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Plant Habitat and its Various Types

Depending upon where plants grow habitats may be classified into two major categories:

I. Terrestrial and
II. Aquatic

I. Terrestrial

Plants growing on land are called terrestrial plants.

II. Aquatic

Plants that are living in water are called aquatic plants or hydrophytes.

Different Types of Habitat

Forest Habitat:
Forest is a large area covered with plants.

Aquatic Habitat:
Habitat in water is aquatic habitats.

Grassland Habitat:
Grassland is regions dominated by grasses.

Dessert Habitat:
Mountainous and Polar Habitat.

Habitat indicates a specific place where a species or population normally lives in nature, it is a physical area, some particular part of the earth’s surface, air, soil or water.

There are five major biomes found in the world:
Aquatic, Desert, Forest, Grassland, and Tundra.

We will focus on eight habitats:
Polar, Tundra, Evergreen Forests, Seasonal Forests, Grasslands, Deserts, Rainforests, and Oceans. These are global habitats that cover vast areas of the Earth. Of course there are habitats that exist at a smaller scale, like regional, local or micro scale habitats.

Two main types of habitat are water and land. Some animals are more comfortable when they are wet, and others when they are dry!

Examples of Habitats Include:

  • Desert
  • Meadow
  • Woodland
  • Grassland
  • Forest
  • Seashore
  • Ocean

The two main types of habitats are terrestrial, or land habitats and aquatic, or water, habitats. Forests, deserts, grasslands, tundra, and mountains are just a few examples of terrestrial habitats.

The area where a particular organism lives naturally is called its habitat. The five major habitats are – forests, grasslands, deserts, mountains and polar regions, and aquatic habitat. Oceans and freshwater together form the aquatic habitat.

The chief environmental factors affecting the habitat of living organisms are temperature, humidity, climate, soil and light intensity.

It’s the entire neighborhood where an animal gets the food, water and cover it needs to survive. Scientists call this home or place its habitat. For humans, habitat may mean the neighborhood or city in which they live.

Different kinds of plants grow naturally in different areas too. Plants and animals will choose where they live mostly because of the water, food and climate of a specific are a habitat is the physical area where the animal or plant lives. An organism’s natural habitat has everything it needs to live.
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