NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 6 रक्त और हमारा शरीर (यतीश अग्रवाल)

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 6 रक्त और हमारा शरीर (यतीश अग्रवाल) are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 6 रक्त और हमारा शरीर (यतीश अग्रवाल).

Board CBSE
Textbook NCERT
Class Class 7
Subject Hindi Vasant
Chapter Chapter 6
Chapter Name रक्त और हमारा शरीर (यतीश अग्रवाल)
Number of Questions Solved 16
Category NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 6 रक्त और हमारा शरीर (यतीश अग्रवाल)

पाठ्यपुस्तक के प्रश्न-अभ्यास

                                                                         (पृष्ठ 40-41)

पाठ से

प्रश्न 1.
रक्त के बहाव को रोकने के लिए क्या करना चाहिए?   [Imp.]
रक्त के बहाव को रोकने के लिए उस स्थान पर कसकर साफ़ कपड़ा बाँध देना चाहिए, क्योंकि दबाव पड़ने पर रक्त का बहना कम हो जाता है फिर जल्दी ही डॉक्टर के पास ले जाना चाहिए।

प्रश्न 2.
खून को ‘भानुमती का पिटारा” क्यों कहा जाता है?
खून को ‘भानुमती का पिटारा’ इसलिए कहा जाता है, क्योंकि इसमें लाखों कण तरह-तरह के होते हैं। इसमें यदि सूक्ष्मदर्शी से खून की एक बूंद को जाँचा जाए तो इसमें लाखों की संख्या में लाल रक्त कण मौजूद होते हैं जिसकी हम कल्पना नहीं कर सकते। इसके अलावे इसके दो भाग होते हैं-पहला तरल भाग प्लाज्मा कहलाता है। दूसरे भाग में छोटे-छोटे कई कण होते हैं, जो प्लाज्मा में तैरते रहते हैं। इन कणों में कुछ लाल, कुछ-कुछ सफ़ेद तथा कुछ रंगहीन कण होते हैं। यह रंगहीन कण बिंबाणु कहलाते हैं। रक्त की एक बूंद में इतनी सारी चीज मौजूद होने के कारण ही उसे ‘भानुमती का पिटारा’ कहा जाता है।

प्रश्न 3.
एनीमिया से बचने के लिए हमें क्या-क्या खाना चाहिए?
एनीमिया से बचने के लिए हमें पौष्टिक आहार का सेवन करना चाहिए। हमें अपने भोज्य पदार्थों में उचित मात्रा में हरी सब्ज़ियाँ, फल, दूध, अंडे व गोश्त खाना चाहिए ताकि हमारे शरीर को प्रोटीन, लौहतत्त्व और विटामिन पूरी तरह मिलते रहें। |

प्रश्न 4.
पेट में कीड़े क्यों हो जाते हैं? इनसे कैसे बचा जा सकता है?   [Imp.]
पेट में कीड़े दूषित जल और खाद्य पदार्थों द्वारा शरीर में प्रवेश करते हैं। इनसे बचने के लिए सफ़ाई से बने खाद्य पदार्थ ग्रहण करने चाहिए। भोजन करने से पहले हाथ धोने चाहिए और साफ़ जल पीना चाहिए। इसके अलावा हमें कभी नंगे पाँव नहीं घूमना चाहिए क्योंकि जमीन की ऊपरी सतह पर एक प्रकार के कीड़े पाए जाते हैं। ये अंडों से उत्पन्न लार्वे की सहायता से शरीर में प्रवेश कर आँतों तक पहुँच जाते हैं इसलिए नंगे पाँव कभी घूमना नहीं चाहिए।

प्रश्न 5.
रक्त के सफ़ेद कणों को ‘वीर सिपाही’ क्यों कहा गया है?   [Imp.]
रक्त के सफ़ेद कणों को ‘वीर सिपाही’ कहा गया है क्योंकि ये रोगों के कीटाणुओं को शरीर में घुसने नहीं देते, उनसे डटकर मुकाबला करते हैं। ये हमारी बहुत-से रोगों से रक्षा करते हैं।

प्रश्न 6.
ब्लड-बैंक में रक्तदान से क्या लाभ है?
ब्लड-बैंक में दान किए गए रक्त को सुरक्षित रूप में रखा जाता है। किसी भी व्यक्ति को रक्त की आवश्यकता पड़े तो उसके लिए किसी भी रक्त-समूह का रक्त वहाँ से लिया जा सकता है। इससे मरीज़ की जान बच सकती है।

प्रश्न 7.
साँस लेने पर शुद्ध वायु से जो ऑक्सीजन प्राप्त होती है, उसे शरीर के हर हिस्से में कौन पहुँचाता है

सफ़ेद कण             लाल कण
साँस नली               फेफड़े

लाल कण।

पाठ से आगे

प्रश्न 1.
रक्त में हीमोग्लोबिन के लिए किस खनिज की आवश्यकता पड़ती है-
जस्ता        शीशा
लोहा         प्लैटिनम

प्रश्न 2.
बिंबाणु (प्लेटलैट कण) की कमी किस बीमारी में पाई जाती है-
टाइफ़ायड     मलेरिया
डेंगू              फ़ाइलेरिया

भाषा की बात

प्रश्न 1.
(क) चार महीने के होते-होते ये नष्ट हो जाते हैं-
• इस वाक्य को ध्यान से पढिए। इस वाक्य में होते-होते’ के प्रयोग से यह बताया गया है कि चार महीने से पूर्व ही ये नष्ट हो जाते हैं। इस तरह के पाँच वाक्य बनाइए जिनमें इन शब्दों का प्रयोग हो-

बनते-बनते, पहुँचते-पहुँचते, लेते-लेते, करते-करते

बनते-बनते         –   मैंने नया घर लेने का फैसला किया लेकिन बात बनते-बनते बिगड़ गई। |
पहुँचते-पहुँचते    –   वह घर पहुँचते-पहुँचते न जाने क्यों रास्ते में रुक गया।
लेते-लेते             –   मैंने सात्विक से पेंसिल लेते-लेते छोड़ दी।
करते-करते        –   माँ रात तक घर का काम करते-करते थक गई।
(ख) इन प्रयोगों को पढ़िए-

सड़क के किनारे –   किनारे पेड़ लगे हैं।
आज दूर            –   दूर तक वर्षा होगी।

• इन वाक्यों में होते-होते’ की तरह ‘किनारे-किनारे’ और ‘दूर-दूर’ शब्द दोहराए गए हैं। पर हर वाक्य में अर्थ भिन्न है। किनारे-किनारे का अर्थ है-किनारे से लगा हुआ और दूर-दूर का-बहुत दूर तक।
• आप भी निम्नलिखित शब्दों का प्रयोग करते हुए वाक्य बनाइए और उनके अर्थ लिखिए-

ठीक-ठीक, घड़ी-घड़ी, कहीं-कहीं, घर-घर, क्या-क्या

ठीक-ठीक (सही-सही)    –   माँ ने बच्चे से कहा-‘गृहकार्य ठीक-ठीक करना।’
घड़ी-घड़ी (हर पल)         –   विद्यालय की ओर से घूमने गए मोहन को घड़ी-घड़ी माता-पिता की याद आ रही थी।
कहीं-कहीं (किसी किसी स्थान पर)    –    बगीचे में कहीं-कहीं गुलाब के फूल लगे थे।
घर-घर (प्रत्येक घर में)     –    घर-घर यह खबर फैलते देर न लगी कि शहर में लुटेरे घूम रहे हैं।
क्या-क्या (कौन सा)         –    दिव्या ने मोहिनी से पूछा कि तुम्हें बाजार से क्या-क्या लेना है?

प्रश्न 2.
इस पाठ में दिए गए मुहावरों और कहावतों को पढ़िए और वाक्यों में प्रयोग कीजिए

भानुमती का पिटारा, दस्तक देना, धावा बोलना, घर करना, पीठ ठोकना


  1. भानुमती का पिटारा ( तरह-तरह की वस्तुएँ होना)-मेरी मम्मी का बक्सा तो पूरा भानुमती का पिटारा होता है।
  2. दस्तक देना (खट-खटाना)-चोर की सूचना पाकर पुलिस ने उसके घर पर दस्तक दी।
  3. धावा बोलना ( हमला करना)-डाकुओं ने अचानक गाँव पर धावा बोल दिया।
  4. घर करना (स्थान बना लेना)-रोगाणु धीरे-धीरे मनुष्य के शरीर में घर करने लगते हैं।
  5. पीठ-ठोकना (शाबाशी देना)-परीक्षा में प्रथम आने पर मेरे पिता जी ने मेरी पीठ ठोकी।

कुछ करने को

प्रश्न 1.
अपने परिवार के अट्ठारह वर्ष से पचास वर्ष तक की आयुवाले सभी स्वस्थ सदस्यों को रक्तदान के लिए प्रेरित कीजिए और समय आने पर स्वयं भी रक्तदान करने का संकल्प लीजिए।
छात्र स्वयं करें।

प्रश्न 2.
शरीर-रचना का चित्र देखकर उसमें रक्त संचार क्रिया को ठीक-ठीक समझिए।
पुस्तकालय में विज्ञान की पुस्तक में इस प्रश्न का उत्तर पूँढ़िएँ।

प्रश्न 3.
नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नों के बारे में जानकारी एकत्र कीजिए-
(क) ब्लू बेबी क्या है?
(ख) रक्त के जमाव की क्रिया में बिंबाणु (प्लेटलेट) का कार्य क्या है?
(ग) रक्तदान के लिए कम-से-कम कितनी उम्र होनी चाहिए?
(घ) कितने समय बाद दोबारा रक्तदान किया जा सकता है?
(ङ) क्या स्त्री का रक्त पुरुष को चढ़ाया जा सकता है?

  1. किसी पैदा हुए बच्चे का यदि हृदय कमजोर हो तो उसे सही रूप से ऑक्सीजन नहीं मिल पाती। वह ठीक से साँस नहीं ले सकता। धीरे-धीरे उसका शरीर नीला पड़ना शुरू हो जाता है क्योंकि ऑक्सीजन की कमी से खून सही रूप से पूरे शरीर में दौरा नहीं करता।
  2. रक्त के जमाव की क्रिया में बिंबाणु (प्लेटलैट) विशेष भूमिका निभाते हैं। जब कोई चोट लग जाए तो रक्त के तरल भाग प्लाज्मा में एक विशेष किस्म की प्रोटीन होती है जो रक्त वाहिका की कटी-फटी दीवार में मकड़ी के जाले के समान एक जाला बुन देती है। बिंबाणु इस जाले से चिपक जाते हैं और इस तरह दीवार में आई दरार भर जाती है, जिससे रक्त बाहर निकलना बंद हो जाता है।
  3. रक्तदान के लिए कम-से-कम अट्ठारह वर्ष की आयु होनी चाहिए।
  4. तीन महीने के बाद दुबारा रक्तदान किया जा सकता है।
  5. हाँ, स्त्री का रक्त पुरुष को चढ़ाया जा सकता है।

प्रश्न 4.
शरीर के किसी अंग में अचानक रक्त-संचार रुक जाने से क्या-क्या परिस्थितियाँ उत्पन्न हो। सकती हैं?
शरीर के किसी अंग में अचानक रक्त-संचार रुक जाए तो मनुष्य का वह अंग सही रूप में काम करना बंद कर देता है। कई बार इतनी विकट स्थिति पैदा हो जाती है कि जिस स्थान में रक्त संचार नहीं होता वहाँ के रुके हुए खून में जहर फैल जाता है और उस अंग को काटने तक की नौबत भी आ जाती है।

We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 6 रक्त और हमारा शरीर (यतीश अग्रवाल) help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 6 रक्त और हमारा शरीर (यतीश अग्रवाल), drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 10 अपूर्व अनुभव (तेत्सुको कुरियानागी)

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 10 अपूर्व अनुभव (तेत्सुको कुरियानागी) are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 10 अपूर्व अनुभव (तेत्सुको कुरियानागी).

Board CBSE
Textbook NCERT
Class Class 7
Subject Hindi Vasant
Chapter Chapter 10
Chapter Name अपूर्व अनुभव (तेत्सुको कुरियानागी)
Number of Questions Solved 10
Category NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 10 अपूर्व अनुभव (तेत्सुको कुरियानागी)

पाठ्यपुस्तक के प्रश्न-अभ्यास
(पृष्ठ 81-82)
पाठ से

प्रश्न 1.
यासुकी-चान को अपने पेड़ पर चढ़ाने के लिए तोत्तो-चान ने अथक प्रयास क्यों किया? लिखिए।
यासुकी-चान तोत्तो-चान का घनिष्ठ मित्र था। उसे पोलियो हो गया था जिसके कारण उसके हाथ-पैर सही रूप में काम न करते थे। पेड़ पर चढ़ना तो उसके लिए संभव ही न था। जबकि जापान के शहर तोमोए में हर बच्चे का एक निजी पेड़ था, लेकिन यासुकी-चान ने शारीरिक अपंगता के कारण किसी पेड़ को निजी नहीं बनाया था। उसके मन की पेड़ पर चढ़ने की चाह को पूरा करने के लिए तोत्तो-चान ने यासुकी-चान को पेड़ पर चढ़ाने का अथक प्रयास किया।

प्रश्न 2.
दृढ़ निश्चय और अथक परिश्रम से सफलता पाने के बाद तोत्तो-चाने और यासुकी-चान को अपूर्व अनुभव मिला, इन दोनों के अपूर्व अनुभव कुछ अलग-अलग थे। दोनों में क्या अंतर रहे? लिखिए।
पेड़ से बच्चों का अटूट संबंध था। वे अपने-अपने पेड़ को निजी संपत्ति मानते थे। वे पेड़ पर चढ़कर काफ़ी खुश होते थे। और मौज मस्ती करते थे। बाग में उनकी गतिविधियों को देखकर यासुकी-चान को अपनी अपंगता पर हताशा होती होगी। उसके मन में उदासी छा जाती होगी। उसे अपनी विवशता पर काफ़ी दुख होता होगा।

प्रश्न 3.
पाठ में खोजकर देखिए-कब सूरज का ताप यासुकी-चान और तोत्तो-चान पर पड़ रहा था, वे दोनों पसीने से तरबतर हो रहे थे और कब बादल का एक टुकड़ा उन्हें छाया देकर कड़कती धूप से बचाने लगा था। आपके अनुसार इस प्रकार परिस्थिति के बदलने का कारण क्या हो सकती है?
पहली सीढ़ी से यासुकी-चान का पेड़ पर चढ़ने का प्रयास जब असफल हो गया तो तोत्तो-चान तिपाई सीढ़ी खींचकर लाई। अपने अथक परिश्रम से उसे ऊपर चढ़ाने का प्रयास करने लगी तो दोनों तेज़ सूर्य के ताप से पसीने में तरबतर हो रहे थे। जब यासुकी-चान पेड़ पर चढ़ गया और द्विशाखा पर बैठाने के लिए तोत्तो-चान नन्हें-नन्हें हाथों से उसे खींच रही थी तो बादल का टुकड़ा बीच-बीच में छाया करके उन्हें ककती धूप से बचा रहा था। हमारे । अनुसार इस परिस्थिति के बदलने का कारण यह हो सकता है कि तोत्तो-चान के अपने मित्र को खुशी प्रदान करने के इस कार्य से प्रकृति भी खुश होकर उन्हें सुख प्रदान करना चाहती थी।

प्रश्न 4.
‘यासुकी-चान के लिए पेड़ पर चढ़ने का यह …… अंतिम मौका था।’-इस अधूरे वाक्य को पूरा कीजिए और लिखकर बताइए कि लेखिका ने ऐसा क्यों लिखा होगा?
यासुकी-चान के लिए पेड़ पर चढ़ने का यह पहला अवसर था जिसे तोत्तो-चान ने बड़ी मुश्किल से पूरा किया। यह इतना जोखिम भरा कार्य था कि शायद यह यासुकी-चान के लिए पहले के साथ-साथ अंतिम मौका था। लेखिका ने ऐसा इसलिए कहा क्योंकि बहुत जोखिम उठाकर, अपने माता-पिता को बिना बताए तोत्तो-चान उसे पेड़ पर लेकर गई थी। शायद वह दोबारा ऐसा कभी न कर पाएगी।

पाठ से आगे

प्रश्न 1.
तोत्तो-चान ने अपनी योजना को बड़ों से इसलिए छिपा लिया कि उसमें जोखिम था, यासुकी-चान के गिर जाने की संभावना थी। फिर भी उसके मन में यासुकी-चान को पेड़ पर चढ़ाने की दृढ़ इच्छा थी। ऐसी दृढ़ इच्छाएँ । बुद्धि और कठोर परिश्रम से अवश्य पूरी हो जाती हैं। आप किस तरह की सफलता के लिए तीव्र इच्छा और बुद्धि का उपयोग कर कठोर परिश्रम करना चाहते हैं?
इसमें असत्य नहीं कि तोत्तो-चान ने यासुकी-चान को पेड़ पर चढ़ाने का कार्य अत्यधिक दृढ़ निश्चय, बुद्धि व कठोर परिश्रम से पूरा किया। मैं अपने जीवन में समाज सुधारक बनना चाहता हूँ। इस हेतु मेरी तीव्र इच्छा है। कि समाज में बड़े-बुजुर्गों के साथ पारिवारिक अन्याय न हो। मैं अपनी बुद्धि के उपयोग व कठिन परिश्रम से इन लोगों को अधिक-से-अधिक सुविधाएँ प्रदान करवाऊँगा जिसमें सरकार व समाज दोनों का सहयोग हो।

प्रश्न 2.
हम अकसर बहादुरी के बड़े-बड़े कारनामों के बारे में सुनते रहते हैं, लेकिन ‘अपूर्व अनुभव’ कहानी एक मामूली बहादुरी और जोखिम की ओर हमारा ध्यान खींचती है। यदि आपको अपने आसपास के संसार में कोई रोमांचकारी अनुभव प्राप्त करना हो तो कैसे प्राप्त करेंगे?
हम अकसर बहादुरी के बड़े-बड़े कारनामों के बारे में सुनते रहते हैं, लेकिन शारीरिक चुनौतियों से गुजरने वाले व्यक्तियों के लिए चढ़ने-उतरने की सुविधाएँ कुछ ही स्थानों पर दिखाई देती हैं, जैसे-सरकारी अस्पताल, बसों, रेलवे प्लेटफार्म, हवाई अड्डों आदि।

अनुमान और कल्पना

प्रश्न 1.
अपनी माँ से झूठ बोलते समय तोत्तो-चान की नज़रे नीचे क्यों थीं?
अपनी माँ से झूठ बोलते समय तोत्तो-चान की नज़रे नीचे इसलिए थी कि उसकी चोरी पकड़ी न जा सके। और अपने अपराध के कारण उसके नजरें नीचे थी उसे यह डर सता रहा था कि अगर वह झूठ पकड़ लेगी और फिर उसे जाने नहीं देगी।

प्रश्न 2.
यासुकी-चान जैसे शारीरिक चुनौतियों से गुजरनेवाले व्यक्तियों के लिए चढ़ने-उतरने की सुविधाएँ हर जगह नहीं होतीं। लेकिन कुछ जगहों पर ऐसी सुविधाएँ दिखाई देती हैं। उन सुविधावाली जगहों की सूची बनाइए।
शारीरिक चुनौतियों से गुजर रहे लोगों को विशेष सुविधाएँ अगर प्रदान की जाएँ तो उनका जीवन यापन कुछ सुलभ हो सकता है।
हमें शारीरिक चुनौतियों से गुजर रहे लोगों के लिए सुविधाएँ सरकारी अस्पतालों, बसों, रेलवे प्लेट फार्म व हवाई अड्डे पर ही मुख्य रूप से देखने को मिलती हैं। कई बार विशेष सभाओं में से भी विकलांगों को बैठने हेतु अलग स्थान प्रदान किया जाता है।

इसके अलावा शिक्षण संस्थानों व नौकरियों में विकलांगों का अलग कोटा (आरक्षण) है।

भाषा की बात

प्रश्न 1.
द्विशाखा शब्द द्वि और शाखा के योग से बना है। द्वि का अर्थ है-दो और शाखा का अर्थ है-डाल। द्विशाखा | पेड़ के तने का वह भाग है जहाँ से दो मोटी-मोटी डालियाँ एक साथ निकलती हैं। द्वि की भाँति आप त्रि से बननेवाला शब्द त्रिकोण जानते होंगे। त्रि का अर्थ है तीन। इस प्रकार, चार, पाँच, छह, सात, आठ, नौ और दस संख्यावाची संस्कृत शब्द उपयोग में अकसर आते हैं। इन संख्यावाची शब्दों की जानकारी प्राप्त कीजिए और देखिए कि क्या इन शब्दों की ध्वनियाँ अंग्रेज़ी संख्या के नामों से कुछ-कुछ मिलती-जुलती हैं, जैसे-हिंदी-आठ, संस्कृत-अष्ट, अंग्रेजी-एट।
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 10 अपूर्व अनुभव (तेत्सुको कुरियानागी) 1

प्रश्न 2.
पाठ में ‘ठिठियाकर हँसने लगी’, ‘पीछे से धकियाने लगी’, जैसे वाक्य आए हैं। ठिठियाकर हँसने के मतलब का आप अवश्य अनुमान लगा सकते हैं। ठी-ठी-ठी हँसना या ठठा मारकर हँसना बोलचाल में प्रयोग होता है। इसमें हँसने की ध्वनि के एक खास अंदाज़ की हँसी को विशेषण बना दिया गया है। साथ ही ठिठियाना और धकियाना शब्द में ‘आना’ प्रत्यय का प्रयोग हुआ है। इस प्रत्यय से फ़िल्माना शब्द भी बन जाता है। ‘आना’ प्रत्यय से बनने वाले चार सार्थक शब्द लिखिए।
शर्माना, चलाना, बतियाना, झुठलाना।

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 5 मिठाईवाला (भगवतीप्रसाद वाजपेयी)

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 5 मिठाईवाला (भगवतीप्रसाद वाजपेयी) are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 5 मिठाईवाला (भगवतीप्रसाद वाजपेयी)

Board CBSE
Textbook NCERT
Class Class 7
Subject Hindi Vasant
Chapter Chapter 5
Chapter Name मिठाईवाला (भगवतीप्रसाद वाजपेयी)
Number of Questions Solved 19
Category NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 5 मिठाईवाला (भगवतीप्रसाद वाजपेयी)

पाठ्यपुस्तक के प्रश्न-अभ्यास

                                                                      (पृष्ठ 30-31)

कहानी से

प्रश्न 1.
मिठाईवाला अलग-अलग चीजें क्यों बेचता था और वह महीनों बाद क्यों आता था? [Imp.]
मिठाईवाले के बच्चों की असमय मृत्यु हो गई थी। वह अपने बच्चों की झलक इन गली के बच्चों में देखता था। जब बच्चे अपनी मधुर आवाज़ में उससे अलग-अलग चीजें माँगते तो ऐसे लगता जैसे वह अपने बच्चों की फरमाइशें पूरी कर रहा हो। वह कई महीनों बाद आता था क्योंकि उसे पैसों का कोई लालच न था। वह तो केवल अपने मन को संतुष्ट करने के लिए बच्चों की मनपसंद चीजें बेचा करता था। दूसरे बच्चों में अपने बच्चों की झलक पाकर संतोष, धैर्य तथा सुख का अनुभव करता था।

प्रश्न 2.
मिठाईवाले में वे कौन से गुण थे जिनकी वजह से बच्चे तो बच्चे, बड़े भी उसकी ओर खिंचे चले आते थे?
मिठाईवाले में अनेक गुण थे, जिसके कारण बच्चे, बड़े और बूढ़े भी उनकी ओर खिंचे चले आते थे। उनमें विशेष प्रकार के कई गुण मौजूद थे, उनमें थे
(क) उसका स्वर बहुत मीठा था। वह गा-गाकर चीजें बेचता था।
(ख) उसका स्वभाव अत्यंत विनम्र था। वह मृदुभाषी तथा सहनशील था।
(ग) बच्चों के प्रति उसका व्यवहार अत्यंत मृदु, प्रेमपूर्वक एवं कोमल था।
(घ) वह सदैव फायदे के चक्कर में नहीं रहता था। पैसे नहीं होने पर भी वह खिलौने या अन्य वस्तुएँ मुफ्त में दे दिया। करता था।
(ङ) वह बच्चों की पसंद की नई-नई वस्तुएँ लाया करता था। उसके हृदय में बच्चों के लिए ममता थी।

प्रश्न 3.
विजय बाबू एक ग्राहक थे और मुरलीवाला एक विक्रेता। दोनों अपने-अपने पक्ष के समर्थन में क्या तर्क पेश करते हैं?
विजय बाबू एक ग्राहक थे और मुरलीवाला एक विक्रेता अर्थात् सामान बेचने वाला। विक्रेता ने स्वभावानुसार यह तर्क दिया कि सबको तो तीन रुपए की मुरली दी है लेकिन आपको दो रुपए की दे रहा हूँ क्योंकि हर दुकानदार ग्राहक को प्रसन्न करने हेतु ऐसा कहता है। दूसरी ओर विजय बाबू ने ग्राहक के स्वभावानुसार इस तर्क को काटा कि तुम लोग तो झूठ बोलते हो। तुमने सभी को ही इतने की दी होगी लेकिन मुझ पर ही अहसान जताना चाहते हो। वास्तव में किसी भी चीज के मोल-भाव करने के समय ऐसा संवाद क्रेता और विक्रेता के मध्य हो ही जाता है।

प्रश्न 4.
खिलौनेवाले के आने पर बच्चों की क्या प्रतिक्रिया होती थी?
खिलौनेवाले की मधुर आवाज सुनकर बच्चे चंचल हो उठते। उसके स्नेहपूर्ण कंठ से फूटती हुई आवाज़ सुनकर निकट के मकानों में हलचल मच जाती। छोटे-छोटे बच्चों को अपनी गोद में लिए स्त्रियाँ भी चिकों को उठाकर छज्जों पर से नीचे झाँकने लगतीं। गलियों तथा उनके भीतर स्थित छोटे-छोटे उद्यानों में खेलते और इठलाते हुए बच्चों का समूह उसे घेर लेता और तब वह खिलौनेवाला अपनी खिलौनों की पेटी वहीं खोल देता।

प्रश्न 5.
रोहिणी को मुरलीवाले के स्वर से खिलौनेवाले का स्मरण क्यों हो आया?   [Imp.]
रोहिणी को मुरलीवाले के स्वर से खिलौनेवाले का स्मरण हो आया क्योंकि वह आवाज़ जानी-पहचानी थी। खिलौनेवाला भी इसी प्रकार मधुर कंठ से गाकर खिलौने बेचा करता था। मुरलीवाला भी ठीक वैसे ही मधुर आवाज़ में गा-गाकर मुरलियाँ बेच रहा था।

प्रश्न 6.
किसकी बात सुनकर मिठाईवाला भावुक हो गया था? उसने इन व्यवसायों को अपनाने का क्या कारण बताया?
दादी माँ की बात सुनकर मिठाईवाला भावुक हो गया था। उसने इन व्यवसायों को अपनाने का कारण यह बताया कि बच्चों को प्रसन्न देखकर मेरा हृदय प्रसन्न हो जाता है। इससे मुझे संतोष, धैर्य व असीम सुख की प्राप्ति होती है। इन बच्चों में मुझे अपने बच्चों की ही झलक नज़र आती है। ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि इन्हीं बच्चों के रूप में ही उन्होंने जन्म लिया होगा।

प्रश्न 7.
अब इस बार ये पैसे न लँगा’-कहानी के अंत में मिठाईवाले ने ऐसा क्यों कहा?  [Imp.]
दादी और रोहिणी से बातें करते हुए मिठाईवाला भावुक हो उठा उसने उन्हें बताया कि उसका भी घर-परिवार था, बाल-बच्चे व सुंदर पत्नी थी, वह स्वयं भी प्रतिष्ठित व्यक्ति था लेकिन अब उसके पास कुछ नहीं रहा। इसलिए अपने उन बच्चों की खोज में निकलता हूँ और इन्हीं बच्चों में मुझे उनकी झलक नज़र आती है तो संतुष्ट हो जाता हूँ। उसी समय रोहिणी के बच्चे चुन्नू-मुन्नू आकर मिठाई माँगने लगते हैं। वह दोनों को मिठाई से भरी एक-एक पुड़िया देता है। रोहिणी पैसे देती है तो उसका यह कहना–“अब इस बार ये पैसे न लँगा।” इस बात को दर्शाता है। कि उसका मन भर आया और वे बच्चे उसे अपने बच्चे ही लगे।

प्रश्न 8.
इस कहानी में रोहिणी चिक के पीछे से बात करती है। क्या आज भी औरतें चिक के पीछे से बात करती हैं? यदि करती हैं तो क्यों? आपकी राय में क्या यह सही है?
आज प्रायः औरतें चिक के पीछे से बातें नहीं करती। हाँ, कुछ मुसलिम परिवारों, ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों, पिछड़े इलाके में औरतें परदे या चिक के पीछे आज भी बातें करती हैं। अपरिचित पुरुषों, गाँव-घर के बुजुर्गों से बातें करते समय ये परदा कर लेती हैं। ऐसे में वे चिक के पीछे से बात करने को मजबूर होती हैं। हमारी राय में यह पूर्णतया गलत है, क्योंकि स्त्री-पुरुष दोनों समाज के आधार हैं। दोनों को समान अधिकार मिलना चाहिए।

कहानी से आगे

प्रश्न 1.
मिठाईवाले के परिवार के साथ क्या हुआ होगा? सोचिए और इस आधार पर एक और कहानी बनाइए?
मिठाईवाले का परिवार अवश्य ही किसी दुर्घटना का शिकार हुआ होगा। मिठाईवाले का परिवार कहीं जा रहा होगा और किसी दुर्घटना में उसकी पत्नी एवं बच्चे की मृत्यु हुई होगी। कहानी-एक गाँव में एक मिठाईवाले की दुकान थी। तरहतरह की वह भी मिठाइयाँ बेचा करता था। दुकान के साथ ही उसका घर था। लोग बड़े शौक से मिठाइयाँ खाते थे। दूर-दूर से लोग वहाँ आकर उसकी मिठाइयाँ खरीदा करते थे। उसके भी दो बच्चे थे। उसकी पत्नी सुंदर थी। एक हँसती-खेलता परिवार था। शहर में उसका मान था। आलिशान घर था। व्यवसाय फल-फूल रहा था। एक बार की बात है कि उसके नगर में महामारी फैली। इस शहर में इस महामारी के कारण अनेक लोगों की जान चली गई। मिठाईवाले ने भी अपने बच्चे एवं पत्नी को बचाने का काफ़ी प्रयास किया लेकिन नहीं बचा सका। मिठाईवाले की दुनिया उजड़ गई। वह दुख के सागर में डूब गया। अपने दुख से उबरने के लिए अपने घर को एक अनाथ आश्रम बना दिया। अनाथ बच्चों का वह पालन-पोषण किया करता था उसमें उसे असीम सुख मिलता था। उन बच्चों में उसे अपने बच्चे की झलक देखने को मिलती थी।

प्रश्न 2.
हाट-मेले, शादी आदि आयोजनों में कौन-कौन सी चीजें आपको सबसे ज्यादा आकर्षित करती हैं? उनको सजाने-बनाने में किसका हाथ होगा? उन चेहरों के बारे में लिखिए।
हाट-मेले, शादी आदि आयोजनों में हमें मिठाइयाँ, गोलगप्पें, चाट-पापड़ी, फूट-चाट, चीलें, छोले-भटूरे, सांभर-डोसा, इडली, चाइनिज फूड व इनके अलावा विभिन्न खाद्य पदार्थ आकर्षित करते हैं।

उनको बनाने-सजाने में विभिन्न पाक कला विशेषज्ञों का हाथ होता है। उन चेहरों के बारे में हम यही कह सकते हैं कि उनके चेहरे पर परिश्रम झलकता है और वे हर कार्य में निपुण दिखाई पड़ते हैं। जैसे-समोसे बनाने वाला समोसे बनाने में, सांभर-डोसा बनाने वाला सांभर-डोसा बनाने में, इडली बनाने वाला इडली बनाने में, आइसक्रीम बनाने वाला आइसक्रीम बनाने में आदि।

प्रश्न 3.
इस कहानी में मिठाईवाला दूसरों को प्यार और खुशी देकर अपना दुख कम करता है? इस मिजाज की और कहानियाँ, कविताएँ हूँढ़िए और पढ़िए।
पुस्तकालय की मदद से यह कार्य कीजिए।

अनुमान और कल्पना

प्रश्न 1.
आपकी गलियों में कई अजनबी फेरीवाले आते होंगे। आप उनके बारे में क्या-क्या जानते हैं? अगली बार जब आपकी गली में कोई फेरीवाला आए तो उससे बातचीत कर जानने की कोशिश कीजिए।
मैं दिल्ली में रहता हूँ। हमारी गली में मौसम के अनुसार कई फेरीवाले आते हैं। ऐसे ही सर्दियों में एक बार एक कश्मीरी शालें बेचने के लिए आया। माँ ने उसे बिठाया और शालें देखने लगी। मेरे मन में चाह हुई कि यह इतनी दूर से शालें बेचने क्यों आया है। मैंने उससे पूछ ही लिया कि ‘भैया’ तुम्हारी कोई दुकान नहीं है? वह बेचारा चुप हो गया और मुसकुराने लगा लेकिन मैंने जिज्ञासावश दोबारा पूछने की कोशिश की तो उसकी आँखों में आँसू आ गए। वह कहने लगा कि मेरा बहुत बड़ा शोरूम था, कई नौकर-चाकर थे लेकिन आतंकवादियों ने ऐसा हमला किया कि हमारे बाजार में बम विस्फोट हो गया। बड़ी मुश्किल से जान बचाई। सामान व दुकान जलकर खाक हो गईं। पेट पालना भी कठिन हो गया। मेरे भी छोटे-छोटे बच्चे, पत्नी व माता-पिता हैं। उनकी परवरिश करने का साधन न रहा इसीलिए जगह-जगह जाकर कश्मीरी शालें बेचता हूँ।

प्रश्न 2.
आपके माता-पिता के ज़माने से लेकर अब तक फेरी की आवाजों में कैसा बदलाव आया है? बड़ों से पूछकर लिखिए।
जब माता-पिता का जमाना था तो हर चीज़ फेरी वाले बेचने के लिए लाया करते थे। फेरी वालों की आवाजें मनभावन और कोई न कोई विशेषता लिए होती थी। जैसे कपड़े वाला आएगा तो डमडम या भोंपू, खिलौनेवाला ज़ोर-जोर से सीटियाँ, खाने की चीजों जैसे टिक्कीवाला अपने तवे पर ही भारी चीज़ से टनटन, ठंडे शरबत वाला लंबी-लंबी तान में आवाजें, झूले वाला धुंघरू बजाता था, लेकिन आज पहली बात तो यह है कि अधिक फेरी वाले आते ही नहीं क्योंकि लोग मोहर लगी चीजें अधिक पसंद करते हैं। दूसरा आते भी हैं तो अपने सामान से संबंधित आवाजें तो अवश्य लगाते हैं लेकिन उनमें विशेष आकर्षण कम हो गया है।

प्रश्न 3.
क्या आपको लगता है कि-वक्त के साथ फेरी के स्वर कम हुए हैं? कारण लिखिए।
छात्र स्वयं करें।

भाषा की बात

प्रश्न 1.
मिठाईवाला बोलनेवाली गुडिया
• ऊपर वाला’ का प्रयोग है। अब बताइए कि-
(क) ‘वाला’ से पहले आनेवाले शब्द संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, विशेषण आदि में से क्या हैं?
(ख) ऊपर लिखे वाक्यांशों में उनका क्या प्रयोग है?
(क)‘वाला’ से पहले आने वाले शब्द संज्ञा और विशेषण के हैं-
(ख) मिठाईवाला में    –  मिठाई शब्द संज्ञा का है और वाला शब्द प्रकट करता है-मिठाई बेचने वाला।
बोलनेवाली गुड़िया में   –  बोलने वाली विशेषण शब्द है। जबकि गुड़िया शब्द संज्ञा है जो प्रकट करता है-वह गुड़िया जो बोलती है।

प्रश्न 2.
“अच्छा मुझे ज्यादा वक्त नहीं, जल्दी से दो ठो निकाल दो।”

  • उपर्युक्त वाक्य में ‘ठो’ के प्रयोग की ओर ध्यान दीजिए। पूर्वी उत्तर प्रदेश और बिहार की भाषाओं में इस शब्द का प्रयोग संख्यावाची शब्द के साथ होता है, जैसे, भोजपुरी में-एक ठो लइका, चार ठो आलू, तीन ठो बटुली।
  • ऐसे शब्दों का प्रयोग भारत की कई अन्य भाषाओं/बोलियों में भी होता है। कक्षा में पता कीजिए कि किस-किस की भाषा-बोली में ऐसा है। इस पर सामूहिक बातचीत कीजिए।


  • उपर्युक्त वाक्यों में ‘ठो’ के प्रयोग की ओर ध्यान देने पर पता चलता है कि पूर्वी उत्तर प्रदेश और बिहार की भाषाओं में इस शब्द का प्रयोग संख्यावाची शब्द के साथ होता है; जैसे-भोजपुरी में-दो ठो आम, चार ठो समोसा, एक ठो लड़का।
  • चार नग टोपी।

प्रश्न 3.
“वे भी, जान पड़ता है, पार्क में खेलने निकल गए हैं।”
“क्यों भई, किस तरह देते हो मुरली?”
“दादी, चुन्नू-मुन्नू के लिए मिठाई लेनी है। जरा कमरे में चलकर ठहराओ।”
• भाषा के ये प्रयोग आजकल पढ़ने-सुनने में नहीं आते। आप ये बातें कैसे कहेंगे?
“लगता है, वे भी पार्क में खेलने चले गए हैं।”
“भैया, यह मुरली कितने की है?”
“दादी, चुन्नू-मुन्नू के लिए मिठाई लेनी है। ज़रा मिठाईवाले को कमरे में बुलवाओ।”

कुछ करने को

प्रश्न 1.
फेरीवालों की दिनचर्या कैसी होती होगी? उनका घर-परिवार कहाँ होगा? उनकी जिंदगी में किस प्रकार की समस्याएँ और उतार-चढ़ाव आते होंगे? यह जानने के लिए तीन-तीन के समूह में छात्र-छात्राएँ कुछ प्रश्न तैयार करें और फेरीवालों से बातचीत करें। प्रत्येक समूह अलग-अलग व्यवसाय से जुड़े फेरीवालों से बात करे।
फेरीवाले बेचारे सुबह से शाम तक गलियों के चक्कर लगाते होंगे। उनका घर-परिवार या तो उनसे अलग किसी गाँव या दूसरे शहर में होगा या किसी छोटी कॉलोनी में होगा। उनकी जिंदगी में अनेक समस्याएँ आती होंगी जैसे पूरा सामान न बिकना, बारिश हो जाने पर फेरी पर न जा पाना, अधिक गरमी में लोगों को घर से बाहर ही न निकलना, पैसे मिल जाएँ इसलिए कम दामों पर सामान बेचना। इस प्रकार की और भी कई समस्याओं का उन्हें सामना करना पड़ता होगा।
प्रश्नानुसार आज अलग-अलग व्यवसाय से जुड़े फेरीवालों से उनकी समस्याएँ व जीवन के बारे में बात करें।

प्रश्न 2.
इस कहानी को पढ़कर क्या आपको यह अनुभूति हुई कि दूसरों को प्यार और खुशी देने से अपने मन का दुख कम हो जाता है? समूह में बातचीत कीजिए।
कहानी मिठाईवाला पढ़कर इस बात की अनुभूति होती है कि दूसरों को प्यार और खुशी देने से अपने मन को दुख कम होता है जैसे मिठाईवाले के बच्चे और पत्नी एक हादसे में मर चुके थे। वह दूसरे बच्चों को जब उनकी पसंद का सामान ला-लाकर बेचता तो उनके चेहरे पर खुशी की लहर देखकर उसे संतोष, धैर्य और सुख का अनुभव होता। वह उन्हीं में ही अपने बच्चों की झलक देखने लगता।

प्रश्न 3.
अपनी कल्पना की मदद से मिठाईवाले का चित्र शब्दों के माध्यम से बनाइए।
मिठाईवाला मीठा स्वर, लंबा दुबले पतले शरीर, भूरी-भूरी आँखें, सिर पर टोकरी, पैरों में चप्पल, पजामा, कुर्ता पहने, कंधे पर गमछा लिए चलता होगा। वह सिर पर पगड़ी बाँधता होगा। उसके कंधों पर फेरी का सामान होता होगा, जिसमें खट्टीमीठी, स्वादिष्ट, सुगंधित गोलियाँ होंगी। जब वह मीठी स्वर में आवाज़ लगाते हुए गली में आता होगा तो बच्चे दौड़कर उसे घेर लेते होंगे।

We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter Vasant Chapter 5 मिठाईवाला (भगवतीप्रसाद वाजपेयी) help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter Vasant Chapter 5 मिठाईवाला (भगवतीप्रसाद वाजपेयी), drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 9 चिड़िया की बच्ची (जैनेंद्र कुमार)

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 9 चिड़िया की बच्ची (जैनेंद्र कुमार) are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 9 चिड़िया की बच्ची (जैनेंद्र कुमार).

Board CBSE
Textbook NCERT
Class Class 7
Subject Hindi Vasant
Chapter Chapter 9
Chapter Name चिड़िया की बच्ची (जैनेंद्र कुमार)
Number of Questions Solved 11
Category NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 9 चिड़िया की बच्ची (जैनेंद्र कुमार)

पाठ्यपुस्तक के प्रश्न-अभ्यास

                                                                         (पृष्ठ 73-74)

कहानी से

प्रश्न 1.
किन बातों से ज्ञात होता है कि माधवदास का जीवन संपन्नता से भरा था और किन बातों से ज्ञात होता है कि वह सुखी नहीं था?
माधवदास की बड़ी संगमरमर की कोठी, सुंदर बगीचा, रहने के ठाठ-बाट, चिड़िया को कहना कि तेरा सोने का पिंजरा बनवा दूंगा, मेरे पास ढेर सोना, कई कोठियाँ, बगीचे व दास-दासियाँ हैं-दर्शाता है कि उसका जीवन संपन्नता से परिपूर्ण था।
उसका अपने आप में यह सोचना कि सब कुछ प्राप्त करके भी जीवन में खालीपन है। पूरे घर में उसका. अकेले रहना, चिड़िया को अपने बगीचे में रहने के लिए मजबूर करना ताकि सुंदर चिड़िया को बार-बार देख सके व उसका चहचहाना सुन सके-दर्शाता है कि इतनी सुख-सुविधाएँ होने पर भी वह सुखी नहीं था।

प्रश्न 2.
माधवदास क्यों बार-बार चिड़िया से कहता है कि यह बगीचा तुम्हारा ही है? क्या माधवदास निःस्वार्थ मन से ऐसा कह रहा था? स्पष्ट कीजिए।
माधवदास चाहता है कि वह सुंदर चिड़िया उसके बगीचे में ही रह जाए इसलिए उसे बार-बार कहता है कि बगीचा तुम्हारा ही है।

माधवदास यह बात नि:स्वार्थ भावना से नहीं कहता, वास्तव में वह उसे बातों में फँसाकर अपने नौकर द्वारा पिंजरे में कैद करवाना चाहता था। वह चाहता था कि चिड़िया सदा के लिए उसके पास ही रह जाए।

प्रश्न 3.
माधवदास के बार-बार समझाने पर भी चिड़िया सोने के पिंजरे और सुख-सुविधाओं को कोई महत्त्व नहीं दे रही थी। दूसरी तरफ़ माधवदास की नज़र में चिड़िया की ज़िद का कोई तुक न था। माधवदास और चिड़िया के मनोभावों के अंतर क्या-क्या थे? अपने शब्दों में लिखिए।
माधवदास बार-बार चिड़िया को सोने के पिंजरे व सुख-सुविधाओं को प्रलोभन दे रहे थे लेकिन इसके विपरीत चिड़िया की सुख-सुविधाएँ प्रकृति में निहित थी। हवा, धूप और फूल ही उसकी धन संपत्ति थी। माँ परिवार और घर उसके लिए सबसे अधिक सुखदायी थे। उसे तो स्वच्छंदता ही पसंद है। उसे माधवदास के सुंदर बगीचे में रहना भी पसंद नहीं है। उसे सोना-चाँदी से कुछ लेना-देना नहीं था। वह अपने परिवार से अलग नहीं होना चाहती। शाम होते-होते माँ के पास जाने की जल्दी होती है। वह प्रकृति में स्वतंत्र होकर विचरण करना चाहती है। बंधन में रहना उसका स्वभाव नहीं। यही कारण था कि वह माधवदास की बातों को कोई महत्त्व नहीं दे रही थी।

वहीं दूसरी तरफ़ माधवदास स्वार्थ से संसारिक सुखों में लिप्त रहने वाले मनुष्य थे। प्रकृति उनके लिए सिर्फ मनोरंजन के साधन थे। उनके लिए धन दौलत और ताकत संसार की मूल्यवान वस्तुएँ थीं। जिससे वे संसार को वश में करना चाहते थे। इन कारणों से वह चिड़िया के ज़िद को मूर्खतापूर्ण समझ रहे थे।

प्रश्न 4.
कहानी के अंत में संन्ही चिड़िया का सेठ के नौकर के पंजे से भाग निकलने की बात पढ़कर तुम्हें कैसा लगा? चालीस-पचास या इससे कुछ अधिक शब्दों में अपनी प्रतिक्रिया लिखिए।
कहानी के अंत में नन्ही चिड़िया का सेठ के नौकर के पंजे से भाग निकलने की बात पढ़कर मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगा क्योंकि माधवदास उसे अत्यधिक प्रलोभन देता है कि वह उसके पास रह जाए, पर चिड़िया नहीं मानती। अंत में वह उसे अपने नौकर से पकड़वाना चाहता है लेकिन चिड़िया भाग निकली। यदि चिड़िया न भागती तो सदा के लिए उसके पंजे में फँस जाती और कभी अपनी माँ से न मिल पाती।

प्रश्न 5.
‘माँ मेरी बाट देखती होगी’-नन्ही चिड़िया बार-बार इसी बात को कहती है। आप अपने अनुभव के आधार पर बताइए कि हमारी जिंदगी में माँ का क्या महत्त्व है?
हर बच्चे के जीवन में माँ का अत्यधिक महत्त्व होता है। वह दुख में, सुख में सदा माँ का साथ चाहता है, माँ की गोद उसे सबसे सुरक्षित स्थान प्रतीत होती है। लाख प्रलोभन क्यों न दिए जाएँ बच्चा कभी भी माँ का साथ नहीं छोड़ता। इस कहानी में जैनेंद्र कुमार ने भी यही दर्शाना चाहा है कि मनुष्य तो मनुष्य पक्षी भी माँ का साथ चाहते हैं। जब चिड़िया को माधवदास के घर देर होने लगती है तो रह-रहकर वह यही कहती है कि माँ इंतजार करती होगी।

प्रश्न 6.
इस कहानी का कोई और शीर्षक देना हो तो आप क्या देना चाहेंगे और क्यों?
इस कहानी का दूसरा शीर्षक हो सकता है उड़ गई चिड़िया’ क्योंकि कहानी के अंत में चिड़िया सचमुच सेठ माधवदास के पंजे से आने से बच जाती है। पहले उसे फँसाने के लिए लालच और तरह तरह के छल प्रपंच का सहारा लिया गया। लेकिन अंत में चिड़िया चलाकी से उसके पहुँच से बाहर होकर उड़ गई। अतः मेरे अनुसार इस कहानी के लिए ‘चिड़िया उड़ गई’ शीर्षक उपयुक्त है।

कहानी से आगे

प्रश्न 1.
इस कहानी में आपने देखा कि वह चिड़िया अपने घर से दूर आकर भी फिर अपने घोंसले तक वापस पहुँच जाती है। मधुमक्खियों, चींटियों, ग्रह-नक्षत्रों तथा प्रकृति की अन्य विभिन्न चीजों में हमें एक अनुशासनबद्धता देखने को मिलती है। इस तरह के स्वाभाविक अनुशासन का रूप आपको कहाँ-कहाँ देखने को मिलता है? उदाहरण देकर बताइए।
मनुष्य-सारा दिन बाहर रहने के बाद कोई भी मनुष्य अपने घर आकर ही आराम महसूस करता है।
फूल-डाली पर कली से फूल बनने तक की प्रक्रिया, फिर मुरझाना व डाल से गिर जाना।
पशु-पशु भी सारा दिन घूमने के बाद गोधूलि के समय अपने बछड़े-बच्चों के पास लौट आते हैं।

प्रश्न 2.
सोचकर लिखिए कि यदि सारी सुविधाएँ देकर एक कमरे में आपको सारे दिन बंद रहने को कहा जाए तो क्या आप स्वीकार करेंगे? आपको अधिक प्रिय क्या होगा-‘स्वाधीनता’ या प्रलोभनों वाली पराधीनता? ऐसा क्यों कहा जाता है कि पराधीन व्यक्ति को सपने में भी सुख नहीं मिल पाता। नीचे दिए गए कारणों को पढ़े और विचार करें।
(क) क्योंकि किसी को पराधीन बनाने की इच्छा रखने वाला व्यक्ति स्वयं दुखी होता है, वह किसी को सुखी नहीं कर सकता।
(ख) क्योंकि पराधीन व्यक्ति सुख के सपने देखना ही नहीं चाहता।
(ग) क्योंकि पराधीन व्यक्ति को सुख के सपने देखने का अवसर नहीं मिलता।
आज़ादी सबको प्रिय होती है। सारी सुख-सुविधाओं के बावजूद प्रलाभनों वाली गुलामी कोई स्वीकार कर सकता। छात्र विचार करके देखे कि ऐसा क्यों होता है।

अनुमान और कल्पना

• आपने गौर किया होगा कि मनुष्य, पशु, पक्षी-इन तीनों में ही माँएँ अपने बच्चों का पूरा-पूरा ध्यान रखती हैं। प्रकृति की इस अद्भुत देन का अवलोकन कर अपने शब्दों में लिखिए।
ममत्व और वात्सल्य की भावना केवल प्राणीमात्र में ही पाई जाती है। जन्म देने वाली माँ व जन्म लेने वाले शिशु में एक स्वाभाविक संबंध होता है। यही कारण है कि मनुष्य, पशु, पक्षी इन तीनों में ही माँएँ अपने बच्चों का पूरा-पूरा ध्यान रखती हैं।

भाषा की बात

प्रश्न 1.
पाठ में पर शब्द के तीन प्रकार के प्रयोग हुए हैं-
(क) गुलाब की डाली पर एक चिड़िया आन बैठी।
(ख) कभी पर हिलाती थी।
(ग) पर बच्ची काँप-काँपकर माँ की छाती से और चिपक गई।
तीनों ‘पर’ के प्रयोग तीन उद्देश्यों से हुए हैं। इन वाक्यों का आधार लेकर आप भी ‘पर’ का प्रयोग कर ऐसे तीन वाक्य बनाइए जिनमें अलग-अलग उद्देश्यों के लिए ‘पर’ के प्रयोग हुए हों।

  1. पर-स्थान
    बंदर पेड़ पर बैठा है।
  2. पर-पंख
    पर्वतों पर फैले बादल ऐसे प्रतीत हो रहे थे जैसे पक्षी ने अपने पूर फैलाए हों।
  3. पर-लेकिन
    मैंने तो पुस्तक खरीदी थी पर न जाने कहाँ खो गई है।

प्रश्न 2.
पाठ में तैंने, छनभर, खुश करियो-तीन वाक्यांश ऐसे हैं जो खड़ी बोली हिंदी के वर्तमान रूप में तूने, क्षणभर, खुश करना लिखे-बोले जाते हैं लेकिन हिंदी के निकट की बोलियों में कहीं-कहीं इनके प्रयोग होते हैं। इस तरह
के कुछ अन्य शब्दों की खोज कीजिए।
करियो – कीजिए
मन्नै – मैंने, मुझे
आ गयी – आ जाओ
बारी – तुम्हारी
छोरा – लड़का

We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 9 चिड़िया की बच्ची (जैनेंद्र कुमार) help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Hindi Vasant Chapter 9 चिड़िया की बच्ची (जैनेंद्र कुमार), drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 5 Women Change the World

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 5 Women Change the World are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 5 Women Change the World.

Board CBSE
Textbook NCERT
Class Class 7
Subject Social Science Civics
Chapter Chapter 5
Chapter Name Women Change the World
Number of Questions Solved 10
Category NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 5 Women Change the World


Question 1.
How do you think stereotypes, about what women can or cannot do, affect women’s right to equality?
One of the stereotypes of our society about women is that they can be better nurses than army officers. The reason is that they are more patient and gentle. But women cannot be a scientist because it requires a technical mind which they don’t have. But there are women who have proved these stereotypes wrong.

For example Kiran Bedi, the first women IPS officer who has set a chain of records of successes in police service. Other examples, Kalpana Chawla, the first woman of Indian origin went into space after getting success in studying astrophysics. Thus, the above stereotypes of our society affect women’s right to equality.

Question 2.
List one reason why learning the alphabet was so important to women like Rashsundari Devi, Ramabai and Rokeya.
Learning the alphabet was so important to women like Rashsundari Devi, Ramabai and Rokeya because of the following reason:

  1. Rashsundari Devi: She was not allowed to read or write.
  2. Ramabai: Women were not allowed to seek knowledge.
  3. Rokeya: Women, exposed to new ideas through English, were not thought to be correct. After learning, they were able to write about their experiences.

Question 3.
“Poor girls drop out of school because they are not interested in getting an education.” Re-read the last paragraph on page 62 (NCERT Textbook) and explain why this statement is not true.
The statement “Poor girls drop out of school because they are not interested in getting an education” is not true because:

  1. There are neither proper schools nor teachers, who teach on a regular basis in rural areas.
  2. There are no transport facilities like buses or vans if schools are far away from people’s homes. As a result, parents are not willing to send their girls to school.
  3. Most of the families are too poor to bear the cost of educating all their children.

Question 4.
Can you describe two methods of struggle that the women’s movement used to raise issues? If you had to organize a struggle against stereotypes, about what women can or cannot do, what method would you employ from the ones that you have read about? Why would you choose this particular method?
(1) The two methods of struggle that the women’s movement used are:
Campaigning: It is an important part of the women’s movement in a planned way to achieve a certain purpose or goal. For example, a women’s campaign led the Supreme Court to formulate guidelines in 1997 to protect women against sexual harassment at the workplace and within educational institutions.

Protesting: Protesting is a method of struggle of an individual or group of people against an unfavourable law or policy. For example, women protested against the violation of women’s rights of better treatment by the husband and in-laws at home.

(2) If I had to organize a struggle against stereotypes, I would employ the campaigning method.

(3) I would choose this particular method because it raises the issues and. makes aware the people concerning to the problem, positively. It leads the decision-making authority to go in-depth about the issue.


Question 1.
Draw images of the following:
A farmer, a factory worker, a nurse, a scientist, a pilot, and a teacher. (NCERT Page 55)
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 5 Women Change the World 1
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 5 Women Change the World 2

Question 2.
See what images your class drew by filling in the table below. Add up the number of male and female images separately for each occupation.

Category Male image Female image
Factory worker

(i) Are there more images of men than women?
(ii) In what kinds of jobs were there more images of men than women?
(iii) Have all the nurses been drawn as females? Why?
(iv) Are there fewer images of female farmers? If so, why? (NCERT Page 55)

Category Male image Female image
Teacher 10  40
Farmer 25 01
Factory worker 20 03
Nurse 0 35
Scientist 30 03
Pilot 10 01
  1. Yes, there are more images of men than women.
  2. In the following jobs as
    • Manual work
    • Military and Defence
    • Office jobs
    • Industries and Factories
    • Farmers
    • Scientists
    • Pilots
  3. Most nurses have been drawn as females because male nurses are very few and far between. Females are generous, kind, compassionate, considerate, and enduring. Hence, they are preferred as nurses.
  4. Yes, because the work of a farmer is very strenuous and arduous. Women cannot do much physical work. Though there are a few females who are engaged in farming.

Question 3.
How does your class exercise compare with Rosie Ma’am’s class exercise? (NCERT Page 56)
Rosie Ma’am’s class has 30 children. She did the same exercise in her class and here is the result. (See Figure in NCERT Textbook on page 56)

Category Male image Female image
Teacher 5 25
Farmer 30 0
Factory worker 25 5
Nurse 0 30
Scientist 25 5
Pilot 27 3

Our class exercise is comparable to that of Rosie Ma’am’s class exercise.
In both the Exercises

  1. Females are more in the teaching profession than males.
  2. Not a single woman is engaged as a farmer in Rosie Ma’am’s exercise but in our exercise, a few women are engaged as farmers.
  3. Very few women work in factories.
  4. No man works as a nurse in both exercises.
  5. The number of women is far less as scientists.
  6. Likewise, very few females are pilots.

Question 4.
Read the story and answer the questions:

  1. If you were Xavier, what subject would you choose and why?
  2. In your experience, what are some of the other pressures that boys experience? (NCERT Page 58)


  1. I would have chosen history as that would help me to know about our past.
  2. All children especially boys feel pressure from other sources as well.
    • Sometimes, these are demands from parents about taking up a subject or career options.
    • Unfair teasing from the peer groups.
    • Getting a good job with a high salary.
    • Controlling emotions not to cry.

Question 5.
Here is a table that shows the percentage of girls and boys who leave schools from different social groups. Scheduled Caste (SC) is the official term for Dalit, and Scheduled Tribe (ST) is the official term for Adivasi.
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 5 Women Change the World 3

  1. What percentage of children leave school at the elementary level?
  2. At which level of education do you see the highest percentage of children leaving?
  3. Why do you think that the percentage of Adivasi girls and boys leaving school is higher than that of any other group? (NCERT Page 62)


  1. 52%.
  2. At the secondary level (63%).
  3. Because of the following reasons:
    • Very few schools in Adivasi areas.
    • No teacher in schools.
    • No schools in the vicinity of their homes.
    • No transport facilities for distant schools.
    • The mindset of parents.

Question 6.
From the given table above, convert the figures of primary class children who leave school into a bar diagram. The first two percentages have already been converted for you in the bar diagram on the left. (NCERT Page 63)
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 5 Women Change the World 4

We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 5 Women Change the World help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 5 Women Change the World, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 4 The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 4 The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 4 The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom.

Board CBSE
Textbook NCERT
Class Class 7
Subject English Honeycomb
Chapter Chapter 4
Chapter Name The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom
Number of Questions Solved 26
Category NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 4 The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom


Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct option :


Question 1.
The good souls bought a piece of land, made a feast for their friends, and gave plentifully to their poor neighbours.       (Page 57)
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
The good souls turned rich
(a) suddenly
(b) in an hour
(c) within a short time
(d) overnight
(b) in an hour

Question 2.

The quality of feasting and sharing shows their
(a) kindness
(b) generosity
(c) concern
(d) goodness
(b) generosity

Question 3.
Which part of speech is plentifully
(a) adjective
(b) verb
(c) adverb
(d) noun
(c) adverb

Question 2.
That night the spirit of the dog appeared to him in a dream and said “Cut down the pine tree over my grave,          (Page 58)

  1.  Which night does the phrase ‘that night refer to ?
  2.  Who saw the spirit of the dog in his dream ?
  3.  Where was the pine tree located ?


  1.  The phrase ‘that night’ refers to the night when his old master had mourned over his
  2.  The spirit of the dog was seen by his old master (in his dream).
  3.  The pine tree was (located) on the grave of the dog.


Question 3.
“Take the ashes of the mill, sprinkle them on the withered trees and they will bloom again,” said the dog-spirit          (Page 60)
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
The miracle of ashes was tried on
(a) the mill
(b) the withered trees
(c) the blossoms
(d) the mortar
(b) the withered trees

Question 2.
The withered trees sprouted as
(a) green trees
(b) beauty
(c) flowers
(d) blossoms
(d) blossoms

Question 3.
The ashes had to be
(a) kept on the tree
(b) hidden under the tree
(c) sprinkled on the tree
(d) tied to the tree Answers
(c) sprinkled on the tree

Question 4.
The delighted daimio ordered the train to be stopped and got out to see the wonder.     (Page 62)

  1.  Why was the daimio delighted ?
  2.  Why had the train stopped ?
  3.  What wonder had been there ?


  1.  The daimio was delighted to see the tree blossom.
  2.  The train had stopped by the king’s order.
  3.  The withered cherry tree had burst into blossom.

Question 5.
The wind blew the fine dust in the noses and eyes of the daimio and his wife    (Page 63)
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
The greedy neighbour threw ashes on
(a) pine tree
(b) the cherry tree
(c) the withered cherry tree
(d) the withered pine tree
(c) the withered cherry tree

Question 2.
The result was
(a) the tree blossomed
(b) the tree did blossom partially
(c) that sneezing and choking made daimio and his wife uncomfortable
(d) good
(c) that sneezing and choking made daimio and his wife uncomfortable

Question 3.
The action of the wicked neighbour also spoiled
(a) the pomp and dignity of the procession
(b) the discipline of the crowd
(c) the mood of the body guard
(d) the leader’s uniform
(a) the pomp and dignity of the procession


Comprehension Check (Page 60)
Question 1.
Why did the neighbours kill the dog ?
The neighbours killed the dog out of frustration. They had tried to tempt and
please the dog. First they offered him fish and other dainties. The dog was afraid of them. He did not touch the food.
Then they dragged him out of doors. They hoped him to find treasure for them. The dog began to scratch the ground under a pine tree. The couple was happy. They began to dig. Instead of the treasure, they found a dead kitten.
The couple was now very angry. So they killed the dog.

Question 2.
Mark the right item

(i) The old farmer and his wife loved the dog
(a) because it helped them in their day-to-day work.
(b) as if it was their own baby.
(c) as they were kind to all living beings.
(b) as if it was their own baby.

(ii) When the old couple became rich, they
(a) gave the dog better food.
(b) invited their greedy neighbours to a feast..
(c) lived comfortably and were generous towards their poor neighbours.
(c) lived comfortably and were generous towards their poor neighbours.

(iii) The greedy couple borrowed the mill and the mortar to make
(a) rice pastry and bean sauce.
(b) magic ash to win rewards.
(c) a pile of gold.
(c) a pile of gold.

Working with the Text
Answer the following Questions :
Question 1.
The old farmer is a kind person. What evidence of his kindness do you find
in the first two paragraphs ?
The evidence of his kindness can be seen in his treatment of his pet. He loved the dog as though it were a baby. He fed him with his own chopsticks. He gave him all the boiled rice he wanted.
A white heron followed the old man when he went to the fields. He never once harmed this heron. Moreover, he often turned up a sod on purpose to give food
to the birds. Thus the old farmer was kind to everything that had life.

Question 2.
What did the dog do to lead the farmer to the hidden gold ?
One day the farmer was going to his fields. As usual the dog was following him. All of a sudden, the dog came running to him. He was also motioning with his head to some spot behind. The old man tried to ignore him. The dog kept on whining and running to and fro. In the end, the old man followed him. The dog brought him to a place where he began a lively scratching. The old man struck his hoe in the earth at that place. Soon, a pile of gold was found.

Question 3.
(i) How did the spirit of the dog help the farmer first ?
(ii) How did it help him next ?
(i) First the spirit of the dog appeared to him in a dream. It urged him to cut down the pine tree over his grave and make from it a mortar for the rice pastry. It also asked him to make a mill of that wood for his bean sauce. The farmer did so.
The farmer’s wife put the boiled rice into the mortar. The farmer pounded the rice into dough. Suddenly the whole mass turned into gold coins. Now the old woman began to grind the beans for sauce. Gold dropped like rain. Thus the spirit of the dog helped the farmer first.
(ii) Then the wicked people had burnt the farmer’s mill. Now the good man dreamed again. This time the spirit asked him to take the ashes of the mill. He asked the old man to sprinkle them on withered trees. The old man awoke. He went to his wicked neighbour and humbly asked for the ashes. Thus he filled his basket with the ashes.
The farmer’s favourite cherry tree was bare. He sprinkled a pinch of ashes on it. All at once the tree sprouted blossoms. The kind farmer heard that the daimio was to pass along the high road. He set out to see him.
The old man quietly got up on a bare tree. When the daimio’s palanquin drew near, the old man scattered the ashes. In a moment the tree burst into blossoms. The happy daimio stopped and called the old farmer. He gave him many rewards. Thus the spirit of the dog had helped the farmer again.

Question 4.
Why did the daimio reward the farmer but punish his neighbour for the same act ?
The farmer and his neighbour had done the same action. The results of the two actions were, however, not the same. The farmer’s act had filled the tree with flowers. So the daimio rewarded the farmer.
The act of the farmer’s neighbour had caused trouble to the daimio. The ashes entered the noses and eyes of the daimio and his wife. It caused much sneezing and choking. It spoiled all the pomp and dignity of the procession. So the daimio punished that neighbour of the farmer.

Working with Language
Question 1.
Read the following conversation :
Ravi     :   What are you doing?
Mridu  :    I’m reading a book.
Ravi     :    Who wrote it ?
Mridu  :    Ruskin Bond.
Ravi     :    Where did you find it ?
Mridu  :    In the library.
Notice that ‘whať, ‘who’, ‘where’, are question words. Questions that require information begin with question words. Some other question words are ‘when’, ‘why’, ‘where’, ‘which’ and ‘how’.
Remember that
• What asks about actions, things, etc.
• Who asks about people.
• Which asks about people or things.
• Where asks about place.
• When asks about time.
• Why asks about reason or purpose.
• How asks about means, manner or degree.
• Whose asks about possessions.
Read the following paragraph and frame questions on the italicised phrases.
Anil is in school. I am in school too. Anil is sitting in the left row. He is reading a book. Anil’s friend is sitting in the second row. He is sharpening his pencil. The teacher is writing on the blackboard. Children are writing in their copybooks. Some children are looking out of the window.

    1.  Where is Anil ?
    2.  Which row is Anil sitting in ?
    3.  What is Anil doing ?
    4.   Which row is Anil’s friend sit ting in ?
    5.  What is he doing ?
    6.  Who is writing on the blackboard ?
    7.  What are some children doing ?

Question 2.
Write appropriate question words in the blank spaces in the following dialogue :
Neha   :  ……… did you get this book ?
Sheela : Yesterday morning.
Neha   :  ………. is your sister crying ?
Sheela : Because she has lost her doll.
Neha   :  ………. room is this, yours or hers ?
Sheela : It’s ours.
Neha   : ………. do you go to school ?
Sheela : We walk to school. It is near by.
(a) When did you get this book ?
(b) Why is your sister crying ?
(c) Whose room is this, yours or hers ?
(d) How do you go to school ?

Question 3.
Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box :
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 4 The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom 2

(i) My friend lost his chemistry book. Now he doesn’t know (a) ……….. to do and (b) …….. to look for it.
(ii) There are so many toys in the shops. Neena can’t decide ……… one tobuy.
(iii) You don’t know the way to my school. Ask the policeman ……… to get there.
(iv) You should decide soon …….. to start building your house.
(v) Do you know (a) ………. to ride a bicycle ? I don’t remember (b) ……… and (c) ……….. I learnt it.
(vi) “You should know (a) …….. to talk and (b) ……. to keep your mouth shut,” the teacher advised Anil.

  1.  (a) what (b) where
  2.  which
  3.  how
  4.  when
  5.  (a) how (b) when (c) how
  6.  (a) when (b) where

Question 4.
Add im-or in- to each of the following words and use them in place of the italicised words in the sentences given below :
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 4 The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom 1

(i)The project appears very difficult at first sight but it can be completed if we work very hard.
(ii) He lacks competence. That’s why he can’t keep any job for more than a year.
(iii) “Don’t lose patience. Your letter will come one day,” the postman told me.
(iv) That’s not a proper remark to make under the circumstances.
(v) He appears to be without sensitivity. In fact, he is very emotional.

  1.  The project appears impossible at first sight but it can be completed if we work very hard.
  2.  He is incompetent. That’s why he can’t keep any job for more than a year.
  3.  “Don’t be impatient. Your letter will come one day,” said the postman.
  4.  That’s an improper remark to make under the circumstances.
  5.  He appears to be insensitive. In fact he is very emotional.

Question 5.
Read the following sentences :
It was a cold morning and stars still glowed in the sky.
An old man was walking along the road. The words in italics are articles. ‘A’ and ‘an’ are indefinite articles and ‘the’ is the definite article. ‘A’ is used before a singular countable noun. ‘An’ is used before a word that begins with a vowel.
• a boy             • an actor
• a mango        • an apple
• a university    • an hour

Use a, an or the in the blanks.
There was once ………. play which became very successful. ……. famous actor was acting in it. In ……….. play his role was that of ……… aristocrat who had been imprisoned in …….. castle for twenty years. In ……….. last act of play someone would come on stage with …… letter which he would hand over to ……. prisoner. Even though ………. aristocrat was not expected to read …….. letter at each performance, he always insisted that …… letter be written out from beginning to end.
There was once a play which became very successful. A famous actor was acting in it. In the play his role was that of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in a castle for twenty years. In the last act of the play someone would come on the stage with a letter which he would hand over to the prisoner. Even though the aristocrat was not expected to read the letter at each performance, he always insisted that the letter be written out from beginning to end.

Question 6.
Encircle the correct article :
Neena was looking for (a/the) job. After many interviews she got (a/the job she was looking for.
A  :  Would you like (a/an/the) apple or (a/an/the) banana ?
B  :  I’d like (a/an/the) apple, please.
A  :  Take (a/an/the) red one in (a/an/the) fruit bowl. You may take (a/an/the) orange also, if you like.
B  :  Which one ?
A  :  (A/An/The) one beside (a/an/the) banana.
A : Would you like an apple or a banana ?
B : I’d like an apple please.
A : Take the red one in the fruit bowl. You may take an orange also, if you like.
B : Which one ?
A : The one beside the banana.

Speaking and Writing
Question 1.
Do you remember an anecdote or a story about a greedy or jealous person and the unhappy result of his/her action ? Narrate the story to others in your class.
Here is one for you to read.
Seeing an old man planting a fig tree, the king asked why he was doing this. The man replied that he might live to eat the fruit, and, even if he did not, his son would enjoy the figs.
“Well,” said the king, “if you do live to eat the fruit of this tree, please let me know.” The man promised to do so, and sure enough, before too long, the tree grew and bore fruit.
Packing some fine figs in a basket, the old man set out for the palace to meet the king.
The king accepted the gift and gave orders that the old man’s basket be filled with gold.
Now, next door to the old man, there lived a greedy old man jealous of his neighbour’s good fortune. He also packed some figs in a basket and took them to the palace in the hope of getting gold.
The king, on learning the man’s motive, ordered him to stand in the compound and had him pelted with figs. The old man returned home and told his wife the sad story. She consoled him by saying, “You should be thankful that our neighbour did not grow coconuts.”
Try it yourself.

Question 2.
Put each of the following in the correct order. Then use them appropriately to fill the blanks in the paragraph that follows. Use correct punctuation marks.
• English and Hindi/both/in/he writes
• and only/a few short stories/many books in English/in Hindi
• is/my Hindi/than my English/much better
Ravi Kant is a writer, and ………. . Of course, he is much happier writing in English than in Hindi. He has written ………. . I find his books a little hard to understand. ……..
• he writes in both, English and Hindi.
• many books in English and only a few short stories in Hindi.
• My Hindi is much better than my English.
Ravi Kant is a writer and he writes in both English and Hindi. Of course, he is much happier writing in English than in Hindi. He has written many books in English and only a few short stories in Hindi. I find his books a little hard to understand. My Hindi is much better than my English.

Question 3.
Are you fond of reading stories ? Did you read one last month ? If not, read one or two and then write a paragraph about the story. Use the following hints.

  •  title of the story
  •  name of author
  •  how many characters
  •  which one you liked
  •  some details of the story
  •  main point(s) as you understand it

Tell your friends why they should also read it.
Try it yourself.

We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 4 The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 4 The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 6 I Want Something in a Cage

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 6 I Want Something in a Cage are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 6 I Want Something in a Cage.

Board CBSE
Textbook NCERT
Class Class 7
Subject English An Alien Hand
Chapter Chapter 6
Chapter Name I Want Something in a Cage
Number of Questions Solved 10
Category NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 6 I Want Something in a Cage

Comprehension Check
(Page 38)

Question 1.
Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ against each of following statements.
(i) Mr. Purcell sold birds, cats, dogs and monkeys. _______________
(ii) He was very concerned about the well-being of the birds and animals in his shop. _______________
(iii) He was impressed by the customer who bought the two doves. _______________
(iv) He was a successful shop owner, though insensitive and cold as a person. _______________
(i) True
(ii) True
(iii) False
(iv) True

Question 2.
Why is Mr. Purcell compared to an owl ?
Mr. Purcell wore large glasses. These magnified his eyes which looked like those of an owl. So Mr. Purcell is compared to an owl.

Question 3.
From the third paragraph pick out
(i) words associated with cries of birds,
(ii) words associated with noise,
(iii) words suggestive of confusion and fear.
(i) Words associated with cries of birds : twitters, cheeps and squeaks.
(ii) Words associated with noise : stir, rustling, scampered. ‘
(iii) Words suggestive of confusion and fear : squeals, bewildered, frightened.

Question 4.
“…Mr. Purcell heard it no more than he would have heard the monotonous ticking of a familiar clock.” (Read para beginning with “It was a rough day …”)
(i) What does ‘it’ refer to ?
(ii) Why does Mr. Purcell not hear ‘it’ clearly ?
(i) ‘It’ refers to the sounds and noise made by the caged animals.
(ii) Mr. Purcell does not hear it clearly because he was quite used to it.

Comprehension Check
(Page 42)

Question 1.
Do you think the atmosphere of Mr. Purcell’s shop was cheerful or depressing ? Give reasons for your answer.
The atmosphere of Mr. Purcell’s shop was depressing. There were perhaps many beautiful animals. They could, however, bring no cheer to a sensitive person. The reason was that these beautiful creatures were themselves miserable and unhappy. The constant noise could turn a thoughtful man crazy. That was why the strange customer had asked Mr. Purcell, “Doesn’t it get you ?”

Question 2.
Describe the stranger who came to the pet shop. What did he want ? (Imp.)
The stranger who came to the pet shop was coming straight from the prison. He had spent ten years there. His total earning of those ten years was five dollars.
He had shiny shoes. His suit was cheap. His dress was ill-fitting but new. He had close-cropped hair and unsteady eyes.
The stranger was not very clear about what he wanted. He had tasted freedom after ten years. Now all he wanted was to share it with someone else. This ‘someone else’ could be any creature. All he wanted was to feel the pleasure of liberty in his heart. So he said that he wanted something in cage but capable of flying.

Question 3.
(i) The man insisted on buying the doves because he was fond of birds. Do you agree ?
(ii) How had he earned the five dollars he had ?
(i) No. The man did not love birds. The man had tasted freedom after ten years. He wanted something else also to taste the same freedom. He wanted to see and feel it. So he chose the doves. Their flight could give him a sense of freedom.
(ii) He earned five dollars after working hard as a prisoner for ten years.

Question 4.
Was the customer interested in the care and feeding of the doves he had bought ? If not, why not ?
No, the customer was not interested in the care and feeding of the doves. It was so because he was not interested in keeping the doves. He intended to let them go free.

(Page 42)

Discuss the following topics in groups.
Question 1.
Why, in your opinion, did the man set the doves free ? (Imp.)
The man set the doves free in order to have a taste of freedom. The pleasure of liberty can be felt not only by our own freedom. We can feel this pleasure when we see mute animals being free. The man had been released from prison after ten years. This was also his way of saying ‘thanks’ to God. He did it by freeing two of God’s creatures. The cost was too high. It took all the money that he had earned after ten years of labour in prison.

Question 2.
Why did it make Mr. Purcell feel “vaguely insulted” ? (Imp.)
Mr. Purcell felt vaguely insulted because of the action of his strange customer. For monetary gains, he had imprisoned so many of God’s creatures. Yet he considered himself a gentleman. Here was a poor man, all his earnings of ten years in prison were five dollars. He spent these five dollars in granting freedom to the doves. Thus by his action, the stranger had shown his contempt for Mr. Purcell’s profession. So it was natural for Mr. Purcell to feel vaguely insulted.

We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 6 I Want Something in a Cage help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 6 I Want Something in a Cage, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 10 Eighteenth Century Political Formations

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 10 Eighteenth Century Political Formations are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 10 Eighteenth Century Political Formations.

Board CBSE
Textbook NCERT
Class Class 7
Subject Social Science History
Chapter Chapter 10
Chapter Name Eighteenth Century Political Formations
Number of Questions Solved 16
Category NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 10 Eighteenth Century Political Formations


You are a ruler of an eighteenth-century kingdom. Tell us about the steps you would take to make your position strong in your province, and what opposition or problems you might face while doing so.
Steps to be taken to make the position strong in our province:

  1. Check on depletion of resources: financial and military.
  2. Check or stop wars.
  3. Check on powerful mansabdars.
  4. No appointment of nobles to control revenue offices and military administration.
  5. Not allowing governors to become strong.

Opposition/Problems to be faced while doing so:

  1. Opposition from financial officers and military.
  2. Problems from nobles/govemors.
  3. Problems from mansabdars.
  4. Opposition from nobles.
  5. Opposition from governors.


Question 1.
Match the following:
subadar                                                 a revenue farmer
faujdar                                                      a high noble
ijaradar                                                 provincial governor
misl                                                   Maratha peasant warriors
chauth                                            a Mughal military commander
kunbis                                                   a band of Sikh warriors
umara                                                 tax levied by the Marathas
Subadar                                                    provincial governor
Faujdar                                              a Mughal military commander
Ijaradar                                                       a revenue farmer
Misl                                                           a band of Sikh warriors
Chauth                                                    tax levied by the Marathas
Kunbi                                                       Maratha peasant warriors
Umar                                                                 a high noble

Question 2.
Fill in the blanks:

  1. Aurangzeb fought a protracted war in the ……………..
  2. Umara and zamindars constituted powerful sections of the Mughal …………….
  3. Asaf Jah founded the Hyderabad state in ………………
  4. The founder of the Awadh state was …………………..


  1. Deccan
  2. nobility
  3. eighteenth century.
  4. Burhan-ul-Mulk Sa‘adat Khan.

Question 3.
State whether true or false:

  1. Nadir Shah invaded Bengal.
  2. Sawai Raja Jai Singh was the ruler of Indore.
  3. Guru Gobind Singh was the tenth Guru of the Sikhs.
  4. Poona became the capital of the Marathas in the eighteenth century.


  1. False
  2. False
  3. True
  4. True.

Question 4.
What were the offices held by Saadat Khan?
Sa’adat Khan held the offices of Subadari, diwani and faujdari. In other words, he was responsible for managing the political, financial and military affairs of the province of Awadh.


Question 5.
Why did the Nawabs of Awadh and Bengal try to do away with the jagirdari system?
The Ncuvabs of Awadh and Bengal tried to do away with the jagirdari system in order to reduce the influence of the Mughals in their states.

Question 6.
How were the Sikhs organised in the eighteenth century?
Organisation of Sikhs in the 18th century:

  1. Regional state-building in Punjab.
  2. Guru Gobind Singh fought several battles with Rajput and Mughal rulers.
  3. Set Khalsa in 1699.
  4. After the death of Guru Gobind Singh, Banda Bahadur rose in revolt • He was captured in 1715 and executed in 1716.
  5. Jathas were formed in 18th century.
  6. The combined force was known as dal Khalsa.
  7. Cultivators paid 20% of this product for their protection.

Question 7.
Why did the Marathas want to expand beyond the Deccan?
Marathas wanted to establish their r unquestioned rule over the subcontinent. They also earned untold booty and resources from the wars they fought. Therefore, they wanted to expand beyond Deccan.

Question 8.
What were the policies adopted by Asaf Jah to strengthen his position?
Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah founded the state of Hyderabad and gained control of financial and political administration:

  1. He brought skilled soldiers and administrators from the north and gave them opportunities in the south.
  2. He combined the offices of Subadari, faujdari and diwani.
  3. He appointed mansabdars and gave them Jagirs.
  4. Collected taxes through bankers and mahajans.
  5. He ruled independently without seeking directions or interference from Delhi.
  6. His decisions were merely confirmed by the Mughal Emperor.

Question 9.
Do you think merchants and bankers today have the kind of influence they had in the eighteenth century?

  1. Yes, I think that merchants and bankers today have the kind of influence they had in the eighteenth century.
  2. For example, Reliance Company has entered into electricity distribution in Delhi.
  3. It has already installed new electric meters that run much faster than the previous meters.
  4. In this way, the common man suffers, as he would have suffered in the 18th century.
  5. And the state government won’t do anything in this matter.
  6. This proves the merchant/banker connection with governmental authorities.

Question 10.
Did any of the kingdoms mentioned in this chapter develop in your state? If so, in what ways do you think life in the state would have been different in the eighteenth century from what it is in the twenty-first century?
One example:

  • Hyderabad (now in Andhra Pradesh)
  • Now democracy,
  • No dictatorship


Question 11.
Find out more about the architecture and culture associated with the new courts of any of the following Awadh, Bengal or Hyderabad.
Architecture and culture associated with the new courts of the following:
Awadh, Bengal or Hyderabad {Any one).
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 10 Eighteenth Century Political Formations 1

Question 12.
Collect popular tales about rulers from any one of the following groups of people: the Rajputs, Jats, Sikhs or Marathas.
Do this exercise yourself with the help of your history teacher.


Question 1.
See Chapter 4, Table 1. Which group of people challenged Mughal authority for the longest time in Aurangzeb’s reign? (NCERT Page 139)

Question 2.
In trying to consolidate their rule, why did Mughal Subadars also want to control the office of diwan? (NCERT Page 144)
Because they wanted to control the state in toto.

Question 3.
What is the Khalsa? Do you recall reading about it in Chapter 8? (NCERT Page 148)

  1. Khalsa was set up as a path by Guru Gobind Singh.
  2. Yes, we recall it.

We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 10 Eighteenth-Century Political Formations help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 10 Eighteenth-Century Political Formations, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health.

Board CBSE
Textbook NCERT
Class Class 7
Subject Social Science Civics
Chapter Chapter 2
Chapter Name Role of the Government in Health
Number of Questions Solved 16
Category NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health


Question 1.
In this chapter, you have read that health is a wider concept than illness. Look at this quote from the Constitution and explain the terms ‘living standard’ and ‘public health’ in your own words.
An important part of the Constitution says It is the “duty of the State to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health.”

  1. Living standard:
    • The amount of money and level of comfort available to. a person or community is called living standard.
    • It refers to the quality and quantity of goods and services available to the people.
    • It is generally measured in terms of real income per person. Examples are access to certain goods like the number of refrigerators per 1000 people and services likes proper healthcare.
  2. Public health:
    • Public health means a programme to promote, maintain, and conserve the health of the common people by providing health services to individuals and the community.
    • It includes observation and control of infectious diseases and promotion of healthy behaviours among the members of the community.

Question 2.
What are the different ways through which the government can take steps to provide healthcare for all? Discuss.
The government can take steps to provide healthcare for all by taking the following steps:

  1. The government can manage money for the total healthcare of the people by cutting the budget amount allocated for the defense, and security of the VIPs.
  2. The budget allocation for the health services can be raised.
  3. At least 30 to 40 percenter health budget should be given to local self-government, i.e., Panchayats and Municipalities.
  4. The government should provide safe drinking water, sanitation, nutrition, and housing along with health education to the general public.

Question 3.
What differences do you find between private and public health services in your area? Use the following table to compare and contrast these.
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health 1

Facility Cost of services Availability of service
Private High, very high Available only on high cost/and too few
Public Free or at very low cost Easily available but poorly maintained.

Question 4.
‘Improvement in water and sanitation can control many diseases’. Explain with the help of examples.

Water Sanitation
1. Several diseases are water-borne because water is mostly contaminated. 1. Several diseases are caused due to poor sanitary conditions.
2. Improvement can be brought in water by treating raw water, using Acquaguard, purifier, and R.O. 2. The diseases include malaria, plague, fever, etc.
3. The water-borne diseases are loose motion, diarrhea, malaria, dysentery, cholera, jaundice, chikungunya. 3. Improvement in sanitation will check these diseases.
4. They can be checked by the improvement of water quality.


Question 1.
Would you associate all or some of these pictures (images on pages 18-19) with ‘health’ In what ways? Discuss in groups. (NCERT Page 19)
All these pictures are associated with health. These pictures relate to

  1. Sanitary conditions
  2. Availability of clean drinking water
  3. Health centers
  4. Hospital services

Groups can be made and each situation can be discussed.

Question 2.
Pick two situations from the above collage that are not related to illness and write two sentences on how they are related to health. (NCERT Page 19)
Picture of the queue of utensils for water collection and of hair cutting.
Availability of pure drinking and properly sanitized instruments for hair cutting is must to prevent illness and stay healthy.

Question 3.
Can you provide a title to the two columns? (NCERT Page 20)
The title can be:

  • Advancement in health care
  • The health situation in India

Question 4.
In India, it is often said that we are unable to provide health services for all because the government does not have enough money and facilities. After reading the above columns do you think this is true? Discuss. (NCERT Page 20)
There are many developments like:

  1. The largest number of medical colleges in the world.
  2. Approximately 15,000 new doctors every year.
  3. About 18,218 hospitals by the year 2000.
  4. Extension of medical tourism due to the low cost of treatments.
  5. The fourth-largest producer of medicines.

The following are some of the drawbacks of our healthcare:

  1. Most doctors settle in urban areas, fewer doctors in rural areas.
  2. Two million cases of malaria and five lakh cases of tuberculosis every year.
  3. Water-borne communicable diseases like diarrhea, hepatitis on the rise. About 21% have no access to clean water.
  4. Half of all children are malnourished.
  5. Private health on the rise and the Public health care system has not grown as per the need.

In order to prevent and treat illnesses, we need appropriate healthcare facilities.

  1. They are health centres, hospitals, laboratories for testing, ambulance services, blood banks, etc.
  2. They can provide the required care and services that patients need.
  3. In order to run these facilities, we need health workers, nurses, qualified doctors, and other health professionals who can advise, diagnose, and treat illnesses.

Healthcare Services in India

  1. We also need medicines and equipment that are necessary for treating patients.
  2. India has a large number of doctors, clinics, and hospitals.
  3. It also has considerable experience and knowledge, in running a public healthcare system. This system of hospitals and health centres is run by the government.
  4. It has the ability to look after the health of a large section of its population scattered over lakhs of villages.
  5. There has been a phenomenal improvement in medical sciences with many new technologies and treatment procedures.

Question 5.
The Story of Hakim Sheik
Hakim Sheik was a member of the Paschim Banga Khet Mazdoor Samity (PBKMS), an organisation of agricultural labourers in West Bengal. One evening in 1992, he accidentally fell off a running train and suffered head injuries. He was in a very serious condition and needed immediate treatment.
He was taken to a government hospital in Kolkata but they refused to admit him because they did not have a spare bed. Another hospital did not have the facility or the specialised doctors necessary for his treatment. In this way, he spent 14 hours in a critical state and was taken to eight different government hospitals, but none of them admitted him.
Finally, he was admitted in a private hospital, where he received treatment. He spent a lot of money on his treatment. Angry and upset over the indifferent attitude of all the hospitals that refused to admit him, Hakim Sheik and PBKMS filed a case in court.

Read the story given above. Then imagine that you are a judge in the court. What would you say to Hakim Sheik? (NCERT Page 21)
I would pronounce the judgment with due compensation to Hakim Sheik. I would also heavily fine the delinquent hospitals as a deterrent punishment for dereliction of duty.

Question 6.
Why did Ranjan have to spend so much money? Give reasons. (NCERT Page 24)
Ranjan had to spend so much money because of the following reasons:

  1. He took treatment at a private nursing home.
  2. He had to purchase medicines from the open market.
  3. He spent money on consultation, tests, etc.

Question 7.
What problems did Aman face in the public hospital? How do you think the hospital can work in a better manner? Discuss. (NCERT Page 24)
Problems faced by Aman

  1. Non-availability of doctors.
  2. Junked and non-operational equipment.
  3. Non-availability of medicines.
  4. Crowded.
  5. The indifference of doctors etc.
  6. Proper and strict administration can get the hospital’s work in a better manner.

Question 8.
Where do you go when you are ill? Are there any problems that you face? Write a paragraph based on your experience. (NCERT Page 24)
We generally go to private nursing homes.

  • Non-availability of expert doctors on the spot.
  • The high cost of treatment.
  • No proper guidance and information.

Question 9.
What problems do we face in private hospitals? Discuss. (NCERT Page 24)

  1. Private hospitals are not owned or controlled by the government.
  2. Patients have to- pay a lot of money for every service.
  3. Sometimes incorrect practices are encouraged where patients undergo unnecessary treatments or tests.

Question 10.
Why should we pay taxes to the government? (NCERT Page 24)
The tax money paid to the government is used for providing public services for all citizens.

  1. Services like defense, police judiciary, highways, etc.
  2. Developmental programmes like education, health care employment, social welfare.
  3. Vocational training for the needy.
  4. Rehabilitation after natural disasters.
  5. Space, nuclear, or missile programmes.
  6. Services to the poor by subsidies on basic amenities.

Question 11.
(a) In what ways is the public health system meant for everyone?
(b) List some Primary Health Centres (PHCs) or hospitals near your place. From your experience (or by visiting any one of them), find out the facilities provided and the people who run the center. (NCERT Page 25)
(a) Public health system is meant for everyone in the following ways:

  1. Numerous hospitals, primary health centres, dispensaries, family welfare centres.
  2. No fee charged.
  3. No restrictions on anyone.
  4. Free supply of medicine.

(b) As in (a) above to be done with help of the Teacher.

Question 12.
Private health facilities can mean many things. Explain with the help of some examples from your area. (NCERT Page 26)
Private Health Services:

  1. A wide range of private health facilities exists in our country.
  2. Countless doctors run their own private clinics.
  3. In rural areas, one finds Registered Medical Practitioners (RMP).
  4. Urban areas have a large number of doctors, many of them provide specialised services.
  5. There are hospitals and nursing homes that are privately owned.
  6. There are many laboratories that do tests and offer special facilities like X-ray, ultrasound, etc.
  7. There are also medicines for selling shops. They are called chemist shops or stores.

We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 7 Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 7 Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 7 Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities.

Board CBSE
Textbook NCERT
Class Class 7
Subject Social Science History
Chapter Chapter 7
Chapter Name Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities
Number of Questions Solved 16
Category NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 7 Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities


You are a member of a nomadic community that shifts residence every three months.
How would this change your life?
As a member of nomadic community and shifting residence every three months my life would be very different.

  • We would move from one place to another in caravans.
  • Our belongings, animals etc. would move with us therefore no permanent houses.
  • We would live on milk and pastoral products.
  • We would exchange pastoral products for grains, cloth, utensils etc with settled agriculturists.


Question 1.
Match the following:
garh                                    khel
tanda                               chaurasi
labourer                            caravan
clan                            Garha Katanga
Sib Singh                      Ahom state
Durgawati                           paik
garh                                chaurasi
tanda                               caravan
labourer                             paik
clan                                    khel
Sib Singh                      Ahom state
Durgawati                   Garha Katanga

Question 2.
Fill in the blanks:

  1. The new castes emerging within varnas were called .……..
  2. …………………. were historical works written by the Ahoms.
  3. The ………… mentions that Garha Katanga had 70,000 villages.
  4. As tribal states became bigger and stronger, they gave land grants to ………….. and …………..


  1. Jatis
  2. Buranjis
  3. Akbar Nama
  4. Temples, Brahmanas.

Question 3.
State whether true or false:

  1. Tribal societies had rich oral traditions.
  2. There were no tribal communities in the north-western part of the subcontinent.
  3. The chaurasi in Gond states contained several cities.
  4. The Bhils lived in the north-eastern part of the subcontinent.


  1. True
  2. False
  3. False
  4. False.

Question 4.
What kinds of exchanges took place between nomadic pastoralists and settled agriculturists?
The following kinds of exchanges took place between nomadic pastoralists and settled agriculturists.

  • They exchanged milk, other pastoral products such as wool, ghee, etc.
  • Agriculturists gave them grain, cloth, utensils, and other products.


Question 5.
How was the administration of the Ahom state organised?
The Ahom state depended upon forced labour. Those forced to work for the state were known as peaks.
A census of the population was taken. Each village had to send a number of paiks by rotation.
People of densely populated areas were shifted to thinly populated areas. Ahom clans were thus broken up. By the first half of the 17th century the administration became quite centralised.

Question 6.
What changes took place in a varna-based society?
The following changes took place in varna-based society:

  1. Smaller castes or jatis emerged within varnas.
  2. Many tribes and social groups were taken into caste-based society and given the status of jatis.
  3. Specialised artisans-smiths, carpenters and masons – were also recognised as separate jatis by the Brahmanas.
  4. Jatis rather than varna, became the basis for organising society.
  5. Among the Kshatriyas, new Rajput clans became powerful by the eleventh and twelfth centuries.

Question 7.
How did tribal societies change after being organized into a state?
The tribal societies changed in the following manner:

  1. They began to evolve a centralised administrative system.
  2. Some social divisions within a tribal society also took place.
  3. Tribal kings began to grant land to Brahmanas, poets, and scholars.
  4. Tribal kings also wished to be recognized as other famous kings of the subcontinent, such as.
  5. Tribal kingdoms began to annex smaller neighboring kingdoms. For example, Ahom annexed kingdoms of Chhutiyas and Koch- Hajo.
  6. In order to build a large state, Ahoms used firearms.
  7. Literary development such as translation of Sanskrit works into the local language and writing history in the Ahom language were also new developments.


Question 8.
Were the Banjaras important for the economy?
Yes, the Banjaras were the most important nomadic traders and were important for the economy.

  1. They were hired by merchants, they bought grain where it was cheaper and carried it to places where it was costlier.
  2. From there they took something else for another place.
  3. Alauddin Khalji used Banjaras to transport grains to city markets.
  4. They found mention in the memoirs of Jahangir and were even used by Mughal army during campaigns.

Question 9.
In what ways was the history of the Gonds different from that of the Ahoms? Were there any similarities?
The history of the Gonds was different from that of the Ahoms in the following ways:

  • The Gonds lived in a vast forested region called Gondwana. The Ahoms migrated to the Brahmaputra valley from present-day Myanmar in the 13th century.
  • The Gonds practised shifting cultivation. The Ahoms did not practice this type of cultivation.
  • The Gond society was not as much developed as the Ahom’s. The Ahoms built a large state by using firearms. They could even make high-quality gunpowder and cannons.
  • Ahom society was very sophisticated. Poets and scholars were given land grants. Theatre was encouraged. We do not find these things in Gond society.

There were many similarities between the Gonds and Ahoms:

  • Both were capable of building large states.
  • Both had to face Mughal attack. Despite their brave defence, both were defeated by the Mughals.
  •  Both of them granted land to the Brahmanas, who became very influential.
  • We find the administration centralised in the history of the Gonds as well as the Ahoms.


Question 10.
Plot the location of the tribes mentioned in this chapter on a map. For any two, discuss whether their mode of livelihood was suited to the geography and the environment of the area where they lived.
Please see the map. The two examples where geography suited their livelihoods are:

Ahom settled in the northeastern part of the country. They experienced heavy rainfall. They introduced new methods of rice cultivation that required more water. They were engaged in building dams and irrigation systems.

Bhils lived in the western part of the country. It had fertile land and forests. By the 16th century many of them led a settled life of agriculturists. Many remained hunter-gathers.
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 7 Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities 1

Question 11.
Find out about present-day government policies towards tribal populations and organise a discussion about these.
Present-day government policies towards tribal populations are very positive.

  • Education is being spread in the tribal areas.
  • Facilities like roads, water, electricity have been increased.
  • The government is doing activities for the overall upliftment of the tribal populations.
  • The government has enforced reservation for them in government jobs. This policy of the government has helped the tribal people in many ways. They are now joining the mainstream of society.
  • The government is also determined to protect its cultural and social traditions.

Question 12.
Find out more about present-day nomadic pastoral groups in the subcontinent. What animals do they keep? Which are the areas frequented by these groups?
Some of the main present-day nomadic pastoral groups of the subcontinent are-Gujjars (J & K), Gaddis (Himachal), Bhotiyas, Monpas (north-east), Raikas (Rajasthan), Banjaras (Central India), Dhangars (Maharashtra) and Maldharis (Gujarat). These pastoralists keep sheep, buffaloes, camels, etc.


Question 1.
Find out how grain is transported from villages to cities at present. In what ways is this similar to or different from the ways in which the Banjaras functioned? (NCERT Page 95)

  1. At present grain is transported through bullock carts, buggies, trucks, and tempos. Tractor trollies are extensively used to carry grains.
  2. This is different from the ways of the Banjaras as they carried grains on the back of the oxen.

Question 2.
Discuss why the Mughals were interested in the land of the Gonds. (NCERT Page 99)

  1.  The Mughals were very ambitious. They desired to expand their kingdom in the land of the Gonds.
  2. Garha katanga was a rich state. It earned much wealth by trapping and exporting elephants to other kingdoms.
  3. The Mughals desired to capture a huge booty of precious coins and elephants {which had great importance in the army) of the Gondwana.

Question 3.
Why do you think the Mughals tried to conquer the land of the Ahoms? (NCERT Page 100)
The Mughals tried to conquer the land of Ahoms because of the following reasons:

  1. Their land was fertile and produced a variety of crops.
  2. The Mughals were engaged in expanding their kingdom.
  3. The Ahom state was large and was a source of big revenue.

We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 7 Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 7 Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9 A Bicycle in Good Repair

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9 A Bicycle in Good Repair are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9 A Bicycle in Good Repair.

Board CBSE
Textbook NCERT
Class Class 7
Subject English Honeycomb
Chapter Chapter 9
Chapter Name A Bicycle in Good Repair
Number of Questions Solved 16
Category NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9 A Bicycle in Good Repair


Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct option :
Question 1.
I assured ; “easily enough in the morning ; goes a little stiffly after lunch.” (Page 126)
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
The remark implied
(a) the author was an early riser
(b) the author liked to cycle in the morning
(c) the author liked to cycle in the afternoon
(d) the author to be a professional rider
(b) the author liked to cycle in the morning
Question 2.
To cycle in the afternoon was
(a) refreshing
(b) annoying
(c) difficult
(d) easy
(b) annoying

Question 3.
The mood swings happen
(a) due to the timings of the day
(b) due to sumptuous lunch
(c) due to heavy lunch
(d) due to light lunch
(c) due to heavy lunch

Question 2.
“Don’t you trouble about it any more ; you will make yourself tired. Let us put it back and get off.”   (Page 127)

  1.  Who is the speaker of the above passage ?
  2.  Who is being spoken to ?
  3.  What is the work being done ?


  1.  The owner of the bicycle is the speaker.
  2.  He is speaking to his friend who was trying to mend the bicycle.
  3.  The bicycle is being repaired.

Question 3.
“People talk like that who understand nothing about machines. Nothing is easier than taking off a gear-case.”   (Page 129)
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
The friend cautioned the author about the people
(a) who were just idiots
(b) who were not his friends
(c) who knew nothing about machines
(d) who were non-riders
(c) who knew nothing about machines

Question 2.
The friend was an expert in taking off the gear-case as it took him
(a) five minutes to dismantle it
(b) less than five minutes to put it in two pieces
(c) just five seconds to throw it off
(d) all the above
(b) less than five minutes to put it in two pieces

Question 3.
Who were effected by the friend’s repairs ?
(a) both the author and the cycle
(b) the bicycle
(c) the author
(d) the friend became tired
(a) both the author and the cycle

Question 4.
“Watching you do this is of real use to me. It is not only your skill that fascinates me, it is your cheery confidence in yourself, your inexplicable hopefulness, that does me good.”
(Page 131)

  1.  Is the speaker of these words happy ?
  2.  What fascinates the speaker ?
  3.  What does he mean by inexplicable hopefulness ?


  1.  No. In fact he is very unhappy.
  2.  The speaker is fascinated at the behaviour of his friend. Though he is making the bicycle from bad to worse, he hopes to mend it.
  3.  The confidence of the friend cannot be explained. He is doing everything wrong, yet he
    hopes to set everything right.

Question 5.
The bicycle, I was glad to see, showed spirit; and the subsequent proceedings degenerated into little else than a rough-and-tumble fight between him and the machine. (Page 131)
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
The bicycle showed spirit as it finally defeated him
(a) the handles hit him sharply over the head
(b) he continued repairing it
(c) the friend was tired
(d) the author was flushed with victory
(a) the handles hit him sharply over the head

Question 2.
The proceedings were defined as
(a) bicycle on the gravel and the friend over it
(b) friend on the gravel and the bicycle over him
(c) a rough tumble fight between them
(d) none of the above
(c) a rough tumble fight between them him

Question 3.
The ultimate triumph was that of
(a) the author
(b) the friend
(c) the cycle
(d) none of the above
(d) none of the above


Comprehension Check (Page 128)
Question 1.
“I got up early, for me.” It implies that
(i) he was an early riser.
(ii) he was a late riser.
(iii) he got up late that morning.
Mark the correct answer.
(ii) he was a late riser.

Question 2.
The bicycle “goes easily enough in the morning and a little stiffly after lunch.” The remark is
(i) humorous.
(ii) inaccurate.
(iii) sarcastic.
(iv) enjoyable.
(v) meaningless.
Mark your choice(s).
(iv) enjoyable.

Question 3.
The friend shook the bicycle violently. Find two or three sentences in the text which express the author’s disapproval of it.
(i) “Don’t do that ; you’ll hurt it”.
(ii) “It doesn’t if you don’t wobble it”.
(iii) “Don’t you trouble about it any more ; you will make yourself tired.”

Question 4.
“… if not, it would make a serious difference to the machine.” What does “it’ refer to ?
‘It’ refers to the loss of bearings’.

Working with the Text (Page 132)

Answer the following questions.
Question 1.
Did the front wheel really wobble ? What is your opinion ? Give a reason for your answer.
No, the front wheel did not really wobble. The author had already tried the bicycle and was pleased with it. Even the friend had said that it was a good-looking machine.

Question 2.
In what condition did the author find the bicycle when he returned from the tool shed ?
When the author returned from the tool shed, the front wheel had been taken off the bicycle. The friend was sitting on the ground with the front wheel between his legs. He was playing with it. The remnant of the machine was lying on the gravel path beside him.

Question 3.
“Nothing is easier than taking off the gear-case.” Comment on or continue this sentence in the light of what actually happens.
The friend is right that ‘nothing is easier than taking off the gear-case’ but as he realised later, it was very difficult to refix it.

Question 4.
What special treatment did the chain receive ?
First the chain became so tight that it would not move at all. Then it became twice as loose as it was before.

Question 5.
The friend has two qualities—he knows what he is doing and is absolutely sure it is good. Find the two phrases in the text which mean the same.
“Cheery confidence” and “inexplicable hopefulness”.

Question 6.
Describe the fight between the man and the machine. Find the relevant sentences in the text and write them.
“The bicycle showed spirit; and the subsequent proceedings degenerated into little less than a rough and tumble fight between him and the machine. One moment the bicycle would be on the gravel path and he on the top of it, the next, the position would be reversed-he on the gravel path, the bicycle on him. Now he would be standing flushed with victory, the bicycle firmly fixed between his legs. But his triumphs would be short-lived. By a sudden quick movement it would free itself and, turning upon him, hit him sharply over the head with one of its handles.”

Working with Language

Question 1.
Read the following sentences.

  •  We should go for a long bicycle ride.
  •  I ought to have been firm.
  •  We mustn’t lose any of them.
  •  I suggested that he should hold the fork, and that I should handle the wheel.
    The words in italics are modal auxiliaries. Modal auxiliaries are used with verbs to express notions such as possibility, permission, willingness, obligation, necessity etc. Should’, ‘must’ and ‘ought to’ generally express moral obligation, necessity and desirability. Look at the following.
  •  We should go on a holiday. (suggestion : It is a good idea for us to go on a holiday.)
  •  He is not too well these days. He must see a doctor before he becomes worse. (compulsion or necessity : It is absolutely essential or necessary for him to see a doctor.)
  •  You ought to listen to me. I am well over a decade older than you. (more emphatic than ‘should’ : Since I am older than you, it is advisable that you listen to me.)

Note. “Should’ and ‘ought to’ are often used interchangeably.
Rewrite each of the following sentences using should/ought to/must in place of the italicised words. Make other changes wherever necessary.
(i) You are obliged to do your duty irrespective of consequences.
(ii) You will do well to study at least for an hour every day.
(iii) The doctor says it is necessary for her to sleep eight hours every night.
(iv) It is right that you show respect towards elders and affection towards youngsters.
(v) If you want to stay healthy, exercise regularly.
(vi) It is good for you to take a walk every morning.
(vii) It is strongly advised that you don’t stand on your head.
(viii) As he has a cold, it is better for him to go to bed.
(i) You must do your duty irrespective of consequences.
(ii) You should study at least for an hour every day.
(iii) The doctor says she must sleep eight hours every night.
(iv) You ought to show respect towards elders and affection towards youngsters.
(v) To stay healthy, you must exercise regularly.
(vi) You should take a walk every morning.
(vii) You must not stand on your head.
(viii) As he has a cold, he should go to bed.

Question 2.
Use should/must/ ought to appropriately in the following sentences.
(i) People who live in glass houses …………. not throw stones.
(ii) You ….. wipe your feet before coming into the house, especially during the rains.
(iii) You …… do what the teacher tells you.
(iv) The pupils were told that they ………… write more neatly.
(v) Sign in front of a park : You ……….. not walk on the grass.
(vi) You ……… be ashamed of yourself having made such a remark.
(vii) He left home at 9 o’clock. He …….. be here any minute.
(viii) “Whatever happened to the chocolate cake ?” “How ……… I know ? I have just arrived.”
(i) should
(ii) must
(iii) must
(iv) should
(v) must
(vi) ought to
(vii) should
(viii) should

Question 3.
Two or more single sentences can be combined to form a single sentence.
Read the following.
I made an effort, and was pleased with myself.
This sentence is in fact a combination of two sentences.

  •  I made an effort
  •  was pleased with myself.
    Now read this sentence.
    I did not see why he should shake it.
    This is also a combination of two sentences.
  •  I did not see (it).
  •  Why should he shake it ?

Divide each of the following sentences into its parts. Write meaningful parts. If necessary, supply a word or two to make each part meaningful.

  1. I went to the tool shed to see what I could find. (3 parts)
  2. When I came back he was sitting on the ground. (2 parts)
  3. We may as well see what’s the matter with it, now it is out. (3 parts)
  4. He said he hoped we had got them all. (3 parts)
  5. I had to confess he was right. (2 parts)


  1.  I went to the tool shed.
    I went to see.
    What could I find ?
  2.  I came back.
    He was sitting on the ground.
  3.  We may as well see.
    What is the matter with it ?
    Now, it is out.
  4.  He said.
    He hoped.
    We had got them all.
  5.  I had to confess
    He was right.

Question 4.
‘en’ acts as a prefix (put at the beginning) or as a suffix (put at the end) to form
new words.
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9 A Bicycle in Good Repair 2

‘en’ at the beginning or at the end of a word is not always a prefix or a suffix. It is then an integral part of the word.
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9 A Bicycle in Good Repair 3

(i) Now arrange the words given in the box under the three headings, prefix, suffix and part of the word.
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 9 A Bicycle in Good Repair 1

en (prefix)        en (suffix)             en (part of word)
………….                  …………….                …………………
………….                  …………….                …………………
………….                  …………….                ………………….
en (prefix)          en (suffix)            en (part of the word)
encourage           dampen                 listen
endanger             soften                    barren
enclose                fasten                     even
enable                 weaken                   enclave
(ii) Find new words in your textbook and put them under the same headings.
List of some new words from the textbook :
en (prefix)         en (suffix)               en (part of the word)
enjoy                   loosen                     dozen
en-route              tighten                    sudden
enact                   deepen                    kitchen
encircle                strengthen              happen

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