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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 4 with Solutions

Maximum Marks : 35
Time : 2 hours


  • The question paper is divided into 3 sections -A, B and C.
  • Section A, consists of 7 questions (1-7). Each question carries 2 marks
  • Section B, consists of 3 questions (8-10). Each question carries 3 marks.
  • Section C, consists of 3 questions (11-13). Each question carries 4 marks.
  • Internal choices have been given for question numbers -1, 3, 8 and 12.

(Each question carries 2 Marks)

Question 1.
Mr. Akash is new to computer networks. Although he is conversant with different terms like server, client, web etc., he is confused about the types of networks on the basis of configuration and distances . Help him to understand the different types of networks on the basis of distances through which they are separated. Explain different types of networks.
Mr. Akash also does not well know the different parts/components of a network and is thereby not able to properly implement a new network for his organisation . Explain him the different components of a network.
There are many types of networks. Networks can be classified according to span of their geographical area. They can be classified into three categories.

1. Local Area Network: A LAN network interconnects computers within a limited area. This area can be a residence, school, library or office building. LAN is relatively smaller than MAN and WAN. It is privately owned network. It provides local connectivity.
In offices, LAN is used to share resources.
It can also be used to exchange information. A LAN is made up of many components.

2. Metropolitan Area Network MAN networks are larger than a local area networks. It covers a large geographical area as compared to LAN. It can be the area of an entire city. MAN may be a single network like cable TV network. It may be interconnection of many LANs.

3. Wide Area Network WAN networks are the largest networks. These networks have no limit of geographical distance. This geographical area can be a country, a continent or the whole world. Public networks can be used to connect computers in a Wide Area network.


There are various components of a computer network, which are as follows

  • Host /Node / Workstation It refers to the computers that are attached to a network.
  • Server Computer that facilities sharing of data,software and hardware resources (e.g. printers, modems etc.) on a network is called server.
  • Client A client computer is a computer that can request for some services from a server.
  • NIU (Network Interface Unit) It is also known as NIC(Network Interface Card) or LAN card. It is a device that works as an intermediator between computer and the network. LAN card can be wired as well as wireless.
  • Hub/Switch Hub/ Switch is a device used to interconnect computers on a network.
  • Communication channel It is a way/ method to provide communication between computers and devices on a network.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 4 with Solutions

Question 2.
(i) Jatin heard that a switch is a better device than a hub and can perform better in communications of a network.
Suggest him one point of difference between switch and hub.
A hub is a networking device that allows you to connect multiple PCs to a single network, whereas a switch connects various devices together on a single computer network.

(ii) Rahul knows that the best topology is the star topology. Point out to him the negative characteristics of the star topology.
(a) Increased cost due to independent cables.
(b) Central node dependency.

Question 3.
Briefly state descriptions for Smita, who is a database operator. The role of the following MySQL functions
(i) NOW()
(ii) RTRIM()
Write the uses of following functions
(i) MID()
(ii) DATE()
NOW() function returns the current date and time both.
The date is returned in YYYY-MM-DD format and the time is returned in HH:MM:SS format.

(ii) RTRIM() function removes extra spaces from the right of a string. .
SELECT RTRIM(“Windows ”);

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(i) MID() function extracts characters from any position of a string just like the SUBSTRQ function . It takes the string, start position and the number of characters to extract.

(ii) DATE() function returns the date part from a date and time given as parameter, e.g. SELECT DATE(“2021-09-08 05 : 46 : 50”);

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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 4 with Solutions

Question 4.
Before implementing a network for their web based activities ITC Ltd., IT manager wanted to be conversant about the data sharing facilities of a network . How will you make him/her understand the data sharing facilities of a network?
Data sharing is considered as an important application of networking. There are many reasons. Users can share data easily with the help of networks.

For example. In an organization, users of different departments can share files easily with the help of network. Networking helps to increase the speed and accuracy of data communication.

Data can be transferred to others within seconds using networks. Besides this, cost of data transfer using networks is also very low.

Using networks, a single task can be performed by dividing the work into team groups. It increases the productivity of work.

Question 5.
Jessica wants to understand the working of INSTR, CONCAT, LEFT and RIGHT functions. Explain her the working of the functions by giving the outputs for following SQL statements.
(i) SELECT INSTR(“HimgiriExpress”,”px”);
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INSTR() function returns the position of a sub-string in a string. If not found returns 0. Here “px” is not present in “HimgiriExpress”. So it returns 0.

(ii) SELECT C0NCAT( LEFT( “Banana”, 3), RIGHTC “AppT e”, 2));
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LEFT(“Banana”, 3) extracts 3 characters from left of the string, i.e. “Ban” and RIGHT(“Apple”,2) extracts 2 characters from right of the string, i.e. le. CONCATf) function is used to add two strings, i.e. Banle.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 4 with Solutions

Question 6.
Rita forgot the clauses that help to group records of a table and to apply conditions on such grouped records. Help her with the proper clauses.
(i) To group the records of a table on common values of a column.
Group BY clause

(ii) To give a condition on grouped records.
HAVING clause

Question 7.
A table CollegeStudents is prepared for students of MKC Commerce College. The college committee wants to get certain outputs. Help them with SQL commands for the following requirements.
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(i) To display Name, Fee, Gender, Join Year about the CollegeStudents, who have joined before 2010.
(ii) To display the names of CollegeStudents, who are paying Fee more than 30000.
The MKC Commerce College also wants certain more outputs on the basis of the joining year of the students. Provide them proper SQL commands for the following
(i) To display the names of all CollegeStudents in ascending order of their joinyear.
(ii) To display the year and the total number of CollegeStudents joined in each year from the table College Students.
(i) SELECT Name, Fee, Gender, JoinYear FROM CollegeStudents WHERE JoinYear<2010;
(ii) SELECT Name FROM CollegeStudents WHERE Fee>30000;
(i) SELECT Name FROM CollegeStudents ORDER BY JoinYear;
(ii) SELECT JoinYear, COUNT(*) FROM CollegeStudents GROUP BY JoinYear;

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 4 with Solutions

(Each question carries 3 Marks)

Question 8.
Mr. Bansal, the sports instructor of Greenage school wants certain outputs from the Sports table using functions of SQL. Which SQL statements will give the outputs as specified in the following statements ?
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(i) To get the date when each sport is played.
(ii) To get the sportnames in uppercase.
(iii) To get the last 3 characters of each sportname.
Mr. Bansal is also not very comfortable with MID,MOD and RIGHT functions. Help him to write alternative commands for the following statements.
(i) SELECT MID( ‘Aniket’ ,1,4);
(ii) SELECT M0D( 11,2);
(iii) SELECT RIGHT(‘Movie’,3);
(i) SELECT DAY (Dtof Play) FROM Sports;
(ii) SELECT UCASE(Sportname) FROM Sports;
(iii) SELECT RIGHT(Sportname,3) FROM . Sports;
(i) SELECT LEFT(‘ Ani ket ’ ,4);
(ii) SELECT 11 % 2;
(iii) SELECT SUBSTR( ‘Movie’ , – 3,3);

Question 9.
Nitin is getting confused with the working of some MySQL functions . Giving an example illustrate to him the use of the following functions.
Write the uses of following MySQL functions
(i) MONTH()
MONTH() function returns the month part of a date.
e.g. SELECT MONTH(“2021-09-11”);

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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 4 with Solutions

(ii) ROUND()
ROUND() function returns the month part of a date.
e.g. SELECT ROUND( 123.987,2);

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(iii) LEADING clause with TRIM()
LEADING clause with TRIM() function removes extra spaces or characters from both sides of a string. The LEADING clause with TRIM() function removes some leading characters from a string.

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Question 10.
While learning uses of MySQL functions, Jasminder was not properly understanding the uses of the following functions. Explain her the uses with one example of each.
MONTHNAME() function returns the name of the month for the date specified, e.g. SELECT MONTHNAME(“2022-09-02”);

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(ii) UCASE()
UCASE() function converts a string to uppercase.
e.g. SELECT UCASE(“return”);

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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 4 with Solutions

(iii) DAY()
DAY() function returns the day part from the date specified as argument.
e.g. SELECT DAY( “2012-09 -12” );

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Section – C
(Each question carries k Marks)

Question 11.
Indian railways maintains the following table of its emloyees . They want to get certain summative results department wise and on the basis of male and female employees working . Help the IT staff to predict the outputs of the statements given, before implementing them.
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(i) SELECT SUM(Basic) FROM Employee WHERE Department=’Personnel’;
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(ii) SELECT AVG(Basic) FROM Employee WHERE Sex=’F’;
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(iii) SELECT MAX(Basic) FROM Employee WHERE Sex=’M’;
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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 4 with Solutions

(iv) SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT Department) FROM Employee;
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Question 12.
The Staff table of GI systems maintains the details of its staff, with their monthly CTC . They want to find certain results like department wise total CTC, designation wise averages etc. The requirements are given in the following statements. Suggest them proper SQL statements for the same.
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(i) To display the total MCTC (Monthly Cost To Company) of sales department.
(ii) To display average MCTC of staff who have a joining date.
(iii) To display the maximum MCTC among officers.
(iv) To display the sum of MCTC of staff whose name has “a” somewhere .
They want to know the outputs such as total, average, maximum etc., of CTCs of the staffs of certain posts and departments . The following commands are written. Help them to predict the outputs.
(i) SELECT MIN(MCTC) FROM Staff WHERE Dept=“Pers”;
(iv) SELECT COUNT(JoinDt) FROM Staff;
(i) SELECT SUM(MCTC) FROM Staff WHERE Dept=”Sales”;
(iii) SELECT MAX(MCTC) FROM Staff WHERE Post=”Offi cer”;
(iv) SELECT SUM(MCTC) FROM Staff WHERE Staffname LIKE “%a%”:


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The MIN() function returns the minimum value from the records that match the condition.

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COUNT(DISTINCT) function returns the count of unique values in a column.

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The SUM () function returns the sum of values for the records that match the condition.

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COUNT(JoinDt) function counts the number of NON NULL values.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 4 with Solutions

Question 13.
Global Village Enterprises has following four buildings in Hyderabad city.
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The distance between the buildings is given in metres. Also, the number of computers in each of the buildings is given below.

Building Number of computers
Gvl 35
Gv2 25
Gv3 80
Gv4 60

Computers in each building are networked but buildings are not networked so far. The
company has now decided to connect building also.
(i) Suggest a cable layout for these buildings.
Cable layout
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(ii) In each of the buildings, the management wants that each LAN segment gets a dedicated bandwidth, i.e. bandwidth must not be shared. How can this be achieved?
To give dedicated bandwidth, the computers in each building should be connected via switches as switches offer dedicated bandwidth.

(iii) The company also wants to make available shared Internet access for each ot the buildings. How can this be achieved?
By installing routers in each building, shared Internet access can be made possible.

(iv) The company wants to link its head office in GV1 building to its another office in Japan.
Satellite, as it can connect offices across globe.