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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

Maximum Marks : 35
Time : 2 hours


  • The question paper is divided into 3 sections -A, B and C.
  • Section A, consists of 7 questions (1-7). Each question carries 2 marks
  • Section B, consists of 3 questions (8-10). Each question carries 3 marks.
  • Section C, consists of 3 questions (11-13). Each question carries 4 marks.
  • Internal choices have been given for question numbers -1, 3, 8 and 12.

(Each question carries 2 Marks)

Question 1.
Mr. Akhilesh observed that his ward was very much addicted to the web and Internet. He wants to explain him the demerits or negative points on use of networks. Suggest him 2 points that he can explain to his child.
Ms. Roy is a senior citizen and is not very conversant with the Internet and other emerging technologies. Educate her by certain points of how she can be benefitted by Internet and netwOork usage.
Networks although have eased our lives a lot but also bring with it a lot of troubles and demerits. Some of them are as follows
1. Intellectual Property theft involves robbing people or companies of their ideas, inventions and creative expressions. It is known as “intellectual property”. Which can include everything from trade secrets and proprietary products and parts to movies, music and software.

2. Hacking is an attempt to exploit a computer system or a private network inside a computer. Simply put, it is the unauthorised access to or control over computer network security systems for some illicit purpose. The term “hacker” is more frequently used to describe someone who discovers and exploits a computer system weakness or vulnerability.


Positive use of the Internet makes our lives easy and simple. The Internet provides us useful data, information and knowledge for personal, social and economic development and it is up to us to utilize our time on the world wide web in a productive manner. The Internet is a revolution in information technology. Some of the common uses are as follows:

  • Uses of the Internet in education
  • Internet use to speed up daily tasks
  • Use of the Internet for shopping
  • Internet for research and development
  • Digital transactions

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

Question 2.
(i) Help Ranjit in clearly understanding the term Web address or URL. He also wants to know the components of an URL. Provide him with his requirements.
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. The term ‘web address’ is a synonym for a URL that uses the HTTP/HTTPs protocols. Each website has a unique address called URL. e.g. the website of Microsoft has a web address or URL as

URL is usually pronounced by sounding out each letter but in some quarters, pronounced ‘Earl’. URL is the global address of documents and other resources on the World Wide Web.

The first part of the URL is called a protocol identifier and it indicates what protocol is to be used. The second part is called resource name and it specifies the IP address or the domain name, where the resource is located. The protocol identifier and the resource name are separated by a colon and two forward slashes.

(ii) It was not believable to Ms. Rina that bullying can be done on the web also. Explain her the concept cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying is a cybercrime in which the bullying takes place digitally on online platforms like social media, gaming communicate, etc., where users can view, share content or messages. Cyberbullying is different from the real world bullying.
The most common places where cyberbullying occurs are
(a) Social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat.
(b) Text messaging and messaging apps on mobile or tablet devices.
(c) Instant messaging, direct messaging and online chatting over the Internet.
(d) Online forums, chat rooms and message boards, such as Reddit.
(e) Online gaming communities.

Examples of cyber bullying
(a) Sending mean texts or IMs to someone.
(b) Pranking someone’s cell phone.
(c) Hacking into someone’s gaming or social networking profile.
(d) Being rude or mean to someone in an online game.
(e) Spreading secrets or rumours about people online.

Question 3.
Radha had prepapred a table to store some food items and their calorific values. Now, she want to certain aggregate values such as highest calorific value, maximum calorific value etc. Help her to write SQL commands using MySQL functions to produce the outputs required.
Food Value

Food Calorie
Mustard Oil 260
Soyabean Oil 240
Butter 55
Paneer 600
Soyabean 800

(i) To get the highest of the calories of food items.
(ii) To get the lowest of the calories of food items.
Or She wants certain more aggregate results. Suggest her proper function names for the following statements.
(i) To get the average calorie value.
(ii) To get the sum of calorie values for foods ending with “Oil”.
The MAX() function returns the maximum
in a set of values in a column.
(ii) The MIN() function returns the minimum in a set of values in a column.
(i) The AVG() function returns the average in a set of values in a column.
(ii) The SUM() function returns the sum in a set of values in a column.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

Question 4.
Akashdeep is new to web and networks and is not very well-known about some of the related terms. Supply him with the proper terms for the following
(i) A software that displays web pages and helps to browse pages.
Web browser A web browser, or simply “browser,” is an application used to access and view websites. Common web browsers include Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari.
A web browser is an application software for accessing the World Wide Web.

(ii) A collection of multiple web pages.
Website: A website is a collection of publicly accessible, interlinked web pages that share a single domain name. Websites can be created and maintained by an individual, group, business or organisation to serve a variety of purposes. A website is also known as a “web presence” or simply “site”.

Question 5.
Ram is not sure about the outputs of following SQL commands. Help him in finding the outputs.
(i) SELECT MONTHNAME( “2021-05-09”);
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 10 with solutions 1
The MONTHNAME() function returns the name of the month for the date specified.

(ii) SELECT YEAR(“2012-08-17”);
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 10 with solutions 2
The YEAR() function returns the year for the date specified.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

Question 6.
A table Product carries some basic food products and their prices. Ms. Pumima wanted to find some maximum values from the set. Help her in writing appropriate queries
Table: Product

Food Price
Rice 1000
Flour 40
Oil 150
Salt 20
Turmeric 45

(i) To get the maximum Price among products that have ‘i’ in their names.
SELECT MAX( Price) FROM Product WHERE Food LIKE “% i %”;

(ii) To get the total Price of Oil and Salt.
SELECT SUM(Price) FROM Product WHERE Food IN (“Oil”,“Salt”);

Question 7.
A table Software has been prepared storing details of some software, their type, cost etc. Now, the database developers want to produce certain outputs from the table using MySQL grouping clauses and MySQL functions. Suggest them proper functions/clauses for their requirements.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 10 with solutions 3
(i) Which clause will group the records on ‘Type’ column?
(ii) Which function will return total number of softwares?
(i) Which function will return the most costly software?
(ii) Which function will help to find software type beginning with audio?
(i) GROUP BY clause
(ii) COUNT() function


(i) MAX() function
(ii) LEFT() function

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

Section – B
(Each question carries 3 Marks)

Question 8.
With reference to the table “software” prepared by the organization they want certain outputs using the date values in the table. Provide them with proper functions/statements to generate required outputs as stated below.
(i) To display the year of release of the softwares.
(ii) To display Type wise number of softwares.
(iii) To display the different software types.
(i) To display the minimum software cost.
(ii) To display the month of releases of “Comm” software.
(iii) To display the daynames of software release dates.
(i) SELECT YEAR( Rel date) FROM Software;
(ii) SELECT Type,COUNT(*) FROM Software GROUP BY Type;
(iii) SELECT DISTINCT Type FROM Software;
(i) SELECT MIN(Cost) FROM Software;
(ii) SELECT MONTH! Rel date) FROM Software WHERE Type=“Comm”;
(iii) SELECT DAYNAME (ReTdate) FROM Software;

Question 9.
Mr. George has created a table Spare to store details of some computer spares. He wanted to generate some results from the table but, he is missing some components of the commands. Help him with the missing tokens.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 10 with solutions 4
(i) SELECT (*) FROM Spare;
To get the count of the spares.

(ii) SELECT DAY() FROM Spare;
To display the day part of each of the Mfgdates.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

(iii) SELECT (Mfgdate) FROM Spare;
To display the names of the months for the Mfgdates.

Question 10.
Reference to the table Spare created by Mr. George (in Q.No. 9), he also wants some more reports on the table Data. Suggest suitable queries to perform the following.
Write SQL commands for the following statements.
(i) Display the count of Mfgdates.

(ii) Display the last three characters of the Partnames whose name starts with “M”.
SELECT RIGHT(Partname,3) FROM Spare WHERE Partnartie LIKE “M%”;

(iii) Display the Partnames and Manufacturer names joined together.
SELECT C0NCAT (Partname, Mfg) FROM Spare;

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

(Each question carries 4 Marks)

Question 11.
The Education director wants certain data from a table School carrying the data of some schools and its type, number of students. Write proper SQL statements to achieve the following.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 10 with solutions 5
(i) To get the school names in uppercase.
SELECT UCASE(School name) from School ;

(ii) To display the number of day schools.

(iii) To display school name and number of schools whose type includes dential in their name.
SELECT School name, Nos FROM School WHERE Type = “% dential”;

(iv) To display the maximum number of students among all the schools.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

Question 12.
Reference to the table School (in Q.No.11), the director also wants to know the outputs of the following SQL commands prepared by the database operator. Help him in getting the outputs of the queries.
(i) SELECT UCASE!School name) FROM School;
(ii) SELECT COUNT!*) FROM School WHERE Type=“Day”;
(iii) SELECT Type,COUNT!*) FROM School GROUP BY Type;
(iv) SELECT MAX(Nos) FROM School;
Which MySQL functions/clauses should they use to get the following outputs, with reference to the table School (in Q.No. 11).
(i) To display the first 4 characters of each schoolnames.
(ii) A clause used to get the unique types.
(iii) To get the average of the Nos(Number of students).
(iv) To get the last 3 characters from the schoolnames.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 10 with solutions 6


(i) The LEFT(-) function extracts first n characters from string.
(ii) The DISTINCT clause extracts the unique values from a column.
(iii) The AVG() function helps to find average of values from a numeric field.
(iv) The RIGHT() function extracts last n characters from a string

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

Question 13.
Wheeler Motors has set up its 3 centers in Bangalore and 3 more centers throughout India. The distances between the centers and the number of computers in each of the centers is given below.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 10 with solutions 7

Distance between the centers

From To Distance
BCenter FCenter 12 km
BCenter WCenter 60 m
BCenter ECenter 1400 km
BCenter WsCenter 800 km
BCenter SCenter 2000 km

Number of computers

BCenter 100
FCenter 20
WCenter 50
ECenter 50
WsCenter 50
SCenter 50

(i) Suggest network type for connecting BCenter to WCenter.
Since the distance between the two centers is 60m, the type of network formed is a Local Area Network (LAN).

(ii) Suggest network type for connecting BCenter to SCenter.
The distance between the two centers given is 2000 km. Hence, the kind of network formed is a Wide Area Network (WAN).

(iii) Which device you suggest to connect all the computers within each center?
A Switch/Hub can be used to connect multiple computers and exchange data between them in a Local Area Network. Since, there are multiple computers in each of the centers, Switch/Hub will be required in all the centers.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

(iv) Which communication device will you suggest for analog to digital and digital to analog conversion for connectivity?
A Modem is a MOdulator-DEModulator that converts analog signal to digital and digital signal to analog signal.