CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

Students can access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical with Solutions and marking scheme Term 2 Set 10 will help students in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

General Instructions :

  • There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
  • Section A consists of 9 questions amongst which 7 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 2 marks and should have 30-50 words.
  • Section B consists of 5 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 3 marks and should have 80-100 words.
  • Section C consists of 4 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 4 marks and should have 100-150 words.

Maximum Marks : 35
Time : 2 Hours

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

Section A

Question 1.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder mostly affects teenagers, but can it affect adults? (2)
Oppositional Defiant Disorder mostly affects children in their period of adolescence or teenagers. However, it can affect adults too. Adults with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) display a pattern of negative, hostile and defiant behavior that lasts for atleast six months. Adults with ODD are more than just aggressive and irritating from time to time.

Question 2.
Explain the step-by-step procedure of Ardha Chakrasana. (1 + 1)
Procedure of Ardha Chakrasana is

  • Stand straight and arms alongside the body.
  • Balance the weight equally on both feet.
  • Breath in, extend the arms overhead, palms facing each other.
  • Bend backward, push the pelvis forwards, keeping the arms in line with the ears, elbows and knees straight, head up and lift the chest up towards the ceiling.
  • Breathing out, bring the arms down and relax.
  • Return to the normal position, repeat the exercise after five minutes.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

Question 3.
What do you understand by assertive behavior? (2)
Assertive behavior is the behavior that involves use of proper or legitimate physical or verbal force that creates pressure to achieve one’s purpose. This type of behavior is assertive, goal-directed with no specific intent to cause harm.

Indirect insults or saying something about the opponent player indirectly to cause psychological discomfort is an example of assertive behavior.

Question 4.
What is the importance of yoga in curing lifestyle diseases? (1 + 1)
The importance of yoga in curing lifestyle diseases is

  • Yoga helps to increase physical activity which reduces obesity that is the chief cause of lifestyle diseases.
  • By doing the yogic asanas like Bhujangasana, Paschimottanasana and Pavanamuktasana and diabetes can be cured.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

Question 5.
Explain the benefits of Shavasana. (0.5 x 4)
The benefits of Shavasana are

  • It relaxes the whole bo y.
  • It releases stress, fatigue, depression and tension.
  • It improves concentration and cures insomnia.
  • It helps to calm the mind and improves mental health.

Question 6.
What do you understand by speed? (2)
Speed is the rate of motion or the rate of position. It is expressed as distance moved per unit of time. Speed is defined as the ability and capacity of an individual to perform similar movements consecutively at the fastest rate. For example, short-distance races like 100 meters and 200 meters.

Question 7.
Explain the Fartlek Training Method. (2)
Fartlek is a Swedish term which means, ‘speed play’ and has been used by distance runners for years. Fartlek is a form of road running or cross-country running in which the runner usually changes the pace significantly during the run. It is a combination of slow and fast running on different terrains, covering hills, etc. Self-discipline plays a vital role in this method of training.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

Question 8.
Mention the demerits of the Continuous Training Method? (1 + 1)
Demerits of Continuous Training Method are

  • It does not improve anaerobic fitness.
  • It can be hard to keep going when you start to fatigue.

Question 9.
What are the benefits of Ardha Chakrasana? (2)
The benefits of Ardha Chakrasana are

  • It stretches the front part of upper torso.
  • It tones the arms and shoulder muscles.
  • It helps in relieving constipation.
  • It enhances flexibility of hip joints.
  • It controls high blood pressure.

Section B

Question 10.
Explain the symptoms of cognitive disability. (3)
Symptoms of cognitive disability are

  • Difficulty in planning and sequencing thoughts and actions.
  • Difficulty in interpreting the meaning of numbers and symbols.
  • Emotional imbalances or/and emotional outbursts.
  • Motor coordination not proper, poor posture or physical imbalance.
  • Difficulty in learning and memorising.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

Question 11.
Differentiate between minor and major sports injuries. (1 x 3)
The differences between minor and major sports injuries are

Minor Injuries Major Injuries
These injuries are soft tissue injuries related to skin or muscles. These are hard tissue injuries related to bones and joints.
These injuries do not affect much to the fitness of the player. These injuries affect the health and fitness of the players.
They heal at a faster rate. They take long time to heal.

Question 12.
Make a comparison between open and closed fracture. (1 x 3)
The comparison between open and closed fractures is

Open Fracture Closed Fracture
This is a kind of fracture in which the bones come out of the skin due to cuts on the skin. This is a kind of fracture in which the broken bones remain inside the skin covering.
There is skin rupture and cuts by the edges of the sharp bones. There is no open cut over the skin as bones remain inside.
This type of fracture is quite complicated and takes a longer time to heal. This type of fracture takes a comparatively shorter time to heal.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

Question 13.
Explain any three causes of aggression in sports. (1 x 3)
Three causes of aggression in sports are

  1. Extreme Stress Players undergo lots of stress, tensions and frustrations due to which they show aggression while playing.
  2. Competition Aggression can also be caused by the pressure created due to extreme competition on the field. Sportspersons face stiff competition from the other players due to their desire to excel in their sports.
  3. Relationships Poor relationship skills with the coach, team caption or members may also cause anger leading to aggression.

Question 14.
How isometric exercises are different from isokinetic exercises? (1 x 3)
Isometric exercises are diferent from Isokinetic exercises in the following ways

Isometric Exercises Isokinetic Exercises
In these exercises, no visible movement is there. In these exercises, there is a visible movement.
Equipment are mostly not required or they are required in less number. Specialized equipment are required to perform these types of exercises.
The length of the muscles do not change in these types of exercises. The length of the muscles changes in these exercises as there is high pressure over the muscles.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

Section C

Question 15.
What are the disability etiquettes that a society should follow for the disabled people? (0.5 x 8)
The society should observe certain disability etiquettes for the disabled people. They are It is always important to respect the dignity of disabled people. So, talk to them with respect so that their self-esteem and confidence are built up.

  • When introduced to a person with disability, it is appropriate to offer shake hands.
  • Respect the individuality of the person. So, avoid generalising the disabled people and call them by their names.
  • Talk to the person and address him/her directly instead of talking through a friend or an interpreter who may also be present.
  • Do not touch their belongings without permission such as wheelchair, walking stick, etc.
  • If you offer assistance, wait until the person responds. Then, listen carefully to his/her instructions.
  • Do not speak about the disabled people as if they are invisible or cannot understand what is being said.
  • Do not show extra attention or added care as it may give a feeling of sympathy.
  • Treat them with the same attention and care as with normal people.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

Question 16.
Mention some strategies that can be used to make physical education accessible for CWSN. (0.5 x 8)
The strategies that can be used to make physical education accessible for CWSN are

  • Provide activities according to individual abilities that are specially designed for these children.
  • These children should be made to play under the observance of experts, teachers and coaches to avoid any risk or dangers.
  • The rules of the games should be modified to suit the individual needs and level.
  • The children should be given sufficient time for training and practice so that they gain efficiency.
  • The sports equipment should be modified and designed according to the specific needs of the children.
  • Normal schools should be encouraged to develop adequate infrastructure to support the activities of these children.
  • Spectators or people watching the sports competition should encourage these children so that they are motivated to do even better.
  • The teachers and coaches conducting the physical activities should have knowledge and understanding of the new techniques of their fields.

Question 17.
Explain the step by step procedure of (2 + 2)
(i) Shavasana
(ii) Paschimottanasana
(i) Shavasana (Corpse Pose) is done in lying position. To do this asana, lie flat on the back, like in sleeping pose.

There should be a gap of 1 feet between the legs. Keep the arms at side and palms facing up and relax. Close the eyes and breathe deeply and slowly through the nostrils.

(ii) Paschimottanasana is done in sitting posture. To do this asana, sit on the floor with the legs stretched out. Sit straight, raise both arms above your head and stretch up. Bend forwards and hold the big toes with the middle and index fingers. Then, exhale out slowly and try to touch the knees with your forehead. Take five deep breaths.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

Question 18.
Give a detailed explanation of the different methods of training to develop or improve strength. (2 + 2)
There are two different methods of training to develop or improve strength. These are
(i) Isometric Exercises These exercises were introduced by Hettinger and Muller in 1953. The word ‘isometric’ refers to the length of the muscle that remains same during workouts. This happens when there is a tension on a muscle but no movement is made, causing the length of the muscle to remain the same.

Therefore, one cannot see any external movement but a muscle is stretched as a lot of pressure is exerted on it.

These exercises are very helpful in sports like archery, yoga, judo, weightlifting, etc. Example of these exercises are pressing or pushing a wall, lifting a very heavy weight, pulling the rope in a tug-of-war, etc.

(ii) Isotonic Exercises These exercises were developed by De Loone in 1954. The word ‘isotonic’ refers to the toning of the muscles by repetitive exercises. Here, external movement in the muscles can be seen clearly.

When tire muscles contract repeatedly, then they develop strength and endurance. The muscles or group of muscles change in size, i.e. shortens and lengthens during action. Isotonic exercises are of two types concentric and eccentric

(a) Concentric It means upward movement of the muscles like lifting dumbbells, throwing a ball, etc. It shortens the muscles as you overcome the force of a weight.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 10 with Solutions

(b) Eccentric It means downward movement of the muscles like lowering the dumbbells down. It lengthens the muscles while being opposed by the force of a weight.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 9 with Solutions

Students can access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical with Solutions and marking scheme Term 2 Set 9 will help students in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 9 with Solutions

General Instructions :

  • There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
  • Section A consists of 9 questions amongst which 7 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 2 marks and should have 30-50 words.
  • Section B consists of 5 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 3 marks and should have 80-100 words.
  • Section C consists of 4 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 4 marks and should have 100-150 words.

Maximum Marks : 35
Time : 2 Hours

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 9 with Solutions

Section A

Question 1.
Explain oblique fracture. What are the first aid management techniques of abrasion injury? (1 + 1)
An oblique fracture is a fracture in which the bone breaks diagonally. It tends to occur on longer bones.

The first-aid management techniques of Oblique fracture are

  • Do not move the bone on your own, sit still so that there is least movement.
  • Apply cold pack or ice packs to reduce pain.

Question 2.
What are intrinsic motivation techniques? (1 + 1)
The techniques of intrinsic motivation are

  • Goal Setting The most efficient technique of internal motivation is to set clear goals so that a person has a definite aim.
  • Gaining Knowledge To know about how to reach towards your goals by gaining knowledge is also a kind of intrinsic motivation.

Question 3.
Explain the characteristics of neuroticism from Big Five Personality Theory. (0.5 x 4)
Big Five Personality Theory, describes five dimensions of personality in which N stands for ‘Neuroticism’.

Characteristics of Neuroticism are :

  • Feelings of self-doubt, anxiety and irritability.
  • Easily stressed, depressed and upset.
  • The tendency towards negative emotions.
  • Poor emotional stability and self-consciousness.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 9 with Solutions

Question 4.
What is the Continuous Training Method? (2)
The continuous training method is the method to develop endurance or the ability to resist fatigue. It is one of the oldest methods in which a player performs a physical activity for long periods without rest or fatigue. Continuous training involves continuous running activity or exercise without rest or pause. It allows the body to work from its aerobic energy stores to improve overall fitness and endurance.

Question 5.
What are the drawbacks of the Fartlek Training Method? (1 + 1)
The drawbacks of Fartlek Training Method are

  • As the path of the training lies in natural environment, extra care has to be taken for safety and security.
  • Full or complete access over trainees is not possible due to long distances covered.

Question 6.
Explain disability etiquettes that should be followed while dealing with the people with vision loss. (1 + 1)
Disability etiquettes that should be followed while dealing with people with vision loss are

  • When you enter a room, indicate who you are. Let the person know when you are leaving the room.
  • Remember that you will need to communicate any written information orally.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 9 with Solutions

Question 7.
Explain one way of developing speed. (2)
One of the methods to develop speed is pace run. Pace run means running the whole distance of a race at a constant speed or with uniform speed. Generally, 800 m and above races are included in pace races.

It develops explosive strength and endurance as the athletes run long distances without getting fatigue. Repetitions can be fixed according to the standard of the athletes.

Question 8.
What are the advantages of Paschimottanasana? (1 + 1)
The advantages of Paschimottanasana are

  • It stretches hamstrings, spine, shoulders and hip joints.
  • It enhances the secretion of insulin from the pancreas and improves digestion.

Question 9.
Briefly explain the types of dynamic strength. (1 + 1)
Dynamic can be divided into three types, which are

  • Maximum Strength It refers to the greatest force that is possible in one single effort.
  • Explosive Strength It refers to the ability to apply strength along with high speed.
  • Strength Endurance It refers to the ability of the muscles to overcome resistance even under conditions of fatigue.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 9 with Solutions

Question 10.
What is abrasion? What are the first-aid management techniques of abrasion injury? (1 + 2)
The injury that takes place on the surface of the skin when it gets rubbed by friction is known as abrasion. The superficial layer of the skin gets scrapped off. It is commonly caused by sliding, slipping, etc. and takes place mostly over knees, elbows, palms, etc. It causes pain and bleeding.

The first-aid management techniques of abrasion injury are :

  • Properly clean the part with water to prevent infection.
  • Apply an antiseptic cream that soothes the tom skin.
  • Avoid further friction of the affected part with any surface.

Question 11.
Explain sensory impairment in brief. (3)
Sensory impairment refers to the condition when one of the senses i.e. sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch are not functioning normally. A person may not have a full loss of a sense but even its partial working can be termed as sensory impairment.

The kinds of sensory impairment are vision disability, hearing disability, etc. When there is the combination of two or more sensory impairments such as loss of hearing and speaking, then it is called dual sensory impairment. The brain may function properly but the affected person may face communication challenges.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 9 with Solutions

Question 12.
Explain the causes of Sensory Processing Disorder. (1 x 3)
Sensory Processing Disorder is a condition in which the brain has trouble in receiving or responding to information that comes in through the senses.

Its causes are :

  • Genetic factors It refers to the genetically determined problems that ually inherited from the parents ese factors are present at the time of birth also. Sometimes, the symptoms may come afterward.
  • Environmental Factors It refers to an environmentally determining disability that causes due to accidents, any disease, infection or injury to brain or spinal cord. These factors cause sudden and massive changes.
  • Low Birth Weight Body weight at the time of birth may also cause SPD as premature babies with low body weight are prone to infections and illnesses.

Question 13.
Explain the condition of obesity along with its causes. (2 + 2)
Obesity is referred to a medical condition in which excess body fat is accumulated to the extent that it has a negative effect on health. Obesity leads to various diseases like diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, osteoarthritis and depression. This is because due to the excess body fat, the organs inside the body are not able to function properly. Causes of obesity are

  • Excess consumption of fats, sugar and calorie-rich foods.
  • Improper functioning of certain glands such as endocrine gland system.
  • Lack of exercises, less physical activities and sedentry lifestyle.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 9 with Solutions

Question 14.
What is active flexibility? Explain in brief. (3)
Active flexibility is the ability to perform movements with greater range without using external help, i.e. with the help of muscular force.

For example, stretching, exercises push-ups, running and other exercises that stretch the muscles of the body.

Active flexibility can be further divided into two types, which are

  • Static Flexibility It is required by a person when he remains in a static position, like diving, sitting, etc.
  • Dynamic Flexibility It is required or needed to more muscles and joints through their full range of motion like walking, running, etc.

Question 15.
In what way, the modern lifestyle is the root cause of many diseases? (4)
The modem lifestyle is the root cause of many diseases. Modem lifestyle includes wrong dietary habits, eating junk and fried foods, less physical activities, drinking alcohol, smoking, etc. This type of lifestyle promotes more of sedentary work.

In the absence of proper amount of physical activities, the body tends to gain weight that gives rise to obesity.

Obesity causes improper functioning of the organs and organ systems. It also increases lethargyness and reduces the rate of metabolism. Consuming excess amount of fat and not burning enough calories causes various diseases like hypertension and diabetes.

Air pollution and irritants like smoke, lead which are suspended in the air causes respiratory infections and Asthma.

The air pollution is also a result of modem lifestyle as it is caused by burning of fossil fuels. Another result of modem lifestyle is the rise in eating or processed foods, canned foods and sugar drinks, that are packed with high calories.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 9 with Solutions

Question 16.
How asanas have gained popularity as ways of preventing the occurrence of lifestyle diseases? (4)
Asanas are postures that help to prevent the occurrence of lifestyle diseases in many ways.

They are :

  • Asanas are beneficial for the mind, psyche and chakras (energy centres), it also prevents people from many types of lifestyle diseases. It also helps in relieving stress, treating anxiety and makes a person mentally rejuvenated.
  • Asanas ensure smooth functioning of the organ systems in our body such as digestive system, cardiovascular system and circulatory system.
  • Asanas play a significant role in making our muscles strong.
  • Asanas improve flexibility of the body. It enhances functioning of bones, cartilages and ligament.
  • Performing asanas regularly helps in curing many diseases and maintains good health, which increases longevity.

Question 17.
Explain the concept of ‘OCEAN’. (4)
The concept of OCEAN is given in Big Five Theory. The theory states about different personality traits that people have.

Personality trait refers to the quality or characteristics that describe a personality.

There are five personality traits that are described in ‘Big Five Theory.’

These are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism which are also referred as OCEAN.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 9 with Solutions

These traits are discussed below :

  • Openness Its characteristics are imagination and insight. People high in this trait are creative, adventurous and have a broad range of interests. They are open to change.
  • Conscientiousness Its characteristics include high level of thoughtfulness, good impulse control and goal-directed behaviours. People high on this trait are reliable, organised and mindful of details. The trait determines discipline, management as well as risk taking ability.
  • Extraversion It is characterised by sociability, assertiveness and high amount of emotional expressiveness. Extraversion shows how social a person is, or how loving, caring and warm.

These people love to go out and party. The extraversion includes traits like being energetic, talkative and assertive.

  • Agreeableness This includes attributes like trust, kindness, affection and other social behaviours. People high in this trait are cooperative, dependable, trustworthy and caring.
  • Neuroticism Its characteristics are sadness, moodiness and emotional instability. People high in this trait experience mood swings, anxiety, irritability, negative emotions and sadness. They tend to be worrisome, preoccupied and anxious.

Question 18.
Explain the concepts of Social Dimension Personality as given by Carl Jung. (4)
The concepts of Social Dimension Personality given by Carl Jung are

Introvert-Extrovert Introverts are people who share characteristics such as shyness, social withdrawal, less talking as they have their our internal world of ideas, thought, interests, attitude and behaviours. Extroverts are people who are outgoing, talkative and friendly. Sociable, supportive, courageous, as they interact freely with the external world. They express their feelings openly.

Sensing-Intuition This represents the way by which a person perceives information. Sensing means that the person perceives information that he receives through the senses or external world.

On the other hand, intuition (natural instinct) means that the person believes mainly information that he receives through the inner-self or imaginary world.

Thinking-Feeling This represents the way a person processes information. Thinking means a person processes or makes a decision by logical reasoning. On the other hand, feeling means that a person processes information based on emotions.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 9 with Solutions

Judging-Perceiving This represents that way how a person implements the information that has been processed. Judging means moving in a systematic manner by organising the life’s events according to the plans made. On the other hand, perceiving means exploring alternative options or moving spontaneously at times without much planning.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 8 with Solutions

Students can access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical with Solutions and marking scheme Term 2 Set 8 will help students in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 8 with Solutions

General Instructions :

  • There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
  • Section A consists of 9 questions amongst which 7 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 2 marks and should have 30-50 words.
  • Section B consists of 5 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 3 marks and should have 80-100 words.
  • Section C consists of 4 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 4 marks and should have 100-150 words.

Maximum Marks : 35
Time : 2 Hours

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 8 with Solutions

Section A

Question 1.
Which factors affect the physiological fitness of the person? (1 + 1)
The factors affecting physiological fitness are

  • Anatomical Structure It refers to the shape and size of the bones, joints, muscles and overall structure of the body.
  • Psychological Factors Factors like stress, tension, anxiety and moodiness can affect the sports performance of a person affecting the level of fitness.

Question 2.
Discuss two benefits and two contraindications of Ardha Chakrasana. (1 + 1)
The two benefits of Ardha Chakrasana are

  • It helps to make ankles, spine, chest shoulders, and abdomen stronger.
  • It improves digestion and relieves stress and tension.

The two contraindications of Ardha Chakrasana are

  • Avoid performing the asana if suffering from migraine, headache, low blood pressure and insomnia.
  • Avoid practicing this asana if you have peptic ulcer or spinal problems.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 8 with Solutions

Question 3.
Explain the benefits of Sukhasana. (0.5 x 4)
Benefits of Sukhasana are

  • It is beneficial for the muscle of groin, hips as well as the outer thigh muscles.
  • It relieves from physical and mental tiredness and removes stress.
  • It gives relieve from backache.
  • It helps to make the back stronger and elongate the muscles of knees and ankles and spine.

Question 4.
What is the importance of psychology in sports? (1 + 1)
The importance of psychology in sports is :
Understanding the Behaviour Sports psychology helps in understanding the behaviour of the sports persons by knowing about the interest, attitude instincts and mindset. It also helps in personality development.

Improving Physiological Capacities
Motivation is a part of sports psychology. Through proper motivation physiological capacity like strength, speed and endurance can be enhanced.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 8 with Solutions

Question 5.
What are the causes of hypertension? (1 + 1)
Causes of hypertension are

  • Sedentary lifestyle (little or no physical activity) is one of most important reasons behind hypertension.
  • Consumption of fatty foods, salt-rich diets, alcohol and tobacco.

Question 6.
Which lifestyle diseases can be cured by doing Trikonasana? Write any one contraindication of it. (2)
Trikonasana can be very useful in reducing obesity.

A contraindication of this asana is that it should be avoided if a person is suffering from migraine, diarrhea, neck and back injuries.

Question 7.
What are the methods of doing isometric exercises? (1 + 1)
Isometric exercises can be done with or without using equipment

  1. Isometric with Equipment For example, for doing bench press, adjust the power rack by setting the pins at the appropriate height. Load the bar with weights and start pushing the bar upwards.
  2. Isometric without Equipment For example, for doing push-ups, lay your palms flat on the floor and with the help of feet and hands, lift your body upwards.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 8 with Solutions

Question 8.
What are the symptoms and prevention of hypertension? (1 + 1)
Symptoms of hypertension are

  • Severe headaches.
  • Nose bleeds frequently.

Prevention of hypertension are as follows

  • Avoid canned foods, fatty foods, processed foods and reduce the salt intake to just 2,300 milligrams per day.
  • Eat more fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, lean meat and poultry.

Question 9.
Write the disability etiquettes for people with mobility impairment.
The disability etiquettes for people with mobility impairment are

  • Don’t push, pull or touch the wheelchair, walking sticks or other objects that the person might be using.
  • Be aware of the person’s reach limits. For that, place the item where it is easily reachable.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 8 with Solutions

Section B

Question 10.
Explain in brief
(i) Stroke volume
(ii) Tidal air capacity
(iii) Pulmonary diffusion
Stroke Volume Stroke volume is the amount of blood pumped into the aorta with every heartbeat, in other words, it is the volume of blood pumped from the left ventricle per beat. With exercise, the stroke volume increases.

Tidal Air Capacity Tidal air capacity is the amount of air that moves in or out of the lungs with each respiratory cycle. In an average healthy male, it measures around 500 ml.

Pulmonary Diffusion Pulmonary diffusion is the ability to pass oxygen into the blood from the air sacs of the lungs and then pass carbon dioxide from the blood back to the lungs for breathing out.

Question 11.
Enumerate any three benefits of performing asanas.
The benefits of performing various asanas are

  1. Proper Circulation of Blood By performing various asanas, the stroke volume, cardiac output increases and cardiac muscles become stronger. This improves blood circulation and stabalises blood pressure.
  2. Strong Bones and Joints By performing asanas regularly, the bones, joints, cartilages, ligaments and tendons become strong. They get toned up and become stronger.
  3. Organ Efficiency Asanas help to remove many toxins from the body. They also aid in reducing fat. This improves the efficiency of the vital organs like heart, liver, lungs, kidney, etc.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 8 with Solutions

Question 12.
What type of personality are ambiverts?
Ambiverts are a type of personality that exhibit the qualities of both introverts and extroverts. They are sometimes shy and sometimes outgoing. These people switch from introvert to extrovert and vice versa depending upon the situation, context, goals and people around them.

Psychologists feel that most of the people are ambiverts as the characteristics of both are found, though one of them may be predominant.

Therefore, a person may be reserve, worried and easily upset at one situation and on the other, may be open, frank and outgoing.

Sports play an important role in the development of any kind of personality.

Question 13.
Define the following terms
(i) Maximum strength
(ii) Explosive strength
(iii) Strength endurance
(i) Maximum Strength is the greatest force that is possible to overcome a resistance in a single contraction. This type of force is specially used in weight lifting, shot put discuss throw, hammer throw, etc.

(ii) Explosive Strength It is the ability of the muscles to get over resistance as fast as possible. Explosive strength is specially used in sprints, long jump, high jump, smashing in volley ball. It combines speed with strength.

(iii) Strength Endurance It is the ability of the muscles to get over resistance of medium intensity so that the activity is carried for longer duration, e.g. In long-distance races, distance cycling, swimming, etc.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 8 with Solutions

Question 14.
Differentiate between ODD and OCD.
The differences between ODD and OCD are

Oppositional Defiant Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
The nature of this disorder is related to social behaviors. The nature of this disorder is related to mental illness.
This usually takes place in early teens. This usually takes place in the people of the middle ages.
Main symptoms of ODD are irritable mood, anger, flaring up on trivial matters, seeking revenge, etc Main symptoms of OCD are doing repetitive behaviors, performing routine tasks over an over again, etc.

Section C

Question 15.
Which body system mainly affects the coordinative abilities? Explain any four types of coordinative ability. (1 + 3)
Coordinative ability is mainly related to various bodily movements therefore it mainly depends on the central nervous system.

Four types of coordinative abilities are
(i) Balance Ability It is the ability of a sportsperson to maintain the equilibrium of the body both in static and dynamic conditions.

In other words, it is the ability to maintain balance during the complete body movements and to regain balance quickly after the balance disturbing movements. This ability is essential in most of the sports and games.

(ii) Rhythm Ability It is the ability to do body movements according to a given rhythm like in gymnastics, performing floor exercises with a definite rhythm. Examples of this type are found in gymnastics, synchronised swimming, diving, skating, etc.

(iii) Adaptation Ability It is the ability to adjust or completely change the movement according to changing situation. It depends on the speed and accuracy with which a situation is adapted. The perfection of this ability is achieved through the mastery of the skills.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 8 with Solutions

(iv) Coupling Ability It is the ability to coordinate body parts movement (For example, movements of hands, feet, trunk, etc.) with one another. It is especially important in sports in which fast movements have to be done.

For example, gymnastics, team games, etc.

Question 16.
Explain the benefits of the following. (2 + 2)
(i) Pada Hastasana
(ii) Urdhva Hastasana
(i) Benefits of Pada Hastasana are

  • It reduces stress, anxiety, fatigue and helps to eliminate excess belly fat.
  • It improves blood circulation.
  • It increases concentration and speed up metabolism.
  • It improves balance, posture and flexibility.

(ii) Benefits of Urdhva Hastasana are

  • It stretches the complete body and provides a good massage to the arms, spine, upper and lower back, ankles, hands, shoulders, calf muscles and thighs.
  • It enhances the functioning of digestive system and tightens the abdomen.
  • This asana helps in improving the blood circulation of the body and enhances posture.
  • It helps in easing sciatica.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 8 with Solutions

Question 17.
What do you understand by first-aid? Discuss its aims and objectives. (1 + 3)
First aid is the assistance given to any person suffering from a sudden illness or injury, with care provided to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening and promote recovery. Aims of first-aid are

  • Preserving life by carrying out emergency first-aid procedures. It also includes the first aider’s life.
  • Preventing the casualty’s condition from deteriorating any further.
  • Promoting recovery by arranging prompt emergency medical help.

The objectives of first aid are :

  • To provide with immediate care to the affected area.
  • To provide immediate help to the injured person.
  • To stop the bleeding of the wounded person.

Question 18.
Elaborate the short-term effects of exercise on the muscles. (1 x 4)
The short-term effects of exercise on the muscles are :

  • Increased Blood Flow The volume of blood flow to muscle tissues increases during exercise. It can increase by 25 times during especially demanding exercises.
  • Respiration and Oxygen Debt During exercise, muscles repeatedly contract and relax, using and requiring energy to do so. This causes an oxygen debt because of insufficient oxygen available in the tissues.
  • Increase in Temperature There is an increase in the temperature of the muscles as more amount of energy is generated. CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 8 with Solutions
  • Increased Elasticity Due to exercise, the muscles stretch to their maximum limit and contract back again. This improves their elasticity.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 7 with Solutions

Students can access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical with Solutions and marking scheme Term 2 Set 7 will help students in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 7 with Solutions

General Instructions :

  • There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
  • Section A consists of 9 questions amongst which 7 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 2 marks and should have 30-50 words.
  • Section B consists of 5 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 3 marks and should have 80-100 words.
  • Section C consists of 4 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 4 marks and should have 100-150 words.

Maximum Marks : 35
Time : 2 Hours

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 7 with Solutions

Section A

Question 1.
List various causes of bone fracture and joint dislocation? (0.5 x 4)
Some causes of bone fractures and joint dislocations are

  • Direct hit or strike by any sports equipment
  • Sudden or unregulated fall on a hard surface
  • Stress or traumatic forceful movement of bones and joints
  • Osteoporosis or any other disease that weakens the bones

Question 2.
Explain the procedure of Sukhasana. (0.5 x 4)
The procedure of Sukhasana is

  • Sit cross-legged on the floor or any other flat surface.
  • Bend your knees, and cross your right shin in front of your left shin.
  • Move the knees closer until your feet is directly underneath them.
  • Place both the palms on your knees, close your eyes and breathe slowly.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 7 with Solutions

Question 3.
Explain the first-aid procedure for minor wounds and cuts. (2)
The first aid procedure for minor wounds and cuts is that wash hands or wear sterile disposable gloves and then clean the surface of the cut or the wound with water.

If there is a minor cut, then apply antiseptic cream or lotion to the affected part. If there is bleeding, then cover the wound with cotton or bandage and press to stop bleeding or raise the affected area above the heart level.

Question 4.
Briefly explain how healthy sport environment act as a form of extrinsic motivation. (2)
A healthy sports environment acts as an extrinsic motivation in many ways. If the environment has proper temperature, weather conditions, proper humidity along with clean and level sports field, then it acts as a positive reinforcement.

Good quality and smooth running sports equipments along with proper facilities also encourage people to participate in sports.

Question 5.
Explain method of acceleration run for speed development in sportspersons. (2)
For acceleration run, sprinter is required to run a specific distance. He starts from stationary position and tries to attain the maximum speed as soon as possible and tries to finish the distance at that speed. These accelerations are repeated 6 to 12 times with sufficient intervals between runs.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 7 with Solutions

Question 6.
What do you understand by isometric exercises? (2)
Isometric term is derived from the words ‘iso’ meaning ‘same’ and ‘metric’ meaning ‘length’. Thus, the word ‘isometric’ refers to the length of the muscle that remains unchanged during workouts.

This happens when there is a tension on a muscle but no movement is made, causing the length of the muscle to remain the same. Therefore, one cannot see any external movement but a muscle is stretched as a lot of pressure is exerted on it.

Question 7.
What is the benefit and contraindication of Trikonasana? (1 + 1)
Benefits of Trikonasana is that it stretches and opens the lower back region, groin area, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, chest, arms and spine.

Contraindications of doing Trikonasana is that it should be avoided if a person is suffering from migraine, diarrhoea, neck and back injuries.

Question 8.
What are disability etiquettes? (2)
Disability etiquettes are the mannerism or disciplinary guidelines that should be followed Mobility impairment means difficulty in movement. To cope up with this difficulty, wheelchairs, walking sticks and several other things are used.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 7 with Solutions

Section B

Question 9.
Which asanas are beneficial for curing hypertension? (2)
To prevent and cure hypertension, various asanas should be performed that reduces stress and rejuvenate mind and body such as Tadasana, Vajrasana, Pavanamuktasana, Ardha Chakrasana and Bhujangasana.

Question 10.
Mention three ways in which exercises can improve the working of respiratory system. (1 x 3)
The respiratory system consists of trachea, bronchi, lungs and air sacs. Exercises can improve the working of respiratory system in the following ways

  • Increasing the vital air capacity which is the maximal volume of air forcefully exhaled.
  • By doing regular exercises, there is an increase in tidal air capacity of an individual.
  • By increasing the size of the alveoli which provides more space for the diffusion of gases oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Question 11.
What does C, E and N stands in OCEAN? Explain them. (1 x 3)
OCEAN is a concept given in Big Five personality theory.

C is for Conscientiousness which refers to people having a high degree of reliability and are prompt. These people are organised, systematic and hard working.

E is for Extroversion which refers to people having the traits of energetic, assertive, outgoing, social and talkative. They derive their energy from interacting with other individuals. N is for Neuroticism which relates to ones’ emotional stability and the degree of negative emotions. Such people are moody, tense, anxious and emotionally unstable.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 7 with Solutions

Question 12.
What is the procedure of Matsyasana? (3)
Procedure of Matsyasana is

  • Lift your hips and tuck your hands slightly beneath your buttocks, palms facing down. Draw your forearms and elbows in towards your body.
  • With inhale, bend your elbows and press firmly on your forearms and elbows to lift your head and upper body away from the floor.
  • Firm your shoulder blades into your back and lift your chest higher towards the ceiling, elongating your spine.
  • Bring the crown of your head on the floor.
  • Remain in that position with your knees bent.
  • Take 5 to 10 deep breaths.
  • Slowly return to normal position.

Question 13.
Explain the concept of disorder. (3)
Disorder is considered as an ailment that disrupts the normal well-being or health of an individual. It hinders a person’s performance. Disorder may be present by birth or may be acquired during one’s lifetime.

Disorder may be seen ordinary in the beginning but usually grows or spreads with time in an individual. It disrupts the normal functioning of a person. It may not be detected on time as it is present in minor form initially. Sometimes the disorders may go away on their own and sometimes, psychological help is needed to manage them.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 7 with Solutions

Question 14.
Explain the concept of disability. (3)
The concept of disability relates to the impairment that may be developmental, physical, cognitive or intellectual. Disability affects the every day activities of a person in many ways. Physical disability limits the functions of the body parts while cognitive and intellectual disability affect the mental functions.

It may be present in an individual by birth or may occur during one’s lifetime but mostly it is present from birth. Disability is considered as a condition that does not permit a person to perform any activity or a movement.

Section C

Question 15.
Explain the procedures of the following. (2 + 2)
(i) Pada Hastasana
(ii) Urdhva Hastasana
(i) Procedure of Pada Hastasana is

  • Stand in tree pose or Tadasana, hands to the side of the body.
  • Bend forward until the fingers or palms of the hands touches the floor, either side of the feet.
  • Keep the knees straight and try to touch knees with the forehead and try to contract the abdomen.
  • After few minutes, release the hand and slowly straighten the body keeping the neck down.

(ii) Procedure of Urdhva Hastasana is

  • Stand in a Tadasana (Tree pose). Then, gently raise your hand upward without bending the shoulders, bring your arms together over your head.
  • Expand the elbows completely and reach upwards. Then, slightly slant your head backwards and look at the thumbs.
  • Shoulder blades must be pressed firmly on your back.
  • Keep your feet together and press your heel firmly against the ground.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 7 with Solutions

Question 16.
Elaborate the training methods to improve flexibility. (1 x 4)
The training methods to improve flexibility are :
Dynamic Stretching It refers to stretching that involves putting muscular effort along with movement at the same time. Walking lunges, kicking action and moving the arm in circular motion are the examples of dynamic stretching.

Static Active Stretching Under this method, the muscles are stretched without moving the limbs and the limbs are held in a position for 30 seconds. Standing on one leg and holding the other leg directly in front for 20-30 seconds is static active stretching.

Static Passive Stretching This also refers to stretching of muscles without moving the limbs. However, an external force is applied to hold the stretch in position.

The external force can be some other parts of your body like hands to hold the stretch, an assistance or an equipment.

Ballistic Stretching It uses the momentum of a moving body or a limb in an attempt to force it beyond its normal range of motion.

This is a stretching or warming up, by bouncing into a stretched position, using the stretched muscles as a spring which pulls you out of the stretched position.

The stretching can be performed rhythmically with a count. At each count, joint is stretched to the maximum limit and then it is again flexed.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 7 with Solutions

Question 17.
On the basis of nature of activity and duration of activity, what are the types of endurance? (2 + 2)
On the basis of nature of activity, the endurance is classified into the following types

  • Basic Endurance It is the ability to perform movements in which large number of body muscles are involved, e.g. walking, jogging, slow running, etc.
  • General Endurance It is the ability of body to tolerate fatigue satisfactorily caused by different types of activities.
  • Specific Endurance It is the ability to resist the fatigue caused by a particular sports activity.
  • On the basis of duration of activity, the endurance is classified into following types
  • Speed Endurance It is the ability to resist fatigue in activities that last upto 45 seconds.
  • Short-term Endurance It is the ability to resist fatigue in activities that range from 45 seconds to 2 minutes.
  • Medium-term Endurance It is the ability to resist fatigue in activities that range from 2 minutes to 11 minutes.
  • Long-term Endurance It is the ability to resist fatigue in activities that last more than 11 minutes.

Question 18.
How pesticides, medicines or vaccines, lack of education, dangerous working conditions and heredity may cause disability? (0.5 x 5)
Pesticides, medicines or vaccines, lack of education, dangerous working conditions and heredity may cause disability in the following ways

Pesticides Chemicals such as lead found in paints or pesticides found in various products can cause disabilities in people and cause birth defects in babies growing in the womb.

Medicines or Vaccines The use of unclean syringes may cause serious diseases like Hepatitis or HIV/AIDS. Improperly stored as well as wrong vaccines may cause allergic reactions, leading to many kinds of disabilities among people.

Lack of Education Lack of education among the people, leads to disability as they are not aware regarding the symptoms of certain diseases and how they can be avoided by using scientific methods or taking precautions.

Dangerous Working Conditions If individuals are working in factories, mines or agricultural fields under improper working conditions, they may be exposed to dangerous machinery, tools or chemicals and wide variety of health hazards.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 7 with Solutions

Heredity Disabilities may also be inherited from parents to their offspring i.e. passed on from one generation to the other.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 6 with Solutions

Students can access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical with Solutions and marking scheme Term 2 Set 6 will help students in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 6 with Solutions

General Instructions :

  • There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
  • Section A consists of 9 questions amongst which 7 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 2 marks and should have 30-50 words.
  • Section B consists of 5 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 3 marks and should have 80-100 words.
  • Section C consists of 4 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 4 marks and should have 100-150 words.

Maximum Marks : 35
Time : 2 Hours

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 6 with Solutions

Section A

Question 1.
Explain the ways by which physical activites can made accessible for disabled children. (1 + 1)
The ways by which physical activities can be made accessible for disabled children are :

  1. Different Instructional Strategies A variety of different instructional strategies like verbal, visual and peer teaching should be used for performing various types of physical activities.
  2. Modification of Rules Rules can be modified according to the needs of the children. They can be provided extra time or attempt to perform a physical activity.

Question 2.
Write the symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). (0.5 x 4)
Symptoms of ASD are

  • Children and adults with ASD do not acquire good social skills.
  • Face many behavioral problems.
  • Often stare at a particular person or object and may like a few foods only.
  • Show very limited interests or activities.

Question 3.
State the concept of first aid in preventing deterioration of sports injuries (2)
The concept of first aid is to prevent sports injuries from worsening. It is done by the following ways

  • By carrying out emergency first aid procedures immediately.
  • By conducting a risk assessment and check for any dangers.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 6 with Solutions

Question 4.
What do you understand by isokinetic exercises? (2)
The isokinetic exercises were introduced by JJ Perrine in 1968. ‘Iso’ means same and ‘kinetic’ means motion. It means exercises in motion. These exercises are done on specially designed machines such as on mounted cycle. These exercises develop muscular strength as the muscles move upto their entire range. Water sports like swimming, skating, running and climbing are the sports that are the examples of isokinetic exercises.

Question 5.
What are the contraindications of Ardha Matsyendrasana? (1 + 1)
Contraindications of Ardha Matsyendrasana are

  • Avoid during pregnancy and menstruation due to the strong twist in the abdomen.
  • People with heart, abdominal or brain surgeries or having ulcer, slip disc should avoid th’s asana.

Question 6.
Explain speed as a component of physiological fitness. (2)
Speed is the ability to cover distance in minimum possible time such as covering a distance in shortest time. In simple words, it means capacity of a moving body part or the whole body with greatest possible velocity.

In other words, it is the ability to do work faster. According to Barrow and McGee, “Speed is the capacity of an individual to perform successive movement of the same pattern at a fast rate.”

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 6 with Solutions

Question 7.
Explain the procedure of Ardha Matsyendrasana. (2)
Ardha Matsyendrasana is done in sitting posture. To do this asana, sit with legs straight and stretched in front of you. Bend the left leg and bring it close to the body. Place it under the right buttocks. Then, place the right leg next to the left knee by taking it over the knee. Twist your waist, neck and shoulders over your right shoulder. Place the right hand behind and the left hand on the right knee. Then, repeat the procedure with another leg.

Question 8.
Explain interval training method. (2)
Interval training method was given by Woldemar and Greshler in 1939. Physiologist Reindell further modified this training method. This method enhances speed and endurance ability. In this method, the exercises are followed by a period of rest, also known as recovery.

Question 9.
Explain the benefit and contradiction of Gomukhasana. (1 + 1)
The benefit of Gomukhasana is that it helps in stretching and strengthening the muscles of the ankles, hips and thighs, shoulders, triceps, inner armpits and chest.

Contraindication of Gomukhasana is that those who are suffering from shoulder, knee or back pain should avoid doing it.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 6 with Solutions

Question 10.
Describe three preventive steps for sports injuries. (1 x 3)
The preventive steps to avoid sports injuries are

  • Wearing of protective gears, helmets, protective pads and other equipment as required in the game.
  • Taking proper warm-up and cool down sessions before and after the training or competitions.
  • Taking fitness tests regularly to know about the physical condition and check for the areas where improvement is needed.

Question 11.
Explain the step by step procedure of doing Chakrasana. (0.5 x 6)
Chakrasana is done in lying posture. The step by step procedure of Chakrasana is

  • Lie down properly and look upward.
  • Bring the feet closer to the hips and bend knees upward; keep a distance of about one foot between the feet.
  • Bring your palms under your shoulder.
  • Gradually, lift up the body in air by balancing on palm and feet and rotate the head backward along with hands slowly.
  • Reach the final position by stretching the whole body to form a position of a semi-drcle.
  • To go back to original position, slowly lower down the body and release the hands and feet.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 6 with Solutions

Question 12.
What is aggression? Why players show hostile aggression on the field? (1 + 2)
Aggression means the intention to cause mental or physical harm to oneself, others or objects in the environment. This is usually done by doing physical harm, showing unkind or nasty behaviour, abusing or using words. Players show hostile aggression on the field because of the following reasons –

  • Players who want to achieve success quickly or are not able to manage their emotions, show aggression towards another player.
  • Sometimes players loose their self-control or are not able to manage humiliation and feel hurt and insulted, then they show hostile aggression as a form of revenge.

Question 13.
How cognitive disability is different from intellectual disability and physical disability. (3)
Cognitive disability is the limitation of mental functioning of certain skills such as problems in social skills, understanding formation of letters, numbers, etc. Intellectual disability is a significant limitation of intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior. Physical disability relates to physical functioning of the body parts including sense organs.

Cognitive and intellectual disabilities are related to the mind but physical disability is related to physical functioning. Intellectual disability is more severe than cognitive and it is specific in nature while cognitive and physical disability are broad concepts.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 6 with Solutions

Question 14.
Endurance is the most imporant factor for high performance in games and sports.’ Explain. (3)
Endurance is the ability of an individual to do movement even under the conditions of fatigue. It involves movement of muscles for a longer duration. For greater endurance, the pace of the exercises should be slow such as jogging.

It is most important in sports so that sports person can complete the task without tiring. It improves muscle coordination and enhances energy production in the body. This is helpful for sportsperson to excel in a competition.

Question 15.
Explain Asthma as a lifestyle disease. Enumerate the causes, symptoms and preventive measures of Asthma. (1 + 1 x 3)
Asthma is a condition in which a person’s airways in the lungs become narrow. Due to narrowness, air flow is obstructed. It creates breathing problem in a person.

It is a long-term inflammatory disease. In this disease, the airways also swell up and produce extra mucus, which enhances breathing problem.

Causes of Asthma are :

  • Allergy from airborne substances like pollen grains, dust mites, molds, spores, etc.
  • Air pollutants and irritants like smoke suspended in the air.

Symptoms of Asthma are

  • Shortness of breath
  • Coughing/sneezing too much Preventions of Asthma are
  • Keep the room, bed and pillows dust free.
  • Avoid exposure to asthma triggering agents like pollens, mole, cold air to prevent asthma attacks.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 6 with Solutions

Question 16.
Explain the procedure, benefits of Parvatasana. (2 + 2)
The procedure to perform Parvatasana is

  • Sit down on the floor in Sukhasana (cross-legged position) or Padmasana (lotus pose).
  • Bring the hands in the front and interlock the fingers.
  • Breathe out and stretch the hands over the head. Keep the fingers interlocked.
  • Pull the torso in upward direction and stretch for a few minutes.
  • Bring the hands down to normal position. After a few seconds, repeat the steps again.

The benefits to perform Parvatasana are

  • It helps in improving the blood circulation.
  • It helps in curing respiratory disorders that causes asthma.
  • It reduces mental fatigue and improves memory.
  • It reduces muscle pain, especially in back and neck regions.
  • It reduces stiffness in the body.

Question 17.
Describe how nuclear accidents, poverty, illness, malnutrition and poor access to healthcare may lead to disabilities. (0.8 x 5)
(i) Nuclear accidents, poverty, illness,
malnutrition and poor access to healthcare may lead to disabilities in the following ways Nuclear Accidents Nuclear accidents release radioactive materials that get absorbed in the body causing radiation sickness. Many people have suffered after being exposed to massive amounts of radiation.

In communities where these nuclear incidents happened, there has also been an increase in number of children born with learning difficulties, such as down syndrome.

(ii) Poverty Poverty is one of the biggest causes of disability. Poor people are most vulnerable to disability because they are forced to live and work in unsafe environment with poor sanitation, crowded living conditions and with little access to education, clean water or nutritious food. This gives rise to various diseases such as tuberculosis, polio, etc.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 6 with Solutions

(iii) Illness Illness is one of the most important factors of disability. Long-term or acute illnesses may lead to physical and mental problems leading to disabilities.

(iv) Malnutrition Malnutrition among young children can cause many types of physical disabilities like rickets and cognitive disabilities like poor IQ, neuropsychological problems, etc. Malnutrition and under nutrition in older adults can increase the likelihood of breaking bones, including hip fractures, which can lead to limited physical mobility.

(v) Poor Access to Healthcare Good health care can prevent various disabilities. Trained birth attendants who can identify risks and handle emergencies, can prevent babies from being born with many disabilities.

Question 18.
Write the symptoms of each of the following (4)
(i) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
(ii) Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
(i) Symptoms of ADHD are :

  • Hyperactivity, excessive talking, impulsivity, difficulty awaiting one’s turn.
  • Become easily distracted, trouble focusing on a task.
  • Very short span of attention, failing to complete tasks.
  • Problems staying organised and keeping track of things.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 6 with Solutions

(ii) Symptoms of SPD are :

  • Showing heightened reactivity to sound, touch, taste or movement.
  • Under-reactive in certain situations e.g. not noticing when name is called.
  • Lethargic, disinterested, poor motor skills, lack of attention, impulsive behaviors, etc.
  • Over or under-responsive to the things they have difficulties with.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 5 with Solutions

Students can access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical with Solutions and marking scheme Term 2 Set 5 will help students in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 5 with Solutions

General Instructions :

  • There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
  • Section A consists of 9 questions amongst which 7 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 2 marks and should have 30-50 words.
  • Section B consists of 5 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 3 marks and should have 80-100 words.
  • Section C consists of 4 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 4 marks and should have 100-150 words.

Maximum Marks : 35
Time : 2 Hours

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 5 with Solutions

Section A

Question 1.
Explain motivation. Write about any two techniques of extrinsic motivation, (1 + 0.5 x 2)
Motivation means a process through which an individual is inspired or stimulated to act in a particular fashion or manner towards achieving a particular goal.

Techniques of motivation for higher achievement in sports

  • Active Participation
  • Rewards

Question 2.
In what ways doing Hastasana is beneficial for our body? (1 – 1)
Benefits of Hastasana are

  • It enhances the functioning of digestive system and increases the capacity of the lungs.
  • This asana helps in improving the blood circulation of the body.

Question 3.
In what ways the life style disease of diabetes can be prevented? (1 – 1)
The ways to prevent diabetes are as follows

  • Reduce the consumption of white bread, rice, processed food, sugary drinks, jam, jelly, etc.
  • Eat whole grains like brown rice, oatmeal, millets, vegetables and fruits.

Question 4.
Write the benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasan. (1 x 1)
Benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana are

  • It is one of the best poses to improve the flexibility of the spine. It energises the spine.
  • It stretches the shoulders, hips and neck region.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 5 with Solutions

Question 5.
What are the contraindications of Parvatasana? (1 – 1)
The contraindications of this Parvatasana are

  • People with severe ankle problem should avoid it.
  • Avoid hunching of the back during sitting position.

Question 6.
Ardha Matsyendrasana cures which lifestyle disease? What is its contraindication?
Ardha Matsyendrasana is useful in reducing obesity which gives rise to many lifestyle diseases.

A contraindication of this asana is that it should be avoided during pregnancy and menstruation due to the strong twist in the abdomen.

Question 7.
What are different types of speed? (2)
There are three types of speed

  • Reaction Speed It is the ability to respond to a given stimulus as quickly as possible, like good speed in sprints, speed in fielding, chasing the ball.
  • Movement Speed It is the ability to do a single movement in the minimum time like jumping, throwing, kicking, boxing, gymnastics where movements with speed are necessary.
  • Acceleration Speed It is the ability to achieve maximum speed in shortest possible time.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 5 with Solutions

Question 8.
Gomukhasana is useful in curing which lifestyle disease? Explain its procedure (1 – 1)
Gomukhasana is done in sitting position. To do this asana, sit straight and stretch both legs together in front. Fold right leg at the knee and place it on the ground by the side of the left buttock. Bringing the left leg from above the right leg, place it on the ground by the side of the right buttock. Fold your left arm and place it behind your back. Then, take your right hand over your right shoulder, and stretch it. Then, repeat the procedure with other leg.

Question 9.
What are advantages and disadvantages of interval training method? (1 – 1)
Advantages of interval training method is that more workout can be performed in short duration. It is beneficial for respiratory and circulatory systems.

Disadvantages of interval training is that there are chances of injury and it can lead to heart diseases.

Section B

Question 10.
Explain the personality type of mesomorphs as given by Sheldon. (3)
Sheldon distinguished the personality on the basis of physical attributes, body shape, temperament, etc. He identifies mesomorphs as people who are well proportioned. They are physically capable of doing a lot of activities and tend to be athletically aggressive. They are adventurous, energetic and competitive. Mesomorphs have enough strength, speed and agility due to which they can excel in sports which require great strength, short bursts of energy and lots of power. Mesomorph people take off or put on weights easily.

They have proportionate arms and legs and even weight distribution. They are suited for basketball, athletics martial arts, volleyball, swimming, etc.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 5 with Solutions

Question 11.
Describe the causes of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). (1 x 3)
Causes of ADHD are

  • Genes and Heredity Genetic inheritance and abnormalities in genes that is acquired by birth, may cause this disorder.
  • Brain Injury and Epilepsy Children who have had traumatic brain injuries or who have epilepsy can often have ADHD symptoms.
  • Environmental Causes Exposure to environmental risks like lead during pregnancy or at a young age, premature delivery, may also cause or exposure to alcohol and tobacco.

Question 12.
Explain the three methods of continuous training for development of endurance, (1 x 3)
Three methods of continuous training for development of endurance are

(i) Slow Continuous Method In this method, the intensity of exercise is low and heart rate remains stable. This means a 10 kilometer run with a heart beat of 140-160 beats per minute. This method is effective for long cross-country runs.

(ii) Fast Continuous Method In this method, the intensity is high, heart rate is high and duration is less. The heart beat reaches to 160-180 beats per minute due to increase in intensity. It is for well-trained athletes who can run continuously without any pause. It is very effective for improving the V02 capacity.

(iii) Variable Pace Method This is a combination of slow and fast continuous method, therefore the intensity varies. The heart beat varies under 140-180 beats and time is 15-60 minutes.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 5 with Solutions

Question 13.
Explain the dislocation and fractures among the bones and joint injuries. (1.5 + 1.5)
The dislocation and fractures among the bones and joints happen when excessive force is applied directly or indirectly. These are musculoskeletal injuries and can be grouped under hard tissue injury.

A dislocation refers to displacement or separation of bones from the joint. It is caused by a sudden impact, a trauma or a fall.

A dislocated joint may be accompanied by numbness or tingling at the joint or beyond it. It is intensely painful, especially if you try to move joints or put weight on it.

Some of the common joint injuries are shoulder dislocation, knee cap dislocation, finger dislocation, etc.

A fracture is a break in the continuity of a bone or a separation of a bone in two or more parts. It is caused when greater force is exerted against a bone than it can actually sustain. The different types of fractures are stress fracture, green stick, communated, transverse, oblique and impacted.

Question 14.
Explain the causes of Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). (3)
Causes of SPD are

  • Genetic Factors Genetic or hereditary factors such as having a family history of autism or SPD.
  • Neurological Issue Understimulation during critical periods of neurological development may develop SPD in that child.
  • Allergic Issue Allergy to certain type of foods may cause different reactions leading to disorders.
  • Environmental Toxins Children’s constant exposure to a variety of environmental toxins may also cause SPD.
  • Abnormal Development Developmental delays and other neurological disorders like slow sensory reaction may cause SPD.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 5 with Solutions

Section C

Question 15.
In what ways sports and physical activities play an important role in personality development? (1 x 4)
Sports and physical activities play an important role in developing the personality in the following ways

  1. Development of Physique A good physique can be developed by regular training which becomes simple by participating in sports. A well-built physique exhibits good personality that is attractive and impressive.
  2. Relieve Stress Stress can be relieved by playing any type of sport. Sports help persons to combat anxiety, depression and stress. When the stress is relieved from the person, it improves the personality of the person.
  3. Social Skills Sports help in developing social skills as players play together, bond with each other, share their problems and worries as well as cooperate with each other.
  4. Discipline Sports help in making a person disciplined as it is essential to practice and then complete all the tasks on time without fear of failure. This helps in making of a good personality.

Question 16.
Explain the types of aggression seen in sports. (2 + 2)
The types of aggression seen in sports are of two types. They are instrumental aggression and hostile aggression. They are :

(i) Instrumental Aggression In instrumental aggression, the main aim is to achieve a goal by using aggression. It is a positive form of aggression. Here, the aim of the player is to excel in the sport that he is playing through high intensity output and competitive spirit.

For example, a football player using aggression to tackle his opponent and win the ball. He is not harming any player but only using his aggressiveness to gain the ball.

Experienced players show instrumental aggression on the field as they have greater self-control to manage their aggression.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 5 with Solutions

(ii) Hostile Aggression In hostile aggression, the main aim is to cause harm or injury to your opponent. It is usually an unplanned, impulsive reaction towards a player who may or have become a threat in achieving the goal. However, it may also be planned to cause injury to intended player on the field. This kind of aggression often arises from insult, hurt, bad feelings, jealousy and threat.

For example, a bowler throwing a bouncer to deliberately injure the batsman or to shake up his concentration.

In some extreme cases, hitting an opponent or deliberately obstructing his path leads to his fall on the ground.

This kind of aggression is usually seen in new players who want to achieve success quickly.

Question 17.
What do you understand by physical disability? What are its symptoms? (2 + 2)
Physical disability is the long-term loss or impairment of a body part that limits the body’s physical function. A person with physical disability cannot perform many actions independently.

It may be a motor deficiency or a sensory impairment. Motor deficiency is related to spinal cord, causing paralysis to some or all parts of the body. It may also lead to brain damage, which may occur before or after birth or after a stroke.

Sensory impairment is related to a person’s limited use of a particular sense organ for example, visual, hearing or speech impairment. The nature of this disability is physical as it is related to physical functioning of the body parts including sense organs.

This refers to the limitation on a person’s physical functioning, mobility, dexterity or stamina.

This includes upper or lower limb loss, poor manual dexterity, visual impairment, hearing loss or disability in coordination with different organs of the body.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 5 with Solutions

Apart from these, blindness, respiratory disorders, epilepsy and sleep disorders are also considered as physical disability.

Symptoms of Physical Disabilities are :

  • Body’s lack of full range of mobility.
  • Problems related to senses such as sight, hearing or speech impairment.
  • Lack of motor skills and missing developmental milestones.
  • Lack of control of the limbs or the body parts.

Question 18.
Enumerate the advantages of physical activities for children with special needs in brief. (1 x 4)
There are a number of advantages of physical activities for children with special needs. These are

  • Improve Fitness It strengthens the heart muscles, thereby improving cardiovascular efficiency, lung efficiency and exercise endurance.
  • This helps in controlling repetitive behaviours among disabled children.
  • Develops Social Behaviour Besides improving fitness, physical activity develops social relationships with other children, teammates and teachers.
  • This brings positive changes in the social behaviour of these children.
  • Makes Children Active It helps to improve energy level of the body.
  • Regular physical activity often makes children more energetic and allows them to become active.
  • Maintains Healthy Body It regulates blood pressure, cholesterol level and diabetes. When the internal organ systems work smoothly, then the children remain healthy. This is essential for the children with special needs.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 4 with Solutions

Students can access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical with Solutions and marking scheme Term 2 Set 4 will help students in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 4 with Solutions

General Instructions :

  • There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
  • Section A consists of 9 questions amongst which 7 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 2 marks and should have 30-50 words.
  • Section B consists of 5 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 3 marks and should have 80-100 words.
  • Section C consists of 4 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 4 marks and should have 100-150 words.

Maximum Marks : 35
Time : 2 Hours

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 4 with Solutions

Section A

Question 1.
What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD? How it affect children? (1 + 1)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common behavioral disorder characterised by a persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity that occurs in academic or social settings.

It affects children in many ways. It affects a child’s academic performance and social behavior.

Question 2.
If a person has low IQ, then which type of disability is it? Mention two symptoms of that disability? (1 + 0.5 x 2)
If a person has low IQ (Intelligence Quotient) score under 70, then the person is suffering from Intellectual disability.

Two symptoms of intellectual disability are

  • Very little interpersonal skills.
  • Not understanding or following rules and instructions.

Question 3.
What causes Asthma? How do you know that a person is affected with this disease? (1 + 1)
The main causes of asthma are allergies from airborne substances like pollen grains, dust mites, molds, spores, etc.

A person is affected with Asthma or not can be known by seeing the following symptoms

  • Shortness of breath
  • Coughing/sneezing too much

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 4 with Solutions

Question 4.
Explain the contradictions of Sukhasana. (1 + 1)
Contraindications of Sukhasana are

  • In case of severe knee and back injury, it is required to sit over the folded blanket or take the assistance of bolster or pillow.
  • Person suffering from slipped disc problem should avoid it.

Question 5.
Write some benefits of Pawanmuktasana. (1 + 1)
The benefits of Pawanmuktasana are

  • It cures acidity, indigestion and constipation.
  • It is helpful for those suffering from gastrointestinal problems, arthritis, heart problems and waist and back pain.

Question 6.
Explain the disabilities of OCD. (2)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition that revolves around a obsession or compulsion, distressing actions and repetitive thoughts. People with OCD carry out routine tasks repeatedly.

Instances of these are excessive hand washing, counting of things repeatedly, checking if a door is locked many times etc.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 4 with Solutions

Question 7.
Write the causes and symptoms of OCD. (1 + 1)
A cause of OCD is that if any member of a family is suffering from OCD, then, other members of the family have high chance of developing it. Sometimes it may also be inherited from one generation to another. Some symptoms of OCD are

  • Fear of being contaminated by germs or dirt or contaminating others.
  • Aggressive thoughts towards others or self.

Question 8.
What do you understand by disability etiquettes? (2)
Disability etiquette is a set of guidelines that explain how to approach or how to deal with the people facing physical or mental disabilities. The term serves to communicate people with disabilities more respectfully in all types of situations.

Question 9.
What are the etiquette guidelines for talking to a person with hearing loss? (1 + 1)
The etiquette guidelines for talking to persons with hearing loss are

  • Get the person’s attention with a wave of the hand, or a tap on the shoulder.
  • Speak clearly and slowly, but without exaggerating your lip movements or shouting.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 4 with Solutions

Section B

Question 10.
List and explain the physiological factors that determine the level of flexibility in a person. (1 + 1 + 1)
The physiological factors that determine the levels of flexibility are

  1. Joint Structure The joint structure of a person determines the range of motions and hence level the flexibility of an individual. For example, ball and socket joint of shoulder or knee joint.
  2. Age and Gender The age of a person, as well as the gender, determines the level of flexibility. It can be enhanced with the help of training. Flexibility decreases with advancement of age. Females are more flexible than males.
  3. Stretchability of Muscles If the muscles are regularly stretched, then they remain flexible. The stretchability of muscles depends on the amount of exercise and physical activities.

Question 11.
In what ways, strain is different from a sprain? (1 + 1 + 1)
Strain is different from a sprain in the following ways

Strain Sprain
It is a soft tissue injury caused by overstressing of muscles or tendons. It is a soft tissue injury that is caused by overstretching of ligaments
or twisting of joints.
It is also known as a muscle pull. It is also known as a tom ligament.
A strain injury is common around the thigh and calf muscles. Sprain injury is common around the knee, ankle, wrist or elbow joints.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 4 with Solutions

Question 12.
Briefly describe the concept of Yoga and Asana. (1.5 x 2)
Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’. It means the unity of body, mind and spirit. Patanjali has described ‘Yoga’ as a way to stable the mind for the union of soul (atma) and God (parmatma). It is like uniting the individual self with the universal self. The concept of Yoga was completely developed in India.

Asana refers to the position in which a person sits/stands to do yoga. Asanas are beneficial for the muscles, joints, cardiovascular system, nervous system and lymphatic system. It prevents body from various lifestyle diseases. Asanas also provide relaxation to the mind. There are meditative, relaxative and corrective asanas.

Question 13.
Who introduced Fartlek training method? List its advantages and disadvantages. (1 + 1 + 1)
Fartlek’s training method was introduced by O Astrand and Gosta Halter. Fartlek is a Swedish term that means speed play.

Advantages of this method are :

  • It improves cardiovascular endurance.
  • Good for aerobic and anaerobic fitness.
  • It makes the body versatile.
  • It is flexible in nature.
  • It can be adopted easily by the athletes.

Disadvantages of this method are :

  • Difficult to judge the exact efforts of the athletes.
  • It may cause accidents.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 4 with Solutions

Question 14.
Explain the two types of motivation used to perform better and show excellence in sports. (1.5 x 2)
The two types of motivation used to perform better and show excellence in sports are

(i) Internal Motivation or Intrinsic Motivation This motivation is within an individual and guides one to perform better to satisfy one’s own personal feelings. In other words, it means the individual’s motivational stimuli are coming from within. The individual has the desire to perform a specific task, because its results are in accordance with his belief system or fulfill a desire.

(ii) External Motivation or Extrinsic Motivation This motivation depends upon external factors such as a reward given by a parent, school awards, punishments, etc. Here, an individual is motivated not from within but somebody inspires that person. Extrinsic motivation can be positive or negative and produces lot of behavioral changes.

Section C

Question 15.
Explain the contraindications of (2 + 2)
(i) Urdhva Hastasana
(ii) Paschimottanasana
(i) Contraindications of Urdhva Hastasana are :

  • Avoid in case of shoulder or neck injuries.
  • Avoid if experiencing dizziness while staring upwards and in case of any other medical concerns.

(ii) Contraindications of Paschimottanasana are :

  • Pregnant women should avoid this asana.
  • It should be avoided by person suffering from respiratory and spinal problem.
  • Ulcer patients should also avoid this asana.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 4 with Solutions

Question 16.
(i) Matsyasana
(ii) Bhujangasana
(i) Benefits of Matsyasana are

  • It stretches the neck muscles and shoulders and prevents stiffness.
  • This pose provides relief from respiratory disorders by encouraging deep breathing, as this pose increases lung capacity to a great extent.
  • There is an increased supply of blood to the cervical and thoracic regions of the spine that helps tone the parathyroid, pituitary and pineal glands.

(ii) Benefits of Bhujangasana are

  • It improves the blood circulation in body.
  • It decreases menstrual irregularities in females.
  • It strengthens muscles of chest, shoulders, arms and abdomen.
  • It is effective in urine disorders.

Question 17.
Describe the various factors that affect the physiological fitness of a person. (1 x 4)
Physiological factors determining components of physical fitness are
Muscular Strength This is the maximum force or tension a muscle or a muscle group can exert against a resistance.

Physiologically, the muscle will increase in strength only if it has to increase its workload beyond what is ordinarily required of it. The factors affecting strength are length of muscle, its composition, age and gender.

Speed This is the rapidity with which one can repeat successive movements of the same pattern. Individuals with greater speed have superior reaction time. The factors affecting speed are muscle fibre, neuromuscular response, anaerobic capacity, etc.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 4 with Solutions

Endurance This is the ability of a muscle or muscle group to perform repeated contractions against a resistance/load or to sustain contraction for an extended period of time with less discomfort and more rapid recovery. Factors determining speed are cardiac output, oxygen uptake, blood volume, aerobic capacity, etc.

Flexibility This is the ability of the muscles, tendons and ligaments to move easily through a complete range of movement and to stretch accordingly. The factors determining flexibility are elasticity, stretchability, joint structure, age, gender and heredity.

Question 18.
List the causes of sports injuries. (1 x 4)
Some common causes of sports injury are

  • Anatomical Factors These are related to the anatomy of the body. Differences in leg length and body misalignment can lead to unequal forces being transferred to the tissues.
  • Overtraining Training too often, training at high intensity or having inadequate recovery time between training can cause overtraining.
  • Improper Warm-up It often causes muscle cramps and strains as the body is not geared up to do exercises. Therefore, a regular warm-up is necessary.
  • Nutritional Inadequacy Lack of nutrients in food can also be the reason or cause of sports injuries among the players. The deficiency of vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus can lead to bone fracture.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 3 with Solutions

Students can access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical with Solutions and marking scheme Term 2 Set 3 will help students in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 3 with Solutions

General Instructions :

  • There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
  • Section A consists of 9 questions amongst which 7 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 2 marks and should have 30-50 words.
  • Section B consists of 5 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 3 marks and should have 80-100 words.
  • Section C consists of 4 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 4 marks and should have 100-150 words.

Maximum Marks : 35
Time : 2 Hours

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 3 with Solutions

Section A

Question 1.
There are many benefits of doing asana. Justify this statement. (1 x 2)
Asanas are yogic postures. There are many benefits of doing asanas which are

  • Asanas play a significant role in making our muscles strong.
  • Asanas improve flexibility of the body thus preventing injuries.

Question 2.
What is cognitive disability? What are its symptoms? (1 + 0.5 x 2)
Cognitive disability is a disability that impacts an individual’s ability to access, process or remember information.
Symptoms of cognitive disability are :

  • Difficulty in planning and sequencing thoughts and actions.
  • Difficulty in interpreting the meaning of numbers and symbols.

Question 3.
What is Continuous training method? What are advantages and disadvantages of this method? (1 + 0.5 x 2)
Continuous training is a method of training in which a player performs exercises, running or other physical activity for longer periods without any rest, break or intervals. Advantages of continuous training is that it increases efficiency of heart and lungs. Disadvantages of continuous training is that it does not improve anaerobic fitness.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 3 with Solutions

Question 4.
Explain reaction ability and its types. (1 + 0.5 x 2)
Reaction ability is the ability to react quickly and effectively to a signal. There are generally two types of reaction ability, which are :

  • Simple Reaction It is the ability to react immediately to a well-known signal.
  • Complex Reaction It is the ability to react immediately or quickly to unexpected signals.

Question 5.
Write one similarity and one difference between Laceration and Incision. What first aid should be given for treating them? (0.5 x 2) + 1)
The similarity between laceration and incision is that both are a cut on the epidermis layer of skin due to a severe impact by a sharp object. The difference is that, in laceration there is irregular break in the skin but in incision, there is sharp, straight or diagonal cut on the skin. The first aid used for treating laceration and incision is to clean the surface of the cut with water properly.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 3 with Solutions

Question 6.
What is speed? (2)
Speed is the ability to do work at a faster rate. In other words, it is the ability to move all parts of the body as quickly as possible. Speed depends upon strength, ability, flexibility and endurance.

Question 7.
Discuss the factors affecting speed. (1 + 1)
The factors affecting speed are :

Bio-chemical Reserves and Metabolic Power For maximum speed performance, the muscles require more amount of energy at a very high rate of consumption. For this purpose, the phosphagen Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and Creatine Phosphate (CP) stored in the muscles should be enough.

Muscle Composition Muscles consist of two types of fibers i.e. fast-twitch fibers (white fibers) and slow-twitch fibers (red fibers). A person containing more of fast-twitch fibers will have greater speed.

Question 8.
What is diabetes? (2)
Diabetes is a disease in which the pancreas fail to produce insulin or is unable to use the insulin produced in an effective manner. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps glucose, present in the blood, to enter the cells in our body and provide energy.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 3 with Solutions

Question 9.
Explain the causes and symptoms of diabetes. (1 +1)
Causes of diabetes are overweight, obesity and lack of physical activities.

Symptoms of diabetes are :

  • Increase in thirst, hunger and fatigue
  • Frequent urination
  • Blurred vision
  • Numbness or tingling in feet and hands

Question 10.
Explain the step-by-step procedure of doing Paschimottanasana. (3)
The procedure of doing Paschimottanasana is –

  • Sit on the floor with the outstretched legs.
  • Sit straight, raise both arms above your head and stretch up.
  • Bend forwards and hold the big toes with the middle and index fingers.
  • Then, exhale slowly and try to touch the knees with your forehead.
  • Stay in this position and take five deep breaths.
  • Then come back to the former position.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 3 with Solutions

Section B

Question 11.
How Sensory Processing Disorder affects children? (3)
The Sensory Processing Disorder is a condition in which the brain has trouble in receiving and responding to information that comes in through senses. It affects children in the following ways

  • Children suffering from SPD are either under-reactive or over-reactive.
  • They also lack motor skills, have short span of attention and delayed communication skills.
  • Children with SPD have delayed communication and social skills.
  • This even affects their self-esteem and as a result, they show poor performance in academics, sports and co-curricular activities.
  • Their attention span is low and they are not able to concentrate in studies or other activities.
  • Thus, the lack of sensory coordination interferes with the overall functioning of the children.

Question 12.
Briefly describe the type of aggression seen in sports. (1 x 3)
There are three types of aggression seen in sports, which are

  • Instrumental Aggression The main aim is to achieve a goal by using aggression. For example, a footballer using aggression to tackle his opponent by high-intensity play without harming anyone.
  • Hostile Aggression The main aim is to cause harm or cause injury to the opponent. It is usually unplanned, impulsive reaction.
  • For example, a bowler throwing a bouncer to deliberately injure the batsman.
  • Assertive Behaviour It is also referred as assertive aggression. It is generally seen as a positive form of aggression.
  • In-ground, it simply means to stand up for your values in an unthreatening manner, and involves the use of legitimate physical or verbal force to achieve once’s goals.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 3 with Solutions

Question 13.
What is Endurance? Explain the various methods of its development. (1 + 2)
Endurance is the ability to do sports movements with the desired quality and speed under conditions of fatigue.

The method to develop endurance are :

  1. Continuous Training Method This method was developed by Dr Van Aaken. Continuous training involves continuous running activity or exercise without rest or pause. For example, long-distance running at a strength.
  2. Interval Training Method This method enhances speed and endurance ability. In this method, the exercises are followed by a period of rest, also known as recovery.

Question 14.
Explain the strategy of positive behavior in brief. (3)
The strategy of positive behavior relates to showing a positive attitude and having healthy interactions with children with special needs.

In physical education classes, teachers should show positive behavior and healthy interactions and prevent negative behaviors. The method is called “Prevent, Teach, Reinforce”. This means class material is taught through positive interactions. Teachers, parents should show positivity and encourage these children to come up with new ideas.

Prevention means to stop negative behaviors as this would hamper the normal development of the child. Reinforce means to evaluate individual progress through looking at individual behaviors and referring to expectations.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 3 with Solutions

Section C

Question 15.
How can a trainer improve the cardiorespiratory system by exercise? (1 x 4)
A trainer can improve the cardiorespiratory system with the help of exercise, due to following factors

(i) Decrease in Rate of Respiration When a beginner starts exercise, then his rate of respiration increases. But when the same individual performs exercise on regular basis, then his rate of respiration decreases in comparison to the beginning stage at rest.

(ii) Lung Volume For normal breathing at rest, lung expand and there is a change in air pressure. During exercise, due to rapid movement of diaphragm and intercostal muscles, total area of lung expands to accommodate more exchange of gases.

(iii) Lung Diffusion Capacity During exercise, the lung diffusion capacity increases in both trained and untrained persons. However, trained athletes may increase their diffusion capacity 30% more than that of an untrained person because athlete’s lung surface area and red blood cell count is higher than that of non-athletes.

(iv) Pulmonary Ventilation The amount of air passing through lungs each minute is called Pulmonary Ventilation (PV). The PV is a product of Tidal Volume (TV) and Respiratory Rate (RR), and therefore at rest, it is around 12 breaths per minute.

During exercise time, both TV and RR increase, due to which PV will also increase depending on the intensity of exercise. For ordinary people, the value of PV may be 0.5 litre per minute and for well-trained athletes, it may be around 200 litres per minute.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 3 with Solutions

Question 16.
In what ways, exercise influence the psychology of a person? (1 x 4)
Exercise influence the psychology of a person in the following ways
Enhances Mood Exercise increases the supply of certain neurotransmitters in the brain that keeps one happy as well as boosting endorphins which are ‘feel-good’ chemicals. These chemicals help in enhancing the mood, thereby reducing depression.

Reduces Anxiety and Stress Exercise is correlated to a reduction in anxiety as exercise stimulates anti-anxiety effect. It removes the build up of stress hormones from the body. Exercise also improves sleep which helps in reducing stress.

Improves Self-esteem Exercise has a positive influence on our perception about ourselves, providing a sense of accomplishment as we master skills, improves our body image and self-worth. It is a part of positive coping strategy.

Emotional Control Exercise helps to control various emotions such as depression, anger and anxiety. It also helps to channelise the emotions in a positive way. This helps in the overall development of an individual.

Question 17.
Explain the meaning of personality with the help of definitions. (1 + 3)
Personality is basically a set of characteristics like attitude, habits, traits, etc. possessed by a person which greatly influences his motivation, emotion and behavior in different situations.

It reveals the psychological make up of an individual through his behavior.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 3 with Solutions

Some definitions of personality are

  • According to NL Munn, “Personality is the most characteristic integration of an individual’s structure, mode of interest, attitude, behavior, capacities, abilities and aptitudes.”
  • According to Warren, “Personality is the entire organisation of a human being at any stage of development.”
  • According to JP Guildford, “Personality is an individual’s unique pattern of traits which distinguishes one individual from the other.”

Question 18.
‘Practicing yoga asanas regularly can prevent many diseases.’ Justify this statement. (4)
This statement is justifiable because lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, asthma, hypertension and back pain can be prevented or cured by practicing various yogic asanas. The asanas which can prevent each of these health problems are given in the table below :

Health problem / disease Yogic asanas prevent or cure the health problem/disease
Obesity Vajrasana, Hastasana, Trikonasana and Ardha Matsyendrasana, Vajrasana and Ardha Matsyendrasana are done in sitting position while rest of the asanas are done in standing position.
Diabetes Bhujangasana, Paschimottanasana, Pavanamuktasana and Ardha Matsyendrasana, Bhujangasana is done in lying position while rest of the asanas are in sitting posture.
Asthma Sukhasana, Chakrasana, Gomukhasana, Parvatasana, Bhujangasana, Paschimottanasana and Matsyasana, Chakrasana is in standing posture, Bhujangasana and Matsyasana are in lying posture, rest are in sitting posture.
Hypertension Tadasana, Vajrasana, Pavanamuktasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Bhujangasana and Shavasana, Tadasana and Ardha Chakrasana are in standing posture, Vajrasana is in sitting posture, rest are in lying posture.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions

Students can access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical with Solutions and marking scheme Term 2 Set 2 will help students in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions

General Instructions :

  • There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
  • Section A consists of 9 questions amongst which 7 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 2 marks and should have 30-50 words.
  • Section B consists of 5 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 3 marks and should have 80-100 words.
  • Section C consists of 4 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 4 marks and should have 100-150 words.

Maximum Marks : 35
Time : 2 Hours

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions

Section A

Question 1.
What do you understand by Autism Spectrum Disorder? Explain two causes of this disorder. (1 + o.5 x 2)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a serious developmental disorder that impairs the ability to communicate and interact. It is a neuro developmental condition that affects the brain’s growth and development. It is a lifelong condition and the symptoms appear in early childhood.

Two causes of ASD are Genetic Factors and Abnormal Brain Development.

Question 2.
Explain Oppositional Defiant Disorder. What are the causes of this disorder? (1 + 0.5 x 2)
Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a type of disorder that is marked by defiant and disobedient behaviour to authority figures like parents, teachers, guardians, etc.

There are two causes of Oppositional Defiant Disorder

  • Environmental problems
  • Genetic inheritance

Question 3.
What are isotonic exercises? What are its two types? (1 + 0.5 x 2)
Isotonic exercises are strength training exercises in which the length of the muscles changes during action along with tension in the muscles. There is constant movement of the muscles due to which they develop strength and endurance.

The types of isotonic exercises are :

  • Concentric isotonic exercises
  • Eccentric isotonic exercises

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions

Question 4.
What are the effects of exercise on muscular system of the body? (1 + 1)
The effects of exercise on the muscular system of the body are

  • Increase in Muscle Mass Regular exercise and physical activities increase the muscle mass of a person, thus making him stronger, fitter and healthier.
  • Muscle Coordination Frequent exercise and special use of specific muscles for the same or similar skilled tasks, like dribbling a ball in a game of football, leads to improved coordination.

Question 5.
According to Carl C Jung, how people are described as extroverts and introverts? (1 + 1)
Carl C. Jung described people as extroverts and introverts based on the nature and attitude.

An extrovert is more open as the direction of energy is derived and expressed in the external world, environment and surroundings. Therefore, they are talkative, sociable, action-oriented, friendly, and outgoing.

On the other hand, an introvert is mainly confined to internal world i.e. his own self and therefore is not so open, less talkative etc.

They have their own internal world of thoughts, ideas, interests and attitudes. They take time to adjust in social situations.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions

Question 6.
What do you understand by term coordinative ability? (2)
Coordinative ability is the ability of the body to perform different movements with efficiency and accuracy. It mainly depends on the central nervous system.

Question 7.
Discuss some types of coordinative ability. (1 + 1)
The types of coordinative ability are

  • Differentiation Ability It is the ability to achieve a high level of fine tuning or harmony of individual movements phases and body part movements.
  • Orientation Ability It is the ability to determine and change the position and movements of the body in different types of situations.

Question 8.
What is flexibility? (2)
Flexibility is the ability of a joint to perform action through a range of movements. It is needed to perform everyday activities with relative ease. Flexibility tends to deteriorate with age.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions

Question 9.
What are methods of flexibility development? (1 + 1)
The methods of flexibility development are

  • Dynamic Stretching It refers to stretching that involves putting muscular effort along with movement at the same time.
  • Static Active Stretching In this method, the muscles are stretched without moving the limbs, and the limbs are held to the end position for 30 seconds.

Section B

Question 10.
Explain three different types of fractures caused commonly to sports person. (1 x 3)
Three types of fractures caused commonly to sports persons are stress fracture, comminuted fracture and impacted fracture. These are discussed

(i) Stress Fracture A stress fracture is an overuse injury. It occurs when muscles become fatigued and are unable to absorb added shock. Eventually, the fatigued muscle transfers the overload of stress to the bone causing a tiny crack, called a stress fracture.

(ii) Comminuted Fracture It is a break or splinter of the bone into more than two fragments. Since, considerable force and energy is required to fragment bone, fractures of this kind occurs after high-impact trauma such as vehicular accidents. This type of fracture is usually challenging to treat because the breakage is so complex.

(iii) Impacted Fracture An impacted fracture is one whose ends are driven into each other. This commonly occurs with arm fractures in children and is sometimes known as a buckle fracture.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions

Question 11.
Explain in brief the three types of personality as given by Sheldon. (1 x 3)
The types of personality, given by Sheldon are on the basis of body types and temperament. These are discussed as follows

  • Endomorphs, They have a pear-shaped and rounded physique. They have short arms and legs. The upper parts of the arms and legs seems to be thicker than the lower parts. They have underdeveloped muscles.
  • Ectomorphs, They are usually referred to as slim persons because their muscles and limbs are elongated. Usually, they have lot of difficulties in gaining weight. They have a flat chests and have less muscles mass.
  • Mesomorph, They are somewhere between endomorph and ectomorph. They have broad shoulders, narrow waist (wedge-shaped), muscular body, strong limbs and average body fat.

Question 12.
Explain the lifestyle disease of hypertension and describe the procedure of any one asana that reduces it. (l + 2)
Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure. In hypertension, the blood pressure of body goes beyond 140/90 mm/Hg. The normal body pressure of an adult person is considered as 120/80 mm/Hg.

The situation of hypertension arises when heart pumps more blood than normal situation and arteries become narrower.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions

One asana to reduce hypertension is Tadasana. Its procedure is –

  • This is done in a standing position.
  • Stand straight and join the feet together.
  • Toes must touch each other and heels may be slightly apart.
  • With deep inhalation, raise both the arms up and then interlock the fingers.
  • Stretch your shoulders and chest upwards.
  • Hold for 4 to 8 breaths.
  • Exhale and drop the shoulders down.
  • Repeat the entire procedure again.

Question 13.
What are the three causes behind intellectual disability? (1 x 3)
The three causes behind intellectual disability are

  • Genetic Conditions These include things like Down syndrome and Fragile X syndrome.
  • Problems during Childbirth If a baby is deprived of oxygen during childbirth or bom extremely premature.
  • Illness or Injury Infection like meningitis, whooping cough or measles can lead to intellectual disability.
  • Extreme malnutrition, infections in the brain, exposure to toxic substances such as lead, and severe neglect or abuse can also cause it.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions

Question 14.
Explain briefly strain and sprain
Strain and sprain are two common soft tissue injuries. Strain is caused due to twist, pull, tear of the muscles or tendous with symptoms of pain, swelling and loss of muscle strength. Strain often take place in the lower back region of the thigh area. On the other hand, sprain is a partial or complete tear of a ligament with symptoms of pain, swelling bruising, loss of functions. Both are due to weak muscular systems or insufficient warming up. Sprain usually take place in the knee and ankle region.

Section C

Question 15.
What is extrinsic motivation? Explain three ways of extrinsic motivation. (1 + 3)
Extrinsic motivation is when motivation depends upon environmental factors or external factors. Rewards given by parents, teachers, awards, medals, cash prize or punishment are forms of extrinsic motivation. The ways of extrinsic motivation are

(i) Knowledge of the Goal It is one of the most important techniques of motivation. A person should be made aware about the attainment of the goal. The player should be acquainted well with the aim and objectives of the goal.

(ii) Rewards Announcing rewards that will be given, once the tasks are accomplished successfully, has a great effect on a person’s performance.

For example, parents giving chocolates to their children for good performance. Rewards are of various types and help in achieving the goal, like cash, prize, job, professional security, honour, social status, etc. The rewards should be presented in front of all recipients.

(iii) Punishment Punishment is of various types like physical punishment, blame, economical punishment, social withdrawal, etc.

It is a type of negative motivation in which a person is shown fear, so that he works for better results. However, it should be avoided as it can have negative effects too.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions

Question 16.
Briefly explain the personality traits according to the classification given in Big Five Theory. (4)
Personality trait refers to the quality or characteristics that describe a personality.

In order to classify different personalities, they are divided into five parts which is known as the big five personality model. Each part of the model describes a personality trait which is as follows

(i) Openness It refers to how a person is inclined to face cultural norms. Its characteristics are imagination, insight, creativity, adventurous and abstract thinking. They are open to change.

(ii) Conscientiousness It refers to a dutiful and disciplined life. The characteristics include high level of thoughtfulness, good impulse control, goal-directed behaviours and risk-taking ability.

(iii) Extroversion It refers to the type of emotional expression and attitude. Its characteristics include sociability, talkative and assertiveness. It shows how social a person is, or how loving, caring and warm.

(iv) Agreeableness It refers to the attributes like cooperation, kindness, trust, affection and other social behaviours. It also shows being a dependable, trustworthy and caring personality.

(v) Neuroticism It refers to nervousness, worrying nature and anxiety. The characteristics are sadness, moodiness, emotional instability and irritability.

Question 17.
Disabled people should be treated with respect. In this context, explain the disability etiquettes in general. (4)
It is essential to treat disabled people with respect. They also have dignity and are not less than anyone. The disability etiquettes in general are

  • It is always important to respect the dignity of disabled people. So, talk to them with respect so that their self-esteem and confidence is built up.
  • Respect the individuality of the person. So, avoid generalising the disabled people and call them by their names.
  • Talk to the person and address him/her directly instead of talking through a friend or an interpreter who may also be present.
  • If you offer assistance, wait until the person responds. Then, listen carefully to his/her instructions.
  • Do not speak about disabled people as if they are invisible or cannot understand what is being said.
  • Do not show extra attention or added care as it may give a feeling of sympathy. Treat them with the same attention and care as with normal people.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 2 with Solutions

Question 18.
‘Physical activities are essential for children with special needs.’ Justify this statement. (1 x 4)
Physical activities have lots of benefits for children with special needs. It results in improved functional status and quality of life. Physical activities help the children with special needs in the following ways

  • Improves Fitness It strengthens the heart muscles, thereby improving cardiovascular efficiency, lung efficiency and exercise endurance. This helps in controlling repetitive behaviours among disabled children.
  • Develops Social Behaviour Besides improving fitness, physical activity develops social relationships with other children, teammates and teachers. This brings positive changes in the social behaviour of these children.
  • Makes Children Active It helps to improve the energy level of the body. Regular physical activity often makes children more energetic and allows them to become active.
  • Maintains Ideal Weight It helps to control weight. The children with disabilities are not physically active or may have a deficit of calories, which takes fat away and lowers weight but regular exercises help in regulating and maintaining ideal weight.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 1 with Solutions

Students can access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical with Solutions and marking scheme Term 2 Set 1 will help students in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 1 with Solutions

General Instructions :

  • There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
  • Section A consists of 9 questions amongst which 7 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 2 marks and should have 30-50 words.
  • Section B consists of 5 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 3 marks and should have 80-100 words.
  • Section C consists of 4 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted.
    Each question carries 4 marks and should have 100-150 words.

Maximum Marks : 35
Time : 2 Hours

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 1 with Solutions

Section A

Question 1.
Explain any two benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana. (1 + 1)
Benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana are

  • It loses extra fat and makes the body beautiful and strong.
  • It makes the liver, spleen and pancreas healthy.

Question 2.
Define explosive strength with help of example. (1 + 1)
Explosive strength is the ability to exert maximal force in minimal time. It involves heavy loading in shorter high-speed movements for a few repetitions with long rest period between them. It is a ability to overcome resistance with high speed. Explosive strength is generally used in shotput weightlifting, sprinting, etc.

Question 3.
Define personality and motivation. (1 + 1)
Personality is the sum total of inner and outer capabilities of an individual. Motivation is the influence of a general pattern of activities indicating and directing the behavior of the organism.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 1 with Solutions

Question 4.
Write the full form of SPD and ASD. (1 + 1)

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder is the full form of ASD.
  • Sensory Processing Disorder is the full form of SPD.

Question 5.
List any four changes happening in the muscular system due to exercising. (0.5 x 4)
Changes happening in the muscular system due to exercising are

  • Change in size and shape of muscle.
  • Increase in the strength of muscles.
  • Increase in coordination.
  • Entrance of greater quantity of oxygen in the body.

Question 6.
What is the meaning of the Isotonic method and it is used for developing which ability? (1 + 1)
Isotonic method include those exercises in which direct movements are visible to the 3rd person. In isotonic exercises rapid movements are accomplished by reflex alteration of contraction and relaxation of antagonistic flexors and extensors of the joints concerned. Isotonic method is used to develop strength ability.

Question 7.
Mention any two symptoms and causes of ADHD. (1 + 1)
Symptoms of ADHD are :

  • Children would could not perform daily life activities. They tend to forget routine work.
  • Adults always remain worried and impulsive.

Causes of ADHD are :

  • Heredity If any parent is suffering from ADHD, there remains a high probability of occurrence of this disorder in their children.
  • Pre-Nature Birth If a child is delivered prematurely the nervous system is not fully developed which increases chances of occurrence of ADHD.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 1 with Solutions

Question 8.
What is laceration and how can it be managed? (l + l)
A laceration is an injury that results in an irregular break in the skin, more commonly referred to as a cut, but defined as a tom and ragged wound.

Laceration (Treatment Steps) can be managed by stopping bleeding at the earliest by compression or by pressing or cleaning the surface of the injured part by using water and soap.

Question 9.
List down any two strategies to make physical activities accessible for CWSN. (l + 1)
Strategies to make physical activities accessible for CWSN are :

  • Interest Physical activities must be based on the interest, ability and limitations of children with special needs to ensure maximum participation.
  • Ability The physical and mental state of children with special needs shall be considered.

Section B

Question 10.
List down and briefly explain any four techniques of motivation.
Techniques of motivation are :

  1. Goal Setting It is one of the most powerful techniques of motivation. The athlete should be very specific and clear about his goal. In other words, an athlete should be very clear what he has to do, how and why.
  2. Reinforcement It is the use of rewards and punishments that will work to either encourage a certain action or discourage it in the future.
  3. Knowledge of Progress The athlete should know fully about himself, his capacity, quality, behavior, etc. One should be made aware about his progress from time to time.
  4. Rewards These are an effective tool to encourage progress and to achieve goal. Various rewards and cash prizes act as a strong motivational force for players to perform better.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 1 with Solutions

Question 11.
Explain cognitive disability along with its symptoms.
Cognitive disability is also known as an intellectual disability. This term is used when a person has certain limitations in mental functioning and in performing skills such as communication, self-help and social skills.

The symptoms of cognitive disability are :

  • Memory Disorder The person who has a problem in listening and then recalling things.
  • Hyper Activity The person tends to hyper during sitting, standing phase, the person remains in undue hurry.
  • Dyslexia The person who faces problems in reading, writing and memorizing.

Question 12.
Create a flowchart to explain classification of sports injuries.
The flowchart of classification of sports injuries is
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 1 with Solutions 1

Question 13.
List down any three asanas used for preventing Asthma and write two benefits of each. (1 + 2)
Three asanas which can be used for preventing Asthama are Sukhasana, Gomukhasana and Chakrasana.
Sukhasana is very simple to perform for the people of all ages and levels of physical wellness. If benefits are :

  • It stretches and lengthens the spine.
  • It helps in broadening the collar bone and chest.

Gomukhasana literally translates into a cow face posture. It is a seated yoga posture. It can be performed along with a set of different seated asanas. Its benefits are

  • It cures stiff shoulders.
  • It elongates spine.

Chakrasana involves a back bending posture that opens up the chest, tones the thighs, abdomen and spines and engages the whole body. Its benefits are

  • It enhances the respiratory system.
  • It strengthens the arm, leg, spine and abdomen.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 1 with Solutions

Question 14.
What are the salient features of the Fartlek Training Method? (1 x 3)
Features of Fartlek training method are :

  • It is an off-season training method but is very useful in developing endurance in athletes.
  • It has a psychological advantage over the other training methods because the changing scenes help in delaying fatigue.
  • It is the best method to improve endurance in sports where endurance is a basic requirement, e.g. cross-country running.

Question 15.
Explain any three personality types of the Big five theory. (1 + 3)
Three personality types of the Big five theory are :

(i) Openness It is a characteristic that includes imagination and insight. It leads to having a broad range of interests and being more adventurous when it comes to decision-making. Creativity also plays a big part in the openness trait; this leads to a greater comfort zone when it comes to abstract and lateral thinking.

(ii) Conscientiousness It is a trait that includes high levels of thoughtfulness, good impulse control, and goal-directed behaviours. This organised and structured approach is often found within people who work in science and even high-retail finance where detail orientation and organisation are required as a skill set. A highly conscientious person will regularly plan ahead and analyse their own behaviour to see how it affects others.

(iii) Agreeableness This trait includes signs of trust, altruism, kindness and affection. Highly agreeable people tend to have high prosocial behaviours which means that they are more inclined to be helping other people. Agreeable people tend to find careers in areas where they can help the most.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 1 with Solutions

Question 16.
Discuss physiological factors determining speed. (1 x 4)
The physiological factors which determine speed are :

Body Fat Fat acts as excess baggage when trying to run. Body fat of 6 to 10 percent of body weight for men and 12 to 17 percent of body weight for women is desirable for sprinting short distances. Lower range of body fat is unhealthy whereas higher range of body fat negatively affects speed.

Anaerobic Capacity Anaerobic capacity is the ability to produce energy without the use of oxygen. Short bursts of speed are anaerobic and are very intensive. Our body can only perform a certain number of quick bursts of speed before we experience the physiological response of pain and fatigue. Thus, an athlete having a better anaerobic capacity will have a better speed.

Neuromuscular Responses These responses affect speed. Faster responses lead to faster muscle contraction thus leading to faster speed.

Flexibility Good flexibility will help an athlete in maximum range of movement without much effort and resistance. Proper flexibility of the involved joints contributes to movements that are more fluid and coordinated, resulting in longer and faster strides and greater speed. Thus, flexibility plays an important role in determining speed.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 1 with Solutions

Question 17.
Define flexibility and explain methods to develop flexibility. (1 + 3)
Flexibility can be defined as the maximum range of motion at a joint that is the extent of movement possible about a joint without undue strain.

Methods to improve flexibility are :
Ballistic Stretching The individual performs these stretching exercises while in motion. This dynamic method uses the momentum generated from repeated bouncing movements to stretch the muscles.

Static Stretching It is an extremely popular and effective technique. Static stretching involves gently and slowly moving into the stretch position and holding it for a certain period of time. Movement should take place through the full range of motion until a little tension or tightness is felt in the muscles or group of muscles.

Passive Stretching Passive stretching techniques are usually performed with a partner who applies a stretch to a relaxed joint. Partner stretching requires closer communication between partners, and the slow application of the stretch in order to prevent injuries due to forceful manipulation of the body segment.

The proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) or Contract PNF technique is the most appropriate method for increasing or developing flexibility in the shortest possible time. This method is used by sportsmen for gaining flexibility. It involves use of muscle contraction before stretching to achieve maximum muscle relaxation.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 1 with Solutions

Question 18.
Briefly explain the administration of Pawanmuktasana along with its contraindications and draw stick diagram. (2 + 1 + 1)
The administration of Pawanmuktasana is

  • Lie on your back with your feet together and arms beside your body and relax, breathing deeply.
  • With a deep inhalation raise your legs to 90° and completely exhale.
  • Now with another inhalation bring both the knees close to your chest and press on the lower abdomen, holding the knees with your hands. Exhale completely.
  • Remain with bent knees for a few breaths. With every exhalation press the thighs and knees on the abdomen and hold them with your hands.
  • With a deep breath raise your head, neck and chest and bring them close to your knees.
  • Remain in this posture for a few breaths focusing on maintaining the position of the head and neck in place.
  • Try to maintain the balance while breathing slowly and keeping the body relaxed.
  • Now with an inhalation, release the neck and head and exhale completely.
  • With another inhalation straighten the legs and bring them back to 90° and as you exhale release the leg from 90° to the relaxed posture.
  • With complete exhalation, bring the legs stretched out on the floor and relax the neck.
  • Take a few breaths, and then continue with the next round. The longer you hold in this posture the faster the muscles around the abdomen loosen.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 1 with Solutions

Contraindications of Pawanmuktasana is that it is to be avoided by those who are suffering from severe migraine, high or low blood pressure, asthma, slip disc, advanced stages of spondylitis, etc.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education Term 2 Set 1 with Solutions 2

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 11 with Solutions

Students can access the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices with Solutions and marking scheme Term 2 Set 11 will help students in understanding the difficulty level of the exam.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 11 with Solutions

Maximum Marks : 35
Time : 2 hours


  • The question paper is divided into 3 sections – A, B and C.
  • Section A, consists of 7 questions (1-7). Each question carries 2 marks.
  • Section B, consists of 3 questions (8-10). Each question carries 3 marks.
  • Section C, consists of 3 questions (11-13). Each question carries 4 marks.
  • Internal choices have been given for question numbers -1, 3, 8 and 12.

Section – A
(Each question carries 2 Marks)

Question 1.
Two doctors are sitting in a room with their laptops connected and they want to share certain medical information among them. What kind of network is formed?
Raunak is uploading the updated web pages of his website into the web server. What is this process termed as?
A PAN or Personal Area Network is a network of personal devices connected in a small area.
Web hosting is a process of transferring or uploading the web pages of a website to a public server, so that they are available publicly to clients through out the network.

Question 2.
(i) Ahitagni wanted to know,whether the devices Modem, Router, UPS and Repeater have a role player in a network or not. Help him in identifying the device(s) that do not have any role as a network device.
UPS – Uninterrupted Power Supply is a power supply device and is not an essential component for a network.

(ii) Ravi was told by his teacher to identify the improper browser name from the following – Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, MySQL . Suggest him the one that is not a web browser.
MySQL is a database management system. All the others are popular web browsers.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 11 with Solutions

Question 3.
While facing an interview for the position of Database operator, Suman was asked to explain in short the uses of the following MySQL functions. Help her with the answers,
(i) LENGTH()
(ii) SUBSTR()
Suman was also offered with a choice of explaining the following two functions. Give her a short explanation of the following MySQL functions.
(i) LCASE()
(ii) UCASE()
(i) LENGTH() function returns the number of characters in a string.
(ii) SUBSTR( ) function extracts a part of a string from a start position and number of characters specified.
(i) LCASE() function converts a string to lowercase.
(ii) UCASE() function converts a string to uppercase.

Question 4.
Sunita’s boss asked her two reasons of why they should implement the star topology instead of ring topology in their office. Help her in the explanation.
(i) Node failure does not cause network failure.
(ii) Fault detection and isolation is easy.

Question 5.
The SUBSTR() function of MySQL is bothering Ritesh. Help him with two example commands to understand the working of the function.
(i) SELECT SUBSTR(‘‘AISSCE2022”,4,3);
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 11 with Solutions 1
The SUBSTR() function extracts certain number of characters from a starting position and number of characters specified. Here the function extracts 3 characters from position 4 of the string.

(ii) SELECT SUBSTR(“AISSE2021-22”,- 6,3);
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 11 with Solutions 2
The SUBSTR() function extracts certain number of characters from a starting position and number of characters specified. Here the function extracts 3 characters from position -6( 6 characters backward from the right) of the string.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 11 with Solutions

Question 6.
You are assigned the job to explain the utility of GROUP BY clause to your fellow members, of how it can be used to produce useful reports. Explain them with proper examples.
The SQL GROUP BY clause can be used to group records of a table on the basis of common values in a column. Such groups can be formed to produce aggregate values such as total, average, count, maximum, minimum etc. The aggregate functions play an important role along with GROUP BY to generate values from such groups formed.

Groups of records give results such highest in groups of classes, average salaries paid in departments, lowest production among groups of product categories etc.

Question 7.
Samadrita who is working on some Bio technical projects has prepared a table carrying Project details. The ‘Projdate’ column is given below. She wants to get certain results on the basis of months and years of the projects. Suggest her proper SQL commands using MySQL functions for the following.

Table: Project:


Write commands for the following.
(i) To display projectdates for the month of September.
(ii) To display number of Projdate for years before 2000.
Samadrita’s table has columns storing Projdate and Projectcost. She wants to get project costs for certain months and years. Help her in writing queries for the same.
Table : Project

Projdate Projectcost
2017-09-08 125000
2017-09-08 400000
2016-02-03 3500000
2014-04-03 1500000
1995-09-08 100000

Write commands for the following.
(i) To display the total Projectcost in the month of February.
(ii) To display the average Projectcost in the year 2017.
(i) SELECT Projdate FROM Project WHERE MONTH(Projdate)=09;
(ii) SELECT COUNT (Projdate) FROM Project WHERE YEAR(Projdate)<2000;
(i) SELECT SUM(Projectcost) FROM Project WHERE M0NTH(Projectcost)=02;
(ii) SELECT AVG(Projectcost) FROM Project WHERE YEAR(Projectcost) =2017;

Section – B
(Each question carries 3 Marks)

Question 8.
Snigdha is not very comfortable with the use of the ROUND() function of MySQL. Help her to solve the following outputs to make her concepts clear.
Write the outputs of the following ROUND() functions.
(i) SELECT ROUND(122.99);
(ii) SELECT ROUND(1788.791,-1);
(iii) SELECT R0UND( 155.25,-2);
Ravi knows that the INSTR() function searches for a string inside another. By giving the solutions of following outputs help him understand INSTR() function better.
Write the outputs of the following INSTR() functions.
(i) SELECT INSTR( ‘ Intel penti urn’ , ‘ pen ’);
(ii) SELECT I NSTR( ‘ AT phansomangoes ’. ‘ xx ’);
(iii) SELECT INSTR( ‘ 1947Independence’. ‘ 1947’);
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 11 with Solutions 3

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 11 with Solutions

Question 9.
Even after trying so many times to get outputs using some MySQL functions, Rishika could not get the outputs as she was using wrong function names or improper parameter order. Help her in correcting the commands.
To get remainder of dividing 11 by 2.
SELECT M0D( 11,2);

(ii) SELECT FINDP0S( ‘ circus ’, ‘ us ’);
To find the position of ‘us’ in ‘circus’.
SELECT I NSTR( ‘ circus ’, ‘ us ’);

(iii) SELECT INSTR(‘os’,‘digitaltatoos’);
To find the position of ‘os’ in ‘digitaltatoos’.
SELECT INSTR(“digitaltatoos”, “os”);

Question 10.
Rahul is confused about the order of parameters in following function calls. Help him to correcr the order of the parameters.
(i) SELECT MID(2.5, ‘mouseandkeyboard ’);
To extract 5 characters from position 2 of the string given.
SELECT MIDC ‘mouseandkeyboard’ ,2,5);

(ii) SELECT POW(9.7);
To find 7<sup>9</sup>.

(iii) SELECT M0D(2,19) ;
To find the remainder of dividing 19 by 2.
SELECT M0D( 19,2);

Section – C
(Each question carries 4 Marks)

Question 11.
In a class of students of class XII IP Mr. John a teacher asked to identify the columns on which the records of following table can be grouped. They were also told to write some SQL queries as given below. Assuming you are also part of the class, answer the questions.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 11 with Solutions 4
(i) Specify the columns on which the records can be grouped.
FlatType, Category

(ii) Display the Category wise maximum costs.
SELECT Category, MAX(Cost) FROM Building GROUP BY Category;

(iii) Display each FlatType and the number of flats of each type.
SELECT FlatType, C0UNT(*) FROM Building GROUP BY FlatType;

(iv) Display the lowest flat cost.
SELECT MIN(Cost) FROM Building;

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 11 with Solutions

Question 12.
The City hospital is maintaining the details of its patients like name, department, charges in a Patient table. They want to find out certain outputs for their performance analysis using some MySQL functions. Help them in their operations.

Table: Patient

Pname Dept Charges
Roychowdhury Paediatric 1500
Annapurna Paediatric 1000
Naina Ortho 300
Smriti Ortho 400
Payal Eye 200

(i) SELECT SUM(Charges) FROM Patient WHERE Dept “Ortho”;
(ii) SELECT INSTR(Pname,”nn”) FROM. Patient WHERE Pname =”Annapurna”;
(iii) SELECT MAX(Charges) FROM Patient WHERE Dept=”Paediatric”;
(iv) SELECT MIN(Charges) FROM Patient WHERE Charges>=1000;
The City hospital also wants to extract certain more parts from the patient names and find some more counts, help them in finding the outputs.
(i) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Patient;
(iii) SELECT SUBSTR(Pname, 5) FROM Patient WHERE Dept= “Paediatric”;
(iv) SELECT INSTR(Pname, “na”) FROM Patient;
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 11 with Solutions 5
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 11 with Solutions 6

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 11 with Solutions

Question 13.
Calcutta International School, in Mumbai is starting up the network between its different wings. There are four buildings named as SENIOR, JUNIOR, ADMIN and HOSTEL as shown below.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices Term 2 Set 11 with Solutions 7
The distance between various buildings


Number of computers in each building


(i) Which topology will be best to use in each of the buildings?
Star topology is best in terms of connectivity, attachment and detachment of nodes and error detection.

(ii) Name the building that is most suitable for placement of server.
Since ADMIN building has maximum number of computers, it is the best place to house the server.

(iii) Where do they need to install a hub?
As all the buildings have multiple computers, they need to be connected using hub.

(iv) Where do they need to install repeaters, if the buildings are connected?
Since all the given connections have a distance more than 100 m, they all need a repeater.