NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement

These Solutions are part of NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology. Here we have given NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement.


Question 1.
Name the cells/ tissues in human body which
(a) exhibit amoeboid movement
(b) exhibit ciliary movement
(a) Macrophages and leucocytes in blood exhibit amoeboid movement. Cytoskeletal elements like microfilaments are also involved in amoeboid movement.
(b) Ciliary Movement occurs mostly in the internal organs, lined by the ciliated epithelium, e.g., cilia in trachea helps in removing dust particle and foreign substances inhaled along with atmospheric air.
Passage of ova through the female reproductive tract is also facilitated by the ciliary movement. This is due to the presence of ciliated epithelium in the Fallopian tube.

Question 2.
Locomotion requires a perfect coordinated activity of muscular …… systems.
Locomotion requires a prefect coordinated activity of muscular, skeletal and neural systems.

Question 3.
Sarcolemma, sarcoplasm and sarcoplasmic reticulum refer to particular type of cell in our body. Which is this cell and to what parts of that cell do these names refer to?
Muscle fibre is lined by the plasma membrane called sarcolemma. Muscle fibre is a syncitium because sarcoplasm (the cytoplasm) of muscle fibre contains number of nuclei and sarcoplasmic reticulum is the endoplasmic reticulum of the muscle fibre and is the store house of calcium ions.

Question 4.
Label the different components of actin filament in the diagram given below
NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement 4.1v
Each actin filament is made of two ‘F (filamentous) actins helically wound to each other and each ‘F’ actin is a polymer of monomeric ‘G’ (globular) actins.
The different components of action filament can be represented as
NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement 4.2v

Question 5.
What is the difference between the matrix of bones and cartilage?
Difference between the matrix of ones and cartilage
NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement 5.1v

Question 6.
Which tissue is affected by mysthenia gravis? What is the underlying cause.
Myasthenia gravis is autoimmune disorder of skeletal muscle, which affects neuromuscular junction, that leads to fatigue, weakening and paralysis of the skeletal muscle.

Question 7.
How do our bone joints function without grinding noise and pain?
The presence of synovial fluid, between articulating surface of the two bones enclosed within synovial cavity of synovial joints to enables out joints to function without grinding noise and pain.

Question 8.
Give the location of a ball and socket joint in a human body.
In human body Ball and socket joint are present between humerus and pectoral girdle. These joints allows free movement of bone in all direction. E.g., shoulder joints (humerus bone in socket of pectoral girdle) and


Question 1.
With respect to rib cage, explain the following
(a) bicephalic ribs
(b) true ribs
(c) floating ribs
There are 12 pairs of ribs. Each rib consist of a thin flat bone dorsally connected to the vertebral column and ventrally to the sternum.
(a) Bicephalic ribs each rib has two articulating surfaces on its dorsal end hence, are called as bicephatic ribs.
(b) The first seven pairs of ribs are true ribs. These ribs are dorsally attached to the thoracic vertebrae and ventrally connected to the sternum with the help of hyaline cartilage.
(c) The last two pair (11th and 12th) of ribs are not connected ventrally to the sternum therefore, called as floating ribs.
NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement 1.1s

Question 2.
Exchange of calcium between bone and ^extracellular fluid takes place under the
influence of certain hormones
(a) What will happen if of Ca2+ is in extracellular fluid?
(b) What will happen if very less amount of Ca2+ is in the extracellular fluid?
Parathyroid and thyroid glands, function under the feed back control of blood calcium
(a) More Ca2+ concentration in extracellular fluid is associated with hyperparathyroidism. It causes demineralisation, resulting in softening and bending of the bones. This condition leads to osteoprosis.
(b) Very less amount of Ca2+ in extracellular fluid is associated with hypoparathyroidism. This increases the excitability or nerves and muscles, causing cramps, sustained contraction of the muscles of larynx, face, hands and feet. This disorder called parathyroid tetany or hypercalcemic tetany.

Question 3.
Rahul exercises regularly by visiting a gymnasium. Of late he is gaining weight. What could be the reasons? Choose the correct answer and elaborate.
(a) Rahul has gained weight due to accumulation of fats in body
(b) Rahul has gained weight due to increased muscle and less of fat
(c) Rahul has gained weight because his muscle shape has improved
(d) Rahul has gained weight because he is accumulating water in the body
(b) Rahul has gained weight because the shape of his muscle has changed. Regular exercise increases the body muscle. There is an enlargement of muscles due to increase in the amount of sarcoplasm and mitochondria and the strength he to developed led him to gain the mass and size of body muscle and reduction in fat content.

Question 4.
Radha was running on a treadmill at a great speed for 15 minutes continuously. She stopped the treadmill and abruptly came out. For the next few minutes, she was breathing heavily/fast. Answer the following questions.
(a) What happened to her muscles when she did strenuously exercised?
(b) How did her breathing rate change?
(a) Her muscles got fatigues due to continuous exercise because of the accumulation of lactic acid within skeletal muscles. Pain is also often experienced in the fatigued muscles.
(b) Her breathing rate changes from normal to
high as during as her body muscles require thus oxygen for the ATP production, than the normal value, her breathing thus enhances, to take most oxygen from the atmosphere.

Question 5.
Write a few lines about gout.
Gout is a disease caused due to improper purine metabolism. It causes accumulation of uric acid and its crystals in the joints. The level of uric acid and crystals of its salts get raised in blood causing their accumulation in the joint to which causes gouty arthritis. The excess of urates in blood can also lead to the formation stones in the kidneys.

Question 6.
What are the points for articulation of pelvic and pectoral girdles?

  1. Each half of the pectoral girdle consist of a clavicle and a scapula.
  2. The dorsal flat, triangular body of scapula has a slightly elevated ridge called the spine that, projects flat expanded process called the acromion and the clavicle articulating with it.
  3. There a depression below the acromion is called the glenoid cavity which articulates with the head of the humerous to form the shoulder joint.
  4. Pelvic girdle consist of two coxal bones, each formed by the fusioin of three bones, ilium, ischium and pubis. It articulates with femur through a cavity called acetabulum forming thigh joint.


Question 1.
How does a muscle shorten during its contracting and return to its original form during relaxation?
Muscles contract due to formation of cross-bridge between the actin and myosin filament
(i) An ATP molecule j oins the active site on the head of myosin myofilament. These heads contains an enzyme, myosin ATPase along with Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions that catalyses the break down of ATP.
NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement 1.3l
(ii) The energy is transferred to myosin head which straightens to join an active site on actin myofilament, forming a across-
NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement 1.1l
(iii) The energised cross-bridges move, causing the attached actin filaments to move towards the centre of A-band. The Z-line is also pulled inwards causing shortening of sarcomere, contraction. During contraction A-bands retain the length, while I-bands get reduced.
(iv) The myosin head releases ADP and Pi where relaxes to its low energy state. The head detaches from actin myofilaments when new ATP molecule joins it and cross-bridge are broken.
(v) In the next cycle, the free head cleaves the new ATP. The cycles of cross-bridge formation and breakage is repeated causing further sliding.
NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement 1.2l
(vi) After contraction muscle relaxation occurs when the calcium ions are pumped back to the sarcoplasmic cistemae, thus, blocking the sites on actin myofilaments. The Z-line returns to original positions or relaxation.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement

These Solutions are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement.

Question 1.
Draw the diagram of a sarcomere of skeletal.
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement 1

Question 2.
Define sliding filament theory of muscle contraction.
The mechanism of muscle contraction is best explained by the sliding filament theory which states that contraction of a muscle fiber takes place by sliding of the thin filaments over the thick filaments.

Question 3.
Describe the important steps in muscle contraction.
Muscle contraction is initiated by a signal sent by the central nervous system (CNS) via a motor neuron. A motor neuron along with the muscle fibers connected to it constitutes a motor unit. The junction between a motor neuron and the sarcolemma of the muscle fiber is called the neuromuscular junction or motor-end plate. A neural signal reaching this junction releases a neurotransmitter (Acetylcholine) which generates an action potential in the sarcolemma. This spreads through the muscle fiber and causes the release of calcium ions into the sarcoplasm. An increase in Ca++ level leads to the binding of calcium with a subunit of troponin on actin filaments and thereby removes the masking of active sites for myosin.

Utilizing the energy from ATP hydrolysis, the myosin head now binds to the exposed active sites on actin to form a cross bridge. This pulls the attached actin filaments towards the center of the A-bonds. The Z-line attached to these actions is also pulled inwards thereby causing a shortening of the sarcomere i.e., contraction. It is clear from the above steps, that during shortening of the muscle i.e., contraction, the ‘I’ bonds are getting reduce whereas the A-bonds are retaining the length. The myosin, releasing the ADP and p1 goes back to its relaxed state.

A new ATP binds and the cross-bridge is broken. This causes the return of Z-lines back to their original position i.e., relaxation. The reaction time of the fibers can vary in different muscles. Repeated activation of the muscles can lead to the accumulation of lactic acid due to the anaerobic breakdown of glycogen in them, causing fatigue. Muscle contains a red-colored oxygen storing pigment called myoglobin. Myoglobin content is high in some of the muscles which gives a reddish appearance. Such muscles are called the Red muscles. These muscles also contain plenty of mitochondria which can utilize a large amount of oxygen stored in them for ATP production.

These muscles, therefore, can also be called aerobic muscles. On the other hand, some of the muscles possess a very little quantity of myoglobin and therefore, appear pale or whitish. These are the white fibers. The number of mitochondria is also few in them, but the amount of sarcoplasmic reticulum is high. They depend on the anaerobic process for energy.

Question 4.
Write true or false. If false, change the statement so that it is true.

  1. Actin is present in the thin filament.
  2. H-zone of striated muscle fibre represents both thick and thin filaments.
  3. The human skeleton has 206 bones.
  4. There are 11 pairs of ribs in man.
  5. The sternum is present on the ventral side of the body.


  1. True
  2. False: The H-zone of striated muscle fibre represents only thick filaments.
  3. True
  4. False: There are 12 pairs of ribs in man.
  5. True

Question 5.
Write the differences between.
(a) Actin and Myosin
(b) Red and White muscles
(c) Pectoral and Pelvic girdle
(a) Differences between actin and myosin are as following;
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement 2
(b) The main difference between red muscles and white muscles are as following :
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement 3
(c) The main difference between the pectoral girdle and pelvic girdle are as following:
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement 4

Question 6.
Match Column I with Column II
Column I                                            Column II
(a) Smooth muscle                         (i) Myoglobin
(b) Tropomyosin                            (ii) Thin filament
(c) Red muscle                               (iii) Sutures
(d) Skull                                         (iv) Involuntary
(a)– (iv)
(c) -(i)
(d) – (iii)

Question 7.
What are the different types of movements exhibited by the cells of the human body?
Cells of the human body exhibit three main types of movements, namely, amoeboid, ciliary and muscular. Some specialized cells in our body like macrophages and leucocytes in blood exhibit amoeboid movement. It is affected by pseudopodia formed by the streaming of protoplasm (as in Amoeba). Cytoskeletal elements like microfilaments are also involved in the amoeboid movement.

Ciliary movement occurs in most of our internal tubular organs which are lined by ciliated epithelium. The coordinated movements of cilia in the trachea help us in removing dust particles and some of the foreign substances inhaled along with the atmospheric air. Passage of ova through the female reproductive tract is also facilitated by the ciliary movement. Movement of our limbs, jaws, tongue, etc, requires muscular movement. The contractile property of muscles is effectively used for locomotion and other movements by human beings and the majority of multicellular organisms. Locomotion requires a perfect coordinated activity of muscular, skeletal, and neural systems.

Question 8.
How do you distinguish between a skeletal muscle and a cardiac muscle?
The main difference between skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle are as following:
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement 5

Question 9.
Name the type of joint between the following:
(a) Atlas/Axis
(b) Carpal/metacarpal of the thumb
(c) Between phalanges
(d) Femur/acetabulum
(e) Between cranial bones
(f) Between pubic bones in the pelvic girdle
(a) Pivot joint
(b) Saddlejoint
(c) Gliding joint
(d) Ball and socket joint
(e) Fibrous joint
(f) Cartilagenousjoint

Question 10.
Fill in the blank spaces:
(a) All mammals (except a few) have ………….. cervical vertebra.
(b) The number of phalanges in each limb of a human is …………
(c) Thin filament of myofibril contains 2 ‘F’ actins and two other proteins namely ………. and ……………….
(d) In a muscle fibre Ca++ is stored in ……………
(e) …….. and ……….. pairs of ribs are called floating ribs.
(f) The human cranium is made of ……………. bones.
(a) Seven
(b) Fourteen
(c) Troponin, tropomyosin
(d) Sarcoplasmic reticulum
(e) 11th, 12th
(f) Eight


Question 1.
What causes gouty arthritis in humans?
Gouty arthritis (= Gout) is caused either due to excessive formation of uric acid or inability to excrete it.

Question 2.
How many tarsals are there in the ankle?

Question 3.
What are the bones of the heel called?

Question 4.
How many types of movement shows by the human body?
Three types of movements: amoeboid, ciliary, and muscular movement.

Question 5.
Name the lubricant which is responsible for the movable joint at the shoulder.
Synovial fluid.

Question 6.
Give two disorders of skeleton and joints.
Arthritis and Osteoporosis.

Question 7.
Mention two sites on all bodies where striated muscles are present.
Limbs and tongue.

Question 8.
Name the two filaments which form the cross-bridges during muscle contraction?
Actin and myosin.

Question 9.
Name the monomers of myosin.

Question 10.
How many ribs are present in adult men?
Twelve pairs.

Question 11.
Name the single U-shaped bone present at the base of the buccal cavity.

Question 12.
Name the location where Z-line is present in the sarcomere.
Centre of I band.

Question 13.
What is the total number of bones present in the left pectoral girdle and the left arm respectively in a normal human?
Left pectoral girdle – 2
Left-arm – 30

Question 14.
Name the kind of joint which permits movements in a single plane only.
Hinge joint.

Question 15.
What are neuromuscular junctions?
The junction between a motor neuron and the sarcolemma of a muscle fiber is known as the neuromuscular junction.

Question 16.
Why are the ribs described as bicephalic?
Since each rib has two articulation surfaces on its dorsal end, it is described as bicephalic.

Question 17.
What is acromion?
It is a flat expanded process projecting from the spine of the scapula; the clavicle articulates with it.

Question 18.
What is arthritis?
Arthritis is painful stiffness and inflammation of joints.

Question 19.
What is sarcomere?
A sarcomere is a structural unit within a microfibril bounded by Z lines that contain actin and myosin.

Question 20.
Which muscle protein acts as ATPase?


Question 1.
What causes osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a disease in which bone loses minerals and fibres from its matrix. There are more chances of fractures. Decreased level of estrogen is a common cause.

Question 2.
Why a red muscle fibre can work for a prolonged period, while a white muscle fiber suffers from fatigue soon?
Red muscle fibres contain myoglobin that stores oxygen in the form of oxymyoglobin.
Since, there is a continuous supply of oxygen; for the oxidation of food materials to release energy, the red muscle fibers retain energy and do not become fatigued and work for long periods whereas white muscle fibres lack myoglobin. At times they carry out anaerobic respiration and become fatigued.

Question 3.
Name the major components of the appendicular skeleton.
It is situated at the lateral sides which actually extend outwards from the principal axis. It consists of pectoral and pelvic girdles and bones of arms and legs.

Question 4.
What is the sarcoplasmic reticulum? What is its function?
The endoplasmic reticulum of muscle fiber is called the sarcoplasmic reticulum which acts as a storehouse of calcium ions.

Question 5.
Differentiate between A and I bands.
The main differences between A-band and I-band are as following :
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement 6

Question 6.
Draw the labeled diagram of the pectoral girdle and upper arm.
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement 7

Question 7.
Differentiate between bone and cartilage.
The main differences between bone and cartilage are as following:
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement 8

Question 8.
Describe the vertebro-chondral ribs.
Vertejno-chondral ribs

  • 8th, 9th and 10th pairs of ribs are called vertebro-chondral (false) ribs.
  • They remain attached dorsally to the respective thoracic vertebrae and vertrally to the sternum through the seventh rib by hyaline cartilage.

Question 9.
How muscular contraction is triggered?
It is triggered by nerve releasing a neurotransmitter, which in turn triggeres the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release calcium ions into muscle interior. Where they bind to troponin, thus causing tropomyosin to shift from the face of the actin filament to which myosin heads need to produce a contraction.


Question 1.
Draw a well diagram of human skull.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 20 Locomotion and Movement 9

Question 2.
Write short notes on:
(a) Muscular dystrophy
(b) Tetany
(c) Myasthenia gravis
Muscular dystrophy
The abnormality of muscles associated with dysfunction and ultimately deterioration is called muscular dystrophy. It is a genetic disorder caused by lack of dystrophin.
Myasthenia gravis: It is an auto-immune disorder that affecting neuromuscular junction and leads to fatigue, weakening, and paralysis of skeletal muscles. ‘
Tetany: The rapid spasm and (wild contractions) is called tetany. In this case, the muscles do not get a chance to relax at all. It is caused due to deficiency of parathyroid hormone and thus lowering Ca++ in blood fluid.

Question 3.
Give differences between movable and immovable joints?
Differences between movable and immovable joint are tabulated below:
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Question 4.
Describe the structure of the rib cage of a human.
Rib Cage: There are 12 pairs of ribs. Each rib is a thin flat bone connected dorsally to the vertebral column and ventrally to the sternum. It has two articulation surfaces on its dorsal end and is hence called bicephalic. First, seven pairs of ribs are called true ribs.

Dorsally, they are attached to the thoracic vertebrae and ventrally connected to the sternum with the help of hyaline cartilage. The 8th, 9th, and 10th pairs of ribs do not articulate directly with the sternum but join the seventh rib with the help of hyaline cartilage. These are called vertebrochondral (false) ribs. The last 2 pairs (11th and 12th) of ribs are not connected ventrally and are, therefore, called floating ribs. Thoracic vertebrae, ribs, and sternum together form the rib cage.

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