NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants

These Solutions are part of NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology. Here we have given NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants.


Question 1.
Smaller, lipid soluble molecules diffuse faster through cell membrane, but the movement of hydrophilic substances are facilitated by certain transporters which are chemically…….. .
The movement of hydrophilic substances are facilitated by transporters which are chemically proteins. These proteins form porins, which are huge pores in the outer membranes of the plastids, mitochondria and some bacteria. These porins allow passage of small molecules through the membrane.

Question 2.
In a passive transport across a membrane. When two protein molecules move in opposite direction and independent of each other, it is called as………… .
NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants 1.1

Antiport which facilitates transport of molecules in both the directions across the membrane and their movement is independent of each other.

Question 3.
Osmosis is a special kind of diffusion, in which water diffuses across the cell membrane. The rate and direction of osmosis depends upon both………. .
The rate and direction of osmosis is dependent upon the pressure and concentration gradient.

Question 4.
A flowering plant is planted in a earthen pot and irrigated. Urea is added to make the plant grow faster, but after sometime the plant dies. This may be due to ………… .
The solution outside the plant is an hypertonic solution, and the plant cells are hypotonic in nature, so there is a gradual movement of water from plant cell to outside urea solution leading to plasmolysis of root cells and plant dies gradually due to exosmosis.

Question 5.
Absorption of water from soil by dry seeds increases the, thus helping seedlings to come out of soil.

Imbibition of water by seed materials as starch and protein, pushes the seedlings out of the soil causing the seed to swell and increase of imbibition pressure inside the seed, contributes for germination of seeds.

Question 6.
Water moves up against gravity and even for a tree of 20 m height, the tip receives water within two hours. The most important physiological phenomenon which is responsible for the upward movement of water is………. .
Transpiration pull is the physiological phenomenon which is responsible for the upward movement of water in tall trees the water molecules transpire from stomata, which pulls water molecules upward to the leaf from the continuous chain of water molecules carried by xylem

Question 7.
The plant cell cytoplasm is surrounded by both cell wall and cell membrane. The specificity of transport of substances are mostly across the cell membrane, because……… .
Transpiration pull is the physiological phenomenon which is responsible for the upward movement of water in tall trees the water molecules transpire from stomata, which pulls water molecules upward to the leaf from the continuous chain of water molecules carried by xylem

Question 8.
The C4 plants are twice as efficient as C3 plants in terms of fixing C02 but lose only…. as much water C3 plants for the same amount of C02 fixed.
C4 plants are twice as efficient as C3 plants in terms of fixing carbon in the form of glucose, but lose only half as much water as a C3 plant for the same amount of C2 fixed.

Question 9.
Movement of substances in xylem is unidirectional while in phloem it is bidirectional. Explain
Cell cycle is under genetic control and is a sequential event. Every cell prepares itself before it starts dividing. This preparation takes place in interphase stage of the cell cycle.
Xylem is involved in the one way transport of water and minerals from soil to root ’ —> stem —> leaves. Several forces like imbibition, root pressure and finally transpiration pull. Act in this mechanism, It is a undirectional process as there is continuous loss of water at me body surface of plants.

The main function of Phloem is to transport food from source to sink where source is the part of plant responsible for food synthesis and sink are the organs requiring food for their growth and development.

These source and sink parts of a plants may vary in different phases of growth, thus the food needs to travel in both upwards and downward direction. So, phloem shows bidirectional movement of substances.

Question 10
Define water potential and solute potential.
Water potential is a measure of free energy associated with water per unit volume (JM -3).
The water potential of pure (φw) at atmosp-heric Pressure is zero.
Additional of solutes reduce water potential (to a negative value). This reduces the of water concentration. Solutions thus have a lower water potential than pure water, the magnitude of this lowering due to dissolution of solute is called
solute potential of φs.

Question 11
An onion peel was taken and
(a) placed in salt solution for five minutes.
(b) after that it was placed in distilled water. When seen under the microscope what would be observed in (a) and (b) ?
(a) When placed in salt solution an onion peel shrinks as water from cytoplasm of cell moves out of the cell to wards hypertonic solution.
(b) When again placed back in distilld water, cell regains it’s shape and absorbs water and become turgid.

Question 12
How does most of the water moves within the root?
Water mostly flows in the roots via the apoplast pathway as the cortical cells are loosly packed and hence offer no resistance to water movement, through mass flow. This mass flow of water occurs due to adhesive and cohesive properties of water.
Like, symplast pathway is also involved in the movement of water molecules within the root (like, via endodermis to xylem).

Question 13
Transpiration is a necessary evil in plants. Explain.
Loss of water in the form of water vapours from the surface of leaves of plant is called transpiration.
Transpiration a necessary evil because the plant continuously lose water in the vapour form from its body surfaces, Which creates a transpiration pull to absorb more and more water from soil through roots.
If water is not available to plants in soil, even then loss through transpiration does not ceasle, so plants sometimes sbfrws wilting.

Question 14
Describe briefly the three physical properties of water which helps in ascent of water in xylem.
The following are physical properties of water that helps in ascent up to xylem.
Cohesive properties — Provider mutual attraction between molecules
Adhesive properties — Causes attraction of water molecules to polar surfaces (of tracheids)
Surface tension — Water molecules get attracted to each other more in liquid phase than in gas phase.

Question 15
Identify a type of molecular movement which is highly selective and requires special membrane proteins, but does not require energy.
Facilitated diffusion’s is a highly selective passive process. Facilitated diffusion cause net transport of molecules from a low to high concentration. In facilitated diffusion special proteins help in movement of substances across the membrane without expenditure of ATP energy.

Question 16
Correct the statements.
(a) Cells shrink in hypotonic solutions and swell in hypertonic solutions.
(b) Imbibition is special type of diffusion when water is absorbed ‘*y living cells.
(c) Most of the water flow in the roots occurs via the symplast.
(a) The cell swellSHORT ANSWER QUESTIONSter is adsorbed by living cells.
(c) Most of the water flow in roots occurs via the apoplast way.


Question 1.
Minerals absorbed by the roots travel up the xylem. How do they reach the parts where they are needed most? Do all the parts of the plant get the same amount of the minerals?

  1. The sabsorbed mineral are transported through the transpiration steam up the stem, to all parts of plant.
  2. The growing region of the plant, such as the apical and lateral meristems, young leaves, developing flowers, fruits, seeds and the storage organs are the chief sinks for the mineral elements.
  3. Uploading of the mineral ions occurs via fine vein endings through diffusion and active uptake by the cells.
  4. Xylem are involved in transport of inorganic nutrients where phloem transport only organic materials in plants.
  5. Mineral ions are frequently remobilised from older parts of plant like leaves to the younger regions.
  6. Most readily mobilised elements are phosphorus, sulphur, nitrogen, potassium, and some elements like calcium that forms the structural component are not remobilised.

Question 2.
Water is indispensable for life. What properties of water make it useful for all biological process on the earth?
Following are the properties of water that make it useful for all biological processes.
(i) Water is the major solvent through which mineral nutrients enter a Plant from the soil solution.
(ii) It is an ideal solvent with neutral pH.
(iii) Water is the major constituent of protoplasm, it constitutes approximately 90% of the protoplasm.
(iv) Water acts as a medium for translocation of nutritive substances. Mineral nutrients are absorbed by the roots. Carbohydrates that are formed during photosynthesis are transported by water from cell to cell, tissue to tissue and organ to organ.
(v) Water is involved in photosynthesis in plants, as it incorporates hydrogen atom into carbohydrate and releases oxygen atoms as O2.
(vi) Water acts as an agent for temperature control. The specific heat of water helps plant in maintaining a relatively stable internal temperature.
(vii) Water is necessary for pollination in some plants in bryophytes and pteridophytes, water are essentially requires for the fertilisation process.

Question 3.
How is it that the intracellular levels of K+ are higher than extracellular levels in animal cells?
The excitability of sensory cells, neurons and muscles is dependent on ion channels, signal transducers that provide a regulated path for the movement of inorganic ions such as Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Cl across the plasma membrane in response to various stimuli.
Ion channels are ‘gated’ mplying that they may be open or closed. The Na+, K+, ATPase create a charge imbalance across the plasma membrane by carrying 3Na+ out of the cell for every 2K+ ion carried inside making the inside relatively negative outside.
The membrane is said to be polarised. That is the reason the intracellular levels ofK+ are higher than extracellular levels in animals cells.
NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants 1.2

Question 4.
In a girdled plant, when water is supplied to the leaves above the girdle, leaves may remain green for sometime then wilt and ultimately die. What does it indicate?
When water is supplied in a girdle plant to the leaves above the girdle, leaves may remain green for sometime because leaves can synthesise their own carbohydrate food through photosynthesis, they however, gradually wilt due to non-availability of water.
The system of xylem vessels from root to the leaf vein can supply the needed water during girding there is a possible loss of xylem vessels and the water supply is cut off, resulting in death of the plant.

Question 5.
Various types of transport mechanisms are needed to fulfil the mineral requirements of a plant. Why are they not fulfilled by diffusion alone?
Ions, minerals and organic compound are transported in plants in various ways which include.
(i) Food substances ways which include v synthesised in leaves are translocated
downward towards root and stem.
(ii) Food is translocated upwards to the developing leaves, buds and fruits.
(iii) Radial transport of food occurs across the stem from the cells of pith, from cortex etc, towards epidermis.
(iv) Ions and minerals are transported upwards through xylem.
Diffusion is a slow process and allows movement of molecules only for short distances, so it cannot carry out the movements of organic and inorganic substances mentioned above. Therefore, a need arises for special long distance transport systems that permits and moves substances at a much faster rate, i.e., mas of bulk flow system through conducting tissues (translocation).

Question 6.
Will the ascent of sap be possible without the cohesion and adhesion of the water molecules? Explain.
Ascent of sap is not possible without the cohesive and adhesive properties of water they play an important role in transport of water due to the following reasons
(i) Cohesion forces hold the water molecule together in the conducting channels, so vaccum is not created.
(ii) Adhesive forces acting between the water molecule and cellulose of cell wall make a thin film of water along the channels so that this film is pulled up by transpiration pull drawing more and more water upwards in the conducting channels from the root.

Question 7.
When a freshly collected Spirogyra filament is kept in a 10% potassium nitrate solution, it is observed that the protoplasm shrinks in size
(a) What is this phenomenon called?
(b) What will happen if the filament is replaced in distilled water?
(a) The phenomenon, occurring is Spirogyra filament when placed in 10% potassium nitrate solution (hypertonic solution) is Plasmolysis. It occurs as water from the cell is drawn put to extracellular fluid causing the protoplast to shrink away from cell wall.
(b) The Spirogyra upon reabsorption of water, causes the protoplast to regain its original shape. This phenomenon is known as  deplasmolysis.

Question 8.
What are ‘aquaporins’? How does presence of aquaporins affect osmosis?
Aquaporins are integral membrane proteins which form pores or channels in the membrane.
The water flows is more rapid through these pores to inside of the cell, as compared to the process of diffusion.
These are plumbing systems of the cells. They selectively conduct water in and out of the cells, while preventing the passage of ions and other solutes.

Question 9.
ABA (Abscicis Acid) is called a stress hormone.
A.How does this hormone overcome stress conditions?
B. From where does this hormone get released in leave?
A. Stress hormone ABA (Abscisic Acid) induces closing of stomata, whenever there is scarcity of water available to the plant. This prevents the loss of water through transpiration by leaves. It also increases the tolerance of plants to various kinds of stresses.
B. (ABA) is released or transported from the stem apices to leaves.

Question 10.
How is facilitated diffusion different from diffusion?
Difference between cytokinesis in plant cell and animal cell is as follows.
NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants 1.3

Question 11.
Observe the diagram and answer the following.
NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants 1.4

(a) Are these types of guard cells found in monocots or dicots?
(b) Which of these shows a higher water content (i) or (ii)?
(c) Which element plays an important role in the opening and closing of stomata?
(a) The guard cells that are bean-shaped are
found in dicot plants.
(b) The guards cells in figure (i) are turgid as, they pull the inner wall of the cell outside thus, they have more water in figure (ii) cells are flaccid, this condition results when cells lose water and close stomatal pore.
(c) The K+ ions move from neighbouring cells to guards cells, lowering their water potential and as a result the water moves inside making them turgid and thus opening stomata.

Question 12.
Define uniport, symport and antiport. Do they require energy?

  1. For movement of substances the biological membranes have many mechanism.
  2. Some are active and some are passive. Specific membrane proteins are also involved for special types of transport mechanisms. These mechanisms include:
  3. Uniport is a membrane transport system by an integral membrane protein that is involved in facilitated diffusion.
  4. These channels open in response to a stimulus for free flow of specific molecules in a specific direction. These channels transport molecule with a solute gradient without energy expenditure.
  5. Symport involves the movement of two or more different molecules or ions, across the membrane in the same direction, with no expenditure of energy.
  6. Antiport is called exchanger. This integral membrane protein is involved in secondary active transport of two or more different molecules or ions across the membrane in opposite directions, without affecting the transport of other molecules.
    NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants 1.5


Question 1.
Minerals are present in the soil in sufficient amounts. Do plants need to adjust the type of solutes that reach the xylem? Which molecules help to adjust this? How do plants regulate the type and quantity of solutes that reach xylem?

  • Plants do need to adjust the type and quantity of solutes that reach the xylem.
  • The transport of proteins in endodermal celr help in maintaining and adjusting solute movement.
  • The minerals are present in soil as charged particles with a very low concentration compared to that of roots, and thus cannot be completely transported passively across the cell membranes of roots hairs.
  • Minerals are thus transported both by active and passive processes, to the xylem.
  • Upon reaching xylem, they are further transported, upwards to sinks through transpiration stream.
  • At the sink regions mineral ions are unloaded through diffusion and active uptake by receptor cells. The mineral ions moving frequently through xylem include.

(i) Sulphur and Phosphorus in small amounts are carried in organic forms.
(ii) Njtrogen travels in plants as inorganic ions N02 and N03 but much of the nitrogen moves in the form of amino acids and related organic compounds.
(iii) Mineral ions are frequently remobilised particularly from older senescing parts. Older dying leaves export much of their mineral content to younger leaves. Similarly, before leaf fall in deciduous plants, minerals are removed to other parts.
The most readily mobilised elements are phosphorus, sulphur, nitrogen and potassium. Structural components elements like calcium are not remobilised.

Question 2.
Plants show temporary and permanent wilting. Differentiate between the two. Do any of them indicate the water status of the soil?
The loss of turgidity of leaves and other soft aerial parts of a plant causing dropping, folding and rolling of non-woody plants is wilting. It occurs when rate of loss of water is higher than the rate of absorption.
NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants 1.6

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NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants

These Solutions are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants.

Question 1.
What are the factors affecting the rate of diffusion?
Diffusion rates are affected by the gradient of concentration, the permeability of the membrane separating them, temperature, and pressure.

Question 2.
What are porins? What role do they play in diffusion?
Porins are proteins that form huge pores in outer membranes of plastids, mitochondria and some bacteria, allowing molecules upto the size of small proteins to pass through. Thus porins facilitate diffusion.

Question 3.
Describe the role played by protein pumps during active transport in plants.
Active transport uses energy to pump molecules against a concentration gradient. Active transport is carried out by membrane-proteins. Hence different proteins in the membrane play a major role in both active as well as passive transport. Pumps are proteins that use energy to carry substances across the cell membrane.

This pump can transport substances from a low concentration to a high concentration. The transport rate reaches a maximum when all the protein transporters are being used or are saturated. Like enzymes, the carrier protein is very specific in what it carries across the membrane. These proteins are sensitive to inhibitors that react with protein side chains.

Question 4.
Explain why pure water has maximum water potential?
Water molecules possess kinetic energy. In liquid and gaseous form they are in random motion that is both rapid and constant. The greater the concentration of water in a system, the greater is its kinetic energy or water potential. Hence, it is obvious that pure water will have the greatest water potential.

Question 5.
Differentiate between the following:
(a) Diffusion and Osmosis
(b) Transpiration and Evaporation
(c) Osmotic Pressure and Osmotic Potential
(d) Imbibition and Diffusion
(e) Apoplast and Symplast pathways of movement of water in plants
(f) Guttation and Transpiration
(a) The differences between diffusion and osmosis are as following:
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants 1
(b) The differences between transpiration and evaporation are as following:
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants 2
(c) The main differences between osmotic pressure and osmotic potential are as following:
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants 3
(d) The main differences between imbibition and diffusion are as following:
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants 4
(e) The main differences between apoplast and symplast pathways of movement of water in plants are as following :
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants 5
(f) The main differences between guttation and transpiration are as following :
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants 6

Question 6.
Briefly describe water potential. What are the factors affecting it?
Water potential: Free energy per mole of water molecule is called water potential. It is represented by Greek letter ‘φ’ (Psi). Water potential of pure water is zero and addition of solute, decreases its free energy or water “‘potential.
Factors affecting water potential are as following:
(i) Matric potential (φm) causes by adsorbent or colloidal particles (always negative and almost negligible).
(ii) Solute potential (φs) caused by presence of solute particles (decreases the water potential).
(iii) Pressure potential (φp) caused by entry or exit of water (increases the water potential).
φw= φp + φs + φm

Question 7.
What happens when a pressure greater than the atmospheric pressure is applied to pure water or a solution?
If a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure is applied to pure water or a solution, its water potential increases. It is equivalent to pumping water from one place to another.

Question 8.
(a) With the help of well-labelled diagrams, describe the process of plasmolysis in plants, giving appropriate examples.
(b) Explain what will happen to a plant cell if it is kept in a solution having higher water potential.
(a) Plasmolysis is the shrinkage of the protoplast of a cell from its cell wall under the influence of a hypertonic solution (solution of higher concentration).
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants 7
(b) The process of plasmolysis is usually reversible. When the cells are placed in hypotonic solution (solution with low concentration), water diffuses into the cell causing the cytoplasm to swell up. The swelling of shrunken protoplast is called as deplasmolysis.

Question 9.
How is the mycorrhizal association helpful in the absorption of water and mineral in plants?
Some plants have additional structures associated with them that help in water (and mineral) absorption. A mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association of a fungus with a root system. The fungal filaments form a network around the young root or they penetrate the root cells. The hyphae have a very large surface area that absorbs mineral ions and water from the soil from a much larger volume of soil that perhaps a root cannot do.

The fungus provides minerals and water to the roots, in turn, the roots provide sugars and N-containing compounds to the mycorrhizae. Some plants have an obligate association with the mycorrhizae. For example, Pinus seeds cannot germinate and establish without the presence of mycorrhizae.

Question 10.
What role does root pressure play in water movement in plants?
As various ions from the soil are actively transported into the vascular tissues of the roots, water flows and increases the pressure inside the xylem. This positive pressure is called root pressure and can be responsible for pushing up water to small heights in the stem.

Root pressure can only provide a modest push in the overall process of water transport. The greatest contribution is to re-establish the continuous chains of water molecules in the xylem which often break under the enormous tensions created by transpiration.

Question 11.
Describe the transpiration pull model of water transport in plants. What are the factors influencing transpiration? How is it useful to plants?
Transpiration pull theory: The theory was put forward by Dixon and Jolly.
The main features of the theory are :
(i) There is a continuous column of water (present in the tracheary element) from the root through the stem and into the leaves.
(ii) Water molecules attached to one another, by cohesion force, adhesion force (between their walls and water molecules), and surface tension.
(iii) The water in the tracheary element would come under tension, due to transpiration also called transpiration pull.

Factor affecting transpiration: External factors e.g. atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, CO2, sunlight, wind velocity, etc. The thickness of cuticle, number, position and closing and opening of stomata, pH, and hormones are internal factors which affect transpiration. Significance of transpiration:

  • Ascent of sap
  • Removal of the excess water
  • Cooling effect
  • Distribution of minerals.
  • Transpiration supplies water for photosynthesis.

Question 12.
Discuss the factors responsible for the ascent of xylem sap in plants.
The ascent of xylem sap is supported by the following factors.
(i) Root pressure (positive pressure that develops in the xylem sap of root).
(ii) Cohesion (adhesion of water molecules due to hydrogen bonding).
(iii) Adhesion (force between tracheary wall and water molecule).
(iv) Transpiration pull (tension develops due to transpiration) is the main cause of ascent of xylem sap.

Question 13.
What essential role does the root endodermis play during mineral absorption in plants?
Water flowing through apoplast contains minerals useful to plants and also toxins. Endodermal cells have many transport proteins embedded in their plasma membrane; they let some solutes cross the membrane, but not others. Transport proteins of endodermal cells are control points, where a plant adjusts the quantity and types of solutes that reach the xylem.

Question 14.
Explain why xylem transport is unidirectional and phloem transport bidirectional.

  1. The plant part which synthesise the food, i.e. leaf known as source and part that needs or stores the food called as sink.
  2. Food, primarily sucrose, is transported by vasculai tissue phloem, from a source to a sink. But depending on season or plants need, the source sink may be reversed.
  3. Sugar stored in roots may be mobilised to become a source of food source in early spring when buds of trees require energy for their growth and development and act as sink.
  4. Since the source – sink relationship is bidirection in phloem while in xylem it is unidirection.

Question 15.
Explain pressure flow hypothesis of translocation of sugars in plants.
Mass flow or Pressure Flow Flypothesis : It was put forward by Munch (1927,1930).

  1. According to this hypothesis organic substance move from region of high osmotic pressure to low osmotic pressure due to turgor pressure.
  2. A high osmotic concentration is present in source e.g. mesophyll cells (due to photosynthesis).
  3. Sugar present in them passed into sieve tube therefore high osmotic concentration develops and it absorbs water from xylem and develop a high turgor pressure. It causes flow of sugar towards area of low turgor pressure or sink.
    NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants 8

Question 16.
What causes the opening and closing of guard cells of stomata during transpiration?

  1. The opening and closing of stomata depend upon the turgid or flaccid state of the guard cells.
  2. The inner wall of guard cells (towards pore) is thick and outer wall (towards other epidermal cells) is thin.
  3. When the turgor pressure of the guard cells in increased the outer thinner wall of the guard cell is pushed out (towards the periphery) thus pulling the inner thicker wall leading to the opening of stomatal pore.
  4. When the guard cells are in a flaccid state the outer thinner wall of guard cells returns to original position (moves towards pore) due to which tension on the inner wall is released and stomatal aperture gets closed.
    NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants 9


Question 1.
What fraction of soil water is readily available to plants?
Capillary water.

Question 2.
What is a hypertonic solution? (Oct. 87, M.Q.P., Apr. 2000)
The external solution which has a concentration higher than that of the cell sap is called a Hypertonic solution.

Question 3.
What is the chemical potential of pure water at normal temperature and pressure?

Question 4.
What is transmembrane pathway?
The movement of water through the cell membrane is called transmembrane pathway or symplast pathway.

Question 5.
What happens to the plant cell when it is plasmolyzed? (Apr. 95)
becomes flaccid

Question 6.
Identify a type of molecular movement which is highly selective and requires special membrane proteins, but does not require energy.
Facilitated diffusion.

Question 7.
How can you revert a freshly plasmolysed plant cell to its normal state?
By placing it in aqueous solution.

Question 8.
What is meant by uniport?
A molecule moves across the membrane independent of other molecule called as uniport.

Question 9.
What is the use of imbibition pressure to plants?
Responsible for the seedling to emerge out of the soil.

Question 10.
What is a casparian strip?
Casparian strip is band of suberin on the tangential and radial walls of endodermal cells.

Question 11.
Name the form in which cabohydrates are transported in plants and the tissue through which it is transported.
Sucrose, phloem.

Question 12.
What is the pressure potential of a plasmolysed cell?
Pressure potential of a plasmolysed cell is negative.

Question 13.
Give reason:
Excessive use of chemical fertilizers results in wilting of plants. (June 2009)
Excessive use of fertilizers increases the solute concentration of the soil solution causing exosmosis resulting in the wilting of plants.

Question 14.
If water enters a cell what is the pressure exerted by its swollen protoplasts?
The pressure exerted will be turgor pressure.


Question 1.
List any four mechanisms that contribute to the ascent of sap in tall trees.
Mechanisms that contribute to the ascent of sap in tall trees are :

  1. Adhesion
  2. Cohesion
  3. Transpirational pull
  4. Root pressure.

Question 2.
Mention two advantage of transpiration.
Advantages of transpiration:
(1) It helps in mineral absorption and ascent of sap.
(2) Transpiration, by evaporating of water causes a cooling effect of plant body.

Question 3.
How do rise in temperature and wind velocity affect transpiration? Write any three adaptations shown by plants to reduce transpiration.
Rise in temperature, wind velocity increases the rate of transpiration.
Three adaptations shown by plants to reduce transpiration are:
(a) leaves with thick cuticle
(b) sunken stomata
(c) modification of leaves into scales or spines and stem into phylloclades.

Question 4.
What is meant by apoplast pathway? Why does it occur in cortex and not in endodermis?
The movement of water exclusively through cell wall without crossing cell membrane, is called apoplast pathway. It occurs in cortex due to the absence of casparian strip and presence of loosely packed cells. It does not occur in endodermis due to the presence of suberin in casparian strip.

Question 5.
What is the significance of osmosis?
Significance of osmosis:
(1) Osmosis is important in the absorption of water by plants.
(2) Helps in cell to cell movement of water.
(3) Provides rigidity to the plant organs.
(4) Helps in opening and closing of stomata.

Question 6.
Describe the apoplastic and symplastic movements of water in plants.
Apoplastic movement of water occurs exclusively through the non-living cell wall without crossing any membrane. Symplastic movement of water occurs from one cell to the other through plasmodesmata it passes across membrane and i.e. living components.

Question 7.
Sugar crystals do not dissolve easily in ice cold water. Explain.
Rate of diffusion is increased when temperature increase. So, sugar crystal do not dissolve easily in ice cold water.etrads of homo logous chromosomes and crossing as the genetic material exchange takes place. Thus this stage is marked with genetic recombination.

Question 8.
What is imbibition pressure? What is the usefulness of imbibition pressure to seed germination?
Imbibition pressure is the pressure developed in an adsorbent due to diffusion of water into it.
This pressure makes the seedlings to emerge above the ground during seed germination.

Question 9.
Differentiate between active and passive transport.
The main difference between active transport and passive transport are :
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants 10

Question 10.
Differentiate between diffusion and facilitated diffusion.
The main difference between diffusion and facilitated diffusion are :
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants 11

Question 11.
What is meant by source and sink in plants, with regard to translocation?
Source : Source is the part of the plant which synthesises the food, they are the leaves.
Sink: Sink is the part of the plant that needs or stores the food like roots, tubers, any storage organ etc.

Question 12.
Differentiate between transportation of water and translocation of Food.
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants 12


Question 1.
Describe with the help of labelled diagrams, the closing and opening of stomata in plants.

  • Stomata are minute openings formed in the epidermis of leaves, stem and in (some cases) even flowers.
  • Each stomata contains pore surrounded by two guard cells. The guard cells are joined at both ends but separate in the mid-region of their length.
  • Stomata are mostly present on the lower epidermis of the leaf. The open stomata account for diffusion of water vapour through them.
  • During the day, the cell- sap concentration becomes high due to accumulation of sugar as a result of photosynthesis.
  • This results into endosmosis and tl\e water is withdrawn into guard cells from the neighboring cells.
  • This makes the guard cells turgid and stomata open. If the availability of water is reduced, the guard cells lose their turgidity and they become flaccid by exosmosis of water from guard cells.
  • This leads to the closing of stomata and transpiration stops.
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Question 2.
Describe the root pressure theory and its demerits.
Root pressure theory : The theory was put forward by Priestley (1916). Root pressure refers to positive hydrostatic pressure which is develops in xylem sap, when rate of water absorption is more than the rate of transpiration and as a result of which water is pushed up in tracheary element of root.
Demerits of root pressure concept :
(1) Magnitude of root pressure is maximum upto 2 atmosphere which can raise water upto 64ft. only. It can’t drive water in tall trees (300-400 feet) there is need of 20 atmosphere root pressure.
(2) No root pressure in conifers.
(3) Root pressure is low in summer when transpiration is high and high in spring when transpiration is low
(4) Root pressure is not seen in rapidly transpiring plants.

Question 3.
Discuss the factor affecting the water absorption.
The factor affecting the water absorption are :
(1) Temperature : Optimum temperature for
absorption is 20-30°C. Absorption decrease at low temperature by decreasing permeability, retarding in growth of root and availability of water and by increasing viscosity of water.
(2) Concentration of soil solution: Absorption decreases with increase in concentration of soil solution, e.g. Halophytes (Rhizophora) are able to grow in swamps with high salt cont-entration because their cell sap concentration is also high.
(3) Soil aeration : Flooding of fields reduces soil air (02). Hence metabolic processes and absorption are also reduced.
(4) Increase in C02 : High C02 concentration lowers the rate of respiration and thus influence metabolic processes. These result low water absorption.
(5) Available soil water : Maximum absorption occurs when the available soil water is in the range of field capacity and permanent wilting coefficient.
(6) Root growth : Deep rooted plant absorb more water. Older roots are suberized and absorb slowly.

Question 4.
Differentiate the following
(a) Simple diffusion and active transport
(b) Turgid cell and flaccid cell
(c) Isotonic solution and hypotonic solution
(a) The main difference between simple diffusion and active transport are :
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants 14
(b) The main difference between the turgid cell and flaccid cell are :
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(c) The main difference between isotonic solution and hypotonic solution are :
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Question 5.
What are the properties that favours the upward movement water through xylem?
The properties are:
(1) Cohesion : mutual attraction between water molecules
(2) Adhesion : attraction of water molecules to polar surfaces
(3)Surface Tension : water molecules are attracted to each other and give water high tensile strength i.e., an ability to resist a pulling force
(4) Capillarity : ability to rise in their tubes. These are also related to the transpiration pull. With this pull water comes to leaves for photosynthesis as well.

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