Who I am Summary in English by Pete Townshend

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

Who I am Summary in English by Pete Townshend

Who I am by Pete Townshend About the Author

Author Name Pete Townshend
Born 19 May 1945 (age 75 years), Chiswick, London, United Kingdom
Movies Tommy, Quadrophenia, The Kids Are Alright
Music groups The Who, Ringo Starr & His All-Starr Band, Blood or Whiskey, Deep End
Who I am Summary by Pete Townshend
Who I am Summary by Pete Townshend

Who I am Summary in English

This lesson describes how each individual is unique. Each of us is different. Each of us has different features, different likings and dislikings. It is described through some boys and girls in this chapter. They are Radha, Nasir, Rohit, Serbjit, Dolma and Peter. Let us know about them one by one.

Radha: Radha is an outgoing, bold girl. She loves to go up the mango bee outside her house. She sits there comfortably. Her mother tells her not to take a chance or risk. But one day her mother also climbed with her. Both of them talked and ate raw mangoes. She felt strong and confident, sittfng there.

Nasir: Nasir has cotton fields in his village. His father buys new seeds to grow cotton plants every year. A long time ago, the grandfather used to collect the seeds from his own plants. Nasir’s father spends money to buy new seeds every year. Nasir wants to become a seed collector in order to save money.

Rohit: Rohit is a dreamer. He has some ambitions. He wishes he had money to travel to various countries. He wants to visit the mountains of New Zealand. He also wants to sail down the Amazon river, live on the sea beaches and go to the Sun temple in Orissa, the capital of China or the pyramids of Egypt. He is a lover of nature.

Serbjit: Serbjit gets angry when people disbelieve him. He is truthful. He tells his teacher truthfully why he couldn’t do his homework. He tells his parents the fact that his little brother started the fight. But they think that he is telling lies. This makes him angry.

Dolma: Dolma dreams of becoming the Prime Minister of India. She is sure that her dream wfll come true. She doesn’t mind if people laugh at her high dreams. She is intelligent and do-gooder. She wants to make things better for everyone. She wants for the best, best hospitals, roads and schools.

Peter: Peter enjoys going to see a film on the second Sunday of every month. He goes with his parents and brother. In the interval his father buys peanuts for children. They stop to eat ice cream after the show is over. He calls himself lucky that he is a part of such a happy family.

Who I am Summary in Hindi

यह पाठ बताता है कि कैसे हर व्यक्ति विचित्र है। हममें से हर कोई भिन्न है। हममें से हर किसी की विशेषताएँ, पसंदगी तथा नापसंदगी भिन्न भिन्न है। जिन लड़के, लड़कियों के माध्यम से यह दिखाया गया है वे हैं-राधा, नासिर, रोहित, सर्बजीत, डोल्मा और पीटर। आइए हम उनके बारे में एक-एक कर जानें:

राधाः राधा एक खुला जीवन जीने वाली, निडर लड़की है। उसे अपने घर के बाहर लगे आम के वृक्ष पर चढ़ना बहुत पसन्द है। वह उस पर आराम से बैठ जाती है। उसकी माँ समझाती है कि वह ऐसा खतरा न मोल लिया करे। पर एक दिन उसकी माँ भी उसके साथ वृक्ष पर चढ़ जाती है। वे दोनों खूब बातें करती तथा कच्चे आम खाती रहीं। राधा वहाँ बैठकर स्वयं को सबल तथा आत्मविश्वासपूर्ण महसूस करती है।

नासिरः नासिर के अपने गाँव में कपास के खेत हैं। उसका पिता हर वर्ष कपास उगाने के लिये नये बीज खरीदता है। बहुत दिनों पहले उसके दादा तो अपने ही पौधों से गिरे बीज एकत्रित कर लिया करते थे। नासिर के पिता हर वर्ष नये बीज खरीदने पर पैसा खर्च करते हैं। नासिर चाहता है कि वह बीज संग्रह करने वाला बन जाये ताकि पैसा बचा ले।

रोहितः रोहित सपने देखता है। वह उच्चाकांक्षी भी है। वह सोचता है काश उसके पास पैसा होता तो वह विश्व भ्रमण करता। वह न्यूजीलैण्ड के पर्वतों पर जाना चाहता है, वह अमेजन नदी पर नौकायन करना, समुद्र तट पर रहना, उड़ीसा का कोणार्क मन्दिर देखने जाना, चीन की राजधानी तथा मिस्र का पिरामिड देखना चाहता है। वह प्रकृति प्रेमी है।

सर्बजीतः सर्बजीत क्रोधित हो जाता है जब लोग उसकी बात पर विश्वास नहीं करते। वह सत्यवादी है। वह अपने शिक्षक को सच-सच बताता है कि वह होमवर्क क्यों नहीं कर पाया। वह माता-पिता को सच बताता है कि छोटे भाई ने झगड़ा शुरु किया था। पर वे सोचते हैं कि सर्बजीत झूठ बोलता है। इससे वह नाराज़ हो जाता है।

डोल्माः डोल्मा भारत की प्रधानमंत्री बनने का सपना देखती है। उसे विश्वास है कि उसका सपना सच हो जायेगा। वह बुरा नहीं मानती जब लोग उसके ऊँचे सपनों पर हँसते हैं। वह समझदार है और भलाई करने वाली भी। वह चाहती है कि हर व्यक्ति की स्थिति सुधर जाये। वह चाहती है कि सब कुछ सर्वोत्तम किस्म का हो। हस्पताल, सड़कें तथा स्कूल, सब कुछ उच्च कोटि के हों।

पीटरः पीटर माह के दूसरे रविवार के दिन कोई फिल्म देखने जाने में खुश होता है। वह अपने माता-पिता और भाई के साथ सिनेमा देखने जाता है। मध्यांतर में उसके पापा बच्चों के लिये मूंगफली ले आते हैं। शो समाप्त हो जाने पर वे सब आइसक्रीम खाते हैं। वह स्वयं को भाग्यशाली कहता है कि वह ऐसे सुखी परिवार का सदस्य है।

A Letter to God Summary in English by Gregorio Lopez y Fuentes

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A Letter to God Summary in English by Gregorio Lopez y Fuentes

A Letter to God by Gregorio Lopez y Fuentes About the Author

Author Name Gregorio Lopez y Fuentes
Born 17 November 1895, Veracruz, Mexico
Died 10 December 1966, Mexico City, Mexico
Nationality Mexican
Movies El Indio, The Marble Colossus
A Letter to God Summary by Gregorio Lopez y Fuentes
A Letter to God Summary by Gregorio Lopez y Fuentes

A Letter to God Summary in Enlgish

‘A Letter to God’ is a story of a farmer’s extreme faith in God. The writer G.L. Fuentes has tried to depict the faith of a poor and simple farmer in God in an impressive manner. Lencho was an honest and hardwork¬ing farmer. He was shocked to notice that his crop was ruined in a hailstorm. He turned to God for getting some help. He wrote a letter to God. On Sunday, he posted the letter. When an employee of the post office chanced to see the letter addressed to God, he made fun of the man who had written that letter but his boss, the postmaster was a serious man and did not take the letter lightly. He was impressed by the extreme faith of the man and wished to have the same faith. He decided to answer the letter.

He collected money from his employees to give in charity to the needy farmer. He was able to collect only seventy pesos and thought that the farmer would be glad to receive the money. But to his utter disappointment, the postmaster was shocked to notice that it had made Lencho angry, who wrote another letter to God but with a warning not to send the money by post as he considered the postal employees ‘a bunch of crooks’ who had stolen thirty pesos from the hundred pesos sent by Him.

A Letter to God Summary Questions and Answers

Question 1.
(i) Where was ‘the house’ located?
(ii) Why do you think it is called ‘the’ house and not ‘a’ house?
(i) The house was located on the top of a low hill.
(ii) It is called ‘the house’ because it is the only house on the top of the hill.

Question 2.
Why did Lencho keep gazing at the sky?
Lencho knew that his fields needed water immediately. He was eagerly waiting for the rain, therefore he gazed at the sky.

Question 3.
“Now we’re really going to get some water, woman.” Is Lencho sure that it is going to rain? Give a reason for your answer.
Lencho was sure that it was going to rain because he kept watching the sky throughout the day. Through his experience, he knew that the clouds would certainly bring rain.

Question 4.
(i) How did Lencho feel when it started raining?
(ii) What was the effect of the rain on the crops?
(i) Lencho was excited when he came out of his house to have the pleasure of feeling the rain on his body. He compared the raindrops with coins, as he knew that a good rain would mean a good crop and a good crop would mean a lot of money.
(ii) The rain brought with it destruction. There was hailstorm for about an hour and it covered the field. The corn was totally destroyed.

Question 5.
What are the raindrops compared to and why?
Raindrops are compared to coins. He compares big raindrops to ten-cent coins and smaller ones to five-cent coins. He knew that the raindrops would certainly be helpful in giving him rich harvest. Naturally, it would make him get more money.

Question 6.
Lencho had only ‘one hope’. What was it?
Lencho was a God-fearing man and had a firm faith in the benevolence of God, who he thought would certainly help him. God was his only hope.

Question 7.
Did the letter reach God? Why did the postmaster send a reply to Lencho?
The letter did not reach God but it certainly reached the postmaster who was a God-fearing and kind-hearted man. He decided to send a reply to Lencho as he was moved by the firm faith of a farmer in God, and he did not want to disappoint him.

Question 8.
Lencho describes the post office employees as ‘a bunch of crooks’.
(i) Were they ‘a bunch of crooks’?
(ii) How would you describe them?
(i) The post office employees were really very good people who tried to help a poor farmer. They were not a bunch of crooks.
(ii) They can be described as kind-hearted, generous, helpful and God-fearing men.

A Different Kind of School Summary in English by E. V. Lucas

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

A Different Kind of School Summary in English by E. V. Lucas

A Different Kind of School Summary in English

The author had heard a great deal about Miss Beam’s school. It was unlike other ordinary schools. It followed a new method of teaching. It tried to ennoble the students. It taught them to give a helping hand to a disabled person.

The author decided to visit that school. As he entered the gate, he saw a young girl being led by a little boy. The girl was of about 12 while her guide was of about 8. The boy was also describing things to her.

Miss Beam was middle aged and dominating. But she was also very kindly and helpful. She comforted the homesick children like a mother. She explained to the author her teaching methods. She taught the kids spelling, simple arithmetic, and writing. She read interesting stories to them. They sat still and attentive.

The real aim of Miss Beam’s school was not to teach new thoughts and ideas. They were trained to be kind to others, to become good citizens.

The author looked out of the window. He liked the beautiful grounds. But he was pained to see some children not all healthy and active looking. Some girls had their eyes bandaged. A girl was walking with the help of a crutch.

Miss Beam explained that none of the students was really blind, cripple or lame. They were playing different roles as a part of their training. They were taught to share in the misfortunes of others. So each one had one blind day, one lame day, one deaf day and one dumb day. Other children were put on duty to help the needy.

The blind day was, of course, the worst. Miss Beam led the author to the bandaged girl. She said that being blind was the worst experience. But she was very thankful to her helpers. She had a walk with the author. She asked several questions about the colour, the people, the places and things. The author tried his best to answer those questions. He became ten times more thoughtful than ever.

He was convinced that Miss Beam’s experiment was really new and wonderful.

A Different Kind of School Summary in Hindi

लेखक ने मिस बीम के विद्यालय के बारे में बहुत कुछ सुन रखा था। वह अन्य सामान्य स्कूलों से भिन्न था। वहाँ एक नये प्रकार की अध्यापन शैली का इस्तेमाल किया जाता था। वहाँ छात्रों को नेक दिल इन्सान बनाने का प्रयत्न किया जाता था। उन्हें सिखाया जाता था कि वे विकलांगों की मदद करें।

लेखक ने उस स्कूल में जाने का निर्णय किया। जैसे ही उसने गेट में प्रवेश किया, उसने एक छोटी लड़की को एक छोटे बालक द्वारा मार्गदर्शन कराते देखा। लड़की की आयु लगभग 12 वर्ष थी और मार्गदर्शक की आयु थी मात्र 8 वर्ष। लड़का उस लड़की को चीजों के बारे में भी बता रहा था।

मिस बीम अधेड़ आयु की रोबदार महिला थी। पर वह बहुत दयालु और मददगार भी थी। वह घर के लिये व्याकुल बच्चों को माँ की भाँति राहत भी पहुँचाती थी। उन्होंने लेखक को अपनी शिक्षण शैली की जानकारी दी। वह बच्चों को शब्द सही लिखना, साधारण .. गणित और भाषा लिखना सिखाती थी। वह उन्हें रोचक कहानियाँ भी पढ़कर सुनाती थी। बच्चे स्थिर होकर ध्यान से सुनते थे।

मिस बीम के स्कूल का वास्तविक लक्ष्य नये विचार प्रदान करना नहीं था। बच्चों को सहृदय बनना तथा आदर्श नागरिक बनना सिखाया जाता था।

लेखक ने खिड़की के बाहर झाँका। उसे सुन्दर बगीचा तो पसन्द आया। पर उसे कुछ बच्चों को देखकर पीड़ा हुई जो पूरी तरह से स्वस्थ और चुस्त नहीं थे। कुछ लड़कियों की आँखों पर पट्टी बँधी थी। एक लड़की बैसाखी की मदद से चल रही थी।

मिस बीम ने बताया कि कोई भी छात्र-छात्रा न तो सचमुच दृष्टिहीन थी, न ही लँगड़ी या अपाहिज। वे तो अपने प्रशिक्षण के एक भाग के अनुसार भिन्न-भिन्न रोल कर रहे हैं। उन्हें अन्य लोगों की मुसीबत में मदद करना सिखाया जाता है। इसलिये हर बालक को एक दिन अंधा, एक दिन लँगड़ा, एक दिन बधिर और एक दिन गूंगा बनना पड़ता है। बाकी बच्चे जरुरतमंदों की मदद के लिये लगा दिये जाते हैं।

अंधे बनने का खेल वास्तव में सबसे बुरा था। मिस बीम लेखक को एक आँख पर पट्टी बँधी लड़की से मिलाने ले गयी। लड़की ने भी बताया कि दृष्टिहीन होना सबसे बुरा अनुभव होता है। पर वह अपने सहायकों के प्रति कृतज्ञ थी। उसने लेखक के साथ घूमना चाहा। उसने रंगों, लोगों, स्थानों और वस्तुओं के बारे में अनेक प्रश्न किये। उन प्रश्नों का उत्तर देने का लेखक ने भरसक प्रयास किया। वह पहले की अपेक्षा दस गुना अधिक विचारशील हो गया।

उसे विश्वास हो गया कि मिस बीम का प्रयोग सचमुख नया और अद्भुत था।

Tansen Summary in English by Tansen

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

Tansen Summary in English by Tansen

Tansen by Tansen About the Autor

Author Name Tansen
Born Gwalior
Died 26 April 1586, Agra
Full Name Ramtanu Pandey
Books Tashrih-ul-moosiqui: Persian Translation of Tansen’s Original Work “Budh Prakash”
Tansen Summary by Tansen
Tansen Summary by Tansen

Tansen Summary in English

Tansen has been the greatest musician of India. He was the only child of Mukandan Misra. The family lived in Gwalior. The child was naughty from an early age. He used to play in the forest. He soon learnt to copy the calls of birds and animals.

Once the famous singer Swami Haridas was travelling through the forest. Tansen thought it would be fun to frighten him. He hid behind a tree and roared like a tiger. Swamiji saw singing talent in the boy. He met Tansen’s father. He promised to make the boy a great singer.

Tansen spent some eleven years with his guru. His parents died. He fulfilled his father’s dying wish and went to Mohammad Ghaus of Gwalior. He was often taken to the court of Rani Mrignaini. He married a lady of the court named Hussaini. They had five children.

Emperor Akbar was impressed by Tansen’s voice. He wanted the singer to join his court in 1556. Tansen soon became Akbar’s favourite.

Some courtiers grew jealous of him. They wanted Tansen to prove his worth as a singer. They asked Tansen to sing Raga Deepak. It was like playing with fire. The Raga could not only set the lamps alight but also bum the singer to ashes.

Tansen got an idea. He knew the magic of Raga Megh. If it was sung properly, it would bring rain. Hence, Tansen taught his daughter Saraswati and her friend Rupwati to sing Raga Megh.

On the appointed day Tansen sang Raga Deepak. It caused a lot of heat. Flames shot up and lighted the lamps. Just then the two girls sang Raga Megh. The rain poured down and put out the fire. Tansen was saved from burning. Akbar rewarded him and punished his enemies.

Tansen Summary in Hindi

तानसेन भारत के सर्वश्रेष्ठ संगीतकार माने जाते हैं। वह मुकन्दन मिश्र के एकमात्र पुत्र थे। उनका परिवार ग्वालियर में रहता था। बालक बचपन से ही नटखट था। वह खेलने के लिये जंगल में भाग जाता था। उसने शीघ्र ही पक्षियों एवं पशुओं की आवाज़ों की नकल करना सीख लिया।

एक बार सुप्रसिद्ध गायक स्वामी हरिदास उस जंगल के बीच से गुजर रहे थे। तानसेन ने सोचा कि इन्हें डराने में मज़ा आयेगा। वह एक वृक्ष के पीछे छिप गया तथा शेर की तरह दहाड़ा। स्वामी जी ने बालक में एक संगीत प्रतिभा देखी। वह तानसेन के पिता से मिले। उन्होंने वचन दिया कि मैं इस बच्चे को महान गायक बना दूंगा।

तानसेन ने लगभग 11 वर्ष अपने गुरु के पास बिताये। उसके माता-पिता चल बसे। उसने पिता की अंतिम इच्छा पूरी की तथा ग्वालियर के गायक मोहम्मद गौस से मिलने गये। उन्हें रानी मृगनयनी के दरबार में जाने के कई अवसर मिले। उन्होंने दरबार की एक महिला हुसैनी से विवाह कर लिया। उनकी पाँच संतानें हुईं।

सम्राट अकबर तानसेन के गायन से बहुत प्रभावित हो गये। उन्होंने तानसेन को 1556 में अपने दरबार में बुला लिया। तानसेन उनके प्रिय दरबारी बन गये।

कुछ दरबारी लोगों को तानसेन से ईर्ष्या हो गई। उनकी इच्छा हुई कि तानसेन को गायकी की अपनी प्रतिभा दिखाने को कहा जाये। उन्होंने तानसेन को राग दीपक गाने के लिए कहा। यह राग बहुत खतरनाक था। वह न केवल दीपक प्रज्वलित कर सकता था वरन् गायक को भी भस्म कर सकता था।

तानसेन के दिमाग में एक विचार आया। उसे पता था कि अगर राग मेघ सही तरीके से गाया जाए तो वर्षा होने लगेगी। तानसेन ने अपनी बेटी सरस्वती तथा उसकी सहेली रूपमती को राग मेघ गाना सिखा दिया।

निश्चित दिन तानसेन ने राग दीपक गाना प्रारम्भ किया। उससे ताप बहुत बढ़ गया। लपटें उठीं तथा दीपक जल गये। तभी दोनों लड़कियों ने राग मेघ गाना शुरू कर दिया। वर्षा आ गई। तानसेन भस्म होने से बच गये। अकबर ने तानसेन को पुरस्कृत किया तथा उनके शत्रुओं को दण्ड दिया।

Summary of Gulliver’s Travels Part 4 Chapter 12

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

Summary of Gulliver’s Travels Part 4 Chapter 12

Summary of Gulliver’s Travels Part 4 Chapter 12

The narrator explains his aim in publishing this book. He criticizes travellers who swerve from the truth. The narrator clears himself from any sinister aims in writing. The method of planting colonies is described. His native country is commended. The right of the crown to the countries described by the narrator is justified. The narrator takes his last leave of the reader, proposes his manner of living for the future, gives good advice, and concludes.

Gulliver claimed that absolutely everything he had written was absolutely true. In fact, he thought it was a disgrace that so many travellers embroidered or exaggerated their published accounts of their trips around the world. Gulliver’s motto was: ‘Though Fortune has made Sinon wretched, she has not made him untrue and a liar.’ In other words, though Gulliver was dejected about having left the land of the Houyhnhnms, he still refused to lie about any of his experiences. The purpose of writing his memoirs was not to gain fame, but to share the superior example of the Houyhnhnms with the world.

Gulliver was told that it was his duty, as a subject of England, to give an account of his voyages to the Secretary of State of England, upon his return. This would enable England to conquer the lands. But Gulliver feared that the conquest of the countries he had visited would not be easy or profitable. The Lilliputians were too small to be worth it, the Brobdingnagians, too large and dangerous, and the Laputians, literally out of reach. While the Houyhnhnms were totally inexperienced with war, the English shouldn’t invade them.

The Houyhnhnms were smart, strong, and loved their country. So they would figure out how to defend it quickly enough. In fact, Gulliver wished that the Houyhnhnms would come over and teach all of their virtues to the European Yahoos. A further reason why Gulliver didn’t want the Europeans to conquer the lands he had seen was that they didn’t seem to want to be conquered. Taking their lands against their will would be cruel.

At the end of his tale, Gulliver was sitting in his garden thinking; he was instructing his family as best he could. He was applying the lessons of the Houyhnhnms to instruct the Yahoos of his own family. He even forced himself to look in a mirror every day to get used to his human face and those of the people around him. He mourned the treatment of the Houyhnhnms in England. After five years at home, Gulliver was able to let his wife sit at dinner with him—at the far end of the table, though he still kept his nostrils stuffed with lavender or tobacco so as to not be bothered by the smell.

What he really hated was, not the bad qualities that Yahoos couldn’t seem to escape, but the pride they felt in themselves even though they were so disgusting, diseased, and detestable. The Houyhnhnms, who possessed good natures, were not proud, because they were born as good fellows and could not help but be good. They didn’t need to congratulate themselves. The only way that Gulliver would ever be able to sit in the company of an English Yahoo again was if they avoided at least this one sin: the sin of pride.

Summary of Gulliver’s Travels Part 4 Chapter 11

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

Summary of Gulliver’s Travels Part 4 Chapter 11

Summary of Gulliver’s Travels Part 4 Chapter 11

The narrator’s dangerous voyage is described. He arrives at New Holland, hoping to settle there, but is wounded with an arrow by one of the natives. He is seized and carried by force into a Portuguese ship. The narrator arrives in England.

It was 15 February 1714. Gulliver’s Master and his family watched Gulliver from the shore until he floated out of sight. The sorrel nag called out to Gulliver to take care of himself. Gulliver hoped to find the island uninhabited, but still with enough resources to support him as he really didn’t want to return to the Yahoos. On the fourth day, he saw people—naked and sitting around a fire. He jumped into his canoe and rowed away. He was struck by a poisoned arrow in his knee, which left a scar.

Gulliver tried to escape the natives’ darts by paddling out to sea. Having nowhere else to go, he returned to another part of that same island. He saw a sail in the distance and thought of going toward it, but then decided he would rather live with the barbarians than the European Yahoos, so he hid from the ship. Coincidentally, the Portuguese ship sent a long boat to the island for water.

The seamen discovered him after landing near his hiding place. They questioned him, and Gulliver trembled in fear but spoke to the sailors in their own language. He told them that he was a ‘poor Yahoo banished from the Houyhnhnms’. The sailors realized he was a European but did not understand what he meant by the terms Yahoos and Houyhnhnms. He spoke with neighing intonations which made the sailors laugh. They could not understand his desire to escape from their ship. He was horrified to be a prisoner of the Yahoos.

Gulliver told the sailors that he was from England. Since the English and the Portuguese were not at war, he hoped they would not be mean to him. The sailors brought Gulliver aboard their ship, which was heading for Lisbon in Portugal. Gulliver met the captain, Don Pedro de Mendez, who wanted to know where Gulliver was from. He was so distressed to be back among the Yahoos that he would not tell the captain—in fact, he tried to throw himself into the sea to swim away, but he was caught before he could. Don Pedro thought Gulliver was lying at first, as he started talking about Houyhnhnm land. Gulliver was confused as it had been many years since he had heard a lie. Don Pedro made Gulliver promise that he would not try to kill himself on the way home. Gulliver promised, and he also tried not to talk endlessly about how much he hated people now.

Yet, the captain of the ship, Pedro de Mendez, was kind. He treated Gulliver hospitably, offering him food, drink, and clothes. They arrived at Lisbon where Pedro de Mendez did all that he could to make Gulliver comfortable. He insisted that Gulliver stay at his own house and borrow some clothes. After ten days in Portugal, Don Pedro told Gulliver that it was his responsibility to go back home to his family. It would be impossible for Gulliver to find a solitary island to maroon himself on, but in his own home, he could be as much of a hermit as he wants to be. Gulliver grudgingly agreed, and headed back to his home.

Gulliver was happily received by his family, for they had given him up for dead. But the reunion was a disaster for Gulliver. He was filled with disgust and contempt for them. He could not bear the sight or smell of his Yahoo-like wife and children. It was only after some time that he could bear to eat with them.

In fact, it had been five years since he got back to England, and he could still barely stand to be in their presence. To restore his mind, he bought two horses and conversed with them for four hours each day.

Summary of Gulliver’s Travels Part 4 Chapter 10

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

Summary of Gulliver’s Travels Part 4 Chapter 10

Summary of Gulliver’s Travels Part 4 Chapter 10

The narrator’s economy and happy life, among the Houyhnhnms, his great improvement in virtue by conversing with them and their conversations are described. The narrator is given notice by his master that he must depart from the country. He falls into a swoon from grief; but submits. He contrives and finishes a canoe with the help of a fellow-servant, and puts it to sea.

Gulliver was absolutely content living in the Land of the Houyhnhnms. A room had been made for Gulliver, and he had furnished it well. He also made new clothes for himself and settled into life with the Houyhnhnms quite easily. Gulliver had several friends among the Houyhnhnms. At times, his master allowed him to remain when his friends came. At others, he was taken along when his master went visiting. He began to think of his friends and family back home as Yahoos.

Gulliver’s admiration of the Houyhnhnms led him to imitate their gait and gesture, which had now grown into a habit. In fact, he was proud that the Houyhnhnms sometimes said that he trotted like a horse.

However, one morning, he was called by his master and told that others had taken offense at his being kept in the house as a Houyhnhnm. They had voted that Gulliver must go away. They were worried that such a smart Yahoo might encourage the other Yahoos to rise in rebellion and kill the Houyhnhnm’s cattle. Gulliver’s master had no choice but to ask Gulliver to leave. Gulliver was heartbroken to hear that he was to be banished, so much so, that he actual fainted.

However, he accepted his fate and built a canoe with the help of the sorrel nag. Gulliver explored the coast with his telescope and found a small island, about three and a half miles away, which he could reach in his boat. Finally, when the day came for Gulliver to leave, Gulliver’s master and his whole family came to see him off. Gulliver cried and kissed the hoof of his master and departed from the island.

Summary of Gulliver’s Travels Part 4 Chapter 9

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

Summary of Gulliver’s Travels Part 4 Chapter 9

Summary of Gulliver’s Travels Part 4 Chapter 9

A grand debate, held at the general assembly of the Houyhnhnms and its resolution are chronicled. The learning of the Houyhnhnms, their buildings, their manner of burials, the defectiveness of their language is described.

The Houyhnhnms held one of their four-year grand assemblies about three months before Gulliver left the land of the Houyhnhnms. His master attended the Grand Assembly, where the horses went back to an old debate: whether or not to extinguish the Yahoos from the face of the earth. It was argued that they were the filthiest, noisiest and the most deformed animals which nature ever produced and they had to be watched constantly to keep them from mischief.

Also, Yahoos were not native to the land. A man and a woman had arrived one day, washed up on the shores of the island. Their numbers had increased to such an extent that the Houyhnhnms, to get rid of this evil, had hunted them down and killed the elders and tamed their children. Their evil nature had made all other animals hate them. They had not been exterminated because they were made to work for the Houyhnhnms. It was suggested that Yahoos be replaced by asses as work force.

Gulliver’s master spoke up and agreed with the speaker that the two original Yahoos came from over the-sea, because he had found one (Gulliver) who was a much better specimen of the Yahoo kind. Gulliver’s Master told his fellow horses that, in Gulliver’s land, Houyhnhnms were the servants and Yahoos were the rational animals.

He also informed them about the human practice of castrating horses to make them less aggressive. He suggested that the Houyhnhnms tried that method on young Yahoos of their own country. This way, the Houyhnhnms could make the Yahoos more docile, which meant they wouldn’t need to kill them all. In time, this would put an end to the whole species, without destroying life and, in the meantime, Houyhnhnms must breed asses, which, as they are in all respects more useful animals.

This was what Gulliver’s master told him of what passed in the Grand Assembly. He hid one fact which related personally to Gulliver and which resulted in misfortune in his life.

Gulliver then described further aspects of the Houyhnhnms’ society. The Houyhnhnms didn’t write anything down; they relied on oral records for their history. They also didn’t have much in the way of astronomy, except measures of months and years. They created excellent poetry about friendship and in praise of their athletes.

They had a sound knowledge of medicinal herbs, built simple houses and, usually, lived about seventy or seventy-five years, dying of old age, unless they had some kind of accident. They felt no sorrow about death, accepting it as a routine element of life. They had no writing system and no word to express anything evil. All of their words for something bad were connected to the Yahoos. So, a poorly built house was ‘ynholmhmrohlnw Yahoo’ and a stone that cut their feet, ‘ynlhmndwihlma Yahoo’.

Summary of Gulliver’s Travels Part 4 Chapter 8

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

Summary of Gulliver’s Travels Part 4 Chapter 8

Summary of Gulliver’s Travels Part 4 Chapter 8

The narrator relates several particulars of the Yahoos, the great virtues of the Houyhnhnms, the education and exercise of their youth and their general assembly.

Gulliver wanted to observe the similarities between Yahoos and humans for himself, so he asked his master for permission to observe the Yahoos, which the master gave as long as Gulliver was always accompanied by a Houyhnhnm guard—the sorrel nag. The Yahoo children were agile, but they smelt bad. The Yahoos were strong but cowardly, stubborn, lying and deceitful.

By now, Gulliver had spent three years in the land of the Houyhnhnms and was ready to tell the readers a bit more about them. The Houyhnhnms did not understand the word ‘opinion’ truly, because they were totally devoted to reason and one could only have an opinion about something one did not know absolutely. It didn’t make sense to argue over something one couldn’t know.

The Houyhnhnms believed that one should respect other people’s ideas without trying to dominate with one’s own. They were equally good to their neighbours and strangers as they valued friendship above all else. They controlled the birth of foals to keep the land from becoming overpopulated. The Houyhnhnms did not believe in mixing races. So a Houyhnhnm would only marry another Houyhnhnm of the same colour.

The Houyhnhnms applied their rules of reason even to marriage, which was always arranged for a couple by their parents. Houyhnhnm couples were always faithful to each other. The Houyhnhnms believe in equality of education for the sexes, since it was not rational to leave half the species knowing nothing. Children were strictly disciplined, with a restricted grass diet and lots and lots of exercise. The Houyhnhnms had assemblies, representing the whole nation, every four years, where they checked in to make sure everyone had all the supplies they needed.

Summary of Gulliver’s Travels Part 4 Chapter 7

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

Summary of Gulliver’s Travels Part 4 Chapter 7

Summary of Gulliver’s Travels Part 4 Chapter 7

The narrator’s great love of his native country is expressed. His master’s observations upon the constitution and administration of England, as described by the narrator, with parallel cases and comparisons. His master’s observations upon human nature are chronicled.

Impressed by the virtues of the Houyhnhnms, Gulliver decided to tell, freely and truthfully, as much as he could, about human beings. Gulliver had started to hate the Yahoos and had come to venerate the Houyhnhnms. He hoped to be able to stay among them for the rest of his life. Convinced by ‘a person of so acute a judgment’ as his master, who daily convinced Gulliver of a thousand faults in him that he had not perceived earlier, Gulliver sees in himself flaws that he had never considered infirmities. His master told him that he had considered all of Gulliver’s claims about his home country and had come to the conclusion that Gulliver’s people were not as different from the Yahoos as they might at first have seemed.

Gulliver’s Master reached the conclusion that the European Yahoos had only enough intelligence to make their natural corruption worse and to acquire new ones, which nature had not given them. By clipping their nails, cutting their hair, and generally growing soft, they had also deprived themselves of the natural protection the Yahoos of the Houyhnhnm Land had. Even though there were outward differences between Gulliver and the Yahoos in the land of the Houyhnhnms, their essential natures were the same: they hated each other more than other animals did and fought without a cause. The Yahoos of the land of the Houyhnhnms also loved shiny rocks, which none of the Houyhnhnms understood, but which seemed to be a trait common to the whole human species.

Yahoos were the only animals in Houyhnhnm land who fell sick. Gulliver’s Master did admit that European Yahoos had a lot more art than their local Yahoos. Still, their natures seemed essentially identical: for example, Yahoos of the land of the Houyhnhnm also liked to choose a leader, usually the weakest and the ugliest of the group. He also noted that Yahoos were unique in having both males and females fighting equally violently with one another. Gulliver’s Master continued that Yahoos loved filth more than most animals. Also, Yahoos sometimes fell into bad moods or thought they were sick for no reason; the only cure for this hypochondria was hard work.

He described all the flaws of the Yahoos, principally detailing their greed and selfishness. He admitted that Gulliver’s humans had different systems of learning, law, government and art but said that their natures were not different from those of the Yahoos.

Summary of Gulliver’s Travels Part 4 Chapter 6

We have decided to create the most comprehensive English Summary that will help students with learning and understanding.

Summary of Gulliver’s Travels Part 4 Chapter 6

Summary of Gulliver’s Travels Part 4 Chapter 6

A continuation of the state of England under Queen Anne is given. The character of a first minister of state in European courts is described.

The discussion then turned to money and gold. The Houyhnhnm was unable to understand why human beings lied or injured fellow beings. Gulliver tried to explain the concept of greed and exploitation to his Master. He told him that when a human being had got a great store of money, he was able to purchase whatever he had a mind to; the finest clothing, the most luxurious houses, great tracts of land, and the best food. For this, the rich man enjoyed the fruit of the poor man’s labour, and the latter were a thousand to one in proportion to the former; that the bulk of people were forced to live miserably, by labouring every day for small wages, to make a few live plentifully.

He talked of the absurdities of importing and exporting, sending away necessities such as agricultural products and bringing in luxuries. He claimed that England grew enough food to support its population comfortably, but because they wanted luxury, they had to export what they grew in exchange for things that they didn’t need. A female Yahoo couldn’t get her breakfast without someone having circled the world three times for the tea she drank and the china cup she drank it from. This luxury of rich food led the English to diseases, the likes of which the Houyhnhnms had never seen. Another group of people had arisen to treat these diseases—to profit off them—using fake potions to make people cleanse their insides. This group of people, the doctors, made so much profit on disease that they encouraged people to think that they were sick even when they weren’t.

While discussing political thought, Gulliver accidentally mentioned a minister of state. At that Gulliver’s master wanted to know what a ‘Minister of State’ was. Gulliver told him that the First Minister of State was someone totally without any emotion besides ambition for money, power and titles. The chief qualifications for the First Minister of State were: to know how to get rid of an inconvenient relative; to undermine his predecessor; to shout endlessly against corruption at court.

Gulliver felt a wise prince was one who had corrupt ministers because they were given to flattery and bowed to the will and desire of their master. These ministers kept themselves in power, by bribing the majority of a senate or great council. They made laws to save themselves from being called to account on retiring. And they retired from office rich with the loot they had plundered from the nation. Chief Ministers of State bribed and intimidated others to follow their orders.

Gulliver’s tirade continued. He told his master that the nobility in his country were educated to be lazy and ignorant and that there was frequent mixing of classes that damaged noble blood lines. Despite their total uselessness, they still had authority over all lower-born people in the country.