CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Paper 3 are part of CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education. Here we have given CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education  Paper 3.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education  Paper 3.

Board CBSE
Class XII
Subject Physical Education
Sample Paper Set Paper 3
Category CBSE Sample Papers

Students who are going to appear for CBSE Class 12 Examinations are advised to practice the CBSE sample papers given here which is designed as per the latest Syllabus and marking scheme as prescribed by the CBSE is given here. Paper 3 of
Solved CBSE Sample Paper for Class 12 Physical Education is given below with free PDF download solutions.

Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:

  • All questions are compulsory.
  • Answers to questions carrying 1 mark should approximately 10-20 words.
  • Answers to questions carrying 3 marks should approximately 30-50 words.
  • Answers to questions carrying 5 marks should approximately 75-100 words.


Question 1.
Define yoga? 1

Question 2.
What do you mean by correct Posture? 1

Question 3.
What do you understand by Circuit Training? 1

Question 4.
Define flexibility and its type in sports? 1

Question 5.
What do you mean by Physical Activity? 1

Question 6.
What is contusion? 1

Question 7.
What do you mean by stroke volume? 1

Question 8.
Define Friction in sports? 1

Question 9.
Define Aerodynamics in sports? 1

Question 10.
Define Flexion and Extension? 1

Question 11.
What is knockout Tournament? 1

Question 12.
Describe the Disability Etiquettes required for inclusivity in physical education program? 3

Question 13.
Briefly discuss the deformities of spinal curvature? 3

Question 14.
Describe the Asanas helpful for health and wellness? 3

Question 15.
Elucidate the meaning and need of food supplements for children? 3

Question 16.
Differentiate between Disability and Disorder among children? 3

Question 17.
My uncle facing age-related health problems especially high blood sugar obesity and
hypertension etc. I consulted my physical education teacher regarding my uncle’s problems because once he had discussed this topic in my class. He told me that he will meet my uncle at home. He came and suggested my uncle to start regular exercise or walking for at least one hour. My uncle started regular walking. After few months his above mentioned problems reduced.
On basis of the above passage answer the following questions. 3
(i) What values are shown by the physical education teacher and the nephew?
(ii) What are the common age -related health problems?
(iii) Do physical activity help in maintaining functional fitness of aged population? State in brief.

Question 18.
What are the aims of sports medicine? Describe any two aims in brief. 3

Question 19.
Explain any three objectives of intramurals. 3

Question 20.
Draw fixture of 19 teams on knockout basis. 5

Question 21.
Define speed and discuss the types of speed in detail. 5

Question 22.
Mention the management of sprain in detail. 5

Question 23.
Define motivation? Elucidate any four techniques of motivation. 5

Question 24.
Enumerate any five effects of exercise on muscular system? 5

Question 25.
Discuss the muscles involved in running? 5

Question 26.
Describe the procedure for administering Rikli and Jones Sr. Citizen fitness Test. 5


Answer 1.
Yoga is a science of balancing between mind, body and spirit. It is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’ in spiritual terms mean the union of the individual consciousness with the universal consciousness.

Answer 2.
“Correct posture is applied to right position of the body assumed while doing any action so that minimum energy is consumed in order to get maximum efficiency.

Answer 3.
Is a method of training that maximizes the volume of work done in a short period of time through the help of different training stations lined up in a planned order of workout. Circuit training is a great tool to use for people who are interested in weight loss, muscle gain and overall strength increases.

Answer 4.
Flexibility is the ability to execute movements with greater amplitude or range.
There are three types of flexibility in sports:

  • Dynamic flexibility
  • Static Active flexibility
  • static passive flexibility

Answer 5.
Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure. Level of physical activity can be between moderate to high, walking, jogging, participating in sports are examples of physical activity.

Answer 6.
Contusion – Direct impact with blunt object which causes bleeding deep with muscles due to damage in capillaries. It is in bluish color due to tom blood vessels. It is also commonly called as bruise.

Answer 7.
Stroke volume (SV) is the volume of blood pumped from the left ventricle per beat. Stroke volume is an important determinant of cardiac output, which is the product of stroke volume and heart rate. The stroke volume at rest remains up to 50-70 ml/beat in untrained individuals, 70-90 ml/beat in trained individual and 90-110 ml/beat in elite endurance athletes.

Answer 8.
The action of one surface or object rubbing against another. It is the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.

Answer 9.
Aerodynamics is the study of forces and the resulting motion of objects through the air. It is related to the flow of air around a projectile, which can influence the speed and direction of the object. Aerodynamics in sports study of how air resistance and drag affect sports objects and influence performance.

Answer 10.
Flexion refers to a movement that decreases the angle between two body parts. Flexion at the elbow is decreasing the angle between the ulna and the humerus. When the knee flexes, the ankle moves closer to the buttock, and the angle between the femur and tibia gets smaller.
Extension refers to a movement that increases the angle between two body parts. Extension at the elbow is increasing the angle between the ulna and the humerus. Extension of the knee straightens the lower limb.

Answer 11.
Knock- out Tournament – Most of the tournaments are organized on the basis of knock-out. In this type of tournament, a team which is once defeated, automatically gets eliminated from the tournament. Only the winning teams continue in the tournament. It means that second opportunity is not given to the defeated team.

Answer 12.

  • Disability etiquette is a set of guidelines dealing specifically with how to approach people with disabilities. Always use person Disability in writing or addressing.
  • Keep you tone low
  • Communicate with them slowly and clearly.
  • If necessary use communication add as communication book or communication device.
  • Give them time to respond. It should be two way communication.
  • Ask them before offering any help
  • Never do physical or verbally bully to them or about them in your surrounding
  • Never play with their equipment’s
  • Make surrounding disable friendly and comfortable.
  • Make rapport with them for example talk about their liking or disliking

Answer 13.
Deformity of spine is any abnormality of the formation, alignment, or shape of the vertebral column. Spine deformity can happen when unnatural curvature occurs, as in scoliosis (side-to-side curvature), lordosis or kyphosis There are three types of spinal deformities.

  • Kyphosis
  • Lordosis
  • Scoliosis
  1. Kyphosis – Kyphosis is an abnormal posterior curve, usually found in the thoracic region of the spine. As such, it is an exaggeration of the normal posterior curve (flexion).
  2. Lordosis – Excessive or hyperlordosis is commonly referred to as swayback or saddle back, a term that originates from the similar condition that arises in some horses. A major factor of lordosis is anterior pelvic tilt, when the pelvis tips forward when resting on top of the femurs.
  3. Scoliosis – Scoliosis is a lateral curvature or deviation (right or left) of the spine and associated with vertebral rotation. In scoliosis, the vertebral column seen from the front or back is no longer straight. It is Postural adaptation of the spine in lateral direction. A simple or single curve to the left or convexity left is commonly called a ‘c’ curve. Scoliosis curves may be found in ‘S’ shape.

Answer 14.
Asana are very effective for health and wellness

  • Meditative Asana – Meditative asana posture are very effective for:
    (a) Energy balancing of the body
    (b) For performing pranayam
    (c) Remove dosha from the body
    (d) Providing concentration and attention
    Example: Padamasan, Vajrasan, Sukhasan
  • Cultural Asana – are the asana posture resembling various objects and help in:
    (a) Improving flexiblility of the body
    (b) Develop muscular strength
    (c) Improves functioning of body systems
  • Relaxative Asana – are the asana postures without any movement and with great stability, it helps in:
    (a) Relaxation of the body
    (b) Normalization of the respiratory and circulatory systems.

Answer 15.

  • Develops immunity.
  • Enhance growth and development.
  • Add on to taste, which is greatly required if child lacks nutrition.
  • Their excess dosage may lead to harm, esp a the fat soluble items.

Meaning and Need of Food Supplements for children.

  • Meaning of food supplement. Food supplement means a nutrient that is added to your diet to nurish your body that you are not getting in your regular diet. Food supplements generally include vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids or amino acids, among other substances. These supplements may be in the form of a tablet or powder which can be added to water or milk for consumption.
  • Need of food supplements for children: No doubt that food supplements play a vital role is the proper growth and development of children. Though, it is not essential to consumer food supplements but it becomes necessary when there is a lack of proper nutritions diet. In fact, it can be said that food supplements are unnecessaiy if a child takes a balanced diet regularly. Moreover, there are various food supplements which have no practical effect. For example, food supplement omega-3 fatty acids has been shown to be without benefit for health by children.

Answer 16.

  1. Any degree of physical disability, malformation or disfigurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth defect or illness, includes, epilepsy, a brain injury, any degree of paralysis, amputation, lack of physical coordination, blindness or visual impairment, deafness or hearing impairment, speech impairment
  2. A condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability
  3. A learning disability, or a dysfunction in one -or more of the processes involved in understanding or using symbols or spoken language
  4. It is an impairment that may be cognitive, developmental, intellectual, mental, physical, sensory, or some combination of these. It substantially affects a person’s life activities and may be present from birth or occur during a person’s lifetime.
  5. Disorder is the disturbance which affects the normal functions that is performed by an individual.
  6. ADHD – Attention deficit hyper disorder
  7. ASD – Autism spectrum disorder
  8. SPD – Sensory processing disorder
  9. ODD
  10. Down syndrome(Syndrome)
  11. Cerebral palsy
  12. Learning disorder

Answer 17.
(i) Values:

  • Importance toward exercise
  • Motivation for healthy life style
  • Concern for age-related issue
  • Consulting an expert for professional support

(ii) Common age – related health problems

  • Blood Pressure
  • Obesity
  • Hypertension

(iii)Physical activity is an effective medium toward health life style and wellbeing. Elderly people can benefit a lot with regular exercise and activity. Low intensity or moderate activities like walking, yoga, gardening are very effective for maintaining muscle tone, heart functioning, respiratory system and provided enough oxygen to various parts of the body for optimal physiological functioning of the body. Physical activity also help in providing social cohesion and opportunity to interact with people for social development and helps to maintain emotional health of elderly people.

Answer 18.
“Sports medicine is a branch of medical science that deals with treatment of injuries related to sports and games.
Aims and scope of sports Medicine:

  • To provide the knowledge about the causes of injuries – it is well known fact that each injury has specific causes. Another aim of sports medicine is to provide the knowledge about the causes of injuries. There were no injuries or any kind of misconduct during the event may be various causes of injuries such as improper conditioning, faulty techniques, improper warming up, environment factors, improper fitness, etc.
  • To provide means of treatment for sports injuries and for rehabilitation of injuries – Aim , of sports medicine is to provide means of treatment of sports injuries and for rehabilitation
    of injuries. After providing first aid to the injured sportsperson, the specialist of sports medicine must be informed of providing treatment to the injured athlete, various medical treatments such as hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, and infrared rays may be used.

Answer 19.
Objectives of Intramurals:

  • To provide opportunity to every student to participate in games and sports- To provide ample opportunities to every student in games and sports is one of the major objectives of intramurals. Generally few students are able to participate in zonal level and district level games and sports .So, the mass participation of students from a school is impossible at such levels of competitions. But in intramurals each and every student can take part in games and sports.
  • To develop the leadership qualities among students-Intramural activities are helpful in developing leadership qualities among the students who participate in these activities. Although all the students do not become the leaders yet intramural activities help in developing the leadership qualities among those students, who have some innate qualities of leadership.
  • To develop the feeling of cooperation – It is really very difficult to get success alone in the field of sports and games. In fact, cooperation is essential to achieve an apex position in games and sports. Intramural activities help in developing the feeling of cooperation among students.

Answer 20.
Total number of teams =19
Upper half = n + 1/2 = 19+1/2 = 10
Lower half = « — 1/2 = 19-1/2 = 9
Power of two’s = 24n of teams =

No. of Byes =13
No. of Byes in Lower Half = nb + 1/2 13 + 1/2 = 7
No. of Byes in Upper Half = nb – 1/2 13 – 1/2  = 6

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Paper 3 1

Answer 21.
Speed as the rate at which a person can propel his body or parts of his body”.
Speed is the ability to move from one place to another in the shortest possible time. It means that the velocity with which an individual can execute his movements. In other words, it means the capacity of moving a body part or the whole body with the greatest possible velocity. For example, the movement of a smasher’s arm in volleyball has the maximum speed or velocity at the time of smashing the volley ball.
Types of Speed:
Speed appears in different forms in different sports. The main forms in which speed appears are stated below:

  • Reaction Ability – Reaction ability depends completely on coordinative processes. So, it is also considered a coordinative ability. Reaction ability is the ability to react effectively I and quickly to any action or signal. In games and sports signals can be of various types such as visual or tactile. In games and sports, reaction ability is not only significant to react quickly to a signal but the reaction should also be accurate according to situation. Reaction ability can be classified into simple reaction ability and complex reaction ability,
    (a) Simple Reaction Ability It is the ability to react quickly in already determined manner to a known signal. For example, the reaction of a racer in the start of sprint races is already known to the racer.
    (b) Complex Reaction Ability It is the ability to react quickly and accurately to undetermined or unexpected signals. These signals are unexpected for sportsperson because he does not know when and to which signal he has to react such as facing a ball in cricket by a batsman.
  • Acceleration Ability – It is the ability to achieve maximum speed from a stationary position or from low speed state. Generally, sprinters achieve their maximum speed after approximately six seconds. This ability mainly depends upon explosive strength, technique and flexibility. This ability is important in all games and sports in which maximum speed f are to be achieved in quickly such as races, swimming (short distance), hockey, football and gymnastics etc.
  • Movement Speed – It is the ability to do a movement in minimum time. It depends upon technique, explosive strength, flexibility and coordinative abilities. It plays a vital role in boxing, wrestling, throws, jumps, gymnastics, and turns in swimming and in sprinting starts. It can be measured by the time taken to complete the movement.
  • Locomotor Ability – It is the ability to maintain maximum speed for maximum time or distance. This ability is very significant in only a few sports events such as 100m, 200m, 400m races, short sprints in track cycling, speed skating, swimming, hockey and footballetc.
  • Speed Endurance – Speed endurance is the ability to perform movements with high speed under conditions of fatigue. Speed endurance is a very complicate ability which depends upon explosive strength, speed and endurance. It also depends upon technique, local muscular endurance and lactic tolerance ability.

Answer 22.
Sprain-Sprain: It is a ligament injury. It may occur due to overstretching or tearing of ligament. Generally, sprain occurs at wrist joint and ankle joint Sometimes, fracture is also possible
along with the sprain. In such injury, swelling, inflammation, severe pain and tenderness are common symptoms. There can be laxity in the ligament. All the above mentioned symptoms depend on the severity of sprain.

  1. A thorough warm-up is necessary for preventing sprain, specially all the joints should be exercised well during warm-up.
  2. Proper conditioning should be done during the preparatory phase. 3. All the sports equipments must be of good quality.
  3. Playfields/Courts should be smooth and clean.
  4. Good officiating is essential for preventing such injury.

Answer 23.
Motivation is the internal process that activate, guide and Maintain behaviour. It is one of the main determinant of an individual’s behavior. The term ‘motivation ‘is derived from the word ‘Motive’. Motive is a combination of thought, feeling or condition that causes one to act. Human behavior is controlled, directed and modified through certain motives. Motivation is one main psychological factor which affects the performance. It means to be inspired to do something. Technique of Motivation

  • Goal Setting: It is one of the most important techniques of motivation. If you do not see a goal, you cannot achieve apex positions in your life. So, the sportspersons should be encouraged to set a few ambitious but achievable long term goals according to their capabilities and capacities the coaches or physical education teachers should not too rigid while setting a goal for a sportsperson.
  • Elaborate arrangement of competitions: It plays a very significant role in motivation. Sportspersons perform better in competitions if there are elaborate arrangements of competitions.
  • Presence of Opposite Sex: Opposite sex plays a vital role in motivation. This is an innate tendency of human beings. Even girls as well as boys try to be smart, active in the presence of opposite sex.
  • Spectators: If there is a huge number of a spectator, it will have a positive effect on the players. But its effectiveness depends upon the experience and maturity of athletes. An inexperienced athlete is usually overpowered by fear.

Answer 24.
Muscular system:

  1. Change in shape and size of muscle.
  2. Formation of more capillaries
  3. Muscle remains in tone position
  4. Controls extra fat
  5. Change in the connective tissue (becomes Powerful)
  6. Efficiency in the movement of muscles.
  7. Delays Fatigue.
  8. Increases food storage.
  9. Exercise makes figure beautiful.

Answer 25.
Muscular Analysis of Sprinting:

  1. The leg action in running is one that takes place in a sagittal plane about a frontal axis and involves the hip, knee and ankle joints.
  2. The bones of the hip involved are the femur and pelvic girdle which form a ball and socket joint.
  3. The bones of the knee involved are the femur and tibia which form a hinge joint.
  4. The bones of the ankle involved are the tibia and calcaneus which form a modified joint.

Each of these joints produces two actions, one when the leg is in contact with the ground (driving phase) and one when the leg is not in contact with the ground (recovery phase).

Driving Phase
Joints Action Agonist Muscles
Hip Extension and hyper extension Gluteal muscles (gluteus maximus and gluteus minimus) and Hamstrings (biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus)
Knee Extension Quadriceps group of muscles (rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis and vastus intermedialis)
Ankle Plantar Flextion Gastrocnemius


Recovery phase
Joints Action Agonist Muscles
Hip Flexion Iliopsoas
Knee flexion Hamstrings (biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus)
Ankle Dorsi Flexion Tibialis anterior

Answer 26.
Rikli And Jones Senior Citizens Fitness Test was developed by Dr. Roberta and Dr. Jessie Jones of Fullerton University. It includes:

  • Chair Stand Test – to measure leg strength and endurance
    Procedure – the Subject is advised to sit on the chair with arms crossed around the wrists and hands are kept close to the chest. After this, the subject stands completely and then reaches again the same sitting position. This activity is repeated for 30 seconds.
  • Arm Curl Test – to measure upper body strength
    Procedure – the subject sits on the chair keeping the back straight and holds weight in strong hand. The subject performs arm curls in 30seconds.
  • Back Scratch Test – to measure range of motion of shoulder
    Procedure – the subject is advised to stand initially. After this, one hand is placed behind the head and other arm is bent behind the back. Test administrator helps in guiding the subject about the alignment of the fingertips. If the tip of both index finger touches, then the score is awarded zero. In case it is no, touching the gap is measured and this is awarded as negative score. While overlapping distance is given as positive score. Reading is taken twice and the best score is awarded.
  • Eight Foot Up and Go Test – to measure speed, agility and balance while moving Procedure – a cone is placed 8 feet away from the chair which is placed away from wall. On the command “go” the subject starts before sitting on chair. The subject is advised to walk briskly and turn around the cone and again sits on the chair. The time is measured for this whole activity. The two trials are conducted. The best trial is counted for scoring.
  • Six Minute Walk Test – to measure aerobic fitness
    Procedure – the walking course is marked in a 50 yard (45.72 meters) rectangular area dimensions 45 x 5 yards.

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