MCQ Questions for Class 7 Hindi Chapter 17 वीर कुवर सिंह with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 7 Hindi Chapter 17 वीर कुवर सिंह with Answers

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वीर कुवर सिंह Class 7 MCQs Questions with Answers

Class 7 Hindi Chapter 17 MCQ Question 1.
इस पाठ में किस स्थान पर 1857 में भीषण विद्रोह नहीं हुआ था।
(a) कानपुर
(b) बुंदेलखंड
(c) आजमगढ़
(d) रूहेलखंड।


Answer: (d) रूहेलखंड।

Veer Kunwar Singh Class 7 MCQ Question 2.
इनमें कौन-सा वीर प्रथम स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन में शामिल नहीं था?
(a) नाना साहेब
(b) तात्या टोपे
(c) सरदार भगत सिंह
(d) रानी लक्ष्मीबाई।


Answer: (c) सरदार भगत सिंह

MCQ Questions For Class 7 Hindi Chapter 17 Question 3.
वीर कुंवर सिंह का जन्म किस राज्य में हुआ था?
(a) बंगाल
(b) उत्तर प्रदेश
(c) बिहार
(d) उड़ीसा।


Answer: (c) बिहार

वीर कुंवर सिंह का जन्म किस राज्य में हुआ था

Veer Kunwar Singh Class 7 Extra Questions Question 4.
इस पाठ के लेखक कौन हैं?
(a) यतीश अग्रवाल
(b) विजय तेंदुलकर
(c) विभागीय
(d) जैनेंद्र कुमार।


Answer: (c) विभागीय

Veer Kunwar Singh MCQ Class 7 Question 5.
मंगल पांडे ने अंग्रेजों के विरुद्ध कहाँ बगावत किया था?
(a) दानापुर
(b) कानपुर
(c) आज़मगढ़
(d) बैरकपुर


Answer: (d) बैरकपुर

Class 7 Hindi Chapter 17 Extra Questions Question 6.
11 मई 1857 को भारतीय सैनिकों ने किस पर कब्जा कर लिया?
(a) लखनऊ
(b) आरा
(c) मेरठ
(d) दिल्ली


Answer: (d) दिल्ली

Ncert Class 7 Hindi Chapter 17 MCQ Question 7.
अंग्रेज़ी सेना और स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों के मध्य कहाँ भीषण युद्ध हुआ?
(a) बरेली
(b) कानपुर
(c) आरा
(d) उपर्युक्त सभी।


Answer: (d) उपर्युक्त सभी।

Class 7 Hindi Ch 17 MCQ Question 8.
कुंवर सिंह का जन्म-बिहार राज्य के किस जनपद में हुआ।
(a) शाहाबाद
(b) आरा
(c) जहानाबाद
(d) छपरा।


Answer: (a) शाहाबाद


वीर कुंवर सिंह के बचपन के बारे में बहुत अधिक जानकारी नहीं मिलती। कहा जाता है कि कुँवर सिंह का जन्म बिहार में शाहाबाद जिले के जगदीशपुर में सन् 1782 ई० में हुआ था। उनके पिता का नाम साहबजादा सिंह और माता का नाम पंचरतन कुँवर था। उनके पिता साहबजादा सिंह जगदीशपुर रियासत के ज़मींदार थे, परंतु उनको अपनी ज़मींदारी हासिल करने में बहुत संघर्ष करना पड़ा। पारिवारिक उलझनों के कारण कुँवर सिंह के पिता बचपन में उनकी ठीक से देखभाल नहीं कर सके। जगदीशपुर लौटने के बाद ही वे कुंवर सिंह की पढ़ाई-लिखाई की ठीक से व्यवस्था कर पाए।

Class 7th Hindi Chapter 17 MCQ Question 1.
वीर कुंवर सिंह का जन्म किस राज्य में हुआ था?
(a) पंजाब
(b) उत्तर प्रदेश
(c) उड़ीसा
(d) बिहार।


Answer: (d) बिहार।

Vir Kunwar Singh Class 7 MCQ Question 2.
कुँवर सिंह में देशभक्ति की भावना किसने जगाया?
(a) उनके मित्र ने
(b) मंगल पाण्डेय ने
(c) उनके पिता जी ने
(d) बसुरिया बाबा ने।


Answer: (d) बसुरिया बाबा ने।

Class 7 Chapter 17 Hindi MCQ Question 3.
कुँवर सिंह के पिता थे-
(a) राजा
(b) ज़मींदार
(c) जागीरदार
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं।


Answer: (b) ज़मींदार

कुँवर सिंह के पिता थे

Class 7 Hindi Veer Kunwar Singh MCQ Question 4.
सोनपुर का मेला कब लगता था?
(a) कार्तिक पूर्णिमा को
(b) कार्तिक अमावस्या को
(c) सावन के महीने में
(d) दीपावली से पूर्व।


Answer: (a) कार्तिक पूर्णिमा को

Ch 17 Hindi Class 7 MCQ Question 5.
कुँवर सिंह गुप्त योजनाएँ कहा बनाया करते थे।
(a) अपने घर पर
(b) सोनपुर के पशु मेले में
(c) जंगल में
(d) सभाओं में।


Answer: (b) सोनपुर के पशु मेले में


जगदीशपुर के जंगलों में ‘बासुरिया बाबा’ नाम के एक सिद्ध संत रहते थे। उन्होंने ही कुँवर सिंह में देशभक्ति एवं स्वाधीनता की भावना उत्पन्न की थी। उन्होंने बनारस, मथुरा, कानपुर, लखनऊ आदि स्थानों पर जाकर विद्रोह की सक्रिय योजनाएँ बनाईं। वे 1845 से 1846 तक काफ़ी सक्रिय रहे और गुप्त ढंग से ब्रिटिश हुकूमत के खिलाफ़ विद्रोह की योजना बनाते रहे। उन्होंने बिहार के प्रसिद्ध सोनपुर मेले को अपनी गुप्त बैठकों की योजना के लिए चुना। सोनपुर के मेले को एशिया का सबसे बड़ा पशु मेला माना जाता है। यह मेला कार्तिक पूर्णिमा के अवसर पर लगता है। यह हाथियों के क्रय-विक्रय के लिए भी विख्यात है। इसी ऐतिहासिक मेले में उन दिनों स्वाधीनता के लिए लोग एकत्र होकर क्रांति के बारे में योजना बनाते थे।

वीर कुंवर सिंह Class 7 Question 1.
बासुरिया बाबा कौन थे?
(a) एक सैनिक
(b) एक सिद्ध संत
(c) स्वतंत्रता सेनानी
(d) शिक्षक।


Answer: (b) एक सिद्ध संत

Question 2.
किस स्थान को गुप्त मेले के लिए चुना गया?
(a) पुष्कर मेले को
(b) नालंदा को
(c) बक्सर को
(d) सोनपुर मेले को।


Answer: (d) सोनपुर मेले को।

Question 3.
सोनपुर का मेला किस राज्य में आयोजित किया है?
(a) उड़ीसा
(b) उत्तर प्रदेश
(c) बिहार
(d) असम।


Answer: (c) बिहार

Question 4.
सोनपुर का मेला किसके क्रय-विक्रय के लिए विख्यात है?
(a) कपड़े के लिए
(b) घोड़ों के
(c) हाथियों के लिए
(d) बकरियों के लिए।


Answer: (c) हाथियों के लिए

Question 5.
“ऐतिहासिक’ शब्द में प्रयुक्त प्रत्यय कौन-सा है?
(a) इक
(b) विक
(b) आसिक
(d) क।


Answer: (a) इक


दानापुर और आरा की इस लड़ाई की ज्वाला बिहार में सर्वत्र व्याप्त हो गई थी, लेकिन देशी सैनिकों में अनुशासन की कमी, स्थानीय ज़मींदारों का अंग्रेजों के साथ सहयोग करना एवं आधुनिकतम शस्त्रों की कमी के कारण जगदीशपुर का पतन रोका न जा सका। 13 अगस्त को जगदीशपुर में कुँवर सिंह की सेना अंग्रेजों से परास्त हो गई। किंतु इससे वीरवर कुँवर सिंह का आत्मबल टूटा नहीं और वे भावी संग्राम की योजना बनाने में तत्पर हो गए। वे क्रांति के अन्य संचालक नेताओं से मिलकर इस आजादी की लड़ाई को आगे बढ़ाना चाहते थे। कुंवर सिंह सासाराम से मिर्जापुर होते हुए रीवा, कालपी, कानपुर एवं लखनऊ तक गए। लखनऊ में शांति नहीं थी इसलिए बाबू कुँवर सिंह ने आज़मगढ़ की ओर प्रस्थान किया। उन्होंने आज़ादी की इस आग को बराबर जलाए रखा। उनकी वीरता की कीर्ति पूरे उत्तर भारत में फैल गई। कुँवर सिंह की इस विजय यात्रा से अंग्रेजों के होश उड़ गए।

Question 1.
जगदीशपुर के पतन का प्रमुख कारण क्या था?
(a) नए शस्त्रों की कमी
(b) सैनिकों में अनुशासन का आभाव
(c) ज़मींदारों का अंग्रेजों के साथ सहयोग करना
(d) उपर्युक्त सभी।


Answer: (d) उपर्युक्त सभी।

Question 2.
दानापुर और आरा की लड़ाई का क्या परिणाम हुआ।
(a) स्थानीय लड़ाई बनकर रह गई
(b) पूरे बिहार में आज़ादी की आग फैल गई
(c) सारे देश में इसका परिणाम हुआ
(d) बिहार में चारों तरफ़ आतंक का वातावरण छा गया।


Answer: (b) पूरे बिहार में आज़ादी की आग फैल गई

Question 3.
अंग्रेजों से पराजय के बाद कुँवर सिंह का आत्मबल-
(a) बढ़ गया
(b) टूट गया
(c) लूट गया
(d) ठीक रहा।


Answer: (a) बढ़ गया

Question 4.
लखनऊ से कुँवर सिंह ने कहाँ प्रस्थान किया?
(a) कानपुर
(b) मिर्जापुर
(c) आरा
(d) आजमगढ़।


Answer: (d) आजमगढ़।

Question 5.
‘वीरता’ में ‘ता’ क्या है?
(a) उपसर्ग
(b) प्रत्यय
(c) मूलशब्द
(d) अन्य।


Answer: (b) प्रत्यय


वीर कुंवर सिंह ने ब्रिटिश हुकूमत के साथ लोहा तो लिया ही उन्होंने अनेक सामाजिक कार्य भी किए। आरा ज़िला स्कूल के लिए ज़मीन दान में दी जिस पर स्कूल के भवन का निर्माण किया गया। कहा जाता है कि उनकी आर्थिक स्थिति बहुत अच्छी नहीं थी, फिर भी वे निर्धन व्यक्तियों की सहायता करते थे। उन्होंने अपने इलाके में अनेक सुविधाएँ प्रदान की थीं। उनमें से एक है-आराजगदीशपुर सड़क और आरा-बलिया सड़क का निर्माण। उस समय जल की पूर्ति के लिए लोग कुएँ खुदवाते थे और तालाब बनवाते थे। वीर कुंवर सिंह ने अनेक कुएँ खुदवाए और जलाशय भी बनवाए।

Question 1.
वीर कुंवर सिंह ने क्या-क्या सामाजिक कार्य किए?
(a) स्कूल के लिए जमीन दान दिए
(b) सड़कें बनाए
(c) कुएँ तथा तलाब बनवाए
(d) उपर्युक्त सभी।


Answer: (d) उपर्युक्त सभी।

Question 2.
कुंवर सिंह ने आरा की ज़मीन दान में क्यों दी?
(a) वृद्धाश्रम हेतु
(b) विद्यालय हेतु
(c) बाग-बगीचे के लिए
(d) स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों के लिए।


Answer: (b) विद्यालय हेतु

Question 3.
कुंवर सिंह ने किस सड़क का निर्माण करवाया?
(a) आरा
(b) आरा-जगदीशपुर
(c) आरा से बलिया तक
(d) जगदीशपुर व बलिया।


Answer: (c) आरा से बलिया तक

Question 4.
कुँवर सिंह के किस प्रकार के व्यक्तित्व थे?
(a) उदार
(b) संवेदनशील
(c) परोपकारी
(d) उपर्युक्त सभी।


Answer: (d) उपर्युक्त सभी।

Question 5.
‘लोहा लेना’ मुहावरे का क्या अर्थ है?
(a) बदला देना
(b) परेशान करना
(c) धाक जमाना
(d) उपर्युक्त सभी।


Answer: (a) बदला देना


सन् 1857 के व्यापक-सशस्त्र विद्रोह ने भारत में ब्रिटिश शासन की जड़ों को हिला दिया। भारत में ब्रिटिश शासन ने जिस दमन नीति को आरंभ दिया उसके विरुद्ध विद्रोह शुरू हो गया था। मार्च 1857 में बैरकपुर में अंग्रेजों के विरुद्ध बगावत करने पर मंगल पांडे को 8 अप्रैल 1857 को फाँसी दे दी गई। 10 मई 1857 को मेरठ में भारतीय सैनिकों ने ब्रिटिश अधिकारियों के विरुद्ध आंदोलन किया और सीधे दिल्ली की ओर कूच कर गए। दिल्ली में तैनात सैनिकों के साथ मिलकर 11 मई को उन्होंने दिल्ली पर कब्जा कर लिया और अंतिम मुगल शासक बहादुरशाह ज़फ़र को भारत का शासक घोषित कर दिया।

Question 1.
सन् 1857 के सशस्त्र विद्रोह का भारत में ब्रिटिश शासन पर क्या असर हुआ?


Answer: सन् 1857 के सशस्त्र विद्रोह का भारत में ब्रिटिश शासन पर असर यह हुआ कि वह कमज़ोर हो गया।

Question 2.
भारतीयों ने अंग्रेजों की किस नीति का विद्रोह किया था?


Answer: भारतीयों ने अंग्रेज़ों के दमन नीति का विद्रोह किया।

Question 3.
मंगल पांडे को फांसी क्यों दी गई?


Answer: मंगल पांडे को फाँसी इसलिए दिया गया क्योंकि मार्च 1857 में बैरकपुर में अंग्रेजों के विरुद्ध बगावत करने पर मंगल पांडे को 18 अप्रैल 1857 को फाँसी दे दी गई।

Question 4.
मेरठ में विद्रोह करने के बाद भारतीय सैनिक कहाँ चले गए।


Answer: 10 मई 1857 को मेरठ में भारतीय सैनिकों ने ब्रिटिश अधिकारियों के विरुद्ध आंदोलन किया और सीधे वे दिल्ली कूच कर गए।


वीर कुंवर सिंह के बचपन के बारे में बहुत अधिक जानकारी नहीं मिलती। कहा जाता है कि कुँवर सिंह का जन्म बिहार में शाहाबाद जिले के जगदीशपुर में सन् 1782 ई० में हुआ था। उनके पिता का नाम साहबज़ादा सिंह और माता का नाम पंचरतन कुँवर था। उनके पिता साहबज़ादा सिंह जगदीशपुर रियासत के ज़मींदार थे, परंतु उनको अपनी ज़मींदारी हासिल करने में बहुत संघर्ष करना पड़ा। पारिवारिक उलझनों के कारण कुँवर के पिता बचपन में उनकी ठीक से देखभाल नहीं कर सके। जगदीशपुर लौटने के बाद ही वे कुँवर सिंह की पढ़ाई-लिखाई की ठीक से व्यवस्था कर पाए।

Question 1.
वीर कुंवर सिंह का जन्म कब और कहाँ हुआ था?


Answer: वीर कुंवर सिंह का जन्म बिहार में शाहाबाद जिले के जगदीशपुर नामक स्थान पर सन् 1782 में हुआ था।

Question 2.
कुँवर सिंह के माता-पिता कौन थे?


Answer: वीर कुंवर सिंह के पिता का नाम साहबजादा सिंह व माता का नाम पंचरतन कुँवर था।

Question 3.
इनके पिता बचपन में इसकी देखभाल क्यों नहीं कर पाए?


Answer: वीर कुंवर सिंह के पिता जगदीशपुर रियासत के ज़मींदार थे। उन्हें अपनी ज़मींदारी हासिल करने के लिए काफ़ी संघर्ष करना पड़ा। इसके अलावे पारिवारिक उलझनों के कारण वे अपने बेटे कुँवर सिंह की देखभाल सही रूप में न कर सके।

Question 4.
कुँवर सिंह के पिता कैसे व्यक्ति थे?


Answer: वीर कुंवर सिंह के पिता वीर होने के साथ-साथ स्वाभिमानी एवं उदार स्वभाव के व्यक्ति थे।

Question 5.
कुँवर सिंह की प्रारंभिक शिक्षा-दीक्षा किस प्रकार हुई ?


Answer: वीर कुंवर सिंह के पिता जगदीशपुर रियासत के ज़मींदार थे। उन्होंने उनकी प्रारंभिक शिक्षा की व्यवस्था घर पर ही कर दिया था, जहाँ उन्होंने हिंदी, संस्कृत और फारसी सीखी, लेकिन पढ़ने-लिखने से ज़्यादा उनका मन घुड़सवारी तलवारबाज़ी और कुश्ती लड़ने में लगता था।


आज़मगढ़ की ओर जाने का उनका उद्देश्य था-इलाहाबाद एवं बनारस पर आक्रमण कर शत्रुओं को पराजित करना और अंततः जगदीशपुर पर अधिकार करना। अंग्रेजों और कुँवर सिंह की सेना के बीच घमासान युद्ध हुआ। उन्होंने 22 मार्च 1858 को आजमगढ़ पर कब्जा कर लिया। अंग्रेजों ने दोबारा आज़मगढ़ पर आक्रमण किया। कुँवर सिंह ने एक बार फिर आज़मगढ़ में अंग्रेजों को हराया। इस प्रकार अंग्रेज़ी सेना को परास्त कर वीर कुंवर सिंह 23 अप्रैल 1858 को स्वाधीनता की विजय पताका फहराते हुए जगदीशपुर पहुँच गए। किंतु इस बूढ़े शेर को बहुत अधिक दिनों तक इस विजय का आनंद लेने का सौभाग्य न मिला। इसी दिन विजय उत्सव मनाते हुए लोगों ने यूनियन जैक (अंग्रेज़ों का झंडा) उतारकर अपना झंडा फहराया। इसके तीन दिन बाद ही 26 अप्रैल 1858 को यह वीर इस संसार से विदा होकर अपनी अमर कहानी छोड़ गया।

Question 1.
वीर कुंवर सिंह का आजमगढ़ की ओर बढ़ने का क्या उद्देश्य था? लिखिए ?


Answer: वीर कुंवर सिंह का आज़मगढ़ की ओर बढ़ने का उद्देश्य था इलाहाबाद और बनारस पर आक्रमण करके शत्रुओं को पराजित करके अंत में जगदीशपुर पर अपना आधिपत्य जमाना था।

Question 2.
आजमगढ़ में कुँवर सिंह ने अंग्रेजों का सामना कैसे किया?


Answer: आज़मगढ़ में वीर कुंवर सिंह और अंग्रेजों के बीच घमासान युद्ध हुआ। 22 मार्च 1858 को कुंवर सिंह की सेना ने आज़मगढ़ पर अधिकार कर लिया। अंग्रेजों ने पुनः आक्रमण कर दिया। कुँवर सिंह ने उन्हें दुबारा परास्त कर दिया।

Question 3.
जगदीशपुर में स्वाधीनता की विजय पताका कब फहराई गई?


Answer: वीर कुंवर सिंह द्वारा जगदीशपुर में स्वाधीनता की विजय पताका 23 अप्रैल 1858 को फहराई गई।

Question 4.
वीर कुंवर सिंह की मृत्यु कब हुई ?


Answer: वीर कुंवर सिंह की मृत्यु 26 अप्रैल 1858 को हुई।

Question 5.
‘स्वाधीनता’ और ‘पराधीनता’ शब्द का विलोम लिखिए।



शब्द विलोम शब्द
स्वाधीनता पराधीनता
सौभाग्य दुर्भाग्य


वीर कुंवर सिंह ने ब्रिटिश हुकूमत के साथ लोहा तो लिया ही उन्होंने अनेक सामाजिक कार्य भी किए। आरा जिला स्कूल के लिए ज़मीन दान में दी जिस पर स्कूल के भवन का निर्माण किया गया। कहा जाता है कि उनकी आर्थिक स्थिति बहुत अच्छी नहीं थी, फिर भी वे निर्धन व्यक्तियों की सहायता करते थे। उन्होंने अपने इलाके में अनेक सुविधाएँ प्रदान की थीं। उनमें से एक है-आराजगदीशपुर सड़क और आरा-बलिया सड़क का निर्माण। उस समय जल की पूर्ति के लिए लोग कुएँ खुदवाते थे और तालाब बनवाते थे। वीर कुंवर सिंह ने अनेक कुएँ खुदवाए और जलाशय भी बनवाए।

Question 1.
वीर कुंवर सिंह ने क्या-क्या काम किए?


Answer: वीर कुंवर सिंह ने आरा जिला स्कूल के लिए जमीन दान में दिए, गरीबों की आर्थिक मदद की, सड़कें बनवाईं, कुएँ खुदवाए, तालाब बनवाए, इसके अलावे मदरसों का निर्माण करवाए।

Question 2.
कुंवर सिंह की चारित्रिक विशेषताएँ क्या-क्या थीं?


Answer: वीर कुंवर सिंह की प्रमुख चारित्रिक विशेषताएँ थीं कि वे धर्मनिरपेक्ष थे। उनकी सेना में हिंदुओं के साथ-साथ मुसलमान भी उच्च पदों पर आसीन थे। इसके अतिरिक्त उन्होंने पाठशालाओं के साथ-साथ मदरसे भी बनवाए। उनके दरबार में हिंदुओं और मुसलमानों के सभी त्योहार एक साथ मिलकर मनाए जाते थे।

Question 3.
कुँवर सिंह की धर्मनिरपेक्षता किन बातों से पता चलता है?


Answer: वीर कुंवर सिंह की प्रमुख चारित्रिक विशेषताएँ थीं कि वे धर्मनिरपेक्ष थे। उनकी सेना में हिंदुओं के साथ-साथ मुसलमान भी उच्च पदों पर आसीन थे। इसके अतिरिक्त उन्होंने पाठशालाओं के साथ-साथ मदरसे भी बनवाए। उनके दरबार में हिंदुओं और मुसलमानों के सभी त्योहार एक साथ मिलकर मनाए जाते थे।

Question 4.
उन्होंने किस विशेष सड़क का निर्माण करवाया?


Answer: उन्होंने आरा-जगदीशपुर और आरा-बलिया सड़क का निर्माण करवाया।

Question 5.
कुँवर सिंह की लोकप्रियता का पता किससे चलता है ?


Answer: वीर कुंवर सिंह की लोकप्रियता का पता उन गीतों से चलता है जो बिहार की लोक भाषाओं में उनकी प्रशस्ति के रूप में गाए जाते हैं।

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Class 9 Hindi MCQ

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  6. पार नज़र के Class 6 MCQ Questions
  7. साथी हाथ बढ़ाना Class 6 MCQ Questions
  8. ऐसे-ऐसे Class 6 MCQ Questions
  9. टिकट अलबम Class 6 MCQ Questions
  10. झाँसी की रानी Class 6 MCQ Questions
  11. जो देखकर भी नहीं देखते Class 6 MCQ Questions
  12. संसार पुस्तक है Class 6 MCQ Questions
  13. मैं सबसे छोटी होऊँ Class 6 MCQ Questions
  14. लोकगीत Class 6 MCQ Questions
  15. नौकर Class 6 MCQ Questions
  16. वन के मार्ग में Class 6 MCQ Questions
  17. साँस-साँस में बाँस Class 6 MCQ Questions
  18. बाल रामकथा Class 6 MCQ Questions

MCQ Questions for Class 6 Hindi Grammar with Answers व्याकरण

  1. अपठित गद्यांश Class 6 MCQ
  2. अपठित काव्यांश Class 6 MCQ
  3. वर्ण विचार Class 6 MCQ
  4. वर्तनी Class 6 MCQ
  5. संधि विचार Class 6 MCQ
  6. शब्द विचार Class 6 MCQ
  7. अनेकार्थी शब्द Class 6 MCQ
  8. पर्यायवाची शब्द Class 6 MCQ
  9. विलोम शब्द Class 6 MCQ
  10. वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द Class 6 MCQ
  11. तत्सम एवं तद्भव Class 6 MCQ
  12. उपसर्ग और प्रत्यय Class 6 MCQ
  13. समास Class 6 MCQ
  14. संज्ञा, कारक, सर्वनाम, विशेषण एवं क्रिया Class 6 MCQ
  15. मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ Class 6 MCQ

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MCQ Questions for Class 8 Science with Answers PDF Download Chapter Wise

MCQ Questions for Class 8 Science with Answers PDF Download Chapter Wise

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Students can also visit the most accurate and elaborate NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science. Every question of the textbook has been answered here.

Online Education for Class 8 Science MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

Practicing these CBSE NCERT Objective MCQ Questions of Class 8 Science with Answers Pdf will guide students to do a quick revision for all the concepts present in each chapter and prepare for final exams.

  1. Crop Production and Management Class 8 MCQ Questions
  2. Microorganisms: Friend and Foe Class 8 MCQ Questions
  3. Synthetic Fibres and Plastics Class 8 MCQ Questions
  4. Materials: Metals and Non-Metals Class 8 MCQ Questions
  5. Coal and Petroleum Class 8 MCQ Questions
  6. Combustion and Flame Class 8 MCQ Questions
  7. Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 MCQ Questions
  8. Cell Structure and Functions Class 8 MCQ Questions
  9. Reproduction in Animals Class 8 MCQ Questions
  10. Reaching the Age of Adolescence Class 8 MCQ Questions
  11. Force and Pressure Class 8 MCQ Questions
  12. Friction Class 8 MCQ Questions
  13. Sound Class 8 MCQ Questions
  14. Chemical Effects of Electric Current Class 8 MCQ Questions
  15. Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 MCQ Questions
  16. Light Class 8 MCQ Questions
  17. Stars and the Solar System Class 8 MCQ Questions
  18. Pollution of Air and Water Class 8 MCQ Questions

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MCQ Questions for Class 10 Sanskrit with Answers Shemushi Bhag 2

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Class 10 Sanskrit MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

Practicing these CBSE NCERT Objective MCQ Questions of Class 10 Sanskrit with Answers Pdf of Shemushi Bhag 2 will guide students to do a quick revision for all the concepts present in each chapter and prepare for final exams.

  1. शुचिपर्यावरणम् Class 10 MCQ
  2. बुद्धिर्बलवती सदा Class 10 MCQ
  3. व्यायामः सर्वदा पथ्यः Class 10 MCQ
  4. शिशुलालनम् Class 10 MCQ
  5. जननी तुल्यवत्सला Class 10 MCQ
  6. सुभाषितानि Class 10 MCQ
  7. सौहार्दं प्रकृतेः शोभा Class 10 MCQ
  8. विचित्रः साक्षी Class 10 MCQ
  9. सूक्तयः Class 10 MCQ
  10. भूकंपविभीषिका Class 10 MCQ
  11. प्राणेभ्योऽपि प्रियः सुह्रद् Class 10 MCQ
  12. अनयोक्त्यः Class 10 MCQ

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 10 Sanskrit with Answers of Shemushi Bhag 2 PDF Free Download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 10 Sanskrit MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers of शेमुषी भाग 2, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 8 विचित्रः साक्षी with Answers

Check the below Online Education NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 8 विचित्रः साक्षी with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 10 Sanskrit with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided विचित्रः साक्षी Class 10 Sanskrit MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Students can also read NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 8 Questions and Answers at LearnInsta. Here all questions are solved with a detailed explanation, It will help to score more marks in your examinations.

उचितं पदं चित्वा प्रश्ननिर्माणं कुरुत

Question 1.
आरक्षिणि निजपक्षं प्रस्तुतवति।।
(i) किम्
(ii) कस्मिन्
(iii) कानि
(iv) कस्य


Answer: (ii) कस्मिन्

Question 2.
शवः प्रावारकम् अपसार्य निवेदितवान्।
(i) कम्
(ii) किम्
(iii) कः
(iv) काम्


Answer: (ii) किम्

Question 3.
त्वं वर्षत्रयस्य कारादण्ड लप्स्यसे।
(i) किम्
(ii) कम्
(iii) काम्
(iv) कति


Answer: (ii) कम्

Question 4.
न्यायाधीशः अतिथिम् ससम्मानं मुक्तवान्।
(i) कः
(ii) कम्
(iii) कथम्
(iv) केन


Answer: (iii) कथम्

Question 5.
मति वैभवशालिनः जनाः दुष्कराणि कर्माणि प्रकुर्वते।
(i) कः
(ii) के
(iii) कीदृशाः
(iv) काः


Answer: (iii) कीदृशाः

Question 6.
नीति युक्तिं समालम्ब्य लीलयैव प्रकुर्वते।
(i) कया
(ii) कैव
(iii) किम्
(iv) कुत्र


Answer: (i) कया

नीति युक्तिं समालम्ब्य लीलयैव प्रकुर्वते।

Question 7.
अभियुक्तः अतीव कृशकायः आसीत्।
(i) कः
(ii) कीदृशः
(ii) किम्
(iv) कथम्


Answer: (ii) कीदृशः

Question 8.
कश्चित् कर्मचारी समागत्य न्यवेदयत्।
(i) कः
(ii) कीदृशः
(iii) की
(iv) कम्


Answer: (i) कः

Question 9.
अन्येद्युः तौ न्यायालये स्व-स्व-पक्षं पुनः स्थापितवन्तौ।
(i) के
(ii) कुत्र/कस्मिन्
(iii) कदा
(iv) कदा


Answer: (ii) कुत्र/कस्मिन्

Question 10.
निशान्धकारे पदयात्रा न शुभावहा।
(i) कुत्र
(ii) कस्मिन्
(iii) का
(iv) कः


Answer: (ii) कस्मिन्

Question 11.
ग्रामस्य आरक्षी एव चौरः आसीत्।
(i) कः
(ii) कस्य
(iii) किम्
(iv) कथम्


Answer: (ii) कस्य

Question 12.
जनाः वराकम् अतिथिम् चौरं मत्वा भर्स्यन्।।
(i) कम्
(ii) कीदृशम्
(iii) किम्
(iv) कः


Answer: (ii) कीदृशम्

Question 13.
प्रबुद्धाः ग्रामवासिनः स्वगृहात् निष्क्रम्य तत्रागच्छन्।
(i) के
(ii) काः
(iii) कीदृशाः
(iv) कः


Answer: (iii) कीदृशाः

Question 14.
तत् तनयः पठनाय स्वगृहात् निष्क्रम्य तत्रागच्छन्।
(i) कस्मै
(ii) किमर्थम्
(iii) काय
(iv) कात्


Answer: (ii) किमर्थम्

Question 15.
चौरः एव उच्चैः क्रोशितुमारभत।।
(i) कः
(ii) किम्
(iii) कस्मै
(iv) काः


Answer: (i) कः

Question 16.
उभौ शवं स्कन्धेन वहन्तौ न्यायाधिकरणं प्रति प्रस्थितौ।
(i) कः
(ii) को
(iii) किम्
(iv) कथम्


Answer: (ii) को

Question 17.
एतेन आरक्षिणा अध्वनि यदुक्तं तत् वर्णयामि।
(i) कया
(ii) केन
(iii) का
(iv) कीदृशाः


Answer: (ii) केन

Question 18.
असौ तौ अग्रिमेदिने उपस्थातुम् आदिष्टवान्।
(i) कदा
(ii) कथम्
(iii) कीदृशे
(iv) के


Answer: (i) कदा

Question 19.
भारवतः शवस्य स्कन्धेन वहनं तत्कृते दुष्करम् आसीत्।
(i) कथम्
(ii) कम्
(iii) कीदृशम्
(iv) किम्


Answer: (iii) कीदृशम्

Question 20.
बकिमचन्द्रः उभाभ्यां पृथक्-पृथक् विवरणं श्रुतवान्।
(i) काभ्याम्
(ii) काम्
(iii) केषाम्
(iv) कीदृशीम्


Answer: (i) काभ्याम्

Question 21.
इदानीम् निजकृत्यस्य फलं भुझ्व।
(i) कदा
(ii) काम्
(iii) किम्
(iv) कस्याम्


Answer: (i) कदा

Question 22.
सर्वम् वृत्तम् अवगत्य सः तम् निर्दोषम् अमन्यत।
(i) कम्
(ii) किम्
(iii) काम्
(iv) कथम्


Answer: (ii) किम्

Question 23.
इति प्रोच्य आरक्षी उच्चैः अहसत्।
(i) कथम्
(ii) कैः
(iii) के
(iv) कः


Answer: (i) कथम्

Question 24.
पदातिक्रमेण संचलन् सायं अभवत्।
(i) केन
(ii) किमर्यम्
(iii) कम्
(iv) कीदृशम्


Answer: (i) केन

Question 25.
तनूजस्य रुग्णतामाकर्ण्य पिता व्याकुलः व्यातः।
(i) कः.
(ii) कीदृशः
(iii) कम्
(iv) कथम्


Answer: (ii) कीदृशः

तनूजस्य रुग्णतामाकर्ण्य पिता व्याकुलः व्यातः।

अधोलिखितं गद्याशं पठित्वा निर्देशानुसारं प्रश्नान् उत्तरत

(क) कश्चन निर्धनो जनः भूरि परिश्रम्य किञ्चिद् वित्तमुपार्जितवान्। तेन वित्तेन स्वपुत्रम् एकस्मिन् महाविद्यालये प्रवेशं दापयितुं सफलो जातः। तत्तनयः तत्रैव छात्रावासे निवसन् अध्ययने संलग्नः समभूत्। एकदा स पिता तनूजस्य रुग्णतामाकर्ण्य व्याकुलो जातः पुत्रं द्रष्टुं च प्रस्थितः। परमर्थकार्येन पीडितः स बसयानं विहाय पदातिरेव प्राचलत्। पदातिक्रमेण संचलन् सायं समयेऽप्यसौ गन्तव्याद् दूरे आसीत्। “निशान्धकारे प्रसृते विजने प्रदेशे पदयात्रा न शुभावहा।’ एवं विचार्य स पार्श्वस्थिते ग्रामे रात्रिनिवासं कर्तुं कञ्चिद् गृहस्थमुपागतः। करुणापरो गृही तस्मै आश्रयं प्रायच्छत्।

Question 1.
कीदृशः जनः परिश्रमं करोति?


Answer: निर्धनम्

Question 2.
सः कम् महाविद्यालये प्रवेशं दापयितुं सफलः जातः?


Answer: स्वपुत्रम्

Question 3.
निर्धनस्य पुत्रः कुत्र निवसन् अध्ययने संलग्नः समभूत्?


Answer: छात्रावासे

Question 4.
रात्रिनिवासं कर्तुम् सः कम् उपागतः?


Answer: सः पावस्थिते ग्रामे रात्रिनिवासम् कर्तुम् कञ्चित् गृहस्थमुपागतः।

Question 5.
कः तस्मै आश्रयं प्रायच्छत्?


Answer: करुणापरो गृही तस्मै आश्रयं प्रायच्छत्।

Question 6.
‘निर्धनः जनः’ अत्र विशेषणपदं किम्?


Answer: निर्धनः

Question 7.
‘उपार्जितवान्’ इति क्रियापदस्य कर्तृपदं किम्?


Answer: जनः

Question 8.
‘पिता’ इति कर्तृपदस्य क्रियापदं किमस्ति?


Answer: प्रस्थितः

Question 9.
गद्यांशे ‘अधिकम्’ इत्यस्य पदस्य कः पर्यायः लिखितः?


Answer: (क) भूरि

(ख) विचित्रा दैवगतिः। तस्यामेव रात्रौ तस्मिन् गृहे कश्चन चौरः गृहाभ्यन्तरं प्रविष्टः। तत्र निहितामेकां मञ्जूषाम् आदाय पलायितः। चौरस्य पादध्वनिना प्रबुद्धोऽतिथिः चौरशङ्कया तमन्वधावत् अगृह्णाच्च, परं विचित्रमघटत। चौरः एव उच्चैः क्रोशितुमारभत “चौरोऽयं चौरोऽयम्” इति। तस्य तारस्वरेण प्रबुद्धाः ग्रामवासिनः स्वगृहाद् निष्क्रम्य तत्रागच्छन् वराकमतिथिमेव च चौरं मत्वाऽभर्त्सयन्। यद्यपि ग्रामस्य आरक्षी एव चौर आसीत्। तत्क्षणमेव रक्षापुरुषः तम् अतिथिं चौरोऽयम् इति प्रख्याप्य कारागृहे प्राक्षिपत्।

Question 1.
दैवगतिः कीदृशी अस्ति?


Answer: विचित्रा

Question 2.
गृहाभ्यान्तरं कः प्रविष्टः?


Answer: चौरः

Question 3.
कः उच्चैः क्रोशितुम् आरभत?


Answer: चौरः

Question 4.
ग्रामवासिनः किम् अकुर्वन्?


Answer: तस्य नरस्य तारस्वरेण प्रबुद्धाः ग्रामवासिनः स्वगृहात् निष्क्रम्य तत्रागच्छन् वराकमतिथिमेव च चौरं मत्वा अभर्त्सयन्।

Question 5.
चौरस्य पादध्वनिना प्रबुद्धोऽतिथिः किम् अकरोत्?


Answer: चौरस्य पादध्वनिना प्रबुद्धोऽतिथिः चौरशङ्कया तमन्वधावत् अगृह्णाच्च।

Question 6.
‘विचित्रा दैवगतिः’ अत्र विशेषणपदं किम्?


Answer: विचित्रा

Question 7.
‘प्रविष्टः’ इति क्रियापदस्यं कर्तृपदं किम्?


Answer: चौरः

Question 8.
‘दिवसे’ इति पदस्य विपर्ययपदं किम् प्रयुक्तम्?


Answer: रात्रौ

Question 9.
‘उच्चस्वरेण’ इत्यस्य पदस्य अत्र कः पर्यायः आगतः?


Answer: तारस्वरेण

(ग) अग्रिमे दिने स आरक्षी चौर्याभियोगे तं न्यायालयं नीतवान्। न्यायाधीशो बंकिमचन्द्रः वा उभाभ्यां पृथक्-पृथक् विवरणं श्रुतवान्। सर्वं वृत्तमवगत्य स तं निर्दोषम् अमन्यत आरक्षिणं च दोषभाजनम्। किन्तु प्रमाणाभावात् स निर्णेतुं नाशक्नोत्। ततोऽसौ तौ अग्रिमे दिने उपस्थातुम् आदिष्टवान्। अन्येयुः तौ न्यायालये स्व-स्व-पक्षं पुनः स्थापितवन्तौ। तदैव कश्चिद् तत्रत्यः कर्मचारी समागत्य न्यवेदयत् यत् इतः क्रोशद्वयान्तराले कश्चिज्जनः केनापि हतः। तस्य मृतशरीरं राजमार्ग निकषा वर्तते। आदिश्यतां किं करणीयमिति। न्यायाधीशः आरक्षिणम् अभियुक्तं
च तं शवं न्यायालये आनेतुमादिष्टवान्।

Question 1.
न्यायाधीशस्य नाम किमासीत्?


Answer: बंकिमचन्द्रः

Question 2.
शवं न्यायालये आनेतुम् कः आदिष्टवान्?


Answer: न्यायाधीशः

Question 3.
अग्रिमे दिने क: चौर्याभियोगे तं न्यायालयं नीतवान्?


Answer: आरक्षी

Question 4.
कर्मचारी समागत्य किं न्यवेदयत्?


Answer: कर्मचारी समागत्य न्यवेदयत् यत् इतः क्रोशद्वयान्तराले कश्चिज्जनः केनापि हतः। तस्य मृतशरीरं राजमार्ग निकषा वर्तते।

Question 5.
न्यायाधीशः कं किं च आदिष्टवान्?


Answer: न्यायाधीशः आरक्षिणम् अभियुक्तं च तं शवं न्यायालये आनेतुमादिष्टवान्।

Question 6.
‘नीतवान्’ इति क्रियापदस्य कर्तृपदं किम्?


Answer: आरक्षी

Question 7.
‘अग्रिमे दिने’ अत्र विशेष्यपदं कि प्रयुक्तम्?


Answer: दिने

Question 8.
‘न्यायाधीशः’ इति कर्तृपदस्य क्रियापदम् किम्?


Answer: श्रुतवान्

Question 9.
अनुच्छेदे ‘समीपम्’ इति पदस्य अर्थे किं पदम् आगतम्?


Answer: निकषा

(घ) आदेशं प्राप्य उभौ प्राचलताम्। तत्रोपेत्य काष्ठपटले निहितं पटाच्छादितं देहं स्कन्धेन वहन्तौ न्यायाधिकरणं प्रति प्रस्थितौ। आरक्षी सुपुष्टदेह आसीत्, अभियुक्तश्च अतीव कृशकायः। भारवतः शवस्य स्कन्धेन वहनं तत्कृते दुष्करम् आसीत्। स भारवेदनया क्रन्दति स्म। तस्य क्रन्दनं निशम्य मुदित आरक्षी तमुवाच-रे दुष्ट! तस्मिन् दिने त्वयाऽहं चोरिताया मञ्जूषाया ग्रहणाद् वारितः। इदानीं निजकृत्यस्य फलं भुक्ष्व। अस्मिन् चौर्याभियोगे त्वं वर्षत्रयस्य कारादण्डं लप्स्यसे” इति प्रोच्य उच्चैः अहसत्। यथाकथञ्चिद् उभौ शवमानीय एकस्मिन् चत्वरे स्थापितवन्तौ।

Question 1.
आरक्षी कीदृशः आसीत्?


Answer: सुपुष्टदेहः

Question 2.
अभियुक्तः कीदृशः आसीत्?


Answer: कृशकायः

Question 3.
सः कथं क्रन्दति स्म?


Answer: भारवेदनया

Question 4.
अभियुक्तस्य क्रन्दनं श्रुत्वा प्रसन्नः आरक्षी तम् किम् उवाच?


Answer: अभियुक्तस्य क्रन्दनं श्रुत्वा प्रसन्नः आरक्षी तम् उवाच-‘रे दुष्ट! तस्मिन् दिने त्वयाऽहं चोरितायाः मञ्जूषायाः ग्रहणाद् वारितः। इदानीं निजकृत्यस्य फलं भुझ्व। अस्मिन् चौर्याभियोगे त्वं वर्षत्रस्य कारादण्ड लप्स्यसे।”

Question 5.
उभौ कथं प्राचलताम्?


Answer: आदेशं प्राप्य उभौ प्राचलताम्।

Question 6.
‘प्रस्थितौ’ इति क्रियापदस्य कर्तृपदं किम्?


Answer: उभौ

Question 7.
‘सुपुष्टदेहः’ इति पदस्य विपरीतपदं गद्यांशे किम् प्रयुक्तम्?


Answer: कृशकायः

Question 8.
‘एकस्मिन्’ इति विशेषणपदस्य विशेष्यपदं किम?


Answer: चत्वरे

Question 9.
अनुच्छेदे ‘त्वया’ इति कर्तृपदस्य क्रियापदं किम्?


Answer: वारितः

(ङ) न्यायाधीशेन पुनस्तौ घटनायाः विषये वक्तुमादिष्टौ। आरक्षिणि निजपक्षं प्रस्तुतवति आश्चर्यमघटत् स शवः प्रावारकमपसार्य न्यायाधीशभिवाद्य निवेदितवान्-मान्यवर! एतेन आरक्षिणा अध्वनि यदुक्तं तद् वर्णयामि ‘त्वयाऽहं चोरितायाः मञ्जूषायाः ग्रहणाद् वारितः, अतः निजकृत्यस्य फलं भुक्ष्व। अस्मिन् चौर्याभियोगे त्वं वर्षत्रयस्य कारादण्डं लप्स्यसे’ इति।

Question 1.
आरक्षी किम् प्रस्तुतवान्?


Answer: निजपक्षम्

Question 2.
न्यायाधीशः कस्याः विषये वक्तम् आदिशति?


Answer: घटनायाः

Question 3.
चौरः कस्याः ग्रह्णात् वारितः?


Answer: मञ्जूषायाः

Question 4.
न्यायाधीशेन पुनस्तौ किम् आदिष्टौ?


Answer: न्यायाधीशेन पुनस्तौ घटनायाः विषये वक्तुमादिष्टौ।

Question 5.
एतेन आरक्षिणा मार्गे किम् उक्तम्?


Answer: एतेन आरक्षिणा मार्गे उक्तम्-‘त्वयाऽहं चोरितायाः मञ्जूषायाः ग्रहणाद् वारितः, अतः निजकृत्यस्य फलं भुक्ष्व। अस्मिन् चौर्याभियोगे त्वं वर्षत्रयस्य कारादण्डं लप्स्यसे’ इति।

Question 6.
‘निवेदितवान्’ इति क्रियापदस्य कर्तृपदं किम्?


Answer: शवः

Question 7.
‘मार्गे’ इति पदस्य पर्यायपदं किं प्रयुक्तम्?


Answer: अध्वनि

Question 8.
‘न्यायाधीशेनः’ इति कर्तृपदस्य क्रियापदं किम्?


Answer: आदिष्टौ

Question 9.
अनुच्छेदे ‘परपक्षम्’ इति पदस्य कः विपर्ययः आगतः?


Answer: निजपक्षम्

अधोलिखितं पद्याशं पठित्वा निर्देशानुसारं प्रश्नान् उत्तरत

दष्कराण्यपि कर्माणि मतिवैभवशालिनः।
नीतिं युक्तिं समालम्ब्य लीलयैव प्रकुर्वते॥

Question 1.
कीदृशाः जनाः दुष्कराणि कर्माणि अपि कुर्वन्ति?


Answer: मतिवैभवशालिनः

Question 2.
जनाः दुष्कराणि कर्माणि कथम् कुर्वन्ति?


Answer: लीलयैव

Question 3.
का समालम्ब्य मतिवैभवशालिनः कार्याणि कुर्वन्ति?


Answer: नीतिम्/युक्तिम्

Question 4.
मतिवैभवशालिनः दुष्कराणि कर्माणि कथम् कुर्वन्ति?


Answer: मतिवैभवशालिनः जनाः दुष्कराणि कर्माणि नीतिं युक्तिं समालम्ब्य लीलयैव कुर्वन्ति।

Question 5.
लीलया के कार्याणि कुर्वन्ति?


Answer: लीलया मतिवैभवशालिनः कार्याणि कुर्वन्ति।

Question 6.
‘दुष्कराणि’ इति विशेषणपदस्य विशेष्यपदं किम्?


Answer: कर्माणि

Question 7.
प्रकुर्वते’ इति क्रियापदस्य कर्तृपदं किम्?


Answer: मतिवैभवशालिन:

Question 8.
‘सुकराणि’ इति पदस्य विपर्ययपदं पद्यांशे किमस्ति?


Answer: दुष्कराणि

Question 9.
श्लोके ‘सरलतया’ पदस्य कः पर्यायः आगतः?


Answer: लीलया

वाक्येषु रेखाकितपदानां स्थाने प्रश्नवाचकं पदं प्रयुज्य प्रश्ननिर्माणं कुरुत

(क) निर्धनः जनः वित्तम् उपार्जितवान्।
(ख) वित्तेन स्वपुत्रम् महाविद्यालये प्रवेशं दापयितुं सफलः जातः।
(ग) छात्रावासे निवसन् अध्ययने संलग्नः समभूत्।
(घ) तस्य पिता तनूजस्य रुग्णतामकर्ण्य व्याकुलः अभवत्।
(ङ) सः बसयानं विहाय पदातिरेव प्राचलत्।
(च) विचित्रा दैवगतिः भवति।
(छ) निशान्धकारे प्रसृते विजने प्रदेशे पदयात्रा न शुभावहा।
(ज) रात्रिनिवासं कर्तुं सः कञ्चिद् गृहस्थमुपागतः।
(झ) रात्रौ गृहे कश्चन चौरः गृहाभ्यन्तरं प्रविष्टः।
(ञ) चौरस्य पादध्वनिना अतिथिः प्रबुद्धः।
(ट) चौरस्य तारस्वरेणं ग्रामवासिनः अपि प्रबुद्धाः।
(ठ) ते सर्वे गृहात् निष्क्रम्य अतिथिमेव चौरं मत्वाऽभर्त्सयन्।
(ड) रक्षापुरुषः अतिथिम् कारागृहे प्राक्षिपत्।
(ढ) आरक्षी अतिथिम् न्यायालयं नीतवान्।
(ण) न्यायाधीशः विवरणं श्रुतवान्।
(त) प्रमाणाभावात् न्यायाधीशः निर्णेतुं नाशक्नोत्।
(थ) अन्येयुः तौ न्यायालये स्व-स्व-पक्षं पुनः स्थापितवन्तौ।
(द) एकः मृतशरीरं राजमार्ग निकषा वर्तते।
(ध) न्यायाधीशः तं शवं न्यायालये आनेतुमादिष्टवान्।
(न) आरक्षी सुपुष्टदेहः आसीत्।
(प) अभियुक्तः अतीव कृशकायः आसीत्।
(फ) सः भारवेदनया क्रन्दति स्म।
(ब) तस्य क्रन्दनं श्रुत्वा मुदितः आरक्षी तमुवाच।
(भ) उभौ शवम् आनीय चत्वरे स्थापितवन्तौ।
(म) न्यायाधीशेन पुनस्तौ घटनायाः विषये वक्तुमादिष्टौ।।


(क) किम्
(ख) केन
(ग) कस्मिन्
(घ) कस्य
(ङ) किम्
(च) कीदृशी
(छ) कीदृशे
(ज) किम्
(झ) कुत्र
(ञ) केन
(ट) के
(ठ) कस्मात्
(ड) कम्
(ढ) कुत्र।
(ण) कः
(त) कस्मात्
(थ) कदा
(द) कुत्र
(ध) कुत्र
(न) कीदृशः
(प) कीदृशः
(फ) कया
(ब) कीदृशः
(भ) कम्
(म) केन

अधोलिखितस्य श्लोकस्य प्रदत्ते अन्वये रिक्तस्थानानि पूरयत-

दुष्कराष्यपि कर्माणि मतिवैभवशालिनः।
नीतिं युक्तिं समालम्ब्य लीलयैव प्रकुर्वते॥

अन्वयः-मति वैभव शालिनः (जना) (i) …………… युक्तिं (ii) ……………. दुष्कराणि (iii) …………….. कर्माणि (iv) …………….. एव प्रकुर्वते।
मञ्जूषा- लीलया, नीति, अपि, समालम्ब्य


(i) नीतिं
(ii) समालम्ब्य
(iii) अपि
(iv) लीलया

अधोलिखितश्लोकस्य भावार्थम् मञ्जूषातः उचितपदानि चित्वा पूरयत-

दुष्कराष्यपि कर्माणि मतिवैभवशालिनः।
नीतिं युक्तिं समालम्ब्य लीलयैव प्रकुर्वते॥

भावार्थ:- अस्य भावोऽस्ति यत् बुद्धि (i) ………………. युक्ताः जनाः उत्तम (ii) …………………. युक्तेः च आधारं नीत्वा (iii) …………… अपि कार्याणि लीलया एव (iv) …………. तेषु ते कदापि कठिनतामपि न अनुभवन्ति।
मञ्जूषा- प्रकुर्वन्ति, धनेन, कठिनतमानि, नीतेः


(i) धनेन
(ii) नीते:
(iii) कठिनतमानि
(iv) प्रकुर्वन्ति

अधोलिखानि वाक्यानि कथाक्रमानुसार पुनः लेखनीयानि

I. (क) तेन वित्तेन तत्पुत्रम् महाविद्यालये प्रवेशं दापयितुं सफलः जातः।
(ख) तत्र निवसन् अध्ययने संलग्नः समभूत्।
(ग) पिता पुत्रं द्रुष्टुं च प्रस्थितः।
(घ) कश्चन निर्धनः जनः वित्तमुपार्जितवान्।
(ङ) सः बसयानं विहाय पदातिरेव प्राचलत्।
(च) एकदा तस्य पुत्रः रुग्णः अभवत्।
(छ) तत् तनयः छात्रावासे वसति स्म।
(ज) पुत्रस्य रुग्णतामाकर्ण्य सः व्याकुलः सञ्जातः।


(क) कश्चन निर्धनः जनः वित्तमुपार्जितवान्।।
(ख) तेन वित्तेन तत्पुत्रम् महाविद्यालये प्रवेशं दापयितुं सफलः जातः।
(ग) तत् तनयः छात्रावासे वसति स्म।
(घ) तत्र निवसन् अध्ययने संलग्नः समभूत्।
(ङ) एकदा तस्य पुत्रः रुग्णः अभवत्।
(च) पुत्रस्य रुग्णतामाकर्ण्य सः व्याकुलः सञ्जातः।
(छ) पिता पुत्रं द्रुष्टुं च प्रस्थितः।
(ज) सः बसयानं विहाय पदातिरेव प्राचलत्।

II. (क) सः पुत्रं द्रष्टुम् पदातिरेव प्राचलत्।
(ख) तस्मिन् गृहे कश्चन चौरः गृहाभ्यन्तरं प्रविष्टः।
(ग) चौरः एव उच्चैः क्रोशितुमारभत।
(घ) कश्चन निर्धनः जनः वित्तम् उपार्जितवान्।
(ङ) रात्रिनिवासं कर्तुम् कञ्चिद् गृहस्थमुपागतः।
(च) एकदा तस्य पुत्रः रुग्णः जातः।
(छ) चौरस्य पादध्वनिना अतिथिः प्रबुद्धः।
(ज) ग्रामवासिनः वराकमतिथिमेव चौरं मत्वाऽभर्त्सयन्।


(क) कश्चन निर्धनः जनः वित्तम् उपार्जितवान्।
(ख) एकदा तस्य पुत्रः रुग्णः जातः।।
(ग) सः पुत्रं द्रष्टुम् पदातिरेव प्राचलत्।
(घ) रात्रिनिवासं कर्तुम् कञ्चिद् गृहस्थमुपागतः।
(ङ) तस्मिन् गृहे कश्चन चौरः गृहाभ्यन्तरं प्रविष्टः।
(च) चौरस्य पादध्वनिना अतिथिः प्रबुद्धः।
(छ) चौरः एव उच्चैः क्रोशितुमारभत।
(ज) ग्रामवासिनः वराकमतिथिमेव चौरं मत्वाऽभर्त्सयन्।

III. (क) तस्मिन् दिने त्वयाऽहं चोरितायाः मञ्जूषायाः ग्रहणाद् वारितः।
(ख) न्यायाधीशः उभाभ्यां पृथक्-पृथक् विवरणं श्रुतवान्।
(ग) न्यायाधीशेन पुनः तौ घटनायाः विषये वक्तुमादिष्टौ।
(घ) न्यायाधीशः प्रामाणाभावात् निर्णेतुम् नाशक्नोत्।
(ङ) स शवः प्रावारकमपसार्य न्यायाधीशम् सत्यं निवेदितवान्।
(च) अन्येधुः तौ न्यायालये स्व-स्व-पक्षं पुनः स्थापितवन्तौ।
(छ) न्यायाधीशः आरक्षिणे कारादण्डम् आदिश्य तं जनं ससम्मानं मुक्तवान्।
(ज) न्यायाधीशः आरक्षिणम् अभियुक्तं च तं शवं न्यायालये आनेतुम् आदिष्टवान्।


(क) न्यायाधीशः उभाभ्यां पृथक्-पृथक् विवरणं श्रुतवान्।
(ख) न्यायाधीशः प्रामाणाभावात् निर्णेतुम् नाशक्नोत्।
(ग) अन्येधुः तौ न्यायालये स्व-स्व-पक्षं पुनः स्थापितवन्तौ।
(घ) न्यायाधीशः आरक्षिणम् अभियुक्तं च तं शवं न्यायालये आनेतुम् आदिष्टवान्।
(ङ) तस्मिन् दिने त्वयाऽहं चोरितायाः मञ्जूषायाः ग्रहणाद् वारितः।
(च) न्यायाधीशेन पुनः तौ घटनायाः विषये वक्तुमादिष्टौ।
(छ) स शवः प्रावारकमपसार्य न्यायाधीशम् सत्यं निवेदितवान्।
(ज) न्यायाधीशः आरक्षिणे कारादण्डम् आदिश्य तं जनं ससम्मानं मुक्तवान्।

अधोलिखितपदानां तेषाम् पर्यायपदैः च मेलनं कुरुत

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 8 विचित्रः साक्षी with Answers 1


MCQ Questions for Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 8 विचित्रः साक्षी with Answers 2

विशेषण-विशेष्यपदानि योजयत

विशेषणपदानि – विशेष्यपदानि
(क) निर्धनो – (i) प्रदेशे
(ख) भूरि – (ii) दिने
(ग) विजने – (iii) विवरणं
(घ) अग्रिम – (iv) शवस्य
(ङ) पृथक-पृथकं – (v) आरक्षी
(च) स्व-स्व – (vi) पक्षं
(छ) भारवतः – (vii) परिश्रम्य
(ज) मुदित – (viii) जनः


विशेषणपदानि – विशेष्यपदानि
(क) निर्धनो – (viii) जनः
(ख) भूरि – (vii) परिश्रम्य
(ग) विजने – (i) प्रदेशे
(घ) अग्रिम – (ii) दिने
(ङ) पृथक-पृथकं – (iii) विवरणं
(च) स्व-स्व – (vi) पक्षं
(छ) भारवतः – (iv) शवस्य
(ज) मुदित – (v) आरक्षी

संस्कृतेन वाक्यप्रयोगं कुरुत

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 8 विचित्रः साक्षी with Answers 3


(क) वृद्धः पिता स्वपुत्रान् कृषिकर्मणः सञ्चलनाय भूयोभूयः प्रेरयति।
(ख) आलसाः पुत्राः शृण्वन्ति।
(ग) अपरः पुत्रः तथैव आदिष्टः।
(घ) एकैकं दण्ड पुत्रेभ्यः दत्तवान्।

अधोलिखितपदानां तेषाम् विपर्ययपदानि सह मेलनं कुरुत

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 8 विचित्रः साक्षी with Answers 4


MCQ Questions for Class 10 Sanskrit Chapter 8 विचित्रः साक्षी with Answers 5

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MCQ Questions for Class 10 History Chapter 7 Print Culture and the Modern World with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 10 History Chapter 7 Print Culture and the Modern World with Answers

Check the below Online Education NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 10 History Chapter 7 Print Culture and the Modern World with Answers Pdf free download.

Print Culture and the Modern World Class 10 MCQs Questions with Answers

Class 10 History Chapter 7 MCQ With Answers Question 1.
Who brought hand printing technology to Japan?
(a) The Arab travelers in the 8th century
(b) Chinese silk merchants in the 6th century
(c) The Egyptians in the AD 800
(d) Buddhist missionaries in AD 768-770
(d) Buddhist missionaries in AD 768-770

Explanation: They brought hand printing technology to Japan from China.

Print Culture And The Modern World MCQ Question 2.
The book, “Istri Dharam Vichar”’ talked about
(a) the link between caste and class exploitation
(b) instructions on how to act as ideal women and homemakers
(c) restrictions on the vernacular press
(d) ill-treatment of widows
(b) instructions on how to act as ideal women and homemakers

Explanation: The book was written by Ram Chaddha.

Print Culture And The Modern World Class 10 MCQ Question 3.
The term ‘calligraphy means :
(a) The art of narrating a folk tale
(b) The art of beautiful, stylized writing
(c) The art of painting
(d) The art of drawing and sketching
(b) The art of beautiful, stylized writing

Print Culture And The Modern World MCQ With Answers Question 4.
Fill in the blank by choosing the most appropriate option:
Kitagawa Utamaro was a …….. and he was famous for
(a) famous Chinese painter; paintings of the sky
(b) well-known Japanese artist; his art form ‘Ukiyoe
(c) well known Indian sitar player; his musical notes
(d) famous sportsperson; for playing chess
(b) well-known Japanese artist; his art form ‘Ukiyoe

Explanation: Kitagawa Utamaro, born in Edo in 1753, was widely known for his contributions to an art form called Ukiyo which basically focused on depiction of ordinary human experiences, especially urban ones.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 History Chapter 7 Print Culture and the Modern World with Answers

Print Culture And Modern World MCQ Question 5.
Choose the correctly matched pair:
(a) Diamond Sutra-Chinese book pn Jainism
(b) The Bible-lndian book on religion
(c) Tripitaka Koreana-collection of Korean Buddhist scriptures
(d) Jikji-Japanese book on the art of living

MCQ On Print Culture And The Modern World Question 6.
Which of the following nationalists were the first to use wood-block printing in Europe?
(a) French
(b) Italians
(c) Portuguese
(d) Spaniards
(b) Italians

Explanation: Marco Polo, the explorer, brought back to Europe from China the art of using wood block printing. Italians began using this technology and soon it spread around Europe.

Print Culture And The Modern World Class 10 MCQ With Answers Question 7.
The main function of a compositor is to:
(a) compose poems
(b) compose the text for printing
(c) compose music
(d) compose lyrics and songs for a play
(b) compose the text for printing

Class 10 History Chapter 7 Questions And Answers Question 8.
Which of the following statements implies that print culture was not the only basis for the French Revolution?
(a) Print culture encouraged questioning, critical reasoning and rule of reason rather than tradition through the ideas that it helped spread easily.
(b) It led to the birth of a new public culture of new ideas of social revolution.
(c) It aroused hostility against monarchy and caused reformation.
(d) Print opened up the possibility of thinking differently, but it did not shape their mentalities directly. It only helped in making them consider other opinions.
(d) Print opened up the possibility of thinking differently, but it did not shape their mentalities directly. It only helped in making them consider other opinions.

Printer Option Is Available In MCQ Question 9.
Which of the following was not an effect of the blooming of urban culture in China in 17th century:
(a) New readership was born. This included children and women.
(b) Readership grew and reached the lowest classes of the country.
(c) Reading became a leisure activity.
(d) Merchants used print in their everyday life.

Class 7 History Chapter 10 MCQ Questions Question 10.
Who among the following invented the first printing press in Europe in the 1430s?
(a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(b) Kitagawa Utamaro
(c) Johann Gutenberg
(d) Marco Polo
(c) Johann Gutenberg

Question 11.
Which of the following statements is not true about the printed copies by Gutenberg’s printing press?
(a) The printed books resembled the written manuscripts in appearance and layout.
(b) Borders were illuminated by hand with foliage and other patterns, and illustrations were painted
(c) There was no space for decoration on the printed page.
(d) The metal letters imitated the ornamental handwritten styles.
(c) There was no space for decoration on the printed page.

Explanation: The books that were printed for the rich had a lot of space Left blank for further customised decoration.

Question 12.
The printing in Hindi began in which year? What kind of printed material was published?
(a) Hindi printing began from the 1870s, a large segment was devoted to women’s education, widow remarriage and the national movement.
(b) Hindi printing began from the 1870s and their main concern was women-related issues.
(c) Hindi printing began from 1900 and was devoted to education of women.
(d) Printing in Hindi began in the early 20th century and its main concern was religious reform.
(a) Hindi printing began from the 1870s, a large segment was devoted to women’s education, widow remarriage and the national movement

MCQ Questions for Class 10 History Chapter 7 Print Culture and the Modern World with Answers

Question 13.
…………….. wrote about the injustices of the caste system in ‘Gulamgiri’?
(a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(b) Jyotiba Phule
(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(d) Bankim Chandra

Question 14.
Which of the following is an enlightened thinker whose writings are said to have created conducive conditions for a revolution in France?
(a) Einstein
(b) Rousseau
(c) Menocchio
(d) Shakespeare

Question 15.
………….. were low priced small books printed on poor quality paper and bound in cheap blue covers called in France.
(a) Almanacs
(b) Pennybooks
(c) Bibliotheque Bleue
(d) Epics
(c) Bibliotheque Bleue

Question 16.
The Vernacular Press Act of 1878 was modelled on
(a) American Press Laws
(b) Indian Press Laws
(c) British Press Laws
(d) Irish Press Laws
(d) Irish Press Laws

Question 17.
In which among the following countries was the earliest kind of print technology developed?
(a) India
(b) England
(c) France
(d) China
(d) China

Question 18.
Printing in which of the following languages had not begun until the 1870s?
(a) Urdu
(b) Hindi
(c) Bengali
(d) Maratha
(b) Hindi

Explanation: Printing in other languages had begun much earlier.

Question 19.
Who wrote Ninety Five theses?
(a) Martin Luther
(b) Johann Gutenberg
(c) Charles Dickens
(d) L. Mercier
(a) Martin Luther

Who wrote Ninety Five theses?

Explanation: In 1517, the religious reformer Martin Luther wrote Ninety Five Theses criticising many of the practices and rituals of the Roman Catholic Church.

Question 20.
Who were called Chapmen?
(a) Book Seller
(b) Paper Seller
(c) Workers of Printing Press
(d) Seller of Penny Chapbooks

MCQ Questions for Class 10 History Chapter 7 Print Culture and the Modern World with Answers

Question 21.
Why was reading of manuscripts not easy in India? Choose the appropriate reason from the following options.
(a) Manuscripts were highly cheap
(b) Manuscripts were widely spread out.
(c) Manuscripts were written in English and Hindi.
(d) Manuscripts were fragile.
(d) Manuscripts were fragile.

Explanation: Manuscripts were made from palm- leaves or were handmade paper, which was very fragile.

Question 22.
Which of the following newspapers was started by Bal Gangadhar Tilak?
(a) Kesari
(b) Jansatta
(c) Statesman
(d) Amrita Bazar Patrika
(a) Kesari

Question 23.
Who brought in the first printing press to India?
(a) Portuguese Missionaries
(b) Catholic Priests
(c) Dutch Protestants
(d) East India Company
(a) Portuguese Missionaries

Explanation: It came to Goa with Portuguese missionaries in the mid-sixteenth century. Jesuit priests learnt Konkani and printed several tracts. By 1674, about 50 books had been printed in the Konkani and in Kanara languages.

Question 24.
Which one of the following was NOT the reason for the popularity of scientific ideas among the common people in eighteenth-century Europe?
(a) Printing ideas of Isaac Newton
(b) Development of printing press
(c) Interest of people in Science and reason
(d) Traditional aristocratic groups supported it

Question 25.
In early nineteenth-century ‘Shamsul Akhbar’ as written in which one of the following languages ?
(a) Urdu
(b) Persian
(c) Arabic
(d) Swahili
(b) Persian

Explanation: Two Persian newspapers- Jam- i-Jahan Nama and Shamsul Akhbar were published in 1822.

Question 26.
Which one of the following was published by Raja Ram Mohan Roy?
(a) Sambad Kaumudi
(b) Shamsul Akhbar
(c) Punjab Kesari
(d) Chandrika
(a) Sambad Kaumudi

Explanation: Sambad Kaumudi got published in 1819 and was owned by Raja Ram Mohan Roy. It was a Bengali weekly newspaper and was noted as a pro-reformist publication which raised voice for the abolition of Sati Pratha.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 History Chapter 7 Print Culture and the Modern World with Answers

Question 27.
Which one of the following was the oldest Japanese book printed in 868 AD?
(a) Bible
(b) Diamond Sutra
(c) Kokoro
(d) Kojiki
(b) Diamond Sutra

Explanation: The oldest Japanese book, printed in AD 868, the Buddhist Diamond Sutra, contains six sheets of text and woodcut illustrations.

Identify the following on basis of the hints given:

Question 23.
Identify the personality:
(1) He grew up on a large agricultural estate and had been surrounded by wine and olive presses.
(2) He was a master goldsmith.
(3) He revolutionized the printing industry.
(4) He printed 180 copies of the Bible.
Johannes Gutenberg

Explanation: He invented the printing press that completely shook the entire printing industry.

Question 29.
Identify the organization:
(1) It was founded in 1867,
(2) It published thousands of fatwas instructing the way of life to Muslims
(3) It also translated and explained the meaning of some Islamic doctrine.
The Deoband Seminary

Explanation: The seminary was founded by Muhammad Qasim Nanautavi, Rashid Ahmad Gangohi etc., in 1866.

Question 32.
The Sedition Committee Report under Rowlatt in 1919 reduced the controls that led to imposition of penalties on various newspapers.

Question 33.
When Punjab revolutionaries were deported in 1907, Balgangadhar Tilak wrote with great sympathy about them in his Kesari.

Question 34.
After the revolt of 1857, enraged Englishmen demanded a clamp down on the British press.

After the revolt of 1857, enraged Englishmen demanded a clamp down on the ‘native’ press. Explanation: They considered that the revolt of 1857 was caused due to the nationalist ideas spread through native newspapers and pamphlets.

Question 35.
E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker was known as Periyar in Madras.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 History Chapter 7 Print Culture and the Modern World with Answers

Question 36.
Lakshminath Bezbaruah penned the popular song of Assam, ‘O Mor Apunar Desh’ (O’ my beloved land).

Question 37.
Kashibaba, a Kanpur millworker, wrote and published Sachchi Kavitaayein in 1938 to show the links between caste and class exploitation.

Question 38.
Gutenberg developed metal types for each of the 26 characters of the Italian alphabet.

Gutenberg developed metal types for each of the 26 characters of the Roman alphabet.

Question 39.
Newspapers conveyed news from one place to another, creating pan-Indian identities.

Explanation: Print connected communities and people in different parts of India. It became easy for people to connect to other Indians in extreme north/south or East/west. They started recognising one another.

Fill in the blanks with suitable information:

Question 40.
This shift from hand printing to ………….. led to the print revolution.
mechanical printing

Explanation: Mechanical Printing made printing easier, less expensive and more accessible. The books were made available more easily to all classes and sections of the society.

Question 41.
Aristocratic circles of Europe liked their manuscripts to be printed on …………….

Question 42.
In 19th century China, the city of…………….became the hub of the new print culture, catering to the Western-style schools.

Question 43.
……………… gave British government extensive rights to censor reports and editorials in the vernacular press.
The Vernacular Press Act

Question 44.
The first printed edition of Ramcharitmanans came out in ………………..
In 1810 in Calcutta

Question 45.
The first Malayalam book was printed by Catholic priests in

Question 46.
In Central Calcutta, at cheap editions of religious tracts and scriptures, as well as literature that was considered obscene and scandalous could be purchased.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 History Chapter 7 Print Culture and the Modern World with Answers

Question 47.
By 1448, Gutenberg perfected the system of printing. The first book he printed was the [CBSE 2020,17]

Explanation: Gutenberg was a son of a merchant and he mastered printing techniques by 1448. The first book that he printed was the Bible.

Related Theory
Gutenberg developed metal types for each 26 characters of the Roman alphabet and this came to be known as movable type printing machine and it remained as the basic printing technology for the next 300 years. The Gutenberg press could print 250 sheets on one side per hour.

Question 48.
Buddhist missionaries from China introduced hand-printing technology into …………… around A.D. 768-770.

Explanation: The earliest kind of print technology was developed in China, Japan and Korea, out of which hand printing technology was introduced into Japan by Buddhist missionaries from China. The oldest Japanese book was printed in A.D. 868 named as the Buddhist Diamond Sutra which had six sheets of text and wood-cut illustrations.

Related Theory
About 180 copies of the Bible were printed and it took him years to produce them. By the standards of the time this was fast production.

Match the Columns Choose the correct pairs:

Question 49.
Match the following items given in column A with those in column B.

Column A (Authors)

Column B (Books)

(A) Rashsundari Debi (I) Chhote Aur Bade Ka Sawal
(B) Sudarshan Chakr (II) Kesari
(C) Kashibaba (III) Amar Jiban
(D) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (IV) Sacchi Kavitayen


Column A (Authors)

Column B (Books)

(A) Rashsundari Debi (III) Amar Jiban
(B) Sudarshan Chakr (IV) Sacchi Kavitayen
(C) Kashibaba (I) Chhote Aur Bade Ka Sawal
(D) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (II) Kesari

Question 50.
Match the following items given in column A with those in column B

Column A (Pamphlets) Column B (Year of Publication)
(A) Bengal Gazette (I) 1822
(B) Statesman (II) 1780
(C) Sambad Kaumudi (III) 1877
(D) Jan-i-Jahan Nama (IV) 1821


Assertion Reasoning questions Class 10 History Chapter 7

In each of the following questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by a corresponding statement of Reason (R). Select the correct answers to codes (a), (b), (c) or (d) as given below:,
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong.
(d) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct.

Question 51.
Assertion (A): Every page of each copy printed by Gutenberg’s press was different.
Reason (R): In each copy, the borders were carefully designed, painted, and illuminated by hand by artists.

Question 52.
Assertion (A): With the printing press, a new reading public emerged.
Reason (R): Printing reduced the cost of books and they became easily available.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

MCQ Questions for Class 10 History Chapter 7 Print Culture and the Modern World with Answers

Question 53.
Assertion (A): The line that separated the oral and reading cultures became blurred, the hearing public and reading public became intermingled.
Reason (R): People became literate.

Question 54.
Assertion (A): Many were apprehensive of the effects that the easier access to the printed word and the wider circulation of books, could have on people’s minds.
Reason (R): New ideas were completely disastrous and blasphemous.
(c) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong.

Explanation: New ideas were more rational and scientific and they strongly contrasted with the orthodox and conservative approach of the medieval ages. Hence the people were worried that these thoughts would pollute the minds and hearts of people.

Question 55.
Assertion (A): When scientists like Isaac Newton began to publish their discoveries, they could influence a much wider circle of scientifically-minded readers.
Reason (R): More people could read and form opinions on his theories, this helped the scientific temper grow.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(Competency Based Questions (CBQs))

Question 1.
Read the source given below and answer the question that follows:
As the demand for books increased, booksellers all over Europe began exporting books to many different countries. Book fairs were held at different places. Production of handwritten manuscripts was also organised in new ways to meet the expanded demand. Scribes or skilled hand writers were no longer solely employed by wealthy or influential patrons but increasingly by booksellers as well. Manuscripts could be produced in Europe because:
(a) The Italians discovered paper and art of printing from where it spread to the rest of Europe.
(b) Paper reached Europe via the Arab world
(c) Paper after being discovered in China reached Europe in the 11th century via the silk route, like silk and spices
(d) Indian discovered paper and the explorers took it back with them.
(c) Paper after being discovered in China reached Europe in the 11th century via the silk route, like silk and spices

Question 2.
What was the role of the lending libraries in England in the 19th century?
(I) They promoted the reading among the working-class people
(II) They educated the white collar workers, artisans and lower middle-class people
(III) They encouraged self-improvement, self-expression and encouraged the working class to write autobiographies.
(IV) They helped the people understand society.
(a) (I) only
(b) (II) & (III) only
(c) (I), (III) & (IV)
(d) (I), (II), (III) & (IV)
(b) (II) & (III) only

MCQ Questions for Class 10 History Chapter 7 Print Culture and the Modern World with Answers

Question 3.
Match the items in Column A to items in Column B:

Column A (Books)

Column B (Theme)

(A) Ninety Five Theses  (I) Against Idolatry and Brahmanical priesthood
(B) Chote aur Bade ka Sawal  (II) About women and their daily lives
(C) Amar Jiban  (III) About Caste exploitation
(D) Sambad Kaumudi  (IV) About the religion of Christianity

(a) (A)-(I),(B)-(III),(C)-(IV),(D)-(II)
(b) (A)-(III),(B)-(IV),(C)-(II),(D)-(I)
(c) (A) – (II),(B) – (III),(C)- (IV),(D)- (I)
(d) (A)-(IV),(B)-(III),(C)-(II),(D)-(I)
(d) (A)-(IV),(B)-(III),(C)-(II),(D)-(I)

Question 4.
Which of the following books reflects the plight of the Tower castes’ and poor in India?
(I) Sambad Kaumudi
(II) Chhote Aur Bade Ka Sawal
(III) Sachchi Kavitayen
(IV) Amar Jiban
(a) (I) only
(b) (II) & (III) only
(c) (I), (III) & (IV)
(d) (I), (II), (III) & (IV)

Question 5.
Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow:
The power of the printed word is most often seen in the way governments seek to regulate and suppress print. The colonial government kept continuous track of all books and newspapers published in India and passed numerous laws to control the press. During the First World War, under the Defence of India Rules, 22 newspapers had to furnish securities. Of these, 18 shut down rather than comply with government orders. The Sedition Committee Report under Rowlatt in 1919 further strengthened controls that led to imposition of penalties on various newspapers. At the outbreak of the Second World War, the Defence of India Act was passed, allowing
censoring of reports of war-related topics. All reports about the Quit India movement came under its purview. In August 1942, about 90 newspapers were suppressed.
(A) Which of the following acts was related to suppression of the Press?
(I) Rowlatt Act
(II) Vernacular Press Act
(III) GOI act, 1935
(IV) Defence of India Act
(a) (I) only
(b) (II), (III) & (IV) only
(c) (II) & (IV) only
(d) (I), (II), (III) & (IV)
(c) (II) & (IV) only

Explanation: Both the acts were closely related to the subject of freedom of the press. They established complete government control over the press and employed very stringent measures to control the publication of nationalist views and articles.

(B) What is sedition?
Sedition is the practice of inciting resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority by using word or action.

(C) Which of the following Nationalist was imprisoned for writing an article about deportation of Punjab revolutionaries?
(a) Lala Lajpat Rai
(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(d) Kashibaba

(D) Assertion (A): The colonial government kept continuous track of all books and newspapers published in India and passed numerous laws to control the press.
Reason(R): They were worried that this might affect their trade monopoly.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(c) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong
(d) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 History Chapter 7 Print Culture and the Modern World with Answers

Question 6.
Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow:
Printing created an appetite for new kinds of writing. As more and more people could now read, they wanted to see their own lives, experiences, emotions and relationships reflected in what they read. The novel, a literary firm which had developed in Europe, ideally catered to this need. It soon acquired distinctively Indian forms and styles. For readers, it opened up new worlds of experience, and gave a vivid sense of the diversity of human lives. Other new literary forms also entered the world of reading.
Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option:
(A) What need did the novel firm in England catered to?
(a) They produced novels based on Indian trade and history
(b) They produced novels and literature dealing with emotions and real life experiences of Indians
(c) They produced literature which presented European lives to Indians
(d) They produced literature which inter-continental culture and practices.

(B) Which of the following literary forms were introduced as mentioned in the source?
(a) Lyrical poems
(b) Essays about women
(c) Religious epics
(d) Short stories, essays about social and political matters.

(C) Fill in the blank by choosing the most appropriate option-
Amar Jiban: Rashsundari Debi : Ram Chaddha
(a) Sacchi Kabitaayein
(b) Kesari
(c) Istri Dharm Vichar
(d) Stri Purush Tulna
(c) Istri Dharm Vichar

(D) What was indicated regarding the print culture by the creative new appetite of writing and reading?
(a) Print culture made people see themselves in a new light.
(b) Print culture made people aware of their own locality.
(c) Print culture gave birth to new ideas, brought people closer and made them more confident about their identity and existence..
(d) It made them wonder about how other people lived.
(c) Print culture gave birth to new ideas, brought people closer and made them more confident about their identity and existence.

Explanation: Print culture helped people learn new ideas, concepts and emotions. It brought them closer through constant flow of information.

Question 7.
Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow:
Textbooks for this examination were printed in vast numbers under the sponsorship of the imperial state. From the sixteenth century, the number of examination candidates went up and that increased the volume of print. By the seventeenth century, as urban culture bloomed in China, the uses of print diversified. Print was no longer used just by scholar officials. Merchants used print in their everyday life, as they collected trade information. Reading increasingly became a leisure activity.
Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option:
(A) Where was this examination mentioned in the source held?
(a) India
(b) China
(c) Korea
(d) Japan
(b) China
Explanation: The Civil Services examination was held in China. The bureaucracy and personnel were recruited through these examinations.

(B) Which of the following was one of the groups that began reading for leisure?
(a) Children
(b) Businessmen
(c) Labourer men
(d) Rich Women and scholar wives

(C) How did China manage to print such a large amount of books to feed the new readership?
(a) China developed a new technology of metal printing.
(b) China employed more printers.
(c) China imported western printing techniques.
(d) China used its colonies to print a lot of material.

(D) Where was paper invented?
(a) Korea
(b) Japan
(c) India
(d) China
(d) China

MCQ Questions for Class 10 History Chapter 7 Print Culture and the Modern World with Answers

Question 8.
Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow:
There was a virtual reading mania. People wanted books to read and printers produced books in ever-increasing numbers. New forms of popular literature appeared in print, targeting new audiences. Booksellers employed pedlars who roamed around villages, carrying little books for sale. There were almanacs or ritual calendars, along with ballads and folktales. But other forms of reading matter, largely for entertainment, began to reach ordinary readers as well. In England, penny chapbooks were carried by petty pedlars known as chapmen, and sold for a penny, so that even the poor could buy them.

Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option:
(A) Which of the following reasons appropriately describes why there was a virtual reading mania in European countries at the end of the 18th century?
(a) Printers were able to print them quicker than before.
(b) Churches set up schools in villages carrying literacy to peasants and artisans
(c) Computers had arrived and the internet began and fueled this mania.
(d) Readers got to read more material than before.

(B) Which of the following was not a reading material meant for entertainment?
(a) Almanac
(b) Ballads
(c) Folktales
(d) Romances
(a) Almanac

Which of the following was not a reading material meant for entertainment?
Explanation: They were ritual calendars not made for entertainment but for information.

(C) Which of the following genres of books was sold along with romances during the 18th century?
(a) Geography related books
(b) Drama
(c) Scientific fiction
(d) Histories

(D) How were the new audiences lured by producers?
(a) Books were sold in high prices
(b) Peddlers were made to take books to different localities and sell door to door.
(c) New genres like horror was introduced
(d) New printing technique was used
(d) Histories

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain the meaning of the term “calligraphy”?
Calligraphy is a visual art related to writing. It is the design and execution of lettering with a broad tip instrument, brush, or other writing instruments.

Related Theory
This word has its roots in Greek language ‘kalli’ means beautiful and ‘graphia’ is the Greek word for writing.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 History Chapter 7 Print Culture and the Modern World with Answers

Question 2.
Why was ‘Gulamgiri’ book written by Jyotiba Phule in 1871?

Question 3.
Name the first book printed by the Gutenberg Press.
The Bible

Question 4.
Name the oldest Japanese book.
Diamond Sutra printed in 868 AD.

Question 5.
Who introduced hand-printing technology in Japan?
Buddhist missionaries.

Question 6.
Who invented the printing press?
Johann Gutenberg

Explanation: Johann Gutenberg developed the first-known printing press in the 1430s in Germany.

Question 7.
Who brought the knowledge of woodblock printing technique to Italy during the 13th century?
Marco Polo

Question 8.
Wooden or metal frames in which types are laid and the text composed for printing was known as?

MCQ Questions for Class 10 History Chapter 7 Print Culture and the Modern World with Answers

Question 9.
Why was the Vernacular Press Act passed in 1878?
The Vernacular Act was passed to prevent criticism of British government by the vernacular language newspapers.

Question 10.
Who were the Ulamas?
They were the legal scholars of Islam and law of Sharia.

Question 11.
Name the book published by Raja Ram Mohan Roy?
Sambad Kaumudi

Related Theory
Sambad Kaumudi was published in 1821, to express and convey Rammohan Roy’s ideas against Hindu orthodoxy, Brahminicat priesthood, idolatry. As a reaction, Hindu orthodoxy published Samachar Chandrika.

Question 12.
Name the author of Amar Jiban?
Rashsundari Debi

Related Theory
Published in 1876, Amar Jiban was the first full- length autobiography published in the Bengali language.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 History Chapter 7 Print Culture and the Modern World with Answers

Question 13.
Who wrote Chhote aur Bade ka Sawal? When was it published?
Kashibaba, a mill worker from Kanpur

Question 14.
Why did the Roman Catholic Church impose control over publishers and booksellers?
It imposed control over books to check the spread of different interpretations of religious texts and books which posed a threat to its position.

Question 15.
How did governor general William Bentinck react to the petition filed by editors of English and Vernacular newspapers?
Governor-General Bentinck agreed to revise press laws after 1835.

Question 16.
Why did Martin Luther say that ‘Printing is the ultimate gift of God and the greatest one’?

Question 17.
Why could not manuscripts satisfy the increasing demand of books in Europe during the fourteenth century?
Manuscripts could not satisfy the increasing demand for books in Europe during the fourteenth century because they were fragile, difficult to handle and could not be carried around or read easily.

Question 18.
Who was Menocchio?
He was a miller of the 16th century of Italy who was executed for spreading self interpreted heretical ideas about the God and the Church.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 History Chapter 7 Print Culture and the Modern World with Answers

Question 19.
Who formulated the new press laws for India after Bentinck agreed to revise press laws?

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Social Science with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 7 Equilibrium with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 7 Equilibrium with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 7 Equilibrium with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 11 Chemistry with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Equilibrium Class 11 Chemistry MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Equilibrium Class 11 MCQs Questions with Answers

MCQ On Equilibrium Class 11 Question 1.
The solubility of Ca3​(PO4​​)2​ in water is y mol/L. Its solubility product is:
(a) 6y²
(b) 36 y4
(c) 64 y5
(d) 108 y5


Answer: (d) 108 y5
MCQ Questions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 7 Equilibrium with Answers 1
= (3y)³ × (2y)²
= 27 y³ × 4y²
= 108 y5

Buffer pH Calculator makes it easy for you to determine the theoretical yield value of the chemical reaction in fraction of seconds with steps.

Equilibrium Class 11 MCQ Question 2.
A physician wishes to prepare a buffer solution at pH = 3.85 that efficiently resists changes in pH yet contains only small concentration of the buffering agents. Which of the following weak acids together with its sodium salt would be best to use?
(a) 2, 5-Dihydroxy benzoic acid (pKa = 2.97)
(b) Acetoacetic acid (pKa = 3.58)
(c) m-Chlorobenzoic acid (pKa = 3.98)
(d) p-Chlorocinnamic acid (pKa = 4.41)


Answer: (b) Acetoacetic acid (pKa = 3.58)
For small concentration of buffering agent and for maximum buffer capacity
[Salt]/ [Acid] ≈ 1
i.e., pH = pKa

MCQ On Chemical Equilibrium Class 11 Question 3.
Which of the following aqueous solutions will have highest pH?
(a) NaCl
(b) CH3COONa
(c) Na2CO3
(d) NH4Cl


Answer: (c) Na2CO3
NaCl is salt of strong acid and strong base so it has pH of about 7.
NH4Cl is salt of strong acid and weak base so it has pH is much less than 7.
CH3​COONH4 is salt of weak acid and weak base so it has pH of about 7.
Na2​CO3 is salt of weak acid and strong base so it has pH is much greater than 7.

Equilibrium MCQ Class 11 Question 4.
What is the pH of a 0.10 M solution of barium hydroxide, Ba (OH)2?
(a) 11.31
(b) 11.7
(c) 13.30
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) 13.30
pH = 13.30
Barium hydroxide is a strong base for both stages of dissociation:
Ba (OH)2(s) → Ba2+ + 2OH
So the solution will have 0.20 M hydroxide ions. Now use the auto dissociation product for water:
[H+][OH] = 1.0 × 10-14M
[OH] = 2.0 × 10-1M
[H+] = 5.0 × 10-14M
And then pH = −log10 ([H+] = 5.0 × 10-14)
= 13.30.

MCQ Of Equilibrium Class 11 Question 5.
Which of the following oxides is not expected to react with sodium hydroxide?
(a) CaO
(b) SiO2
(c) BeO
(d) B2O3


Answer: (a) CaO
CaO being a basic oxide does not react with NaOH, however SiO2 (acidic oxide), BeO (amphoteric oxide) and Br2O3 (acidic oxide) react with NaOH.

Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 7 MCQ Question 6.
The pH of a 10-10 M NaOH solution is nearest to
(a) 10
(b) 7
(c) 4
(d) -10


Answer: (c) 4
pOH= −log [OH]
= −log 10-10
= 10 log 10
= 10pH + pOH
= 14pH
= 14−pOH
= 14−10
= 4

Chemical Equilibrium MCQs Class 11 Question 7.
A weak acid HX has the dissociation constant 1 × 10-5 M. It forms a salt NaX on reaction with alkali. The degree of hydrolysis of 0.1 M solution of NaX is
(a) 0.0001%
(b) 0.01%
(c) 0.1%
(d) 0.15%


Answer: (b) 0.01%
NaX: Salt of weak acid, strong base.
⇒ α = (√Kh/c)
= √ (Kw)/ (KaC)
= (10-14)/(10-5×0.1)
= 10-4
⇒ % hydrolysis = 0.01%

MCQ On Chemical Equilibrium With Answers Question 8.
When equal volumes of 0.1 M NaOH and 0.01 M HCl are mixed, the hydroxide ion concentration is
(a) 7.0
(b) 1.04
(c) 12.65
(d) 2.0


Answer: (c) 12.65
When equal volumes of 0.1 M NaOH and 0.01 M HCl are mixed, the hydroxide ion concentration is
(0.1 – 0.01)/(2)
​= 0.045 M
The pOH of the solution is pOH = −log [OH]
= −log 0.045
= 1.35
The pH of the solution is pH = 14 − pOH
= 14 − 1.35
= 12.65

MCQ Questions For Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 7 Question 9.
Concentration of the Ag+ ions in a saturated solution of Ag2C2O4 is 2.2 x 10-4 mol L-1. Solubility product of Ag2C2O42 is
(a) 2.66 × 10-12
(b) 4.5 × 10-11
(c) 5.3 × 10-12
(d) 2.42 × 10-8


Answer: (c) 5.3 × 10-12
[Ag+] = 2.2 × 10-4 mol L-1
[C2​O42-] = 0.5[Ag+] = 0.5 × 2.2 × 10-4 mol L-1 = 1.1 × 10-4 mol L-1
Ksp ​=[Ag+]² [C2O42-​]Ksp
= (2.2 × 10-4 mol L-1)² × 1.1 × 10-4 mol L-1
Ksp = 5.3 × 10-12

Chemical Equilibrium Class 11 MCQ Question 10.
In a reversible chemical reaction at equilibrium, if the concentration of any one of the reactants is doubled, then the equilibrium constant will
(a) Also be Doubled
(b) Be Halved
(c) Remain the Same
(d) Become One-Fourth


Answer: (c) Remain the Same
Equilibrium constants are not changed if you change the concentrations of things present in the equilibrium. The only thing that changes an equilibrium constant is a change of temperature.

The position of equilibrium is changed if you change the concentration of something present in the mixture. According to Le Chateliers Principle, the position of equilibrium moves in such a way as to tend to undo the change that you have made.

According to Le Chateliers Principle, if you increase the concentration of Reactant, for example, the position of equilibrium will move to the right to decrease the concentration of reactant again.

Chapter 7 Chemistry Class 11 MCQs Question 11.
When a neutral atom undergoes oxidation, the atoms oxidation state
(a) Decreases as it gains electrons
(b) Decreases as it loses electrons
(c) Increases as it gains electrons
(d) Increases as it loses electrons


Answer: (d) Increases as it loses electrons
The acronym “OILRIG” can be used to remember this: Oxidation is Losing electrons, Reduction is Gaining electrons. Therefore, when an atom undergoes oxidation, it loses electrons. This makes its net charge more positive, so its oxidation state increases.

Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 7 MCQ With Answers Question 12.
Concentration of the Ag-4 ions in a saturated solution of Ag2C2O4 is 2.2 × (a) 10-4 mol L-1. Solubility product of Ag2C2O4 is
(b) 2.66 × 10-12
(c) 4.5 × 10-11
(d) 5.3 × 10-12
2.42 × 10-8


Answer: (c) 4.5 × 10-11
[Ag+] = 2.2 × 10-4 mol L-1
[C2​O42-] = 0.5[Ag+] = 0.5 × 2.2 × 10-4 mol L-1 =1.1×10-4 mol L-1
Ksp ​= [Ag+]² [C2​O42-​] Ksp
= (2.2 × 10-4 mol L-1)² × 1.1 × 10-4 mol L-1
Ksp = 5.3 × 10-12

Class 11 Chemistry Equilibrium MCQ Question 13.
Among the following the weakest Bronsted base is
(a) F
(b) Cl
(c) Br
(d) I


Answer: (d) I
According to this theory, an acid is a proton donor and a base is a proton acceptor. Every strong Bronsted acid has a weak conjugate base and every strong base has a weak conjugate acid. The acidity increases in halogen group atoms,
HF < HCl < HBr < HI.
So, HI is highly acidic and their conjugate bases decrease in order F > Cl > Br > I.

Chemical Equilibrium Class 11 MCQ Questions Question 14.
A certain buffer solution contains equal concentration of X and HX. The ka for HX is 10-8. The pH of the buffer is
(a) 3
(b) 8
(c) 11
(d) 14


Answer: (b) 8
ka kb = kw
kb = 10-8
ka × 10-8 = 10-14
ka = 10-6 = [H+]
pH = −log [H+]
pH = −log 10-6
= 6pH + pOH
= 14 pOH
= 14−6
= 8

Class 11 Equilibrium MCQ Question 15.
What is the pH of a 0.10 M solution of barium hydroxide, Ba (OH)2?
(a) 11.31
(b) 11.7
(c) 13.30
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) 13.30
pH =13.30
Barium hydroxide is a strong base for both stages of dissociation:
Ba (OH)2(s) → Ba2+ + 2OH
So the solution will have 0.20 M hydroxide ions. Now use the auto dissociation product for water:
[H+][OH] = 1.0×10-14M
[OH] = 2.0 × 10-1M
[H+] = 5.0 × 10-14M
And then pH = −log10 ([H+] = 5.0 × 10-14)
= 13.30.

Chemical Equilibrium MCQs Question 16.
Solubility of M2S salt is 3.5 × 10-6 then find out solubility product.
(a) 1.7 × 10-6
(b) 1.7 × 10-16
(c) 1.7 × 10-18
(d) 1.7 × 10-12


Answer: (b) 1.7 × 10-16
Let ”s“ be the solubility of salt M2​S which undergoes dissociation as follows :-
M2​S ⇌ 2M+ +S-2
Initial concentration 1 0 0
Concentration at equilibrium 1-s 2s s
Hence, the solubility product (Ksp) = (s) × (2s)²
Therefore, Ksp = 4 × s³
Or Ksp​​ = 4× (3.5×10-6
⇒ Ksp
= 1.7 × 10-16

Ch 7 Chemistry Class 11 MCQ Question 17.
Among the following hydroxides, the one which has the lowest value of Ksp at ordinary temperature (about 25°C ) is
(a) Mg (OH)2
(b) Ca(OH)2
(c) Ba(OH)2
(d) Be(OH)2


Answer: (d) Be(OH)2
Be(OH)2 ​has the lowest value of Ksp at ordinary temperature because Be2+ ion is smaller than the other metal ions in the group, which results in a tighter bond with the 0H ions, thus much lower solubility.

The solubility of a hydroxide of group 2 elements increases down the group because as you go down the group size of metal increases thereby increasing the bond length and decreasing bond energy.

Chemical Equilibrium MCQ Class 11 Question 18.
Which of the following mixtures in aqueous solution of equimolar concentration acts as a buffer solution?
(a) HNO3 and NaOH
(b) H2SO4 and KOH
(c) NH4OH(excess) + HCl
(d) CH3COOH and NaOH(excess)


Answer: (c) NH4OH(excess) + HCl
A mixture of ammonium hydroxide and HCl react to form ammonium chloride. This also contains unreacted ammonium hydroxide.
NH4​ OH + HCl → NH4Cl + H2O
Thus, the resulting mixture of (NH4OH+NH4Cl) is a basic buffer solution. It contains a mixture of weak base ammonium hydroxide and its salt (ammonium chloride) with strong acid (HCl).
It is used in a qualitative analysis of group III radicals.
A mixture of HNO3 and NaOH is a mixture of strong acid and strong base similarly a mixture of
H2​SO4 and KOH is also a mixture of strong acid and strong base, thus they do not form buffer solution.
Similarly, in option 4 mixture will form a strong base and salt of strong base weak acid hence it will not form a buffer solution.

Chemical Equilibrium MCQ With Answers Question 19.
Which of the following aqueous solutions will have highest pH?
(a) NaCl
(b) CH3COONa
(c) Na2CO3
(d) NH4Cl


Answer: (c) Na2CO3
NaCl is salt of strong acid and strong base so it has pH of about 7.
NH4​Cl is salt of strong acid and weak base so it has pH is much less than 7.
CH3COONH4 is salt of weak acid and weak base so it has pH of about 7.
Na2​CO3 is salt of weak acid and strong base so it has pH is much greater than 7.

Question 20.
Amines behave as
(a) Lewis Acids
(b) Lewis Base
(c) Aprotic Acid
(d) Neutral Compound


Answer: (b) Lewis Base
R−NH2 (Amines) behaves as a Lewis base because it is capable of donating a lone pair of electron.

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 7 Equilibrium with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Equilibrium MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 11 Chemistry with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Class 11 Chemistry MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Class 11 MCQs Questions with Answers

Chemical Bonding Class 11 MCQ Question 1.
The bond length between hybridised carbon atom and other carbon atom is minimum in
(a) Propane
(b) Butane
(c) Propene
(d) Propyne


Answer: (d) Propyne
The C – C bond length = 1.54 Å, C = C bond length = 1.34 Å and C ≡ C bond length = 1.20 Å.
Since propyne has a triple bond, therefore it has minimum bond length.

Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure MCQ Question 2.
The number of nodal planes present in s × s antibonding orbitals is
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 0
(d) 3


Answer: (a) 1
In an antibonding molecular orbital, most of the electron density is located away from the space between the nuclei, as a result of which there is a nodal plane (i.e, a plane at which the electron density is zero) between the nuclei.

Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 4 MCQ With Answers Question 3.
The hybrid state of sulphur in SO2 molecule is :
(a) sp²
(b) sp³
(c) sp
(d) sp³d


Answer: (a) sp²
The hybridisation of sulphur in SO2 is sp². Sulphur atom has one lone pair of electrons and two bonding domains. Bond angle is <120° and molecular geometry is V-shape, bent or angular

Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 4 MCQ Question 4.
Which one of the following does not have sp² hybridised carbon?
(a) Acetone
(b) Acetic acid
(c) Acetonitrile
(d) Acetamide


Answer: (c) Acetonitrile
Acetonitrile does not contain sp² hybridized carbon.

MCQ Questions For Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 4 Question 5.
Which of the following will have the lowest boiling point?
(a) 2-MethylButane
(b) 2-MethylPropane
(c) 2,2-Dimethylpropane
(d) n-Pentane


Answer: (d) n-Pentane
Boiling point increases with increase in molecular mass. For the compounds with the same molecular mass, boiling point decreases with an increase in branching.
The molecular mass of 2-Methylbutane: 72 g mol-1
The molecular mass of 2-Methylpropane: 58 g mol-1
The molecular mass of 2, 2-Dimethylpropane: 72 g mol-1
The molecular mass of 2-Methylbutane: 72 g mol-1
2-Methylpropane has the lowest molecular mass among all of the given compounds.
Thus, 2-Methylpropane has the lowest boiling point among the given options.

My question is that how to calculate bond order for open and closed sheel.

Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure Class 11 MCQ Question 6.
Among the following the maximum covalent character is shown by the compound
(a) MgCl2
(b) FeCl2
(c) SnCl2
(d) AlCl3


Answer: (d) AlCl3
We know that, extent of polarisation ∝ covalent character in ionic bond. Fajans rule states that the polarising power of cation increases, with increase in magnitude of positive charge on the cation Therefore, polarising power ∝ charge of cation.

The polarising power of cation increases with the decrease in the size of a cation. Therefore, polarising (power) ∝ (1)/ (size of cation)
Here the AlCl3 is satisfying the above two conditions i.e., Al is in +3 oxidation state and also has small size. So it has more covalent character.

MCQ Of Chemical Bonding Class 11 Question 7.
Among the following mixtures, dipole-dipole as the major interaction, is present in
(a) benzene and ethanol
(b) acetonitrile and acetone
(c) KCl and water
(d) benzene and carbon tetrachloride


Answer: (b) acetonitrile and acetone
Dipole-dipole interactions occur among the polar molecules. Polar molecules have permanent dipoles. The positive pole of one molecule is thus attracted by the negative pole of the other molecule. The magnitude of dipole-dipole forces in different polar molecules is predicted on the basis of the polarity of the molecules, which in turn depends upon the electro negativities of the atoms present in the molecule and the geometry of the molecule (in case of polyatomic molecules, containing more than two atoms in a molecule).

Ch 4 Chemistry Class 11 MCQ Question 8.
The value of n in the molecular formula BenAl2Si6O18 is
(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 7
(d) 9


Answer: (a) 3
The oxidation states of each element
Be = +2
Al = +3
Si = +4
O = -2
(2n) + (3 × 2) + (4 + 6) + (−2 × 18) = 0
or 2n + 30 − 36 = 0
or 2n = 6
or n = 3

MCQ On Chemical Bonding Class 11 Pdf Question 9.
Which of the following types of hybridisation leads to three dimensional geometry of bonds around the carbon atom?
(a) sp
(b) sp²
(c) sp³
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) sp²
sp² hybrid structures have trigonal planar geometry, which is two dimensional.

Chemical Bonding MCQ Class 11 Question 10.
An atom of an element A has three electrons in its outermost orbit and that of B has six electrons in its outermost orbit. The formula of the compound between these two will be
(a) A3B6
(b) A2B3
(c) A3B2
(d) A2B


Answer: (b) A2B3
A has 3 electrons in outermost orbit and B has 6 electrons in its outermost orbits. So A can give three electrons to complete its octet and B needs 2 electrons to complete its octet. So 2 atoms of A will release 6 electrons and 3 atoms of B will need six electrons to complete their octet
So, the formula will be A2​B3

Class 11 Chemistry Ch 4 MCQ Question 11.
The maximum number of hydrogen bonds that a molecule of water can have is
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4


Answer: (d) 4
Each water molecule can form a maximum of four hydrogen bonds with neighboring water molecules. The two hydrogens of the water molecule can form hydrogen bonds with other oxygens in ice, and the two lone pair of electrons on oxygen of the water molecule can attract other hydrogens in ice. Hence, 4 possible hydrogen bonds.

MCQ Questions On Chemical Bonding Class 11 Question 12.
The number of types of bonds between two carbon atoms in calcium carbide is
(a) Two sigma, two pi
(b) One sigma, two pi
(c) One sigma, one pi
(d) Two sigma, one pi


Answer: (b) One sigma, two pi
A single bond between two atoms is always considered as sigma bond.
A double bond between two atoms is always considered as one sigma and one pi bond
A triple bond between two atoms is always considered as one sigma bond and two pi bonds.
So according to the given structure CaC2 (Calcium carbide) has 1 sigma and 2 pi bonds

Class 11 Chemical Bonding MCQ Question 13.
Based on lattice enthalpy and other considerations which one the following alkali metals chlorides is expected to have the higher melting point?
(a) RbCl
(b) KCl
(c) NaCl
(d) LiCl


Answer: (c) NaCl
The highest melting point will be NaCl, it is because, the lattice energy decreases as the size of alkali metal increases so going down the group the melting point decreases, but due to the covalent bonding in LiCl, its melting point is lower than NaCl and so NaCl is expected to have maximum melting point in the alkali chlorides.​

MCQ Of Chapter 4 Chemistry Class 11 Question 14.
Dipole-induced dipole interactions are present in which of the following pairs?
(a) H2O and alcohol
(b) Cl2 and CCl4
(c) HCl and He atoms
(d) SiF4 and He atoms


Answer: (c) HCl and He atoms
HCl is polar (μ ≠ 0) and He is non-polar (μ = 0) gives dipole-induced dipole interaction.

Chemistry Class 11 Chapter 4 MCQ Question 15.
Among the following mixtures, dipole-dipole as the major interaction, is present in
(a) benzene and ethanol
(b) acetonitrile and acetone
(c) KCl and water
(d) benzene and carbon tetrachloride


Answer: (b) acetonitrile and acetone
Dipole-dipole interactions occur among the polar molecules. Polar molecules have permanent dipoles. The positive pole of one molecule is thus attracted by the negative pole of the other molecule. The magnitude of dipole-dipole forces in different polar molecules is predicted on the basis of the polarity of the molecules, which in turn depends upon the electro negativities of the atoms present in the molecule and the geometry of the molecule (in case of polyatomic molecules, containing more than two atoms in a molecule).

Chapter 4 Chemistry Class 11 MCQ Question 16.
The charge/size ratio of a cation determines its polarizing power. Which one of the following sequences represents the increasing order of the polarizing order of the polarizing power of the cationic species, K+, Ca++, Mg2+, Be2+?
(a) Ca2+ < Mg2+ < Be+ < K+
(b) Mg2+ < Be2+ < K+ < Ca2+
(c) Be2+ < K+ < Ca2+ < Mg2+
(d) K+ < Ca2+ < Mg2+ < Be2+


Answer: (d) K+ < Ca2+ < Mg2+ < Be2+
High charge and small size of the cations increases polarisation.
As the size of the given cations decreases as
K+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > Be2+
Hence, polarising power decreases as K+ < Ca2+ < Mg2+ < Be2+

Chapter 4 Chemistry Class 11 MCQs Question 17.
The species having pyramidal shape is
(a) SO3
(b) BrF3
(c) SiO32-
(d) OSF2


Answer: (d) OSF2
The species having a pyramidal shape according to VSEPR theory is OSF2. The central S atom has 3 bonding domains (one S = O double bond and two S−F single bonds) and one lone pair of electrons.

The electron pair geometry is tetrahedral and molecular geometry is pyramidal. This is similar to the ammonia molecule.

MCQ Chemical Bonding Class 11 Question 18.
The structure of IF7 is
(a) Pentagonal bipyramid
(b) Square pyramid
(c) Trigonal bipyramid
(d) Octahedral


Answer: (a) Pentagonal bipyramid
IF7 Hybridization is sp³d³
Structure is Pentagonal bipyramidal.
MCQ Questions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure with Answers 1

MCQ On Chemical Bonding Class 11 Question 19.
The outer orbitals of C in ethene molecule can be considered to be hybridized to give three equivalent sp² orbitals. The total number of sigma (s) and pi (p) bonds in ethene molecule is
(a) 1 sigma (s) and 2 pi (p) bonds
(b) 3 sigma (s) and 2 pi (p) bonds
(c) 4 sigma (s) and 1 pi (p) bonds
(d) 5 sigma (s) and 1 pi (p) bonds


Answer: (d) 5 sigma (s) and 1 pi (p) bonds
According to valence bond theory, two atoms form a covalent bond through the overlap of individual half-filled valence atomic orbitals, each containing one unpaired electron. In ethene, each hydrogen atom has one unpaired electron and each carbon is sp² hybridized with one electron each sp² orbital. The fourth electron is in the p orbital that will form the pi bond. The bond order for ethene is simply the number of bonds between each atom: the carbon-carbon bond has a bond order of two, and each carbon-hydrogen bond has a bond order of one.

MCQ On Chemical Bonding With Answers Pdf Question 20.
Which of the following is a linear molecule?
(a) ClO2
(b) CO2
(c) NO2
(d) SO2


Answer: (b) CO2
The steric number of central atom of a linear molecule is two. It has two bonded atoms and zero lone pair. All the molecules have two bonded atoms. Thus, we need to work out the number of lone pairs.
In ClO2, the central atom Cl has 7 valence electrons. Four are used up to form 4 bonds with O atoms. Three are non-bonding electrons. Thus, along with an odd electron, it has a lone pair.
In CO2, the central C atom has 4 valence electrons. All are used up to form four bonds with O atoms. Thus, it has zero lone pair.
In NO2, the central N atom has 5 valence electrons. Four are used up to form bonds with oxygen atoms. Thus, one electron is left as an odd electron.
In SO2, the central S atom has 6 valence electrons. Four are used up to form bonds with oxygen atoms. Two nonbonding electrons form one lone pair.

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Physics Chapter 9 Mechanical Properties of Solids with Answers

Online Education MCQ Questions for Class 11 Physics Chapter 9 Mechanical Properties of Solids with Answers

Check the below Online Education NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Physics Chapter 9 Mechanical Properties of Solids with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 11 Physics with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Mechanical Properties of Solids Class 11 Physics MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Online Education for Mechanical Properties of Solids Class 11 MCQs Questions with Answers

Mechanical Properties Of Solids MCQ Question 1.
A body of mass 1 kg is attached to one end of a wire and rotated in horizontal circle of diameter 40 cm with a constant speed of 2 m/s. what is the area of cross-section of the wire if the stress developed in the wire is 5 × 106 N/m²?
(a) 2 mm²
(b) 3 mm²
(c) 4 mm²
(d) 5 mm²


Answer: (c) 4 mm²

Mechanical Properties Of Solids Class 11 MCQ Question 2.
In a wire, when elongation is 2 cm energy stored is E. if it is stretched by 10 cm, then the energy stored will be
(a) E
(b) 2 E
(c) 4 E
(d) 25 E


Answer: (d) 25 E

MCQ On Mechanical Properties Of Solids Question 3.
Two wires A and B are of the same length. The diameters are in the ratio 1 : 2 and the Youngs modulus are in ratio 2 : 1. if they are pulled by the same force, then their elongations will be in ratio
(a) 4 : 1
(b) 1 : 4
(c) 1 : 2
(d) 2 : 1


Answer: (d) 2 : 1

Mechanical Properties Of Solids MCQ Pdf Question 4.
Hookes law essentially defines
(a) Stress
(b) Strain
(c) Yield point
(d) Elastic limit


Answer: (d) Elastic limit

MCQ On Mechanical Properties Of Solids Class 11 Question 5.
Longitudinal strain is possible in the case of
(a) Gases
(b) Liquid
(c) Only solids
(d) Only gases & liquids


Answer: (c) Only solids

Engineering Physics MCQ Electrical Engineering.

Class 11 Physics Chapter 9 MCQ Question 6.
Two wires have the same material and length, but their masses are in the ration of 4 : 3. If they are stretched by the same force, their elongations will be in the ratio of
(a) 2 : 3
(b) 3 : 4
(c) 4 : 3
(d) 9 : 16


Answer: (b) 3 : 4

Mechanical Properties Of Solid MCQ Question 7.
A rubber cord of cross sectional area 1 mm² and unstretched length 10 cm is stretched to 12 cm and then released to project a stone of mass 5 gram. If Y for rubber = 5 ? 108N/m², then the tension in the rubber cord is
(a) 25 N
(b) 50 N
(c) 100 N
(d) 200 N


Answer: (c) 100 N

MCQ Questions On Mechanical Properties Of Solids Question 8.
Out of the following materials, whose elasticity is independent of temperature?
(a) Copper
(b) Invar steel
(c) Brass
(d) Silver


Answer: (b) Invar steel

MCQs On Mechanical Properties Of Solids Question 9.
An iron bar of length l m and cross section A m² is pulled by a force of F Newton from both ends so as to produce and elongation in meters. Which of the following statement statements is correct
(a) Elongation is inversely proportional to length l
(b) Elongation is directly proportional to cross section A
(c) Elongation is inversely proportional to A
(d) Elongation is directly proportional to Youngs modulus


Answer: (c) Elongation is inversely proportional to A

Mechanical Properties Of Solids MCQs Question 10.
The ratio of the change in dimension at right angles to the applied force to the initial dimension is known as
(a) Youngs modulus
(b) Poissons ratio
(c) Lateral strain
(d) Shearing strain


Answer: (c) Lateral strain

Class 11 Physics Chapter 9 MCQs Question 11.
Four wires whose lengths and diameter respectively are given below are made of the same material. Which of these will have the largest extension when same tension is applied?
(a) 0.50 m, 0.50 mm
(b) 1.00 mm, 1.00 mm
(c) 2.00 m, 2.00 mm
(d) 4.00 m, 4.00 mm


Answer: (a) 0.50 m, 0.50 mm

MCQ On Elasticity Class 11 Question 12.
When the intermolecular distance increases due to tensile force, then
(a) There is no force between the molecules
(b) There is a repulsive force between the molecules
(c) There is an attractive force between the molecules
(d) There is zero resultant force between the molecules


Answer: (c) There is an attractive force between the molecules

Class 11 Mechanical Properties Of Solids MCQ Question 13.
A body of mass 1 kg is attached to one end of a wire and rotated in horizontal circle of diameter 40 cm with a constant speed of 2 m/s. what is the area of cross-section of the wire if the stress developed in the wire is 5 × 106 N/m²?
(a) 2 mm²
(b) 3 mm²
(c) 4 mm²
(d) 5 mm²


Answer: (c) 4 mm²

MCQ Of Mechanical Properties Of Solids Question 14.
One end of a steel wire of area of cross-section 3 mm² is attached to the ceiling of an elevator moving up with an acceleration of 2.2 m/s². if a load of 8 kg is attached at its free end, then the stress developed in the wire will be
(a) 8 × 106 N/m²
(b) 16 × 106 N/m²
(c) 20 × 106 N/m²
(d) 32 × 106 N/m²


Answer: (d) 32 × 106 N/m²

Class 11 Physics Mechanical Properties Of Solids MCQs Question 15.
The ratio of the change in dimension at right angles to the applied force to the initial dimension is known as
(a) Youngs modulus
(b) Poissons ratio
(c) Lateral strain
(d) Shearing strain


Answer: (c) Lateral strain

MCQ Questions For Class 11 Physics Chapter 9 Question 16.
The magnitude of the force developed by raising the temperature from 0°C to 100°C of the iron bar of 1.00 m long and 1 cm² cross-section when it is held so that it is not permitted to expand or bend is (a = 10-5/oC and Y = 1011 N/m²)
(a) 103 N
(b) 104 N
(c) 105
(d) 109 N


Answer: (b) 104 N

Chapter 9 Physics Class 11 MCQs Question 17.
The upper end of wire 1 m long and 2 mm radius is clamped. The lower end is twisted through an angle of 45°. The angle of shear is
(a) 0.09°
(b) 0.9°
(c) 9°
(d) 90°


Answer: (a) 0.09°

Mechanical Properties Of Solids MCQ Questions Question 18.
The radii of two wires of a same material are in ratio 2 : 1. if the wires are stretched by equal forces, the stress produced in them will be
(a) 2 : 1
(b) 4 : 1
(c) 1 : 4
(d) 1 : 2


Answer: (c) 1 : 4

Class 11 Physics Mechanical Properties Of Solids MCQ Question 19.
A rubber cord of cross sectional area 1 mm² and unstretched length 10 cm is stretched to 12 cm and then released to project a stone of mass 5 gram. If Y for rubber = 5 ? 108N/m², then the tension in the rubber cord is
(a) 25 N
(b) 50 N
(c) 100 N
(d) 200 N


Answer: (c) 100 N

Class 11 Physics Ch 9 MCQ Question 20.
In a wire, when elongation is 2 cm energy stored is E. if it is stretched by 10 cm, then the energy stored will be
(a) E
(b) 2 E
(c) 4 E
(d) 25 E


Answer: (d) 25 E

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Physics Chapter 9 Mechanical Properties of Solids with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 11 Physics Mechanical Properties of Solids MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.