Sentence Reordering Class 11

This grammar section explains Online Education English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. Students can also read NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English to get good marks in CBSE Board Exams.

Online Education for Rearrange the Jumbled Words into a Meaningful Sentence for Class 11

Rearrange Sentences For Class 11 With Answers Question 1.
Rearrange the following to form meaningful sentences. [NCT 2013]
(a) the / sparrow / from / city / it / disappeared / house / has / seems / common / the / that
(b) factors / and / pollution / herbs / native / important / the / responsible / are / loss / shrubs / of / and

(a) It seems that the common house sparrow has disappeared from the city.
(b) The important factors responsible are pollution and loss of native herbs and shrubs.

Jumbled Sentences For Class 11 Question 2.
Rearrange the following jumbled words to form meaningful sentences. [NCT 2012]
(a) to / the popularity / every corner / junk food / has led / of eating / joints / around / of / the / opening
(b) believed in / people of India / the sacredness of / have traditionally / wildlife

(a) The popularity of junk food has led to the opening of eating joints around every corner.
(b) People of India have traditionally believed in the sacredness of wildlife.

Jumbled Sentences Class 11 Question 3.
Rearrange the following words or phrases to form meaningful sentences. [NCT 2011 ]
(a) it / is / life / we / what / make
(b) age / of / at / five I a I years / child / not / much / does / understand

(a) We make life what it is.
(b) At five years of age, a child does not understand much.

Rearrange The Sentence Class 11 Question 3.
Rearrange the following words or phrases to make meaningful sentences. [NCT 2010]
(a) the / on / forests / the / industry / oil / depends
(b) give / to / armies / wars / forests / during / our / cover (cj do / get / the / forests / from / what / we / products?

(a) The oil industry depends on the forests.
(b) Forests give cover to our armies during wars.
(c) What products do we get from the forests?

Rearrange The Following Sentence Question 2.
Rearrange the following words or ph rases to make meaningful sentences.
(a) to / her / all / friends / birthday / next week / party / she is inviting
(b) architecture / I would / like to / books / on / look at / indian / the
(c) than / no / mist / sooner / did / the / the / disappeared / sun / rise

(a) She is inviting all friends to her birthday party next week.
(b) I would like to look at the books on Indian architecture.
(c) No sooner did the sun rise, than the mist disappeared.

Rearranging Sentences For Class 11 Question 6.
Rearrange the given words and phrases to make meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example.
(a) occupy / history / in / of / india / honoured / Rajputs / the / the / an / place The’ Rajputs occupy an honoured place in the history of India.
(b) war-like / patriotic / proud / and / were / they / people
(c) lay / honour / their / would / they / down / lives / their / uphold / to

(b) They were proud, patriotic and war-like people.
(c) They would lay down their lives to uphold their honour.

Jumbled Words Class 11 Question 7.
Re-arrange the jumbled words to form meaningful sentences.
(a) began to / the station / cards / the train / when / play / whistled off / we / from
(b) of smoke / outside / a ring / there / curling / the kitchen / out of / was / the chimney

(a) When the train whistled off from the station, we began to play cards.
(b) Outside the kitchen there was a ring of smoke curling out of the chimney.

Sentence Reordering Class 11 Mcq Question 8.
Rearrange the words or phrases given below to make meaningful sentences.
(a) they / in the hall / for / two hours / watching / had been / television
(b) blessings / you / all / on / may / showered / be

(a) They had been watching television in the hall for two hours.
(b) May all blessings be showered on you

Class 11 Reordering Of Sentences Question 9.
Rearrange the following words in meaningful sentences.
(a) the / had / crying / been / child / the / hours / two / last / for
(b) fly / to escape / south / starvation / to / chill / and / they

(a) The child had been crying for the last two hours.
(b) They fly to south to escape chill and starvation.

Rearrangement Of Sentences Class 11 Question 10.
Rearrange the following words in meaningful sentences.
(a) has a / range / Hyde Park / wide / of / facilities
(b) lake / is / for / the / popular / boating / and swimming

(a) Hyde Park has a wide range of facilities.
(b) The lake is popular for boating and swimming.

Sentence Reordering For Class 11 Question 11.
Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences in your answer sheet.
(a) fear / farmers / displacement / from / economic zones / special / large-scale
(b) carefully / walk / lest / fall / should / you

(a) Farmers fear large-scale displacement from special economic zones.
(b) Walk carefully lest you should fall.

Rearrange The Words To Make Meaningful Sentences With Answers Question 12.
Rearrange the following words to form meaningful sentences. One has been done for you.
(a) oil / was found / in the 1960s / north sea / the / under
(b) designed/as a result/new rigs/were

(a) Oil was found under the North sea in the 1960s.
(b) As a result, new rigs were designed.

Rearrange The Jumbled Words To Make Meaningful Sentences Question 13.
Rearrange the words given below to make meaningful sentences.
(a) where / a / for / and / reading / are / a library / stored / place / books / is / kept
(b) a / books / of / good / all kinds / library / found/ are / in

(a) A library is a place where books are kept and stored for reading.
(b) All kinds of books are found in a good library.

Question 14.
Rearrange the following words to form meaningful sentences. [NCT 2019]
(a) providence / Vivekananda / in / of / believed / the / God
(b) world / country / finest / is / the / in / the / India / our

(a) Vivekananda believed in the providence of God.
(b) Our India is the finest country in the world.

Question 15.
Rearrange the following words or phrases to form meaningful sentences: [NCT 2014]
(a) baking / powder / dough / with / flour / make / butter / eggs / and / soft.
(b) knead / well / and / keep / with / it / in / water / the / fridge / after / this / for / one / warm / hour.

(a) Butter, eggs and baking powder with flour make soft dough.
(b) Knead it well with warm water and after this keep in the fridge for one hour.