Students can access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical with Solutions and marking scheme Term 2 Set 6 will help students in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 6 with Solutions

General Instructions :

  • There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
  • Section A consists of 9 questions amongst which 7 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 2 marks and should have 30-50 words.
  • Section B consists of 5 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 3 marks and should have 80-100 words.
  • Section C consists of 4 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 4 marks and should have 100-150 words.

Maximum Marks : 35
Time : 2 Hours

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 6 with Solutions

Section A

Question 1.
Explain the ways by which physical activites can made accessible for disabled children. (1 + 1)
The ways by which physical activities can be made accessible for disabled children are :

  1. Different Instructional Strategies A variety of different instructional strategies like verbal, visual and peer teaching should be used for performing various types of physical activities.
  2. Modification of Rules Rules can be modified according to the needs of the children. They can be provided extra time or attempt to perform a physical activity.

Question 2.
Write the symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). (0.5 x 4)
Symptoms of ASD are

  • Children and adults with ASD do not acquire good social skills.
  • Face many behavioral problems.
  • Often stare at a particular person or object and may like a few foods only.
  • Show very limited interests or activities.

Question 3.
State the concept of first aid in preventing deterioration of sports injuries (2)
The concept of first aid is to prevent sports injuries from worsening. It is done by the following ways

  • By carrying out emergency first aid procedures immediately.
  • By conducting a risk assessment and check for any dangers.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 6 with Solutions

Question 4.
What do you understand by isokinetic exercises? (2)
The isokinetic exercises were introduced by JJ Perrine in 1968. ‘Iso’ means same and ‘kinetic’ means motion. It means exercises in motion. These exercises are done on specially designed machines such as on mounted cycle. These exercises develop muscular strength as the muscles move upto their entire range. Water sports like swimming, skating, running and climbing are the sports that are the examples of isokinetic exercises.

Question 5.
What are the contraindications of Ardha Matsyendrasana? (1 + 1)
Contraindications of Ardha Matsyendrasana are

  • Avoid during pregnancy and menstruation due to the strong twist in the abdomen.
  • People with heart, abdominal or brain surgeries or having ulcer, slip disc should avoid th’s asana.

Question 6.
Explain speed as a component of physiological fitness. (2)
Speed is the ability to cover distance in minimum possible time such as covering a distance in shortest time. In simple words, it means capacity of a moving body part or the whole body with greatest possible velocity.

In other words, it is the ability to do work faster. According to Barrow and McGee, “Speed is the capacity of an individual to perform successive movement of the same pattern at a fast rate.”

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 6 with Solutions

Question 7.
Explain the procedure of Ardha Matsyendrasana. (2)
Ardha Matsyendrasana is done in sitting posture. To do this asana, sit with legs straight and stretched in front of you. Bend the left leg and bring it close to the body. Place it under the right buttocks. Then, place the right leg next to the left knee by taking it over the knee. Twist your waist, neck and shoulders over your right shoulder. Place the right hand behind and the left hand on the right knee. Then, repeat the procedure with another leg.

Question 8.
Explain interval training method. (2)
Interval training method was given by Woldemar and Greshler in 1939. Physiologist Reindell further modified this training method. This method enhances speed and endurance ability. In this method, the exercises are followed by a period of rest, also known as recovery.

Question 9.
Explain the benefit and contradiction of Gomukhasana. (1 + 1)
The benefit of Gomukhasana is that it helps in stretching and strengthening the muscles of the ankles, hips and thighs, shoulders, triceps, inner armpits and chest.

Contraindication of Gomukhasana is that those who are suffering from shoulder, knee or back pain should avoid doing it.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 6 with Solutions

Question 10.
Describe three preventive steps for sports injuries. (1 x 3)
The preventive steps to avoid sports injuries are

  • Wearing of protective gears, helmets, protective pads and other equipment as required in the game.
  • Taking proper warm-up and cool down sessions before and after the training or competitions.
  • Taking fitness tests regularly to know about the physical condition and check for the areas where improvement is needed.

Question 11.
Explain the step by step procedure of doing Chakrasana. (0.5 x 6)
Chakrasana is done in lying posture. The step by step procedure of Chakrasana is

  • Lie down properly and look upward.
  • Bring the feet closer to the hips and bend knees upward; keep a distance of about one foot between the feet.
  • Bring your palms under your shoulder.
  • Gradually, lift up the body in air by balancing on palm and feet and rotate the head backward along with hands slowly.
  • Reach the final position by stretching the whole body to form a position of a semi-drcle.
  • To go back to original position, slowly lower down the body and release the hands and feet.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 6 with Solutions

Question 12.
What is aggression? Why players show hostile aggression on the field? (1 + 2)
Aggression means the intention to cause mental or physical harm to oneself, others or objects in the environment. This is usually done by doing physical harm, showing unkind or nasty behaviour, abusing or using words. Players show hostile aggression on the field because of the following reasons –

  • Players who want to achieve success quickly or are not able to manage their emotions, show aggression towards another player.
  • Sometimes players loose their self-control or are not able to manage humiliation and feel hurt and insulted, then they show hostile aggression as a form of revenge.

Question 13.
How cognitive disability is different from intellectual disability and physical disability. (3)
Cognitive disability is the limitation of mental functioning of certain skills such as problems in social skills, understanding formation of letters, numbers, etc. Intellectual disability is a significant limitation of intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior. Physical disability relates to physical functioning of the body parts including sense organs.

Cognitive and intellectual disabilities are related to the mind but physical disability is related to physical functioning. Intellectual disability is more severe than cognitive and it is specific in nature while cognitive and physical disability are broad concepts.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 6 with Solutions

Question 14.
Endurance is the most imporant factor for high performance in games and sports.’ Explain. (3)
Endurance is the ability of an individual to do movement even under the conditions of fatigue. It involves movement of muscles for a longer duration. For greater endurance, the pace of the exercises should be slow such as jogging.

It is most important in sports so that sports person can complete the task without tiring. It improves muscle coordination and enhances energy production in the body. This is helpful for sportsperson to excel in a competition.

Question 15.
Explain Asthma as a lifestyle disease. Enumerate the causes, symptoms and preventive measures of Asthma. (1 + 1 x 3)
Asthma is a condition in which a person’s airways in the lungs become narrow. Due to narrowness, air flow is obstructed. It creates breathing problem in a person.

It is a long-term inflammatory disease. In this disease, the airways also swell up and produce extra mucus, which enhances breathing problem.

Causes of Asthma are :

  • Allergy from airborne substances like pollen grains, dust mites, molds, spores, etc.
  • Air pollutants and irritants like smoke suspended in the air.

Symptoms of Asthma are

  • Shortness of breath
  • Coughing/sneezing too much Preventions of Asthma are
  • Keep the room, bed and pillows dust free.
  • Avoid exposure to asthma triggering agents like pollens, mole, cold air to prevent asthma attacks.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 6 with Solutions

Question 16.
Explain the procedure, benefits of Parvatasana. (2 + 2)
The procedure to perform Parvatasana is

  • Sit down on the floor in Sukhasana (cross-legged position) or Padmasana (lotus pose).
  • Bring the hands in the front and interlock the fingers.
  • Breathe out and stretch the hands over the head. Keep the fingers interlocked.
  • Pull the torso in upward direction and stretch for a few minutes.
  • Bring the hands down to normal position. After a few seconds, repeat the steps again.

The benefits to perform Parvatasana are

  • It helps in improving the blood circulation.
  • It helps in curing respiratory disorders that causes asthma.
  • It reduces mental fatigue and improves memory.
  • It reduces muscle pain, especially in back and neck regions.
  • It reduces stiffness in the body.

Question 17.
Describe how nuclear accidents, poverty, illness, malnutrition and poor access to healthcare may lead to disabilities. (0.8 x 5)
(i) Nuclear accidents, poverty, illness,
malnutrition and poor access to healthcare may lead to disabilities in the following ways Nuclear Accidents Nuclear accidents release radioactive materials that get absorbed in the body causing radiation sickness. Many people have suffered after being exposed to massive amounts of radiation.

In communities where these nuclear incidents happened, there has also been an increase in number of children born with learning difficulties, such as down syndrome.

(ii) Poverty Poverty is one of the biggest causes of disability. Poor people are most vulnerable to disability because they are forced to live and work in unsafe environment with poor sanitation, crowded living conditions and with little access to education, clean water or nutritious food. This gives rise to various diseases such as tuberculosis, polio, etc.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 6 with Solutions

(iii) Illness Illness is one of the most important factors of disability. Long-term or acute illnesses may lead to physical and mental problems leading to disabilities.

(iv) Malnutrition Malnutrition among young children can cause many types of physical disabilities like rickets and cognitive disabilities like poor IQ, neuropsychological problems, etc. Malnutrition and under nutrition in older adults can increase the likelihood of breaking bones, including hip fractures, which can lead to limited physical mobility.

(v) Poor Access to Healthcare Good health care can prevent various disabilities. Trained birth attendants who can identify risks and handle emergencies, can prevent babies from being born with many disabilities.

Question 18.
Write the symptoms of each of the following (4)
(i) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
(ii) Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
(i) Symptoms of ADHD are :

  • Hyperactivity, excessive talking, impulsivity, difficulty awaiting one’s turn.
  • Become easily distracted, trouble focusing on a task.
  • Very short span of attention, failing to complete tasks.
  • Problems staying organised and keeping track of things.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 6 with Solutions

(ii) Symptoms of SPD are :

  • Showing heightened reactivity to sound, touch, taste or movement.
  • Under-reactive in certain situations e.g. not noticing when name is called.
  • Lethargic, disinterested, poor motor skills, lack of attention, impulsive behaviors, etc.
  • Over or under-responsive to the things they have difficulties with.