MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 13 Entrepreneurship Development with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 13 Entrepreneurship Development with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 13 Entrepreneurship Development with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Entrepreneurship Development Class 12 Business Studies MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Entrepreneurship Development Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

Entrepreneurship Is Ensured By Class 12 MCQ Question 1.
Self-actualisation needs on the job are fulfilled by :
(a) Ensuring hard work in the job
(b) Ensuring quality products
(c) Participating in a training programme
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Participating in a training programme

Entrepreneurship Fails To Lead MCQ Class 12 Question 2.
The attitude of Indian Government Machinery towards entrepreneurial development programme is :
(a) Destructive
(b) Negative
(c) Constructive
(d) Non-cooperative


Answer: (d) Non-cooperative

The attitude of Indian Government Machinery towards entrepreneurial development programme is:

Question 3.
According to sociological approach, entrepreneurship
(a) Process of sensitivity
(b) Process of role performance
(c) Process of economic change
(d) All of these


Answer: (b) Process of role performance

Question 4.
Which of the following attitudes Is not generally associated with successful entrepreneurship :
(a) Competition and co-operation
(b) Desire to influence others
(c) Innovation and product improvement
(d) Status quo in business


Answer: (d) Status quo in business

Question 5.
The function of entrepreneur are:
(a) To imagine a business idea
(b) To study project feasibility
(c) To setup enterprise
(d) All the above


Answer: (d) All the above

Question 6.
Which of the following sentence is not a characteristic of entrepreneurship:
(a) Risk taking
(b) Innovation
(c) Creative activity
(d) Managerial training


Answer: (d) Managerial training

Question 7.
An entrepreneur is:
(a) Born
(b) Made
(c) Bom and made both
(d) All of these


Answer: (c) Born and made both

Question 8.
Entrepreneurship fails to lead :
(a) Partnership firm
(b) New corporate division
(c) New subsidiary venture
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) Partnership firm

Question 9.
__ gives financial assistance to entrepreneurs:
(b) SBI
(c) Indian Bank
(d) IMF


Answer: (a) ICICI

Question 10.
Social and economic development of a Nation is the result of………..:
(a) Entrepreneur
(b) Planning
(c) Operation
(d) Government


Answer: (a) Entrepreneur

Question 11.
The future of entrepreneurial in India is:
(a) In dark
(b) Bright
(c) In difficulty
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Bright

Question 12.
Entrepreneurial Development Institute of India was established by:
(a) Maharashtra Government
(b) Gujarat Government
(c) Madhya Pradesh Government
(d) Tamilnadu Government


Answer: (b) Gujarat Government

Question 13.
Entrepreneurship is ensured by:
(a) Subsidiaries
(b) Larger Firm
(c) Medium Firm
(d) Small Firm


Answer: (b) Larger Firm

Question 14.
In India entrepreneurial development programme is :
(a) Necessary
(b) Unnecessary
(c) Wastage of time
(d) Wastage of money


Answer: (a) Necessary

Question 15.
Entrepreneurial Development Programee provides :
(a) Self-employment
(b) Education & training
(c) Skill increment
(d) All of these


Answer: (a) Self-employment

Question 16.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs theory is governed by the fact that:
(a) People are universally motivated by needs
(b) People are socially motivated by needs
(c) People are politically motivated by needs
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) People are politically motivated by needs

Question 17.
Critical evaluation points of entrepreneurial development programme are:
(a) Organisational policies
(b) Lack of suitable selection procedure
(c) Lack quality of technical and vocational education and training
(d) All of these


Answer: (d) All of these

Question 18.
Entrepreneurship falls to lead :
(a) Partnership firm
(b) New corporate division
(c) New subsidiary venture
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) Partnership firm

Question 19.
(a) Promotor of economic development
(b) Motivator of economic development
(c) Both the above
(d) None of the (a) and (b)


Answer: (c) Both the above

Question 20.
Which of the following sentence is inconsistent in the context of entrepreneur:
(a) He is owner of the business
(b) He is risk taker
(c) He operates production activities
(d) He searches out business opportunities


Answer: (c) He operates production activities

Which of the following sentence is inconsistent in the context of entrepreneur:

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 13 Entrepreneurship Development with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding Entrepreneurship Development CBSE Class 12 Business Studies MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 1 Nature and Significance of Management with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 1 Nature and Significance of Management with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 1 Nature and Significance of Management with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Nature and Significance of Management Class 12 Business Studies MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Nature and Significance of Management Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

Nature And Significance Of Management MCQ Question 1.
Which one of the following statements is not correct?
(a) Management is a goal-oriented process.
(b) Management is a continuous process.
(c) Management is a dynamic process.
(d) Management is a rigid process.


Answer: (d) Management is a rigid process.

Nature And Significance Of Management Class 12 MCQ Question 2.
Which one of the following is not an importance of management?
(a) Integrating various interest groups
(b)Developing society
(c) Disciplining employees
(d) Inculcating creativity


Answer: (c) Disciplining employees

Which one of the following is not an importance of management?

MCQ Of Nature And Significance Of Management Question 3.
Management is not
(a) an applied science.
(b) a pure science.
(c) an art.
(d) an art and science both.


Answer: (b)a pure science.

MCQ On Nature And Significance Of Management Question 4.
In which category does management fall?
(a) Well-established profession
(b) Semi-profession
(c) Emerging profession
(d) Marginal profession


Answer: (c) Emerging profession

Nature And Significance Of Management MCQ Pdf Question 5.
Top management is concerned with formulation of
(a) guidelines for supervisors.
(b) long-term plans.
(c) short-term plans.
(d) None of these.


Answer: (b) long-term plans.

Chapter 1 Business Studies Class 12 MCQ Question 6.
Coordination is
(a) a management function.
(b) the essence of management.
(c) an objective of management.
(d) a social objective.


Answer: (b) the essence of management.

Management Is Not A MCQ Question 7.
The element that aims at integrating group efforts to achieve group objectives is called ___
(a) Cooperation
(b) Coordination
(c) Management
(d) Directing


Answer: (b) Coordination

Question 8.
Managing Director is the position of ___ level of management in a large company.
(a) Top
(b) Middle
(c) Lower
(d) Middle and Lower


Answer: (a) Top

Question 9.
Management is multidimensional because it has ___ dimension(s).
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four


Answer: (c) Three

Question 10.
Management is a ___ directed process as it aims at achieving specified goals.
(a) Continuously
(b) Future
(c) Goal
(d) Deliberately


Answer: (c) Goal

Question 11.
___ is a systematised body of knowledge that explains certain general truths or operation of general laws.
(a) Science
(b) Art
(c) Profession
(d) Art and Profession both


Answer: (a) Science

Question 12.
Identify the feature of co-ordination being highlighted in the given statement: “Coordination is not a one time function, it begins at the planning stage and continue till controlling.”
(a) Coordination ensures unity of action
(b) Coordination is an all pervasive function
(c) Coordination is a continuous process
(d) Coordination is a deliberate function


Answer: (c) Coordination is a continuous process

Question 13.
Co-ordination is considered to be the essence of management because
(a) It is a common thread that runs through all the activities within the organisation
(b) It is implicit and inherent in all functions of the organisation
(c) It is a force that binds all the functions of management
(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above

Question 14.
This function of Management related to placing the right person at the right job is
(a) Organising
(b) Staffing
(c) Planning
(d) Controlling


Answer: (b) Staffing

Question 15.
This function of management relating to laying down the foundation for carrying out the other functions of management successfully is
(a) Organising
(b) Staffing
(c) Planning
(d) Controlling


Answer: (c) Planning

Question 16.
Organising as a function of management involves deciding
(a) What activities and resources are required
(b) Who will do a particular task
(c) Where will it be done
(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above

Question 17.
The main task of this level of management is to determine the overall organisational objectives and strategies for their realisation.
(a) Operational management
(b) Middle level management
(c) First line managers
(d) Top level management


Answer: (d) Top level management

Question 18.
Which of the following statements is not true for lower level management?
(a) Analyse the business environment and its implications for the survival of the business.
(b) Ensure the quality of the output
(c) They strive to reduce the wastage of resources
(d) They ensure that the safety standards are maintained within the organisation.


Answer: (a) Analyse the business environment and its implications for the survival of the business.
Analyse the business environment and its implications for the survival of the business-top level management

Question 19.
Which of the following is a function of top level management?
(a) Ensuring quality of output
(b) Assigning necessary duties and responsibilities to their departments
(c) Taking responsibility for all the activities of the business and its impact on the society
(d) Ensuring that the safety standards are maintained within the organisation.


Answer: (d) Ensuring that the safety standards are maintained within the organisation.
Ensuring quality of output; Ensuring the safety standards are maintained within the organisation – lower level management and assigning necessary duties and responsibilities to their departments – middle level management.

Question 20.
Which of the following is not a designation related to middle level management?
(a) Operations Head
(b) Sales Manager
(c) Chief Operating Officer
(d) Divisional Manager


Answer: (c) Chief Operating Officer
Chief Operating Officer is a designation for top level management.

Which of the following is not a designation related to middle level management?

True or False

State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False.

1. “Management principles can be applied to all types of activities.”


Answer: True; management is pervasive.

2. “Coordination is required at all levels of management in all management functions.”


Answer: True; coordination is pervasive.

3. “Management involves the decisions by a manager and it is not a group activity.”


Answer: False; management is a group activity because it unites individual efforts in common direction.

4. Top management level is responsible for implementing plans and strategies of the organisation.


Answer: False; it is the responsibility of the middle management level.

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 1 Nature and Significance of Management with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding Nature and Significance of Management CBSE Class 12 Business Studies MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 11 Marketing Management with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 11 Marketing Management with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 11 Marketing Management with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Marketing Management Class 12 Business Studies MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Marketing Management Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

Marketing Management Class 12 MCQ Question 1.
With which element is exchange mechanism related?
(a) Publicity
(b) Marketing
(c) Advertising
(d) Branding


Answer: (b) Marketing

Marketing Management MCQ Class 12 Question 2.
Which one of the following is a marketing management philosophy?
(a) Societal marketing concept
(b) Distribution concept
(c) Direct marketing concept
(d) Channel concept


Answer: (a) Societal marketing concept

Marketing Class 12 MCQ Question 3.
Which one of the following is not a marketing mix?
(a) Product
(b) Physical distribution
(c) Product pricing
(d) Production process


Answer: (d) Production process

Which one of the following is not a marketing mix?

MCQ Of Marketing Management Class 12 Question 4.
Which one of the following factors is not relevant to price fixation?
(a) Obtaining market leadership
(b) Age of an organisation
(c) Value for money
(d) Product differentiation


Answer: (b) Age of an organisation

MCQ On Marketing Management Class 12 Question 5.
For heavy equipment, which of the following channels is more relevant?
(a) Zero-level
(b) One-level
(c) Two-level
(d) Three-level


Answer: (a) Zero-level

Marketing MCQs Class 12 Question 6.
Which one of the following promotion tools has mass reach?
(a) Advertising
(b) Personal selling
(c) Sales promotion
(d) Public relations


Answer: (a) Advertising

Marketing MCQ Class 12 Question 7.
Mail order selling is a __ channel of distribution.
(a) Direct
(b) Indirect
(c) Direct and Indirect
(d) Sole


Answer: (a) Direct

Class 12 Marketing Management MCQ Question 8.
___ is the deliberate action of an organisation for promoting goodwill between itself and the society.
(a) Marketing mix
(b) Advertising
(c) Public relations
(d) Selling


Answer: (c) Public relations

Marketing Management MCQ Pdf Class 12 Question 9.
___ ensures that products reach the ultimate customers from the manufacturers.
(a) Selling
(b) Marketing
(c) Physical distribution
(d) Sales promotion


Answer: (c) Physical distribution

Class 12 Marketing MCQ Question 10.
___ involves designing and producing container or wrapper of the product.
(a) Marketing
(b) Selling
(c) Advertising
(d) Packaging


Answer: (d) Packaging

Marketing Management Class 12 MCQs Question 11.
Marketing is called a ___ process because it involves interaction of buyers and sellers.
(a) Economic
(b) Social
(c) Legal
(d) Political


Answer: (b) Social

Question 12.
___ is the marketing function which is concerned with informing the customers about the firm’s products.
(a) Transportation
(b) Selling
(c) Advertising
(d) Public Relations


Answer: (c) Advertising

Question 13.
Registering a trademark gives to the users.
(a) Finance
(b) Fame
(c) Protection
(d) Information


Answer: (c) Protection

Question 14.
Within 2 years of it’s inception, Bhavishya Limited has created a very positive reputation about itself and its products in the eyes of general public by participating extensively in various social welfare programs. Identify the component of promotion mixing described in the given lines.
(a) Advertising
(b) Personal selling
(c) Public relation
(d) Sales promotion


Answer: (c) Public relation

Question 15.
Under which of the following conditions does a business need not maintain high level of inventory?
(a) When higher level of customer services need to be provided
(b) When high degree of accurate sales forecast can be made
(c) When the responsiveness of the distribution system is low
(d) All of the above


Answer: (b) When high degree of accurate sales forecast can be made

Question 16.
Hena is planning to set up a small manufacturing unit for manufacturing eco-friendly packaging material. She has decided to market her products through the conventional channel of distribution, which involves wholesalers and retailers. Identify the channel of distribution being adopted by the company.
(a) Zero level channel
(b) One level channel
(c) Two level channel
(d) Three level channel


Answer: (c) Two level channel

Question 17.
Kannu has decided to sell her range of organic food products through her own retail outlets. Identify the channel of distribution being adopted by the company.
(a) Zero level channel
(b) One level channel
(c) Two level channel
(d) Three level channel


Answer: (a) Zero level channel

Question 18.
Under which of the following situations is a company not likely to fix a lower price for its product?
(a) When the competition has introduced a substitute product
(b) If the demand for a product is inelastic
(c) When the company wants to attain market share leadership
(d) When the demand for the product is low


Answer: (b) If the demand for a product is inelastic

Under which of the following situations is a company not likely to fix a lower price for its product?

Question 19.
A salesman of a company dealing in pet foods is paid a fixed salary of ?20000 per month and furthermore, ?20 extra per unit of the product sold beyond the target sales. Identify the type of cost being described in the given example.
(a) Fixed cost
(b) Variable cost
(c) Semi-variable cost
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Semi-variable cost

Question 20.
Identify the related function of labelling being depicted below as given on the pack of the chips.
Business Studies MCQs for Class 12 with Answers Chapter 11 Marketing 4
(a) Describes the product and specifies its content
(b) Grading of products
(c) Helps in promotion of the products
(d) Identification of the product or brand
MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 11 Marketing Management with Answers 1


Answer: (c) Helps in promotion of the products

True or False

State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False.

Question 1.
Advertising is the function of marketing which is concerned with the cost and location of target market.


Answer: False; transportation is the function of marketing.

Question 2.
There is personal communication in case of advertising.


Answer: False; there is impersonal communication.

Question 3.
There is no personal contact in personal selling.


Answer: False; there is personal contact.

Question 4.
Labelling involves putting identification marks on the package.


Answer: True; labelling involves putting identification marks on the package. A label may be a part of the package or it may be a tag attached to the product.

Question 5.
Marketing mix is a blend of multiple financial decisions.


Answer: False; marketing mix is a blend of product, price, physical distribution and promotion decisions.

Question 6.
The main focus of selling concept is production volume.


Answer: False; the main focus of selling concept is the existing product.

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 11 Marketing Management with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding Marketing Management CBSE Class 12 Business Studies MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 6 International Organisations with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 6 International Organisations with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 6 International Organisations with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided International Organisations Class 12 Political Science MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

International Organisations Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

International Organizations Class 12 MCQ Question 1.
Mark correct or wrong against each of the following statements below about the Veto power:
(A) Only the permanent members of the Security Council possess the Veto power.
(B) It is a kind of negative power.
(C) The Secretary-General uses this power when not satisfied with any decision.
(D) One Veto can stall a Security Council resolution.


Answer: (A) Correct
(B) Correct
(C) Wrong
(D) Correct

International Organizations Class 12 MCQ Questions Question 2.
Mark correct or wrong against each of the following statements below that describe the way the UN functions.
(A) All security and peace-related issues are dealt with in the Security Council.
(B) Humanitarian policies are implemented by the main organs and specialised agencies spread across the globe.
(C) Having consensus among the five permanent members on security issues is vital for its implementation.
(D) The members of the General Assembly are automatically the members of all other principal organs and specialised agencies of the U.N.


Answer: (A) Correct
(B) Correct
(C) Correct
(D) Wrong

International Organisation Class 12 MCQ Question 3.
Which among the following would give more weightage to India’s proposal for a permanent member in the Security Council.
(A) Nuclear Capability
(B) It has been a member of the UN since its inception
(C) It is located in Asia
(D) India growing economic power and stable political system


Answer: All the above

Which among the following would give more weightage to India’s proposal for a permanent member in the Security Council.

MCQ Of International Organisation Class 12 Question 4.
The U.N. agency concerned with the safety and peaceful use of nuclear technology is:
(A) The UN Committee on Disarmament
(B) International Atomic Energy Agency
(C) UN International Safeguard Committee
(D) None of the above


Answer: International Atomic Energy Agency

International Organisation MCQ Class 12 Question 5.
WTO is serving as the successor to which of the following organisations:
(A) General Agreement on Trade and Tariff
(B) General Arrangement on Trade and Tariff
(C) World Health Organisation
(D) UN Development Programme


Answer: General Agreement on Trade and Tariff

MCQ On International Organisation Class 12 Question 6.
India became a member of the U.N. in:
(a) 1945
(b) 1947
(c) 1950
(d) 1962


Answer: (a) 1945

International Organisations MCQ Question 7.
Who was the first woman President of the U.N. General Assembly?
(a) Sarojini Naidu
(b) Aruna Asaf Ali
(c) Vijay Lakshmi Pandit
(d) Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur


Answer: (c) Vijay Lakshmi Pandit

International Organisation MCQ Question 8.
Which one of the following is not a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council?
(a) Russia
(b) India
(c) China
(d) France


Answer: (b) India

International Organisations MCQs Class 12 Question 9.
Who blocked the Second term for Boutros Ghali as Secretary-General?
(a) USA
(b) India
(C) France
(d) China


Answer: (a) USA

MCQ On International Organisations Question 10.
“The United Nations was not created to take humanity to the heaven, but to save it from the hell.” Who made this statement?
(a) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Kofi Annan
(c) Ban Kimoon
(d) Dag Hammarskjold


Answer: (d) Dag Hammarskjold

“The United Nations was not created to take humanity to the heaven, but to save it from the hell.” Who made this statement?

MCQ Of International Organizations Class 12 Question 11.
The prime objective of the UN is ________


Answer: Maintenance of International Peace and security

Class 12 International Organisation MCQ Question 12.
The highest functionary of the UN is called _________


Answer: Secretary-General

Class 12 Political Science Chapter 6 International Organisation MCQ Question 13.
The UN Security Council has permanent and ______ non-permanent members.


Answer: Five and Ten

International Organizations MCQ Question 14.
_______ is the present UN Secretary-General.


Answer: Antonio Guterres

MCQ On International Organizations Class 12 Question 15.
Match the principal organs and agencies of the UN with their functions.

1. Economic and Social Council (a) Overseas the global financial system
2. International Court of Justice (b) Preservation of International peace and security
3. International Atomic Energy Agency (c) Look into the economic and social welfare of the member countries
4. Security Council (d) Safety and peaceful use of nuclear technology
5. UN High Commission for Refugees (e) Resolve disputes between and among member countries
6. World Trade Organisation (f) Provide shelter and medical help during emergencies
7. International Monetary Fund (g) Debates and discusses global issues
8. General Assembly (h) Administration and Coordination of UN affairs
9. World Health Organisation (i) Providing good health for all
10. Secretariat (j) Facilitates free trade among member countries


1. Economic and Social Council (c) Look into the economic and social welfare of the member countries
2. International Court of Justice (e) Resolve disputes between and among member countries
3. International Atomic Energy Agency (d) Safety and peaceful use of nuclear technology
4. Security Council (b) Preservation of International peace and security
5. UN High Commission for Refugees (f) Provide shelter and medical help during emergencies
6. World Trade Organisation (j) Facilitates free trade among member countries
7. International Monetary Fund (a) Overseas the global financial system
8. General Assembly (g) Debates and discusses global issues
9. World Health Organisation (i) Providing good health for all
10. Secretariat (h) Administration and Coordination of UN affairs

Question 16.
When was San Francisco Conference held?


Answer: April 25, 1945

Question 17.
Who was the first woman president of the U.N. Assembly?


Answer: Smt. Vijay Luxmi Pandit

Question 18.
When did India become a member of the U.N.?


Answer: India is an original member and became a member of the U.N. in 1945.

Question 19.
Which member of the U.N. is the single largest contributor ¡n the U.N.?


Answer: U.S.A.

Question 20.
Name any two members who are having Veto power.


Answer: the U.S.A. and England

Question 21.
Which country is a serious contender for permanent members of the Security Council?


Answer: India

Question 22.
Which organisation sets rules for international trade?


Answer: World Trade Organisation.

Question 23.
Which NGO campaigns for the protection of human rights all over the world?


Answer: Amnesty international.

Question 24.
What is the full form of NGO?


Answer: Non-Governmental Organisation.

Question 25.
Who was the main mover in the Mine Ban Treaty of 1997?


Answer: The International Campaign to ban landmines, an NGO coalition was the prime mover in the Mine Ban Treaty of 1997.

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 6 International Organisations with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 12 Political Science International Organisations MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 9 Recent Developments in Indian Politics with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 9 Recent Developments in Indian Politics with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 9 Recent Developments in Indian Politics with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Recent Developments in Indian Politics Class 12 Political Science MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Recent Developments in Indian Politics Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

Recent Developments In Indian Politics MCQ Question 1.
In which year was Janata Dal formed?
(a) 1975
(b) 1982
(c) 1985
(d) 1988


Answer: (d) 1988

MCQ Political Science Class 12 Question 2.
Who headed the coalition government of 1989?
(a) Chandra Shekhar
(b) V.P. Singh
(c) I.K. Gujral
(d) Rajiv Gandhi.


Answer: (b) V.P. Singh

Who headed the coalition government of 1989?

Ch 1 Pol Science Class 12 MCQ Question 3.
Unscramble a bunch of disarranged press clipping file of Unni-Munni and arrange the file chronologically.
(a) Mandai Recommendations and Anti-Reservation stir.
(b) Formation of the Janata Dal
(c) The demolition of Babri Masjid.
(d) Assassination of Smt. Indira Gandhi.
(e) The formation of the NDA government
(f) Godhra incident and its fall out.
(g) Formation of the UPA government.


Answer: (a) Assassination of Smt. Indira Gandhi.
(b) Formation of the Janata Dal.
(c) Mandai Recommendation and Anti-Reservation stir.
(d) The demolition of Babri Masjid.
(e) The formation of the NDA government.
(f) Godhra incident and its fall out.
(g) Formation of the UPA government.

Recent Developments In Indian Politics Extra Questions Question 4.
Match the following:

(a) Politics of Consensus (i) Shah Bano Case
(b) Caste-based parties (ii) Rise of OBCs
(c) Personal law and Gender Justice (iii) Coalition government
(d) Growing strength of regional politics (iv) Agreement on Economic policies


(a) Politics of Consensus (iv) Agreement on Economic policies
(b) Caste-based parties (ii) Rise of OBCs
(c) Personal law and Gender Justice (i) Shah Bano Case
(d) Growing strength of regional politics (iii) Coalition government

Question 5.
In which year, did V.P. Singh come into power?


Answer: V.P. Singh came into power in 1989.

Question 6.
Who headed the coalition government from June 6, 1996, to April 1997?


Answer: H.D. Deve Gowda.

Question 7.
In which year was Janata Dal formed?


Answer: Janata Dal was formed in 1988.

Question 8.
Bharatiya Janata Party established in which year?


Answer: B.J.P. was established in 1980.

Question 9.
Who was the head of the coalition government of 1989?


Answer: V.P. Singh.

Question 10.
Who was the head of the coalition government from 1999 to 2004?


Answer: Atal Behari Vajpayee.

Question 11.
After the death of Rajiv Gandhi who became the Prime Minister of India?


Answer: Narasimha Rao.

Question 12.
In 1989 who formed the govermnent?


Answer: National Front formed a coalition government.

Question 13.
Which parties supported the National Front government from outside?


Answer: B.J.P. and Left Front supported the National Front government.

Question 14.
Which party led the National Democratic Alliance?


Answer: B.J.P. led the National Democratic Alliance.

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 9 Recent Developments in Indian Politics with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 12 Political Science Recent Developments in Indian Politics MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 5 Human Capital Formation in India with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 5 Human Capital Formation in India with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 5 Human Capital Formation in India with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Human Capital Formation in India Class 12 Economics MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Human Capital Formation in India Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

I. Choose the correct alternative.

Human Capital Formation Class 12 MCQ Question 1.
Which of the following is not a merit of human capital formation?
(A) Improves technical knowledge
(B) Enlarges the size of business
(C) Increases cost of production
(D) Changes social outlooks


Answer: (C) Increases cost of production

Which of the following is not a merit of human capital formation?

MCQ Of Human Capital Formation Class 12 Question 2.
Match and choose the correct combination.

(i) Preventive medicine (A) medical intervention during illness
(ii) Curative medicine (B) vaccination
(iii) Social medicine (C) the spread of health literacy

(A) (i) – (B); (ii) – (A); (iii) – (C)
(B) (i) – (A); (ii) – (B); (iii) – (C)
(C) (i) – (C); (ii) – (B); (iii) – (A)
(D) (i) – (B); (ii) – (C); (iii) – (A)


Answer: (A) (i) – (B); (ii) – (A); (iii) – (C)

Human Capital Formation MCQ Question 3.
Which of the following is not an indicator of education level?
(A) Years of schooling
(B) Life expectancy
(C) Teacher-pupil ratio
(D) Enrollment rate


Answer: (B) Life expectancy

Human Capital Formation MCQ Class 12 Question 4.
Which of the following institutes comes under the health sector?


Answer: (D) ICMR

Class 12 Human Capital Formation MCQ Question 5.
Which level of education takes a major share of total education expenditure in India?
(A) Elementary
(B) Secondary
(C) Higher
(D) Tertiary


Answer: (A) Elementary

Human Capital Formation In India Class 12 MCQ Question 6.
What was the share of education in total government expenditure in 2014?
(A) 7.92 percent
(B) 15.7 percent
(C) 0.64 percent
(D) 3.31 percent


Answer: (B) 15.7 percent

Human Capital Formation Class 12 MCQs Question 7.
What percent of GDP was invested in education in the year 1952?
(A) 7.92 percent
(B) 11.7 percent
(C) 0.64 percent
(D) 3.31 percent


Answer: (C) 0.64 percent

Human Capital Formation In India MCQ Question 8.
When was Right to Education Act enacted?
(A) 2008
(B) 2009
(C) 2010
(D) 2012


Answer: (B) 2009

Human Capital Formation Class 12 MCQ Questions Question 9.
What was the average youth literacy rate in 2015?
(A) 89.5 percent
(B) 74 percent
(C) 88 percent
(D) 95.5 percent


Answer: (A) 89.5 percent

MCQ On Human Capital Formation Question 10.
Which of the following is not the role of on-the-job training?
(A) Eradicates inequality
(B) Encourages innovation
(C) Promotes modern methods
(D) Enhances productivity


Answer: (D) Enhances productivity

Which of the following is not the role of on-the-job training?

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

MCQs Of Human Capital Formation Class 12 Question 1.
Human capital formation is a _______ process.


Answer: social

Human Capital Formation MCQs Question 2.
Individuals invest in education with the objective of increasing their future ________


Answer: income

MCQ On Human Capital Formation In India Class 12 Question 3.
_______ is the reason for the rural-urban migration in India.


Answer: Unemployment

Class 12 Economics Human Capital Formation MCQ Question 4.
________ capital is completely mobile between countries.


Answer: Physical

MCQ Of Human Capital Formation Question 5.
Economic growth means the ________ in real national income of a country


Answer: increase

MCQ On Human Capital Formation Class 12 Question 6.
Human capital considers education and health as a means to increase _________


Answer: productivity

MCQ On Human Capital Formation In India Question 7.
Higher-income causes building of high level of ________ capital.


Answer: human

MCQ Of Chapter Human Capital Formation Class 12 Question 8.
India has the potential to become a leading _______ economy.


Answer: knowledge-based

Human Capital Formation Leads To MCQ Question 9.
_______ is the prime funding authority for university education.


Answer: UGC

Question 10.
Expenditure per student in _______ education is higher than that of elementary.


Answer: tertiary

III. State whether the following statements are true or false.

Question 1.
Education and health are the two major sources of human capital in a country.


Answer: True

Question 2.
Preventive medicine includes medical practices which are designed to avoid or avert diseases.


Answer: True

Question 3.
Physical capital is inseparable from its owner.


Answer: False

Question 4.
Human capital treats humans as ends in themselves.


Answer: False

Question 5.
Higher-income leads to the development of the high level of human capital and vice-versa.


Answer: True

Question 6.
Indian Council for Medical Research is responsible for the promotion of health and family welfare programmes.


Answer: False

Question 7.
Improper planning for human capital formation has resulted in a shortage of manpower in the health and education sectors.


Answer: True

Question 8.
Elementary education takes a major share of total education expenditure in India.


Answer: True

Question 9.
The level of unemployment among educated youth is the highest.


Answer: True

Question 10.
The differences in literacy rates between males and females are widening.


Answer: False

IV. Match the following.

Question 1.

Column-I Column-II
1. Human capital (A) Movement of individuals from one place to another
2. Sources of human capital (B) Humans are ends in themselves
3. Migration (C) An economic and technical process
4. Human development (D) Education, health, and training
5. Physical capital (E) Stock of knowledge and skills
6. NCERT (F) 1949
7. ICMR (G) 1961
8. Preventive medicine (H) Medical intervention during illness
9. Curative medicine (I) Vaccination
10. Social medicine (J) The spread of health literacy


Column-I Column-II
1. Human capital (E) Stock of knowledge and skills
2. Sources of human capital (D) Education, health, and training
3. Migration (A) Movement of individuals from one place to another
4. Human development (B) Humans are ends in themselves
5. Physical capital (C) An economic and technical process
6. NCERT (G) 1961
7. ICMR (F) 1949
8. Preventive medicine (I) Vaccination
9. Curative medicine (H) Medical intervention during illness
10. Social medicine (J) The spread of health literacy

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 5 Human Capital Formation in India with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 12 Economics Human Capital Formation in India MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 10 Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 10 Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 10 Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours Class 12 Economics MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

I. Choose the correct alternative.

MCQ On India And Its Neighbouring Countries Class 12 Question 1.
Which of the following countries ranks first in the development experience?
(A) India
(B) China
(C) Pakistan
(D) None of the above


Answer: (B) China

Which of the following countries ranks first in the development experience?

Development Experience Of India Class 12 MCQ Question 2.
When were economic reforms initiated in China?
(A) 1978
(B) 1988
(C) 1990
(D) 1991


Answer: (A) 1978

Indian Economic Development Class 12 MCQ Questions And Answers Question 3.
What was the fertility rate in Pakistan as in 2015?
(A) 1.6
(B) 2.6
(C) 3.7
(D) 3.6


Answer: (C) 3.7

Question 4.
In which of the following indicators is Pakistan ahead of India and China?
(A) Urbanisation
(B) Fertility rate
(C) Density
(D) Population


Answer: (B) Fertility rate

Question 5.
Which of the following countries has introduced the one-child norm?
(A) China
(B) India
(C) Pakistan
(D) Bangladesh


Answer: (A) China

Question 6.
In which of the following countries does the service sector contribute the most in GDP?
(A) India
(B) Pakistan
(C) China
(D) Both (A) and (B)


Answer: (D) Both (A) and (B)

Question 7.
Which of the following country was faster in shifting its workforce from agriculture to the service sector?
(A) India
(B) Pakistan
(C) China
(D) Both (A) and (B)


Answer: (B) Pakistan

Question 8.
Which of the following is not an indicator of human development?
(A) Density of Population
(B) GDP per capita
(C) Life expectancy at birth
(D) Literacy rate


Answer: (A) Density of Population

Question 9.
With which of the following concepts is the commune system associated?
(A) Industrialisation
(B) Human rights
(C) Equal distribution of land
(D) Special Economic Zones


Answer: (C) Equal distribution of land

Question 10.
How many people died in the devastating earthquake that took place in Pakistan in 2005?
(A) 45,000
(B) 55,000
(C) 65,000
(D) 75,000


Answer: (D) 75,000

How many people died in the devastating earthquake that took place in Pakistan in 2005?

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

Question 1.
China that has recently started moving towards a ________ system.


Answer: democratic

Question 2.
The people’s Republic of China was established in _______


Answer: 1949

Question 3.
Pakistan’s five-year plan is now called the ________ Term Development Plan.


Answer: Medium

Question 4.
_______ introduced the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in 1695 in China.


Answer: Mao

Question 5.
In the 1970s, nationalization of capital goods industries took place in ________


Answer: Pakistan

Question 6.
The population of Pakistan accounts for roughly about ________ of China.


Answer: one-tenth

Question 7.
________ is high in both Pakistan and China.


Answer: Urbanisation

Question 8.
In China, due to topographic and climatic conditions, the area suitable for cultivation is relatively _________


Answer: small

Question 9.
In India and Pakistan, the service sector accounts for more than ________ percent of GDP.


Answer: 50

Question 10.
Lack of ________ freedom and its implications for human rights are major concerns in China.


Answer: political

III. State whether the following statements are true or false.

Question 1.
Regional and global economic groupings are formed to protest against the free flow of goods and services between nations.


Answer: False

Question 2.
India and Pakistan adopted similar strategies for social and economic development.


Answer: True

Question 3.
Pakistan introduced a variety of regulated policy framework for import substitution industrialization.


Answer: True

Question 4.
China received financial support from western nations.


Answer: False

Question 5.
India has the largest share of the poor among the three countries.


Answer: True

Question 6.
The One-child norm introduced in China is the major reason for low population growth.


Answer: True

Question 7.
The fertility rate is low in Pakistan while it is very high in China.


Answer: False

Question 8.
In 2000-10, there was a rapid increase in the growth rates of India and China.


Answer: False

Question 9.
In all the three economies, the industry and service sectors have less proportion of workforce but contribute more in terms of output.


Answer: True

Question 10.
China’s growth is mainly contributed by the industrial sector and India’s growth by the service sector.


Answer: True

IV. Match the following.

Question 1.

Column-I Column-II
1. Economic reforms in India (A) 1978
2. Economic reforms in China (B) 1991
3. Economic reforms in Pakistan (C) System of collective farming
4. GLF campaign in China (D) 1988
5. Lowest density of population (E) Widespread industrialization
6. Commune farming (F) China


Column-I Column-II
1. Economic reforms in India (B) 1991
2. Economic reforms in China (A) 1978
3. Economic reforms in Pakistan (D) 1988
4. GLF campaign in China (E) Widespread industrialization
5. Lowest density of population (F) China
6. Commune farming (C) System of collective farming

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 10 Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 12 Economics Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 6 Open Economy Macroeconomics with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 6 Open Economy Macroeconomics with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 6 Open Economy Macroeconomics with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Open Economy Macroeconomics Class 12 Economics MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Open Economy Macroeconomics Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

Question 1.
The price of one currency in terms of another is known as _________
(A) Foreign exchange rate
(B) Trade rate
(C) Interest rate
(D) Balance of Payment


Answer: (A) Foreign exchange rate

Question 2.
The market where the national currencies are traded for one another is known as ________
(A) Domestic exchange market
(B) Foreign exchange market
(C) Bazaar
(D) Shop


Answer: (B) Foreign exchange market

Question 3.
Increase in the value of foreign commodities is known as _________
(A) Revaluation
(B) Devaluation
(C) Inflation
(D) None of these


Answer: (B) Devaluation

Question 4.
Decrease in the value the foreign commodities is known as _________
(A) Revaluation
(B) Devaluation
(C) Deflation
(D) All of these


Answer: (A) Revaluation

Decrease in the value the foreign commodities is known as _________

Question 5.
What is the cause of the devaluation of any country’s currency?
(A) Increase in the domestic inflation rate
(B) Domestic real interest rates are less than foreign interest rates
(C) Much increase in the income
(D) All of these


Answer: (D) All of these

Question 6.
The operation of daily nature in the foreign exchange market is known as ________
(A) Spot market
(B) Forward market
(C) Domestic market
(D) International market


Answer: (A) Spot market

Question 7.
The operation of future delivery in the foreign exchange market is known as ________
(A) Spot market
(B) Current market
(C) Forward market
(D) Domestic market


Answer: (C) Forward market

Question 8.
Hybrid in management of fixed and flexible exchange rate is known as ________
(A) Managed to float
(B) Crawling Peg
(C) Wider Bands
(D) None of these


Answer: (A) Managed floating

Question 9.
When was the gold standard abandoned?
(A) 1930’s
(B) 1920’s
(C) 1940’s
(D) 1950’s


Answer: (B) 1920’s

Question 10.
Trade of visible items between the countries is known as ________
(A) Balance of Payment
(B) Balance of Trade
(C) Deficit Balance
(D) All of these


Answer: (B) Balance of Trade

Question 11.
When the import and export of visible items are equal, the situation is known as _______
(A) Balance of Trade
(B) Balance of Payment
(C) Trade Surplus
(D) Trade Deficit


Answer: (A) Balance of Trade

Question 12.
When there is a favourable balance of trade?
(A) X > M
(B) X = M
(C) X < M
(D) None of these


Answer: (A) X > M

Question 13.
When there is unfavourable balance of trade?
(A) X > M
(B) X = M
(C) X < M
(D) None of these


Answer: (C) X < M

Question 14.
The trade of visible and invisible items is known as _________
(A) Balance of Payments
(B) Balance of Trade
(C) Deficit of interest
(D) Profit


Answer: (A) Balance of Payments

Question 15.
Other things remaining unchanged, when in a country the price of foreign currency rises, national income is:
(A) Likely to rise
(B) Likely to fall
(C) Likely to rise and fall both
(D) Not affected


Answer: (A) Likely to rise

Question 16.
Other things remaining the same, when in a country the market price of foreign currency falls, national income is likely:
(A) To rise
(B) To fall
(C) To rise or to fall
(D) To remain affected


Answer: (B) To fall

Question 17.
Which one is the king of the exchange rate?
(a) Fixed Exchange Rate
(b) Flexible Exchange Rate
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Both (a) and (b)

Question 18.
Which of the following is true?
(a) Fixed exchange rate is determined by the government
(b) Flexible exchange rate is determined by market forces (demand and supply of foreign exchange)
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Both (a) and (b)

Question 19.
Which one is a kind of fixed exchange rate?
(a) Gold Standard System of Exchange Rate
(b) Bretton Woods System of Exchange Rate
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Both (a) and (b)

Question 20.
Which one is a merit of the fixed exchange rate?
(a) Promotes Foreign Trade
(b) Induces Foreign Capital
(c) Increases Capital Formation
(d) All the above


Answer: (d) All the above

Question 21.
Which one is a demerit of the fixed exchange rate?
(a) Ignores National Interests
(b) Restricted Movement of Capital
(c) Sudden Fluctuations in Exchange Rates
(d) All the above


Answer: (d) All the above

Question 22.
Which one is a merit of the flexible exchange rate?
(a) Simple System
(b) Continuous Adjustments
(c) Improves Balance of Payments
(d) All the above


Answer: (d) All the above

Question 23.
Which one is a demerit of the flexible exchange rate?
(a) Bad Results of Low Rate
(b) Uncertainty
(c) Instability in Foreign Exchange
(d) All the above


Answer: (d) All the above

Question 24.
Which one is a source of the demand for foreign exchange?
(a) Imports of Goods and Services from Abroad
(b) Investment in Foreign Nations
(c) Gift Scheme to Foreign Nations
(d) All the above


Answer: (d) All the above

Question 25.
Foreign exchange is determined by:
(a) Demand for foreign currency
(b) Supply of foreign currency
(c) Demand and supply in the foreign exchange market
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Demand and supply in a foreign exchange market

Question 26.
The forms of foreign exchange market is/are:
(a) Spot market
(b) Forward market
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) Both (a) and (b)

Question 27.
The foreign exchange rate is determined by:
(a) Government
(b) Bargaining
(c) World Bank
(d) Demand and Supply forces


Answer: (d) Demand and Supply forces

Question 28.
By exchange rate we mean:
(a) How much local currency we have to pay for a foreign currency
(b) How much of a foreign currency we have to pay for another foreign currency
(c) The rate at which foreign currency is bought and sold
(d) All of these


Answer: (d) All of these

Question 29.
Balance of Trade =?
(a) Export of Visible Items – Imports of Visible Items
(b) Export of both Visible and Invisible Items – Import of both Visible and Invisible Items
(c) Import of Visible Items – Export of Visible Items
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Export of Visible Items – Imports of Visible Items

Question 30.
Which items are included in the Balance of Payments?
(a) Visible Items
(b) Invisible Items
(c) Capital Transfers
(d) All the above


Answer: (d) All the above

Question 31.
Which one is the visible item of Balance of Payments?
(a) Machine
(b) Cloth
(c) Cement
(d) All of these


Answer: (d) All of these

Question 32.
Which one is the invisible item of Balance of Payment?
(a) Banking
(b) Shipping
(c) Communication
(d) All of these


Answer: (d) All of these

Question 33.
Which one is the feature of Balance of Payment?
(a) Systematic Accounts
(b) Fixed Time Period
(c) Comprehensiveness
(d) All the above


Answer: (d) All the above

Question 34.
Which account is included in the composition of the Balance of Payments?
(a) Current Account
(b) Capital Account
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Both (a) and (b)

Question 35.
Which one is the item of the Current Account?
(a) Import of Visible Items
(b) Expenses of Tourists
(c) Exports of Visible Items
(d) All the above


Answer: (d) All the above

Question 36.
Which one is the item of Capital Account?
(a) Government Transaction
(b) Priva Transactions
(c) Foreign Direct Investment
(d) All the above


Answer: (d) All the above

Question 37.
The component(s) of Balance of Payment is/are:
(a) Current Account
(b) Capital Account
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) Both (a) and (b)

Question 38.
Which items are included in the balance of trade?
(a) Invisible Item
(b) Capital Transfer
(c) Visible Item
(d) All of these


Answer: (c) Visible Item

Question 39.
Balance of Trade means:
(a) Capital Transaction
(b) Import and export of goods
(c) Total debit and credit
(d) All the above


Answer: (b) Import and export of goods

Question 40.
The reason for the imbalance in the balance of payment is:
(a) Natural Reasons
(b) Economic Reasons
(c) Political Reasons
(d) All of these


Answer: (d) All of these

Question 41.
Structure of balance of payment includes which account:
(a) Current account
(b) Capital account
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these.


Answer: (c) Both (a) and (b)

Question 42.
Balance of trade means:
(a) Capital transactions
(b)Import and export of goods,
(c) Total credit and debit
(d) All of the above


Answer: (b)Import and export of goods,

Question 43.
Measures to improve the adverse balance of payment includes:
(a) Currency devaluation
(b) Import substitution
(c) Exchange control
(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above.

Question 44.
Foreign Exchange Rate is determined by:
(a) Demand for foreign currency
(b) Supply of foreign currency
(c) Demand and supply in the foreign exchange market
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) Demand and supply in the foreign exchange market

Question 45.
Types of Foreign Exchange Market are:
(a) Spot market
(b) Forward market
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) Both (a) and (b)

Types of Foreign Exchange Market are:

Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.
________ refers to the rate at which one currency is exchanged for the other.


Answer: Foreign exchange rate

Question 2.
_______ rate of exchange refers to the rate of exchange as determined by the government.


Answer: Fixed

Question 3.
_______ market deals with current sales and purchases of foreign exchange.


Answer: Foreign Exchange

Question 4.
_______ market deals with such sale and purchase of foreign exchange, which are contracted today but are implemented sometimes in the future.


Answer: Forward

Question 5.
Balance of ________ is a summary statement of all economic transactions between a country and the rest of the world.


Answer: Payment

Question 6.
The balance of _______ is the difference between visible exports and visible imports.


Answer: Trade

Question 7.
Balance of Payment is always _________


Answer: Positive

Question 8.
Balance of Payment is a ______ concept as compared to the balance of trade.


Answer: broader

Question 9.
If exports exceed imports, then BoP is _________


Answer: favourable

Question 10.
Balance of trade includes only ________ items.


Answer: visible

Question 11.
Bretton woods system is also known as ________ border system.


Answer: Adaptable

Question 12.
There is ________ relation between foreign exchange rate and the supply of foreign exchange.


Answer: Direct

Question 13.
By devaluation, the value of currency ________


Answer: Reduces

Question 14.
________ items are included in the balance of trade.


Answer: Visible

Question 15.
Balance of payment always remains ________


Answer: Balanced

Question 16.
The value of the currency of one country with that of the currency of another country is called ________


Answer: Exchange rate

State true or false:

Question 1.
Balance of Payments includes only visible items.


Answer: False

Question 2.
Balance of trade is a part of the Balance of Payments.


Answer: True

Question 3.
The balance of trade is always positive.


Answer: False

Question 4.
The balance of Payments may be positive or negative.


Answer: False

Question 5.
The current account records visible items, invisible items, and unilateral transfers.


Answer: True

Question 6.
Capital account records are such transactions, which cause a change in the asset and liability status of the residents of a country or of its government.


Answer: True

Question 7.
Exports of tea is an example of visible items.


Answer: True

Question 8.
Banking and insurance are examples of visible items.


Answer: False

Question 9.
Forward market deals with current sales and purchases of foreign exchange.


Answer: False

Question 10.
Demand for foreign exchange also depends upon payments of international loans.


Answer: True

Question 11.
Balance of trade includes both visible and invisible items.


Answer: False

Question 12.
Balance of trade is a part of the Balance of payments.


Answer: True

Question 13.
Devaluation is declared by the government.


Answer: True

Question 14.
The balance of payment is always balanced.


Answer: True

Question 15.
For export promotion, the help of devaluation is taken.


Answer: True

Question 16.
The increasing population in developing countries has a direct impact on economic growth.


Answer: False

Question 17.
Export promotion is one of the ways of correcting the Balance of payments.


Answer: False

Match the following:

Question 1.

‘A’ ‘B’
1. Balance of payments (a) Always favourable
2. Balance of Trade includes (b) Both visible and invisible items
3. India’s Balance of payments (c) Includes only visible items
4. Determination of flexible exchange rate (d) Foreign banks issue letter of credit in large demand over banks of the country
5. In favour of foreign exchange rate (e) Forces of demand and supply in foreign exchange markets.


‘A’ ‘B’
1. Balance of payments (b) Both visible and invisible items
2. Balance of Trade includes (c) Includes only visible items
3. India’s Balance of payments (a) Always favourable
4. Determination of flexible exchange rate (e) Forces of demand and supply in foreign exchange markets.
5. In favour of foreign exchange rate (d) Foreign banks issue letter of credit in large demand over banks of the country

Question 2.

Column-I Column-II
1. Spot market (A) Risk management
2. Forward market (B) Accommodating items
3. Hedging (C) Deals with current transactions
4. Above the line items (D) Autonomous items
5. Below the line items (E) Deals with future transactions
Column-I Column-II
1. Spot market (C) Deals with current transactions
2. Forward market (E) Deals with future transactions
3. Hedging (A) Risk management
4. Above the line items (D) Autonomous items
5. Below the line items (B) Accommodating items


We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 6 Open Economy Macroeconomics with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 12 Economics Open Economy Macroeconomics MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 7 Directing with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 7 Directing with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 7 Directing with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Directing Class 12 Business Studies MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Directing Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

Question 1.
Which one of the following is an element of directing?
(a) Delegating authority
(b) Designing organisation structure
(c) Communication
(d) Designing control system


Answer: (c) Communication

Question 2.
Motivation is not
(a) a complex process.
(b) related to satisfaction
(c) an easy process.
(d) a goal-directed behaviour


Answer: (c) an easy process.

Question 3.
Need hierarchy theory of motivation has been given by
(a) Maslow.
(b) Fayol.
(c) Taylor.
(d) Koontz.


Answer: (a) Maslow.

Need hierarchy theory of motivation has been given by

Question 4.
Which one of the following is not a financial incentive?
(a) Bonus
(b) Provident Fund
(c) Co-partnership
(d) Challenging job


Answer: (d) Challenging job

Question 5.
Which one of the following is a non-financial incentive?
(a) Recognition
(b) Perquisite
(c) Retirement benefit
(d) Stock option


Answer: (a) Recognition

Question 6.
Leadership is based on a superior’s
(a) authority.
(b) responsibility
(c) accountability.
(d) pesuasive Communication


Answer: (d) pesuasive Communication

Question 7.
Encoding is related to
(a) converting message into symbols.
(b) converting symbols into machine
(c) transmitting message.
(d) receiving symbols


Answer: (a) converting message into symbols.

Question 8.
Grapevine is a form of
(a) formal communication.
(b) channel of communication
(c) informal communication.
(d) barrier to communication


Answer: (c) informal communication.

Question 9.
Which one of the following is a semantic barrier?
(a) Organisational policy
(b) Lack of attention
(c) Technical jargon
(d) Status


Answer: (c) Technical jargon

Question 10.
___ is the process of stimulating people to engage in goal-directed behaviour.
(a) Communication
(b) Motivation
(c) Directing
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Motivation

Question 11.
The channel of communication which is transmitted through informal channels is called ___
(a) Horizontal communication
(b) Formal communication
(c) Grapevine
(d) Gang plank


Answer: (c) Grapevine

Question 12.
___ aims at instructing, guiding, motivating people to achieve the desired results.
(a) Communication
(b) Directing
(c) Motivating
(d) Organising


Answer: (b) Directing

Question 13.
___ is the process of converting a message into symbols.
(a) Encoding
(b) Decoding
(c) Coding
(d) Both (b) and (c)


Answer: (a) Encoding

Question 14.
Directing flows in ___ direction.
(a) Upward
(b) Downward
(c) Diagonal
(d) Both (a) and (c)


Answer: (b) Downward

Question 15.
___ is the process of exchanging information and understanding between two or more persons.
(a) Directing
(b) Leadership
(c) Communication
(d) Motivation


Answer: (c) Communication

Question 16.
Directing takes place at ___ levels of management.
(a) Top
(b) Middle
(c) Lower
(d) All


Answer: (d) All

Question 17.
Identify the style of leadership in which the superior uses file forces from within the groups in order to establish control.
(a) Autocratic leadership
(b) Democratic leadership
(c) Laissez-faire leadership
(d) Authoritarian leadership


Answer: (b) Democratic leadership

Question 18.
Dheeraj Madan works as a Human Resource Manager in Busybee Limited. He gives due care in designing jobs, so that it offers a meaningful work experience by assuming a diversity of work content requiring higher level of knowledge. Identify the type of incentive being adopted by the company.
(a) Employee recognition programme
(b) Organisational climate
(c) Career advancement opportunities
(d) Job enrichment


Answer: (c) Career advancement opportunities

Question 19.
During the year 2018, Halla Walla Limited made surplus profits due to growing reputation of the business as a result of sincerity of its employees. In order to give due recognition to its employees and motivate them to continue with the good work, the company decided to give a certain percentage of profits to them. Identify the type of financial incentive being adopted by the company.
(a) Perquisites
(b) Productivity linked wage incentives
(c) Co-partnership
(d) Profit sharing


Answer: (d) Profit sharing

Question 20.
Yamini received a special gold coin from her school management for exceptionally good board result of her students in her subject. Identify the need of Yamini being fulfilled as per Maslow’s Need Heirarchy Theory.
(a) Esteem Needs
(b) Belonging Needs
(c) Self Actualisation Needs
(d) Basic Physiological Needs


Answer: (a) Esteem Needs

Yamini received a special gold coin from her school management for exceptionally good board result of her students in her subject. Identify the need of Yamini being fulfilled as per Maslow’s Need Heirarchy Theory.

True or False

State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False.

1. Leadership and motivation are the two elements of directing.


Answer: True; leadership and motivation are the two elements of directing.

2. Directing takes place at the top, middle and bottom level of management.


Answer: True; directing takes place at all levels of management.

3. Encoding refers to converting symbols received by the receiver into meaning.


Answer: False; decoding is converting symbols received by the receiver into meaning.

4. Democratic leadership style involves giving orders by a superior to his subordinates and expecting that his orders will be obeyed by them.


Answer: False; the given leadership style is authoritative leadership style.

5. Formal and Informal communication flow through officially prescribed channels of communication.


Answer: False; only formal communication flows through officially prescribed channels of communication.

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 7 Directing with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding Directing CBSE Class 12 Business Studies MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 4 Planning with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 4 Planning with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 4 Planning with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Planning Class 12 Business Studies MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Planning Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

Planning Class 12 MCQ Question 1.
Pervasiveness of planning indicates that planning
(a) is a top management function.
(b) extends throughout the organisation.
(c) is a future-oriented activity.
(d) is the first element of management process.


Answer: (b) extends throughout the organisation.

Planning MCQ Question 2.
Which one of the following is an importance of planning?
(a) Reducing uncertainty
(b) Identifying alternatives critically
(c) Developing leadership
(d) Selecting the most appropriate plan


Answer: (a) Reducing uncertainty

Which one of the following is an importance of planning?

Planning MCQs Class 12 Question 3.
Which one of the following is not a limitation of planning?
(a) Dynamic environment
(b) Costly process
(c) Rigidity
(d) Top management approach


Answer: (d) Top management approach

Question 4.
Which one of the following is a step of planning?
(a) Analysis of organisation structure
(b) Analysis of environment
(c) Analysis of employee behaviour
(d) Analysis of employee morale


Answer: (b) Analysis of environment

Question 5.
The basic role of strategy is to provide
(a) setting procedures.
(b) direction for action
(c) direction for motivation.
(d) direction for control


Answer: (b) direction for action

Question 6.
Which one of the following plans prescribes chronological steps for performing activities?
(a) Procedure
(b) Rule
(c) Policy
(d) Method


Answer: (a) Procedure

Question 7.
Which one of the following is a single-use plan?
(a) Strategy
(b) Rule
(c) Budget
(d) Method


Answer: (c) Budget

Question 8.
Decision-making is the case of __
(a) Planning
(b) Organising
(c) Staffing
(d) Directing


Answer: (a) Planning

Question 9.
__ is a statement of expected results in numerical terms.
(a) Forecast
(b) Budget
(c) Plan
(d) Estimate


Answer: (b) Budget

Question 10.
___ is a feature of planning also referred to as primacy of planning.
(a) Pervasive
(b) Primary function of management
(c) Continuous
(d) Integrating


Answer: (b) Primary function of management

Question 11.
___ is a comprehensive plan for achieving its objectives.
(a) Strategy
(b) Method
(c) Rule
(d) Policy


Answer: (a) Strategy

Question 12.
___ is the type of plan which is time-bound and linked with measurable outcome.
(a) Strategy
(b) Policy
(c) Rule
(d) Budget


Answer: (d) Budget

Question 13.
___ is a standardised way or manner of performing a routine activity considering its objectives.
(a) Procedure
(b) Method
(c) Rule
(d) Programme


Answer: (b) Method

Question 14.
___ specifies the end to be achieved.
(a) Objective
(b) Strategy
(c) Policy
(d) Method


Answer: (a) Objective

Question 15.
___ are relevant to recurring activities.
(a) Single-use plans
(b) Standing plans
(c) Objectives
(d) Programmes


Answer: (b) Standing plans

Question 16.
In 2019 alone, Swiggy has launched operations in 300 towns and cities. Swiggy follows a two-step sequence while expanding to a small town. First, it provides more laborious training to restaurants and delivery partners compared to their counterparts in the city. Second, it focuses on building scale in operations and increase the restaurant’s reach to a larger base of consumers, including optimizing kitchens, resource planning among others. Identify the type of plan being described in the above lines.
(a) Method
(b) Strategy
(c) Programme
(d) Procedure


Answer: (b) Strategy

Question 17.
Deepak is striving to earn a profit of 30% in the current financial year. Identify the type of plan being described in the above lines.
(a) Method
(b) Objective
(c) Strategy
(d) Programme


Answer: (b) Objective

Deepak is striving to earn a profit of 30% in the current financial year. Identify the type of plan being described in the above lines.

Question 18.
Ketan Enterprises adopts different ways to provide training to employees, like Job . Rotation, Coaching, Vestibule Training, Conference, Lecture Method and Role Playing. Identify the type of plan being described in the above lines.
(a) Method
(b) Strategy
(c) Programme
(d) Procedure


Answer: (a) Method

Question 19.
The government has been doubling down on its efforts to switch to 100% electric vehicles by 2030. Many companies such as Tata Motors, Kinetic Motors, Maruti Suzuki and Hyundai Motors are all readying their EV models for a 2020 launch in order to support the plan. Identify the type of plan being described in the above lines.
(a) Method
(b) Strategy
(c) Programme
(d) Objective


Answer: (b) Strategy

Question 20.
Based on National Common Mobility Card standards, India’s first indigenously developed inter-operable transport card was launched in March 2019 to make travel across various modes convenient. Identify the type of plan being described in the above lines.
(a) Strategy
(b) Programme
(c) Method
(d) Rule


Answer: (a) Strategy

True or False

State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False.

1. Rule is a specific statement that prescribes what is to be done or not to be done.


Answer: True; rule sets the conditions which must be observed in performing various activities.

2. Rule is the prescribed way or manner in which a task has to be performed considering its objectives.


Answer: False; method is the prescribed way.

3. Identifying alternative courses of action is a step in organising process.


Answer: False; it is a step in the planning process.

4. Method is a chronological sequence in which an activity should be performed.


Answer: False; procedure is the chronological sequence in which an activity should be performed.

5. The last step in the process of planning is “Plan Implementation.”


Answer: False; follow-up action is the last step.

6. Planning premises are the actual plans about the future organisational resources.


Answer: False; planning premises are the assumptions about future environmental scenario and organisational resources.

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 4 Planning with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding Planning CBSE Class 12 Business Studies MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 Staffing with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 Staffing with Answers

Check the below Online Education NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 Staffing with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Staffing Class 12 Business Studies MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Staffing Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

Question 1.
In staffing function, which one of the following groups of managers is involved?
(a) Only top managers
(b) Only human resource managers
(c) Only middle managers
(d) All managers


Answer: (d) All managers

Question 2.
Which one of the following is not an importance of staffing?
(a) Suitable division of work among employees
(b) Developing skills in employees
(c) Employee satisfaction
(d) Efficient use of human resources


Answer: (a) Suitable division of work among employees

Which one of the following is not an importance of staffing?

Question 3.
In staffing function, which combination of activities in sequential order is correct?
(a) Recruitment, selection, training, placement
(b) Selection, training, recruitment, placement
(c) Recruitment, selection, placement, training
(d) Recruitment, training, selection, placement


Answer: (c) Recruitment, selection, placement, training

Question 4.
Which one of the following sources is most relevant to recruiting managerial personnel?
(a) Direct recruitment
(b) Employment exchange
(c) Advertisement
(d) Casual callers


Answer: (c) Advertisement

Question 5.
Which one of the following is an internal source of recruitment?
(a) Transfer
(b) Employee recommendations
(c) Campus recruitment
(d) Personal contacts


Answer: (a) Transfer

Question 6.
Which type of learning is management development concerned with?
(a) Specific job skill development
(b) Multi-skill development
(c) Manual skill development
(d) Inventory development


Answer: (b) Multi-skill development

Question 7.
For which group of persons is vestibule training relevant?
(a) Operatives
(b) Top management
(c) Middle management
(d) Supervisory management


Answer: (a) Operatives

Question 8.
___ is a process of learning and growth.
(a) Training
(b) Development
(c) Recruitment
(d) Both (a) and (c)


Answer: (b) Development

Question 9.
Time perspective in training is ___
(a) Short term
(b) Long term
(c) Medium term
(d) Medium or Long term


Answer: (a) Short term

Question 10.
___ leads to optimum use of resources.
(a) Recruitment
(b) Staffing
(c) Development
(d) Training


Answer: (b) Staffing

Question 11.
Web publishing is a/an ___ source of recruitment.
(a) External
(b) Internal
(c) Campus
(d) Both (b) and (c)


Answer: (a) External

Question 12.
___ is a limitation of internal source of recruitment.
(a) Higher costs
(b) Inbreeding
(c) Lengthy process
(d) Unreliability


Answer: (b) Inbreeding

Question 13.
___ is the “On the Job Training” method used to train electriciAnswer:
(a) Web publishing
(b) Job rotation
(c) Coaching
(d) Apprenticeship


Answer: (d) Apprenticeship

Question 14.
When Jaskaran Singh applied for the post of Computer teacher in a school in Bhubaneswar, he was asked to prepare a powerpoint presentation on a particular topic during selection procedure. Identify the type of selection test being mentioned in the above lines,
(a) Trade test
(c) Intelligence test
(b) Personality test
(d) Interest test


Answer: (a) Trade test

Question 15.
When the Principal of Golden Life Public School was on the verge of retirement, the management of the school contacted a specialised business firm in order to fill up the vacancy. Identify the source of recruitment being used by the management.
(a) Labour contractors
(b) Advertising
(c) Placement agencies and management consultants
(d) Direct recruitment


Answer: (c) Placement agencies and management consultants

Question 16.
Aruna applied for the post of an art and craft teacher in a reputed school in Delhi. After successfully clearing the tests and the interview, she was offered an employment contract containing the terms and conditions, and the date of joining. Identify the steps in the staffing process being described in the above lines.
(a) Reference and background checking
(b) Selection decision
(c) Job offer
(d) Contract of employment


Answer: (c) Job offer

Question 17.
Kundan Lai joined a food processing unit as a factory worker. Since he was expected to work on sophisticated machinery, he was asked to undergo a special training. Identify the training method with reference to above lines.
(a) Vestibule training
(b) Apprenticeship training
(c) Internship training
(d) Induction training


Answer: (a) Vestibule training

Question 18.
Identify the correct sequence of the steps involved in the selection process
(a) Medical Examination, Contract of Employment, Reference and Background checking, Selection Decision, Job Offer
(b) Reference and Background checking, Selection Decision, Contract of Employment, Medical Examination, Job Offer
(c) Job Offer, Reference and Background checking, Selection Decision, Medical Examination, Contract of Employment
(d) Reference and Background checking, Selection Decision, Medical Examination, Job Offer, Contract of Employment


Answer: (d) Reference and Background checking, Selection Decision, Medical Examination, Job Offer, Contract of Employment

Question 19.
Which of the following activities lie within the scope of Human Resource Department?
(a) Formulating compensation and incentive plans
(b) Ensuring healthy labour relations and union management relations
(c) Creating provision for social security and welfare of employees
(d) All of the above



Question 20.
This type of training method is adopted when employees have to handle sophisticated machinery and equipment at their workplace.
(a) Apprenticeship training
(b) Induction training
(c) Internship training
(d) Vestibule training


Answer: (d) All of the above

This type of training method is adopted when employees have to handle sophisticated machinery and equipment at their workplace.

True or False

State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False.

1. Promotion is an external source of recruitment.


Answer: False; it is an internal source.

2. Preliminary screening is a step in the selection process.


Answer: True; preliminary screening is a step in the selection process. It involves eliminating unqualified or unfit candidates.

3. Development is the process of increasing knowledge and skills.


Answer: False; that process is training.

4. Vestibule training is a method used in development of employees.


Answer: False; vestibule training is a method used in training of employees.

5. Recruitment leads to optimum use of resources.


Answer: False; staffing leads to optimum use of resources.

6. Staffing is searching for prospective candidates.


Answer: False; searching for prospective candidates is recruitment.

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 Staffing with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding Staffing CBSE Class 12 Business Studies MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.