Quality Summary in English by John Galsworthy

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

Quality Summary in English by John Galsworthy

Quality by William Elliot Griffis About the Author

Author Name John Galsworthy
Born 14 August 1867, Kingston upon the Thames, United Kingdom
Died 31 January 1933, Hampstead, London, United Kingdom
Plays Strife, The First and the Last, The Skin Game, Escape
Awards Nobel Prize in Literature
Quality Summary by John Galsworthy
Quality Summary by John Galsworthy

Quality Summary in English

‘Quality’ is the story of a German shoemaker settled in London. His name was Mr. Gessler. He was a perfect artist. He used to make the boots of the narrator’s father also. Gessler lived with his elder brother. The shop had no signboard. He made boots only on advance order. And they never failed to fit. His boots lasted long. So the narrator did not need to go to his shop very often.

The customer going to Gessler sat on a wooden chair and waited. It was like going to some church. The narrator wanted a pair of Russian leather boots. Gessler showed his piece of gold brown leather. He promised to deliver the boots after a fortnight. He, it seemed, used to dream of boots.

Once the narrator complained that his last pair of boots creaked. Gessler was shocked to hear it. He agreed to repair or replace them.

On another occasion the narrator entered Gessler’s shop. He was wearing a pair of shoes bought at a large firm. Gessler told that those were not his boots. He put a finger on the place where the left boot was not comfortable. He spoke bitterly that big firms made poor quality boots. He also spoke about the hard times of his trade. His own business was going down.

The narrator was so deeply moved that he ordered for many pairs. For two years he couldn’t go to Gessler’s shop. When he came to Gessler’s shop next time he came to know that Gessler’s elder brother had died. He again ordered for many pairs of boots.

He was also upset to see Mr. Gessler who seemed to have grown older by 15 years. And he again ordered for many pairs of boots. Soon he went abroad.

When he returned his country after a year, he went to Gessler’s shop to thank him for the new boots which he had parceled to him. But he found that the name of the shop was gone. It had been taken over by some Englishman. The poor fellow died of slow starvation. His business failed for he took a long time to supply the order. He never made any advertisement. He used the best leather. He never gave himself time to eat. He was a character, who made really good boots.

Quality Summary in Hindi

‘Ouality’ एक जर्मन मोची की कहानी है जो लंदन में बस गया था। वह कुशल कलाकार था। उसका नाम मिस्टर गेसलर था। यह वर्णनकर्ता के पिता के लिये भी जूते बनाता था। गेसलर अपने बड़े भाई के साथ रहता था। दुकान पर कोई नाम का बोर्ड न था। वह जूते केवल अग्रिम आदेश मिलने पर बनाता था। और वे जूते हमेशा फिट आते थे। उसके जूते बहुत समय तक चलते थे। इस कारण लेखक को उसकी दुकान पर बार-बार जाने की जरुरत नहीं पड़ती थी।

जो ग्राहक गेसलर की दुकान पर जाते थे वे लकड़ी की कुर्सी पर बैठ कर प्रतीक्षा करते थे। उनके लिए तो वहां बैठना जैसे गिरजाघर में बैठने के बराबर था। लेखक को रुसी चमड़े के बने हुए बूट चाहियें थे। गेसलर ने उसे एक भूरे रंग का चाम दिखाया। उसने एक पखवाड़े के बाद बूट देने का वायदा किया। वह जैसे जूतों के ही सपनों में खोया रहता था।

एक बार लेखक ने उससे शिकायत की कि उसके पिछली बार के जूते चूं-धूं की आवाज करते थे। गेसलर यह सुनकर स्तब्ध रह गया। वह उन जूतों की मरम्मत करने या बदलने को राजी हो गया।

एक अन्य अवसर पर लेखक गेसलर की दुकान पर एक बड़ी दुकान से खरीदा हुआ जूता पहने हुए घुसा। गेसलर बोला ये बूट तो उसने नहीं बनाये थे। उसने अपनी उंगली बायें जूते पर एक जगह रखकर कहा कि यहां आरामदेह नहीं होगा। वह कटुतापूर्वक बोला कि बडी फर्मे घटिया किस्म के जूते बनाती हैं। उसने अपने धंधे की परेशानियों का भी जिक्र किया। उसका धंधा अब मंदा पड़ता जा रहा था।

लेखक इतना भावुक हो गया कि उसने कई जोड़े जूतों का आर्डर दे दिया। दो वर्षों तक वह गेसलर की दुकान पर नहीं जा सका। जब वह अगली बार दुकान पर आया तो उसे पता चला कि गेसलर के बड़े भाई की मृत्यु हो चुकी थी। उसने फिर कई जोड़े जूतों का आदेश दे दिया।

कोई एक वर्ष के बाद वह उस जूते वाले के पास फिर गया। गेसलर अपनी आयु से 15 वर्ष अधिक लग रहा था। लेखक को बूटों का पार्सल मिल गया था। वे बहुत अच्छे थे। उसने एक चेक गेसलर को भेजा था।

एक सप्ताह पश्चात वह उस सड़क से गुजरा तथा गेसलर की दुकान पर नये जूतों के लिए आभार व्यक्त करने चला गया। उसने देखा कि गेसलर की दुकान हट चुकी थी। दुकान किसी अंग्रेज ने खरीद ली थी। गेसलर बेचारा भूख से मर गया था। उसका धंधा चौपट हो गया था क्योंकि वह आर्डर पूरा करने में बहुत समय लगा देता था। वह कभी विज्ञापन नहीं करता था। वह सर्वोत्तम किस्म के चमड़े का इस्तेमाल करता था। उसके पास अपना भोजन करने की भी फुरसत नहीं होती थी। वह एक ऐसा पात्र था जो सचमुच बढ़िया किस्म के जूते बनाता था।

A Strange Wrestling Match Summary in English by Indira David

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

A Strange Wrestling Match Summary in English by Indira David

A Strange Wrestling Match Summary in English

Part I

Vijay Singh was a famous wrestler. He was tall like a giant. He had big shoulders and muscular arms. He was a bom wrestler.

But Vijay Singh had one weakness. It often pushed him into trouble. He was given to self praise and tall talks. He once said that he was not afraid of ghosts. He wished to face a ghost and teach him a lesson.

A man guided him to the Haunted Desert. That place was ten miles on the road to Jaisalmer. The ghosts had often looted and killed travellers.

Vijay Singh accepted the challenge. He got ready to set out west. An old woman came forward and put a packet into his hands. It contained an egg and a piece of salt. The old woman was known to be crazy.

As Vijay Singh entered the Desert, he heard the voice of a ghost. He called himself, Vijay’s friend, Natwar. Vijay Singh tried to be brave. He called the ghost to come out of the darkness. Looking into Natwar’s face, Vijay Singh called him a weak liar. He showed no signs of fear. The ghost felt insulted.

Part II

Vijay Singh proceeded to test the ghost’s strength. He offered him a piece of stone and asked him to squeeze the liquid out of it. The ghost tried hard but failed. Vijay Singh secretly crushed the egg and the yellow part flowed out. He gave the ghost another piece of rock td crush. The ghost failed the test again. Vijay Singh crushed the lump of salt. The powder tasted saltish.

The ghost then planned to kill Vijay Singh secretly. He took Vijay Singh to his cave and offered him a luxurious bed to sleep on, complete with pillows. Vijay Singh saw through the ghost’s trick. He put a round pillow on the bed and he sat himself in a comer. The ghost at break of day struck the pillow seven times. He was happy now. He thought he had killed his enemy.

Vijay Singh then returned to his bed. He began to groan as if in disgust. The ghost was shocked to hear the noise. Vijay Singh told the ghost that his cave was filled with insects. He was sleeping soundly when that insect came to trouble him. The ghost got panicked and fled. Vijay Singh returned to his village with all the treasure left behind by the ghost. He married the old woman’s grand-daughter. He gave up boasting. No traveller was thereafter looted or killed in the Hauntejd Desert.

A Strange Wrestling Match Summary in Hindi

Part I

विजय सिंह एक प्रसिद्ध पहलवान था। वह किसी दानव की भाँति लम्बा था। उसके कंधे विशाल तथा बाजू मांसल थे। वह जन्मजात पहलवान था।

पर विजय सिंह की एक कमजोरी थी। यह अवगुण उसे अक्सर संकट में डाल देता था। वह आत्मप्रशंसा करता था, डींग मारा करता था। एक बार वह बोला, “मैं भूतों से नहीं डरता। काश मेरा मुकाबला किसी भूत से हो जाये और मैं उसे सबक सिखा

एक व्यक्ति ने उसे भूतहा मरुस्थल में जाने की सलाह दी। वह स्थान जैसलमेर सड़क से दस मील दूर था। भूत अक्सर यात्रियों को लूट लेते तथा मार देते थे।

विजय सिंह ने चुनौती स्वीकार कर ली। वह पश्चिम की ओर जाने को तैयार हो गया। एक वृद्धा ने आगे बढ़कर उसके हाथ में एक पोटली थमा दी। इसके अन्दर एक अण्डा तथा एक नमक का टुकड़ा था। वह औरत पागल मानी जाती थी।

जैसे ही विजय सिंह ने मरुस्थल में प्रवेश किया, उसे किसी प्रेतात्मा की आवाज़ सुनाई दी। उसने अपनी पहचान बताई – “तुम्हारा मित्र नटवर।” विजय सिंह ने बहादुरी दिखाई। उसने भूत को कहा कि अँधेरे से बाहर आओ। नटवर का चेहरा देखकर विजय सिंह ने कहा, “तुम तो एक कमजोर झूठ बोलने वाले हो।” उसके चेहरे पर भय का कोई चिन्ह (उसके चेहरे पर) न था। भूत ने अपमानित महसूस किया।

Part II

विजय सिंह ने भूत की ताकत की परीक्षा ली। उसने भूत को पत्थर का एक ढेला दिया और कहा इसे दबाकर इसके अन्दर का तरल पदार्थ बाहर निकाल कर दिखाओ। भूत ने पूरा प्रयत्न किया परन्तु असफल रहा। विजय सिंह ने चुपके से अण्डे को मसलकर उसमें से पीली ज़र्दी बाहर निकाल दी। फिर उसने भूत को दूसरा पत्थर दिया और उसे चूरा करने को बोला। भूत पुनः असफल रहा। विजय सिंह ने नमक के ढेले को मसल दिया। चूरा चखने में नमकीन था।

फिर भूत ने विजय सिंह की छलकपट से हत्या करने की सोची। वह विजय सिंह को अपनी गुफा में ले गया तथा उसे बिस्तर पर लिटा दिया। विजय सिंह ने भूत की नीयत भाँप ली। उसने पलंग पर गावतकिया रखकर चादर डाल दी। वह स्वयं एक कोने में दुबक कर बैठ गया। भोर में भत ने उस मसनद पर सात बार प्रहार किया। अब वह प्रसन्न था। उसने सोच लिया कि उसने शत्रु को मार डाला था।

फिर विजय सिंह अपने बिस्तर पर लौट आया। वह जोर-जोर से कराहने लगा। प्रेत को हैरानी हुई आवास सुनकर। विजय सिंह ने प्रेत को बताया कि उसका गुफा कीड़ों से भरा है। वह अच्छी नींद सो रहा था कि तभी एक कीड़ा आकर उसे तंग करना शुरु कर दिया। प्रेत घबरा गया और वहां से भाग खड़ा हुआ। विजय सिंह, भूत द्वारा छोड़ा हुआ सारा खजाना लेकर गाँव लौट आया। उसने वृद्धा की पोती से विवाह कर लिया। उसने डींग मारना बंद कर दिया। उसके पश्चात फिर किसी यात्री को उस भुतहा मरुस्थल में लूटा या मारा नहीं गया।’

The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom Summary in English by William Elliot Griffis

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom Summary in English by William Elliot Griffis

The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom by William Elliot Griffis About the Author

Author Name William Elliot Griffis
Born 17 September 1843, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Died 5 February 1928, Florida, United States
Education Rutgers University, Union College, Union Theological Seminary
The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom Summary by William Elliot Griffis
The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom Summary by William Elliot Griffis

The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom Summary in English

Part I

In the 19th century Japan there lived an old couple. Their only companion was a little pet dog named Muko. They loved it as if it were their baby. They gave it pieces of fish and boiled rice to eat. Muko also loved its noble master.

The old man was rice farmer. He worked hard with his spade from morning till sunset. Muko followed him everyday to the field. It did not attack the white heron bird which used to kill com worms. The farmer was kind to all the living creatures.

One day the dog came running to its master. It motioned him to some place behind. The old man followed Muko to the place, where it began to scratch. The old man used his hoe to dig the earth. He found a lot of gold there. The old couple became rich. They bought land, hosted a party to their friends and gave generously to their poor neighbours.

In the same village there lived a wicked old man and his wife. They were unkind to all dogs. When they heard of their neighbour’s good luck, they called Muko to their garden and offered it fish. They hoped that Muko would find treasure for them also. But Muko refused to eat any fish. The dog took them to a pine tree in the garden. The greedy old fool danced with joy. He began to dig. But he found only a dead cat in the pit. In a fit of anger he beat Muko to death.

The owners of Muko mourned for their pet. They put flowers and water on its tomb. That night the spirit of Muko appeared to the old farmer in a dream. It asked him to cut down the pine tree over its graves, make a mortar for rice pastry and a mill for his bean sauce. Soon the old farmer made a hollow place in the tree trunk. He with his wife made a hammer of wood for pounding rice. They baked the pastry and suddenly the whole mass changed into gold coins.

The jealous old neighbour noticed bean sauce turning into gold. The old couple were rich again. So the neighbours also did the same. But their pastry and sauce turned into worms. They destroyed the mill borrowed from the old couple and burnt it.

Part II

The good old man had another dream. The spirit of their pet dog told him to take the ashes of the mill and spread it on the withered pine trees. He assured him that they would bloom again.

The old man brought some ashes of mill. He spread a pinch of it on the cherry tree. The tree was covered with blossoms. The greedy wicked couple gathered the remaining ashes of the wooden mill.

The wealthy landlord of the village was to pass by that road. According to the custom all the people had to shut up their high windows. Nobody was allowed to look down on lordship. They also knelt upon their hands and knees until the procession passed by. A tall man marched ahead asking the people to get down on their knees.

But the good old man didn’t kneel down. Instead of it he scattered a bit of ashes over the withered cherry tree. Suddenly it burst into blossom. The landlord got out to see the wonder. He thanked the man, offered him presents and also invited him to the castle.

When the greedy neighbour heard of it, he also took the magic ashes to the highway. He waited until the landlord’s train came along, and instead of kneeling down like the crowd, he climbed a withered cheriy tree. When the landlord was directly under him, he threw handful of ashes over him. But the tree showed no change. The dust rather blew into the nose and eyes of his lordship. The man who was escorting the lord dragged the greedy man from the tree and threw him into the ditch. He also beat him soundly. The greedy man thus died in the mud. The kind owner of Muko lived happily to a green old age.

The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom Summary in Hindi

Part I

19 वी शताब्दी में जापान में एक वृद्ध दम्पति रहते थे। उनका एक मात्र साथी मूको नामक एक छोटा पालतू कुत्ता था। वे उस कुत्ते को बच्चे की भाँति प्यार करते थे। उसे मछली के टुकड़े तथा उबले चावल खाने को देते थे। मूको भी अपने नेक मालिक से बहुत प्यार करता था।

वृद्ध व्यक्ति चावल उगाने वाला किसान था। वह अपने फावड़े से सारा दिन परिश्रम करता रहता था। मूको प्रतिदिन स्वामी के पीछे-पीछे खेत पर जाया करता था। वह सफेद रंग के जलपक्षी बगुले को जो कीड़े खाता था कोई चोट नहीं पहुंचाता था। वह किसान सभी जीवों के प्रति सहृदय था।

एक दिन कुत्ता दौड़ता हुआ मालिक के पास आया। उसने पीछे किसी स्थान पर चलने का इशारा किया। वृद्ध मूको के साथ उस स्थान पर गया। कुत्ता वहां जमीन को खुरचने लगा। वृद्ध ने उस स्थान को कस्सी से खोदा। वहाँ उसे ढेर-सा सोना मिल गया। वृद्ध दम्पति धनवान हो गये। उन्होंने खेत खरीदे, मित्रों को भोज दिया तथा गरीब पड़ोसियों की भी आर्थिक मदद की।

उसी गाँव में एक दुष्ट व्यक्ति अपनी पत्नी के साथ रहता था। वे सभी कुत्तों के प्रति कठोर थे। जब उन्होंने अपने पड़ोसी के सौभाग्य की बात सुनी उन्होंने मूको को अपने बगीचे में बुलाया तथा उसे मछली पेश की। उन्हें आशा थी कि मूको उन्हें भी खजाना खोज देगा। पर मूको ने कोई मछली नहीं खाई। कुत्ता उन्हें बगीचे में उगे एक चीड़ के वृक्ष के नीचे ले गया। मूर्ख बूढ़ा खुशी से नाचने लगा। वह जमीन खोदने लगा। पर उसे तो वहां गड्ढे में एक मरी हुई बिल्ली मिली। क्रोधावेश में उन्होंने पीटकर मूको को जान से मार दिया।

मूको के मालिक को अपना प्रिय पालतू कुत्ता खोने का बहुत दुख हुआ। उन्होंने कुत्ते की मजार पर फूल और जल अर्पित किए। उस रात मूको की आत्मा वृद्ध किसान को सपने में दिखी। उसने कहा कि जो चीड़ वृक्ष उसकी कब्र के ऊपर उगा है, उसे काट दो। उससे प्राप्त सामग्री से चावल की पेस्ट्री तथा चटनी बनाने की चक्की बनाओ। किसान ने वृक्ष के तने में एक खोखली जगह बनायी। उस लकड़ी से उन्होंने चावल कूटने हेतु एक हथौड़ी बनाई। उन्होंने पेस्ट्री पकाई। अचानक वह गुंधा हुआ आटा स्वर्ण मुद्राओं में बदल गया। बूढ़े नेक दम्पत्ति पुनः धनवान हो गए।

ईर्ष्यालु बूढ़े पड़ोसी ने भी सेम फली की चटनी को स्वर्ण में बदलते देखा। अत: उन्होंने उनकी नकल की। पर उनकी पेस्ट्री तथा चटनी कीड़ों में बदल गई। उन्होंने लकड़ी की चक्की जो वृद्ध किसान से माँग कर लाये थे, तोड़-फोड़ दी तथा उसे जला दिया।

Part II

नेक वृद्ध किसान को दूसरा सपना आया। उनके पालतू कुत्ते ने उसे बताया कि जली हुई चक्की की राख लाकर सूखे चीड़ के वृक्ष पर फैला दो। उसने आश्वस्त किया कि सूखे चीड़ के वृक्ष पर पुनः फूल खिल जायेंगे।

वृद्ध चक्की की कुछ राख ले आया। उसने उसकी चुटकी भर चेरी वृक्ष के ऊपर फैलायी। वृक्ष फूलों से लद गया। लोभी दुष्ट दम्पति ने जली चक्की की शेष राख समेट कर रख ली।

उस क्षेत्र का धनवान जमींदार सड़क से गुजरने वाला था। प्रथा के अनुसार सभी लोगों ने अपने घरों की खिड़कियाँ बन्द कर ली। किसी को भी जमींदार सामंत को नीची निगाह से देखने की अनुमति न थी। लोगों को अपने हाथ और घुटने के बल लेटना भी पड़ा जब तक कि जुलूस निकल न जाये। एक ऊँचे कद का व्यक्ति आगे-आगे चलकर लोगों से कहता जा रहा था कि घुटनों के बल बैठ जाओ।

पर नेक वृद्ध किसान ने थोड़ी-सी राख चेरी के सूखे वृक्ष पर बिखेर दी। अचानक उस सूखे वृक्ष में फूल निकल आये। जमींदार हैरान होकर बाहर निकल आया। उसने किसान को धन्यवाद बोला, उसे उपहार दिये तथा उसे अपनी हवेली में आने को बोला।

जब लोभी पड़ोसी को इस घटना की जानकारी मिली, वह भी जादुई राख लेकर राजमार्ग पर पहुँच गया। वह एक सूखे चेरी वृक्ष पर चढ़कर बैठ गया। जब सामंत पेड़ के नीचे आ गया, उसने मुट्ठी भर राख उस पर बिखेर दी। पर वृक्ष में कोई बदलाव नहीं हुआ। राख सामंत की नाक और आँख में गिर गई। जो व्यक्ति सामंत की रक्षा कर रहा था, उसने लोभी व्यक्ति को नीचे घसीट लिया तथा एक गड्ढे में फेंक दिया। उसकी खासी पिटाई भी कर दी। इस प्रकार, दुष्ट व्यक्ति कीचड़ में ही मर गया। मूको का सहृदय स्वामी पुनः खुशी से रहने लगा, उन्होंने लम्बी आयु पाई।

Gopal and the Hilsa Fish Summary Class 7 English Honeycomb

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

Gopal and the Hilsa Fish Summary Class 7 English Honeycomb

Gopal and the Hilsa Fish Summary in English

It was the season for Hilsa-fish. The fishermen caught a lot of them. They sold them in the market. The prices, they said, were down. This news was discussed by all householders. They were amazed that the fish came to such a low price.

In the palace also the courtiers discussed the matter. A courtier showed the king a big fish he had caught. The king lost his temper. The courtier became silent and sad. The king realised his mistake. He told that even Gopal couldn’t stop anyone from talking about Hilsa. Gopal protested. He said he could do that. The king then challenged him to bring a big fish to the palace without anyone asking a word about it.

Since Gopal accepted the challenge, he started working accordingly. He became half-shaven and covered himself with ash. When his wife asked him the reason about his peculiar look, he said that he was dressing up to buy a Hilsa fish. His wife thought he had gone mad.

Gopal bought the Hilsa and started walking towards the palace. A child cried that the man was comical. Another called him a mad man. The third mistook him for a mystic. But no one talked about the fish.

Gopal reached the court. He told the guards that he wanted to see the king. They didn’t allow him to enter. Gopal began dancing and crying loudly. They reported the matter to the king. The king ordered to bring him to the court. Gopal introduced himself before the king. The king asked him why he was dressed up in that fashion.

Gopal explained that when he was coming to the palace not a single man spoke about Hilsa-fish. Everyone got attracted towards his peculiar look. They didn’t mind the fish. The king remembered the challenge he had thrown to Gopal. He congratulated Gopal on his achieving the impossible.

Gopal and the Hilsa Fish Summary in Hindi

हिल्सा मछलियाँ पकड़ने का मौसम था। मछुआरों ने बड़ी संख्या में उन्हें पकड़ा। उन्होंने मछलियाँ बाजार में बेच दीं। उन्होंने कहा कि हिल्सा मछली की कीमत नीची हो गई है। इस समाचार पर सभी घरों में चर्चा हुई। वे चकित थे कि मछली इतने सस्ते दाम पर आ गई।

राजमहल में भी दरबारियों ने इस विषय पर चर्चा की। एक दरबारी ने राजा को अपने द्वारा पकड़ी एक बड़ी मछली दिखाई। राजा आपे से बाहर हो गया। दरबारी चुप और उदास हो गया। राजा को अपनी गलती का एहसास हो गया। वह बोला कि गोपाल भी किसी को हिल्सा के बारे में बोलने से रोक नहीं सकता। गोपाल ने प्रतिवाद किया। वह बोला कि वह यह काम कर सकता था। फिर राजा ने उसे चुनौती दी है कि वह एक बड़ी-सी मछली महल में ले आए, लेकिन कोई भी मछली के बारे में कुछ पूछा नहीं।

गोपाल ने चुनौती स्वीकार कर ली। उसने अपनी दाढी आधा कटवा लिए और पूरे शरीर पर राख की परत चढ़ा दी। जब उसकी पत्नी ने उसके अजीबोगरीब हाव-भाव के बारे में पूछा तो गोपाल ने बताया मैं एक बड़ी हिल्सा मछली खरीदने जा रहा हूँ। पत्नी ने सोचा वह पागल हो गया है।

गोपाल ने मछली खरीदी और महल की ओर चल दिया। एक बच्चे ने कहा यह आदमी तो जोकर है। दूसरे ने गोपाल को पागल कहा, तीसरे ने गलती से उसे साधु बताया। लेकिन किसी ने भी मछली की चर्चा नहीं की।

गोपाल दरबार में पहुँचा। उसने पहरेदारों को बताया कि वह राजा से मिलना चाहता है। उन लोगों ने उसे अन्दर जाने से रोक दिया। गोपाल ऊँचे स्वर में गाने और नाचने लगा। द्वार रक्षकों ने इस बात की जानकारी राजा को दी। राजा ने उन्हें इस व्यक्ति को तुरन्त अन्दर ले आने का आदेश दिया। गोपाल ने अपना परिचय दिया। दरबारियों ने सोचा कि गोपाल पागल हो गया है। मछली का मामला तो उसका एक मजाक था। राजा ने पूछा तुमने इस प्रकार का विचित्र रुप क्यों बना रखा है।

गोपाल ने स्पष्ट किया कि जब वह महल की ओर आ रहा था तो किसी भी व्यक्ति ने एक बार भी हिल्सा मछली की बात नहीं की। सबका ध्यान उसके विचित्र रुप की ओर था। राजा को चुनौती की बात याद आयी जो उसने गोपाल को दी थी। उसने गोपाल को असंभव काम कर दिखाने के लिये बधाई दी।

A Gift of Chappals Summary in English by Vasantha Surya

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

A Gift of Chappals Summary in English by Vasantha Surya

A Gift of Chappals Summary in English

Part I

One afternoon, Mridu went to her aunt Rukku Manni’s house. She went there to meet her cousins Lalli, Ravi and Meena. Ravi dragged her to the backyard. There inside a torn football lay a very small kitten, drinking milk. Meena said they had found the creature outside the gate that morning. But it was kept secret. Amma had a fear that Paati would go away if she knows about the cat in the house. Ravi had succeeded by tact in getting a little milk for the kitten. The children named it Mahendran.

It was a fine breed of cat. Ravi gave a detailed account of the cat’s family and relatives. He said the cat was the descendant of the Mahabalipuram Rishi-Cat. Meena and Mridu smiled at his cooked up story.

The cat was frightened to hear Ravi’s sound. He fled from his place. Lalli was learning to play the violin. She wasn’t doing well, although the music master was trying his best to make her learn.

Part II

Mridu went up to the window. She saw Lalli sitting with her violin. In front of her there was the bony music teacher. He had a mostly bald head. He was wearing a gold chain around his neck, and a diamond ring on his hand.

A beggar came at the gate. The mother told Ravi to send him away. She was chatting with Tapi. The beggar’s voice irritated her. She complained that he was coming there every day.

The beggar was already in the garden. He had spread a piece of cloth under the neem tree. He leant against the tree trunk, waiting for the alms. Ravi told him sternly to go away.

The beggar sat up and sighed. He told that he would go away after taking some rest. The tar had melted on the hot road and his bare feet had got blisters. The children got sympathetic towards him. Mridu asked Meena and Ravi if they had got an old pair of slippers in the house. Ravi went to search. Mridu noticed a pair of chappals in the verandah. These were shabby-looking but sturdy. He gave it to the old man to wear and asked him never again to come back. The beggar blessed the children. He pushed his feet into the slippers and left in a hurry.

The music-teacher searched for his chappals in the varandah. He said his slippers were brand new and expensive also. Rukku Manni came there with Paati. She rightly guessed that it was the mischief played by the children. She was upset and angiy.

She went indoors and brought Gopu Mama’s new chappals and gave them to the music-master. She apologised to the master on behalf of her son, Ravi. The music master’s eyes lit up with joy. He put them on and called children naughty monkeys. The mother didn’t like Ravi being called a monkey.

She went inside the house. She thanked God that Gopu Mama’s chappals were there. But she laughed to think how much upset would he be on his return. She declared that she would take all the blame on herself.

A Gift of Chappals Summary in Hindi

Part I

मृदु एक दिन मध्यान्ह में अपनी चाची रुक्कू मन्नी के घर गई। वह वहां अपने चचेरे भाई-बहनों लल्ली, रवि और मीना से मिलने गई। रवि खींचते हुए उसे घर के पिछवाड़े ले गया। वहाँ एक फटे फुटबाल के अन्दर एक बिल्ली का छोटा बच्चा बैठा दूध पी रहा था। मीना ने बताया कि यह बच्चा आज प्रातः ही उन्हें गेट के पास मिला था। पर इस बात को छिपाकर रखा गया है। अम्मा को डर है कि पाती को यदि घर में बिल्ली होने की जानकारी मिल गई तो वह चली जायेगी। रवि चालाकी से थोड़ा-सा दूध बिल्ले के लिये ले आया था। बच्चों ने उसका नाम महेन्द्रन रख दिया।

यह बिल्ला अच्छी नस्ल का था। रवि ने बिल्ले के परिवार तथा संबंधियों का विस्तृत ब्योरा दिया। उसने बताया कि बिल्ला महाबलीपुरम ऋषि बिल्ली परिवार का है। मीना और मृदु उसकी इस झूठी कहानी पर मुस्कराए।

बिल्ला रवि की आवाज सुनकर डर गया। वह अपने स्थान से भाग चला। लल्ली घर के अन्दर वायलिन का प्रशिक्षण ले रही थी। सीखने में उसे कठिनाई हो रही थी यद्यपि संगीत मास्टर उसे सिखाने का भरसक प्रयास कर रहा था।

Part II

मृदु खिड़की पर गई। उसने लल्ली को वायलिन के साथ बैठा देखा। लल्ली के सामने ही उसका पतला दुबला संगीत मास्टर बैठा था, उसका सिर काफी गंजा था। उसने गले में सोने की जंजीर और हाथ में हीरे की अंगूठी पहन रखी थी।

एक भिखारी गेट पर आया। माँ ने रवि को उसे भगा देने को कहा। वह तापी के साथ बातें कर रही थी। भिखारी की आवाज से उसे चिढ़ हो रही थी। उसने शिकायत की कि वह तो रोज ही आ जाता है।

भिखारी बगीचे में पहुँच गया था। उसने नीम वृक्ष के नीचे एक कपड़ा बिछा लिया। उसने वृक्ष के तने पर पीठ टिकाई, और भिक्षा पाने की प्रतीक्षा करने लगा। रवि ने उसे कठोर स्वर में चले जाने को कहा।

भिखारी बैठ गया। उसने कहा कि थोड़ी देर आराम करने के पश्चात् वह चला जाएगा। तपती सड़क पर बिछा तारकोल पिघल चला था और उसके नंगे पावों में छाले पड़ गये थे। बच्चों को उस पर दया आ गई। मृदु ने मीना और रवि से पूछा क्या घर में कोई पुरानी चप्पल नहीं हैं। रवि ने खोज शुरु की। मृदु ने बरामदे में एक जोड़ी चप्पल रखी देखी। वे पुरानी पर मजबूत दिखती थीं। उसने वे भिखारी को पहनने के लिये दे दी और उसे दोबारा न आने को बोल दिया। भिखारी ने बच्चों को आशीर्वाद दिया। उसने अपने पाँव उन चप्पलों में डाले तथा शीघ्रता से निकल गया।

संगीत मास्टर ने बरामदे में अपनी चप्पलें खोजीं। परन्तु, वे वहाँ पर नहीं थी। वह बोला उसकी चप्पलें बिल्कुल नई थी तथा महँगी भी।

वह घर के अन्दर गई और गोपू मामा की नयी चप्पलें ले आई। उसने अपने बेटे रवि की ओर से मास्टर से क्षमा माँग ली। संगीत मास्टर की आँखें खुशी से चमक गई। उसने चप्पलें पहनी और बच्चों को बन्दर कहा। माँ को रवि को बन्दर कहना बुरा लगा।

वह घर के अन्दर गई। उसने परमात्मा को धन्यवाद दिया कि गोपू मामा की चप्पलें वहां थीं। पर उसे यह सोचकर हँसी आ गई कि गोपू घर पर अपनी चप्पलें न पाकर आग-बबूला हो गया। माँ ने कहा कि सारा दोष वह अपने ऊपर ले लेगी।

All Summer in a Day Summary by Ray Douglas Bradbury

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

All Summer in a Day Story Summary by Ray Douglas Bradbury

All Summer in a Day Summary by Ray Douglas Bradbury About the Author

Ray Douglas Bradbury was born on 22nd August, 1920 in Waukegan, Illinois, US. He was an American fantasy, science fiction, horror and mystery fiction author and screenwriter. He was widely known for his novel Fahrenheit 451 as well as his science fiction and horror story collections. Bradbury was one of the most celebrated twentieth and twenty first century American writers.

He wrote in several genres such as the Coming-of-age, novel Dandelion Wine or the fictionalized memoir Green Shadows and White Whale. He received numerous awards including Pulitzer Citation in 2007. Bradbury also wrote and consulted on screenplays and television scripts which included Moby Dick and It Came from Outer Space.He died on 5th June, 2012 the age of 91 in California, US. On his death, the New York Times called Bradbury ‘the writer most responsible for bringing modern science fiction into the literary mainstream’.

All Summer in a Day Summary of the Story

The story is set on the planet Venus, where the sun shines only for two hours and that too once in every seven years. The story opens on the day when the sun is going to appear. A group of school children live on this planet with their families. They are nine years old. It has been raining continuously since five years. The scientists have predicted that the sun will appear only for a brief period of time. The children have seen the sun once in their lives, when they were only two years old, the sun first appeared and so they don’t remember how it looks. Whole day they have been reading about the sun.
All Summer in a Day Summary by Ray Douglas Bradbury

One of the children Margot who is a thin and pale girl has lived in Ohio till she was four. She remembers the sun and the sky. She tells them about its size and color. She is going again to earth according to her parent’s wish. She doesn’t participate in any classroom activity which doesn’t include sun and that is why children hated her.

The children are waiting anxiously for the sun to come out. The other children are upset with Margot and start pushing and taunting her. They make fun of her. A boy even seizes her saying that there will be no sun that day and all is a joke.

While there teacher is gone, they hide her in a closet in spite of her protest. The teacher comes back and they all .turn towards the tunnel’s exit. The teacher confirms if all are present and moments later the rain stops and sun appears. All the children feel happy and begin to enjoy. They run, laugh, slip and fell among the jungle trees that cover the Venus. And then sun faded behind the mist. The sky darkens and rain falls harder. All the children stopped for a moment before entering the tunnels.

As they enter, they ask their teacher, “Will it be seven more years?” a student gives a muffled cry and they remember that Margot is still in the closet. She was there in the closet when all were enjoying the sun. They walk slowly towards the closet, no noises are heard. They open the closet and Margot emerges out.

All Summer in a Day Summary Theme

The writer has tried to depict the image of life on Venus, an image that is completely unfamiliar for a common man. But by using various metaphors and language, he tried to present a crystal clear image of planet Venus. It had been raining for seven years on the planet and it is the day when the sun would appear. The importance of sun has been emphasized. How the people who urged to find life on another planet were dying to get a glimpse and warmth of sun. The children were happy to feel the sun on their cheeks and wanted it to burn their arms.

Most of them squinted at the sun until the tears rolled down their cheeks. Moreover, the impact of sun-less planet is also notable. In the absence of sun, the faces were pale and colorless. They were not only physically weak but emotionally too. It had not only faded the colors of their skin but had also faded the, sympathy and pity for others. Until and unless the sun rays fell upon them just as energy boosters, they lacked feelings.

Another theme is of coexistence of people from different planet. Margot was isolated and faced difficulties just because she came from another community. She tried hard to fit in their planet but they resent her about her past experiences on earth. They felt jealous and angry. Thus the theme of ignorance has also been highlighted. The children were ignorant of the benefits of the sun but once they experienced it, their attitude changed.The illustrated language of the writer has enabled the reader to draw the picture of life and landscape on Venus.

All Summer in a Day Summary Characters


She is the main character in the story. She is a delicate and pale child. She is an introvert and doesn’t want to mix up with anybody. She moved to Venus when she was only four years old and she remembers the sun. She remembers the beautiful life on earth with the yellow light and without constant sound of raindrops. Here on Venus, the life without the golden sunshine is very boring and depressing. Because she doesn’t want to play with the other children when they sing or draw or do any activity which doesn’t include sun, the children tease her and taunt her in various ways. They are unable to understand the mental position of Margot. They bully her and that’s why she remains aloof. She is sensitive and true to herself.


William is the antagonist in the story. He is the main culprit who talks or takes actions on behalf of other children. He is a jealous kind of boy who is devoid of any feelings and this may be due to the absence of the sunlight on the planet Venus on which he lives since his childhood. His power of thinking has lost and limited to certain activities only. He fails to understand Margot and speaks to her in a harsh tone. He shoves her and asks the other children to behave in the same manner. There is no mention of his appearance so one can only understand him by his nature.

The Children

The children Eire in the background of the story after the main characters Margot and William. They provide support to these characters and help in the development of the story. They follow WilliEim without giving a single thought to the results. They are all the victims of depression created on Venus due to lack of sunlight for continuous seven years. They have been traumatized by the constant rain. They experience joys and displeasure in accordance with nature. When there is no sun, they seem dull sind lethargic but as soon as sun appears Edthough for a short span of time, they feel excited and show energetic activities. They play, laugh, fall, slip and do many actions because we know that sun is the main source of energy.

The Teacher

The role of teacher is momentary. The name of the teacher is not mentioned and nothing much is told about her but still her presence is felt and still she is a part of the children’s world. She does her duty, scolds William, keeps an eye on children but all Eire very limited. She is unable to know where the children have kept Margot. But she is vigilant and it is clear from her instructions to the children not to go too far when the sun appears.

All Summer in a Day Summary Word-Meanings

  1. concussion – temporary unconsciousness
  2. slackening – slowing down, negligent
  3. shove – rough push
  4. drenched – wet
  5. clutched – grasped tightly
  6. vital – important
  7. seized – take hold forcibly
  8. closet – cupboard
  9. surged – moved forward
  10. muffled – less loud, deadened sound
  11. avalanche – ice or snow falling rapidly down the side of a mountain
  12. tornado – violent storm, twister
  13. hurricane – storm with violent wind
  14. volcanic eruption – mountain that has opening through which lava comes out
  15. repercussions – consequences
  16. tumultuously – making an uproar
  17. squeak – short high pitched cry
  18. resilient – springing back when pressed
  19. squinted – look through small opening
  20. tumbled – fall headlong
  21. gigantic – very lsirge
  22. stake – pointed stick.

Three Questions Summary in English by Leo Tolstoy

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

Three Questions Summary in English by Leo Tolstoy

Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy About the Author

Author Name Leo Tolstoy
Born 9 September 1828, Yasnaya Polyana, Yasnaya Polyana, Russia
Died 20 November 1910, Lev Tolstoy, Russia
Short stories The Prisoner of the Caucasus
Movies Anna Karenina, War, and Peace
Three Questions Summary in English by Leo Tolstoy
Three Questions Summary in English by Leo Tolstoy

Three Questions Summary in English

Part I

A king once thought that he would never fail if he knew three things. One, what the right time was to begin something. Two, which people he should take advice from. Three, how to decide what the most important thing to do was.

He sent messengers throughout his kingdom. He promised to give a reward of a large sum to the person who answered his three questions.

Many wise men tried their luck. They gave a number of answers. One said that the king should go by a timetable. Another said that the king should do whatever seemed him necessary at the moment. The third suggested that the king should consult wise men or magicians.

Answering the second question, they gave top importance to his councillors, or to priests or to doctors or to soldiers.

In reply to the third question, the wise men gave importance to science or fighting or religious worship.

The king was not satisfied. He went to a hermit in the jungle alone. There he saw the old and weak hermit digging the ground. The king asked his questions but got no answer. Then he took the spade from the hermit and began to work in his place. Several hours passed. It was evening, so the king stopped digging the beds. The king was ready to take leave from the hermit. Just then the hermit told that someone was running to wards them.

Part II

The king saw a bearded man running towards them. His hands were pressed against his stomach from which blood was oozing. As he reached the king, he fainted and fell to the ground. He had a large wound in his stomach.

The king washed the wound and compressed it with his handkerchief. At last the bleeding stopped. The man felt better and asked for water to drink. The king gave him fresh water.

The sun had set by then. The king and the hermit carried the wounded man into the hut and laid him on the bed. The tired king also fell asleep. When he awoke, the bearded man asked to forgive him.

The man was, in fact, the king’s enemy. He had followed the king to take revenge on him . He had vowed to kill him. The king had once put his brother to death. The man hid himself in a bush on the way to the jungle. He came out of his hiding place when the king did not return for long. He got wounded by king’s bodyguards. He would

have died if the king had not dressed his wound. He felt grateful to the king who had saved his life. He promised to serve the king as a faithful servant.

The king was happy that he had made peace with his enemy. He forgave the man and promised to give back his property.

The king then went up to the hermit. He again asked for answers to his three questions. The hermit explained that by digging the beds for him, the king had escaped attack. So the most important time was when he was digging the beds. The hermit himself was the most important person. So to do him good was the king’s most important business.

The hermit further told the king that the most important person for him was the person with him at a particular moment. The most important business was to help that person. And the most important time was ‘now’ that is, the present moment.

Three Questions Summary in Hindi

Part I

किसी समय एक राजा के मन में विचार आया कि यदि उसे तीन प्रश्नों के उत्तर मिल जायें तो वह कभी भी असफल नहीं होगा। पहला, किसी काम को करने का सही समय कौन-सा है। दूसरा, किन लोगों की सलाह उसे लेनी चाहिये। तीसरा, सर्वाधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण कार्य कौन-सा है इसका निर्णय किस प्रकार से किया जाये।

उसने पूरे राज्य में अपने दूत भेजे। उसने तीनों प्रश्नों का सही उत्तर देने वाले को बड़ा इनाम देने की भी घोषणा कर दी।

अनेक बुद्धिमान व्यक्तियों ने अपनी किस्मत आजमाई। उन्होंने अनेक उत्तर दिये। एक ने कहा कि राजा को एक समय सारिणी बनाकर काम करना चाहिए। दूसरा बोला कि राजा वही करे जो उसे उस समय आवश्यक दिखे। तीसरे ने सुझाव दिया कि राजा को चाहिये कि ज्ञानियों अथवा जादूगरों की सलाह ले।

दूसरे प्रश्न के उत्तर में उन लोगों ने मंत्री परिषद अथवा पुजारियों अथवा डाक्टरों अथवा सैनिकों को प्राथमिकता दी। तीसरे प्रश्न के उत्तर में बुद्धिमान लोगों ने विज्ञान, युद्ध अथवा धार्मिक कार्यों को महत्त्व दिया।

राजा संतुष्ट नहीं हुआ। वह अकेले ही वन में रह रहे एक संन्यासी के पास चला गया। वहाँ उसने वृद्ध और दुर्बल संन्यासी को जमीन खोदते पाया। राजा ने उससे अपने प्रश्न पूछे पर उसे कोई उत्तर नहीं मिला। फिर उसने संन्यासी से कुदाल ले लिया तथा उसके स्थान पर काम करने लगा। कई घंटे बीत गये। शाम हो गई, इसलिये राजा ने क्यारियाँ खोदना बन्द कर दिया। राजा संन्यासी से विदा लेने वाला था। तभी संन्यासी ने कहा कि कोई आदमी भागता हुआ उनकी ओर आ रहा था।

Part II

राजा ने एक दाढ़ीवाले व्यक्ति को अपनी ओर भागकर आते देखा। उसने अपने हाथों से पेट को दबा रखा था। वहाँ से खून निकल रहा था। जैसे ही वह राजा के निकट पहुँचा, बेहोश होकर गिर पड़ा। उसके पेट में गहरा घाव था।

राजा ने उसके घाव को धोया और ऊपर से अपना रुमाल लपेट दिया। खून बहना थम गया। व्यक्ति की दशा में सुधार आ गया और उसने पीने के लिए पानी माँगा। राजा ने उसे ताजा जल लाकर दिया।

उस समय तक सूर्य अस्त हो गया था। राजा तथा संन्यासी उस व्यक्ति को उठाकर झोंपड़ी में अन्दर ले गये तथा उसे बिस्तर पर लिटा दिया। थके हुऐ राजा को भी नींद आ गई। जब वह जगा उस दाढ़ी वाले व्यक्ति ने उससे क्षमा याचना की।

वह व्यक्ति वास्तव में राजा का शत्रु था। वह राजा से बदला लेने के लिए उसका पीछा कर रहा था। उसने राजा की हत्या करने की कसम खाई थी। राजा ने कभी उसके भाई को मृत्युदण्ड दे दिया था। उस व्यक्ति ने जंगल के रास्ते में अपने को झाड़ी में छिपा रखा था। जब राजा को लौटने में विलम्ब हो गया, व्यक्ति अपने छिपने के स्थान से बाहर आ गया। तभी राजा के अंगरक्षकों ने उसे घायल कर दिया। यदि राजा ने उसके घाव को धोकर पट्टी न बाँधी होती तो वह मर गया होता। व्यक्ति राजा के प्रति कृतज्ञ हो गया जिसने उसके प्राण बचाये थे। उसने एक स्वामिभक्त सेवक की भाँति राजा की सेवा करने का वचन दिया।

राजा भी खुश था कि उसने अपने एक शत्रु से मैत्री कर ली थी। उसने उस व्यक्ति को क्षमा कर दिया तथा उसकी सम्पत्ति भी उसे लौटा देने का वचन दे दिया।

फिर राजा संन्यासी के पास गया। उसने उससे फिर अपने तीन प्रश्नों के उत्तर माँगे। संन्यासी ने बताया कि क्यारियाँ खोदकर राजा अपने ऊपर होने वाले हमले से बचा लिया। इस कारण क्यारियाँ खोदने का वक्त उसके लिये सर्वाधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण था। संन्यासी स्वयं ही उसके लिए सर्वाधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण व्यक्ति था। उसकी सहायता करना ही उसके लिए सर्वाधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण कार्य था।

संन्यासी ने आगे राजा को बताया कि सर्वाधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण व्यक्ति वह होता है जो उस के पास हो, उसकी मदद करना सर्वाधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण काम है। और सर्वाधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण समय होता है, ‘अभी’ यानी वर्तमान क्षण।

The Blue Bead Summary by Norah Burke

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

The Blue Bead Story Summary by Norah Burke

The Blue Bead Summary by Norah Burke About the Author

Norah Burke was born on 2nd August, 1907 in Bedford, England. She was a well-known English novelist and non-fiction writer famous for its description of life in India during the early twentieth century. Her father, Redmond St. George Burke was a forest officer in India and her early childhood was spent in the Indian forests. The Indian jungle and her interactions with its wild animals inspired her autobiographical travel books Jungle Child, Eleven Leopards and Midnight Forests. She also wrote a shot story Journey by Night.

Her education was done with difficulty due to constant change of camps and carrying their belongings on elephant backs but she learned to write at the age of eight and started writing stories straight away. She returned to England in 1990. Her first novel Dark Road was published in 1933. By 1950, she had published eleven novels and her short stories and articles had appeared in more than 100 periodicals. Apart from this she’s also an enthusiastic travel writer. She married a lawyer and had two sons. She lived for many years at Thorn Court near Bury St. Edmunds and died in the year 1976.

The Blue Bead Summary of the Story

It is a short story by Norah Burke which is centered on a young girl, Sibia. There is a giant crocodile too which lives in the river for a long time. The girl with her mother and some other women goes to collect the paper grass from the cliffs above the river. On their way, they pass a Gujar encampment of grass huts where the nomadic grazers live till their animals finish all the grazing or are unable to sell their white butter and white milk in the district or there is no one to buy the young male buffaloes for tiger bait. The Gujars are junglis (wild) like Sibia is.

The Blue Bead Summary
The Blue Bead Summary

While crossing the river, they make a lot of noise to keep the crocodile away. They climb a hillside to get the grass, and down below them runs the broad river which bears Great turtles, kingfishers and mahseers. In the evening the women have to cross the river again to go back home. On one such evening, when the women are returning, one Gujar woman walks on to stepping stone to fill the gurrahs with clean water. She comes within the yard of the crocodile when it attacks her. The crocodile pulls on her leg and drags her into the deeps of the pool. Blood spread everywhere.

Sibia watches this and jumps into action. She aims at the eyes of the crocodile and drives the hayfork, one pointed part goes in it eyes. It crashes back and disappears. Sibia somehow drags the fainting woman and helps her home. She goes back to get her fork and sees the blue bead. She is happy to get it for a new necklace.

The Blue Bead Summary Theme

It’s a jungle adventure which excites every class of people. The writer has given a lively description of characters as well as the huge crocodile. There is perfect blend of thrill and suspense. Sibia, a twelve year old girl catches the attraction of readers through her actions. She does not belong to a wealthy family but finds happiness in all the little things.

Blue bead in the end represents her happiness as she grew up in poverty and faced many hardships for survival. There is conflict between human and nature. The strange thing is that the protagonist is a human being and the antagonist is an animal which reveal their direct statements. Woman is attacked by a crocodile and saved by Sibia. Courageous deeds can save a community.

There is a rich usage of figures of speech like metaphors in the line. ‘But now she came on wings choosing her footing in midair’, ‘all her little golden body decorated’, ‘cold silk water’. Alliteration in ‘sun- whitened stepping- stones’, ‘it lay in her sweet wet palm, perfect, even pierced’, ‘blue bead’, ferocious and formidable’, lay lapped. Simile in ‘he was showing dawn colored silk that was pouring like silk’, ‘leaping like a rock goat’ and Imagery. Onomatopoeia – ‘bang’, ‘slushing’. Another theme could be that something insignificant for one may be extremely important for other. There is no place for physical harm in the story.

The Blue Bead Summary Characters


Sibia is the protagonist of the story. She is a young girl of twelve years who is the center of attraction. It’s not that she belonged to a very high class or had an extraordinary qualification or a wealthy social status. Rather she led a simple life who tried to find happiness in all the small things. She lived in poverty so she had ordinary expectations like she was interested in the natural jewelry made by the seeds that rattle round her neck. She appreciated little things in life like watching Kashmiri merchant selling silks, smell of the wonderful dressing of the cloth stall etc.

She felt ecstatic when she found the blue bead which projected her innocent and childlike quality. She was brave, laborious, courageous and extremely observant. Another quality that sometimes the adult lack was the ability to take decisions quickly and she displayed this quality when the Gujar woman was carried away by the giant crocodile and she immediately ran beside the shrieking woman without thinking anything and without wasting a moment. She showed the act of heroism by saving her life from the ferocious animal. Thus she made a significant place in the story.

The Blue Bead Summary Word-Meanings

  1. dislodge – remove from established position
  2. jostled – push roughly
  3. cliffs – a steep rock face
  4. juggernaut – a very large transport vehicle
  5. propelled – revolved
  6. tinged – colored
  7. snap – move
  8. fend – support oneself
  9. putrid – rotten
  10. tepid – lukewarm
  11. armoured – protective covering
  12. long-snouted – long projecting nose
  13. shoals – underwater sandbank
  14. perforated – piercing
  15. shrill – high pitched sound
  16. ford – shallow place where a stream may be crossed
  17. rancid – smell or taste like a stale butter
  18. ebony – black
  19. toddle – walk with short steps
  20. husked – dry covering
  21. rattling – making rapid hard sounds
  22. encampment – settle in a camp
  23. nomadic – tribe that roam for pasture for its animals
  24. gurrahs – earthen or metal pots for carrying water
  25. gaunt – lean and exhausted
  26. bicker – quarrel about unimportant thing
  27. swooping – sudden downward rush
  28. dawdle – walk slowly
  29. squeaked – a short high pitched cry
  30. slushing – partly melted snow
  31. livid – furiously angry, bluish grey
  32. clatter – rattling sound
  33. flails – swing wildly
  34. prong – pointed part
  35. wobbling – unsteady, quivering.

Dust of Snow Summary in English by Robert Frost

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

Dust of Snow Summary in English by Robert Frost

Dust of Snow by Robert Frost About the Poet

Robert Frost (1874-1963) was an American poet. His work was initially published in England before it was published in the United States. Known for his realistic depictions of rural life and his command of American. He became one of the United States rare “public literary figures, almost an artistic institution.”

Poet Name Robert Frost
Born 26 March 1874, San Francisco, California, United States
Died 29 January 1963, Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Poems The Road Not Taken, The Gift Outright, Nothing Gold Can Stay
Awards Robert Frost Medal, Pulitzer Prize for Poetry
Dust of Snow Summary by Robert Frost
Dust of Snow Summary by Robert Frost

Dust of Snow Summary in English

TJie poet talks about a winter’s day, when all the treetops were covered in masses of snowflakes. The poet was walking under one such snow-covered hemlock tree. A crow alighted on this tree suddenly, and the mass of snowflakes atop it fell down on the poet like rain.

It changed his mood. The shower of dust-like snow on his shoulder changed his mind. It made him feel that the day had not been a complete waste. At least some part of that day had been pleasant, since it had given him a new experience.

I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings Summary by Maya Angelou

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings Poem Summary by Maya Angelou

I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings About the Poet

Poet and novelist Maya Angelou (birth name: Marguerite Ann Johnson) was born in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1928. In 1940, she moved to San Francisco with her mother and brother, and gradually became associated with a professional theatre. After a few years, she moved to San Diego.

She auditioned for an international tour of Porgy and Bess and won a role. From 1954 to 1955, she toured 22 countries. In 1959, she moved to New York and got involved with the civil rights movement. In 1961, she moved to Egypt and got a job with the Arab Observer.

Subsequently, she headed to Ghana, where she took a job at the African Review, and stayed for several years. Her writing and personal development flourished under the African cultural renaissance that was taking place.

On the Pulse of Morning, The Rock cries out to us today, I Know Why the caged bird sings, Phenomenal Woman, Human Family, When I Think About Myself Still I Rise, are some of her famous poetries. She was best known for her seven autobiographical books some which include Mom & Me & Mom, Letter to My Daughter, All God’s Children Need Traveling Shoes, The Heart of a Woman, Merry Like Christmas, Gather Together in My Name, Singin’ and Swingin’ and Gettin’ Merry Like Christmas which was nominated for the National Book Award.

In 1992, Angelou was designated as a poet laureate by the 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton. She composed and recited an original poem for his inauguration titled On the Pulse of Morning. In 2000, she received the National Medal of Arts, and in 2010 she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama. Angelou died on May 28, 2014, in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, where she had served as Reynolds Professor of American Studies at Wake Forest University since 1982.

I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings Summary About the Poem

T Know Why the Caged Bird Sings’ by Maya Angelou is one of the most acclaimed poetic pieces written by the prominent African American poet, Maya Angelou. Inspired by Paul Laurence Dunbar’s poem “Sympathy,” this poem first appeared in 1983, in the collection of poems titled Shaker, ‘Why Don’t You Sing?’ Angelou’s autobiography also had the same title, which only suggests that the title of this poem and the motif it carries was immensely significant to Angelou.

She often felt that her words were not heard because of the colour of her skin. She felt that in some ways, she was still experiencing slavery. Although African American people were free people in Angelou’s time, there were still many restrictions on them in society, that many black Americans did not feel free at all. This poem reveals the depth of those feelings.

Text from her autobiography reveals that Angelou often felt like the ‘bird in cage’ in this poem. She felt restricted from enjoying the freedom that should have been her right as a human being. Responding to this with great courage and determination, she wrote and sang and danced because it was her way of expressing her longing for freedom.

I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings Summary of the Poem

The poem describes the comparison of lives of a free bird and a caged bird. The first stanza spectacles a free bird who is fearlessly soaring with the winds through the sky. It is sunset and the orange rays of the sun colour the sky in beautiful shades. The stanza unfolds a bird flying carefree along the wind currents in the sky, enjoying the nature’s beauty and claiming the sky to be her possession. The poet here alludes to the aura of ‘freedom, a delightful experience’ i.e., what it feels to be free.

I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings Poem Summary
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings Poem Summary

The second and third stanza shows a caged bird whose wings are clipped and feet tied, preventing him from flying away. The bird can seldom see from the ‘bars of rage’ i.e., he is hardly able to get a glimpse of the sky which makes him angry. He longs to be free out of his sorrowful life in the cage. He is helpless so only opens his mouth to sing the songs of freedom. The bird is shown to be afraid of many strange or undisclosed things but still that fear doesn’t affect his singing and he continues to sing with a trill. His cry for freedom, to be free from the clutches of the cage is heard far and wide.

The fourth stanza again takes us to the life of the free bird where he “thinks of another breeze” i.e., he thinks to make a flight with another breeze or a different air current of the soft trade winds that on blowing cause the leaves of the trees to move or shake to produce a pleasant sighing sound which he enjoys and can freely find his own food in the bright gardens and fearlessly claims the entire sky to be his own.

On the contrary, the fifth stanza depicts the sorrowful caged bird with his dead or suppressed dreams. Being in utter restrictions he cries out like someone who has had a nightmare. This appears as a frightening spectacle. Under helplessness in captivity of the cage, the bird thus only opens his throat to sing.

The final stanza is a repetition of the third stanza that again emphasises the captive bird devoid of freedom, being unknown of many strange things but still sings the songs of freedom in quaver. His longing for freedom is so intense that his cries Eire heard far and wide.

In other words, the poet seeks to draw the attention of the readers towards the downtrodden African Americans Emd their experiences. The free bird stands as a metaphor for the white people and the caged bird stands for black Americans who would continue to fight against the discrimination by their skin sind struggle for the freedom which is their birth right.

I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings Summary Critical Analysis

The poem is based on an earlier poem by an African American author, Paul Laurence Dunbar. The poem compares the plight of a caged bird to the flight of a free bird. Comprising six stanzas the poem is often interpreted as a metaphor suggesting the free bird as the white people and the caged bird as the black Americans.
Maya Angelou uses a myriad of poetic devices in “Caged Bird,” including metaphor, rhyme, imagery, alliteration, personification, and repetition. The poem is quite symbolic so there are various hidden messages of freedom and captivity, the longing for freedom, and the nature and effect of expressing a deep, genuine outcry which she tries to convey about her feelings mostly indirectly.

The “caged bird” actually stands for none other than the oppressed blacks, including the poet herself. Devoid of liberty and basic human rights, the blacks have led hellish lives, full of pains and sufferings, for centuries. Maya Angelou also uses irony to be cleverer and effective but less direct in conveying her feelings. The caged bird sings with a fearful trill’. This sentence is ironic as the caged bird is the one singing not the free bird as we expect. However, the words ‘fearful’ and ‘trill’ makes us realize that actually it is not a happy tune but a desperate cry for freedom. This enables us to reach to more depth and appreciate freedom.

The contrasting environments the freedom of the open world and the restrictive surroundings of the caged bird create the setting for the poem. The reader can feel the breeze, see the sun, imagine the rich feast of fat worms, and hear the sighing trees of the world of the free creature; in contrast, the reader feels the fear and restricted movement, sees the bars, imagines the wants.

Another device Maya Angelou uses to emphasize the beauty of freedom is by repetition. The poet repeats stanza 3 as stanza 6; because it reflects the two birds that are different. ‘For the caged bird sings of freedom’ is the last line of the poem and it delivers a very important message for the reader the caged bird wants to be like the free bird. This tells us that we should be aware and thankful for the freedom we have and basically this sums up the whole poem.

I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings Summary Word-Meanings

  1. leaps – jumps
  2. claim the sky – avow the full as one’s own
  3. stalk – follow, trail
  4. narrow cage – restricted place
  5. rage – anger
  6. clipped – cut short
  7. trill – warble, quaver
  8. sighing trees – sound produced by the leaves of trees in winds
  9. grave of dreams – dreams that seemed to be dead
  10. longed – desired.

The Little Match Girl Summary by Hans Christian Andersen

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

The Little Match Girl Story Summary by Hans Christian Andersen

The Little Match Girl Summary by Hans Christian Andersen About the Author

Hans Christian Andersen was a Danish writer who was best known for writing children stories like ‘The Little Mermaid’ and ‘The Ugly Duckling’. He was born in Odens, Denmark on 2nd April, 1805. He was famous for writing innovative and influential fairy tales as his family was not so wealthy, young Hans was educated Boarding School for privileged.

His childhood was not very happy and therefore his stores reflect the sadness, loss and death. In 1819, Andersen travelled to Copenhagen to work as an actor. He returned to school after a short time. He began writing during this period but was discouraged by his teachers. He gained recognition in 1829, when his first short story A Journey on Foot from Holmen’s Canal to the East Point of Amager was published.

After this his play, a book of poetry and a travelogue was published. The promising young author won a grant from the king. He began producing fairy tales in 1835. He continued writing both for children as well as adults. In 1845, translation of Andersen’s folktales and stories attracted the foreign audiences. Andersen sustained a serious injury in 1872 after falling from bed in his Copenhagen home. His final publication, a collection of stories appeared the same year. By this time the signs of liver cancer were visible due to which he died on 4th August in 1875 in Copenhagen.

The Little Match Girl Summary of the story

This is a short story written by Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen which was first published in 1845. He was inspired by the drawing of a Danish artist, Johan Thomas, where a girl was selling matches on the street. The title actually means “The little girl with matchsticks”. It is based on the dreams and aspirations of a child who was dying out of cold and poverty as well as hunger.

The story opens with a cold and dark last evening of the year. A poor girl is selling matchsticks in the dark and cold streets. She has lost her slippers and is shivering from cold. To protect herself from chilling cold, she takes shelter in a corner and sits down. She doesn’t want to go back home as she has not sold a single matchbox and her father would beat her for that reason. Even there is no use going home as it is not a comfortable place for this particular weather.

The Little Match Girl Summary
The Little Match Girl Summary

To keep herself warm, she lights a matchstick. In the glow she sees various pictures. Every time she lights a matchstick, she sees a dream and as soon as it blows out, the dream vanishes. She sees shining dinner service, steaming roast goose, beautiful Christmas tree and sometimes a falling star which reminds her of her grandmother, the only person who loved her and is now dead. As she doesn’t want her grandmother to vanish, she lights one match after another to keep her vision alive. When all the matches are lit up, the child dies and is taken up to the heaven by her grandmother.

Next morning, when the passersby look at her face, it seems frozen with a smile. They make different guesses on seeing the burnt matches beside her. They feel pity for her without knowing the amazing visions she saw before her death. They can’t imagine that she is celebrating the New Year joyously with her grandmother in the heaven.

The Little Match Girl Summary Theme

The unfortunate fate of the little girl is portrayed here. Death has been represented in bright images. The theme projected is of hope which is symbolized by the matches and the cold winter is a symbol of hopelessness. There is parallelism between the girl’s condition and the weather condition outside. She was miserable and going through many difficulties. She fought to survive till end.

It signifies that one must not lose hope howsoever the adverse conditions are. It is a sad story of a little girl who doesn’t lose hope till the last match. In bitter cold weather she tried her best to sell the matches. In the end she got relief from all the troubles when hope and faith came hand in hand to help her and she was out of all miseries. Almost frozen to death, when no one can even dream of a splendid life, she enjoyed the joys of New Year with her grandmother.

There are certain religious beliefs too in the story. Author had a firm belief in religion and God that He would bestow upon us all the things we wish for and therefore an innocent child entered a world where there was no more pain, agony and suffering. The story depicts the value of relations too. The girl had a close connection with her grandmother that even after her death also she used to talk to her as if she was alive.

She did not want to lose her for which she lighted the whole bundle of matches. Superstition in the form of falling star also finds its place in the story. According to the author when a star falls, a soul goes up. Thus one can say that the story is a mixture of many elements.

The Little Match Girl Summary Characters

The Young Girl

The little match girl is the main character of the story as the whole story revolves around her. Other characters are in the background. One may guess the age of the girl by the slippers she was wearing as they were of her mother and too big for her, thus she might not be more than nine or ten years. Her hands and feet were tiny. The story projects the girl’s life which is miserable and has touched the heart of many readers.

She belonged to an extremely poor family which is clear from the description of her house,” it was so cold at home, for they had nothing but the roof above them and the wind whistled through that, even though the largest cracks were stuffed with straw and rags”. Moreover she was not loved by her father otherwise he would not have sent her out in blistering cold to sell the matches on the eve of festival when she did not have enough warm clothes.

She was so docile that she did not oppose her father and preferred to freeze to death rather than going back home to face the harshness of her father. He did not have any concern for her and used to treat her badly. She portrays the picture of a pathetic, sorrowful child whose age allows her to dream, imagine and fancy but her father restricted her doing so, and she was leading the life of maturity. She was deprived of all the love and affection which she should get from her father. She longed for the love which she used to get from her grandmother who was now dead.

All those dreams came alive in the form of visions when she freezes to death. Her hallucinations when she lit the matchstick showed her desire. At first she saw herself sitting in front of a great iron stove as she was in need of warmth that time. Then she saw lavish food laid on the table which showed her need for food.

In her third vision she saw a beautiful Christmas tree depicting her desire for celebration. In the last vision she saw her grandmother whom she pleaded her to take to heaven as she was left alone after her. It seemed as if her last wish was fulfilled. Then also there was radiance on her face when she met and talked to her grandmother in her subconscious mind.

The Little Match Girl Summary Word-Meanings

  1. terribly – unpleasant, shockingly bad
  2. gloom – semi darkness, depression
  3. bareheaded – not wearing anything to cover head
  4. barefoot – not wearing anything on foot
  5. carriages – a horse drawn vehicle
  6. rattled – short harsh sound
  7. cradle – a baby’s bed
  8. apron – a protective garment covering the front of clothes
  9. shivering – trembling with cold or fever
  10. crept along – move slowly
  11. snowflakes – ice crystals that fall as snow
  12. stuffed – filled with
  13. sputtered – series of soft explosive sounds
  14. vanished – disappear completely
  15. veil – something that conceals
  16. steamed – cook food by heating it in steam from boiling water
  17. gloriously – splendidly
  18. prunes – dried plum
  19. waddled – swaying movement, walk with short steps
  20. mounted – get up on to
  21. leaned – in a sloping position
  22. pathetic – miserable
  23. stiff – not easily bent, rigid.