CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Computer Applications Set 1 with Solutions

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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Computer Applications Set 1 with Solutions

Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 50

General Instructions

  1. This question paper contains two parts A and B. Each part is compulsory.
  2. Part A carries 20 marks while Part B carries 30 marks.
  3. Part A consists very short answer and case based MCQ Questions and Part B is Descriptive Paper.
  4. Both Part A and Part B have choices.


  1. It consists two sections-1 and II.
  2. Section I has 13 questions of Very Short Answer Type. An examinee is to attempt any 10 out of 13 questions.
  3. Section II has two Case Studies. Each Case Study has 7 case-based sub-parts. An examinee is to attempt any
    5 out of 7 sub-parts.


  1. Question numbers 16 to 20 are Short Answer Type (SA-I) Questions of 2 marks each, Question numbers
    21 to 25 are Short Answer Type (SA-II) questions of 3 marks each and Question numbers 26 is Long Answer \ Type Question of 5 marks.
  2. Internal choice is provided in 1 question of 2 marks, 1 question of 3 marks and 1 question of 5 marks.

Section 1

This section consists of 13 questions of very short answer type. Question numbers 4 to 8 are of “fill in the blank’ type. Fill the blank with the most appropriate answer. Attempt any 10 questions from Question numbers 1 to 13.

Question 1.
Expand the term SMTP.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

Question 2.
What do you understand by blog?
A blog is a website or web page, in which an individual records opinion links to other sites on regular basis.

You are advised to attempt this sample paper without referring the answers given here. However, cross check your answers once you complete the paper.
Question 3.
Nisha wrote the following HTML statement:
<IMG src=”school.jpg”>
She did not use closing tag of IMG and told her friend that IMG is empty element. What is an empty element?
Empty elements are standalone tags, i.e. empty tags do not have to be wrapped around text or graphics and do not require a closing tag.

Question 4.
______ and ______ tags break the line flow.
<BR>, <HR>

Question 5.
______ is used to change the color of a visited link.

Question 6.
______ are used to connect web pages. They are created with <A> tag.

Question 7.
<TH> tag is used to specify the column ______ in a table.

Question 8.
______ attribute of <AUDIO> tag specifies the audio file standard type.

Question 9.
Neha wants to transfer multimedia documents through Internet. Her friend told her that some type of protocol is used to transfer documents through Internet. But she is confused about its name. Which protocol help her to transfer the documents through Internet?
The name of this protocol is HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol).

Question 10.
How does gender contribute to the digital divide?
Gender is stated that in some countries and organisations, females have less access to the Internet than males.

Question 11.
Which services are provided by CPA WebTrust in E-commerce?
In E-commerce, CPA WebTrust provides services titled WebTrust and SysTrust.

Question 12.
Which attribute of <BODY> tag specifies the color of visited links in a document?
vlink attribute

Question 13.
Write the syntax of <INPUT> tag.
<INPUT type = “fieldtype” name = “fieldname” value = ”fieldtext”>

Section II

Both the case study based questions are compulsory. Attempt any 5 questions (out of 7 questions) from each case study. Each question carries 1 mark.

Question 14.
Web is a collection of documents (web pages) stored on computers around the world. Each web page has an address describing where it can be found. This address is known as web address or URL. A web address identifies the location of a specific web page on the Internet, such as
Every computer connected to the Internet has its unique web address, without which it cannot be reached by other computers.
(i) Which of the following is used by the browser to connect to the location of the Internet resources?
(a) Linkers
(b) Protocol
(c) Cable
(d) URL
(d) URL

(ii) An absolute contains the complete address of a file on the Internet.
(a) JavaScript
(b) URL
(c) SQL
(d) String
(b) URL

(iii) The full form of URL is
(a) Uniform Resource Locator
(b) Universal Resource Locator
(c) Universally Resource Locator
(d) Uniform Reference Locator
(a) Uniform Resource Locator

(iv) Which of the following must be contained in a URL?
(a) A protocol identifier
(b) The letters, www
(c) The unique registered domain name
(d) A protocol identifier, www and the unique registered domain name
A protocol identifier, www and the unique registered domain name

(v) What is URL?
(a) A computer software program
(b) A type of programming object
(c) The address of a document or page on the www
(d) A piece of hardware
(c) The address of a document or page on the www

(vi) The types of URL is
(a) absolute
(b) relative
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) mixed
(c) Both (a) and (b)

(vii) It points to a file/directory in relation to the present file/directory.
(a) Absolute URL
(b) Relative URL
(c) Either (a) or (b)
(d) None of these
Relative URL

Question 15.
Embed Audio Element
The HTML <AUDIO> element is used to embed sound content in documents. It may contain one or more audio sources, represented using the src attribute. The <AUDIO > element defines an in-browser audio player. The audio player can provide a single piece of audio content. To specify the source file of the audio content, use one or more <SOURCE> elements inside the <AUDIO> element. All <SOURCE> files should contain the same audio content, but in different file formats. The browser will select the first file format that it is able to play. If you are not going to provide multiple source file formats, you may indicate the source file in the src attribute, instead of in a separate <SOURCE> element.
(i) <AUDIO> tag is used in (1)
(a) < HTML > tag
(b) <BODY> tag
(c) < HEAD > tag
(d) <TITLE> tag
<BODY> tag

(ii) Which of the following attributes of <AUDIO> tag?
(a) autoplay
(b) src
(c) type
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

(iii) What is the attribute of <SOURCE> tag?
(a) src
(b) type
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) height
Both (a) and (b)

(iv) This attribute specifies the location of the audio file.
(a) loop
(b) src
(c) type
(d) controls
(b) src

(v) Most commonly used audio format(s) is/are (1)
(a) ogg
(b) mp3
(c) wav
(d) All of these
All of these

(vi) What is the full form of src? (1)
(a) Source
(b) Service
(c) Support Cast
(d) Specify Resource
(a) Source

(vii) Which attribute of < AUDIO > tag allows audio automatically see back to the start after reaching at the end?
(a) src
(b) autobuffer
(c) loop
(d) autoplay
(c) loop


All questions are compulsory. In case of internal choices, attempt any one.

Question 16.
Below are given names of some websites : (2)
Identify the components of all the web addresses given above.
Host name – www
Domain name –
Domain type –

Host name – www
Domain name –
Domain type – com

Question 17.
Explain the two elements which with search engine works. (2)
Search engine works with two elements, which are as follows:
(i) Web Crawler It is a software that browses the Internet in a systematic manner. It retrieves the information, which follows every link on the site that are stored by Web search engines. It is also known as spider, ant, automatic indexer or Web scutter.

(ii) Indexing Software It is a software that receives the list of Web documents and addresses collected by Web crawler. Some search engines provide proximity search which allows users to define the distance keywords.

Question 18.
Explain the open source software movement. (2)
The open source software movement is a movement that supports the use of open source licenses for some softwares. It was started to spread the concept of open source software. Thus, open source software is a software whose source code is available for modification or enhancement by anyone. Programmers develop the open source movement contribute to the open source community by writing and exchanging programming code for software development.

Question 19.
Give any six reasons behind plagiarism. (2)
The reason behind plagiarism are

  1. Fear of failure (ii) Not having enough knowledge
  2. Being lazy (iv) Lack of enforcement (v) Competition (vi) Lack of management skills

Question 20.
6CO2 +6H2O → C6H12O2 +6O2         (2)
To display above given chemical expression on a web page, following HTML code was written:
6CO<SUP>2</SUP> + 6H<SUP>2</SUP>0 —> C<SUP> 6</SUP> H<SUP>
12 </SUP > O < SUP > 6 </SUP >+ 60 < SUP > 2 </SUP >
But it is not displaying the expression in desired format. Identify the fault(s) and suggest the required correction(s).
Write a simple HTML code to show an example of internal linking.(2)
<SUP>tag will not be use in the given expression because it is a superscript tag. In this
expression, subscript tag, i.e. <SUB> tag will be use. ‘
<HEAD><TITLE>Internal Li nki ng</TITLE>
<H1> It is <A name =”top”>top</A> of the page </H1>
<H1><A href =”#top”>Top</A></H1>

Question 21.
Write the HTML code to create the exact table which is given below : (3)

Roll_No Name Class Subject
1 Neha Vth Maths
2 Amit 10th English
3 Sneha IIIrd G.K.

<TABLE border = “2”>
<TR align = “center” valign = “middle”>
<TH> Roll_N0 </TH>
<TH> Name </TH>
<TH> Class </TH>
<TH> Subject </TH>
<TR align = “center” valign = “middle”>
<TD> 1 </TD>
<TD> Neha </TD>
<TD> Vth </TD>
<TD> Maths </TD>
<TR align = “center” valign = “middle”>
<TD> 2 </TD>
<TD> Amit </TD>
<TD> 10th </TD>
<TD> English </TD>
<TR align = “center” valign = “middle”>
<TD> 3 </TD>
<TD> Sneha </TD>
<TD> IIIrd </TD>
<TD> G.K. </TD>
< / BODY >

Question 22.
Define the cascading style sheet.
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language. CSS is designed primarily to enable the separation of document content from document presentation, including aspects such as the layout, colors and fonts.

This separation can improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple HTML pages to share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate .css file, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content such as semantically insignificance tables that were widely used to format pages before consistent CSS rendering was available in all major browsers.

CSS makes it possible to separate presentation instructions from the HTML content in a separate file or style section of the HTML file. For each matching HTML element, it provides a list of formatting instructions.

Question 23.
Write about the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). (3)
FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) is a federal law that generally provides that any person has a right to obtain access to federal agency records. It is intended to increase transparency. It does not provide access to all government documents.The FOI Act provides that every person has the following legal rights:

  1. The right to access official records held by government departments as defined by the act.
  2. The right to be given reasons for decisions taken by government that affect them.

Question 24.
Give advantages and disadvantages of secure electronic transaction. (3)
Advantages of SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) are as follows:

  1. SET prevents merchants from seeing the customer payment information.
  2. To ensure merchant privacy, SET prevents the payment gateway from seeing the order information.

Disadvantages of SET are as follows:

  1. The customer must install additional software, which can handle SET transactions.
  2. Implementing SET is more costly than SSL for merchants as well.
  3. Users must have credit card.

Question 25.
What is web server? Explain any one web server. (3)
What do you mean by hypertext markup language.
Web server is a computer program that serves requested HTML pages or files from the Web client. Every Web server that is connected to the Internet is associated with a unique address, i.e. IP address. Web server software generally requires a fairly robust operating system like Unix, Windows NT. Every Website need to be stored on a computer called the Web server from which it can be accessed.
Currently, there are five major Web servers commonly used for hosting Websites as follows:
(i) Apache HTTP Server
(ii) Internet Information Server
(iii) Lighttpd
(iv) Sun Java System Web Server
(v) Jigsaw Server

Apache HTTP Server was developed by Apache Software Foundation. It is the most popular Web hosting server in the world. This software can be installed virtually on all operating systems including Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, UNIX etc. At present, 60% of server machines run on the Apache Web server.
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language used for designing Web pages. A markup language is a set of markup (angular bracket, < >) tags, which tell the Web browser, how to display a Web page’s words and images for the user. Each individual markup code is referred to as an element or a tag. The text placed between a pair of angular brackets (< >) defines an HTML element.

HTML elements have two basic properties, i.e. attributes and content. Attributes are used to apply the desired style on the text and content refers to the text that you want to display on the browser. When a Web page is opened in a Web browser, then the formatted content is displayed.

Question 26.
Write the code to generate the following web page: (5)
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Computer Applications set 1 with Solutions 26
Note The following points while generating the web page:
(i) Title of the page is “Indian Food”.
(ii) Link color is blue, vlink color is brown and alink color is pink.
(iii) Font face of heading is “arial”.
(iv) The color of the heading of the page is green.
(v) Image used as foodl.jpg.
(vi) Table border is 4px and border color is maroon.
(vii) Use link as:
For Available Food as Fl.html
For Dishes Price as F2.html
For Get Recipes as F3.html
(viii) E-mail id for bottom message “To get order click here” as
Answer the following:
(i) Write the HTML code to create a link for school.jpg located at C:\.
(ii) Name the attribute used for setting cell width.
(iii) Name the attribute used for changing the cell span.
(iv) What is the use of dir attribute of <HTML> tag?
(v) Name any two attributes you can use with <TABLE> tag but not with <TR> tag.
<HEAD><TITLE> Indian Food </TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY link=”blue” vlink=”brown” alink=”pink” bgcolor=”orange”>
<FONT face=”arial” color=”green”>
<H1 align=”center”><U> Indian Food </U></H1>
The traditional food of India has been widely appreciated for its fabulous use of herbs and spices. Indian cuisine is known for its large assortment of dishes. The cooking style varies from region to region and is largely divided into South Indian & North Indian cuisine. India is quite famous for its diverse multi cuisine available in a large number of restaurants and hotel resorts, which is reminiscent of unity in diversity. <BR>
<P align=”right”><A href=”Fl.html ”> Available Food </A><BR>
<A href=”F2.html “> Dishes Price </A><BR>
<A href=”F3.html “> Get Receipes </A></P>
<IMG src=”foodl.jpg” align=”right” width =”180” height=”150”>
<TABLE border=”4” borderedor=”maroon” cel 1padding=”6″ align=”center”>
<CAPTION> Select Dishes </CAPTION>
<TD> Gujrat </TD>
<TD> Punjab </TD>
<TD> Tamil Nadu </TD>
<TD> Khandvi <BR> Dhokla <BR> Dal Vada </TD>
<TD> Falooda <BR> Nan <BR> Lassi </TD>
<TD> Masala Dosa <BR> Sambhar Idli <BR> Upma </TD>
<A href=””> To get order click here </A>
(i) <A href = “C: \school . jpg”> IMAGE</A>
(ii) width
(iii) rowspan and colspan
(iv) dir attribute tells the browser, the direction in which the displayed text is to be read.
(v) summary, rules

Class 10 History Chapter 2 Extra Questions and Answers The Nationalist Movement in Indo-China

Here we are providing Class 10 History Chapter 2 Extra Questions and Answers The Nationalist Movement in Indo-China was designed by subject expert teachers.

The Nationalist Movement in Indo-China Class 10 Extra Questions History Chapter 2

Question 1.
How many nations are parts of Indo China?
Three: Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos.

Question 2.
When was French Indo-China formed?
Though the French troops landed in Vietnam in 1858, and the region came under the French control in 1880s, it was only after the French-Chinese war that Indo-China was formed in 1857.

Question 3.
Mention three barriers in Vietnam which were to be overcome as suggested by Paul Bernard.

  1. High population level,
  2. low agricultural productivity,
  3. extensive indebtedness

Question 4.
What was the main object the French colonisers in introducing education in Vietnam?
To create Asiatic France solidly tied to European France; the education would make the Vietnamese respect the French culture.

Class 10 History Chapter 2 Extra Questions and Answers The Nationalist Movement in Indo-China

Question 5.
Why did the French follow the deliberate policy of failing students in Vietnam?
The policy was to fail the students so that they do not become eligible for jobs, in 1977 out of a population of 170 lakhs, only 400 students were passed.

Question 6.
Name the political party the students began forming.
In 1920s, the students formed Party of Young Annan, and also a journal the Annanesc Student.

Question 7.
What were Vietnam’s religious beliefs?
The Vietnamese religious beliefs were mixture or Buddhism, Confucianism, leading to a general uprising in Ngu An and Ha Tien where a thousand Catholics were killed.

Question 9.
What do you know about Hoa Hao movement?
A religious anti-imperialist movement inspired by Huynh Phu So. The movement was launched in 1939 in Mekong area. The French government attempted to suppress it by sending the leader to exile to Laos, and his supporters to concentration camps.

Question 10.
What is ‘go-east movement;?
‘Go-east movement’ was one movement through which Vietnamese students, inspired by Japan, wanted to drive out the French, overthrow the puppet monarchy supported by the French.

Question 11.
When was the Communist Party of Vietnam established? Who was its leader?
The Communist Party of Vietnam (later renamed as the Indo-Chinese Communist Party) was established in 1930. Ho Chi Minh was its leader.

Question 12.
When was the Democratic Republic of Vietnam formed and who was its Chairman?
The Democratic Republic Vietnam was formed in 1945 and Ho Chi Minh became its chairman.

Question 13.
Following the defeat of France, what were the results of the Geneva negotiations?
Following the defeat of France in May 1954, the Vietnamese were forced to accept the division of Vietnam at the Geneva negotiation. The North Vietnam came under Ho Chi Minh at the South Vietnam, under Bao Dai.

Question 14.
What were the consequences of the US entry in Vietnam?
The US entry in Vietnam, between 1965 and 1974, proved costly for both the Vietnamese as well as the American. The death toll was 47244 and those who were wounded were 303,704.

Class 10 History Chapter 2 Extra Questions and Answers The Nationalist Movement in Indo-China

Question 15.
Mention briefly women’s role in the Vietnam war.
Women, during the Vietnamese war, were represented not only as warriors but also as workers. They used to have a rifle in one hand, and hammer, in the other hand. They worked as nurses.

Question 16.
What does the 1902 plague and measures to control it tell us about the French colonial attitude towards questions of health and hygiene.
The attitude of the French government towards questions of health and hygiene and Vietnamese people was indifferent, irresponsible and careless.

Question 17.
How did the French establish their grip on Vietnam?
The French troops landed in Vietnam in 1858 and by mid-1880s, they had established a firm grip over the northern region of the country. After the Franco-Chinese war, the French assumed control of Tonkin and Annam and, in 1887, French Indo-China. was formed. In the following decades the French sought to consolidate their position, and people in Vietnam began reflecting on the nature of the loss that Vietnam was suffering, nationalist resistance developed out of this reflection.

Question 18.
Why the French thought the colonies are necessary?
Colonies were considered essential to supply natural resources and other essential goods. Like other Western nations, France also thought it was the mission of the ‘advanced’ European countries to bring the benefits of civilisation to backward people. For extracting maximum profit, they began building canals and draining lands for cultivating rice. They also developed infrastructure projects to help transport goods and for trade.

Question 19.
What was the immediate effect of expanding areas for irrigation?
The French began irrigating lands in Mekong delta. The area under rice cultivation went up from 274,000 hectares in 1873 to 1.1 million hectares in 1900 and 2.2 million in 1930. Vietnam exported two-thirds of its rice production and by 1931 had become the third-largest exporter of rice in the world.

Question 20.
Mention the infrastructure projects which the French undertook in Vietnam.
The French began infrastructure projects to help transports goods for trade, move military garrisons and control the entire region. Construction of a trans-Indo-China rail network that would link the northern and southern parts of Vietnam and China was begun. This final link with Yunan in China was completed by 1910. The second line was also built, linking Vietnam to Siam (as Thailand was then called), via the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh.

Class 10 History Chapter 2 Extra Questions and Answers The Nationalist Movement in Indo-China

Question 21.
How did the French project themselves and the Vietnamese in school textbooks?
School textbooks glorified the French and justified colonial rule. The Vietnamese were represented as primitive and backward, capable of manual labour but not of intellectual reflection; they could work in the fields but not rule themselves; they were ‘skilled copyists’ but not creative. School children were told that only French rule the Vietnamese peasant no longer lives in constant terror of pirates Calm is complete, and the peasant can work with a good heart.

Question 22.
How do you describe Phan Boi Chau as a nationalist?
Phan Boi Chau (1869-1940) was an important nationalist of Vietnam. In fact, he became a major figure in the anti-colonial resistance from the time he formed the Revolutionary Society (Duy Ten Hoi) in 1903, with Prince Cuong De as the head Phan Boi Chau met the Chinese reformer Liang Qichao (1873-1929) in Yokohama in 1905. Phan’s most influential book, The History of the loss of Vietnam was written under the strong influence and advice of Qichao.

It became a widely read bestseller in Vietnam and China and was even made into a play. The book focuses on two connected themes; the loss of sovereignty and the severing of ties with China-ties that bound the elites of the two countries within a shared culture.

Question 23.
Give a brief account of Phan Chu Trinh.
Phan Chu Trinh (1871-1926) was intensely hostile to the monarchy and opposed to the idea of resisting the French with the help of the court. His desire was to establish a democratic republic, Profoundly influenced by the democratic ideals of the West, he did not want to wholesale rejection of Western civilisation.

He accepted the French revolutionary ideal of liberty but charged the French for not abiding by the ideal. He demanded that the French set up legal and educational institutions, and develop agriculture and industries.

Question 24.
When was the Democratic Republic of Vietnam formed?
After establishing the Communist Party of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh became an important leader of the country. During the Second World War, the Japanese occupied Vietnam. The nationalist now were faced with two enemies: the Japanese and the French.

The League for the Independence of Vietnam (Vietnam Doc Lap Dong Mirth), which came to be known as the Vietnam, fought the Japanese occupation and recaptured Hanoi in September 1945. The Democratic Republic of Vietnam was formed and Ho Chi Minh became Chairman.

Question 25.
Give an account of the major event after the formation of the Republic of Vietnam in 1945.
The new republic faced a number of challenges. The French tied to regain control by using the emperor, Bao Dai, as their puppet. Faced with the Faced offensive, the Vietnam were forced to retreat to the hills. After eight years of fighting the French were defeated in 1954 at Dien Bien Phu. The entire commanding staff, including a general, India And Contemporary World-II /17 16 colonels and 1749 officers were taken, prisoners.

In the peace negotiations in Geneva that followed the French”defeat, the Vietnamese were persuaded to accept the division of”the country. North and South were split: Ho Chi Minh and the”put in power in the south.” communists took power in the north while Boi Dai’s regime was”account of the US bombing in Vietnam.”

Question 26.
What was the deadly poison ’Agent Orange? Give an account of the US bombing in Vietnam.
Agent Orange is a defoliant, a plant killer, so-called “because it was stored in drums marked with an orange band” Between 1961 and 1971, some 11 million gallons of this chemical” was sprayed from cargo planes by US forces. Their plan was to”destroy forests and fields, so that would be easier to kill if there”was no jungle cover for people to hide in.

Over 14 per cent of the country’s farmland was affected by this poison. The tonnage of”bombs, including chemical arms, used during the US intervention”(mostly against civilian targets) in Vietnam exceeds that used” throughout the Second World War.

Question 27.
What do you know about the Ho Chi Minh trail?
The Ho Chi Minh trail, a network of footpaths and roads, “was used to transport men and materials from the north to the”south. The trail was improved from the late 1950s, and from 1967″ about 20,000 North Vietnamese troops came south each month on”this trail.

The trail had support bases and hospitals along the way. In”some parts supplies were transported in trucks, but mostly they”were carried by porters, who were mainly women. These porters”carried about 25 kilos on their backs or about 70 kilos on their bicycles.

Most of the trail was outside Vietnam in neighbouring Laos” and Cambodia with branch lines extending into South Vietnam “The US regularly bombed this trail trying to disrupt supplies, but”efforts to destroy this important supply line by intensive bombing” failed because they were rebuilt very quickly.

Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969)
Little is known about his early life mostly because Minh chose to”downplay his personal background and identify himself with the cause” of Vietnam, Probably born as Nguyen Van Thanh in Central Vietnam,” he studied at French schools that produced leaders such as Ngo Dinh” Diem, Vo Nguyen Giap ane, Pham Van Dong He briefly taught in I “1910, and in 1911, learnt baking and took a job on a French liner on”the Saigon-Marseilles run Minh became an active member of the”Comintern, meeting Lenin and other leaders in May 1941, after 30” years abroad in Europe, Thailand and China, Minh finally returned to”Vietnam In 1943 he took the name. Ho Chi Minh (Fie who Enlightens).

“He became president of the Vietnam Democratic Republic, Ho Chi” Minh died on 3 September 1969. He led the party successfully for over”40 years, struggling to preserve Vietnamese autonomy.

Question 28.
What dilemmas were the French faced with regard to the” spread of education in Vietnam?
Education was seen as one way to civilise the ‘native .” But in order to educate them, the French had a dilemma. How far”were the Vietnamese to be educated? The French needed an”educated local labour force but they feared that education might”create problems. Once educated, the Vietnamese may begin to question colonial domination.

Moreover, French citizens living in Vietnam (called colons) began fearing that they might lose their”jobs – as teachers, shopkeepers, policemen – to the educated”Vietnamese. So they opposed policies that would give the”Vietnamese full access to French education.

The French were faced with yet another problem in the sphere” of education: the elites in Vietnam were powerfully influenced by”Chinese culture. To consolidate their power, the French had to”counter the Chinese influence. So they systematically dismantled”the traditional educational system and established French schools ‘for the Vietnamese, But this was not easy.

The solution which came up was that the Vietnamese be taught”at the lower classes, and the French at the higher ones. The French”wanted Asiatic France solidly tied to European France. However,” who learnt the French culture could acquire French citizenship.

Class 10 History Chapter 2 Extra Questions and Answers The Nationalist Movement in Indo-China

Question 29.
How was the Hoa Hao movement opposed to the colonial”rule in Vietnam. Discuss briefly.
Numerous movements were opposed to the French colonialism One such movement was the Hoa Hao movement. It began in 1935 and gained great popularity in the fertile Mekong” uprisings of the nineteenth century, “delta area. It drew on religious ideas popular in anti-French uprisings of the nineteenth century.

The founder of Hoa Hao was a man called Huynh Phu So. He performed miracles and helped j the poor. His criticism against”useless I expenditure had a wide appeal. He also opposed the sale” of child brides, gambling and the use of alcohol and opium.

The French tried to suppress the movement inspired by Huynh Phu So. They declared him mad, called him the Mad Bonze, and”put him in a mental asylum. Interestingly, the doctor who had to”prove him insane became his follower, and finally in 1941, even”the French doctors declared that he was sane. The French” authorities exiled him to Laos and sent many of his followers to”concentration camps.

Question 30.
Give the story of the Vietnamese plague and the”subsequent hunt for rats.
The French, in their effort to modernize Vietnam, took” measures to beautify Hanoi,, its ! French part while keep the ’native'” part as dirty I as before. In the French part, a well-laid out sewer” system was introduced. The refuse from the native part of the city” began draining towards the French part of Hanoi. The result was”the spread of plague. The sewers, as a great transport system, “allowing the rats to move around the city without any problem. “And rats began to enter the well-cared-for homes of the French” through I the sewage pipes. What was to be done.

To stem this invasion, a rat hunt was started m 1902. The French” hired Vietnamese workers and paid them for each rat they caught.”Rats began to be caught in thousands: on 30 May, for instance,”20,000 were caught but still there seemed to be no end. For the”Vietnamese the rat hunt seemed to provide an early lesson in the”success of collective bargaining.

Question 31.
How did the Vietnamese nationalists S look to Japan and”China for inspiration? Explain. !
Early Vietnamese nationalists had a dose relationship” with Japan and China. They provided models for those looking to change, a refuge for those who were escaping French police, and a location where a wider Asian network of revolutionaries could be”established. In the first decade of the twentieth century, a ‘go east movement’ became popular. In 1907-08 some 300 Vietnamese” students went to Japan to acquire modern education.

For many of them, the primary objective was to drive out the French from Vietnam, overthrow the purple emperor and re-establish the”Nguyen dynasty that had been deposed by the French. These”nationalists looked for foreign arms and help. They appealed to”the Japanese as fellow Asians, Japan had modernised itself and”had resisted colonisation by the West, Besides, its victory over, “Russia in 1907 proved its military capabilities.

Developments in China also inspired, Vietnamese nationalists. In 1911, the long-established monarchy in China was overthrown by a popular movement under Sun Yat-sen, and j a Republic was set up. Inspired by these developments, Vietnamese students organised the Association for the Restoration of Vietnam (VietNam Quan Phuc Hoi). Now the nature of the anti-French”independence movement changed. The objective was no longer to”set up a constitutional monarchy but a democratic republic/’society.

Question 32.
Mention how the new woman arose in the Vietnamese society.
Women in Vietnam traditionally enjoyed greater equality than in China, particularly among the lower classes, but they had only limited freedom to determine their future and played no role in public life.
As the nationalist movement grew, a new image of womanhood emerged.

Writers and political thinkers began”idealising women who rebelled against social norms. In the 1930s, a famous novel by Nhat Linh caused a scandal because it showed”a woman leaving a forced marriage and marrying someone of her choice, someone who was involved in nationalist politics. This rebellion against social conventions marked the arrival of the new* woman in Vietnamese society.

Rebel women of the past were similarly celebrated In 1913, the nationalist Phan Boi Chau wrote a play based on the lives of the Trung sisters who had fought against Chinese domination in 39-43 CE. In this play, he depicted these sisters as patriots fighting to save the Vietnamese nation from the Chinese.

They were depicted in paintings, plays and novels as “representing the indomitable will and the intense patriotism of the Vietnamese We are told that they gathered a force of over 30,000, resisted the Chinese for two years, and when ultimately defeated,” they committed suicide, instead of surrendering to the enemy.

Question 33.
How did the war come to an end in Vietnam?
The prolongation of the war created strong reactions even” within the US. It was clear that the US had failed to achieve its objectives: the Vietnamese resistance had not been crushed; the support of the Vietnamese people for US action had not been won. In the meantime, thousands of young US soldiers had lost their lives, and countless Vietnamese civilians had been killed. This was a war that has been called the first television war.

Battle scenes were shown on the daily news programmes. Many became disillusioned with what the US was doing and writers such as Mary McCarthy, and actors Intake Jane Fonda even visited North Vietnam and praised their heroic defence of the country. The scholar Noam Chomsky called the war the greatest threat to peace, to national self-determination, and to international cooperation.

The widespread questioning of government policy strengthened moves to negotiate an end to the war. A peace” settlement was signed in Paris in January 1974. This ended conflict with the US but fighting between tire Saigon regime and the NLF continued, The NLF occupied the presidential palace in Saigon on 30 April 1975 and unified Vietnam.

Objective Type Questions

Question 1.
Choose true (✓) and false (✗) in the following:
(i) After the Franco-Chinese war, the French took control” of Hanoi.
(ii) Before the French occupation of Vietnam, the country” was ruled by Nguyen dynasty,
(iii) Tonkin Free School began functioning in 1907.
(iv) Plague struck Hanoi in 1899.
(v) The English intervened in the Vietnam war in 1974.
(i) ✗,
(ii) ✓,
(iii) ✓,
(iv) ✗
(v) ✗

Class 10 History Chapter 2 Extra Questions and Answers The Nationalist Movement in Indo-China

Question 2.
Choose the most appropriate alternative
(i) Cochinchina (the South) became a French colony in
(a) 1867
(b) 1877
(c) 1888
(d) 1898
(a) 1867

(ii) The Communist Party of Vietnam was formed by
(a) Phan Boj Chau
(b) Ho Chi Minh
(c) Than Chu Trinh
(d) Hugnu Phu So
(b) Ho Chi Minh

(iii) The New Republic of Vietnam in the north was established in
(a) 1955
(b) 1934
(c) 1956
(d) 1957
(b) 1934

(iv) Phan Boj Chau wrote the following book
(a) The History of the loss of Vietnam
(b) The History of Vietnam
(c The Loss of Vietnam
(d) None of the above
(a) The History of the loss of Vietnam

(v) The name of the plant killer used by the USA in Vietnam war was
(a) Agent Mange
(b) Agent Pear
(c) Agent Apple
(d) Agent Orange
(d) Agent Orange.

Extra Questions for Class 10 Social Science

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Ex 13.1

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Ex 13.1 are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Ex 13.1.

Board CBSE
Textbook NCERT
Class Class 10
Subject Maths
Chapter Chapter 13
Chapter Name Surface Areas and Volumes
Exercise Ex 13.1
Number of Questions Solved 9
Category NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Ex 13.1

Unless stated otherwise, take π = \(\frac { 22 }{ 7 }\)

13.1 Class 10 Question 1.
2 cubes each of volume 64 cm3 are joined end to end. Find the surface area of the resulting cuboid.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Ex 13.1 1
Volume of one cube = 64 cm3
Let edge of one cube = a
Volume of the cube = (edge)3
a3 = 64 ⇒ a = 4 cm
Similarly, edge of the another cube = 4 cm.
Now, both cubes are joined together and a cuboid is formed as shown in the figure.
Now, length of the cuboid (l) = 8 cm
breadth of the cuboid (b) = 4 cm
height of the cuboid (h) = 4 cm
Surface area of the cuboid so formed = 2 (lb + bh + hl)
= 2(8 x 4 + 4 x 4 + 4 x 8)
= 2(32 + 16 + 32) = 160 cm²

NCERT Class 10 Exercise 13.1 Question 2.
A vessel is in the form of a hollow hemisphere mounted by a hollow cylinder. The diameter of the hemisphere is 14 cm and the total height of the vessel is 13 cm. Find the inner surface area of the vessel.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Ex 13.1 2
Given: diameter of the hemisphere = 14 cm
Radius = \(\frac { 14 }{ 2 }\) = 7 cm
Curved surface area of the hemisphere = 2πr² = 2 x \(\frac { 22 }{ 7 }\) x 7 x 7 cm²
= 14 x 22 cm² = 308 cm²
Here, total height of the vessel = 13 cm
Height of the cylinder = Total height – Height of the hemisphere = 13 cm – 7 cm = 6 cm
and radius of the cylinder = radius of the hemisphere = 7 cm
Inner surface area of the cylinder = 2πrh = 2 x \(\frac { 22 }{ 7 }\) x 7 x 6
= 2 x 22 x 6 = 264 cm²
Inner surface area of the vessel = Inner surface area of the cylinder + curved surface area of the hemisphere
= 264 cm² + 308 cm² = 572 cm²

Ex 13.1 Class 10 Question 3.
A toy is in the form of a cone of radius 3.5 cm mounted on a hemisphere of same radius. The total height of the toy is 15.5 cm. Find the total surface area of the toy.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Ex 13.1 3

Surface Area And Volume Class 10 Question 4.
A cubical block of side 7 cm is surmounted by a hemisphere. What is the greatest diameter the hemisphere can have? Find the surface area of the solid.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Ex 13.1 4
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Ex 13.1 5

Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Question 5.
A hemispherical depression is cut out from one face of a cubical wooden block such that the diameter l of the hemisphere is equal to the edge of the cube. Determine the surface area of the remaining solid.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Ex 13.1 6

Chapter 13 Class 10 Maths Question 6.
A medicine capsule is in the shape of a cylinder with two hemispheres stuck to each of its ends (see figure). The length of the entire capsule is 14 mm and the diameter of the capsule is 5 mm. Find its surface area.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Ex 13.1 7
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Ex 13.1 8
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Ex 13.1 9

Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Question 7.
A tent is in the shape of a cylinder surmounted by a conical top. If the height and diameter of the cylindrical part are 2.1 m and 4 m respectively, and the slant height of the top is 2.8 m, find the area of the canvas used for making the tent. Also, find the cost of the canvas of the tent at the rate of ₹ 500 per m². (Note that the base of the tent will not be covered with canvas.)
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Ex 13.1 10

Exercise 13.1 Class 10 NCERT Solutions Question 8.
From a solid cylinder whose height is 2.4 cm and diameter 1.4 cm, a conical cavity of the same height and same diameter is hollowed out. Find the total surface area of the remaining solid to the nearest cm².
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Ex 13.1 11
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Ex 13.1 12

Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Solutions Question 9.
A wooden article was made by scooping out a hemisphere from each end of a solid cylinder, as shown in figure. If the height of the cylinder is 10 cm, and its base is of radius 3.5 cm, find the total surface area of the article.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Ex 13.1 13
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Ex 13.1 14

We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Ex 13.1, help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Ex 13.1, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry Ex 8.1

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry Ex 8.1 are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry Ex 8.1.

Board CBSE
Textbook NCERT
Class Class 10
Subject Maths
Chapter Chapter 8
Chapter Name Introduction to Trigonometry
Exercise Ex 8.1
Number of Questions Solved 11
Category NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry Ex 8.1

Exercise 8.1 Class 10 Question 1.
In ∆ABC right angled at B, AB = 24 cm, BC = 7 cm. Determine:
(i) sin A, cos A
(ii) sin C, cos C
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry Ex 8.1 1

Class 10 Ex 8.1 Question 2.
In given figure, find tan P – cot R.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry Ex 8.1 2

Trigonometry Class 10 Question 3.
If sin A = \(\frac { 3 }{ 4 }\) , calculate cos A and tan A.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry Ex 8.1 3
sin A = \(\frac { 3 }{ 4 }\)
sin A = \(\frac { BC }{ AC }\) = sin A = \(\frac { 3 }{ 4 }\)
Let BC = 3k and AC = 4k
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry Ex 8.1 4

Ex 8.1 Class 10 Question 4.
Given 15 cot A = 8, find sin A and sec A.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry Ex 8.1 5

Class 10 Trigonometry Ex 8.1 Question 5.
Given sec θ = \(\frac { 13 }{ 12 }\) , calculate all other trigonometric ratios.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry Ex 8.1 6

Ex 8.1 Class 10 Question 6.
If ∠A and ∠B are acute angles such that cos A = cos B, then show that ∠A = ∠B.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry Ex 8.1 7

Ex 8.1 Class 10 Question 7.
If cot θ = \(\frac { 7 }{ 8 }\), evaluate:
(i) \(\frac { \left( 1+sin\theta \right) \left( 1-sin\theta \right) }{ \left( 1+cos\theta \right) \left( 1-cos\theta \right)}\)
(ii) cot²θ
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry Ex 8.1 8

Trigonometry NCERT Class 10 Ex 8.1 Question 8.
If 3 cot A = 4, check whether \(\frac { 1-tan^{ 2 }A }{ 1+tan^{ 2 }A }\) = cos² A – sin² A or not.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry Ex 8.1 9

Ex 8.1 Class 10 Maths Solutions Question 9.
In triangle ABC, right angled at B, if tan A = \(\frac { 1 }{ \surd 3 }\), find the value of:
(i) sin A cos C + cos A sin C
(ii) cos A cos C – sin A sin C
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry Ex 8.1 10

Class 10 Ex 8.1 Question 10.
In ΔPQR, right-angled at Q, PR + QR = 25 cm and PQ = 5 cm. Determine the values of sin P, cos P and tan P.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry Ex 8.1 11
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry Ex 8.1 12

NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Maths Chapter 8 Question 11.
State whether the following statements are true or false. Justify your answer.
(i) The value of tan A is always less than 1.
(ii) sec A = \(\frac { 12 }{ 5 }\) for some value of angle A.
(iii) cos A is the abbreviation used for the cosecant of angle A.
(iv) cot A is the product of cot and A.
(v) sin θ = \(\frac { 4 }{ 3 }\) for some angle.
(i) tan 60° = √3 , Since √3 > 1. (False)
(ii) sec A is always ≥ 1. (True)
(iii) cos A is the abbreviation for cosine A. (False)
(iv) cot without ∠A is meaningless. (False)
(v) sin θ can never be greater than 1.
∴ sin θ = \(\frac { P }{ H }\) , hypotenuse is always greater than other two sides. (False)

We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry Ex 8.1, help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 8 Introduction to Trigonometry Ex 8.1, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3A

Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3A

These Solutions are part of Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions. Here we have given Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3A.

Other Exercises

Question 1.
How much money will be required to buy 400, ₹ 12.50 shares at a premium of ₹ 1?
Number of shares purchased = 400
Rate of each share = ₹ 12.50
M.V. = ₹ 1 premium = ₹ 12.50 + ₹ 1 = ₹ 13.50
Amount of in vestment = ₹ 400 x ₹ 13.50 = ₹ 5400

Question 2.
How much money will be required to buy 250, ₹ 15 shares at a discount of ₹ 1.50?
Number of shares = 250
M.V. = at ₹ 15 at a discount of ₹ 1.50 = ₹ 15 – ₹ 1.50 = ₹ 13.50
Amount of investment = ₹ 13.50 x 250 = ₹ 3375

Question 3.
A person buys 120 shares at a nominal value of ₹ 40 each, which he sells at ₹ 42.50 each. Find his profit and profit percent.
No. of shares = 120
Nominal value of each share = ₹ 40.00
Profit at each share = ₹ 42.50 – ₹ 40.00 = ₹ 2.50
Total profit = 2.50 x 120 = ₹ 300
Cost price of 120 shares = ₹ 40 x 120 = ₹ 4,800
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3A 3.1

Question 4.
Find the cost of 85 shares of Rs. 60 each when quoted at ₹ 63.25
No. of shares = 85
Market value of cach share = ₹ 63.25
Total cost = ₹ 63.25 x 85 = ₹ 5,376.25

Question 5.
A man invests ₹ 800 in buying 75 shares and when they are selling at a premium of ₹ 1.15, he sells all the shares. Find his profit and profit percent.
Investment = ₹ 800
In first case face value of each share = ₹ 5
and market value of each share = ₹ 5.00 + ₹ 1.15 = ₹ 6.15
Gain on each share of ₹ 5 = ₹ 1.15
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3A 5.1

Question 6.
Find the annual income derived from 125, ₹ 120 shares paying 5% dividend.
Amount of investment = ?
Number of shares purchased = 125 at ₹ 120, 5% dividend
Amount of investment = ₹ 125 x 120 = ₹ 15000
His annual income = 15000 x \(\frac { 5 }{ 100 }\) = ₹ 750

Question 7.
A man invests ₹ 3,072 in a company paying 5% per annum when its ₹ 10 share can be bought for ₹ 16 each. Find:
(i) his annual income;
(ii) his percentage income on his investment.
Total investment = ₹ 3,072
Market value of each shares = ₹ 16
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3A 7.1

Question 8.
A man invests ₹ 7,770 in a company paying 5 percent dividend when a share of nominal value of ₹ 100 sells at a premium of ₹ 5. Find :
(i) the number of shares bought;
(ii) annual income ;
(iii) percentage income ;
Investment = ₹ 7770
Nominal value of each share = 100
Market value = 100 + 5 = 105
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3A 8.1

Question 9.
A man buys ₹ 50 shares of a company paying 12 percent dividend, at a premium of ₹ 10. Find :
(i) the market value of 320 shares ;
(ii) his annual income ;
(iii) his profit percent.
(i) Market value of each share = ₹ 50 + ₹ 10 = ₹ 60
Market value of 320 shares = ₹ 60 x 320 = ₹ 19,200
(ii) Rate of dividend = 12%
Face value of 320 shares = Rs. 50 x 320 = Rs. 16,000
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3A 9.1

Question 10.
A man buys of Rs. 75 shares at a discount of Rs. 15 of a company paying 20% dividend. Find :
(i) the market value of 120 shares ;
(ii) his annual income ;
(iii) his profit percent.
(i) Market value of one share = Rs. 75 – 15 = Rs. 60
Market value of 120 shares = Rs. 60 x 120 = Rs. 7,200
(ii) Rate of dividend = 20%
Face value of 120 shares = Rs. 75 x 120 = Rs. 9,000
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3A 10.1

Question 11.
A man has 300, ₹ 50 shares of a company paying 20% dividend. Find his net income after paying 3% income tax.
No. of shares = 300
Face value of 50 shares = Rs. 50 x 300 = Rs. 15,000
Rate of dividend = 20%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3A 11.1

Question 12.
A company pays dividend of 15 % on its ten-rupee shares from which it deducts income tax at the rate of 22%. Find the annual income of a man who owns one thousand shares of this company.
No. of shares = 1,000
Face Value of each share = Rs. 10
Rate of dividend = 15%
Rate of income tax = 22%
Face value of 1,000 shares = 1,000 x 10 = Rs. 10,000
Total dividend = Rs. 10,000 x \(\frac { 15 }{ 100 }\) = Rs. 1,500
Income tax deducted = Rs. 1500 x \(\frac { 22 }{ 100 }\) = Rs. 330
Net income = Rs.1500 – Rs. 330 = Rs. 1170

Question 13.
A man invests Rs. 8,800 in buying shares of a company of face value of rupees hundred each at a premium of 10%. If he earns Rs. 1,200 at the end of the year as dividend find:
(i) the number of shares he has in the company;
(ii) the dividend percent per share. [2001]
Investment = Rs. 8,800
Face value of each share = Rs. 100
Market value of each share = Rs. 100 + 10 = Rs. 110
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3A 13.1

Question 14.
A man invests Rs. 1,680 in buying shares of nominal value Rs. 24 and selling at 12% premium. The dividend on the shares is 15% per annum. Calculate :
(i) The number of shares he buys ;
(ii) The dividend he receives annually. [1999]
Investment = Rs. 1680
Nominal value of each share = Rs. 24
Market value of each share = Rs. 24 + 12% of 24
= Rs. 24 + 2.88 = Rs. 26.88
Rate of dividend = 15%
(i) No. of shares = \(\frac { 1680 }{ 26.88 }\) = 62.5
(ii) Face value of 62.5 shares = 62.5 x 24 = Rs. 1500
Amount of dividend = 1500 x \(\frac { 15 }{ 100 }\) = Rs. 225

Question 15.
By investing Rs. 7,500 in a company paying 10 percent dividend, an annual income of Rs. 500 is received. What price is paid for each of Rs. 100 share? [1990]
Investment = Rs. 7,500
Rate of dividend = 10%
Total income = Rs. 500
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3A 15.1

Hope given Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3A are helpful to complete your math homework.

If you have any doubts, please comment below. Learn Insta try to provide online math tutoring for you.

Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2B

Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking (Recurring Deposit Accounts) Ex 2B

These Solutions are part of Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions. Here we have given Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2B.

Other Exercises

Question 1.
Pramod deposits ₹ 600 per month in a Recurring Deposit Account for 4 years. If the rate of interest is 8% per year; calculate the maturity value of his account.
Deposit per month (P) = ₹ 600
Rate of interest (r) = 8%
Period (n) = 4 years = 48 months.
According to formula,
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2B 1.1
Maturity value = ₹ 600 x 48 + ₹ 4,704 = ₹ 28,800 + ₹ 4,704 = ₹ 33504

Question 2.
Ritu has a Recurring Deposit Account in a bank and deposits ₹ 80 per month for 18 months. Find the rate of interest paid by the bank if the maturity value of this account is ₹ 1,554.
Let rate of interest = r%,
n = 18,
P = ₹ 80
and A is maturity value.
Using formula
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2B 2.1

Question 3.
The maturity value of a R.D. Account is ₹ 16,176. If the monthly installment is ₹ 400 and the rate of interest is 8%; find the time (period) of this R.D. Account.
Here maturity value (A) = ₹ 16,176
Rate = 8%,
P = ₹ 400
Let period = n (No. of months)
Using formula :
I = A – P x n = 16,176 – 400 x n = 16,716 – 400n.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2B 3.1
⇒ 48,528 – 1,200n = 4n² + 4n
⇒ 4n² + 4n + 1200n – 48,528 = 0
⇒ 4n² + 1,204n – 48,528 = 0
⇒ n² + 301n — 12,132 = 0 (dividing by 4)
⇒ n² – 36n + 337n – 12,132 = 0
⇒ n (n – 36) + 337 (n – 36) = 0
⇒ (n – 36) (n + 337) = 0
Either n = 36 months or n = -337, which is not possible.
Time = 36 months = 3 years

Question 4.
Mr. Bajaj needs ₹ 30,000 after 2 years. What least money (in multiple of ₹ 5) must he deposit every month in a recurring deposit account to get required money at the end of 2 years, the rate of interest being 8% p.a. ?
Amount of maturity = ₹ 30000
Period (n) = 2 years = 24 months
Rate = 8% p.a.
Let x be the monthly deposit
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2B 4.1
Amount of monthly deposit in the multiple of ₹ 5 = ₹ 1155

Question 5.
Rishabh has a recurring deposit account in a post office for 3 years at 8% p.a. simple interest. If he gets ₹ 9,990 as interest at the time of maturity, find :
(i) the monthly installment.
(ii) the amount of maturity.
Total interest = ₹ 9990
Period (n) = 3 years = 36 months
Rate of interest (r) = 8%
(i) Let monthly installment = x
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2B 5.1
Monthly installment = ₹ 2250
(ii) Amount of maturity = Principal + Interest
= 36 x 2250 + 9990
= ₹ 81000 + 9990 = ₹ 90990

Question 6.
Gopal has a cumulative deposit account and deposits ₹ 900 per month for a period of 4 years. If he gets ₹ 52,020 at the time of maturity, find the rate of interest.
Maturity value = ₹ 52,020
Monthly installment (P) = ₹ 900
Total principal = ₹ 900 x 48 = ₹ 43200
Amount of interest = ₹ 52020 – ₹ 43200 = ₹ 8820
Let rate of interest = r%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2B 6.1

Question 7.
Deepa has a 4 year recurring deposit account in a bank and deposits ₹ 1,800 per month. If she gets ₹ 1,800 per month. If she gets ₹ 1,08,450 at the time of maturity, find the rate of interest.
Deposit per month = ₹ 1800
Period = 4 years = 48 months
Maturity value = ₹ 108450
Total principal = ₹ 1800 x 48 = ₹ 86400
Amount of interest = ₹ 108450 – 86400 = ₹ 22050
Let r be the rate of interest
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2B 7.1

Question 8.
Mr. Britto deposits a certain sum of money each month in a Recurring Deposit Account of a bank. If the rate of interest is of 8% per annum and Mr. Britto gets ₹ 8,088 from the bank after 3 years, find the value of his monthly installment. (2013)
Let monthly installment = ₹ x
Period (n) = 3 x 12 months = 36 months
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2B 8.1

Question 9.
Sharukh opened a Recurring Deposit Account in a bank and deposited ₹ 800 per month for 1\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) years. If he received ₹ 15,084 at the time of maturity, find the rate of interest per annum. (2014)
Money deposited per month (P) = ₹ 800
r = ?
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2B 9.1

Question 10.
Katrina opened a recurring deposit account with a Nationalised Bank for a period of 2 years. If the bank pays interest at the rate of 6% per annum and the monthly installment is ₹ 1,000, find the :
(i) interest earned in 2 years
(ii) maturity value. (2015)
Period (n) = 2 years = 2 x 12 = 24 months
Rate of interest (r) = 6%
Monthly installment (P) = ₹ 1000
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2B 10.1

Question 11.
Mohan has a recurring deposit account in a bank for 2 years at 6% p.a. simple interest. If he gets ₹ 1200 as interest at the time of maturity, find :
(i) the monthly installment
(ii) the amount of maturity
(i) Interest = ₹ 1200,
n = 2 x 12 = 24 months,
r = 6%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2B 11.1
⇒ P = ₹ 800
So the monthly installment is ₹ 800
(ii) Total sum deposited = P x n = ₹ 800 x 24 = ₹ 19200
The amount that Mohan will get at the time of maturity = Total sum deposited + Interest Received
= ₹ 19200 + ₹ 1200 = ₹ 20400
Hence, the amount of maturity is ₹ 20400

Hope given Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2B are helpful to complete your math homework.

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Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2A

Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking (Recurring Deposit Accounts) Ex 2A

These Solutions are part of Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions. Here we have given Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2A.

Other Exercises

Question 1.
Manish opens a Recurring Deposit Account with the Bank of Rajasthan and deposits ₹ 600 per month for 20 months. Calculate the maturity value of this account, if the bank pays interest at the rate of 10% per annum.
Recurring Deposit per month = ₹ 600
Period (n) = 20 months
Rate of interest (r) = 10% p.a.
Total principal for 1 month
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2A 1.1
Maturity value = ₹ 600 x 20 + ₹ 1,050 = ₹ 12,000 + ₹ 1,050 = ₹ 13,050

Question 2.
Mrs. Mathew opened a Recurring Deposit Account in a certain bank and deposited ₹ 640 per month for 4\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) years. Find the maturity value of this account, if the bank pays interest at the rate of 12% per year.
Recurring deposit per month = ₹ 640
Period (n) = 4\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) years = 54 months
Rate of interest (r) = 12%
Total principal for 1 month
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2A 2.1
Maturity value = ₹ 640 x 54 + ₹ 9,504 = ₹ 34,560 + ₹ 9,504 = ₹ 44,064

Question 3.
Each of A and B opened a recurring deposit accounts in a bank. If A deposited ₹ 1,200 per month for 3 years and B deposited ₹ 1,500 per month for 2\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) years; find, on maturity, who will it get more amount and by how much ? The rate of interest paid by the bank is 10% per annum.
A’s deposit per month (P) = ₹ 1200
Period = 3 years = 36 months
Total principal for one month
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2A 3.1
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2A 3.2
and maturity value = ₹ 1500 x 30 + Interest
= ₹ 45000 + 5812.50
= ₹ 50812.50
It is clear that B’s maturity value is greater Difference = ₹ 50812.50 – ₹ 49860 = ₹ 952.50

Question 4.
Ashish deposits a certain sum of money every month in a Recurring Deposit Account for a period of 12 months. If the bank pays interest at the rate of 11% p.a. and Ashish gets ₹ 12,715 as the maturity value of this account, what sum of money did he pay every month ?
Let Recurring deposit per month = ₹ x
Period (n) = 12 months
Rate of interest (r) = 11%
Maturity value = ₹ 12,715 ………. (i)
Total principal for one month
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2A 4.1
Recurring deposit per month ₹ 1000 p.m.

Question 5.
A man has a Recurring Deposit Account in a bank for 3\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) years. If the rate of interest is 12% per annum and the man gets ₹ 10206 on maturity, find the value of monthly installments.
Let Recurring deposit per month = ₹ x
Period (n) = 3\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) years = 42 months
Rate of interest (r) = 12% p.a.
Amount of maturity = ₹ 10206 ……… (i)
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2A 5.1
Amount of each installment = ₹ 200

Question 6.
(i) Puneet has a Recurring Deposit Account in the Bank of Baroda and deposits ₹ 140 per month for 4 years If he gets ₹ 8,092 on maturity, find the rate of interest given by the bank.
(ii) David opened a Recurring Deposit Account in a bank and deposited ₹ 300 per month for two years. If he received ₹ 7725 at the time of maturity, find the rate of interest per annum. (2008)
(i) Recurring deposit per month = ₹ 140
Period (n) = 4 years = 48 months
Let Rate of interest (r) = r % p.a.
Amount of maturity = ₹ 8,092
Total principal for one month
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2A 6.1
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2A 6.2

Question 7.
Amit deposited ₹ 150 per month in a bank for 8 months under the Recurring Deposits Scheme. What will be the maturity value of his deposits, if the rate of interest is 8% per annum and interest is calculated at the end of every month ? [I.C.S.E. 2001]
Amount of Recurring deposit = ₹ 150
Period (n) = 8 months
Rate of interest (r) = 8% p.a.
Total principal for one month
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2A 7.1
Amount of maturity value = ₹ 150 x 8 + ₹ 36 = ₹ 1,200 + ₹ 36 = ₹ 1,236

Question 8.
Mrs. Geeta deposited ₹ 350 per month in a bank for 1 year and 3 months under the Recurring Deposit Scheme. If the maturity value of her deposits is ₹ 5,565; find the rate of interest per annum.
Amount of recurring deposit per month = ₹ 350
Period (n) = 1 year 3 months = 15 months
Let rate of interest = r % p.a.
Amount of maturity = ₹ 5565
Amount of interest = ₹ 5,565 – ₹ 350 x 15 = ₹ 5,565 – 5,250 = ₹ 315 ….(i)
Now, total principal for one month
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2A 8.1

Question 9.
A recurring deposit account of ₹ 1,200 per month has a maturity value of ₹ 12,440. If the rate of interest is 8% and the interest is calculated at the end of every month; find the time (in months) of this Recurring Deposit Account.
Amount of recurring deposit per month = ₹ 1,200
Rate of interest (r) = 8% p.a.
Let period = n months
Amount of maturity = ₹ 12,440
Amount of interest = ₹ 12440 – ₹ 1200 x n ….(i)
Total principal for one month
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2A 9.1
from (i) and (ii), we get,
4n (n + 1) = 12440 – 1200n
⇒ 4n² + 4n = 12440 – 1200n
⇒ 4n² + 1204n – 12440 = 0
Dividing by 4,
⇒ n² + 301n – 3110 = 0
⇒ n² + 311n – 10n – 3110 = 0
⇒ n (n + 311) – 10 (n + 311) = 0
⇒ (n + 311) (n – 10) = 0
Given n + 311 = 0, then n = – 311 Which is not possible,
or n – 10 = 0, then n = 10
Period = 10 months.

Question 10.
Mr. Gulati has a Recurring Deposit Account of ₹ 300 per month. If the rate of interest is 12% and the maturity value of this account is ₹ 8,100; find the time (in years) of this Recurring Deposit Account.
Amount of recurring deposit per month = ₹ 300
Let Period = n months
Rate of interest (r) = 12% p.a.
Amount of maturity = ₹ 8,100
Interest = 8,100 – 300 x n ……. (i)
Total principal for 1 month
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2A 10.1
⇒ 3n (n + 1) = 16,200 – 600 n
⇒ 3n² + 3n = 16,200 – 600 n
⇒ 3n² + 603n – 16,200 = 0
Dividing by 3, we get,
⇒ n² + 201n – 5,400 = 0
⇒ n² + 225n – 24n – 5,400 = 0
⇒ n(n + 225) – 24 (n + 225) = 0
⇒ (n + 225) (n – 24) = 0
Either n + 225 = 0, then n = – 225 Which is not possible
or n – 24 = 0, then n = 24
Period = 24 months or 2 years.

Question 11.
Mr. Gupta opened a recurring deposit account in a bank. He deposited ₹ 2,500 per month for two years. At the time of maturity he got ₹ 67,500. Find :
(i) the total interest earned by Mr. Gupta.
(ii) the rate of interest per annum. (2010)
(i) Total amount deposited by Mr. Gupta in 24 months = ₹ 2500 x 24 = ₹ 60,000
Maturity amount = ₹ 67,500
Total interest earned by Mr. Gupta = ₹ 67,500 – ₹ 60,000 = ₹ 7,500
(ii) Total principal for 1 month
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2A 11.1

Hope given Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 2 Banking Ex 2A are helpful to complete your math homework.

If you have any doubts, please comment below. Learn Insta try to provide online math tutoring for you.

Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1C

Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1C

These Solutions are part of Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions. Here we have given Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1C.

Other Exercises

[In this exercise, all the prices are excluding tax/VAT unless specified].
Question 1.
Madan purchases a compact computer system for ₹ 47,700 which includes 10% rebate on the marked price and then 6% Sales Tax on the remaining price. Find the marked price of the computer.
Sales price of the computer = ₹ 47700
Rate of Sales Tax = 6%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1C 1.1
Hence marked price = ₹ 50,000

Question 2.
An article is marked at ₹ 500. The wholesaler sells it to a retailer at 20% discount and charges sales-tax on the remaining price at 12.5%. The retailer, in turn, sells the article to a customer at its marked price and charges sales-tax at the same rate. Calculate :
(i) the price paid by the customer.
(ii) the amount of VAT paid by the retailer.
Marked price of an article = ₹ 500
Rate of discount = 20%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1C 2.1
(i) Price paid by-the customer = ₹ 500 + ₹ 62.50 = ₹ 562.50
(ii) VAt paid by the retailer = ₹ 62.50 – ₹ 50.00 = ₹ 12.50

Question 3.
An article is marked at ₹ 4,500 and the rate of sales-tax on it is 6%. A trader buys this article at some discount and sells it to a customer at the marked price. If the trader pays ₹ 81 as VAT; find :
(i) how much per cent discount does the trader get ?
(ii) the total money paid by the trader, including tax, to buy the article.
Marked price = ₹ 4500
Rate of S.T. = 6%
VAT paid by the trader = ₹ 81
C.P. for the customer = ₹ 4500
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1C 3.1

Question 4.
A retailer sells an article for ₹ 5,350 including 7% Sales Tax on the listed price. If he had bought it at a discount and has made a profit of 25% on the whole, And the rate of discount he gets.
S.P. of an article of the retailer (including S.T.) = ₹ 5350
Rate of S.T. = 7%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1C 4.1

Question 5.
A shopkeeper buys a camera at a discount of 20% from the wholesaler, the printed price of the camera being ₹ 1600 and the rate of sales tax is 6%. The shopkeeper sells it to the buyer at the printed price and charges tax at the same rate. Find :
(i) The price at which the camera can be bought from the shopkeeper.
(ii) The VAT (Value Added Tax) paid by the shopkeeper. (2008)
Printed price (M.P) = ₹ 1600
Rate of discount = 20%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1C 5.1
(i) The buyers bought the camera = ₹ 1600 + ₹ 96 = ₹ 1696
(ii) VAT paid by the shopkeeper = ₹ 96 – ₹ 76.80 = ₹ 19.20

Question 6.
Tarun bought an article for ₹ 8000 and spent ₹ 1000 for transportation. He marked the article at ₹ 11,700 and sold it to a customer. If the customer had to pay 10% sales tax, find:
(i) The customer’s price
(ii) Tarun’s profit percent.
Tarun’s cost price = ? 8000
Transportation charges = ₹ 1000
Tarun’s total cost = (₹ 8000 + ₹ 1000) = ₹ 9000
Tarun’s selling price = ₹ 11,700
Rate of sales tax = 10%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1C 6.1

Question 7.
A shopkeeper sells an article at the listed price of ₹ 1,500 and the rate of VAT is 12% at each stage of sale. If the shopkeeper pays a VAT of ₹ 36 to the Government, what was the price, inclusive of Tax, at which the shopkeeper purchased the articles from the wholesaler?
Tax charged by shopkeeper
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1C 7.1

Question 8.
A shopkeeper bought a washing machine at a discount of 20% from a wholesaler, the printed price of the washing machine being ₹ 18,000. The shopkeeper sells it to a consumer at a discount of 10% on the printed price. If the rate of sales tax under is 8%, find:
(i) the VAT paid by the shopkeeper.
(ii) the total amount that the consumer pays for the washing machine. (2014)
(i) S.P. of washing machine
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1C 8.1
VAT paid by shopkeeper = Tax charged – Tax paid = ₹ 1296 – ₹ 1152 = ₹144
(ii) Price paid by customer = ₹ 16200 + ₹ 1296 = ₹ 17496

Question 9.
Mohit, a dealer in electronic goods, buys a high class TV set for ₹ 61,200. He sells this TV set to Geeta, Geeta to Rohan and Rohan sells it to Manoj. If the profit at each stage is ₹ 2,000 and the rate of VAT at each stage is 12.5%, find :
(i) total amount of tax (under VAT) paid to the Government.
(ii) Money paid by Manoj to buy the TV set.
For Mohit,
C.P. of electronic goods = ₹ 61200
Amount of profit in each case = ₹ 2000
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1C 9.1
Net VAT = ₹ 8400 – ₹ 8150 = ₹ 250
(i) Total amount of VAT paid to govt. = ₹ 7650 + ₹ 250 + ₹ 250 + ₹ 250 = ₹ 8400
(ii) Money paid by Manoj to buy the T.V. set = ₹ 67200 + ₹ 8400 = ₹ 75600

Question 10.
A shopkeeper buys an article at a discount of 30% of the list price which is ₹ 48,000. In turn, the shopkeeper sells the article at 10% discount. If the rate of VAT is 10%, find the VAT to be paid by the shopkeeper.
Market value (M.P.) of an article = ₹ 48000
Rate of discount = 30%
Amount of discount = ₹ 48000 x \(\frac { 30 }{ 100 }\) = ₹ 14400
(i) Cost price of shopkeeper = ₹ 48000 – ₹ 14400 = ₹ 33600
(ii) C.P. for shopkeeper = ₹ 33600
Rate of VAT = 10%
Amount of VAT paid by shopkeeper
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1C 10.1
Net VAT paid by the shopkeeper = VAT recovered from customer – VAT paid to dealer
= ₹ 4320 – ₹ 3360 = ₹ 960

Question 11.
A company sells an article to a dealer for ₹ 40,500 including VAT (sales-tax). The dealer sells it to some other dealer for ₹ 42,500 plus tax. The second dealer sells it to a customer at a profit of ₹ 3,000. If the rate of sales-tax under VAT is 8%, find :
(i) the cost of the article (excluding tax) to the first dealer.
(ii) the total tax (under VAT) received by the Government.
(iii) the amount that a customer pays for the article.
For a company,
S.P. of an article including VAT = ₹ 40500
Rate of VAT = 8%
(i) Amount of article excluding VAT
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1C 11.1
= ₹ 425 x 108 = ₹ 45900
Total tax (VAT) = ₹ 45900 – ₹ 42500 = ₹ 3000
S.P. for the second dealer = ₹ 42500 + ₹ 3000 = ₹ 45500
(ii) VAT = ₹ \(\frac { 45500 x 8 }{ 100 }\) = ₹ 3640
(iii) Total amount paid by customer = ₹ 45500 + ₹ 3640 = ₹ 49140

Question 12.
A wholesaler buys a TV from the manufacturer for ₹ 25,000. He marks the price of the TV 20% above his cost price and sells it to a retailer at 10% discount on the marked price. If the rate of VAT is 8%, find the :
(i) marked price.
(ii) retailer’s cost price inclusive of tax.
(iii) VAT paid by the wholesaler. (2015)
S.P. for the manufactures = ₹ 25000
or C.P. for a whole seller a T.V. = ₹ 25000
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1C 12.1
C.P. for the retailer = ₹ 27000 + ₹ 2160 = ₹ 29160
(iii) VAT paid by the whole seller = ₹ 2160 – ₹ 2000 = ₹ 160

Question 13.
A dealer buys an article at a discount of 30 % from the wholesaler, the marked price being ₹ 6,000. The dealer sells it to a shopkeeper at a discount of 10% on the marked price. If the rate of VAT is 6%, find :
(i) the price paid by the shopkeeper including the tax.
(ii) the VAT paid by the dealer. (2016)
Market price of the article = ₹ 6000
A dealer buys an article at a discount of 30% from the wholesaler.
Price of the article which the dealer paid to the wholesaler = 6000 – 30% of 6000
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1C 13.1
Amount of the article inclusive of sales tax at which the dealer bought it
= ₹ 4200 + ₹ 252 = ₹ 4452
Dealer sells the article at a discount of 10% to the shopkeeper.
Price of the article which the shopkeeper paid to the dealer = ₹ 6000 – 10% of 6000
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1C 13.2
Amount of the article inclusive of sales tax at which the shopkeeper bought it
= ₹ 5400 + ₹ 324 = ₹ 5724
The value added by dealer = ₹ 5400 – ₹ 4200 = ₹ 1200
Amount of VAT paid by dealer = 6% of 1200
= \(\frac { 6 }{ 100 }\) x 1200 = ₹ 72
Price paid by shopkeeper including tax is ₹ 5724
VAT paid by dealer is ₹ 72

Hope given Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1C are helpful to complete your math homework.

If you have any doubts, please comment below. Learn Insta try to provide online math tutoring for you.

Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1B

Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1B


These Solutions are part of Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions. Here we have given Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1B.

Other Exercises

[In this exercise, all the prices are excluding tax/VAT unless specified].
Question 1.
A shopkeeper purchases an article for ₹ 6,200 and sells it to a customer for ₹ 8,500. If the sale tax (under VAT) is 8%; find the VAT paid by the shopkeeper.
C.P. of article = ₹ 6200
Rate of VAT = 8%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1B 1.1
Amount of VAT paid by the shopkeeper = ₹ 680 – ₹ 496 = ₹ 184

Question 2.
A purchases an article for ₹ 3,600 and sells it to B for ₹ 4,800. B, in turn, sells the article to C for ₹ 5,500. If the sale tax (under VAT) is 10%, find the VAT levied on A and B.
C.P. of an article for A = ₹ 3600
C.P. of the article for B = ₹ 4800
and C.P. for C = ₹ 5500
Rate of VAT in each case = 10%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1B 2.1
Now VAT levied on A = ₹ 480 – ₹ 360 = ₹ 120
and VAT levied on B = ₹ 550 – ₹ 480 = ₹ 70

Question 3.
A manufacturer buys raw material for ₹ 60,000 and pays 4% tax. He sells the ready stock for ₹ 92,000 and charges 12.5% tax. Find the VAT paid by the manufacturer.
C.P. of raw material = ₹ 60000
Rate of tax = 4%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1B 3.1
VAT paid by the manufacturer = ₹ 11500 – ₹ 2400 = ₹ 9100

Question 4.
The cost of an article is ₹ 6,000 to a distributor. He sells it to a trader for ₹ 7,500 and the trader sells it to a customer for ₹ 8,000. If the VAT rate is 12.5% ; find the VAT paid by the :
(i) distributor
(ii) trader.
Cost price of an article to a distributor = ₹ 6000
and selling price of distributor = ₹ 7500
and selling price of trader = ₹ 8000
Rate of VAT = 12.5% = \(\frac { 25 }{ 2 }\) %
Now, VAT for two distributor
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1B 4.1
(i) Now VAT paid by distributor = ₹ 937.50 – ₹ 750 = ₹ 187.50
(ii) and VAT paid by trader = ₹ 1000 – ₹ 937.50 = ₹ 62.50

Question 5.
The printed price of an article is ₹ 2,500. A wholesaler sells it to a retailer at 20% discount and charges sales-tax at the rate of 10%. Now the retailer, in turn, sells the article to a customer at its list price and charges the sales-tax at the same rate. Find :
(i) the amount that retailer pays to the wholesaler.
(ii) the VAT paid by the retailer.
M.P. of an article = ₹ 2500
Rebate = 20%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1B 5.1

Question 6.
A retailer buys an article for ₹ 800 and pays the sales-tax at the rate of 8%. The retailer sells the same article to a customer for ₹ 1,000 and charges sales- tax at the same rate. Find :
(i) the price paid by a customer to buy this article.
(ii) the amount of VAT paid by the retailer.
C.P. of an article for retailer = ₹ 800
Rate of S.T. = 8%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1B 6.1
(i) Cost price of the customer = ₹ 1000 + ₹ 80 = ₹ 1080
(ii) VAT paid by the retailer = ₹ 80 – ₹ 64 = ₹ 16

Question 7.
A shopkeeper buys 15 identical articles for ₹ 840 and pays sales-tax at the rate of 8%. He sells 6 of these articles at ₹ 65 each and charges sales-tax at the same rate. Calculate the VAT paid by the shopkeeper against the sale of these six articles.
C.P. of 15 articles = ₹ 840
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1B 7.1
VAT paid by the retailer = ₹ 31.20 – ₹ 26.88 = ₹ 4.32

Question 8.
The marked price of an article is ₹ 900 and the rate of sales-tax on it is 6%. If on selling the article at its marked price, a retailer has to pay VAT = ₹ 4.80; find the money paid by him (including sales-tax) for purchasing this article.
M.P. an article = ₹ 900
Rate of S.T. = 6%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1B 8.1
Amount paid including S.T. = ₹ 820 + ₹ 49.20 = ₹ 869.20

Question 9.
A manufacturer marks an article at ₹ 5,000. He sells this article to a wholesaler at a discount of 25% on the marked price and the wholesaler sells it to a retailer at a discount of 15% on its marked price. If the retailer sells the article without any discount and at each stage the sales-tax is 8%, calculate the amount of VAT paid by :
(i) the wholesaler.
(ii) the retailer.
M.P. of an article = ₹ 5000
Rate of discount = 25%
S.R of the manufacturer or C.P of
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1B 9.1
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1B 9.2
Now VAT paid by
(i) The wholesaler = ₹ 340 – ₹ 300 = ₹ 40
(ii) Retailer = ₹ 400 – ₹ 340 = ₹ 60

Question 10.
A shopkeeper buys an article at a discount of 30% and pays sales-tax at the rate of 8%. The shopkeeper, in turn, sells the article to a customer at the printed price and charges sales tax at the same rate. If the printed price of the article is ₹ 2,500; find :
(i) the price paid by the shopkeeper.
(ii) the price paid by the customer.
(iii) The VAT (Value Added Tax) paid by the shopkeeper.
Printed price of an article = ₹ 2500
Discount = 30%
C.P of the article for shopkeeper
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1B 10.1
(i) Price paid by the shopkeeper = ₹ 1750 + ₹ 140 = ₹ 1890
(ii) Price paid by the customer = ₹ 2500 + ₹ 200 = ₹ 2700
(iii) VAT paid by the shopkeeper = ₹ 200 – ₹ 140 = ₹ 60

Question 11.
A shopkeeper sells an article at its list price (₹ 3,000) and charges sales-tax at the rate of 12%. If the VAT paid by the shopkeeper is ₹ 72, at what price did the shopkeeper buy the article inclusive of sales-tax ?
S.P. or list price of an article = ₹ 3000
Rate of sales tax = 12%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1B 11.1
C.P paid by the shopkeeper including S.T. = ₹ 2400 + ₹ 288 = ₹ 2688

Question 12.
A manufacturer marks an article for ₹ 10,000. He sells it to a wholesaler at 40% discount. The wholesaler sells this article to a retailer at 20% discount on the marked price of the article. If retailer sells the article to a customer at 10% discount and the rate of sales-tax is 12% at each stage; find the amount of VAT paid by the :
(i) wholesaler
(ii) retailer
Marked price of an article = ₹ 10000
Rate of discount = 40%
C.P of the wholesaler
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1B 12.1
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1B 12.2
(i) Vat paid by wholesaler = ₹ 960 – ₹ 720 = ₹ 240
(ii) Vat paid by retailer = ₹ 1080 – ₹ 960 = ₹ 120

Hope given Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1B are helpful to complete your math homework.

If you have any doubts, please comment below. Learn Insta try to provide online math tutoring for you.

Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1A

Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1A

These Solutions are part of Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions. Here we have given Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1A.

Other Exercises

Question 1.
Rajat purchases a wrist-watch costing ₹ 540. The rate of Sales Tax is 8%. Find the total amount paid by Rajat for the watch.
Cost of watch = ₹ 540
Rate of Sales Tax = 8%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1A 1.1
Total Amount of Watch = ₹ 540 + ₹ 43.20 = ₹ 583.20

Question 2.
Ramesh paid ₹ 345.60 as Sales Tax on a purchase of ₹ 3,840. Find the rate of Sales Tax.
On ₹ 3840, sales-tax is = ₹ 345.60
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1A 2.1

Question 3.
The price of a washing machine, inclusive of sales tax is ₹ 13,530/-. If the Sales Tax is 10%, find its basic (cost) price. [2003]
Selling price of washing machine = ₹ 13,530.
Rate of Sales Tax = 10%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1A 3.1

Question 4.
Sarita purchases biscuits costing ₹ 158 on which the rate of Sales Tax is 6%. She also purchases some cosmetic goods costing ₹ 354 on which the rate of Sales Tax is 9%. Find the total amount to be paid by Sarita.
Cost of biscuits = ₹ 158.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1A 4.1
Total cost of cosmetic goods = ₹ 354 + ₹ 31.86 = ₹ 385.86
Total amount paid by Sarita = ₹ 167. 48 + ₹ 385.86 = ₹ 553. 34

Question 5.
The marked price of two articles A and B together is ₹ 6,000. The sales tax on article A is 8% and that on article B is 10%. If on selling both the articles, the total sales tax collected is ₹ 552, find the marked price of each of the articles A and B.
M.P of two articles A and B = ₹ 6000
Rate of S.T. on A = 8%
and rate of S.I. on B = 10%
Total sales tax on A and B = ₹ 552
Let MP of A be = ₹ x
and then of MP of B = ₹ (6000 – x)
according to the condition,
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1A 5.1
M.P. of article A = ₹ 2400
and MP of article B = ₹ 6000 – ₹ 2400 = ₹ 3600

Question 6.
The price of a T.V. set inclusive of sales tax of 9% is ₹ 13,407. Find its marked price. If Sales Tax is increased to 13%, how much more does the customer has to pay for the T.V. ? [2002]
Sale price of T.V. set = ₹ 13,407
Rate of sales tax = 9%
Let marked price of T.V. = x
Then sale price
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1A 6.1
Sale price = ₹ 12,300 + ₹ 1,599 = ₹ 13,899
Difference between the two sales price = ₹ 13,899 – ₹ 13,407 = ₹ 492

Question 7.
The price of an article is ₹ 8,250 which includes Sales Tax at 10%. Find how much more or less does a customer pay for the article, if the Sales Tax on the article:
(i) increases to 15%
(ii) decreases to 6%
(iii) increases by 2%
(iv) decreases by 3%
Price of an article = ₹ 8,250
Rate of Sales Tax = 10%
Let the list price = x
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1A 7.1
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1A 7.2
The customer will have to pay less = ₹ 8,250 – ₹ 8,025 = ₹ 225

Question 8.
A bicycle is available for ₹ 1,664 including Sales Tax. If the list price of the bicycle is ₹ 1,600, find :
(i) the rate of Sales Tax
(ii) the price a customer will pay for the bicycle if the Sales Tax is increased by 6%.
Sale price of bicycle = ₹ 1,664.
List price = ₹ 1,600
Amount of Sales Tax = ₹ 1,664 – ₹ 1,600 = ₹ 64.
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1A 8.1
Sales price = ₹ 1,600 + ₹ 160 = ₹ 1,760

Question 9.
When the rate of sale-tax is decreased from 9% to 6% for a coloured T.V.; Mrs Geeta will save ₹ 780 in buying this T.V. Find the list price of the T.V.
Rate of sales tax in the beginning = 9%
and Reduced rate = 6%
Diff. = 9 – 6 = 3%
Total saving = ₹ 780
List, price of TV = Total saving x \(\frac { 100 }{ 3 }\)
= \(\frac { 780 x 100 }{ 3 }\) = ₹ 26000

Question 10.
A trader buys an unfinished article for ₹ 1,800 and spends ₹ 600 on its finishing, packing, transportation, etc. He marks the article at such a price that will give him 20% profit. How much will a customer pay for the article including 12% sales tax.
Cost price of an unfinished article = ₹ 1800
Cost on finishing, packing etc or over head charges = ₹ 600
Total C.P. = ₹ 1800 + ₹ 600 = ₹ 2400
Gain = 20%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1A 10.1
Total sale price = ₹ 2880 + ₹ 345.60 = ₹ 3225.60

Question 11.
A shopkeeper buys an article for ₹ 800 and spends ₹ 100 on its transportation, etc. He marks the article at a certain price and then sells it Tor ₹ 1,287 including 10% sales tax. Find this profit as per cent.
C.P. of an article = ₹ 800
Over head charges = ₹ 100
Total C.P. = ₹ 800 + ₹ 100 = ₹ 900
Sale price = ₹ 1287 including S.T.
Rate of S.T. = 10%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1A 11.1

Question 12.
A shopkeeper announces a discount of 15% on his goods. If the marked price of an article, in his shop, is ₹ 6000 ; how much a customer has to pay for it, if the rate of Sales Tax is 10% ?
Marked price of an article = ₹ 6000
Rate of discount = 15%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1A 12.1

Question 13.
The catalogue price of a music system is ₹ 24,000. The shopkeeper gives a discount of 8% on the list price. He gives a further off-season discount of 5% on the balance. But Sales Tax at 10% is charged on the remaining amount. Find:
(a) the Sales Tax a customer has to pay.
(b) the final price he has to pay for the music system. (2001)
List price of colour music system = ₹ 24,000
First rate of discount = 8%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1A 13.1
(b) Final price of music system = ₹ 20,976 + ₹ 2,097.60 = ₹ 23,073.60

Hope given Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 1 Value Added Tax Ex 1A are helpful to complete your math homework.

If you have any doubts, please comment below. Learn Insta try to provide online math tutoring for you.

Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C

Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C

These Solutions are part of Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions. Here we have given Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C.

Other Exercises

Question 1.
By investing 745,000 in 10% 7100 shares, Sharad gets 73,000 as divided. Find the market value of each share.
Total investment = ₹ 45000 at 10% of ₹ 100 shares
and amount of dividend = ₹ 3000
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C 1.1

Question 2.
Mrs. Kulkarni invests ₹ 1,31,040 in buying ₹ 100 shares at a discount of 9%. She sells shares worth ₹ 72,000 at a premium of 10% and the rest at a discount of 5%. Find her total gain or loss on the whole.
Total investment = ₹ 1,31,040 in ₹ 100 share at discount of 9%
Market value of each share = ₹ 100 – ₹ 9 = ₹ 91
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C 2.1

Question 3.
A man invests a certain sum in buying 15% ₹ 100 shares at 20% premium. Find:
(i) his income from one share.
(ii) the number of shares bought to have an income, from the dividend, ₹ 6,480.
(iii) sum invested.
Face value of each share = ₹ 100
Market value of each share = ₹ 100 + ₹ 20 = ₹ 120
Rate of dividend = 15%
(i) Income from one share = ₹ 15
(ii) and number of shares when amount of dividend
= \(\frac { 6480 }{ 15 }\) = 432
(iii) and sum invested = ₹ 432 x 120 = ₹ 51,840

Question 4.
Gagan invested 80% of his savings in 10% ₹ 100 shares at 20% premium and the rest of his savings in 20% ₹ 50 shares at 20% discount. If his incomes from these shares is ₹ 5,600, calculate:
(i) his investment in shares on the whole.
(ii) the number of shares of first kind that he bought
(iii) percentage return, on the shares bought, on the whole.
(i) Total income = ₹ 5600
Let total investment = ₹ x
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C 4.1
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C 4.2

Question 5.
Aishwarya bought 496, ₹ 100 shares at ₹ 132 each. Find:
(i) investment made by her.
(ii) income of Aishwarya from these shares, if the rate of dividend is 7.5%.
(iii) how much extra must Aishwarya invest in order to increase her income by ₹ 7,200?
Number of shares = 496
Market value of each share = ₹ 132
(i) Total investment = 496 x 132 = ₹ 65472
(ii) Rate of dividend = 7.5%
Income = 496 x 7.5 = ₹ 3720
(iii) New income (increase in income) = ₹ 7200
Market value of share = ₹ 132
Rate of income = 7.5%
Exit investment
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C 5.1

Question 6.
Gopal has some ₹ 100 shares of company A, paying 10% dividend. He sells a certain number of these shares at a discount of 20% and invests the proceeds in ₹ 100 shares at ₹ 60 of company B paying 20% dividend. If his income, from the shares sold, increases by ₹ 18,000, find the number of shares sold by Gopal.
Let number of share purchased = x
Face value of these shares = ₹ 100 x x = 100x
dividend = 10%
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C 6.1

Question 7.
A man invests a certain sum of money in 6% hundred rupee shares at ₹ 12 premium. When the shares fell to ₹ 96, he sold out all the shares bought and invested the proceed in 10%, ten rupee shares at ₹ 8. If the change in his income is ₹ 540, find the sum invested originally.
Let investment = ₹ x
Dividend at the rate of 6% at 12% premium
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C 7.1
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C 7.2

Question 8.
Mr. Gupta has a choice to invest in ten rupee shares of two firms at ₹ 13 or at 716. If the first firm pays 5% dividend and the second firm pays 6% dividend per annum, find:
(i) which firm is paying better ?
(ii) If Mr. Gupta invests equally in both the firms and the difference between the returns from them is ₹ 30, Find how much in all does he invest ?
Face value of each share = ₹ 10
Market value of first firm’s share = ₹ 13
and market value of second firm’s share = ₹ 16
Dividend from first firm = 5%
and dividend from second firm = 6%
(i) Let investment in each firm = ₹ 13 x 16
Income from first firm’s shares
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C 8.1
It is clear from the above that first firm’s shares are better.
(ii) Difference in income = ₹ 8.00 – ₹ 7.80 = ₹ 0.20
If difference is ₹ 0.20 then investment in each firm = ₹ 13 x 16
and if difference is ₹ 30, then investment
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C 8.2
Total investment in both firms = ₹ 31200 x 2 = ₹ 62,400

Question 9.
Ashok invested ₹ 26,400 in 12%, ₹ 25 shares of a company. If he receives a dividend of ₹ 2,475, find the :
(i) number of shares he bought.
(ii) market value of each share.
(i) Given,
Investment = ₹ 26400
Rate of dividend = 12%
Dividend earned = ₹ 2475
Face value of one share = ₹ 25
Total dividend earned = No. of shares x Rate of dividend x Face value of one share
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C 9.1

Question 10.
A man invested ₹ 45,000 in 15% ₹ 100 shares quoted at ₹ 125. When the market value of these shares rose to Rs. 140, he sold some shares, just enough to raise ₹ 8,400. calculate :
(i) the number of shares he still holds;
(ii) the dividend due to him on these remaining shares. [2004]
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C 10.1

Question 11.
Mr. Tiwari invested ₹ 29,040 in 15% ₹100 shares quoted at a premium of 20%. Calculate :
(i) the number of shares bought by Mr. Tiwari.
(ii) Mr. Tiwari’s income from the investment.
(iii) the percentage return on his investment.
Mr. Tiwari’s investment = ₹ 29040
Face value of each share = ₹ 100
Market value of each share = ₹ 100 + ₹ 20 = ₹ 120
Rate of income = 15%
(i) Number of shares purchased
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C 11.1

Question 12.
A dividend of 12% was declared on ₹ 150 shares selling at a certain price. If the rate of return is 10%, calculate :
(i) the market value of the shares.
(ii) the amount to be invested to obtain an annual dividend of ₹ 1,350.
Let market value of each share = x
Rate of return on investment = 10%
Face value of each share = ₹ 150
Dividend rate = 12%
(i) Now, rate of return x market value = Rate of dividend x Face value
⇒ 10 x x = 12 x 150
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C 12.1
Amount of investment in ₹ 5 shares = ₹ 5 x ₹ 180 = ₹ 13500

Question 13.
Divide ₹ 50,760 into two parts such that if one part is invested in 8% ₹ 100 shares at 8% discount and the other in 9% ₹ 100 shares at 8% premium, the annual incomes from both the investments are equal.
Total investment = ₹ 50,760
Let first part of investment = x
Then second part = ₹ 50,760 – x
Rate of dividend in first part = 8% ₹100 at discount = 8%
M.V. of each share = ₹ 100 – 8 = ₹ 92
Rate of dividend second part = 9% ₹ 100 at premium = 8%
M.V. of each share = 100 + 8 = ₹ 108
But annual income from both part is same
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C 13.1

Question 14.
Mr. Shameem invested 33\(\frac { 1 }{ 3 }\) % of his savings in 20% ₹ 50 shares quoted at ₹ 60 and the remainder of the savings in 10% ₹ 100 shares quoted at ₹ 110. If his total income from these investments is ₹ 9,200 ; find :
(i) his total savings
(ii) the number of ₹ 50 shares.
(iii) the number of ₹ 100 shares.
Let total investment = x
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C 14.1
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C 14.2

Question 15.
Vivek invests ₹ 4500 in 8% ₹ 10 shares at ₹ 15. He sells the shares when the price rises to ₹ 30, and invests the proceeds in 12% ₹ 100 shares at ₹ 125. Calculate,
(i) the sale proceeds
(ii) the number of ₹ 125 shares he buys.
(iii) the change in his annual income from dividend.
(i) By investing ₹ 15, share bought = ₹ 10
By investing ₹ 4500, share bought = \(\frac { 10 }{ 15 }\) x 4500 = ₹ 3000
Total face value of ₹ 10 shares = ₹ 3000, Income = 8%
= \(\frac { 8 }{ 100 }\) x 3000 = ₹ 240
By selling Rs. 10 share money received = ₹ 30
By selling Rs. 3000 shares money = \(\frac { 30 }{ 10 }\) x 3000 = ₹ 9000
(ii) By investing ₹ 125, no. of share of ₹ 100 bought = 1
By investing ₹ 9000, no. of share of ₹ 100 bought = \(\frac { 1 }{ 125 }\) x 9000 = 72
No. of ₹ 125 shares bought = 72
(iii) By investing ₹ 125 in Rs. 100 share, income = ₹ 12
By investing ₹ 9000 in ₹ 100 share, income = \(\frac { 12 }{ 125 }\) x 9000 = ₹ 864
Increase in income = ₹ 864 – ₹ 240 = ₹ 624

Question 16.
Mr. Parekh invested ₹ 52,000 on ₹ 100 shares at a discount of ₹ 20 paying 8% dividend. At the end of one year he sells the shares at a premium of ₹ 20. Find
(i) The annual dividend.
(ii) The profit earned including his dividend.
Investment = ₹ 52000,
N.V. of 1 share = ₹ 100
M.V. of 1 share for 1 st year = ₹ 100 – 20 = ₹ 80
No. of shares = \(\frac { 52000 }{ 80 }\) = 650
(i) Annual dividend = \(\frac { 8 }{ 100 }\) x 650 x 100 = ₹ 5200
(ii) S.P of 1 share = ₹ 100 + 20 = ₹ 120
S.P. of 650 shares = ₹ 120 x 650 = ₹ 78000
C.P. of 650 shares = ₹ 100 x 650 = ₹ 65000
Profit = S.P. – C.P. = ₹ 78000 – ₹ 65000 = ₹ 13000
Profit including dividend = ₹ 13000 + ₹ 5200 = ₹ 18200

Question 17.
Salman buys 50 shares of face value ₹ 100 available at ₹ 132.
(i) What is his investment ?
(ii) If the dividend is 7.5%, what will be his annual income ?
(iii) If he wants to increase his annual income by ₹ 150, how many extra shares should he buy?
F.V. = ₹ 100
(i) M. V. = ₹ 132,
no. of shares = 50
Investment = no. of shares x M.V. = 50 x 132 = ₹ 6600
(ii) Income per share = 7.5% of N.V.
= \(\frac { 75 }{ 10 x 100 }\) x 100 = ₹ 7.5
Annual incomes = 7.5 x 50 = ₹ 375
(iii) New annual income = 375 + 150 = ₹ 525
No. of shares = \(\frac { 525 }{ 7.5 }\) = 70
No. of extra share = 70 – 50 = 20

Question 18.
Salman invests a sum of money in ₹ 50 shares, paying 15% dividend quoted at 20% premium. If his annual dividend is ₹ 600, calculate:
(i) the number of shares he bought
(ii) his total investment
(iii) the rate of return on his investment. (2014)
Nominal value = ₹ 50
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C 18.1

Question 19.
Rohit invested ₹ 9,600 on ₹ 100 shares at ₹ 20 premium paying 8% dividend. Rohit sold the shares when the price rose to ₹ 160. He invested the proceeds (excluding dividend) in 10% ₹ 50 shares at ₹ 40. Find the :
(i) original number of shares.
(ii) sale proceeds.
(iii) new number of shares.
(iv) change in the two dividends. (2015)
Investment by Rohit = ₹ 9600
Rate of dividend = 8% on 100 shares at ₹ 20 premium
Market value = ₹ 100 + ₹ 20 = ₹ 120
Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C 19.1

Hope given Selina Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions Chapter 3 Shares and Dividend Ex 3C are helpful to complete your math homework.

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