MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 7 Structural Organisation in Animals with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 7 Structural Organisation in Animals with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 7 Structural Organisation in Animals with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Structural Organisation in Animals Class 11 Biology MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Structural Organisation in Animals Class 11 MCQs Questions with Answers

Structural Organisation In Animals Class 11 MCQ Question 1.
Blood corpuscles are formed in the
(a) Haversian canal
(b) endosteum
(c) red bone marrow
(d) pancreas


Answer: (c) red bone marrow

Structural Organisation In Animals MCQ Question 2.
Which of the following is absent in female frog?
(a) Webbed feet
(b) Copulatory pads
(c) Tympanum
(d) All are present


Answer: (b) Copulatory pads
Copulatory pads are absent in female frog.
These are present on the first digit of the fore limbs.

Class 11 Biology Chapter 7 MCQ Question 3.
Osteoblasts are found in
(a) blood
(b) muscle
(c) bone
(d) catrilage


Answer: (c) bone

MCQ Questions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 7 Question 4.
Choose the incorrect statement.
(a) Vascular system of frog is closed type.
(b) Frogs have 4-chambered heart.
(c) During aestivation and hibernation, skin acts as respiratory organ.
(d) All the statements are correct.


Answer: (b) Frogs have 4-chambered heart.
Vascular system of frogs is closed and they have 3-chambered heart.

Chapter 7 Biology Class 11 MCQs Question 5.
Which one of the four parts mentioned below is not part of a single uriniferous tubule ?
(a) Bowman scapsule
(b) Loop of Henle
(c) Distal convoluted tubule
(d) Collecting ducts


Answer: (d) Collecting ducts

MCQs Of Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 Question 6.
Ciliated epithelium is present in
(a) fallopian tubes
(b) blood vessels
(c) mid brain
(d) none of the above


Answer: (a) fallopian tubes
Ciliated epithelium is present in inner surface of hollow organs like bronchioles ando fallopian tubes.

Ch 7 Bio Class 11 MCQ Question 7.
The vascular tissue of blood is made up of
(a) RBC
(b) plasma
(c) platelets
(d) all of the above


Answer: (d) all of the above

MCQ On Structural Organisation In Animals Question 8.
Which membrane protects the eyes of frog in water?
(a) Tympanum
(b) Skin
(c) Sebaceous
(d) Nictitating


Answer: (d) Nictitating
Frogs have nictitating membrane which protect their eyes in water.

Class 11 Bio Ch 7 MCQ Question 9.
Fats are richly found in
(a) alveolar tissue
(b) lymph glands
(c) adipose tissue
(d) liver cells


Answer: (c) adipose tissue

MCQ Of Chapter 7 Biology Class 11 Question 10.
The main function of the skin of frog is
(a) the exchange of respiratory gases
(b) the storage of fat
(c) the storage of energy
(d) to convert light vitamin D


Answer: (a) the exchange of respiratory gases

MCQ On Structural Organisation In Animals Class 11 Question 11.
The ciliated epithelium in our body may be found in
(a) trachea
(b) ureter
(c) bile duct
(d) intestines


Answer: (a) trachea

Class 11 Bio Chapter 7 MCQ Question 12.
Which one of the following is a scent gland of mammals?
(a) Bartholin
(b) Anal
(c) Prostate
(d) Adrenal


Answer: (b) Anal

Structural Organisation In Animals MCQ Class 11 Question 13.
The characteristic of simple eqithelium is that
(a) the cells are loosely placed
(b) they are single – layered in thickness
(c) cells are tightly packed with no intercelluar spaces
(d) cells are generally ciliated


Answer: (b) they are single – layered in thickness

Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 MCQs Question 14.
Spot the salivary gland in the following :
(a) sublingual
(b) adrenal
(c) Brunners
(d) lacrimal


Answer: (a) sublingual

Structural Organisation In Animals MCQ With Answers Question 15.
Protein not found in the connective tissues is
(a) actin
(b) ossein
(c) collagen
(d) elastin


Answer: (a) actin

Class 11 Biology Ch 7 MCQ Question 16.
Tendons connect the following:
(a) bone to bone
(b) muscle to muscle
(c) cartilage to muscle
(d) bone to muscle


Answer: (d) bone to muscle

Class 11 Structural Organisation In Animals MCQ Question 17.
Frogs are beneficial to us because
(a) they protect crops.
(b) they links food web
(c) they are food to man.
(d) all of these


Answer: (d) all of these
Frogs are beneficial to man because they protect crops and eat insects.
They maintain ecological balance.
They link food chain and food web.
Muscular leg of frog is used as food by man.

Structural Organization In Animals MCQ Question 18.
Which membrane protects the eyes of frog in water?
(a) Tympanum
(b) Skin
(c) Sebaceous
(d) Nictitating


Answer: (d) Nictitating
Frogs have nictitating membrane which protect their eyes in water.

MCQ Of Structural Organisation In Animals Question 19.
Which of the following helps in locomotion of earthworms?
(a) Clitellum
(b) Setae
(c) Intersegmental grooves
(d) Nephridiophores


Answer: (b) Setae
Setae helps in locomotion of earthworms.

MCQ Of Structural Organisation In Animals Class 11 Question 20.
Which is not a part of reproductive system of female cockroach?
(a) Phallic gland
(b) Vestibulum
(c) Gonapophyses
(d) Collaterial glands


Answer: (a) Phallic gland
Phallic gland is a part of male reproductive system of cockroach.
It helps in formation of spermatophores.

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 7 Structural Organisation in Animals with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 11 Biology Structural Organisation in Animals MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Animal Kingdom Class 11 Biology MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Animal Kingdom Class 11 MCQs Questions with Answers

Animal Kingdom Class 11 MCQ Question 1.
Radula is found in
(a) Pila sp.
(b) Chiton sp.
(c) Lamellidens sp.
(d) Pinctada sp.


Answer: (a) Pila sp.

Animal Kingdom Class 11 MCQ Questions And Answers Question 2.
Sharks, skates, and rays are also called ______ fishes.
(a) Jawless
(b) Bony
(c) Cartilaginous
(d) Freshwater


Answer: (c) Cartilaginous

Class 11 Biology Chapter 4 MCQ Question 3.
Turtles are
(a) Arthropods
(b) Pisces
(c) Reptiles
(d) Molluscs


Answer: (c) Reptiles

MCQ Of Animal Kingdom Class 11 Question 4.
The clam nervous system is composed of
(a) labial palps
(b) one pair of ganglia
(c) two pairs of ganglia
(d) three pairs of ganglia


Answer: (d) three pairs of ganglia

Class 11 Animal Kingdom MCQ Question 5.
Choose the correct pair.
(a) Hippocampus – 3-chambered heart
(b) Rana – 2-chambered heart
(c) Crocodilus – 4-chambered heart
(d) Pavo – 3-chambered heart


Answer: (c) Crocodilus – 4-chambered heart
Hippocampus (sea horse) belongs to class osteichthyes. It has 2-chambered heart (one auricle and one ventricle).
Rana (frog) belongs to class amphibia. It has a 3-chambered heart (two auricles and one ventricle).
Crocodilus (crocodile) belongs to class reptilia. It is an exception in reptiles.
Pavo (peacock) belongs to class aves. It has 4-chambered heart.

Animal Kingdom MCQ Class 11 Question 6.
Who wrote the book Systema Naturae?
(a) Lamarck
(b) Darwin
(c) Wallace
(d) Linnaeus


Answer: (d) Linnaeus

MCQ Questions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 4 Question 7.
Which of the following statement is correct?
(a) Platypus lays eggs
(b) Camels have biconcave RBCs
(c) Whales respire by gills
(d) Bats do not fly


Answer: (a) Platypus lays eggs

MCQ On Animal Kingdom Class 11 Question 8.
Osteichthyes belongs to
(a) class amphibia
(b) super class pisces
(c) super class tetrapoda
(d) division agnatha


Answer: (b) super class pisces

Chapter 4 Biology Class 11 MCQs Question 9.
Which one of the following groups of animals is correctly matched with its one characteristic feature without even a single exception?
(a) Mammalia : give birth to young ones
(b) Reptilia : possess 3-chambered heart with one incompletely divided ventricle
(c) Chordata : possess a mouth provided with an upper and a lower jaw
(d) Chondrichthyes : possess cartilaginous endoskeleton


Answer: (d) Chondrichthyes : possess cartilaginous endoskeleton

MCQs Of Biology Class 11 Chapter 4 Question 10.
Which one of the following phylum is characterized by absence of true coelom?
(a) Annelida
(b) Mollusca
(c) Echinodermata
(d) Nematoda


Answer: (d) Nematoda

Animal Kingdom MCQ Questions Question 11.
Which of the following is a pseudocoelomate?
(a) Platyhelminthes
(b) Aschelminthes
(c) Mollusca
(d) Hemi-chordates


Answer: (b) Aschelminthes
Aschelminthes is a pseudocoelomate.

Ch 4 Bio Class 11 MCQ Question 12.
Which kind of symmetry occurs in sea anemone?
(a) Bilateral
(b) Radial
(c) Asymmetry
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Radial

Class 11 Bio Ch 4 MCQ Question 13.
Phylum that doesnt have a true coelom is
(a) Platyhelminthes
(b) Annelida
(c) Echinoderms
(d) Arthropoda


Answer: (a) Platyhelminthes

Class 11 Biology Chapter 4 MCQs Question 14.
Male mosquitoes usually feed on
(a) Garbage
(b) Human blood
(c) Flower sap
(d) All of the above


Answer: (c) Flower sap

Animal Kingdom Class 11 MCQs Question 15.
Bed Bugs contribute to the spread of
(a) Typhoid
(b) Yellow fever
(c) Typhus
(d) Trench fever


Answer: (c) Typhus

MCQ Animal Kingdom Class 11 Question 16.
Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of phylum Annelida?
(a) Ventral nerve cord
(b) Closed circulatory system
(c) Segmentation
(d) Pseudocoelom


Answer: (d) Pseudocoelom

Question 17.
______ are devoid of respiratory, excretory and circulatory organs.
(a) Threadworms
(b) Sponges
(c) Tapeworms
(d) Liver fluke


Answer: (b) Sponges

Question 18.
Fluke infections are diseases of the _______ in humans.
(a) Blood
(b) Bile
(c) Digestive tract
(d) Lungs


Answer: (c) Digestive tract

Question 19.
Water-Vascular system is found in
(a) Sea-anemone
(b) Sea-pen
(c) Sea-cucumber
(d) Sea-horse


Answer: (c) Sea-cucumber

Question 20.
Order Rhynchocephalia consists of
(a) Tuataras
(b) Lizards and snakes
(c) Turtles and tortoises
(d) Crocodiles, alligators, caimans


Answer: (a) Tuataras

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 11 Biology Animal Kingdom MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

The Ghat of the Only World Class 11 MCQ Questions with Answers English Chapter 6

The Ghat of the Only World Class 11 MCQ Questions with Answers English Chapter 6

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 6 The Ghat of the Only World with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 11 English with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided The Ghat of the Only World Class 11 English MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

MCQ Questions for Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 6 The Ghat of the Only World with Answers

The Ghat Of The Only World MCQ Class 11 Question 1.
What impact did Shahid’s death have upon the author ?
(a) He remains unaffected
(b) He moved out of his place to distract himself
(c) He felt a deep void
(d) Not mentioned in the story


Answer: (c) He felt a deep void

The Ghat Of The Only World MCQ Questions Class 11 Question 2.
Shahid passed away while he was ______.
(a) driving
(b) asleep
(c) cooking
(d) writing


Answer: (b) asleep

The Ghat Of The Only World In Hindi Class 11 Question 3.
Shahid wanted to go to ______ during his last days.
(a) Northampton
(b) New York
(c) Kashmir
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Kashmir

Ghat Of The Only World Class 11 Question 4.
Once in his childhood, what did Shahid’s mother help to create in his room?
(a) A murti
(b) A holy scripture
(c) An artwork of Hindu gods
(d) A Hindu temple


Answer: (d) A Hindu temple

Question 5.
Shahid firmly believed in ________ politics and religion.
(a) separating
(b) interconnecting
(c) mingling
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) separating

Question 6.
Shahid by inclination was a political poet.
(a) Yes
(b) Somewhat
(c) No
(d) Not mentioned in the story


Answer: (c) No

Question 7.
What did Shahid describe as “the happiest time of his life”?
(a) His time in Arizona
(b) His time at New York University
(c) His time at Manhattan’s college
(d) His time at Penn State


Answer: (d) His time at Penn State

Question 8.
“No matter what the question, Shahid worked _________ into his answer.” Complete the sentence.
(a) poetry
(b) passion
(c) nationalism
(d) music


Answer: (a) poetry

Question 9.
Who had a great influence on Shahid’s poetry?
(a) Amitav Gosh
(b) Suketu Mehta
(c) James Merrill
(d) Roshnara Begum


Answer: (c) James Merrill

Question 10.
Shahid described ‘the view of the Brooklyn waterfront slipping into the East River’ as a __________.
(a) ghat
(b) waterfall
(c) fountain
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) ghat

Question 11.
Shahid and the author had shared love for ____________.
(a) rogan josh
(b) Kishore Kumar
(c) Roshnara Begum
(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above

Question 12.
According to the author, what was the most impressive work of Shahid?
(a) Barcelona Airport
(b) His writings of Kashmir
(c) The Country Without a Post Office
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) The Country Without a Post Office

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 6 The Ghat of the Only World with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 11 English The Ghat of the Only World MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

We’re Not Afraid to Die… If We Can All Be Together Class 11 MCQ Questions with Answers English Chapter 2

We’re Not Afraid to Die… If We Can All Be Together Class 11 MCQ Questions with Answers English Chapter 2

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 2 We’re Not Afraid to Die… If We Can All Be Together with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 11 English with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided We’re Not Afraid to Die… If We Can All Be Together Class 11 English MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

MCQ Questions for Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 2 We’re Not Afraid to Die… If We Can All Be Together with Answers

We Are Not Afraid To Die MCQ Question 1.
What happened when the author’s head smashed into the wheel?
(a) he was hurt but steady
(b) he flew overboard sinking below the waves
(c) he was not hurt
(d) he gained control immediately


Answer: (b) he flew overboard sinking below the waves

We’re Not Afraid To Die MCQ Question 2.
How long did they take for the ship’s testing and fitting?
(a) months
(b) few days
(c) 2 years
(d) few weeks


Answer: (a) months

We Are Not Afraid To Die Class 11 MCQ Questions Question 3.
When did they reach lle Amsterdam?
(a) around 6 pm in the evening
(b) never reached there
(c) at 11 in the next morning
(d) they decided to take different route


Answer: (a) around 6 pm in the evening

We Are Not Afraid To Die Class 11 MCQ Question 4.
What was their first meal in two days?
(a) Meatloaves
(b) bread and milk
(c) noodles
(d) corned beef and cracker biscuits


Answer: (d) corned beef and cracker biscuits

We Are Not Afraid To Die MCQs Question 5.
What happened after the hand pumps started to block up with the debris floating around the cabins?
(a) the author connected an electric-pump to an out-pipe
(b) by taking out water with the help of bucket
(c) by repairing hand pump
(d) the author found another hand pump


Answer: (a) the author connected an electric-pump to an out-pipe

MCQ Of We’re Not Afraid To Die Question 6.
What was the age of Suzanne and Jonathan?
(a) 8 & 9 years old
(b) 7 & 6 years old
(c) 10 & 7 years old
(d) 4 years & 6 years


Answer: (b) 7 & 6 years old

We’re Not Afraid To Die Class 11 MCQ Question 7.
What was the condition of the ship?
(a) Broken timbers, starboard side bulged inwards; clothes, crockery, charts, tins and toys sloshed
(b) There personal belongings were missing
(c) water filled in every room and their clothes were missing
(d) Can’t say


Answer: (a) Broken timbers, starboard side bulged inwards; clothes, crockery, charts, tins and toys sloshed

Class 11 English Chapter 2 MCQ Question 8.
What happened to the author’s body when he managed to reach the deck?
(a) his head smashed again
(b) his left ribs cracked; mouth filled with blood and broken teeth
(c) he broke his leg
(d) his broke his left hand


Answer: (b) his left ribs cracked; mouth filled with blood and broken teeth

Class 11 We’re Not Afraid To Die MCQ Question 9.
Why did the author accept his approaching death?
A Pirates had attacked the ship
B because he was injured by the explosion
C he was thrown in the sea
D he was stabbed


Answer: A Pirates had attacked the ship

MCQ On We Are Not Afraid To Die Question 10.
What happened after the first indication of the disaster?
(a) a wave appeared vertical and almost twice the height of other waves
(b) it broke the ship from inside
(c) the ship turned upside down
(d) it didn’t affect the ship


Answer: (a) a wave appeared vertical and almost twice the height of other waves

We Are Not Afraid To Die MCQ Questions Question 11.
What did they do to slow down the boat in the storm?
(a) Stopped sailing
(b) dropped the storm jib and lashed a heavy mooring rope
(c) just dropped the storm jib
(d) did nothing and waited for storm to calm down


Answer: (b) dropped the storm jib and lashed a heavy mooring rope

We Re Not Afraid To Die MCQ Question 12.
Why did the author hire the two crewmen?
(a) to take rest from long the voyage
(b) to help tackle one of the world’s roughest seas, the southern Indian Ocean
(c) because he could no longer sail the ship
(d) he wanted to spend some time with his family


Answer: (b) to help tackle one of the world’s roughest seas, the southern Indian Ocean

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 2 We’re Not Afraid to Die… If We Can All Be Together with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 11 English We’re Not Afraid to Die… If We Can All Be Together MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 17 Breathing and Exchange of Gases with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 16 Digestion and Absorption with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 16 Digestion and Absorption with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Digestion and Absorption Class 11 Biology MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Digestion and Absorption Class 11 MCQs Questions with Answers

Digestion And Absorption Class 11 MCQ Question 1.
Which part of brain causes nausea?
(a) Pons
(b) Hypothalamus
(c) Parietal lobe
(d) Medulla


Answer: (d) Medulla
Vomiting is the ejection of stomach contents through mouth.
This is the reflex action which is controlled by medulla.
A feeling of nausea preceds vomiting.

Digestion And Absorption MCQ Class 11 Question 2.
Correct enzyme-substrate pair is
(a) Maltose-lactase
(b) Protein-amylase
(c) Carbohydrate-lipase
(d) Casein-rennin


Answer: (d) Casein-rennin

Class 11 Biology Chapter 16 MCQ Questions Question 3.
Peyers patches found in the small intestine are
(a) Epithelial tissue
(b) Glandular tissue
(c) Lymphatic tissue
(d) Haemopoietic tissue


Answer: (c) Lymphatic tissue

MCQ On Digestion And Absorption Class 11 Question 4.
During prolonged fasting, in what sequence are the following organic compounds used up by the body?
(a) First carbohydrates, next proteins and lastly lipids
(b) First carbohydrates, next fats and lastly proteins
(c) First fats, next carbohydrates and lastly proteins
(d) First proteins next lipids and lastly carbohydrates


Answer: (b) First carbohydrates, next fats and lastly proteins

Digestion And Absorption Class 11 Ncert MCQ Pdf Question 5.
In glycolysis ultimately
(a) starch is converted into glucose
(b) glucose is converted into fructose
(c) protein is converted into glucose
(d) glucose is converted into pyruric acid


Answer: (d) glucose is converted into pyruric acid

MCQ On Digestion And Absorption Class 11 Question 6.
If for some reason our goblet cells are non-functional this will adversely affect
(a) Smooth movement of food down the intestine
(b) Production of somatostatin
(c) Secretion of sebum from the sebaceous glands
(d) Maturation of sperms


Answer: (a) Smooth movement of food down the intestine

Class 11 Digestion And Absorption MCQ Question 7.
The HCl in gastric juice converts:
(a) Disaccharide to monosaccharide
(b) Pepsinogen to pepsin
(c) Prorennin to rennin
(d) Polypeptide to peptide


Answer: (b) Pepsinogen to pepsin

MCQ Questions On Digestion And Absorption Class 11 Question 8.
Which enzyme is used in alcoholic fermentation of yeast?
(a) Maltase
(b) Invertase
(c) Sucrase
(d) Zymase


Answer: (d) Zymase

MCQs On Digestion And Absorption Class 11  Question 9.
Assimilation means
(a) utilising the water taken by body
(b) accumulating the food for digestion
(c) utilisation of absorbed substances
(d) collecting wastes left after the absorption of required nutrients


Answer: (c) utilisation of absorbed substances
The absorbed substances finally reach the tissues which utilise them for their activities. This process is called assimilation.

Digestion And Absorption MCQs Class 11 Question 10.
The pH scale is used to measure
(a) Electric charge on ion
(b) Speed with which ions form
(c) Size of ions
(d) Concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution


Answer: (d) Concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution

Digestion And Absorption MCQ Questions Class 11 Question 11.
Which of the following part of human intestine hosts microorganisms?
(a) Colon
(b) Caecum
(c) Anus
(d) Rectum


Answer: (b) Caecum
Caecum is a small blind sac which hosts some microorganisms.

MCQs For Chapter Digestion And Absorption Question 12.
Duct leading from parotid gland and opening into vestibule is
(a) Wolffian duct
(b) Stensons duct
(c) Haversian duct
(d) Infra-orbit duct


Answer: (b) Stensons duct

MCQ Of Digestion And Absorption Class 11 Question 13.
Which organ is most affected by jaundice?
(a) Pancreas
(b) Liver
(c) Stomach
(d) Intestine


Answer: (b) Liver
Jaundice affects liver. Skin and eyes turn yellow due to the deposition of bile pigments.

Digestion And Absorption Class 11 MCQs Question 14.
Globet cells of intestinal mucosal epithelium secrete
(a) mucus
(b) cholesterol
(c) peptones
(d) bilirubin


Answer: (a) mucus
Intestinal mucosal epithelium has globet cells which secrete mucus.

Digestion And Absorption Class 11 Ncert MCQ Question 15.
Emulsification of fat takes place through
(a) Liver enzymes
(b) Bile pigments
(c) Bile salts
(d) Enzymes of small intestine


Answer: (c) Bile salts

Question 16.
Epithelial cells of the intestine involved in food absorption have on their surface
(a) phagocytic vesicles
(b) pinocytic vesicles
(c) microvilli
(d) zymogen granules


Answer: (c) microvilli

Question 17.
Carrier ions like Na+ facilitate the absorption of substances like
(a) Fructose and some amino acids
(b) Amino acids and glucose
(c) Glucose and fatty acids
(d) Fatty acids and glycerol


Answer: (a) Fructose and some amino acids

Question 18.
The glucose is converted into glycogen in liver and stored in
(a) Liver and spleen
(b) Liver and muscle
(c) Liver
(d) Spleen and muscles


Answer: (c) Liver

Question 19.
Small projections of upper surface of tongue are called
(a) fimbriae
(b) pilli
(c) papillae
(d) cilia


Answer: (c) papillae
The upper surface of the tongue has small projections called papillae, some of them bears taste buds.

Question 20.
Sweetest sugar is
(a) Fructose
(b) Sucrose
(c) Glucose
(d) Lactose


Answer: (a) Fructose

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 16 Digestion and Absorption with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 11 Biology Digestion and Absorption MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

Birth Class 11 MCQ Questions with Answers English Chapter 7

Birth Class 11 MCQ Questions with Answers English Chapter 7

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 7 Birth with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 11 English with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Birth Class 11 English MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

You can refer to NCERT Birth Class 11 Questions and Answers to revise the concepts in the syllabus effectively and improve your chances of securing high marks in your board exams.

MCQ Questions for Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 7 Birth with Answers

Birth Class 11 MCQ Chapter 7 Question 1.
Birth of Susan’s child was a turning point in Dr. Andrew’s life. Do you agree?
(a) Absolutely
(b) Not at all
(c) Partially
(d) Not clear from the story


Answer: (a) Absolutely

Birth MCQ Class 11 Chapter 7  Question 2.
After how many years were Joe and Susan blessed with a child?
(a) Ten years
(b) One year
(c) Five years
(d) Twenty years


Answer: (d) Twenty years

MCQ Of Birth Class 11 Chapter 7  Question 3.
Why did Andrew get oblivious to all the work he had done in Blaenelly?
(a) Because he got all hopeless
(b) Because he did something extraordinary that night
(c) Because he was leaving Blaenelly
(d) Because he got tired


Answer: (b) Because he did something extraordinary that night

MCQ Of Birth Chapter 7 Question 4.
What does the author refer to as ‘a miracle’?
(a) Life getting into the stillborn
(b) Morgan family welcoming a child
(c) Susan getting consciousness
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Life getting into the stillborn

Birth Chapter MCQ Chapter 7 Question 5.
Why did the child become slippery in Andrew’s hand?
(a) Because of atmosphere in the room
(b) Because Andrew was losing his focus
(c) Because of constant juggling between waters
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Because of constant juggling between waters

MCQ Birth Class 11 Chapter 7 Question 6.
After trying for fifteen minutes, Andrew felt ________.
(a) accomplished
(b) hopeful
(c) hopeless
(d) confident


Answer: (c) hopeless

MCQ On Birth Class 11 Chapter 7  Question 7.
What all things did Andrew use in the treatment?
(a) Hot and cold water
(b) Basins and towels
(c) A blanket
(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above

Birth MCQs Chapter 7 Question 8.
What did Andrew conclude from the whiteness of the child?
(a) That he was dead
(b) That he suffered from lack of oxygen
(c) That he should be taken to hospital
(d) That Andrew couldn’t save him


Answer: (b) That he suffered from lack of oxygen

Question 9.
In the dilemma he faced, what did Andrew do?
(a) Check upon Susan first
(b) Check upon the child first
(c) Ran away
(d) Left it to handle to the midwife


Answer: (a) Check upon Susan first

Question 10.
How was the newborn child?
(a) Healthy
(b) Lifeless
(c) Underweight
(d) Anaemic


Answer: (b) Lifeless

Question 11.
Andrew decided to __________ at Joe’s house.
(a) sleep
(b) study
(c) stay
(d) eat


Answer: (c) stay

Question 12.
When Andrew approached, Susan was accompanied by her mother and _________.
(a) Joe
(b) father
(c) a midwife
(d) mother-in-law


Answer: (c) a midwife

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 7 Birth with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 11 English Birth MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Geography with Answers Chapter Wise PDF Download

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Geography with Answers Chapter Wise PDF Download

Get Chapter Wise MCQ Questions for Class 11 Geography with Answers PDF Free Download of Fundamentals of Physical Geography, India Physical Environment are prepared here according to the latest CBSE syllabus and NCERT curriculum. Students can practice CBSE Class 11 Geography MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers to score good marks in the examination.

Class 11 Geography MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

Practicing these CBSE NCERT Objective MCQ Questions of Class 11 Geography with Answers Pdf will guide students to do a quick revision for all the concepts present in each chapter and prepare for final exams.

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Geography with Answers Fundamentals of Physical Geography

  1. Geography as a Discipline Class 11 MCQ Questions
  2. The Origin and Evolution of the Earth Class 11 MCQ Questions
  3. Interior of the Earth Class 11 MCQ Questions
  4. Distribution of Oceans and Continents Class 11 MCQ Questions
  5. Minerals and Rocks Class 11 MCQ Questions
  6. Geomorphic Processes Class 11 MCQ Questions
  7. Landforms and their Evolution Class 11 MCQ Questions
  8. Composition and Structure of Atmosphere Class 11 MCQ Questions
  9. Solar Radiation, Heat Balance and Temperature Class 11 MCQ Questions
  10. Atmospheric Circulation and Weather Systems Class 11 MCQ Questions
  11. Water in the Atmosphere Class 11 MCQ Questions
  12. World Climate and Climate Change Class 11 MCQ Questions
  13. Water (Oceans) Class 11 MCQ Questions
  14. Movements of Ocean Water Class 11 MCQ Questions
  15. Life on the Earth Class 11 MCQ Questions
  16. Biodiversity and Conversation Class 11 MCQ Questions

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Geography with Answers India Physical Environment

  1. India: Location Class 11 MCQ Questions
  2. Structure and Physiography Class 11 MCQ Questions
  3. Drainage System Class 11 MCQ Questions
  4. Climate Class 11 MCQ Questions
  5. Natural Vegetation Class 11 MCQ Questions
  6. Soils Class 11 MCQ Questions
  7. Natural Hazards and Disasters Class 11 MCQ Questions

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Geography with Answers PDF Free Download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 11 Geography MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Geography Chapter 4 Distribution of Oceans and Continents with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Geography Chapter 4 Distribution of Oceans and Continents with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Geography Chapter 4 Distribution of Oceans and Continents with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 11 Geography with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Distribution of Oceans and Continents Class 11 Geography MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Distribution of Oceans and Continents Class 11 MCQs Questions with Answers

Question 1.
What was the name given to the massive ocean by Wegener?
(a) Pangaea
(b) Panthalassa
(c) Angaraland
(d) Gondwanaland


Answer:(b) Panthalassa

Question 2.
The continental drift theory was propounded by
(a) Alfred Wegner
(b) Aortelius
(c) Hall and Danna
(d) Abraham Ortelius


Answer:(a) Alfred Wegner

Question 3.
The Indian subcontinent was located at
(a) 60 degree South latitude
(b) 30 degree South latitude
(c) 50 degree South latitude
(d) 40 degree South latitude


Answer:(c) 50 degree South latitude

Question 4.
Which one of the following is not a minor plate?
(a) Nazca
(b) Arabia
(c) the Philippines
(d) Antarctica


Answer:(d) Antarctica

Question 5.
When did Alfred Wegener give continental drift theory?
(a) 1920
(b) 1946
(c) 1912
(d) 1948


Answer:(c) 1912

Question 6.
Which one of the following terms is related to Polar fleeing force?
(a) Revolution of the Earth
(b) Gravitation
(c) Rotation of the Earth
(d) Tides


Answer:(c) Rotation of the Earth

Question 7.
What is a tectonic plate that lies between the Asiatic and Pacific Plate?
(a) Cocos Plate
(b) Nazca Plate
(c) Arabian Plate
(d) Philippine Plate


Answer:(d) Philippine Plate

Question 8.
Who was the founder of convection currents theory?
(a) Arthur Holmes
(b) McKenzie, Parker and Morgan
(c) Admans Heinz
(d) Alfred Wegener


Answer:(a) Arthur Holmes

Question 9.
A tectonic plate is a slab of
(a) molten rock
(b) hot rock
(c) solid rock
(d) small rocks


Answer:(c) solid rock

Question 10.
According to the Plate Tectonic concept, how many major plates are there?
(a) 7
(b) 9
(c) 12
(d) 11


Answer:(a) 7

Question 11.
By which method has facilitated correlating the rock formation from different continents across oceans?
(a) The radiometric dating methods
(b) Carbon 14 method
(c) Radioactive methods
(d) Fling method


Answer:(a) The radiometric dating methods

Question 12.
What was the name given by Alfred Wegener to a large continent surrounded?
(a) Pangaea
(b) Panthalassa
(c) Angaraland
(d) Gondwanaland


Answer:(a) Pangaea

Question 13.
The ocean floor may be segmented into how much division based on the depth as well as the forms of relief?
(a) Three
(b) Four
(c) Five
(d) Seven


Answer:(a) Three

Question 14.
Which one of the following is the type of plate boundary of the Indian plate along the Himalayan Mountains?
(a) Ocean- Continents convergence
(b) Divergent boundary
(c) Transform boundary
(d) Continent convergence


Answer:(d) Continent convergence

Question 15.
Tillite is formed due to
(a) deposits on mountains
(b) deposits of volcanoes
(c) deposits of glaciers
(d) deposits of gold


Answer:(c) deposits of glaciers

Question 16.
What was the name given by Alfred Wegener to a large continent surrounded?
(a) Pangaea
(b) Panthalassa
(c) Angaraland
(d) Gondwanaland


Answer:(a) Pangaea

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Geography Chapter 4 Distribution of Oceans and Continents with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 11 Geography Distribution of Oceans and Continents MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

Silk Road Class 11 MCQ Questions with Answers English Chapter 8

Silk Road Class 11 MCQ Questions with Answers English Chapter 8

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 8 Silk Road with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 11 English with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Silk Road Class 11 English MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

MCQ Questions for Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 8 Silk Road with Answers

Silk Road MCQ Chapter 8 Class 11 Question 1.
Why did Norbu want to do Kora?
(a) because he wanted to become a monk
(b) because he wanted peace
(c) as he was practising meditation from so long
(d) because he was writing an academic paper on Kailash Kora


Answer: (d) because he was writing an academic paper on Kailash Kora

Silk Road Class 11 MCQ Chapter 8 Question 2.
Where did the protagonist meet Norbu?
(a) at cafe
(b) at Kora
(c) at nomad’s tents
(d) at guest house


Answer: (a) at cafe

MCQ Of Silk Road Chapter 8 Class 11 Question 3.
Where did the men play a game of pool in Darchen every afternoon?
(a) near general store in open air
(b) in the park
(c) near lake
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) near general store in open air

Silk Road MCQs Chapter 8 Class 11 Question 4.
Where did Tsetan take the protagonist to seek medical help?
(a) Darchen Medical College
(b) Tibetan Ayurvedic Doctor
(c) to Lhasa
(d) to Ravu again


Answer: (a) Darchen Medical College

Silk Road MCQ Questions Chapter 8 Class 11 Question 5.
At which place did the protagonist wait for Tsetan while he was gone to fix the punctured tyres?
(a) at roadside near lake
(b) at car tyre’s shop
(c) inside the car
(d) Hor’s cafe


Answer: (d) Hor’s cafe

MCQ On Silk Road Class 11 Chapter 8 Question 6.
Why was Hor an ugly and miserable place?
(a) it had no modern markets
(b) it had no vegetation
(c) it didn’t had any proper medical facilities
(d) it had no place to live


Answer: (b) it had no vegetation

Silk Road Class 11 MCQ Questions Chapter 8  Question 7.
Where did they stop to have lunch at two o’clock?
(a) at a long canvas tent beside the dry salt lake
(b) at a fancy restaurant
(c) at roadside
(d) Never


Answer: (a) at a long canvas tent beside the dry salt lake

Silk Road MCQ Class 11 Chapter 8 Question 8.
At what sea level were the three of them when they saw the snow on the road?
(a) 5210 meters
(b) 6000 meters
(c) 1000 meters
(d) 5300 meters


Answer: (a) 5210 meters

Question 9.
Why did the driver stop the car at a sharp turn?
(a) he was tired and wanted to rest
(b) protagonist was feeling sick
(c) car’s tyre got punctured
(d) long track of snow was in front of them


Answer: (d) long track of snow was in front of them

Question 10.
How were the Tibetan Mastiffs famous in China’s royal court?
(a) As hunting dogs
(b) As big animal
(c) As wild animals
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) As hunting dogs

Question 11.
What did the protagonist notice in front of nomads tent?
(a) Big black Tibetan dogs
(b) sheeps
(c) grass
(d) raw material


Answer: (a) Big black Tibetan dogs

Question 12.
What is the meaning of ‘Kyang’?
(a) flower petals
(b) sun rays
(c) huge pile of dust
(d) huge pile of grass


Answer: (c) huge pile of dust

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 8 Silk Road with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 11 English Silk Road MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

The Tale of Melon City Class 11 MCQ Questions with Answers English Chapter 8

The Tale of Melon City Class 11 MCQ Questions with Answers English Chapter 8

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 8 The Tale of Melon City with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 11 English with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided The Tale of Melon City Class 11 English MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

MCQ Questions for Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 8 The Tale of Melon City with Answers

The Tale Of Melon City MCQ Class 11 Question 1.
The ministers were foolish to ask an idiot about their next King. Do you agree?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Partially
(d) Not clear from the poem


Answer: (a) Yes

MCQ Of Tale Of Melon City Class 11 Question 2.
Do you think that the King took his ‘notion of justice’ too far?
(a) No, he did what a just King would do
(b) Maybe
(c) Yes, he lost his life in the process
(d) Can not determine


Answer: (c) Yes, he lost his life in the process

Tale Of Melon City MCQ Class 11 Question 3.
What sort of principles seem to thrive in the state?
(a) Democratic
(b) Laissez faire
(c) Authoritative
(d) Communistic


Answer: (b) Laissez faire

Question 4.
What sort of perception does the public hold for their chosen King after so many years?
(a) They don’t like him
(b) They are enraged
(c) They like him very much
(d) They have no problem whatsoever


Answer: (d) They have no problem whatsoever

Question 5.
Who was chosen as the new King?
(a) A minister
(b) A horse
(c) A melon
(d) A sword


Answer: (c) A melon

Question 6.
Who was to choose the next King?
(a) The next to pass the City Gate
(b) The Ministers
(c) The public
(d) The heir of the deceased King would be the king by rule


Answer: (a) The next to pass the City Gate

Question 7.
How was the public demand fulfilled?
(a) By voting
(b) By the King’s discretion
(c) By measuring height one by one
(d) By the councillors’ decision


Answer: (c) By measuring height one by one

Question 8.
After all the considerations and discussions, the crowd was getting _______.
(a) restless
(b) amused
(c) horrified
(d) bored


Answer: (a) restless

Question 9.
Who according to the counsel was the culprit that was brought before the King?
(a) The King
(b) The crown
(c) The arch
(d) The chief of the builders


Answer: (c) The arch

Question 10.
According to the architect, who made the amendments?
(a) The King
(b) The chief of the builders
(c) He himself
(d) The masons


Answer: (a) The King

Question 11.
Who did the chief of builders blame?
(a) The public
(b) The architect
(c) The masons
(d) The workmen


Answer: (d) The workmen

Question 12.
“This is a disgrace.” What was a disgrace?
(a) Poorly built arch
(b) Unenthusiastic crowd
(c) Crown being stroked
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Crown being stroked

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 8 The Tale of Melon City with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 11 English The Tale of Melon City MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Transport in Plants Class 11 Biology MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Transport in Plants Class 11 MCQs Questions with Answers

Transport In Plants Class 11 MCQ Question 1.
Dry seeds kept in water swell due to
(a) absorption
(b) diffusion
(c) imbibition
(d) none of these


Answer: (c) imbibition
Imbibition is a type of diffusion in which water is absorbed by solids or colloids which leads to increase in volume. This happens in case of dry wood and seeds.

Transport In Plants Class 11 Ncert MCQ Pdf Question 2.
Choose the correct statement/statements. Pumps in active transport are A. Lipids that bind molecules to pass them through the membrane. B. Transport molecules uphill. C. These are specific transporters. D. These are sensitive to inhibitors.
(a) A and C
(b) A, B and D
(c) B, C and D
(d) C and D


Answer: (c) B, C and D
Pumps in active transport are proteins that bind molecules to pass them through the membrane.

MCQ On Transport In Plants Class 11 Question 3.
Which of the following is the unit of ψ?
(a) Pascal
(b) Joule
(c) Newton
(d) Electron volt


Answer: (a) Pascal
Psi or ψ is expressed in pressure units e.g. pascals.

Transportation In Plants MCQ Question 4.
Two cells A and B are contiguous. Cell A has osmotic pressure 10 atm, turgor pressure 7 atm and diffusion pressure deficit 3 atm. Cell B has osmotic pressure 8 atm, turgor pressure 3 atm and diffusion pressure deficit 5 atm. The result will be:
(a) No movement of water
(b) Movement of water from cell B to A
(c) Movement of water from cell A to B
(d) Equilibrium between the two


Answer: (c) Movement of water from cell A to B

Chapter 11 Biology Class 11 MCQs Question 5.
Which of the following is decreased during increase in humidity in the atmosphere?
(a) Transpiration
(b) Photosynthesis
(c) Respiration
(d) Glycolysis


Answer: (a) Transpiration
With the increase in humidity in atmosphere, rate of transpiration decreases.

MCQ On Transport In Plants Question 6:
Ψs is always
(a) positive
(b) zero
(c) negative
(d) one


Answer: (c) negative
Ψs is always negative.

MCQ On Transportation In Plants Question 7.
Two types of molecules cross the membrane in the same direction, it is called as
(a) Uniport
(b) Symport
(c) Antiport
(d) Multiport


Answer: (b) Symport
In symport, two types of molecules cross the membrane in the same direction.

Transportation In Plants Class 11 MCQ Question 8.
Diffusion rate is affected by
(a) temperature
(b) membrane permeability
(c) gradient of concentration
(d) all of these


Answer: (d) all of these
Diffusion rate is affected by the gradient of concentration, permeability of the membrane separating them, temperature and pressure.

MCQs Of Biology Class 11 Chapter 11 Question 9.
Cells shrink in _________ solution.
(a) isotonic
(b) hypotonic
(c) hypertonic
(d) hypotonic and hypertonic


Answer: (c) hypertonic
In hypertonic solution, external solution is more concentrated as compared to cytoplasm.
Cells shrink in hypertonic solutions.

MCQs On Transportation In Plants Question 10.
Which of the following is true about diffusion?
(a) There is no expenditure of energy.
(b) Molecules move in Brownian motion.
(c) Substances moves from the region of higher concentration to the region of lower concentration.
(d) Diffusion depends on the type of living system.


Answer: (d) Diffusion depends on the type of living system.
Diffusion is a slow process, it is not dependent on the living systems.

Biology Class 11 Chapter 11 MCQs Question 11.
Which of the following is true about diffusion?
(a) There is no expenditure of energy.
(b) Molecules move in Brownian motion.
(c) Substances moves from the region of higher concentration to the region of lower concentration.
(d) Diffusion depends on the type of living system.


Answer: (d) Diffusion depends on the type of living system.
Diffusion is a slow process, it is not dependent on the living systems.

Transport In Plants Class 11 Ncert MCQ Question 12.
Water is lost in a liquid state in some plants through hydathodes. These hydathodes
(a) do not show any specificity in opening and closing
(b) remain closed during day
(c) remain closed at night
(d) remain always open


Answer: (d) remain always open

MCQ Questions On Transport In Plants Question 13.
If pressure greater than atmospheric pressure is applied to pure water, the water potential
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) remains same
(d) atmospheric pressure does not affect water potential


Answer: (a) increases
If a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure is applied to pure water, the water potential increases.

Transportation In Plants MCQs Question 14.
Choose the correct sequence of water movement in the plants.
(a) Cortex, protoxylem, endodermis, root hair, pericycle, metaxylem
(b) Root hair, cortex, endodermis, pericycle, protoxylem, metaxylem
(c) Root hair, protoxylem, metaxylem, pericycle, cortex, endodermis
(d) Root hair, pericycle, endodermis, cortex, protoxylem, metaxylem


Answer: (b) Root hair, cortex, endodermis, pericycle, protoxylem, metaxylem
Water is absorbed from soil by root hair. This is then carried by cortex,then passed to endodermis.
Endodermis passes water to Perivale then to protoxylem and metaxylem.

MCQ On Transportation In Plants Class 11 Question 15.
Wilting of a plant results from excessive
(a) respiration
(b) photosynthesis
(c) absorption
(d) transpiration


Answer: (d) transpiration

Transport In Plants Questions And Answers Pdf Question 16.
Cohesion theory of water movement in plants was put forth by
(a) Henry Dixon
(b) F. F. Blackman
(c) Melvin cycle
(d) Hans. A. Krebs


Answer: (a) Henry Dixon

MCQs Test Of Transport In Plants Question 17.
Diffusion rate is affected by
(a) temperature
(b) membrane permeability
(c) gradient of concentration
(d) all of these


Answer: (d) all of these
Diffusion rate is affected by the gradient of concentration, permeability of the membrane separating them, temperature and pressure.

Question 18.
When a plant is girdled (ringed)
(a) the root and shoot die at the same time
(b) the shoot dies first
(c) the root dies first
(d) neither root nor shoot will die


Answer: (c) the root dies first

Question 19.
Choose the correct statement/statements. Pumps in active transport are A. Lipids that bind molecules to pass them through the membrane. B. Transport molecules uphill. C. These are specific transporters. D. These are sensitive to inhibitors.
(a) A and C
(b) A, B and D
(c) B, C and D
(d) C and D


Answer: (c) B, C and D
Pumps in active transport are proteins that bind molecules to pass them through the membrane.

Question 20.
Assertion (A): K+ ion accumulation found in Nitella depends on its respiratory activity. Reason (R): Absorption of all ions in plants completely depends on the usage of metabolic energy. The correct answer is
(a) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true


Answer: (c) A is true but R is false

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 11 Transport in Plants with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 11 Biology Transport in Plants MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.