RD Sharma Class 8 Solutions Chapter 17 Understanding Shapes III (Special Types of Quadrilaterals) Ex 17.1

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Question 1.
Given below is a parallelogram ABCD. Complete each statement along with the definition or property used:
(i) AD = ………
(ii) ∠DCB = ……….
(iii) OC’ = …….
(iv) ∠DAB + ∠CDA = …….
RD Sharma Class 8 Solutions Chapter 17 Understanding Shapes III Ex 17.1 1
(i) AD = BC
(ii) ∠DCB = ∠ADC
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(iii) OC = OA
(iv) ∠DAB + ∠CDA = 180°

Question 2.
The following figures are parallelograms. Find the degree values of the unknowns x,y, z.
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In a parallelogram, opposite angles are equal and sum of adjacent angle is 180°.
(i) In parallelogram ABCD,
∠B = 100°
∠A = ∠C = 180° (Co-interior angles)
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⇒ x + 100° = 180°
⇒ x = 180° – 100°
⇒ x = 80°
But ∠A = ∠C and ∠B = ∠D (Opposite angles)
A = x
⇒ z = x
⇒ z = 80°
and ∠D = ∠B
⇒ y = 100°
x = 80°, y = 100° and z = 80°
(ii) In parallelogram PQRS, side PQ is produced to T.
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∠S = 50°
∠PQR = ∠S (Opposite angles)
w = 50°
But ∠P + ∠PQR = 180° (Sum of adjacent angles)
⇒ x + 50° = 180°
⇒ x = 180° – 50° = 130°
⇒ But ∠P = ∠R (Opposite angles)
x = y
⇒ y = 130°
But w + z = 180° (A linear pair)
⇒ 50° + z = 180°
⇒ z = 180° – 50° = 130°
⇒ x = 130°, y = 130°, ∠ = 130
(iii) In parallelogram LMNP, PM is its diagonal ∠NPM = 30°, ∠PMN = 90°
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PN || LM (Opposite sides of a parallelogram) and PM is its transversal
⇒ 30° = x
x = 30°
In ∆PMN,
∠P = 30°, ∠M = 90°
But ∠P + ∠M + ∠N = 180° (Sum of angles of a triangle)
⇒ 30° + 90° + z = 180°
⇒ 120° + z = 180°
⇒ z = 180° – 120° = 60°
But ∠L = ∠N (Opposite angles of a parallelogram)
y = z
⇒ y = 60°
Hence x = 30°, y = 60° and ∠ = 60°
(iv) In rhombus ABCD, diagonals AC and BD bisect each other at right angles.
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x = 90°
In ∆OCD,
∠O + ∠C + ∠D = 180°
⇒ 90° + 30° + y = 180°
⇒ 120° + y = 180°
⇒ y = 180° – 120° = 60°
y = 60°
CD || AB, BD is the transversal
y = z (Alternate angles)
z = 60°
Hence x = 90°, y = 60° and z = 60°
(v) In parallelogram PQRS, side QR is produced to T
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∠Q = 80°
∠P + ∠Q = 180° (Sum of adjacent angles)
⇒ x + 80° = 180°
⇒ x = 180° – 80° = 100°
∠Q = ∠S (Opposite angles of a parallelogram)
⇒ 80° = y
⇒ y = 80°
PQ || SR and QRT is transversal
∠TRS = ∠RQP (Corresponding angles)
⇒ ∠ = 80°
Hence x = 100°, y = 80° and z = 80°
(vi) In parallelogram TUVW, UW is its diagonal
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∠TUW = 40° and ∠V = 112°
∠T = ∠V (Opposite angles)
y = 112°
In ∆TUW,
∠T + ∠V + ∠W = 180° (Sum of angles of a parallelogram)
⇒ y + 40° + x = 180°
⇒ 112° + 40° + x = 180°
⇒ 152° + x = 180°
⇒ x = 180° – 152° = 28°
UV || TW and UW is its transversal
∠WUV = ∠TWU (Alternate angles)
⇒ z = x
⇒ z = 28°
Hence x = 28°, y = 112°, z = 28°

Question 3.
Can the following figures be parallelograms. Justify your answer.
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(i) In quadrilateral PLEH
∠H = 100°, ∠L = 80°
But there are opposite angles
∠H ≠ ∠L
PLEH is not a parallelogram.
(ii) In quadrilateral GNIR,
RI = 8 cm, GN = 8 cm, RG = 5 cm and IN = 5 cm
PI = GH and RG = IN
But there are opposite sides of the quadrilateral.
GNIR is a parallelogram.
(iii) In quadrilateral BEST,
BS and ET are its diagonals
But these diagonal do not bisect each other.
BEST is not a parallelogram

Question 4.
In the adjacent figure HOPE is a parallelogram. Find the angle measures x, y and z. State the geometrical truths you use to find them.
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In the figure, HOPE is a parallelogram in which HG is produced and HP is the diagonal
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∠EHP = 40° and ∠POQ = 70°
But ∠POQ + ∠POH = 180° (Linear pair)
⇒ 70° + w = 180°
⇒ w = 180° – 70° = 110°
But ∠E = ∠POE (Opposite angles of a parallelogram)
x = 110°
HE || OP and HP is its transversal.
∠EHP = ∠HPO (Alternate angles)
⇒40° = y
⇒ y = 40°
In ∆PHO,
Ext. ∠POQ = ∠PHO + ∠HPO
⇒ 70° = z + y
⇒ 70° = z + 40°
⇒ z = 70° – 40° = 30°
Hence x = 110°, y = 40°, z = 30°

Question 5.
In the following figures GUNS and RUNS are parallelograms. Find x and y.
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(i) In parallelogram GUNS,
Opposite sides are parallel and equal
3x = 18
⇒ x = 6
and 3y – 1 = 26
⇒ 3y = 26 + 1 = 27
⇒ y = 9
x = 6, y = 9
(ii) Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
y – 7 = 20
⇒ y = 20 + 7 = 27
and x – 27 = 16
⇒ x – 27 = 16
⇒ x = 16 + 27 = 43
x = 43, y = 27

Question 6.
In the following figure RISK and CLUE are parallelograms. Find the measure of x.
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In the figure, RISK and CLUE are parallelograms
∠K = 120° and ∠L = 70°
In parallelogram RISK
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RK || IS
∠RKS = ∠ISU (Corresponding angles)
⇒ ∠ISU = 120°
In parallelogram CLUE,
∠E = ∠L (Opposite angles of a parallelogram)
∠E = 70° (∠L = 70°)
Now in ∆EOS,
Ext. ∠ISU = x + ∠E
⇒ 120° = x + 70°
⇒ x = 120° – 70° = 50°
x = 50°

Question 7.
Two opposite angles of a parallelogram are (3x – 2)° and (50 – x)°. Find the measure of each angle of the parallelogram.
In parallelogram ABCD,
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∠A = (3x – 2)° and ∠C = (50 – x)°
∠A = ∠C (Opposite angles of a parallelogram)
⇒ 3x – 2° = 50° – x
⇒ 3x + x = 50° + 2°
⇒ 4x = 52°
x = 13°

Question 8.
If an angle of a parallelogram is two- third of its adjacent angle, find the angles of the parallelogram.
Let the parallelogram is ABCD and ∠A of a parallelogram ABCD be x
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Hence other angles will be
∠C = ∠A = 108° (Opposite angles)
and ∠D = ∠B = 72° (Opposite angles)
Hence ∠A = 108°, ∠B = 72°, ∠C = 108° and ∠D = 72°

Question 9.
The measure of one angle of a parallelogram is 70°. What are the measures of the remaining angles ?
Let in parallelogram ABCD,
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∠A = 70°
But ∠A + ∠B= 180° (Sum of adjacent angles)
⇒ 70° + ∠B = 180°
⇒ ∠B = 180° – 70°
⇒ ∠B = 110°
But ∠C = ∠A and ∠D = ∠B (Opposite angles)
∠C = 70° and ∠D = 110°
Hence ∠B = 110°, ∠C = 70° and ∠D = 110°

Question 10.
Two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are as 1 : 2. Find the measures of all the angles of the parallelogram.
Let in parallelogram ABCD,
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∠A : ∠B = 1 : 2
Let ∠A = x, then ∠B = 2x
But ∠A + ∠B = 180° (Sum of adjacent angles)
⇒ x + 2x = 180°
⇒ 3x = 180°
∠A = x = 60°
and ∠B = 2x = 2 x 60°= 120°
But ∠C = ∠A and ∠D = ∠B (Opposite angles)
∠C = 60° and ∠D = 120°
Hence ∠A = 60°, ∠B = 120°, ∠C = 60° and ∠D = 120°

Question 11.
In a parallelogram ABCD, ∠D = 135°, determine the measure of ∠A and ∠B.
In parallelogram ABCD,
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∠D = 135°
But ∠A + ∠D= 180° (Sum of adjacent angles)
∠A + 135° = 180°
∠A = 180° – 135° = 45°
But ∠B = ∠D (Opposite angles)
∠B = 135°
Hence ∠A = 45° and ∠B = 135°

Question 12.
ABCD is a parallelogram in which ∠A = 70°, compute ∠B, ∠C and ∠D.
In parallelogram ABCD,
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∠A = 70°
But ∠A + ∠B = 180° (Sum of adjacent angles)
⇒ 70° + ∠B = 180°
⇒ ∠B = 180° – 70° = 110°
But ∠C = ∠A and ∠D = ∠B (Opposite angles)
∠C = 70° and ∠D = 110°
Hence ∠B = 110°, ∠C = 70° and ∠D = 110°

Question 13.
The sum of two opposite angles of a parallelogram is 130°. Find all the angles of the parallelogram.
Let in parallelogram
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∠A + ∠C = 130°
But ∠A = ∠C (Opposite angles)
⇒ ∠C = \(\frac { 130 }{ 2 }\) = 65°
∠B + ∠D = 180° (Sum of adjacent angles)
⇒ 65° + ∠B = 180°
⇒ ∠B = 180° – 65° = 115°
⇒ ∠B = 115°
But ∠D = ∠B (Opposite angles)
∠D = 115°
Hence ∠A = 65°, ∠B = 115°, ∠C = 65° and ∠D = 115°

Question 14.
All the angles of a quadrilateral are equal to each other. Find the measure of each. Is the quadrilateral a parallelogram ? What special type of parallelogram is it ?
All the angles of a quadrilateral are equal and sum of the four angles = 360°
Each angle will be = \(\frac { 360 }{ 4 }\) = 90°
Let in quadrilateral ABCD,
∠A = ∠B = ∠C = ∠D = 90°
It is a parallelogram as opposite angles are equal
i.e., ∠A = ∠C and ∠B = ∠D.
Each angle is of 90°
This parallelogram is a rectangle.

Question 15.
Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 4 cm and 3 cm respectively. Find its perimeter.
Length of two adjacent sides = 4 cm and 3 cm
i.e., l = 4 cm and b = 3 cm
Perimeter = 2 (l + b) = 2 (4 + 3) cm = 2 x 7 = 14 cm

Question 16.
The perimeter of a parallelogram is 150 cm. One of its sides is greater ii.au the other by 25 cm. Find the length of the sides of the parallelogram.
Perimeter of a parallelogram = 150 cm
Let l he the longer side and b be the shorter side
l = b + 25 cm.
⇒ 2 (l + b) = 150
⇒ l + b = 75
⇒ b + 25 + b = 75
⇒ 2b = 75 – 25 = 50
⇒ b = 25
l = b + 25 = 25 + 25 = 50
Sides are 50 cm, 25 cm

Question 17.
The shorter side of a parallelogram is 4.8 cm and the longer side is half as much again as the shorter side. Find the perimeter of the parallelogram.
In a parallelogram shorter side (b) = 4.8 cm.
longer side (l) = 4.8 + \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) x 4.8
= 4.8 + 2.4 = 7.2 cm
Perimeter = 2 (l + b) = 2 (7.2 + 4.8) cm = 2 x 12.0 = 24 cm

Question 18.
Two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are (3x – 4)° and (3x + 10)°. Find the angles of the parallelogram.
Let in parallelogram ABCD,
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∠A = (3x + 4)° and ∠B = (3x + 10)°
But ∠A + ∠B = 180° (Sum of adj adjacent angles)
⇒ 3x – 4 + 3x + 10 = 180°
⇒ 6x + 6° = 180°
⇒ 6x = 180° – 6° = 174°
⇒ x = 29°
∠A = 3x – 4 = 3 x 29 – 4 = 87° – 4° = 83°
∠B = 3x + 10 = 3 x 29° + 10° = 87° + 10° = 97°
But ∠C = ∠A and ∠D = ∠B (Opposite angles)
∠C = 83° and ∠D = 97°
Hence ∠A = 83°, ∠B = 97°, ∠C = 83° and ∠D = 97°

Question 19.
In a parallelogram ABCD, the diagonals bisect each other at O. If ∠ABC = 30°, ∠BDC = 10° and ∠CAB = 70°.
Find : ∠DAB, ∠ADC, ∠BCD, ∠AOD, ∠DOC, ∠BOC, ∠AOB, ∠ACD, ∠CAB, ∠ADB, ∠ACB, ∠DBC and ∠DBA.
In parallelogram ABCD, diagonal AC and ED bisect each other at O.
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∠ABC = 30°, ∠CAB = 70° and ∠BDC = 10°
∠ADC = ∠ABC = 30° (Opposite angles)
and ∠ADB = ∠ADC – ∠BDC = 30° – 10° = 20°
AB || DC and AC is the transversal
∠ACD = ∠CAB = 70°(Altemate angles)
AB || DC and BD is transversal
∠CDB = ∠ABD = 10°(Altemate angles)
∠CAB + ∠ABC + ∠BCA = 180° (Sum of anlges of a triangle)
⇒ 70° + 30° + ∠BCA = 180°
⇒ 100° + ∠BCA = 180°
∠BCA = 180° – 100° = 80°
∠BCD = ∠BCA + ∠ACD = 80° + 70° = 150°
∠BCD = ∠DAB (Opposite angles)
⇒ ∠DAB = 150° and ∠CAD = 150° – 70° = 80°
In ∆OCD,
∠ODC + ∠OCD + ∠COD = 180° (Angles of a triangle)
⇒ ∠ACD + ∠ACD + ∠COD = 180°
⇒ 70° + 10° + ∠COD = 180°
⇒ 80° + ∠COD = 180°
⇒ ∠COD = 180° – 80° = 100°
∠COD = 100°
But ∠AOD + ∠COD = 180° (Linear pair)
⇒ ∠AOD + 100° = 180°
⇒ ∠AOD = 180° – 100° = 80°
⇒ ∠AOD = 80°
But ∠AOB = ∠COD
and ∠BOC = ∠AOD (Vertically opposite angles)
∠AOB = 100° and ∠BOC = 80°
Hence ∠DAB = 150°, ∠ADC = 30°, ∠BCD = 150°
∠AOD = 80° ∠DOC = 100°
∠BOC = 80° ∠AOB = 100°
∠ACD = 70°, ∠CAB = 70°, ∠AD = 20°, ∠ACB = 80°, ∠DBC = 20°, ∠DBA = 10

Question 20.
Find the angles marked with a question mark shown in the figure.
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In parallelogram ABCD,
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CE ⊥ AB and CF ⊥ AD
∠BCE = 40°
In ∆BCE,
∠BCE + ∠CEB + ∠EBC = 180° (Sum of angles of a triangle)
⇒ 40° + 90° + ∠EBC = 180°
⇒ 130° + ∠EBC = 180°
⇒ ∠EBC = 180° – 130° = 50°
or ∠B = 50°
But ∠D = ∠B (Opposite angles)
∠D = 50° or ∠ADC = 50°
Similarly in ∆DCF,
∠DCF + ∠CFD + ∠FDC = 180°
⇒ ∠DCF + 90° + 50° = 180°
⇒ ∠DCF + 140° = 180°
⇒ ∠DCF = 180° – 140° = 40°
But ∠C + ∠B= 180° (Sum of adjacent angles)
⇒ ∠BCE + ∠ECF + ∠DCF + ∠B = 180°
⇒ 40° + ∠ECF + 40° + 50° = 180°
⇒ ∠ECF + 130° = 180°
⇒ 40° + ∠ECF + 40° + 50° = 180°
⇒ ∠ECF + 130° = 180°
⇒ ∠ECF = 180° – 130° = 50°
∠ECF = 50°

Question 21.
The angle between the altitudes of a parallelogram through the same vertex of an obtuse angle of the parallelogram is 60°. Find the angles of the parallelogram.
In parallelogram ABCD,
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∠A is an obtused angle
AE ⊥ BC and AF ⊥ DC
∠EAF = 60°
In quadrilateral AECF,
∠EAF + ∠F + ∠C + ∠E = 360° (Sum of angles of a quadrilateral)
⇒ 60° + 90° + ∠C + 90° = 360°
⇒ 240° + ∠C = 360°
⇒ ∠C = 360° – 240° = 120°
∠C = 120°
But ∠A = ∠C (Opposite angles)
∠A = 120°
But ∠A + ∠B = 180° (Sum of adjacent angles)
⇒ 120° + ∠B = 180°
⇒ ∠B = 180° – 120° = 60°
∠B = 60°
But ∠D = ∠B (Opposite angles)
∠D = 60°
Hence ∠A = 120°, ∠B = 60°, ∠C = 120° and ∠D = 60°

Question 22.
In the figure, ABCD and AEFG are parallelograms. If ∠C = 55°, what is the measure of ∠F ?
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In the parallelogram ABCD,
∠A = ∠C …..(i) (Opposite angles of a parallelogram)
Similarly in parallelogram AEFG,
∠A = ∠F …(ii)
From (i) and (ii),
∠C = ∠F = 55° (∠C = 55°)
Hence ∠F = 55°

Question 23.
In the figure, BDEF and DCEF are each a parallelogram. It is true that BD = DC ? Why or why not ?
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In parallelogram BDEF,
BD = EF ……(i) (Opposite sides of a parallelogram)
Similarly, in parallelogram DCEF
From (i) and (ii),
Hence it is true that BD = DC.

Question 24.
In the figure, suppose it is known that DE = DF. Then is ∆ABC isosceles ? Why or why not ?
In parallelogram BDEF,
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∠B = ∠E ……(i) (Opposite angles of a parallelogram)
Similarly, in parallelogram DCEF,
∠C = ∠F ……(ii)
But DE = DF (Given)
∠E = ∠F
From (i) and (ii),
∠B = ∠C
AC = AB (Sides opposite to equal angles)
∆ABC is an isosceles triangle.

Question 25.
Diagonals of parallelogram ABCD intersect at O as shown in the figure. XY contains O, and X, Y are points on opposite sides of the parallelogram. Give reasons for each of the following:
(i) OB = OD
(ii) ∠OBY = ∠ODX
(iii) ∠BOY = ∠DOX
(iv) ∆BOY = ∆DOX
Now, state if XY is bisected at O.
In parallelogram ABCD,
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diagonals AC and BP intersect each other at O
O is the mid-point of AC and BD.
Through O, XY is draw such that X lies on AD and Y, on BC.
(i) OB = OD (O is mid-point of BD)
(ii) AD || BC and BD is transversal
∠OBY = ∠ODX (Alternate angles)
(iii) ∠BOY = ∠DOX (Vertically opposite angles)
(iv) Now in ∆BOY and ∆DOX,
∆BOY = ∆DOX (ASA axiom)
OY = OX (c.p.c.t.)
Hence XY is bisected at O.

Question 26.
In the figure ABCD is a parallelogram, CE bisects ∠C and AF bisects ∠A. In each of the following, if the statement is true, give a reason for the same.
(i) ∠A = ∠C
(ii) ∠FAB = \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) ∠A
(iii) ∠DCE = \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) ∠C
(iv) ∠CEB = ∠FAB
(v) CE || AF.
In parallelogram ABCD,
CE is the bisector of ∠C and and AF is the bisector of ∠A.
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(i) ∠A = ∠C (Opposite angles of a parallelogram)
(ii) AF is the bisector of ∠A
∠FAB = \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) ∠A
(iii) CE is the bisector of ∠C
∠DCE = \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) ∠C
(iv) From (i), (ii) and (iii)
(v) ∠FAB = ∠DCE
But these are opposite angles of quadrilateral AECF
AB or AE || DC or FC
AECF is a parallelogram
CE || AF
Hence proved

Question 27.
Diagonals of a parallelogram ABCD intersect at O. AL and CM are drawn perpendiculars to BD such that L and M lie on BD. Is AL = CM ? Why or why not ?
In parallelogram ABCD, diagonals AC and BD intersect each other at O.
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O is the mid-point of AC and BD.
AL ⊥ BD and CM ⊥ BD.
In ∆ALO and ∆CMO
∠L = ∠M (Each 90°)
∠AOL = ∠COM (Vertically opposite angles)
AO = CO (O is mid-point of AC)
∆ALO = ∆CMO (AAS axiom)
AL = CM (c.p.c.t.)
Hence proved

Question 28.
Points E and F lie on diagonal AC of a parallelogram ABCD such that AE = CF. What type of quadrilateral is BFDE ?
In parallelogram ABCD,
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AC is its diagonal. E and F are points on AC such that AE = CF
Join EB, BF, FD and DE .
Join also diagonal BD which intersects AC at O
O is the mid-point of AC and BD
But AE = CF
⇒ AO – AE = CO – CF
⇒ EO = OF
But BO = OD (O is mid-point of BD)
Diagonals EF and BD of quadrilateral bisect each other at O.
BFDE is a parallelogram.

Question 29.
In a parallelogram ABCD, AB = 10 cm, AD = 6 cm. The bisector of ∠A meets DC in E. AE and BC produced meet at F. Find the length of CF.
AB || DC
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∠DEA = ∠EAB (Alternate angles)
= ∠DAE (EA is bisector of ∠A)
In ∆DAE,
AD = DE = 6 cm
But DE = AB = 10 cm.
EC = DC – DE = 10 – 6 = 4 cm
AD || BC or BF and AF is transversal
∠DAE = ∠EFC (Alternate angle)
But ∠DAE = ∠DEA Prove
= ∠FEC (DEA = FEC vertically opposite angles)
In ∆ECF,
CE = CF = 4 cm (CE = 4 cm)


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