Superlative Forms of Adjectives Worksheet Exercises for Class 3 CBSE with Answers 1
This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used.

Superlative Forms of Adjectives Worksheet Exercises for Class 3 CBSE with Answers


  • When you compare three or more people or things, use the superlative form of an adjective.
  • The superlative form is usually made by adding -est to the adjective.
  • The word the is often used before the superlative form. For example: For longer words we use ‘Most’ key word – Most beautiful, Most charming.

Read the picture story.
Superlative Forms of Adjectives Worksheet Exercises for Class 3 CBSE with Answers 2

A. Answer the following questions according to the story above.

1. Which adjective is used to describe the story book? _____________
2. Which is the easiest story book for reading? _____________
3. Among whom is the story book ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ popular? _____________

B. Write the comparative form of the following adjectives.

1. _____________ easiest
2. _____________ most interesting
3. _____________ most populous

Superlative Forms of Adjectives Worksheet Exercises with Answers for Grade 3 CBSE PDF

A. Fill in the blanks with the superlative forms of the adjectives given in the brackets. Don’t forget to use ‘the’ in front of the superlatives.

1. The Nile is _____________ river in the world. (long)
2. Deepa was _____________ (intelligent) among the girls.
3. Rina is wearing _____________ dress. (bright)
4. She told me _____________ story. (interesting)
5. Mt. Everest is _____________ (high) mountain peak.

B. Write the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives.

1. Clean – _____________ _____________
2. Happy – _____________ _____________
3. Busy – _____________ _____________
4. Rich – _____________ _____________
5. Thin – _____________ _____________

C. Fill in the blanks with a comparative or superlative adjectives to complete the following paragraph.

Ms. Mathur has two sons, Arun and Amit. Arun is _____________ (old) than Amit, but he’s not. Amit is _____________ (tall) than Arun. Ms. Mathur is the _____________ (intelligent) person in the family. Even though she is the _____________ (short) person in the family, she is the _____________ (old) of the three.