The Story of Cricket Summary in English by Ramachandra Guha

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

The Story of Cricket Summary in English by Ramachandra Guha

The Story of Cricket Summary in English

Part I

Cricket is a very popular game today. It entertains and attracts the young and the old alike. It has left hockey, football and tennis far behind. This lesson traces the history of this sport.

Cricket grew out of the stick-and-ball games played in England 500 years ago. It is played with a bat which means stick or club. Till the 18th century bats were shaped like hockey sticks. The reason was that the ball was bowled along the ground.

The strange feature of cricket is that a test match can go on for five days, and still remain undecided. A football match is over in an hour-and-a-half.

Another notable thing of cricket is its pitch. It has to be 22 yards in length, but there is no limit on the dimension of the playing ground as in hockey or football.

Cricket grounds differ greatly in size. Laws of cricket were first drawn up in 1744. It has two umpires. The stumps are 22 inches high, and the ball across them is six inches.

The world’s first cricket club was organised in 1760. The bat was made straight. In 1774, the first leg-before law was published. Even today both the bat and ball are hand made. Once the bat was cut out of a single piece of wood. Now it consists of two pieces, made out of the willow wood. Plastic, fibreglass and metal are not used at all.

The pads were introduced in 1848, followed by gloves. The modern game is not imagined without helmets, made of light weight materials.

Part II

Indian cricket had its origin in Bombay. The Parsis were the first to adopt it. They founded the first Indian Cricket Club in 1848. It was funded by the Tatas and the Wadias. Initially they had some problem about the use of park or field.

Modern cricket is dominated by Test and One day internationals. C.K. Nayudu was an outstanding batsman of his times. He played for India in its first Test matches against England in 1932. India entered the world of Test Cricket in 1932, 15 years before it became an independent nation.

Part III

Television coverage changed cricket. It took the game to towns and villages. Children got the opportunity to watch International Cricket and learn how to play well. Cricket has got a global market. India has got the largest number of viewers for the game. Indian players are the best-paid and most famous in the game. They are paid professional. One day game has overshadowed Test Cricket.

The Story of Cricket Summary in Hindi

Part I

क्रिकेट आज बहुत लोकप्रिय खेल बन गया है। यह युवा और वृद्ध सभी को समान रुप से आकर्षित तथा आनन्दित करता है। इसने तो हॉकी, फुटबाल तथा टेनिस आदि को बहुत पीछे छोड़ दिया है। यह पाठ हमें इस खेल के इतिहास की जानकारी देता है।

क्रिकेट का जन्म इंग्लैण्ड में 500 वर्ष पूर्व खेले जाने वाले डंडा गेंद से हुआ था। इसे एक बैट अर्थात् डंडे या मुग्दर जैसी वस्तु से खेला जाता है। 18वीं शताब्दी तक बैट का आकार हॉकी स्टिक की भाँति मुड़ा हुआ होता था। कारण यह था कि गेंद को जमीन पर ही फेंका जाता था।

क्रिकेट की एक विशेषता यह है कि टेस्ट मैच पाँच दिनों तक चलते रहने के पश्चात भी अनिर्णायक रह सकता है। फुटबाल मैच तो डेढ़ घंटे में समाप्त हो जाता है।

क्रिकेट का दूसरा विचित्र गुण है इसका पिच। इसकी लम्बाई 22 गज होनी आवश्यक है पर हॉकी या फुटबाल की तरह खेल के मैदान के आकार पर कोई पाबन्दी नहीं होती।

क्रिकेट के मैदान आकार में बहुत भिन्न होते हैं। क्रिकेट संबधी नियम 1744 में पहली बार बने। इसके दो अंपायर या निर्णायक होते हैं। स्टम्पस 22 इंच ऊँचे होते हैं और गेंद 6 इंच व्यास की होती है।

विश्व में सर्वप्रथम क्रिकेट क्लब की स्थापना 1760 के दशक में हुई। बैट सीधा सपाट होता था। 1774 में पहली बार विकेट के सामने टाँग की अड़चन आने का नियम छपा। एक समय बल्ला लकड़ी के एक ही टुकड़े से बना होता था। अब इसमें दो भाग होते हैं, जिन्हें विलो की लकड़ी से बनाया जाता है। प्लास्टिक, फाइबर शीशे अथवा धातु का इस्तेमाल नहीं किया जाता।

टाँगों के बचाव के लिये पैड का इस्तेमाल 1848 में हुआ, इसके पश्चात दस्ताने भी पहने जाने लगे। आधुनिक खेल हल्के वजन वाले हेलमेट के बिना खेले जाने की कल्पना भी नहीं की जा सकती।

Part II

भारतीय क्रिकेट का जन्म बम्बई में हुआ था। सर्वप्रथम पारसी लोगों ने इसे अपनाया। उन्होंने पहला भारतीय क्रिकेट क्लब 1848 में बनाया। इसके लिये धन देने वाले टाटा तथा वाडिया व्यवसायी थे। प्रारम्भ में उन्हें एक पार्क अथवा क्रीड़ा स्थल को लेकर परेशानी हुई।

आजकल क्रिकेट में टेस्ट तथा एक दिवसीय मैचों का बोल-बाला है। अपने समय में सी के नायडू प्रसिद्ध खिलाड़ी थे। उन्होंने 1932 में पहला मैच भारत-इंग्लैण्ड के बीच होने वाला खेला था। भारत तो क्रिकेट जगत में आजादी के 15 वर्ष पूर्व 1932 में ही प्रवेश कर गया था।

Part III

टेलीविजन प्रसारण ने क्रिकेट में बहुत बदलाव ला दिया। इसने क्रिकेट को दूर-दूर के कस्बों तथा गाँवों में पहुँचा दिया। बच्चों को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर के क्रिकेट मैच देखने तथा उनसे सीखने का अवसर मिल गया। क्रिकेट की आज विश्व भर में माँग है। इस खेल के सबसे अधिक दर्शक भारत में हैं। भारतीय खिलाड़ियों को सर्वाधिक पैसा मिलता है और वे विश्वविख्यात भी हैं। वे पैसों के लिये खेलते हैं। एक दिवसीय क्रिकेट ने टेस्ट क्रिकेट मैचों से अधिक लोकप्रियता पाई है।

A Bicycle in Good Repair Summary in English by Jerome K Jerome

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

A Bicycle in Good Repair Summary in English by Jerome K Jerome

A Bicycle in Good Repair Summary in English

Part I

The narrator, one evening, accepted his friend’s proposal to go for a long bicycle ride on the following day. He got up early and started waiting for his friend. His friend came half an hour late. He examined the narrator’s bicycle. He shook the front wheel with force. He didn’t heed the narrator’s request not to hurt the machine.

The friend declared that the front wheel was unsteady and it could prove dangerous. He asked for a hammer. He took the front wheel off the fork and held it between his legs. He found fault with the bearings. He set about repairing the machine. He unscrewed it, and the little iron balls rolled away. They collected some sixteen of them. The narrator put them for safety in his hat.

Part II

Next, the friend handled the chain. He took off the gear case. He claimed to know all about a bicycle. He removed the gear box but lost the screws.

The narrator was too weak to check the friend from doing further mischief. The friend went ahead. He tightened the chain till it would not move. Then he made it very loose. He finally decided to fix the front wheel in place. The narrator then changed places with him, and put the wheel in tight position. He laughed and admitted that he was an ass. The reason was that they had forgotten to put the iron balls in place.

The narrator looked for his hat in which he had put the balls safely. But the hat lay upturned and the balls were scattered. They could find only eleven. They fixed six on one side and five on the other, and half an hour later the wheel was put in its place again. But it wobbled even then.

The narrator was impressed not so much by his friend’s skill at repairing the bicycle as by his confidence in himself and his hopeful attitude.

The friend got encouraged. He then set to refix the gear-box. He put the bicycle in different places and positions for the job. He lost his balance and hurt himself on the head. Then he lost his temper and tried to punish the bicycle. It was a sort of fight between man and machine. The tough bicycle showed spirit. It freed itself from his hold and hit him over the head with its handle.

At a quarter to one, the man thought that the work was done. He himself was dirty and bleeding. He cleaned himself and the narrator then sent him home. It was difficult to decide who had suffered more—the friend or the bicycle.

A Bicycle in Good Repair Summary in Hindi

Part I

लेखक ने अपने मित्र का लम्बी साइकिल भ्रमण का प्रस्ताव स्वीकार कर लिया। वह प्रातः समय से पहले उठ गया तथा अपने मित्र की प्रतीक्षा करने लगा। उसका मित्र आधा घंटा लेट आया।

उसने लेखक की साइकिल देखी। उसने उसके अगले पहिये को जोर से हिलाया। उसने लेखक के निवेदन को अनसुना कर दिया कि मशीन को चोट न पहुँचाये।

मित्र ने कहा कि अगला पहिया डगमग हो रहा है तथा उससे खतरा हो सकता है। उसने हथौड़ी मांगी। उसने अगले चक्र को चिमटे से बाहर निकाल लिया तथा अपनी टाँगों के बीच दबाकर बैठ गया। उसे वियरिंग में कुछ खराबी दिखी। उसने साइकिल की मरम्मत का काम शुरु कर दिया। उसने सारे पेंच खोल लिये और दूसरे ही क्षण छोटी-छोटी लोहे की गोलियां निकल कर लुढ़क गईं। दोनों ने मिलकर उनमें से सोलह गोलियों को इकट्ठा किया। लेखक ने उन को अपने हैट में रख लिये।

Part II

इसके पश्चात मित्र ने चेन से छेड़छाड़ की। उसने गियरबॉक्स खोलकर अलग कर लिया। उसने दावा किया कि उसे साइकिल के बारे में पूरी जानकारी है। उसने गियरबॉक्स तो खोल लिया पर उसके पेंच खो दिये।

लेखक में इतना साहस न था कि मित्र को साइकिल से छेड़छाड़ करने से रोक सके। मित्र काम में लगा रहा। उसने चेन को इतना कस दिया कि चलना बन्द हो गया। फिर उसने उसे अधिक ढीली कर दिया। अंत में मित्र ने अगले चक्र को फिट करने का विचार किया। लेखक ने यह काम स्वयं करने का बीड़ा उठाया और पहिए को ठीक हालत में फिट कर दिया। मित्र हँस दिया तथा बोला मैं भी कितना गधा हूँ। कारण यह था कि वे धुरी में लोहे की गोलियाँ रखना भूल गये थे।

लेखक ने अपना हैट तलाशा जिसमें उसने छर्रे सुरक्षित रखे थे। पर हैट तो उलटा पड़ा था और छरें बिखर गये थे। उन्हें केवल ग्यारह छर्रे ही मिल पाये। उन्होंने 6 को एक ओर तथा 5 को दूसरी ओर लगा दिये। उसने पहिया फिट कर दिया था। पर वह अभी भी डगमग हो रहा था।

लेखक को मित्र की साइकिल मरम्मत करने का कौशल इतना प्रभावपूर्ण नहीं लगा जितना कि उसका आत्मविश्वास तथा आशावादी दृष्टिकोण।

मित्र फिर गियरबॉक्स को पुनः फिट करने में जुट गया। उसने साइकिल को विभिन्न स्थानों पर तथा स्थितियों में इस काम के लिये रखा। उसका संतुलन खो गया तथा उसके सिर में चोट आ गई। फिर वह क्रोधित हो गया तथा उसने साइकिल को दण्ड देने की कोशिश की। यह लड़ाई थी मनुष्य और मशीन के बीच। मजबूत साइकिल ने साहस दिखाया। वह मित्र की पकड़ से फिसल गई तथा उसे अपने हैण्डल से चोट मार दी।

पौने एक बजे मित्र ने सोचा कि काम पूरा हो गया है। वह स्वयं गंदा हो गया था तथा खून कई जगह से बहने लगा था। उसने सफाई की तथा लेखक ने उसे घर लौट जाने को बोला। लेखक के लिए यह निश्चित कर पाना कठिन था कि दोनो में किस योद्धा को अधिक चोट आई थी- मित्र को या साइकिल को।

What if Summary in English by Shel Silverstein

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

What if Summary in English by Shel Silverstein

What if Summary in English

The narrator is a young girl. Her mind is sometimes filled with doubts and fears. At night such unpleasant situations haunt her.

She wonders what will happen if she loses her power to speak, or if the school closes the swimming pool, or if she gets beaten up, or if somebody puts poison in her cup. It is also possible that she may get sick and die, or fail in the examination, or stop growing in height, or is hit by lightning. The other such bad situations are that the wind may tear up the kite, or a war breaks out, or her teeth grow irregularly, or she may never learn to dance.

When she wakes up next morning, everything looks fine and normal. But her fears return at night again.

What if Summary in Hindi

लेखक एक युवा बालिका है। उसके दिमाग में कभी-कभी संशय और भय भर जाते हैं। रात को ये दुखदायी स्थितियाँ उसके दिमाग को मथती रहती हैं।

उसे हैरानी है कि क्या परिणाम होगा यदि वह अपनी वाशक्ति खो बैठे, अथवा उसका स्कूल स्विमिंग पूल के इस्तेमाल पर पाबन्दी लगा दे, अथवा कोई व्यक्ति उसकी धुनाई कर दे अथवा उसके प्याले में विष घोल दे। यह भी संभव है कि वह स्वयं बीमार पड़कर भगवान को प्यारी हो जाये, अथवा वह परीक्षा में फेल हो जाये अथवा उसका कद बढ़ना थम जाये अथवा उस पर आकाशीय बिजली गिर जाये। अन्य ऐसी बुरी स्थितियाँ हैं कि पवन उसकी पतंग फाड़ दे, अथवा विश्व में युद्ध छिड़ जाये अथवा उसके दाँत टेढ़े-मेढ़े उगे अथवा वह कभी भी नृत्यकला न सीख पाये।

जब वह अगली सुबह उठती है तो सब कुछ ठीक-ठाक और सामान्य पाती है। पर उसके भय पुनः रात को उसे तंग करने लगते हैं।

Daffodils Summary by William Wordsworth

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

Daffodils Poem Summary by William Wordsworth

Daffodils Summary by William Wordsworth About the Poet

William Wordsworth was a 19th century literary stalwart and the most influential pioneer of English romantic poetry.He was born on 7th April, 1770 at Cockermouth, in Cumbria. He lost both his parents at an early age. He began to write poetry while he was at school. As a young man, Wordsworth developed a love of nature, a theme reflected in many of his poems. While studying at Cambridge University, Wordsworth spent summer holidays on a walking tour in Switzerland and France. He became an enthusiast for the ideals of the French Revolution.

In 1797, Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy moved from Dorset to Somerset, where he met and befriended Samuel Taylor Coleridge, another great poet of his generation. They collaborated on a collection of poems titled ‘Lyrical Ballads’, which included many of Wordsworth’s poems along with Coleridge’s long poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Brought out in 1798, this collection of poems marked the beginning of the Romantic Movement in English poetry.

In 1799, Wordsworth and Dorothy settled at Dove Cottage in Grasmere in the Lake District. In 1802, Wordsworth married a childhood friend, Mary Hutchinson. It was during his stay in Grasmere that Wordsworth wrote his poem, I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, in 1804. In 1813, Wordsworth moved from Grasmere to nearby Ambleside. In 1843, he became the poet laureate.

Wordsworth died on 23 April, 1850 and was buried in Grasmere churchyard. His great autobiographical poem, The Prelude was published after his death. The Excursion, Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood, Tintern Abbey, She was a Phantom of Delight, The Solitary Reaper, Michael: A Pastoral Poem, The Leech Gatherer, The World is Too Much with Us are some of his other best-known poems that have established him as One of the most outstanding figures in the history of English literature.

Daffodils Summary About the Poem

The poem ‘Daffodils’ or ‘I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud’ is one of the loveliest and best-known poems of William Wordsworth. The poem was written in the year 1802. It was first published in “Poems in Two Volumes” in 1807. The very starting line of the poem “I wandered lonely as a cloud” informs the poet’s profound sentiments of being left alone. It was actually the death of his brother John that led him to “loneliness.” The poem was thus not a result of imagination, but that of actual visualization.

Daffodils Summary of the Poem

The poet or the speaker in this poem, says that, once while “wandering like a cloud floating above hills and valleys”, he came across a field of daffodils beside a lake. The dancing, fluttering flowers stretched endlessly along the shore, and though the shining waves of the lake danced beside the flowers, yet the daffodils outdid the water with their beauty.

Daffodils Poem Summary
Daffodils Poem Summary

The poet says that the golden daffodils twinkled and stretched in a continuous line just like the stars in the Milky Way galaxy for putting a greater implication in indicating that the flowers are heavenly as the stars. He seems the endless view of the golden daffodils as a never-ending line. The poet’s exaggeration of the number of flowers by saying “Ten thousand saw I at a glance” indicates that he has never seen so many daffodils at once. The poet could not help to be happy in such a joyful company of flowers.

He says that he stared and stared, but did not realize what wealth the scene would bring him. For now, whenever he feels “vacant” or “pensive” the memory strikes “that inward eye” that is “the bliss of solitude” and his heart fills with pleasure, “and dances with the daffodils.”

Daffodils Summary Critical Analysis

In this poem, which reads like a piece of memory etched deep in the poet’s heart, praises the beauty of the daffodils which leaves a lasting impression on him. Divided into four stanzas, the poem deals with the subjects of nature and memory, which were close to the hearts of all the romantic poets. The style of poetic expression as well as diction employed by Wordsworth is easy and uncomplicated, bearing a kind of musical eloquence. The four six-lined stanzas of this poem follow a quatrain-couplet rhyme scheme: ababcc. Each line is metered in iambic tetrameter.

In this poem, the poet tells us what he observed and experienced while walking through the hills and valleys one day. He was lonely and melancholy. Suddenly, as he passed a lake, he noticed a cluster of yellow daffodils waving in the breeze. This wasn’t just an isolated or scattered patch of daffodils. There were thousands and thousands of them that he saw dancing in the breeze. The speaker’s loneliness was replaced by the sheer joy of seeing this lovely spectacle, and its impact was strong enough to become a piece of memory that he would love to recall in future fondly as a great gift of nature. Now, whenever he feels depressed, he just thinks of the daffodils, and his heart finds back the joy of living.

The poem starts with the poet’s description of himself as a ‘cloud’ that floats over the hills. This presents an idea of seclusion. The idea of being alone is contradicted by the phrase “crowd” (line 3). This is actually the ‘setting of the poem. As human form Wordsworth prefers seclusion but the ‘crowd’ of daffodils bewilders his senses. The feeling of ecstasy suddenly makes a dive.

The plot is extremely simple, depicting the poet’s wandering and his discovery of a field of daffodils by a lake, the memory of which pleases him and comforts him when he is lonely, bored, or restless. The characterization of the sudden occurrence of a memory—the daffodils “flash upon the inward eye”, which is “the bliss of solitude”—is psychologically acute, but the poem’s main

brilliance lies in the reverse personification of its early stanzas. The speaker is metaphorically compared to a natural object, a cloud, as comprehended by—“1 wandered lonely as a cloud/That floats on high…”, and the daffodils are continually personified as human beings, dancing and “tossing their heads” in “a crowd, a host.” This technique implies an inherent unity between man and nature, making it one of Wordsworth’s most basic and effective methods for instilling in the reader the feeling, the poet so often describes himself as experiencing.

Nature permeates the entire poem. Phrases like “a crowd, a host…. continuous as the stars…they stretched in never-ending lines…ten thousand saw I at a glance” present deep implications of nature’s extensiveness. Daffodils, an everyday found flower has been portrayed in magical verses and blended with transcendental romanticism that leaves an everlasting mark in the minds of the readers of this poem.

Daffodils Summary Word-Meanings

  1. margin – edge, periphery
  2. sprightly – agile, energetic
  3. sparkling – shining brightly
  4. outdid – surpassed, excelled, outclassed
  5. gazed – saw
  6. glee – delight, joy:- gay – happy, glad, pleased;
  7. jocund – cheerful
  8. vacant – empty
  9. pensive – sad, melancholy
  10. bliss – ecstasy, great pleasure
  11. solitude – loneliness, seclusion.

An Angel in Disguise Summary by T. S. Arthur

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

An Angel in Disguise Story Summary by T. S. Arthur

An Angel in Disguise Summary by T. S. Arthur About the Author

T.S. Arthur was a famous 19th Century American writer born in 6th June 1809. He was the editor and author of fiction and non-fiction works such as Ten Nights in a Bar Room. Ten Nights was the biggest and most successful of Arthur’s career but equally he was a great editor and publisher. His full name was Timothy Shay Arthur. He was weak in health since childhood; therefore his mother took up the job of a teacher so that she could read him the Bible stories and tell him the many tales of a father who was an officer in the revolutionary war.

Around 1833, he served for a few weeks with the Susquehanna Bridge and Banking Company before this venture failed. At the same time, he was involved with Young Men’s Paper as editor. In 1839, he began editing the Baltimore Merchant. He soon became a well-known writer on morals, advice, suggestions, compassion, values and ideas. He died in the year 1885.

An Angel in Disguise Summary of the story

The story basically is about a poor, miserable and wretched child who turns out to be an angel for Thompson family. A poor woman who is hated throughout her life by almost all the people of the village is now surrounded by the same people. when she dies in a drunken state on the threshold of her own house. She dies in front of her three children who included two daughters and a son. The village people take pity on these children.

An Angel in Disguise Summary
An Angel in Disguise Summary

The boy was taken in by a farmer and Katy is taken away by Mrs. Ellis. The youngest Maggie, who is disabled and bedridden, is left alone because nobody is ready to take her in that condition. Mr. Thompson, the wheel wright, decides to take her home so that he can take her to the poor house the next day as he knows his wife would not like her to stay at home forever or accept her. When he carries her in his arms and reaches home, his wife Mrs. Thompson becomes angry and her face is in a flame. She bursts out for bringing that ‘sick-brat’ into her house.

Joe begs her to tolerate Maggie for a single day. He asks her to 16ok at her kindly and speak to her gently. He reminds her of Maggie’s dead mother and of sorrow and loneliness Maggie would be having in future. When Joe goes out for work, Mrs. Thompson is all alone with Maggie the whole day, her attitude towards Maggie changes and slowly she becomes fond of her. Mr. Thompson notices this change and realizes that it has been dark, cold and miserable, in his house for a long time because his wife had nothing to love and care for, which was the reason for becoming her irritable, ill-tempered and self-afflicting.

Now the sweetness of that sick child is described as honey to her soul. She carries her in her heart as well as in her arms. It a precious burden for her, she is an angel in their house disguised as a sick and helpless child.

An Angel in Disguise Summary Theme

The story has a symbolic title. The main theme of the story is that people can change and can get emotionally attached to others. It depicts love, kindness and human feelings. The importance of love has been emphasized and it is essential for human survival. The story is about a girl Maggie with open heart and pure soul who proves to be an angel for Thompson family. Her own life is full of darkness but she fills the life of Thompson’s family with happiness and gives them reason to live. The story opens with a sad note but gradually it gears up into a happy one.

Compassionate Mr. Thompson takes her home in spite of her hopeless disease. Thus selfishness is defeated by the selfless love. There is no proper description of the place but we could imagine that the setting is in a village which is dark and gloomy. The story is narrated in the third person. The story develops in a sequential way. It opens with the death of the mother and how the people gather in front of her house, how they behave and how they react. The two among the three children are taken away by different people and for Maggie who is suffering from the spinal problem, it is suggested to take her to the poor house.

But Mr. Thompson takes pity on her and carries her home. In the final paragraph of the story Mr. and Mrs. Thompson finds her as an angel who has come into their house disguised as a sick, helpless and miserable child and fills all its dreary chambers with the sunshine of love. The message conveyed is to help other people. We should be kind, sympathetic and soft-hearted. A truly meaningful life is made up of a series of daily acts of kindness. Not only Maggie needs care and attention but Mrs. Thompson also needs the same in return.

An Angel in Disguise Characters


Maggie is the youngest child of the three children whose mother died due to intoxication. She is hopelessly diseased. Two years back she fell from a window and injured her spine and because of that she has not been able to leave her bed since except when her mother lifted her in her arms. She is the reflection of innocence, purity, dependency as she cannot survive without the love and care of someone else.

She seems to be burden for anyone but in the story she proves to be a blessing for the Thompson family because she gives Mrs. Thompson a purpose to live. She won her heart who is supposed to be short tempered and hard hearted woman. She attracts the attention of many by giving them a thought of her well-being. They feel pity on her and so brought discarded clothes for her. But it is sad that nobody wants to adopt her as if she will prove to be a burden for them. Maggie is aware of all these things but she remains quiet. She talks a little but her eyes reflect everything.

She possesses the childlike qualities like afraid of being alone and so she asks Mr. Thompson not to leave her alone. She is called to be brat by some lady but she proves her wrong. She is well behaved and well mannered. She is polite, meek, and humble. She always gives brief replies to Mr. Thompson like ‘Yes sir’, ‘No sir’. He feels like giving her fatherly love due to her innocence and purity of soul.

On seeing her carefully, he finds her face attractive. The disease has not stolen her childish sweetness.Initially she was a burden but now she is a precious burden for Thompson family. Her character shows that humans cannot survive without other human’s love and care.

Mr. Thompson

Joe Thompson’s character is compassionate in the story. He finds it cruel thing to leave Maggie alone when her mother is dead and elder brother John and Sister Kate are taken away by farmer Jones and Mrs. Ellis. He does not want to leave her to the poor house as suggested by others because he knows it’s not good for her. He cries a little when she is left alone and begs him not to leave her alone. He takes pity on her and brings her home lifting her in his strong arms. He is rough from outside like a nutshell but soft from inside.

He likes children very much and gets success in convincing his vinegar-tempered wife to allow her to stay in their home for a day before sending her to the poor house. He calms down his wife by giving her examples from the Bible on how Christ loves the children and rebukes his disciples who do not receive them.

He asks his wife to be kind and gentle towards the poor child. Although he is not interested in the starting to bring her home but the feeling of humanity doesn’t allow him to leave her alone in that situation and then there is something attractive in her eyes and childish sweetness which catches his attention. His decision proves to be fruitful as their house has been changed from dark, cold and miserable place to a happy and joyful home.

Mrs. Thompson

Mrs. Thomson is introduced as a childless woman who is harsh and ill- tempered with no compassion at all for Maggie. She calls her a ‘sick brat’. She has no willingness to do any good to others. When her husband brings Maggie home, she becomes agitated and doesn’t talk to him. She asks him to drop her to the poor house as soon as possible. But soon when she spends time with her, she is completely changed and her feelings towards the little girl are transformed. She becomes calm and quiet. She is a woman of little words and doesn’t counter her husband much on the question of Maggie.

She finds a purpose for living. When Mr. Joe is ready to take her to the poor house she expresses her feelings to keep her for few more days which then turn into the rest of her life. As she has been childless for many years, that may be the reason of her ill-nature. She has nothing to love or care for, so she becomes extra careful for Maggie and gives up the idea of sending her to the poorhouse. She accepts her as her child and carries her in her heart as well as arms.

An Angel in Disguise Word-Meanings

  1. intemperance – lack of moderation
  2. threshold – entry
  3. despised – worthless, regardless, feeling of contempt
  4. scoffed – mocked
  5. denounced – condemned
  6. denunciation – criticizing
  7. interment – burial
  8. wan – pale; hovel – a small miserable dwelling
  9. resolutely – determined
  10. vague – not clearly explained
  11. ruffling – annoying
  12. vinegar tempered – bitter tempered
  13. non-combative – no battle, no opposition
  14. errands – short journey to do a job
  15. gainsaying – denying
  16. irrepressible – not able to restrain
  17. unwonted – unusual
  18. eloquence – fluent and persuasive language
  19. manifest – show clearly
  20. bustle – move around in a busy way, excited activity
  21. asperity – harshness
  22. obliterate – destroy, remove, hide
  23. quivered – trembled
  24. sonic moments – speedy moments
  25. slumbering – sleeping
  26. desolation – feeling of being lonely or unhappy
  27. gratitude – being grateful
  28. disguise – concealing something
  29. dreary – dull.

Fire Friend and Foe Summary in English by Roald Dahl

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

Fire Friend and Foe Summary in English by Roald Dahl

Fire Friend and Foe by Road Dahl About the Author

Author Name Roald Dahl
Born 13 September 1916, Llandaff, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Died 23 November 1990, Oxford, United Kingdom
Movies Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda
Short stories The Landlady, Lamb to the Slaughter
The Invention of Vita-Wonk Summary by Roald Dahl
The Invention of Vita-Wonk Summary by Roald Dahl

Fire Friend and Foe Summary in English

Fire is a necessary evil. It is a boon as well as a curse. It has made our life comfortable, but we cannot touch it. It was the first great invention made by early man.

Early man didn’t know how to make fire. But he must have seen the destructive power of fire. He must have watched lightning and volcanoes. He was afraid of it. What is fire? Fire is, in fact, the result of a chemical reaction. The air has oxygen, while fuels have carbon and hydrogen. When the two combine, energy is released in the form of heat and light. This is Vhat we call fire.

Three things are needed to make fire-fuel, oxygen and heat. The common fuels are wood, coal, gas and petrol. Oxygen comes from the air. That is why, when we blow on burning paper, it bursts into flame. Fuel and oxygen do not make fire themselves. They need heat. A lighted match provides that heat. Every fuel begins to bum at a particular temperature.

Fire is a good servant but a bad master. It is useful as long as it is under control. The moment it becomes out of control, it spreads havoc. Every year thousands of homes and trees are damaged by fire. Forest fire destroys trees and kills people.

Fire can be put out in three ways. We can take away the fuel, or stop oxygen from reaching the burning material. The third way is to bring down the temperature below the flash point. Remove the hot air around the burning candle, and it will go out. Water also lowers the temperature and puts out the fire.

Some fires cannot be put out with water. Oil fire is one such example. The oil floats to the top of water and continues to bum as well as spread. Electrical fire also can’t be controlled with water. It is fought by using carbon dioxide.

On the whole, we have learnt well to control fire and make good use of it in everyday life. Long ago there were no firemen. The people used to bring and throw bucketfuls of water on the flames. Now there are laws to stall fire extinguishers in every big building. There are fire brigades in every town. Trained fire fighters use their skills like cutting off power supply, pulling down weak walls and spraying water to bring fire under control. They are also trained to provide first aid to injured people.

Fire is still worshipped in many parts of the world. It helped early man to keep off animals and settle down in safe places.

Fire Friend and Foe Summary in Hindi

आग एक आवश्यक बुराई है। यह वरदान भी है और अभिशाप भी। इसने हमारे जीवन को सुविधाजनक बना दिया पर हम इसे छू नहीं सकते। यह आदि मानव द्वारा किया गया पहला आविष्कार था।

आदिकाल में मानव को आग जलाना नहीं आता था न ही उसके द्वारा भोजन पकाना। पर उसने अवश्य ही आग, मेघ, बिजली और ज्वालामुखी द्वारा किये गये विनाश को देखा होगा। उसे इन चीजों से भय लगता था। आग है क्या? दरअसल आग तो एक रासायनिक प्रतिक्रिया है। वायु में आक्सीजन होता है जब कि ईधन में कार्बन तथा हाइड्रोजन होता है। जब दोनों मिल जाते हैं तो ऊर्जा पैदा हो जाती है जो ताप तथा प्रकाश देती है।

आग प्रज्वलित करने के लिये तीन चीजों की जरूरत होती है। ये हैं ईंधन, आक्सीजन तथा ताप। आम ईंधन हैं लकड़ी, गैस कोयला तथा पेट्रोल। हवा में ऑक्सीजन है। यही कारण है कि जब हम जलते हुए कागज पर फूंक मारते हैं तो लपटें उठ जाती हैं। ईंधन और आक्सीजन स्वयं आग का रूप नहीं ले सकते। उन्हें एक ताप की जरूरत होती है। माचिस की जलती सींक वह ताप दे देती है। हर ईंधन एक निश्चित तापमान पर ही आग पकड़ता है।

अग्नि एक उपयोगी सेवक है पर दुष्ट मास्टर। जब तक वह नियंत्रण में रहती है, वह उपयोगी होती है। जैसे ही नियंत्रण से बाहर होती हैं चारों तरफ एक विनाश फैल जाता है। हर वर्ष वह हजारों घरों, तथा वृक्षों को जला देती है। जंगल की आग तो वृक्षों को नष्ट कर देती है और लोगों को मार देती है।

आग को तीन प्रकार से बुझाया जा सकता है। हम या तो ईंधन को हटा दें, या उसे अक्सीजन न मिलने दें। तीसरा उपाय है ताप को ज्वलनशील स्तर से नीचे ले आयें। किसी प्रज्वलित मोमबत्ती के चारों ओर की गर्म हवा को यदि हम रोक दें तो वह बुझ जायेगी। पानी भी ताप को कम करके आग बुझा देता है।

पर कुछेक किस्म की आग को पानी से नहीं बुझाया जा सकता। एक उदाहरण है तेल में लगी आग। तेल पानी की सतह पर उतरने लगता है तथा वह न केवल जलता रहता है वरन् फैल भी जाता है। बिजली के कारण लगी आग भी पानी से नहीं बुझती। उसे कार्बनडायक्साइड के इस्तेमाल से बुझाया जा सकता है।

समग्र रूप से हमने आग पर नियन्त्रण करना सीख लिया है तथा दैनिक जीवन में उसका सदुपयोग भी हम कर लेते हैं। बहुत समय पूर्व आग बुझाने वाले कर्मचारी नहीं हुआ करते थे। लोग स्वयं ही मिलजुल कर बालटियों में पानी भरकर लाते थे तथा आग की लपटों पर डालते थे। आज नये बड़े भवनों को आदेश है कि वे अग्निशमक यन्त्र लगायें, प्रत्येक नगर में फायर ब्रिगेड होते हैं। प्रशिक्षित अग्नि-शमक आग बुझाने के लिए अपने कौशल का इस्तेमाल करते हैं जैसे बिजली की आपूर्ति बन्द कर देना, कमजोर दीवारों को ढा देना, तथा पानी की बौछार करना। उन्हें आग से जले व्यक्तियों को प्रथम उपचार करने का भी प्रशिक्षण दिया जाता है।

आग की पूजा विश्व के अनेक भागों में की जाती है। आग ने ही आदि मानव को जंगली पशुओं को दूर रखने तथा सुरक्षित स्थानों पर बसने में मदद की थी।

What Happened to the Reptiles Summary in English by Zai Whitaker

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

What Happened to the Reptiles Summary in English by Zai Whitaker

What Happened to the Reptiles Summary in English

The narrator Prem lived in a village close to the jungle. There were all kinds of people in the village. They differed in faith, colour and size. They spoke different languages and had different eating habits.

Last year, the people went mad in the name of their religious faith. They fought with one another. They burnt temples and mosques. Prem’s house also went up in flames. With some money and clothes, he fled from the village. He travelled for two days and two nights. He reached a village called Pambupatti. He fainted near a well.

An old man took Prem under his care. So many people came to visit him. Prem was surprised to see such peace and harmony in the village. The old man then told him a stoiy. He explained why the people in that village lived in peace.

The incident happened a long, long time ago. There were no schools then. People lived in caves.’ The forest had only panthers, elephants and reptiles, like snakes, crocodiles, lizards and tortoises.

The reptiles used to meet once a month. The meeting was presided over by the huge and powerful crocodile, called Makara. Nobody dared challenge his authority. They went along with him.

One day Makara decided to get rid of the tortoises. He wrote to them not to come to the meeting. He told the reptiles that tortoises were useless creatures. They were slow and stupid. But without tortoises, the forest was filled with the foul smell of rotting fruits and fishes.

Next month Makara drove all the snakes out because they were slippery and ugly looking. The rats multiplied in the absence of snakes. Then came the turn of insect eating lizards. Now only the crocodiles lived in the forest. But the rats, frogs, insects and foul smell made their lives miserable.

It was a terrible time. The reptiles revolted against Makara. They called all the tortoises, lizards and snakes back. In a short time the forest was back to normal.

The people later on realised that all sorts of creatures played equally important roles in the world.

What Happened to the Reptiles Summary in Hindi

वर्णनकी प्रेम जंगल के निकट स्थित एक गाँव में रहता था। उस गाँव में सभी प्रकार के लोग बसते थे। उनमें हर धर्म के मानने वाले, हर रंग और आकार के लोग थे। वे विभिन्न भाषायें बोलते थे तथा भिन्न प्रकार के भोजन करते थे।

पिछले वर्ष लोगों में धर्म के नाम पर उन्माद छा गया। वे आपस में भिड़ गये। उन्होंने मन्दिरों और मस्जिदों में आग लगा दी। प्रेम का घर भी लपटों में भस्म हो गया। वह कुछ पैसा तथा वस्त्र लेकर गाँव से भाग चला। वह दो दिन और दो रात भागता रहा। वह पंबुपट्टी नामक गाँव में पहुँच गया। एक कुएँ के निकट वह बेहोश हो गया।

एक वृद्ध सज्जन ने उसकी देखभाल की। अनेक लोग उसे देखने आये। प्रेम उस गाँव की शान्ति और सद्भाव को देखकर हैरान रह गया। वृद्ध ने फिर उसे कहानी सुनाई। उसने स्पष्ट किया कि उस गाँव के लोग इतनी शांतिपूर्वक क्यों रहते हैं।

यह घटना बहुत प्राचीन काल में घटी थी। उन दिनों कोई स्कूल आदि न थे। लोग गुफाओं में रहा करते थे। जंगल में चीते, हाथी तथा रेंगने वाले जीव, जैसे साँप, मगरमच्छ, छिपकलियाँ और कछुए रहते थे।

रेंगने वाले जीव माह में एक बार सभा आयोजित करते थे। उसका सभापतित्व एक विशालकाय, बलशाली मगरमच्छ किया करता था जिसका नाम था मकर। किसी में साहस न था कि उसे ललकारे। वे उसी के आदेशों को मान लेते थे।

एक दिन मकर ने सोचा कि कछुओं को जंगल से निकाल दिया जाये। उसने उन्हें पत्र लिखकर सूचित किया कि सभा में वे न आयें। रेंगने वाले जीवों को उसने बोला कि कछुए तो बेकार के जीव होते हैं तथा मंदगति वाले और मंदबुद्धि होते हैं। पर कछुओं के चले जाने के बाद जंगल में सड़ते फलों और नदी में सड़ती मछलियों की दुर्गन्ध फैल गई।

अगले माह मकर ने सभी साँपों को जंगल से बाहर कर दिया क्योंकि वे इतने फिसलनदार या चिकने और कुरूप थे। परिणामस्वरूप जंगल में चूहों की संख्या बहुत अधिक हो गई। फिर बारी आयी कीट-पतंगे खाने वाली छिपकलियों की। अब जंगल में केवल मगरमच्छ ही रह रहे थे। पर चूहों, मेढ़कों, कीट-पतंगों तथा दुर्गन्ध ने उनका जीना मुश्किल कर दिया।

बहुत बुरा समय आ गया। सरकने वाले जीवों ने मकर के विरुद्ध विद्रोह कर दिया। उन्होंने सभी कछुओं, छिपकलियों तथा साँपों को वापस बुला लिया। कुछ ही दिनों में जंगल पुनः सामान्य स्थिति में आ गया।

बाद में लोगों ने महसूस किया कि संसार में सभी प्रकार के जीवों की समान महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका होती है।

Vocation Summary in English by Rabindranath Thakur

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

Vocation Summary in English by Rabindranath Thakur

Vocation by Rabindranath Thakur About the Poet

Poet Name Rabindranath Thakur
Born 7 May 1861, Kolkata
Died 7 August 1941, Jorasanko Thakur Bari, Kolkata
Artworks Dancing Woman, Woman’s Face
On view National Gallery of Modern Art
The Wonderful Words Summary by Mary O Neill
The Wonderful Words Summary by Mary O Neill

Vocation Summary in English

The child walks to his school at ten in the morning, Everyday he meets a bangle-seller. The man goes about at ease all day long. The child is tempted to adopt the vocation of that happy hawker.

In the afternoon the child comes back from the school. He sees a gardener working with spade in a kothi. The gardener is his own master. He soils his clothes and gets wet in the rain. But nobody scolds or punishes him. The child wishes he too were a gardener, free to do what he liked.

At night the child sees the watchman on duty. The lone man carries a lantern and keeps walking in the lane all night. The child envies the watchman. He too wants to go about freely and do what he likes.

Vocation Summary in Hindi

बच्चा प्रात: दस बजे स्कूल के लिये निकल पड़ता है। हर दिन वह एक चूड़ी विक्रेता को देखता है। वह व्यक्ति सारा दिन मौज से घूमताफिरता है। बच्चे की भी इच्छा होती है कि उस सुखी फेरी वाले का धंधा अपना ले।

दोपहर बाद बच्चा स्कूल से घर लौटता है। वह एक कोठी में किसी माली को फावड़ा चलाते देखता है। माली अपनी मर्जी का मालिक स्वयं होता है। वह अपने वस्त्र भी गंदे कर लेता है और वर्षा में गीले कर लेता है। पर कोई भी व्यक्ति उसे न डाँटता है, न दण्ड देता है। बच्चे की तमन्ना होती है कि काश वह भी माली बन जाये और अपनी इच्छानुसार काम स्वतंत्र रूप से किया करे।

रात को बच्चा चौकीदार को ड्यूटी देते देखता है। वह अकेला व्यक्ति हाथ में लालटेन लिये सारी रात गली में घूमता रहता है। बच्चे को चौकीदार से भी ईर्ष्या होने लगती है। वह कामना करता है कि वह स्वच्छन्द विचरण करे और अपनी इच्छानुसार काम करे।

The Cold Within Summary by James Patrick Kinney

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

The Cold Within Poem Summary by James Patrick Kinney

The Cold Within Summary by James Patrick Kinney About the Poet

James Kinney (1923-1974) was born in a very poor Irish family in Cincinnati and had a very tough childhood. He went to the 10th grade of high school, when he dropped out to take care of his mother. Because of that, he spent his whole life self-educating and in the process, started reading and writing poetry.

After a brief stint with the Civilian Conservation Corps, he joined the army and was stationed in the Philippines as a radio man. On his return to USA, he started writing more extensively. Apart from The Cold Within, which is his best-known piece, he wrote a number of poems that were published in different magazines.

Some of these include OJA Rejected Poem, Of Life’s Sad Moments, I Can’t Change You, This Dream Bemusing, Tomorrow’s Another Day, Never Alone and What is Success. During his lifetime, none of his collections was brought out. Now, all his poems are available on the blog ‘ALL THINGS IF’ run by his wife and son.

The Cold Within Summary About the Poem

“The Cold Within” was written in the 1960s by the American poet James Patrick Kinney. In almost five decades since its publication, the poem has achieved great popularity, appearing in countless church bulletins, websites and teaching seminars, as well as magazines and newspapers.

The poem was first submitted to the Saturday Evening Post, but it was rejected as “too controversial for the time”. Kinney sent it later to Liguorian, a Catholic magazine, which was the first commercial publication to print it. At the outset, the poem was read at an ecumenical council meeting, after which the ministers, priests and rabbis in attendance requested copies of it. They read the poem to their congregations and, before long, The Cold Within became well known throughout the United States.

The Cold Within Summary of the Poem

Simple yet powerful this poem is about the consequences of ‘letting your prejudices control your decisions’. It opens with six people trapped by chance in the biting cold weather and each had a stick of wood. The fire which is keeping them warm is about to die anytime but none is ready to put his/her log to use. The people have different reasons for this. Beginning with the lady who didn’t wanted to save a black man in the group.

The Cold Within Poem Summary
The Cold Within Poem Summary

The next man saw a person not being of his religion. The third one being poor dressed in rags, envied the rich. The rich man did not want to give anything to the undeserving poor. The black man thought it to be a chance to take revenge on the white people and the last man was full of selfishness who would help only if there is something beneficial in return.

In the end, it appears as the sticks they all held tightly in their hands, stood as the symbol of revenge and hatred. They lacked the aura of humanity. The selfish souls invited the death and they died by the coldness of their hearts.

The Cold Within Summary Critical Analysis

The poem “The Cold Within” by James Patrick Kinney consists of 8 stanzas of 4 lines each. The rhyming pattern is abcb for all the stanzas. Each stanza presents a person who has a different prejudice against someone else around the fire. They all make the same decision and all pay the same price for that decision as seen in the end.

Here, the poet employs diction, figurative language, and rhyme to project his point that certain prejudices control people’s lives and actions. Due to these prejudices, we often tend to lose sensitivity towards others regarding them as inferior, hostile or different.

The line that Kinney starts his poem with is “six humans trapped by happenstance”. His diction in this line is very important to the overall theme of the poem. By saying “six humans”, it is almost as if he is talking about all humans. If he would have said “people” then we might have different associations with the words. Another curious use of diction is by saying “trapped in happenstance”.

Happenstance means an event that might have been arranged although it is accidental. This use of diction is important because by saying that it is accidental, it almost seems arranged, and gives the reader a sense that they are supposed to be there. The fact that he says they are trapped suggests that they do not want to be in the situation, but also they cannot escape.

Figurative language plays a vital role in developing the poem’s theme. “Their dying fire in need of logs” literally means the fire that is keeping them warm, but also stands as a metaphor for their sinful souls. They are committing sins such as racism, envy, arrogance, revenge, and greed.Opening up and not being greedy would have warmed their souls and saved them.

Unfortunately, they are so much blinded by their prejudices against one another that their survival becomes impossible. The rhyme of the poems sets up an easy read. This allows for your eyes to simply guide and take in Kinney’s message: the frigidness of people is what ends up killing them. The rhythm is important to the theme of the story because it makes reading the poem faster. This is important because this indirectly shows how fast arrogance, greed, and sin can. “kill” you.

James Patrick Kinney effectively portrays his point about hatred killing. His persuasion in this poem is really helpful in understanding the entirety behind his point. This poem really makes us think about ourselves and the heights to which we would go to either hurt someone else, or save ourselves. The poet uses symbolism to help the reader understand the consequences of holding back their “logs.” The logs represent their prejudices. And because they can’t give them up to keep the fire going, they all die.

The Cold Within Summary Word Meanings

  1. happenstance – a chance occurrence; coincidence
  2. possessed – kept
  3. logs – pieces of wood
  4. tattered – torn
  5. idle – inactive
  6. shiftless – good-for-nothing; lazy;
  7. bespoke – showed signs of something
  8. spite – retaliate with malice
  9. forlorn- sad; dejected
  10. nought – nothing

A Pact with the Sun Summary in English by Zakir Hussain

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

A Pact with the Sun Summary in English by Zakir Hussain

A Pact with the Sun by Zakir Hussain About the Author

Author Name Zakir Hussain
Born 8 February 1897, Hyderabad
Died 3 May 1969, New Delhi
Awards Padma Vibhushan, Bharat Ratna
Founded Jamia Millia Islamia
A Pact with the Sun Summary by Zakir Hussain
A Pact with the Sun Summary by Zakir Hussain

A Pact with the Sun Summary in English

Saeeda’s mother had been unwell for a long time. She complained of cough, fever and joint pains. She was treated by so many physicians. But she could not get over her sickness. One problem was followed by another. She was kept in a small room with door and windows closed. She could not get cool fresh air and warm sunshine.

Her condition became critical. She was too poor to consult a specialist. But life, afterall, is more precious than money. She sold off her ornaments to pay the doctor’s fees. He prescribed some medicines. But he advised the old lady to shift to a bigger room, keep her doors and windows open, and spend an hour every morning in the courtyard. She needed sunshine and fresh air as much as medicines. She acted on the doctor’s advice.

It so happened that the clouds hid the sun in the sky. It happened so for two more days. Saeeda. the little girl, was worried. In her secret language she talked to the rays of the sun to help her sick mother with warmth and brightness. Her prayer was granted.

Next day the sun rays got ready to go down to the earth. But their father, the Sun, asked them to cancel their journey. The clouds were thick, dark and dirty. But the rays staged a revolt. They made their way through the thick clouds. And reached the old lady’s bed. She felt the warm sun on her body after a long time. She breathed in fresh air. She felt fresh, strong and well. She recovered fully in a few days.

A Pact with the Sun Summary in Hindi

सईदा की माँ लम्बे समय से बीमार थी। उसे खाँसी, ज्वर तथा जोड़ों के दर्द की शिकायत थी। अनेक डॉक्टरों ने उसका इलाज किया, पर वह अपनी बीमारी से निजात नहीं पा सकी। उसे एक छोटे कमरे में दरवाजे और खिड़कियाँ बंद करके रखा जाता था। वह ताजी हवा तथा धूप की उष्णता से वंचित रह जाती थी।

उनकी दशा नाजुक हो गई। वह इतनी निर्धन थी कि किसी बड़े विशेषज्ञ डॉक्टर की सलाह नहीं ले सकती थी। पर आखिरकार जीवन तो धन से अधिक मूल्यवान होता है। उसने अपने जेवर बेच दिये ताकि डाक्टर की फीस चुका सके। डॉक्टर ने कई दवाइयाँ लिख दीं। पर साथ ही यह सलाह दी कि वृद्ध महिला को बड़े कमरे में रखो, कमरे के दरवाजे और खिड़कियाँ खुली रखो तथा वह हर प्रातः एक घंटा बाहर आँगन में बिताये। उसे धूप तथा ताजी हवा की उतनी ही ज़रूरत थी जितनी कि औषधियों की। उसने डॉक्टर की सलाह पर अमल किया।

संयोग ऐसा हुआ कि आकाश में बादल छा गये। दो और दिनों तक धूप नहीं निकली। बच्ची सईदा बहुत चिन्तित हो गई। अपनी गुप्त भाषा में उसने सूर्य की किरणों को बोला, “मेरी बीमार माँ को अपनी गर्मी तथा प्रकाश देकर मदद करो।” उसकी प्रार्थना स्वीकार कर ली गई।

अगले दिन सूर्य की किरणें पृथ्वी पर जाने को तैयार हो गईं। पर उनके पिता सूर्य ने समझाया कि यात्रा रद्द कर दो। मेघ, घने काले और गंदे छाये हुए हैं। पर किरणों ने विद्रोह का बिगुल बजा दिया। वे घने बादलों को चीर कर बूढ़ी महिला के पलंग पर जा पहुंची। महिला ने अपने शरीर पर धूप का ताप कई माह पश्चात महसूस किया। उसने ताजी हवा में साँस ली। उसने ताजगी तथा शक्ति महसूस की। कुछ ही दिनों में वह स्वस्थ हो गई।

The Wonderful Words Summary in English by Mary O Neill

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

The Wonderful Words Summary in English by Mary O Neill

Poet Name Mary O Neill
Born 7 November 1941 (age 78 years), Toronto, Canada
Education University of Toronto – St. George Campus
Party Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta
The Wonderful Words Summary by Mary O Neill
The Wonderful Words Summary by Mary O Neill

The Wonderful Words Summary in English

All people think as well as speak. It is God’s special gift to man. Every person speaks at least one language to express his thoughts.

The poet advises us to master a language, at least, our mother tongue. We must not let a great or good thought die because we don’t know how to say it.

English is a wonderful and rich language. One can express one’s thoughts in this language effectively. What we need is to look for proper words to put forth our ideas clearly. It is wrong to think that there are no lovely thoughts left to be expressed.

Words are a wonderful medium to communicate. If you have some new and beautiful thing to say, eveiyone is willing to hear it.

Every thought is like a prisoner in our mind. We can set that idea free with the help of words. It is just possible that the thought may be marvellous.

The Wonderful Words Summary in Hindi

सभी मनुष्य सोचते और बोलते हैं। यह परमात्मा की मानव को विशेष देन है। हर व्यक्ति कम से कम एक भाषा तो अपने विचार व्यक्त करने हेतु बोलता ही है।

कवि हमें सलाह देता है कि हम कम से कम अपनी मातृभाषा में निपुणता हासिल कर लें। हमें अपने किसी महान या सुन्दर विचार को केवल इस कारण मरने नहीं देना चाहिये कि हम उसे प्रगट करने की शैली नहीं जानते।

अंग्रेजी एक अद्भुत तथा समृद्ध भाषा है। व्यक्ति इस भाषा में अपने विचारों को प्रभावोत्पादक तरीके से व्यक्त कर सकता है। हमें ज़रूरत इस बात की होती है कि हम उसके लिये उपयुक्त शब्द खोज लें ताकि हमारी बात स्पष्ट हो जाये। यह सोचना गलत है कि अब कोई भी सुमधुर विचार कहने के लिये बचे ही नहीं।

शब्द, संचार के अद्भुत साधन हैं। यदि आपको कोई नयी और सुन्दर बात कहनी है तो उसके लिये श्रोताओं की कमी नहीं है।

हर विचार हमारे मस्तिष्क में एक कैदी की भाँति होता है। शब्दों के सहारे हम उस विचार को मुक्ति दे सकते हैं। नितान्त संभव है कि वह विचार बहुत उच्च कोटि का हो।