AVC = AFC + ATC
(c) AFC = ATC + AVC
(d) AFC = ATC -AVC

293. Average Total Cost equals-
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost - MCQs 293

294. Average Total Cost means-
(a) The general average cost
(b) The average cost of producing one unit
(c) The cost of producing the last unit
(d) None of the above

295. Average Cost curve contains in it-
(a) Normal Profits
(b) No Normal Profits
(c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) None of the above

296. Average Cost curve is a _____
(a) ‘S’ shaped curve
(b) T shaped curve
(c) ‘U’ shaped curve
(d) Straight Line

297. When expressed as an average, it shows a continuous fall with increase in output-
(a) the average cost of a firm
(b) the fixed cost of a firm
(c) marginal cost
(d) variable cost

298. An addition to the total cost caused by producing one more unit of output is called _____
(a) average cost
(b) marginal cost
(c) fixed cost
(d) variable cost

299. Marginal Cost varies inversely with _____ in short run
(a) average product of variable factor
(b) total product
(c) marginal product of variable factor
(d) both ‘a’ and ‘b’

300. Marginal Curve is _____
(a) ‘U’ shaped
(b) ‘L’ shaped
(c) ‘S’ shaped
(d) downward sloping continuously

301. At the minimum average cost, a firm can produce the _____
(a) maximum output
(b) optimum profit
(c) optimum output
(d) marginal output

302. Any change in Marginal Cost will lead to a change in firm’s _____
(a) total fixed cost
(b) total variable cost
(c) average fixed cost
(d) both ‘a’ and ‘c’

303. With increase in output, the average fixed cost will fall in _____
(a) very long period
(b) long period
(c) market period
(d) short period

304. Marginal Cost is the slope of _____ curve.
(a) total variable cost
(b) total fixed cost
(c) average cost
(d) all the above

305. When total variable cost rises at a diminishing rate, marginal cost _____
(a) rises
(b) remain constant
(c) falls
(d) none of the above

306. When TVC rises at an increasing rate, MC _____
(a) rises
(b) falls
(c) remain constant
(d) none of the above

307. Graphically, the area under the Marginal Cost curve is _____
(a) TFC
(b) TVC
(c) TC
(d) AC

308. Marginal Cost Curve cuts the Average Cost Curve at its _____
(a) falling part
(b) rising part
(c) minimum point
(d) both ‘a’ and ‘b’

309. Marginal Cost is independent of
(a) fixed cost
(b) variable cost
(c) opportunity cost
(d) output

310. All but one are ‘U’ shaped
(a) The AVC curve
(b) The AC curve
(c) The MC curve
(d) The AFC curve

311. Find the Odd One out of the following
(a) TCn – TCn-1
(b) TFCn – TFCn-1
(c) TVCn-TVC-1
(d) TCn-(TVCn-1+TFCn-1) .

312. The point at which marginal cost equate average cost shows-
(a) The maximum Profit
(b) The equilibrium point of the consumer
(c) The plant capacity
(d) The minimum price of the product

313. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
(a) MC – ‘U’ shaped
(b) AFC – Rectangular Hyperbola
(c) TC – ‘J’ shaped
(d) AVC – ‘U’ shaped

314. If a table shows number of units produced and average cost of each unit, one can calculate-
(a) AVC
(b) MC
(c) TC
(d) All the above

315. Consider the following statements and point the correct one-
(a) If MC curve is below the AC curve, then the AC curve must be rising
(b) When MC curve is above the AC curve, then the AC curve must be falling
(c) MC cost curve cuts the AC curve at the minimum point of AC curve
(d) AC pulls up or down the MC Sp

316. When AC is at its minimum, then-
(a) AC >MC
(b) AC < MC
(c) AC = MC
(d) All the above

317. Per unit cost of a commodity is called-
(a) fixed cost
(b) variable cost
(c) average cost
(d) marginal cost

318. When MC curve cuts AC curve-
(a) AC = MC
(b) AC > MC
(c) AC < MC
(d) both AC and MC are falling

319. What happens to Average Cost when MC > AC?
(a) AC will fall
(b) AC will rise
(c) AC will remain constant
(d) None of the above

320. Marginal cost includes-
(a) fixed cost and variable cost
(b) only fixed cost
(c) only variable cost
(d) None of the above

321. If the marginal cost of production is less than the average cost then-
(a) MC curve lies under the AC curve
(b) AC would be falling
(c) MC cost pulls down AC
(d) All the above

322. MC is greater than AC when production is in a state of _____
(a) increasing returns
(b) diminishing returns
(c) constant returns
(d) None of the above

323. AC is greater than MC, so long as –
(a) AC is falling
(b) AC is rising
(c) AC is constant
(d) All the above

324. MC = AC when –
(a) AC is falling
(b) AC is rising
(c) AC tends to stabilize
(d) None of the above

325. The distance between AC and AVC curves tends to _____ at higher level of output
(a) increase
(b) remain constant
(c) reduce
(d) None of the above

326. ATC and AVC curves tend to intersect at some level of output
(a) Statement is Incorrect
(b) Statement of Correct
(c) Statement is Partially Correct
(d) None of the above

327. The difference between ATC and AVC:
(a) is constant
(b) is total fixed cost
(c) gets narrow as output falls
(d) is the average fixed cost

328. Can AC fall, when MC is rising?
(a) No
(b) Yes
(c) Can’t say
(d) None of the above

329. When MC < AVC, _____ with increase in the output
(a) AVC rises
(b) AV C falls
(c) AVC remain constant
(d) AVC curve cut MC curve

330. When MC becomes equal to AC and AVC, they _____
(a) begin to rise
(b) begin to fall
(c) become constant
(d) Any of the above

331. There will be productive efficiency when-
(a) MC = AC
(b) firm is producing at the minimum point of Average Cost Curve
(c) MC curve cuts the AC curve
(d) All the above

332. Marginal Cost is _____
(a) Always less than the Average Cost
(b) Always more than the Average Cost
(c) Equal to the Average Cost at its minimum point
(d) Never equal to Average Cost

333. The slope of the TVC or total cost curve indicates the-
(a) marginal revenue
(b) average cost
(c) variable cost
(d) marginal cost

334. Falling average cost means-
(a) increasing returns
(b) diminishing returns
(c) constant returns
(d) negative returns

335. _____ costs are important in short run to de¬termine optimum level of output
(a) Fixed
(b) Marginal
(c) Opportunity
(d) Sunk

336. Short run average costs eventually rise because of _____
(a) rising overhead costs
(b) rising factor prices
(c) falling marginal and average productivity
(d) None of these

337. Decreasing average costs for a firm, as it expands plant size and output-
(a) results from decreasing returns to scale
(b) results usually from the effects of increased mechanism and specialization
(c) results from increased complexity of rapid expansion
(d) None of the above

338. MC curve passes through the minimum point of _____
(a) AC curve
(b) TC curve
(c) AVC curve
(d) both ‘a’ and ‘c’

339. Which of the following statements about the relationship between marginal cost and average cost is correct? –
(a) When MC is falling AC is falling
(b) AC equals MC at MC’s lowest point
(c) When MC exceeds AC, AC must be rising
(d) When AC exceeds MC, MC must be rising

340. Salesmen’s commission is an example of –
(a) Fixed cost
(b) Variable cost
(c) Semi-Variable cost Le. fixed over some range and then increase
(d) Stair-Step cost

341. The Long Run Average Curve shows the average cost of production when _____ in supply
(a) all factors are fixed
(b) all factor are variable
(c) some factors are fixed while some are variable
(d) one factor is fixed while all others are variable

342. Which one of the following is called planning curve?
(a) Long Run Average Cost Curve
(b) Short Run Average Cost Curve
(c) Average Variable Cost Curve
(d) Average Total Cost Curve

343. Falling portion Le. negatively sloped portion of the long run average cost curve is because of-
(a) economies of scale
(b) diseconomies of scale
(c) diminishing returns
(d) law of variable proportions

344. Each point on LAC curve is a point of tangency with the corresponding-
(a) short run AC curves
(b) short run AVC curves
(c) short run MC curves
(d) none of the above

345. Which one of the following is also known as PLANT CURVE?
(a) LAC curve
(b) SAC curve
(c) AVC curve
(d) ATC curve

346. The LAC curve helps the firm to make choice about size of plant for producing a particular output at _____
(a) Optimum Cost
(b) Minimum Cost
(c) Maximum Cost
(d) Nothing can be said

347. Which of the following is correct regarding Long Run Average Cost curve?
(i) It shows least cost of producing each level of output
(ii) LAC curve is envelope of SAC curves
(iii) LAC is U-shaped
(iv) LAC curve is U-shaped due to economies and diseconomies
(a) (i) and (ii) only
(b) (ii) and (iii) only
(c) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(d) (iii) and (iv) only

348. When the long run average cost curve is falling, it is tangent to _____
(a) the falling portion of SAC curve
(b) the rising portion of SAC curve
(c) the minimum point of SAC curve
(d) the minimum point of MC curve

349. When LAC curve is _____ it will be tangent to rising portions of the SAC curves
(a) sloping downward
(b) sloping upwards
(c) constant
(d) none of the above

350. When the LAC curve slopes upward, the firm is experiencing _____
(a) economies of scale
(b) external economies
(c) diseconomies
(d) none of these

351. Larger outputs can be economically produced ie. at the lowest cost with the _____
(a) smaller plant
(b) medium size plant
(c) bigger plant
(d) none of these

352. The LAC is –
(a) U-shaped
(b) Inverted U-shaped
(c) V-shaped
(d) S-shaped

353. In the long run, when a firm faces infinite SAC curves, the LAC curve will be-
(a) perpendicular to each SAC curve
(b) connect the lowest point of each SAC curve
(c) smooth curve, so as to be tangent to each of the SAC curves
(d) all the above

354. The LAC curve envelopes many SAC curves, it is therefore also called _____
(a) planning curve
(b) envelope curve
(c) family curve
(d) none of these

355. The LAC curve is flattened U-shaped because-
(a) some factors are fixed
(b) some factors are variable
(c) of change in technology
(d) technology remains constant

356. Modern firms face _____ shaped LAC curves
(a) L
(b) U
(c) S
(d) C

357. L-shaped LAC curve over a range shows that all sizes of plant have the _____
(a) different minimum cost of production
(b) falling cost of production
(c) same minimum cost of production
(d) rising cost of production

358. In the short period the firm can control only the _____ cost and not the _____ Cost and therefore must recover at least _____ Cost
(a) fixed ; variable ; fixed
(b) variable ; fixed ; variable
(c) average ; marginal; average
(d) accounting ; opportunity ; accounting

359. In short run the producer can control only _____ cost
(a) fixed
(b) semi-fixed
(c) variable
(d) stair step

360. In the long period _____ costs are under the control of the producer
(a) fixed
(b) variable
(c) all
(d) none

361. What does the shaded area show in the figure below?
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost - MCQs 361

(a) TFC
(b) TVC
(c) TC
(d) ATC

362. Consider the figure and answer which region represents diseconomies
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(a) Region ‘c’ to ‘d’
(b) Region ‘a’ to ‘b’
(c) Region ‘d’ to ‘e’
(d) Region ‘b’ to ‘d’

Consider the following diagram to answer questions 363 to 369.
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363. In the above diagram curve numbers 1, 2 and 3 are _____ respectively
(a) AVC ; AFC ; AC
(b) AFC ;AVC ; AC
(c) AC ; AFC ; AVC
(d) AC ; AVC ; AFC

364. In the above diagram at OK level of output, the average cost equals-
(a) KN
(b) KM
(c) KL
(d) MN

365. In the diagram above at OK level of output, KL denotes-
(a) AFC
(b) MC
(c) AVC
(d) AC

366. In the diagram above at OK level of output, KM denotes-
(a) AC
(b) AVC
(c) MC
(d) AFC

367. In the diagram above at OK level of output, the vertical distance shaded between LN denotes-
(a) AFC
(b) AVC
(c) AC
(d) None of these

368. In the above diagram, on the right side curve 3 becomes closer to curve 2 means-
(i) component of AFC shrinks
(ii) component of AFC increases
(iii) component of AVC increases
(iv) component of AVC shrinks
(a) i and iii
(b) ii and iv
(c) ii and iii
(d) none of the above

369. In the above diagram on the right side curve 1 gets away from curve 3 means-
(a) component of AFC increases but component of AVC shrinks
(b) component of both AFC and AVC increases
(c) component of AFC shrinks but component of AVC increases
(d) None of the above

370. Marginal Cost reflects change in either _____ or _____
(a) total cost; total variable cost
(b) total cost; average variable cost
(c) fixed cost; total variable cost
(d) none of the above

Use the following data to answer questions 371 to 376 :
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371. The total variable cost of the 3rd unit is-
(a) 216
(b) 84
(c) 126
(d) 174

372. The marginal cost of the 2nd unit is-
(a) 0
(b) 45
(c) 39
(d) 42

373. The average cost of producing the 4th unit is-
(a) 66
(b) 48
(c) 67
(d) 49

374. The total fixed cost at the 3rd unit of output is-
(a) 180
(b) 42
(c) 66
(d) 90

375. The average fixed cost at the 4th unit of output , is-
(a) 42
(b) 32
(c) 22.5
(d) 20

376. The average variable cost at the 3rd unit of output is-
(a) 42
(b) 32
(c) 22
(d) none of these

Use the following data to answer questions 377 to 379:
Suppose that the Total Fixed Cost is ₹ 120
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377. The total variable cost of the 3rd unit is-
(d) 120
(b) 200
(c) 300
(d) 520

378. The marginal cost of the 2nd unit of output is-
(a) 120
(b) 80
(c) 100
(d) 220

379. The total cost of 4th units of output is-
(a) 320
(b) 420
(c) 640
(d) 900

Use the following data to answer questions 380 to 382:
Fixed cost of a firm is ₹ 30.
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380. Total Cost of 4th unit is-
(d) 68
(b) 116
(c) 50
(d) 90

381. The Average Cost of 2nd unit is-
(a) 50
(b) 34
(c) 29
(d) None of the above

382. The Marginal Cost of 3rd unit is-
(a) 18
(b) 22
(c) -26
(d) 50

Use the following data to answer questions 383 to 386:
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383. The Total Fixed Cost of the 5th unit is-
(a) 80
(b) 40
(c) 120
(d) 240

384. The Average Fixed Cost of 2nd unit is-
(a) 40
(b) 20
(c) 10
(d) 05

385. The Average Variable Cost of 3rd unit is-
(a) 65
(b) 46.67
(c) 42.5
(d) 44

386. The Average Total Cost of 2nd unit is-
(a) 120
(b) 85
(c) 52.5
(d) 52

387. Table for the production of a firm.
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One the basis of the above table match the following
(i) Prime Cost
(ii) Direct Cost
(iii) Fixed Cost
(iv) Variable Cost
(v) Total Cost
(a) (A, i) (B, ii) (C, iii)
(&) (A, ii) (B, iii) (C, iv)
(c) (A, iii) (B, iii) (C, iv)
(d) (A, v) (B, iii) (C, iv)

388. Considering the following information of firm’s production department for a week, the TVC, AVC and ATC would be-
CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost - MCQs 388

(a) ₹ 11,9000 ; ₹ 119 and ₹ 123 respectively
(b) ₹ 11,600 ; ₹ 116 and ₹ 123 respectively
(c) ₹ 11,900 ; ₹ 119 and ₹ 119 respectively
(d) None of these

389. The average cost is ₹ 40 and it is minimum when 8 units are produced. The marginal cost of producing 4 unit is-
(a) 40
(b) 160
(c) 48
(d) 10

390. If the marginal cost of producing 1 unit of a commodity is ₹ 15 and that of producing 2 units is 10, which of the following is correct?
(a) Total cost = ₹ 25
(b) Variable cost = ₹ 25
(c) Average cost = ₹ 25
(d) None of the above

391. The total cost at 10 units of output is ₹ 55. The fixed cost is ₹ 5. The average variable cost at 10 units of output is-
(a) ₹ 25
(b) ₹ 6
(c) ₹ 5
(d) ₹ 1

392. The total cost of producing 5 units of a commodity is ? 20 and that of producing 4 units is? 15, what will be the marginal cost?
(a) ₹ 2.5
(b) ₹ 5
(c) ₹ 7.5
(d) ₹ 10

393. A firm produces 100 units of a commodity. Actual money expenditure incurred on producing this commodity is ₹ 1500. The owner supplies inputs worth ₹ 500 for which he does not get any payment. The economic cost turned out to be ₹ 2,100. The difference is-
(a) Normal Profit
(b) Loss
(c) Abnormal Profit
(d) None of these

394. What would be the economic cost considering the following-
Purchase of raw materials ₹ 200
Payment of wages and salaries ₹ 500
Payment of rent ₹ 50
Estimated value of owner’s services ₹ 300
Expected minimum profit ₹ 40
Estimated super normal profit ₹ 240
(a) 1000
(b) 1,180
(c) 1,090
(d) 2000

395. The total cost curve makes an intercept of ₹ 50 on y-axis, Calculate total fixed cost and total variable cost of 3rd unit of output :
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(a) 50 ; 15
(b) 40 ; 50
(c) 50 ; 70
(d) 110 ; 50

396. A firm is producing 20 units. At this level of output, ATC and AVC are equal to ₹40 and ₹37 respectively. What is the total fixed cost of the firm?
(a) ₹ 3
(b) ₹ 60
(c) ₹ 40
(d) ₹ 20

397. The total cost of producing 9 units of output is ₹85. If the ATC of producing 10 units is ₹10, then what will be the marginal cost of producing the 10th unit?
(a) ₹ 10
(b) ₹ 05
(c) ₹ 15
(d) ₹ 20

398. The AC of producing 5 units is ₹ 6 and AC of producing 6 units is ₹5. What is the MC of the 6th unit?
(a) ₹ 0
(b) ₹ 15
(c) ₹ 20
(d) ₹ 30

399. The TC of a firm increased by ₹450, when production increased from 12 units to 14 units. What is the MC of the firm?
(a) ₹ 150
(b) ₹ 175
(c) ₹ 200
(d) ₹ 225

400. Find the AC and AVC if entire output is sold at ₹ 60 per unit from the following :
Wage Bill ₹ 20,000
Raw-material Bill ₹ 60,000
Interest ₹ 6,000
Fuel consumption ₹ 10,000
Rent ₹ 4,000
(a) ₹ 50 ; ₹ 50
(b) ₹ 50 ; ₹ 45
(c) ₹ 45 ; ₹ 45
(d) ₹ 45 ; ₹ 50

401. A firm’s average fixed cost is ₹ 40 at 12 units of output. What will it be at 8 units of output.
(a) ₹ 120
(b) ₹ 60
(c) ₹ 80
(d) ₹ 40

402. A firm producing 5 units of output has AC of ₹ 150 and it pays ₹ 200 to its fixed factors of production. What is the AVC?
(a) ₹ 100
(b) ₹ 50
(c) ₹ 110
(d) ₹ 150

403. What is the Average Cost of producing 20 units if the Total Fixed Cost is ₹ 5,000 and AVC is ₹ 2?
(a) ₹ 250
(b) ₹ 260
(c) ₹ 258
(d) ₹ 252

404. The ATC of producing 50 units is ₹ 250 and TFC is ₹ 1,000. What is the AFC of producing 100 units?
(a) ₹10
(b) ₹ 30
(c) ₹ 20
(d) ₹ 5

405. When a bus with a seating capacity of 50 passengers is carrying on 40 passengers. The cost of passenger ticket is ₹ 100. What would be the Marginal Cost of carrying one additional passenger?
(a) ₹ 100
(b) zero
(c) ₹ 4,100
(d) ₹ 4,000

406. Electricity charges are increased for the commercial use from ₹ 3 per unit to ₹ 5 per unit. This would affect-
(a) Fixed Cost
(b) Variable Cost
(c) Both Fixed and Variable Cost
(d) Neither Fixed Cost nor Variable Cost

407. The development of Special Economic Zone will-
(a) generate internal economies and lower per unit cost
(b) generate external economies and lower per unit cost
(c) generate internal diseconomies and increase per unit cost
(d) generate external diseconomies and in-crease per unit cost

408. The following is the marginal cost schedule. Find the avarage cost of production of 4 unit of output
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(a) ₹ 4
(b) ₹ 6
(c) ₹ 5
(d) ₹ 7

409. If the total cost of production of Good ‘X’ is ₹ 1,25,000; out of it implicit cost is ₹ 35,000 and normal profit is ₹ 25,000. What will be the explicit cost of Good ‘X?
(a) ₹ 60,000
(b) ₹ 90,000
(c) ₹ 1,00,000
(d) ₹ 65,000

410. When output increased from 40 units to 55 units, TC increased from ₹ 2,500 to ₹ 3,250. The MC is-
(a) ₹ 150
(b) ₹ 50
(c) ₹ 100
(d) ₹ 200


CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost - MCQs answers

CA Foundation Business Economics Study Material Chapter 3 Theory Of Production and Cost - MCQs answers1