How Much and How Many Worksheet Exercises for Class 3 CBSE with Answers 1
This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used.

How Much and How Many Worksheet Exercises for Class 3 CBSE with Answers


  • Describing words which describe the amount or quantity of something without knowing its exact number is called adjectives of quantity.
  • Some, any, much, many, lots of, plenty of, a few, a little.
  • We use ‘Some’ with countable and uncountable nouns.
  • We use ‘Any’ with negative words or after not. We also use ‘any’ with questions usually.
  • We use ‘Many’ with countable nouns.
  • We use ‘Much’ with uncountable nouns.
  • We use ‘A few’ with countable nouns.
  • We use ‘A little with uncountable nouns.
  • We use ‘A lot of’ and ‘A plenty of’ with both countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

Read the picture story.
How Much and How Many Worksheet Exercises for Class 3 CBSE with Answers 2
How Much and How Many Worksheet Exercises for Class 3 CBSE with Answers 3

A. Answer the following questions as per the story.

1. How much sugar does a girl need? _____________
2. Which describing word is used for candies? _____________
3. Does a girl have any idea of exact amount of grocery items? _____________

B. Match the following describing words used with the items given in the story above.

  • Some – Eggs
  • Many – items
  • Much – Black pepper
  • Any – Sugar
  • A few – Flour
  • A little – Candies

How Much and How Many Worksheet Exercises with Answers for Class 3 CBSE PDF

A. Fill in the blanks with ‘a few’ or ‘a little’.

1. I like to eat _____________ food before I sit down to study.
2. I have only _____________ coins in my pocket.
3. COOK the food in _____________ oil.
4. He has given me _____________ books to read.
5. There is _____________ milk left for making tea.

B. Fill in the blanks with ‘some’, ‘any’, ‘a lot of’, ‘plenty of’.

1. I would like _____________ more chocolates, please.
2. I don’t want _____________ apples.
3. Is there _____________ money in the bag?
4. I can’t find _____________ money in the bag.
5. I think there is _____________ money in the box.
6. We ate _____________ food and nothing was left for Rani.
7. We had _____________ fun at the picnic.

C. Fill in the blanks with ‘much’ or ‘many’.

1. How _____________ legs does a spider have?
2. How _____________ milk does your cow give?
3. The game will be over soon. There isn’t _____________ time left.
4. I have told you this _____________ times before.
5. There’s not _____________ food in the fridge for you.
6. Her mother added _____________ items to the list later.
7. He is getting bald. He doesn’t have _____________ hair left on his head.
8. _____________ people drive cars these days.
9. I don’t have _____________ money in my pocket.
10. _____________ animals live in the jungle.