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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions

Maximum Marks : 35
Time : 2 hours


  • The question paper is divided into 3 sections -A, B and C.
  • Section A, consists of 7 questions (1-7). Each question carries 2 marks
  • Section B, consists of 3 questions (8-10). Each question carries 3 marks.
  • Section C, consists of 3 questions (11-13). Each question carries 4 marks.
  • Internal choices have been given for question numbers -1, 3, 8 and 12.

(Each question carries 2 Marks)

Question 1.
The branches of Digital Cinemas were operating without any network between them. Looking at the advancement of digital technologies, they want to implement networks in their branches . Help them understand the advantages they would enjoy with networks. Also, inform about the different types of networks that can be implemented.
While studying protocols, Mr. Thakur discovered existence of VoIP . Help him to understand the protocol and also explain him the advantages of it.
There are some advantages of computer networking, which are as follows

  • It enhances communication and availability of information.
  • It allows for more convenient resource sharing.
  • It makes file sharing easier.
  • It is highly flexible.
  • It is an inexpensive system.
  • It increases cost efficiency.
  • It boosts storage capacity.
  • It lacks independence.

Categories of networks on the basis of distance, they support

  • LAN (Local Area Network) A network of computers within a small area such as : a room, a building or a campus.
  • MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) A network spread across a city.
  • WAN (Wide Area Network) A network spread across countries, states and continents, i.e. a larger geographical area.


VoIP is an IP telephony term for a set of facilities used to manage the delivery of voice information over Internet. It enables a user to make cheap telephone calls over a broadband Internet connection, instead of using a regular telephone service.

A major advantage of VoIP is that avoids the tolls charged by ordinary telephone service. A user can make a call locally or in other parts of US or Canada, or anywhere else in the world, eliminating long distance fees by using a VoIP service.

The concept of VoIP is used in wireless LAN networks and sometimes referred to as WVoIP, VoFI, VoWi-Fi and Wi-Fi VoIP.
Advantages of VoIP

  • The biggest single advantage of VoIP has over standard telephone systems is low cost.
  • Using services such as true VoIP, subscribers can call one another at no cost to other party.
  • Routing phone calls over existing data networks eliminate the need for separate voice and data networks.
  • The ability to transmit more than one telephone call over a single broadband connection.
  • VoIP consists advance telephone features, e.g. call routing, screen POP and IVR.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions

Question 2.
(i) Anish is a web developer and can write web pages but he is not conversant with how to host the web pages to a server. Explain him the concept of web hosting.
Web hosting is a service that makes our site or web application accessible on the Internet. It’s also one of the most essential elements to consider when building a website. Web hosting is typically provided by web hosts, which are businesses that maintain, configure and run physical servers that house websites.

(ii) Rishita finds the word www in front of all the URLs and website addresses. She is curious about what is www? Explain her the concept.
WWW stands for World Wide Web, which is also known as the Web. It is a collection of websites or web pages stored in web servers and connected to local computers through the Internet. These websites contain text pages, digital images, audios, videos, etc. Users can access the content of these sites from any part of the world over the Internet using their devices such as computers, laptops, cell phones, etc. The WWW, along with Internet, enables the retrieval and display of text and media to your device.

Question 3.
Some of the MySQL numeric functions are not properly understood by Niharika . Help her with an explanation and example of each of the functions given below
(i) POWER()
(ii) MOD()
Write the uses of following MySQL functions with one example of each.
(i) MID()
(ii) LEFT()
(i) POWER()/POW() function returns the power of a number.
e.g. SELECT POWERt (2, 5);
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 2 with solutions 1

(ii) MOD() function returns the remainder of a number dividing by another number.
e.g. SELECT MOD(12, 2);
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(i) MID() function returns a substring of the specified length starting from the specified position.
e.g. MID( ‘HELLO’ ,3);
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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions

(ii) LEFT() function returns the left most number of characters as specified,
e.g. LEFT(‘HELLO’,1);
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Question 4.
Rishabh, a beginner in web surfing came to know that for surfing the web a computer/ smartphone equipped with a modem, an internet connection and a web browser is required . He understands the other requirements but has less knowledge about web browsers.
Explain him the concept of web browser.
A web browser or simply browser, is an application used to access and view websites. Common web browsers include Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari.

A web browser takes you anywhere on the Internet. It retrieves information from other parts of the web and displays it on your desktop or mobile device. The information is transferred using the HyperText Transfer Protocol, which defines how text, image and video are transmitted on the web.

Question 5.
Samadrita wants to find the outputs of the following queries using SUBSTRQ and MOD() functions. Help her to find the outputs.
(i) SELECT SUBSTR(“testcases”,-5.3);
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The SUBSTR() function extracts certain number of characters from a string . Here the function extracts characters starting from position – 5 and then 3 characters from the right.

(ii) SELECT M0D( 17.7,3);
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The MOD() function returns the remainder of division.

Question 6.
Ramesh had learnt the ORDER BY and GROUP BY clauses of SQL a few time back. Now, he is not very comfortable about the terms . Help him to recall back the differences.

ORDER BY clause GROUP BY clause
It is used to arrange records of a table. It is used to group records on common values of a column.
It works on individual records. It works on groups of records.
The attribute can be under aggregate function under ORDER BY statement. The attribute cannot be under aggregate function under GROUP BY statement.
It has two types-Ascending and Descending. No such variations.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions

Question 7.
Priya is not able to find the outputs of the following SQL queries on the Drinks table. Her manager had instructed her to find out some aggregate results based on the table. Help her in finding the outputs.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 2 with solutions 8
Write the output of the following SQL commands.
(ii) SELECT SUM(Price) FROM Drinks WHERE Brand=“Coca – Col a” ;
Or Write the output of the following SQL commands.
(i) SELECT MAX(Price).MIN(Price) FROM Drinks;
(ii) SELECT COUNT(Price) FROM Drinks;
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Section B
(Each question carries 3 Marks)

Question 8.
Mr. Siladitya wants to find outputs of some MySQL functions, although he is well conversant with some functions, but not all and specially when working with multiple functions together. Help him in finding the outputs in the following cases.
Write the output of the following SQL commands.
(i) SELECT UCASE(LEFT(‘school ’ ,4));
(ii) SELECT C0NCAT( LEFT(‘ Happy ’ , 2), RIGHT( ‘ Days ’, 2));
(iii) SELECT M0NTH(‘2021-09-08’);
(i) SELECT SUBSTR(‘Christmas’,2,4);
(ii) SELECT SUBSTR( ‘ Wi ntervacati on ’ ,-5,3);
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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions

Question 9.
Ankita is writing the following queries but not getting the proper outputs. Help her in correcting the errors.

(i) SELECT MAX(Salary) Employee;
SELECT MAX(Salary) FROM Employee;

(ii) SELECT MEAN(Salary) FROM Employee;
SELECT AVG(Salary) FROM Employee;

(iii) SELECT L0WEST(Sal ary) FROM Employee;
SELECT MIN(Salary) FROM Employee;

Question 10.
Vijay is not clear about how he can use the following MySQL functions, explain him the uses of the following functions.
(i) TRIM()
TRIM() It removes any extra spaces from right and left of a string,but not from the middle,
SELECT TRIM(‘ Zebra crossing ’);
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(ii) SUBSTR()
SUBSTR() It extracts certain number of characters from any part of a string,
(‘Elephantsinafrica’ ,2,4);

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(iii) RIGHT()
RIGHT() It extracts characters from right of a string.
e.g. SELECT RIGHT(‘Writersbui1ding’,5);

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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions

(Each question carries 4 Marks)

Question 11.
Akhilesh a clerical staff in a Doctor’s Dispensary. He maintains records of visiting doctors in a table Doctor. He wants to analyse some data and find some results such as total number of doctors of certain departments , average charges in some departments etc. Help him in writing proper queries to get the results.
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(i) To display the maximum charges among the Ortho doctors.
SELECT MAX(Charges) FROM Doctor WHERE Dept=“0rtho”;

(ii) To display the doctor names in uppercase along with their department names concatenated.

(iii) To display each department and the total number of doctors in them.

(iv) To display each department and the average charges of each.
SELECT Dept, AVG(Charges) FROM Doctor GROUP BY Dept;

Question 12.
Simran has prepared a table storing details of some contractual job applicants. Her colleague who left the organisation, had written some queries to generate certain outputs from the table. She was told by her manager to find the outputs of the queries, Help her in finding the outputs.
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(i) SELECT Name, JoinYear FROM Applicants WHERE Gender=‘F’ AND C_ID=‘A02’ ;
(ii) SELECT MIN(JoinYear) FROM Applicants WHERE l 3ender=‘M’;
(iii) SELECT AVG(Fee) FROM Applicants WHERE C_ID= ‘A01’ OR c_: [D=‘AO 5 ’ ;

(i) SELECT MAX(Fee) FROM Applicants WHERE Name LIKE “A%”;
(ii) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Gender) FROM Applicants;
(iii) SELECT SUM(Fee) FROM Applicants WHERE Gender=“M”;
(iv) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Applicants;
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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions

Question 13.
Green Valley Public School has 4 buildings in its campus . Distance between the buildings and the number of computers in each is given below
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Building Number of Computers
A 150
B 10
C 25
D 30


Building Distance
A-B 10 m
A-C 1250 m
A-D 25 m
B-C 30 m
B-D 2000 m

(i) Which building is best suitable for placement of server ?
Building A, as it has maximum number of computers.

(ii) If building A to D is to be connected, which device will be required for strong signals ?
A repeater would be required, as signals become weak in long distances which can be amplified by a repeater.

(iii) Which building would need a switch/hub ?
Hub/switch would be required in all the buildings as they connect multiple computers.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions

(iv) Which topology would you suggest for connecting computers in each building ?
Star topology would be the best as it has multiple positive features.