Here we are providing 1 Mark Questions for Political Science Class 12 Chapter 3 US Hegemony in World Politics are the best resource for students which helps in class 12 board exams.

One Mark Questions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 3 US Hegemony in World Politics

Question 1.
When did the era of U.S. hegemony start ? (C.B.S.E. 2010)
The U.S. hegemony began in 1991 after the disintegration of Soviet Union.

Question 2.
What is meant by U.S. hegemony in World Politics ? (Imp.) (C.B.S.E. 2008 Comp. 2009 Delhi)
U.S. hegemony means dominant position of U.S.A. in the world in military, political, economic as well as cultural fields.

Question 3.
Name the first business school which was established in U.S.A. in 1881.
The first business school’s name was ‘Wharton School’.

Question 4.
Which event does “9/11” refer to in the context of Contemporary World Politics ? (Sample Paper)
Which incident was related to 9/11? (C.B.S.E. 2014)
On 11 September 2001, nineteen hijackers took control of four American commercial aircraft and flew them into important buildings in the U.S.

Question 5.
What was ‘Operation Enduring Freedom’? (C.B.S.E. 2015)
On 11 September 2001, nineteen hijackers hailing from Arab countries took control of four American commercial aircrafts and flew them into important building in U.S. President George W. Bush launched ‘Operations Enduring Freedom’ against Afghanistan to crub terrorism and to crush terrorists.

Question 6.
What was the main objective of ‘Operation Desert Storm’? (C.B.S.E. 2015)
On 2nd August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait. The United Nations mandated the liberation of Kuwait by force. This was called Operation Desert Strom.

Question 7.
How did the U.S. respond to the 9/11 attacks? (Imp.) (C.B.S.E. 2015)
U.S. President George W. Bush launched ‘Operations Enduring Freedom’ against all those suspected to be behind 9/11 attack to curb terrorism and to crush terrorists chiefly al-Qaeda and Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

Question 8.
What does the word ‘Hegemony’ imply ? (C.B.S.E. 2012 Delhi)
What is meant by Hegemony ? (C.B.S.E. 2015)
Hegemony implies class ascendancy in the social, political and particularly ideological spheres. Hard power hegemony relates to supermacy of military power.

Question 9.
Explain hegemony as a soft power. (Imp.) (C.B.S.E. 2015)
Hegemony as a Soft Power implies class ascending into Social, Politcal and particularly ideological sphere.

Question 10.
Highlight any one main feature of the U.S. economy. (C.B.S.E. 2015)
U.S. economy is based on capitalist system.

Question 11.
Why was the ‘Operation Desert “ Storm’ fought against Iraq ? (C.B.S.E. 2014)
On 2 August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait. Immediately, a massive coalition force of 660,000 troops from 34 countries fought against Iraq and defeated it. This U.N. operation was called ‘Operation Desert Storm’.

Question 12.
What was the significance of‘operation Iraqi freedom’? (C.B.S.E. 2017)
American Hegemony had been established after the operation Iraqi freedom.

Question 13.
How is 9/11 important in the context of U.S.A.? (C.B.S.E. 2009)
What is meant by ‘9/11’ in context of U.S.A.? (C.B.S.E. 2013)
Sept. 11, 2001 is important for U.S.A. because on that day terrorists attacked World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon in Washington.

Question 14.
What was the main reason for the beginning of the U.S. hegemony in 1991 ? (C.B.S.E. 2013)
The main reason for the beginning of the U.S. hegemony in 1991 was the disintegration of Soviet Union.
the ’Bandwagon

Question 15.
Define the ’Bandwagon Strategy’.(C.B.S.E. 2013)
‘Bandwagon Strategy’ means to take advantage of the opportunity that a hegemony creates. Under ‘Banwagon Strategy’ it is not wise to oppose the hegemon power. It is good to extract benefits by operating within the hegemonic system.

Question 16.
What was the purpose of ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’? (C.B.S.E. 2013)
The purpose of Operation Iraqi Freedom was to prevent Iraq from developing weapons of mass destruction.

Question 17.
Which country in the world in having global dominance. (C.B.S.E. Sample Q.P. 2017)
United States of America.

Question 18.
Why the dropping of Atom bombs on Japan by U.S. towards the end of second world war widely criticized? (C.B.S.E. Sample Paper 2018)
Dropping of bombs was not necessary because U.S. itself knew that Japan was about to surrender.

Choose the correct answer:

Question 19.
Operation Iraqi Freedom was launched on:
(a) 21 April 2003
(b) 19 March 2004
(c) 23 March 2003
(d) 19 March 2003.
(d) 19 March 2003.

Question 20.
Which one of the following statements related to the Iraq invasion by the US is incorrect? (C.B.S.E. 2019)
(a) More than forty other countries were involved in this invasion.
(b) The UN had given consent to invade Iraq.
(c) The invasion was to prevent Iraq from developing weapons of mass destruction.
(d) The US lost over 3000 military personnel in this war.
(b) The UN had given consent to invade Iraq.

Question 21.
Which one of the following was a part of its global war on terrorism by the US.? (C.B.S.E. 2017)
(a) ‘Operation desert storm’
(b) Computer war
(c) ‘Operation enduring freedom’
(d) Videogame war
(c) ‘Operation enduring freedom’

Question 22.
The strategy of staying as far removed from the dominant power as possible is also known as . (Sample Paper 2019-20)
The strategy of staying as far removed from the dominant power as possible is