MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers

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Magnetic Effects of Electric Current Class 10 MCQs Questions with Answers

Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current Class 10 MCQ Question 1.
If the key in the arrangement as shown below is taken out (the circuit is made open) and magnetic field lines are drawn over the horizontal plane ABCD, the lines are:
Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current Class 10 MCQ
(a) Concentric circles
(b) Elliptical in shape
(c) Straight lines parallel to each other
(d) Concentric circles near the point O but of elliptical shapes as we go away from it
(c) Straight lines parallel to each other

Explanation: If the circuit connection breaks by taking the key out, then no current will flow through the wire and no magnetic field will exist due to the conductor.

Therefore, at the point O, there will be only Earth’s magnetic field and they are straight lines parallel to each other.

Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current MCQ Question 2.
A current-carrying conductor is held in exactly vertical direction. In order to produce a clockwise magnetic field around the conductor, the current should passed in the conductor:
(a) from top towards bottom
(b) from left towards right
(c) from bottom towards top
(d) from right towards left

Class 10 Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current MCQ Question 3.
A circular loop placed in a plane perpendicular to the plane of paper carries a current when the key is on. The current as seen from points A and B (in the plane of paper and on the axis of the coil) is anticlockwise and clockwise respectively. The magnetic field lines point from B to A. The N-pole of the resultant magnet is on the face close to:
Class 10 Science Chapter 13 MCQ
(a) A
(b) B
(c) A if the current is small and B if the current is large
(d) B if the current is small and A if the current is large

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers

MCQ On Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current Question 4.
A uniform magnetic field exists in the plane of paper pointing from left to right as shown in the figure. In the field, an electron and a proton move as shown. The electron and the proton experience:
MCQ On Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current
(a) forces both pointing into the plane of paper
(b) forces both pointing out of the plane of paper
(c) forces pointing into the plane of paper and out of the plane of paper, respectively
(d) forces pointing opposite and along the direction of the uniform magnetic field respectively
(a) forces both pointing into the plane of paper

Explanation: Apply Fleming’s left hand rule and considering that the flow of current in the direction of the movement of proton and in the direction opposite to the flow of electrons. So, the current due to both electron and proton will be in the same direction because of which, the forces acting on both will be in the same direction. By Fleming’s Left hand rule, the direction of force is pointing into the plane of paper.

Magnetic Effects Of Electric Current Class 10 MCQ Question 5.
For a current in a long straight solenoid N and S-poles are created at the two ends. Among the following statements, the incorrect statement is:
(a) The field lines inside the solenoid are in the form of straight lines, which indicates that the magnetic field is the same at all points inside the solenoid
(b) The strong magnetic field produced inside the solenoid can be used to magnetize a piece of magnetic material Like soft iron, when placed inside the coil
(c) The pattern of the magnetic field associated with the solenoid is different from the pattern of the magnetic field around a bar magnet
(d) The N and S-poles exchange position when the direction of current through the solenoid is reversed.

Magnetic Effects Of Electric Current MCQ Question 6.
An electron moves with a speed v along positive direction of the x-axis. If a magnetic field B acts along the positive y-direction, then the force on the electron will act along:
(a) x-axis
(b) y-axis
(c) -ve z-direction
(d) +ve z-direction [Diksha]
(c) -ve z-direction

An electron moves with a speed v along positive direction of the x-axis. If a magnetic field B acts along the positive y-direction, then the force on the electron will act along:

Explanation: As electron is moving in positive x-direction, then, according to Maxwell’s right-hand thumb rule, the current is moving in negative x-direction and the magnetic field acts on positive y-direction.

Thus, the thumb will be in negative z-direction, which is the direction of force.

MCQ Of Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current Question 7.
Which of the following is not attracted by a magnet:
(a) Steel
(b) Cobalt
(c) Brass
(d) Nickel

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers

Ch 13 Science Class 10 MCQ Question 8.
The magnetic field lines:
(a) intersect at right angles to one another
(b) interest at an angle 45° to each another
(c) do not cross one another
(d) cross at an angle of 60° to one another
(c) do not cross one another

Explanation: The magnetic field lines do not cross one another because the resultant force at any point on the north pole can only be in one direction. This is impossible if the Lines intersect

Related Theory
If two magnetic field lines are found to cross each their, it means that at the point of intersection, the compass needle would point towards two directions. which is not possible.

Magnetism Class 10 MCQ Question 9.
The magnetic field inside a long straight solenoid carrying current is
(a) uneven
(b) zero
(c) same at aLL points
(d) different at aU Points
(c) same at all points

Explanation: The magnetic field lines inside a long straight solenoid carrying current is in the form of parallel straight tines which indicates that the magnetic field is some at oIL points inside the solenoid.

MCQs On Magnetic Effects Of Electric Current Class 10 Question 10.
To convert an AC generator into DC generator:
(a) Split ring type commutator must be used
(b) SLIp rings and brushes must be used
(c) A stronger magnetic fieLd has to be used
(d) A rectangular wire Loop has to be used

Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current MCQs Question 11.
The most important safety method used for protecting home appliances from short-circuiting or overloading is:
(a) Earthing
(b) Use of fuse
(c) Use of stabiLizers
(d) Use of electric meter

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers

Class 10 Science Ch 13 MCQ Question 12.
Which of the given statements are incorrect regarding magnetic field Unes?
(I) The direction of magnetic field at a point is taken to be the direction In which the south pole of a magnetic compass needle points.
(II) Magnetic field Lines are closed curves.
(III) If magnetic field Lines are parallel and equidistant, they represent zero-field strength.
(IV)Relative strength of magnetic field is shown by the degree of closeness of the field lines.
(a) Both (I) and (II)
(b) Both (II) and (III)
(c) Both (I) and (III)
(d) Both (II) and (IV)
(c) Both (I) and (III)

Explanation: The direction of magnetic field at a point is taken to be the direction in which the north pole of a magnetic compass needle points. If magnetic field lines are parallel and equidistant, they represent uniform field strength.

MCQ Questions On Magnetic Effects Of Electric Current Question 13.
The north pole of a long bar magnet was pushed slowly into a short solenoid connected to a galvanometer. The magnet was held stationary for a few seconds with the north pole in the middle of the solenoid and then withdrawn rapidly.
Select the correct observations:
(I) The maximum deflection of the galvanometer will be observed when the magnet was moving out of the solenoid.
(II) The maximum deflection of the galvanometer will be observed when the magnet was moving slowly into of the solenoid.
(III) The minimum deflection of the galvanometer will be observed when the magnet was at rest inside the solenoid.
(IV) The minimum deflection of the galvanometer will be observed when the magnet was moving towards the solenoid.
(a) Both (I) and (III)
(b) Both (II) and (III)
(c) Both (I) and (IV)
(d) Both (II) and (IV)
(a) Both (I) and (III)

Explanation: The maximum deflection of the galvanometer will be observed when the magnet was moving out of the solenoid as maximum current is induced in the coil due to the relative motion between the solenoid coil and the magnet. Whereas, the minimum deflection of the galvanometer will be observed when the magnet was at rest inside the solenoid as no current is induced in the coil.

MCQs On Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current Question 14.
A student places some iron fillings around a magnet. The iron fillings arrange themselves as shown in image below.
Magnetic Effect Of Current Class 10 MCQ
Four points labelled A, B, C and D have been marked in the figure.
Select the correct statement regarding the strength of magnetic field at these points:
(I) The magnetic field will be strongest at A.
(II) The magnetic field will be strongest at B.
(III) The magnetic field will be weakest at C.
(IV)The magnetic field will be weakest at D.
(a) Both (I) and (III)
(b) Both (II) and (III)
(c) Both (I) and (IV)
(d) Both (II) and (IV)

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers

MCQ Of Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current Class 10 Question 15.
The figure below shows an electric generator.
MCQ Of Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current Class 10
The coil ABCD is rotated and the direction of induced current is noted initially and when coil completes half cycle of the rotation.
Select the row containing correct direction of induced current in the coil ABCD.
Magnetic Effect Of Current MCQ
MCQ Questions For Class 10 Science Chapter 13
(a) Initially when coil ABCD is rotated ABCD; when coil complete is half cycle of rotation DCBA

Explanation: Length AB of the coil ABCD is moving upwards and the magnetic field acts from left to right. Hence, according to Fleming’s right-hand rule, the direction of induced current will be from A to B. And the direction of induced current in the length CD will be from C to D. The direction of current in the coil is ABCD. After half a rotation, length AB starts moving down whereas length CD starts moving upward. The direction of the induced current in the coil gets reversed as DCBA.

Question 16.
Study the graphs (A) and (B) shown below and select the row containing incorrect information from the table.
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MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 9

Question 17.
The magnetic field lines inside a current-carrying solenoid are in the form of parallel straight lines which indicate that:
(a) The magnetic field is zero inside the solenoid.
(b) The field is uniform inside the solenoid.
(d) The field is non-uniform inside the solenoid.
(d) The field is very strong inside the solenoid.
(b) The field is uniform inside the solenoid.

Explanation: The magnetic field lines inside a current-carrying solenoid are in the form of parallel straight lines which indicate that the field is uniform inside the solenoid.

Question 18.
A current-carrying conductor is held in the vertical direction. In order to produce a clockwise magnetic field around the conductor, the current should be passed in the conductor:
(a) From top to bottom
(b) From left to right
(c) From bottom to top
(d) From right to left
(a) From top to bottom

Explanation: By applying right-hand thumb rule, we note that in order to produce a clockwise magnetic field around the conductor, the current should be passed from top to bottom in the conductor as shown:
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MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers

Question 19.
An induced emf is produced when a magnet is moved into a coil. The magnitude of induced emf does not depend on:
(a) The number of turns of the coil
(b) The speed with which the magnet is moved
(c) The strength of the magnet
(d) The resistivity of the wire of the coil

Question 20.
Imagine that a negative charge is moving towards a person. The direction of magnetic field lines will be in:
(a) Clockwise direction
(b) Anticlockwise direction
(c) Vertically upward direction
(d) Vertically downward direction

Assertion Reasoning questions Class 10 Science Chapter 13

For the following questions, two statements are given one labeled Assertion (A) and the other labeled Reason (R). Select the correct Answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c), and (d) as given below.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is flase, but R is true.

Question 21.
Assertion (A): The energy of charged particle moving in a uniform magnetic field does not change.
Reason (R): Work done by magnetic field on the charge is zero.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of assertion.

Question 22.
Assertion (A): The compass placed near the current-carrying wire remains stationary.
Reason (R): The current flowing through a wire gives rise to a magnetic field.
(d) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct.

Explanation: The compass when placed near the current-carrying wire gets deflected because the current flowing through the wire gives rise to a magnetic field.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers

Question 23.
Assertion (A): The direction of force acting on a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field gets reversed on reversing the direction of current flowing through the conductor.
Reason (R): Magnitude of force is highest when direction of current is parallel to direction of magnetic field.

Question 24.
Assertion (A): Current can be induced in a coil by changing the magnetic field around it.
Reason (R): A galvanometer connected to a coil can deflect either to the left or right of the zero marks.
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion. Explanation: Voltage and hence current is induced in a coil due to a changing magnetic field and this process is known as electromagnetic induction.

A galvanometer is a device that detects the presence of current by deflecting the needle to one side of the zero mark, but this does not explain the current induced in the coil.

Competency-Based Questions (CBQs)

Question 1.
The space surrounding a magnet in which magnetic force is exerted, is called a magnetic field. The direction of magnetic field lines at a place can be determined by using a compass needle. A compass needle placed near a magnet gets deflected due to the magnetic force exerted by the magnet.

The north end of the needle of the compass indicates the direction of magnetic field at the point where it is placed. When the magnet shown in the diagram below is moving towards the coil, the galvanometer gives a reading to the right.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 11
(A) What is the name of the effect being produced by the moving magnet?
(B) State what happens to the needle shown on the galvanometer when the magnet is moving away from the coil.
(C) If the magnet is moved towards the coil at a great speed, state two changes that you would notice in the galvanometer.
(D) List three sources of magnetic fields.

Question 2.
Happy’s friend once got a bicycle fitted with a dynamo to school. Happy was quite thrilled to see a cycle fitted with a dynamo and decided to find out more about this. A bottle dynamo or sidewall dynamo is a small electrical generator for bicycles employed to power a bicycle’s lights. When the bicycle is in motion and the dynamo roller is engaged, electricity is generated as the tire spins the roller.Two other dynamo systems used on bicycles are hub dynamos and bottom bracket dynamos.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 12
Fleming’s Right-hand rule gives:
(a) magnitude of the induced current.
(b) magnitude of the magnetic field
(c) direction of the induced current
(d) both, direction and magnitude of the induced current

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers

Question 3.
Vaibhav performed an activity to observe an important breakthrough made by the English Physicist faraday. He took a coil of wire AB having a large number of turns and connected the ends of the coil to a galvanometer. He observed a momentary deflection in the needle of the galvanometer, say to the right, when the North pole of a strong magnet was moved towards the end B of the coil.
(A) Name the phenomenon discovered by Faraday.
The phenomenon was Electromagnetic induction.

(B) Why does Vaibhav observe momentary deflection in the galvanometer?
This is due to induced current in the coil as a result of changing magnetic field associated with the coil.

(C) What happens to the deflection in the galvanometer when the motion of the magnet stops?

(D) What will be observed when the north pole of the magnet is withdrawn away from the coil?
We observe that the galvanometer is deflected toward the left, showing that the current is now set up in the direction opposite to the first

Question 4.
Transmission lines are sets of wires that carry electric power from generating plants to the substations that deliver power to customers. At a generating plant, electric power is “stepped up” to several thousand volts by a transformer and delivered to the transmission line. When Kumar visited his grandmother’s home, he was quite surprised to see the transmission lines going right above their colony!
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 13
A constant current flows in a horizontal wire in the plane of the paper from east to west as shown in the figure. The direction of a magnetic field at a point will be north to south:
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 14
(a) directly above the wire
(b) directly below the wire
(c) at a point located in the plane of the paper on the north side of the wire
(d) at a point located in the plane of the paper on the south side of the wire
(b) directly below the wire

Explanation: If we observe the direction of the magnetic field by applying the right hand thumb rule, then we will find that the directior of the magnetic field is from north to south below the wire

Question 5.
Fix a sheet of white paper on a drawing board using some adhesive material. Place a bar magnet in the centre of it. Sprinkle some iron filings uniformly around the bar magnet as shown in figure below. Now tap the board gently.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 15
In the next activity, take a small compass and a bar magnet. Place the magnet on a sheet of white paper fixed on a drawing board, using some adhesive material. Mark the boundary of the magnet. Place the compass near the north pole of the magnet. Mark the position of two ends of the needle. Now move the needle to a new position such that its south pole occupies the position previously occupied by its north pole. In this way, proceed step by step till you reach the south pole of the magnet as shown in Fig. below.
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Join the points marked on the paper by a smooth curve. Repeat the above procedure and draw as many lines as you can. Observe the deflection in the compass needle as you move it along a field line.
(A) Select the correct observations and conclusions when cardboard is gently tapped in the first activity:
(I) The iron filings arrange themselves in a pattern.
(II) The magnet experiences a force as the iron atoms exert its influence on it.
(III) The force experienced by the magnet makes iron filings to arrange in a pattern.
(IV) The region surrounding a magnet, in which the force of the magnet can be detected, is said to have a magnetic field.
(a) Both (I) and (II)
(b) Both (III) and (III)
(c) Both (I) and (IV)
(d) Both (II) and (IV)

(B) The lines along which the iron filings align themselves represent:
(a) Magnetic field lines.
(b) Electric field lines
(c) Magnetic potential
(d) Electric potential
(a) Magnetic field lines

Explanation: The magnetic field lines are the imaginary lines drawn around a magnet that represent the m etic field around a magnet.

(C) Select the row containing the correct observation when a small compass is placed near the bar magnet in the second activity:

North Pole of Compass Needle South Pole of Compass Needle
(a) It points towards the North pole of the magnet  It points towards the South pole of the magnet
(b) It points towards the North pole of the magnet  It points away from the North pole of the magnet
(c) It points away from the South pole of the magnet  It points away from the North pole of the magnet
(d) It points away from the North pole of the magnet  It points towards the North pole of the magnet

(d) North Pole of compass needle: It points away from the North Pole of the magnet: South Pole Compass needle: it Points towards the North Pole of the Magnet.

Explanation: The small compass is actuaLly a magnetic compass needle. Its North pole points away from the North pole of the bar magnet and its South pole points towards the North pole of the bar magnet as like poles repel each other and unlike poles attract each other.

(D) When the compass needle is moved along a field line, the deflection in the compass:
(a) First increases and then decreases.
(b) Increases as the needle is moved towards the poles.
(c) Decreases as the needle is moved towards the poles.
(d) Remains constant
(E) Given below are four figures showing the direction of magnetic field lines around a bar magnet. Select the option showing the correct direction:
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Question 6.
Vikram had gone to his cousin’s apartments to celebrate holi. While climbing the stairs he observed that all the electric meters and main switches were installed on one side of the stair case. On each meter box, apart from other information, the following was also written: kWh meter, 220VAC.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 18
How many times does AC used in India change direction in one second?
The frequency of alternating current in India is 50 Hertz. This means that the AC changes current every 1/100 second.

Question 7.
Kritika once observed a caling bell on the wall just outside the principal’s room. Although she knew its purpose, she wanted to know the construction and working of an electric calling bell, which is a mechanical or electronic bell that functions by means of an electromagnet.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 19
(a) Will decrease
(b) Will increase
(c) Will become zero
(d) Will remain the same

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers

Question 8.
Take a coil of wire AB having a large number of turns. Connect the ends of the coil to a galvanometer as shown in Fig. (a) below.
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Take a strong bar magnet and move its north pole towards the end B of the coil. Observe the deflection in the galvanometer towards right. Now withdraw the north pole of the magnet away from the coil. Next, place the magnet stationary at a point near to the coil, keeping its north pole towards the end B of the coil. First move the coil towards the north pole of the magnet and then away from the magnet. Observe the deflection of the galvanometer in both cases.

Next, take two different coils of copper wire having large number of turns (say 50 and 100 turns respectively). Insert them over a non-conducting cylindrical roll, as shown in Fig. below. Connect the coil-1, having larger number of turns, in series with a battery and a plug key. Also connect the other coil-2 with a galvanometer as shown in fig. (b) below.
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Plug in the key. Observe the deflection in galvanometer. Next, disconnect coil-1 from the battery. Note your observations.
(A) Select the correct observations when a strong bar magnet is taken and its north pole is moved near the coil in the first activity:
(I) There is a momentary deflection in the needle of the galvanometer, say to the right, when the north pole of a strong bar magnet is moved towards the end B of the coil.
(II) Momentary deflection in the galvanometer needle indicates the presence of a force in the coil AB.
(III) The deflection in the galvanometer increases the moment the motion of the magnet stops.
(IV) When the north pole of the magnet is withdrawn away from the coil, the galvanometer is deflected toward the left.
(a) Both (I) and (III)
(b) Both (I) and (IV)
(c) Both (II) and (III)
(d) Both (III) and (IV)
(b) Both (I) and (IV)

Explanation: Momentary deflection in the galvanometer needle indicates the presence of a current in the coil AB. The deflection in the galvanometer becomes zero the moment the motionof the magnet stops as no current is induced in the coil now.

(B) Refer to fig. (a) above. Place the magnet stationary at a point near to the coil, keeping its north pole towards the end
B of the coil.
Select the row containing incorrect observation:

Movement of coil Deflection of the galvanometer needle
(a) Coil is moved towards the North pole of the magnet  Towards right
(b) Coil is moved away the North pole of the magnet  Towards left
(c) Both coil and magnet are stationary  Momentary deflection
(d) Both coil and magnet are stationary  No deflection

(c) Movement of coil: Both coil and magnet are stationary; Deflection of galvanometer needle: Momentary deflection

Explanation: When the coil is moved towards the north pole of the galvanometer, the galvanometer needle deflects towards right and when the coil is moved away from the north pole of the magnet, the galvanometer needle deflects in the opposite direction towards right. This is because the induced current is now set up in the direction opposite to the first.

However, when both the coil and magnet are stationary, there is no induced current in the coil and hence no deflection in the needle of the galvanometer.

(C) In the first activity, what would be observed if the south pole of the magnet was moved away from the end B of the
(a) Deflection in same direction as when north pole was moved towards end B of the coil, i.e., towards right.
(b) Deflection in opposite direction as when north pole was moved towards end B of the coil, i.e., towards left.
(c) First deflection towards right and then towards left.
(d) No deflection in galvanometer needle.
(a) Deflection in same direction as when north pole was moved towards end B of the coil, i.e., towards right.

Explanation: When the south pole of magnet is moved away from the end B of the coil, the current will be induced in the coil in the same direction as north pole moving towards the end B of the magnet. Therefore, deflection of galvanometer needle will be in the same direction which is towards right.

(D) Select the incorrect observation when the key is plugged “in” in the second activity:
(a) The needle of the galvanometer instantly jumps to one side and quickly returns to zero, indicating a momentary current in coil-2.
(b) When the battery is disconnected from the coil, there is a momentary deflection of the galvanometer needle in opposite side.
(c) The needle of the galvanometer jumps to one side till the key is plugged “in” indicating that current is induced in coil-2.
(d) As soon as the current in coil-1 reaches either a steady value or zero, the galvanometer in coil-2 shows no deflection.

(E) Cause of induced current in coil 2 in fig (b) is:
(a) Change in magnetic field lines associated with the secondary coil.
(b) Change in magnetic field lines associated with the primary coil.
(c) Change in magnetic force associated with the secondary coil.
(d) Change in magnetic force associated with the primary coil.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers

Question 9.
Paras was keenly observing the electrician connecting the new electric cooler at their home. He observed that apart from the two wires, there was a third wire which he connected at the plug, which was a three pin plug. He came to know the third wire is the earth wire.
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The earth wire is used as a safety measure to:
(a) Prevent overloading
(b) Prevent shortcircuiting
(c) Prevent electric shock
(d) Voltage fluctuations

Question 10.
When the mason working at Smriti’s house, turned on his tile cutter connected to the switchboard of the living room, there was a fire in the plug. Immediately, her father switched off the electric mains supply and the fire was prevented from spreading further.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 23
State the possible reason for such a situation leading to an electric fire.
One possible reason for this kind of electric fire is that the power rating of the tile cutter was higher than the current carrying limit of the electric circuit to which it was connected. This led to the damaging of the insulation of the connecting wires and hence short circuiting took place.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers

Question 11.
Valves are mechanical devices designed to control the flow of liquid and gases. Many valves are manually operated. Electrically operated valves are known as solenoid valves. A solenoid valve consists of two basic units: an assembly of the solenoid (the electromagnet) and plunger (the core), and a valve containing an opening (orifice) in which a disc or plug is positioned to control the flow of fluid. The valve is opened or closed by the movement of the magnetic plunger. When the coil is energized, the plunger is drawn into the solenoid (electromagnet) and flow through the orifice is allowed. The valve returns automatically to its original position when current ceases due to the pressure of spring and flow through the orifice is restricted.
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(A) Which of the following statements is correct regarding solenoid valve?
(a) Solenoid valves are mechanically operated valves.
(b) A solenoid valve is opened or closed by the movement of the magnetic plunger.
(c) Flow through the orifice is allowed when no current flows through the solenoid coil.
(d) Flow through the orifice is restricted when current flows through the solenoid coil.

(B) Select the incorrect statements regarding the magnetic field in a current carrying solenoid as shown above:
(I) The pattern of the magnetic field lines around a current-carrying sole¬noid is similar to the magnetic field around a bar magnet.
(II) One end of the solenoid behaves as a positive charge and the other end behaves as a negative charge.
(III) The field lines inside the solenoid are in the form of curved lines.
(IV) The magnetic field is uniform inside the solenoid.
(a) Both (I) and (II)
(b) Both (II) and (III)
(c) Both (III) and (IV)
(d) Both (I) and (IV)
(b) Both (II) and (III)

Explanation: One end of the solenoid be-haves as a magnetic north pole and the other end behaves as a magnetic south pole. The field lines inside the solenoid are in the form of parallel straight lines.

(C) The figure below shows the lengthwise section of a current carrying solenoid, where indicates that current is entering into the page and indicates that current is emerging out of the page:
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The table below gives the identification of the ends A and B of the solenoid as North or South pole and the justification for the answer. Select the row containing the correct identification of the ends A and B and the correct justification:
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MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 27
(d) End A of Solenoid: South Pole; End B of Solenoid: North Pole; Justification: By Right hand thumb rule, magnetic field is from B to A.

Explanation: The direction of magnetic field around a current carrying conductor is found by using Right Hand Thumb rule, which states that “Imagine that you are holding a current-carrying straight Conductor in your right hand such that the thumb points towards the direction of cur-rent. Then your fingers will wrap around the conductor in the direction of the field lines of the magnetic field”.

We find that the direction of magnetic field is from B to A and as we know that mag-netic field lines originate from North pole and terminate at south pole, we can say that B is North pole and A is South pole.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 28
Explanation: The magnetic field of a sole-noid increases when we insert an iron core because iron is a ferromagnetic material and ferromagnetic materials help in in-creasing the magnetic property.

(D) Where should a magnetic compass be placed in solenoid to get maximum de-flection in the magnetic compass?
(a) Inside the coil
(b) Near the North Pole
(b) Near the South Pole
(d) In the middle, just above the coil
(E) The magnetic field strength of a sole¬noid can be increased by inserting which of the following materials as the core?
(a) Copper
(b) Silver
(c) Iron
(d) Aluminium

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers

Question 12.
When Joy went to his friend’s place to complete the group task, he saw that several appliances were connected to the same electric supply point. He asked his friend to remove some of the appliances immediately.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 29
What is the danger if too many appliances are connected to the same electric socket?
If too many appliances are connected to the same socket, it may lead to overloading due to which the live and neutral wires may come in contact and cause electric fires.

Question 13.
In Bohr’s model of the hydrogen atom, the electron moves in a circular orbit around the proton. The electron passes by a particular point on the loop in a certain time, so we can calculate a current I = Q/t.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 30
through a circular wire. 1/Ve know that a current carrying conductor has a magnetic field associated with it. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that the hydrogen atom produces a magnetic field and interacts with other magnetic fields.

The figure shows the variation of the magnetic field along the axis of a circular loop with distance from the centre.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 31
(A) Select the correct statements regarding magnetic field produced in a hydrogen atom:
(I) Magnetic field is due to the electrostatic force of attraction between its electron and proton.
(li) Magnetic field is produced in a hydrogen atom as it has no neutron in its nucleus.
(lii) Current is produced in a Hydrogen atom as the electron orbits around the proton.
(IV) Magnetic field is produced in hydrogen atom as this is similar to current flowing through a circular
(a) Both (I) and (II)
(b) Both (II) and (III)
(c) Both (III) and (IV)
(d) Both (I) and (IV)

(B) Observe the graph between magnetic field along the axis of a circular loop with distance from the centre and select the correct option:
(a) The value of B increases exponentially with distance from the centre on either side of the loop.
(b) The value of B increases linearly with distance from the centre on either side of the loop.
(c) The value of B is minimum at the centre and it increases as we go away from the centre on either side of the loop.
(d) The value of B is maximum at the centre and it decreases as we go away from the centre on either side of the loop.
(d) The value ofB is maximum at the centre and it decreases as we go away from the centre on either side of the Loop.

Explanation: As observed from the graph, the magnetic field along the axis of the circular Loop is maximum at z = 0 cm, which is the centre of the circular loop and decreases as we move away from the centre along the axis.

(C) Select the incorrect statement:
The magnetic field produced by a circular coil of n turns carrying current is:
(a) Inversely proportional to the radius of the circular loop.
(b) Directly proportional to the radius of the circular loop.
(c) Directly proportional to the number of turns in the coil.
(d) Directly proportional to the current in the coil.
(a) Inside the loop: Downward; Outside the loop: Upward; Rule Applied: Right Hand Thumb Rule

Explanation: Applying Right hand thumb rule, we find that the direction of magnetic field inside the loop is in downward direction and in upward direction outside the loop.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 34

(D) Consider a circular loop of wire lying in the plane of the table. Let the current pass through the loop clockwise. Apply the right-hand rule to find out the direction of the magnetic field inside and outside the loop.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 32

(E) The diagram showing the correct direction of the magnetic field lines at point P and Q in the current carrying circular loop is:
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 33

Question 14.
Meters, such as those in analog fuel gauges on a car, are common application of magnetic torque on a current-carrying loop. Figure below shows that a meter is very similar in construction to a motor. The torque is proportional to current I. A linear spring exerts a counter-torque that balances the current-produced torque. This makes the needle deflection proportional to I. If an exact proportionality cannot be achieved, the gauge reading can be calibrated.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 35
The graph below gives the variation of force experienced by a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field and the magnitude of current.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 36
(A) The graph above shows that the force experienced by a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field is:
(a) uniform.
(b) Increases linearly with current.
(c) Decreases linearly with current
(d) Reverses on reversing direction of current.
(b) Increases Linearly with current.

The graph above shows that the force experienced by a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field is:

Explanation: We observe that the graph between force and current is a straight Line which shows that the force experienced by a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field increases linearly with the magnitude of current.

(B) The direction of force experienced by the current carrying loop in the above meter is given by:
(a) Right hand thumb rule
(b) Fleming’s Right hand rule
(c) Faraday’s law
(d) Fleming’s left hand rule

(C) The magnitude of the force is the highest when the angle between the direction of current and the direction of magnetic field is:
(a) 0°
(b) 45°
(c) 90°
(d) 180°

(D) The relation between direction of current and the direction of force acting on a current carrying conductor when it is ptaced in a magnetic fieLd is:
(a) They are perpendicular to each other
(b) They are parallel to each other
(c) They are opposite to each other
(d) Cannot be predicted
(a) They are perpendicular to each other

Explanation: The direction of force acting on a current carrying conductor, direction of current in the conductor and direction of magnetic field are mutually perpendicular to each other.

(E) Crosses x represent a uniform magnetic field directed into the paper. A conductor XY placed in the field carries current in Y to X direction.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 39
The direction of the force experienced by the conductor, direction of force if the direction of field and direction of current both are reversed and name of the rule applied are given below.
Select the row containing the correct directions of force and ruLe appLied.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 37
(c) direction of force experienced by conductor : Downward, Downward; Rule Applied: fleming’s left hand rule.

Explanation: Applying Fleming’s left hand rule, we find that force acts in downward direction. When the direction of both current and magnetic field are reversed, direction of force will still be in downward direction.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers

Question 15.
DC Motor is a motor which converts DC power into rotary movement and so is the name Direct Current (DC) Motor. It works on the principle of energy conversion i.e. Electrical energy to Mechanical energy. Application of Voltage produces Torque which results in Motion. Internal view of this type of Motor is shown in the Fig. below.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 38
It consists of four main components. They are: Stator, Rotor, Winding and Commutator
Stator: The outside part of a motor is called as Stator. It is composed of two or more permanent magnet pole pieces.
Rotor: The inner part of the motor which rotates is called as rotor. It is composed of armature winding which is connected to the external circuit through commutator. Similar to stator, rotor is also made up of ferromagnetic materials.
Winding: Winding consists of series or parallel connection of coils made of copper. Commutator: A commutator acts as a switch that reverses the direction of current between the rotor and external circuit.
(A) Select the incorrect statements regarding the components of a DC motor:
(I) Stator is the outside part of the motor and is composed of two or more permanent magnet pole pieces.
(II) Rotor is the outer part of the motor which rotates and is composed of armature winding.
(III) Winding consists of only parallel connection of coils made of copper.
(IV) Commutator acts as a switch that reverses the direction of current between the rotor and external circuit.
(a) Both (I) and (II)
(b) Both (II) and (III)
(c) Both (III) and (IV)
(d) Both (I) and (IV)

(B) Refer to the figure (b) above and select the row containing the correct directions of the force acting on arms PQ and RS :

Direction of Force acting on:
(a) Upwards  Downwards
(b) Upwards  Upwards
(c) Downwards  Downwards
(d) Downwards  Upwards


(C) Which of the following rule is used to determine the direction of rotation of D.C motor?
(a) Faraday’s left hand rule
(b) Lenz’s Law
(c) Fleming’s Right-hand Rule
(d) Fleming’s Left-hand Rule

(D) The role of commutator in DC motors is to:
(a) Reverse the direction of current after every half rotation of the coil.
(b) Reverse the direction of current one complete rotation of the coil.
(c) Maintain the same direction of current after one complete rotation of the coil.
(d) To reverse the direction of magnetic field after every half rotation of the coil.

(E) Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding commercial motors?
The commercial motors use:
(a) An electromagnet in place of a permanent magnet.
(b) A permanent magnet in place of an electromagnet.
(c) Large number of turns of the conducting wire in the current carrying coil.
(d) A soft iron core on which the coil is wound.
(E) (b) A permanent magnet in place of an electromagnet.
Explanation: The commercial motors use an electromagnet in place of permanent magnet. Moreover, the soft iron core, on which the coil is wound, plus the coils, is called an armature. This enhances the power of the motor.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers

Question 16.
Generators are useful appliances that supply electrical power during a power outage and prevent discontinuity of daily activities or disruption of business operations. Generators have been a must-have item for vigilant business owners and homeowners for decades. And they’ve only grown more popular in recent years, thanks in part to their wide range of functions. Generators are synonymous with disaster preparedness and emergency use is one of their most common jobs. Generators’ usefulness during a natural disaster such as a hurricane or flood that knocks out power for days on end ranges from convenient to downright life-saving.

There are two main types of backup generators: AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current). AC and DC generators both use electromagnetic induction to generate electricity. However, the process they use is different. An AC generator creates an alternating current that periodically reverses direction. But in a DC generator, a direct current flows in one direction.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 40
(A) The rule to determine the direction of induced current in a coil is:
(a) Coulomb’s law
(b) Right hand rule
(c) Fleming’s left hand rule
(d) Fleming’s right hand rule

(B) The following table shows the directions of motion of conductor, magnetic field and current in the Fleming’s right hand rule. Select the row containing the correct combination:
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers 41
(a) Thumb: Motion of conductor; Forefinger: Magnetic field; Middle or Central Finger: Inducent Current

Explanation: Fleming’s right hand rule states that if you stretch the thumb,forefinger and middle finger of the right handmutually perpendicular to each other such thatthe forefinger gives the direction of magneticfield and the thumb points in the direction of themotion of a conductor then, the middle fingerwill give the direction of the induced current.

(C) Select the incorrect statements regarding electric generator:
(I) In an electric generator, electrostatic energy is used to rotate a conductor in a magnetic field to produce electricity.
(II) Electric generator works on the principle of electromagnetic induction.
(III) Current is induced in a coil when a coil is rotated in an electric field.
(IV) Large current is induced if there are larger numbers of turns in the coil.
(a) Both (I) and (II)
(b) Both (I) and (III)
(c) Both (II) and (III)
(d) Both (II) and (IV)

(D) The essential difference between an AC generator and a DC generator is that
(a) AC generator has an electromagnet while a DC generator has permanent magnet.
(b) DC generator will generate a higher voltage.
(c) AC generator will generate a higher voltage,
(d) AC generator has slip rings while the DC generator has a commutator.
(d) AC generator has slip rings while the DC generator has a commutator.

Explanation: To get a direct current a split¬ring type commutator must be used. With this arrangement,one brush is at all times in contact with the arm moving up in the field,while the other is in contact with the arm moving down.Thus a unidirectional current is produced and the generatoris called a DC generator. Whereas, in AC generator, two rings are present.

(E) The meaning of the statement “Frequency of AC in India is 50 Hz” is:
(a) The AC changes direction after every 50 s
(b) The AC changes direction after every 100 s
(c) The AC changes direction after every 1/100 s
(d) The AC changes direction after every 1/50 s
(c) The AC changes direction after every 1/100 s.

Explanation: Frequency is the number of complete oscillations in one second. Frequency of 50 Hz means that there are 50 complete oscillations in 1 second. As AC changes direction twice in one oscillation, it changes direction after every 1/100 s.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Define the term induced electric current.
Induced electric current: It is the current which is created due to the relative motion of coil or magnet. The induced current is found to be the highest when the direction of motion of the coil is at right angles to the magnetic field.

Related Theory
Oersted’s experiments showed that a current produces a magnetic field. Faraday discovered that a moving magnet can be used to generate electric currents.
Induced current is not like the one due to an electric cell.
In an electric cell, the chemical energy is converted into electric energy.
The phenomenon of generation of an electric current in a circuit from magnetic effects is called electro-magnetic induction.

Question 2.
The change in magnetic field lines in a coil is the cause of induced electric current in it. Name the underlying phenomenon.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers

Question 3.
What is the function of a galvanometer in a circuit?
Galvanometer is an electromechanical instrument used to detect or indicate the presence of current by deflection in a circuit.
It consists of a pointer which can move along a scale with zero marked at its centre and is attached to a moving coil.

Related Theory
Depending on the direction of induced current given by Flemings, Right Fiand rule, the pointer of galvanometer can deflect to the right or left of the zero mark of the scale.

If no current is induced, the pointer remains at the centre of the scale, which reads 0.

Question 4.
Why does a compass needle get deflected when brought near a bar magnet?
The needle of a compass is a small magnet. When a compass needle is brought near a bar magnet, its magnetic field lines interact with that of the bar magnet and therefore the compass needle gets deflected.

Question 5.
A straight wire carrying electric current is moving out of a plane of paper and is perpendicular to it. What is the direction of the magnetic field?

Question 6.
What happens when an iron core is inserted into a current carrying solenoid?
When an iron core is inserted into a current carrying solenoid, strength of the magnetic field produced inside the solenoid increases and it forms an electromagnet.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers

Question 7.
Under what condition does a current carrying conductor kept in a magnetic field experience maximum force?

Question 8.
What is indicated by crowding of magnetic field lines in a given region?
The crowding of magnetic field lines in a given region indicates that the magnetic field is stronger in that region.

Question 9.
Why is current induced in the secondary coil when current is changed in the primary coil?

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 5 Periodic Classification of Elements with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers

Acids, Bases and Salts Class 10 MCQs Questions with Answers

Acid Bases And Salts Class 10 MCQ Question 1.
What happens when the solution of an acid is mixed with the solution of a base in a test tube?
(I) The temperature of the solution increases
(II) The temperature of the solution decreases
(III) The temperature of the solution remains the same
(IV) Salt formation takes place
(a) Only (I)
(b) (I) and (III)
(c) (I) and (III)
(d) (I) and (IV)
(d) (I) and (IV)

Explanation: When an acid reacts with a base, a neutral salt is formed by the neutralisation process. As the neutralisation process is an exothermic reaction, the temperature of the solution increases.
Acid + Base → Salt + Water

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers

Acids Bases And Salts Class 10 MCQ Question 2.
If 10 mL of H2SO4 is mixed with 10 mL of Mg(OH)2 of the same concentration, the resultant solution will give the following colour with a universal indicator:
(a) Red
(b) Yellow
(c) Green
(d) Blue
(c) Green.
Explanation: If 10 mL of H2SO4 is mixed with 10 mL of Mg(OH)2 of the same concentration, the resultant solution be MgS04 which is a neutral salt and universal indicator will give the green colour in this solution:
Class 10 Chapter 2 Science MCQ

Related Theory:
When an acid reacts with a base it forms salt and water. As a result, acidic properties disappear The process is called neutralisation. For a neutral solution. pH is 7. The solution having pH 7 wilL turn green in colour in universal indicator.
Acid Base And Salt MCQ Class 10

This online pH calculator is designed to determine the pH of an aqueous solution of a given chemical compound.

Class 10 Science Chapter 2 MCQ Question 3.
Which of the following saLts does not contain water of crystatUsatlon?
(a) Blue vitriol
(b) Baking soda
(c) Washing soda
(d) Gypsum

Acid Base And Salts Class 10 MCQ Question 4.
A visually challenged student has to perform a lab test to detect the presence of acid in a given solution. The acid-base indicator preferred by him will be:
(a) Blue litmus
(b) Clove oil
(c) Red cabbage extract
(d) Hibiscus extract
(b) Clove oil

A visually challenged student has to perform a lab test to detect the presence of acid in a given solution. The acid-base indicator preferred by him will be:

Explanation: Clove oil is an olfactory indicator. These are the substances that give one type of odour in an acidic medium so a visually challenged student prefers to use clove oil as an acid-base indicator.

As in basic solutions, the smell of clove oil disappears while the smell is retained when mixed with an acid, on the other hand, blue litmus, red cabbage extract and hibiscus extract wouLd not be used as acid-base indicators because in these indicators there will be a change in the colour.

Class 10 Acids Bases And Salts MCQ Question 5.
Baking soda is a mixture of:
(a) Sodium carbonate and acetic acid
(b) Sodium carbonate and tartaric acid
(c) Sodium hydrogen carbonate and tartaric acid
(d) Sodium hydrogen carbonate and acetic acid

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers

MCQ Of Acid Base And Salts Class 10 Question 6.
Which of the following gives the correct increasing order of acid strength?
(a) Water < acetic acid < hydrochloric acid
(b) Water < hydrochloric acid < acetic acid
(c) Acetic acid < water < hydrochloric acid
(d) Hydrochloric acid < water < acetic acid

Ch 2 Science Class 10 MCQ Question 7.
What is observed when we pour a drop of acetic acid first on red and then on blue litmus papers?
(a) Red litmus paper becomes colourless and blue litmus paper remains blue.
(b) Red litmus paper turns blue and blue litmus paper remains blue.
(c) Red litmus paper remains red and blue litmus paper turns red.
(d) Red litmus paper turns blue and blue litmus paper turns red.

Class 10 Science Ch 2 MCQ Question 8.
Sodium hydrogen carbonate when added to acetic acid evolves a gas. Which of the following statements are true about the gas evolved?
(I) It turns lime water milky.
(II) It extinguishes a burning splinter.
(III) It dissolves in a solution of sodium hydroxide.
(IV) It has a pungent odour.
(a) (I) and (II)
(b) (I), (II) and (III)
(c) (II), (III) and (IV)
(d) (I) and (IV)
(b) (I), (II) and (III)

Explanation: Reaction of sodium hydrogen carbonate with acetic acid forms sodium acetate and water with carbon dioxide (CO2) gas.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers 3
CO2 does not have a pungent smell but it shows all the other three properties:

  1. turns lime water milky,
  2. is a non-supporter of combustion and
  3. absorbed by strong alkalis such as NaOH.

MCQ Questions For Class 10 Science Chemistry Chapter 2 Question 9.
Common salt besides being used in the kitchen can also be used as the raw material for making:
(I) Washing soda
(II) Bleaching powder
(III) Baking soda
(IV)Slaked Urne
(a) (I) and (II)
(b) (I), (II) and (IV)
(c) (I) and (III)
(d) (I), (III) and (IV)

Acids Bases And Salts MCQ Question 10.
To protect against tooth decay we are advised to brush our teeth regularly. The nature of the toothpaste commonly used is:
(a) Acidic
(b) Neutral
(c) Basic
(d) Corrosive
(c) Basic

Explanation: The toothpaste commonly used is alkaline or basic in nature as they contain mild bases such as sodium fluoride or sodium bicarbonate in their composition.

The base reacts with the acid formed during bacterial action in the mouth and neutralises its bad effects. Thus, preventing tooth decay. So, they can neutralize the effect of extra acids being formed in the mouth cavity which are mainly responsible for tooth decay.

Related Theory
When we eat sweet things, the pH of our mouth falls below 5.5 (moderately acidic) as the oral bacteria release acid while acting on sugars present in our food. The acidic conditions are capable of corroding the enamel which is made up of calcium phosphate. This causes the tooth to decay.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers

MCQ Questions For Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Question 11.
Match the chemical substances given in Column I with their appropriate application given in Column II:

Column I Column II
(A) Bleaching Powder (1) Preparation of glass
(B) Baking Soda (2) Production of H2 and Cl2
(C) Washing Soda (3) Decolourisation
(D) Sodium Chloride (4) Antacid

MCQ Questions For Class 10 Science Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Science Class 10 MCQ Question 12.
Which of the following phenomena occur, when a small amount of acid is added to water?
(I) Ionisation
(II) Neutralisation
(III) Dilution
(IV)Salt formation
(a) (I) and (II)
(c) (II) and (III)
(b) (I) and (III)
(d) (II) and (IV)

Class 10 Chemistry Chapter 2 MCQ Question 10.
To protect against tooth decay we are advised to brush our teeth regularly. The nature of the toothpaste commonly used is:
(a) Acidic
(b) Neutral
(c) Basic
(d) Corrosive
(c) Basic

Explanation: The toothpaste commonly used is alkaline or basic in nature as they contain

Class 10 Acid Base And Salt MCQ Question 13.
A sample of soil is mixed with water and allowed to settle. The clear supernatant solution turns the pH paper yellowish-orange. Which of the following would change the colour of this pH paper to greenish-blue:
(a) Lemon juice
(b) Vinegar
(c) Common salt
(d) An antacid
(d) An antacid

Explanation: pH paper gives greenish-blue colour in a weak alkaline medium so antacid [Mg(OH)2] which is an alkaline compound will show greenish-blue color on pH paper.

Related Theory
Lemon fruit contains citric acid, vinegar has acetic acid and common salt is the neutral salt the clear super natant solution turns the pH paper yellowish-orange means the given sample of soil is acidic so it can be neutralised by base/alkaline solution.

MCQ On Acids Bases And Salts Class 10 Question 14.
Which of the following is not a mineral acid?
(a) Hydrochloric acid
(b) Citric acid
(c) Sulphuric acid
(d) Nitric acid

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers

Class 10 Chapter 2 Science MCQ Question 15.
Which of the following is/are true when HCl(g) is passed through water?
(I) It does not ionise in the solution as it is a covalent compound.
(II) It ionises in the solution.
(III) It gives both hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the solution.
(IV) It forms hydronium ion in the solution due to the combination of hydrogen ion with water molecule.
(a) Only (I)
(b) Only (III)
(c) (II) and (IV)
(d) (III) and (IV)
(c) (II) and (IV)

Explanation: HCl, is a polar covalent compound, easily ionises in water to form hydronium (H3O+) and chloride ions (Cl). HCl (a strong acid) ionises completely in water to produce H+ and Cl ions. H+ ion combines with water molecules to produce hydronium ions.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers 5

Question 16.
Which among the following is not a base?
(a) NaOH
(b) KOH
(c) NH4OH
(d) C2H5OH
(d) C2HsOH
Explanation: C2H5OH is not a base. C2H5OH is an organic compound with -OH functional group that is known as alcohol. It cannot give OH ions in its solution. It cannot dissociate ions in a solution. Thus, it cannot be a basic compound.

Question 17.
Identify the correct representation of reaction occurring during the chloralkali process.
(a) 2NaCl(l) + 2H2O(l) → 2NaOH(l) + Cl2(g) + H2(g)
(b) 2NaCl(l) + 2H2O(aq) → 2NaOH(aq) + Cl2(g) + H2(aq)
(c) 2NaCl(aq) + 2H2O(l) → 2NaOH(aq) + Cl2(aq) + H2(aq)
(d) 2NaCl(aq) + 2H2O(l) → 2NaOH(aq) + Cl2(g) + H2(g)

Question 18.
Which of the following statements is true for acids?
(a) Bitter and change red litmus to blue.
(b) Sour and change red litmus to blue.
(c) Sour and change blue litmus to red.
(d) Bitter and change blue litmus to red.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers

Question 19.
Zinc granules on treating with an acid X, form zinc sulphate (ZnSO4) salt along with the evolution of a gas Y, which burns with a pop sound when brought near to a burning candle. Identify acid X and gas evolved Y.
(a) X-sulphuric acid and Y-oxygen gas
(b) X-hydrochloric acid and Y-oxygen gas
(c) X-sulphuric acid and Y-hydrogen gas
(d) X-hydrochloric acid and Y-hydrogen gas [Diksha]
(c) X-sulphuric acid and Y-hydrogen gas

Explanation: When an acid reacts with a metal, hydrogen gas is liberated. In the given reaction, when dilute sulphuric acid reacts with zinc granules, hydrogen gas is liberated and zinc sulphate solution is formed:
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers 6
The presence of hydrogen gas is tested by bringing a lighted candle near it. When a lighted candle is brought near the test tube containing hydrogen gas, it burns with a ‘pop’ sound making a little explosion.

Hence, acid X is sulphuric acid and gas Y is hydrogen gas.

Question 20.
Which of the following solutions in water does not conduct electricity?
(a) Hydrochloric acid
(b) Sodium chloride
(c) Glucose
(d) Sulphuric acid [Diksha]
(c) Glucose

Explanation: The aqueous solution of an acid conducts electricity because of the presence of charged particles called ‘ions’ in it. When hydrochloric acid (HCl) is dissolved in water, its aqueous solution contains hydrogen ions (H+) and chloride ions (Cl). These ions carry electric currents. So, due to the presence of H+ and Cl ions, a solution of hydrochloric acid conducts electricity.

On the other hand, the hydrogen-containing compound such as glucose is not categorized as acid because it does not produce hydrogen ions or some other ions when dissolved in water and hence does not conduct electricity. Therefore, the answer is glucose.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers

Question 21.
Which of the following will turn phenolphthalein pink?
(a) NaOH(aq)
(b) HCl(aq)
(c) CH3COOH(aq)
(d) H2O

Question 22.
Which one of the following is not a use of washing soda:
(a) Sodium carbonate (washing soda) is used in glass, soap and paper industries.
(b) It is used in the manufacture of sodium compounds such as borax.
(c) Sodium carbonate can be used as a clean¬ing agent for domestic purposes.
(d) It is used for disinfecting water.
(d) It is used for disinfecting water.

Explanation: The compound that is used for disinfecting water is bleaching powder. How¬ever, washing soda is used for removing the permanent hardness of water.

Question 23.
The approximate pH values of four salts is given below. Select the row(s) containing the correct information.

Name of Salt PH
(I) Potassium Sulphate 10
(II) Ammonium nitrate 5
(III) Sodium acetate 3
(IV) Sodium hydrogen carbonate 8

(a) Both (I) and (II)
(b) Both (II) and (III)
(c) Both (III) and (IV)
(d) Both (II) and (IV)

Question 24.
Zinc granules on treating with a substance X, form a salt sodium zincate along with the evolution of a gas Y which burns with a pop sound when brought near a burning candle. Identify the substance X and gas evolved Y.

(a) Acetic acid Hydrogen
(b) Sodium hydroxide Hydrogen
(c) Sodium hydroxide Oxygen
(d) Zinc hydroxide Hydrogen

(b) X is Sodium hydroxide and Y is hydrogen.

Explanation: When zinc granules react with sodium hydroxide, salt sodium zincate is formed along with hydrogen gas, which burns with a pop sound.

The equation of the reaction taking place is:
2NaOH(aq) + Zn(s) → Na2ZnO2(aq) + H2(g)

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers

Question 25.
Which of the following salts belong to the same family of salts?
(I) sodium chloride and sodium acetate
(II) calcium sulphate, magnesium sulphate
(III) sodium carbonate and sodium hydrogen -carbonate
(IV) sodium chloride and magnesium sulphate
(a) Both (I) and (II)
(b) Both (I) and (III)
(c) (I), (II) and (III)
(d) (I), (III) and (IV)

Question 26.
A student noted his observations regarding the acidic or basic nature of salts as below:
(I) Sodium chloride is a neutral salt
(II) Ammonium chloride is a basic salt
(III) Sodium carbonate is a neutral salt
(IV) Copper sulphate is an acidic salt Select the incorrect observations:
(a) Both (I) and (III)
(b) Both (II) and (III)
(c) Both (I) and (IV)
(d) Both (II) and (IV)
(b) Both (II) and (III)

Explanation: The salts of strong acids and strong bases give neutral solutions. Therefore, sodium chloride is a neutral salt as it is obtained from sodium hydroxide (a strong base) and hydrochloric acid (a strong acid).

The salts of strong acids and weak bases give acidic solutions. Therefore, ammonium chloride and copper sulphate are acidic salts as ammonium chloride is obtained from ammonium hydroxide (a weak base) and hydrochloric acid (a strong acid), and copper sulphate is obtained from copper hydroxide (a weak base) and sulphuric acid (a strong acid).

The salts of weak acids and strong bases give basic solutions. Therefore, sodium carbonate is a basic salt as it is obtained from carbonic acid (a weak acid) and sodium hydroxide(a strong base).

Assertion Reasoning questions Class 10 Science Chapter 2

For the following questions, two statements are given – one labelled Assertion (A) and the other labeled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given below:
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of the (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of the (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Question 27.
Assertion,(A): HCl gas does not change the colour of dry blue litmus paper.
Reason (R): Acids always produce hydrogen ions.
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of the (A).

Explanation: HCl gas does not change the colour of dry litmus paper but changes colour of moist litmus paper as acids produce hydrogen ions only in solution.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers

Question 28.
Assertion (A): Generally, the colour of indicators changes in a particular pH range.
Reason (R): Indicators are weak acids or weak base and exhibit different colours in molecular form and ionic form.
(a) (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of the (A).

Explanation: Since indicators are weak acids or weak bases, their percentage of existence in molecular state and in ionized state depends on the strength of acidic/basic/neutral solution to which they are added. Hence their colours change at a particular pH range.

Question 29.
Assertion (A): Zinc reacts with sodium hydroxide solution and hydrogen gas is evolved.
Reason (R): All metals react with bases to evolve hydrogen gas.

Question 30.
Assertion (A): While diluting an acid, water is slowly added to acid with constant stirring.
Reason (R): The process of dissolving an acid in water is a highly exothermic reaction.

Question 31.
Assertion (A): Metal oxides are acidic in nature.
Reason (R): Calcium hydroxide reacts with carbon dioxide to form a salt and water.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Explanation: The reaction of calcium hydroxide with carbon dioxide to form a salt and water is similar to the reaction between an acid and a base. Therefore, non-metal oxides are acidic in nature.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers

Question 32.
Assertion (A): When copper sulphate crystals are heated in a dry boiling tube, they turn white.
Reason (R): Water of crystallization is the number of water molecules present in one formula unit of a salt.
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

Explanation: Copper sulphate crystals that seem to be dry contain water of crystallisation. When we heat the crystals, this water is removed and the salt turns white.
CUSO4.5H2O → CuSO4 + 5H2O

Question 33.
Assertion (A): When copper oxide is added to dilute hydrochloric acid, the colour of the solution becomes blue-green.
Reason (R): Copper (II) chloride is formed.
(a) (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of the (A).

Explanation: When copper oxide is added to dilute hydrochloric acid, the colour of the solution becomes blue-green due to the formation of Copper (II) chloride, which is blue-green in colour.

(Competency Based Questions (CBQs))

Question 1.
A chemistry student pLaced a strip of blue litmus paper and a strip of red litmus paper in a glass dish. Then she added a drop of dilute sulphuric acid to each strip of litmus paper. She observed that the blue litmus paper turned red, but the red litmus paper did not change color. Next, she placed a drop of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) on other strips of blue and red litmus paper. This time, the red litmus paper turned blue, but the blue litmus paper did not change. Finally, she put a drop of distilled water on strips of blue and red litmus paper. Neither strip changed color. She repeated the tests several times with the same results. The student concluded that acids turn blue litmus paper red; bases, such as sodium hydroxide, turn red litmus paper blue. As water did not affect either red or blue litmus paper, she reasoned that water was not an acid or a base, but a neutral substance.

Keeping these results in mind, the student poured a little sodium hydroxide into a beaker containing red and blue litmus paper. Then she added hydrochloric acid (HCl) drop by drop until the solution became neutral. She determined that a new, neutral substance had formed in the beaker. The substance was table salt, or sodium chloride (NaCl), which is one of many salts formed from an acid and a base.
(A) If a drop of an unknown substance turns blue litmus paper red, but does not change red litmus paper, what will be the substance – an acid or a base?

(B) When strips of blue and red litmus paper are put in a beaker filled with a clear solution, neither litmus paper changes colour. What can you say about the solution?
The solution must be neutral.

(C) Based on the results of this experiment, when would salt be formed?

(D) What happens when nitric acid is added to egg shell?
Calcium carbonate is main component of egg shell so when we add nitric acid to egg shell, it reacts with calcium carbonate to form soluble calcium nitrate and water with brisk effervescence of carbon dioxide gas.
CaCO3(s) + 2HNO3(aq) → Ca(NO3)2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O

Question 2.
When we smile, our teeth become visible. So, we should ensure that we have a beautiful set of teeth as it makes our smile even more beautiful! Tooth enamel is the thin outer covering of the tooth. This tough shell is the hardest tissue in the human body. Enamel covers the crown which is the part of the tooth that’s visible outside of the gums.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers 7
Calcium phosphate is present in tooth enamel. Its nature is:
(a) Basic
(b) Acidic
(c) Neutral
(d) Amphoteric
(a) Basic

Explanation: Calcium phosphate Ca3(PO4)2 is a basic salt, as it is formed by the combination of a weak acid (phosphoric acid) and a slightly stronger base (calcium hydroxide).
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers 8

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers

Question 3.
Patrick read about an industrial process for the electrolysis of sodium chloride solutions.
It is the technology used to produce chlorine and sodium hydroxide which are commodity chemicals required by industry. 35 million tons of chlorine were prepared by this process in 1987. Industrial-scale production began in 1892. Usually, the process is conducted on a brine (an aqueous solution of NaCl), in which case NaOH, hydrogen, and chlorine are formed. When using calcium chloride or potassium chloride, the products contain calcium or potassium instead of sodium. Related processes are known that use molten NaCl to give chlorine and sodium metal or condensed hydrogen chloride to give hydrogen and chlorine.
(A) Name the process referred to in the above passage.
The process referred to in the passage is chlor-alkali process because of the products formed – chlor for chlorine and alkali for sodium hydroxide.

(B) Where are the products of the above process produced?

(C) Write the chemical equation for the reaction taking place in the process.
The chemical equation for the reaction taking place is:
2NaCl(aq) + 2H2O → 2NaOH(aq) + Cl2(g) + H2(g)

(D) How is bleaching powder prepared from one of the products formed in this industrial process?

Question 4.
Neetu’s friend suffered a fracture in her foot while riding her bicycle. She had to be admitted to the nursing home and the doctor plastered her foot.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers 9
The chemical formula for Plaster of Paris is:
(a) CaSO4.2H2O
(b) CaSO4.H2O
(c) CaSO4.\(\frac{1}{2}\)H2O
(d) 2CaSO4.H2O
(c) CaSO4. \(\frac{1}{2}\) H2O

Explanation: Chemical name of Plaster of Paris is calcium sulphate hemihydrate. It is written in this form because two formula units of CaSO4 share one molecule of water.

Related Theory
When gypsum is heated at 373K, it loses water molecules.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers 10
It is a white powder used by doctors for supporting fractured bones. It is also used for making toys, materials for decoration and for making surfaces smooth.

Question 5.
Sabina studied in history about Mahatma Gandhi’s Dandi March and came to know that sodium chloride was an important symbol in our struggle for freedom. She started exploring from the internet as she was anxious to know what all we can do with this salt other than using it as a table salt to make food tasty. Table salt is also used to preserve food, facilitates transport of nutrients and oxygen and is used as raw material to form various salts.

Based on the understanding of the given passage and the related studied concepts, answer the following questions:
(A) Name two salts of daily use for which common salt (sodium chloride) is the raw material.
(B) Draw a diagram of chloralkali process and write its equation.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers

Question 6.
While performing experiments in chemistry lab, one should always wear a laboratory coat and be very careful while performing experiments. Some students have the bad habit of creating nuisance for other students which distracts the students and may cause serious accidents such as spilling of acid or can cause burn injuries.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers 11
If a few drops of concentrated acid accidentally spills over the hand of a student, what should be done?
(a) Wash the hand with a saline solution
(b) Wash the hand immediately with plenty of water and apply a paste of sodium hydrogen carbonate
(c) After washing with plenty of water, apply a solution of sodium hydroxide on the hand
(d) Neutralise the acid with a strong alkali
(b) Wash the hand immediately with plenty of water and apply a paste of sodium hydrogen carbonate

Explanation: In such an accident, washing the hands with water will dilute the acid and wash it out. Any remaining acid will be neutralized with sodium hydrogen carbonate (baking soda) as it is a base. This will minimize the effect of damage caused by acid to the skin.

Remember, too strong a base (like NaOH) can be corrosive.

Question 7.
Take about 2 mL of dilute NaOH solution in a test tube and a small amount of copper oxide in a beaker. Add two drops of phenolphthalein solution in the test tube. Add dilute HCl solution in both the test tube and the beaker drop by drop while stirring. Now add a few drops of NaOH to the mixture in the test tube.
(A) When two drops of phenolphthalein solution are added to the test tube,
(a) The solution turns pink in colour
(b) The solution turns colourless
(c) The solution turns red
(d) The solution turns yellow
(a) The solution turns pink in colour

Explanation: Phenolphthalein is a colourless reagent which is used as an indicator as it changes the colour to pink in a basic solution. As dilute NaOH is a basic solution, its colour changes to pink on adding a few drops of phenolphthalein solution.

(B) @Four students recorded their observations on adding dilute HCL to the beaker containing copper oxide. Select the correct observation:

Student Observation-I Observation-II
(a) Solution becomes colourless Copper oxide dissolves
(b) Solution becomes blue-green in colour Copper oxide dissolves
(c) Solution becomes blue green in colour Copper oxide is formed as a precipitate
(d) Solution becomes colourless Copper chloride solution is colourless


(C) Select the correct observation(s):
When dilute HCl solution is added to the test tube drop by drop (after adding two drops of phenolphthalein solution) and then a few drops of NaOH solution are added to this mixture:
(I) The solution turns coLourless on adding dilute HCl
(II) The solution turns pink on adding dilute HCl
(III) The solution turns colourless again on adding NaOH to the mixture.
(IV) The solution turns pink again on adding NaOH to the mixture
(a) Both (I) and (III)
(b) Both (II) and (III)
(c) Both (I) and (IV)
(d) Both (II) and (IV)

(D) Identify the option that correctly describes the products formed in the test tube and beaker on adding dilute HCl:

Test Tube Beaker
(a) Sodium chloride + hydrogen Copper chloride + hydrogen
(b) Sodium chloride + water Copper chloride + hydrogen
(C) Sodium chloride + hydrogen Copper chloride + water
(d) Sodium chloride + water Copper chloride + water

(d) Test Tube: Sodium chloride + water; Beaker: Copper chloride + water

Explanation: The products formed in the test is sodium chloride and water and that in beaker is copper chloride and water.

When sodium hydroxide reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid, it forms sodium chloride and water:
When copper oxide reacts with HCl, it forms copper chloride and water:
CuO(s) + 2HCl(aq) → CuCl2(aq) + H2O(l)

(E) Select the incorrect statement(s):
(I) Reaction of sodium hydroxide with dilute hydrochloric acid is a displacement reaction.
(II) Reaction of copper oxide with dilute hydrochloric acid is a double displacement reaction.
(III) Reaction of sodium hydroxide with dilute hydrochloric acid is a neutralization reaction.
(IV) Reaction of copper oxide with dilute hydrochloric acid is a neutralization reaction.
(a) Only (I)
(b) Only (II)
(c) Both (I) and (IV)
(d) Both (II) and (III)
(a) Only (I)

Explanation: Reaction of sodium hydroxide with dilute hydrochloric acid is a neutralization reaction which is also a double displacement reaction as products are formed by the exchange of ions between the reactants.

Similarly, the reaction of copper oxide with dilute hydrochloric acid is also a neutralization reaction which is also a double displacement reaction.

Whereas in a displacement reaction, a more reactive substance displaces a less reactive substance from its compound as in the reaction between a metal such as zinc and dilute hydrochloric acid.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers

Question 8.
Sumit along with his friend went to a nearby shopping mall. They were standing under a tree when an ant stung his friend on his hands due to which his friend’s hand was painting a lot.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers 12
Name the acid along with its chemical formula present in ant sting.
The acid present in ant sting is methanoic acid (formic acid). The chemical formula is HCOOH. Explanation: When an ant stings, it leaves formic acid (Methanoic acid) which causes pain and irritation. To get relief from the sting, mild base like baking soda can be applied on the stung.

Question 9.
Take about 1g solid NaCl in a clean and dry test tube and set up the apparatus as shown in Figure.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers 13
Add some concentrated sulphuric acid to the test tube.
(A) The gas produced in the test tube is:
(a) Hydrogen
(b) Hydrogen chloride
(c) Hydrogen sulphide
(d) Sulphur dioxide
(b) Hydrogen chioride
Explanation: When concentrated sulphuric acid is added to sodium chloride, the following reaction takes place:

2NaCl+ H2SO4→ Na2SO4 + 2HCl

(B) A student tested the gas coming out of the delivery tube first with dry blue litmus paper and then with wet litmus paper and noted down the following observations. Select the correct observation:

Dry Blue Litmus Paper Wet Blue Litmus Paper
(a) No change Turns red
(b) Turns red No change
(c) Turns red Turns red
(d) No change No change


(C) If climate is humid, the gas evolved is passed through a guard tube containing:
(a) Calcium hydroxide
(b) Calcium carbonate
(c) Calcium sulphate
(d) Calcium chloride
(d) Calcium chloride

Explanation: During the preparation of hydrogen chloride gas, the gas is usually passed through the guard tube containing calcium chloride during humid climate, as calcium chloride is a good drying agent and absorbs moisture from the gas.

(D) Select the incorrect statement(s):
(I) Hydrogen ions in HCl are produced even in absence of water.
(II) Hydrogen ions can exist alone.
(III) Hydrogen ions exist after combining with water molecules.
(IV) Hydrogen ions in HCl are produced only in presence of water
(a) Only (I)
(b) Both (I) and (II)
(c) Both (I) and (III)
(d) Both (II) and (IV)
(b) Both (I) and (II)
Explanation: The separation of H+ ions from HCl molecules cannot occur in the absence of water.
HCl +H2O → H3O+ + Cl
Hydrogen ions cannot exist alone, but they exist after combining with water molecules. Thus hydrogen ions must always be shown as H+(aq) or hydronium ion (H30+).
H+ + H2O → H3O+

(E) Hydrogen ions must always be shown as H+(aq) or hydronium ion (H30+) as:
(a) Hydrogen ions combine with water to form hydronium ions
(b) Hydrogen gas dissociates into ions.
(c) All acids dissociate into hydrogen ions in presence of a base.
(d) Hydrogen ions separate from acids on passing electricity.

Question 10.
Acids and bases represent two important classes of chemical compounds. In every day life, acids and bases play a role in everything from the digestion of the foods you eat to the function of the medicine you take and even the cleaning products you use. Without acids and bases, many of the products in your home today would not have much use. Acids and bases are also important in atmospheric, geological, and physiological processes because they have unique chemical properties. Acids and bases have unique chemical properties because of the atomic composition of these compounds and how these compounds interact with other atoms and molecules.
The pH of some common substances is shown below:
(A) The nature of calcium phosphate present in tooth enamel is:
(a) Basic
(b) Amphoteric
(c) Acidic
(d) Neutral

(B) What is the pH value of saliva after meal?
(a) between 0 and 4
(b) between 4 and 5
(c) between 5 and 6
(d) between 6 and 7
(c) between 5 and 6

What is the pH value of saliva after meal?

Explanation: The pH of saliva after meals is around 5.8 due to the increased activity of bacteria on the food that we eat.

(C) Given below are four statements. Select the incorrect statement(s):
(I) Pain and irritation during indigestion is due to the excess acid produced by the stomach.
(II) People use antacids to get rid of this pain which are bases.
(III) Milk of magnesia is an antacid as it is a mild acid.
(IV) Antacids neutralize the excess acid produced in the stomach.
(a) Only (I)
(b) Only (II)
(c) Only (III)
(d) (III) and (IV)
(c) Only (III)

Explanation: Antacids are bases which help in getting rid of the pain and irritation during indigestion by neutralizing the excess acid produced in the stomach. Milk of magnesia or magnesium hydroxide is a mild base that is used as an antacid.

(D) The pH level of the human body is:
(a) Less than 7, acidic
(b) Equal to 7, Neutral
(c) More than 7, basic
(d) None of the above

(E) A student tabulated the naturally occurring acidic substances and the acid contained in them.

Natural Source Acid found
(I) Vinegar Methanoic acid
(II) Nettle sting Acetic acid
(III) Tomato Oxalic acid
(IV) Orange Citric acid

Select the option containing the correct acid found in them:
(a) Both (I) and (II)
(b) Both (III) and (IV)
(c) Both (II) and (IV)
(d) Both (I) and (III)
(b) Both (III) and (IV)

Explanation: Vinegar contains acetic acid, whereas nettle sting contains methanoic acid.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers

Question 11.
If you think the best way to put out a fire is by dousing it with water, you’d be surprised to know you’re wrong. As it turns out, not all fires are created equal, and there is more than one way to extinguish them safely. There are situations where you should not use water to deal with a fire at all. For example, an electrical fire.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers 14
Name the chemicals used in acid fire extinguishers and the gas that evolved from it when it is used?
The chemicals used in soda acid fire extinguishers are sodium hydrogen carbonate and sulphuric acid.
The gas evolved when the two reactants react is carbon dioxide which is used for extinguishing electrical fires.
The reaction taking place between the two chemicals is
2NaHCO3 + H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + 2CO2 + 2H2O

Question 12.
The reaction between MnO2 with HCl is depicted in the following diagram. It was observed that a gas with bleaching abilities was released.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers 15
(A) The chemical reaction between MnO2 and HCl is an example of:
(a) displacement reaction
(b) combination reaction
(c) redox reaction
(d) decomposition reaction.
(c) redox reaction

Explanation: When MnO2 reacts with HCl, the following reaction takes place in which chlorine gas is also evolved, which has bleaching properties.
MnO2 + 4HCl → MnCl2 + Cl2 + 2H2O

In this reaction, Hydrochloric acid is oxidized to chlorine and Manganese dioxide is reduced to manganese dichloride. As both oxidation and reduction are taking place in this reaction, it is a redox reaction.

(B) Chlorine gas reacts with ……………… to form bleaching powder.
(a) dry Ca(OH)2
(b) dil. solution of Ca(OH)2
(c) cone, solution of Ca(OH)2
(d) dry CaO
(a) dry Ca(OH)2
Explanation: Bleaching powder is produced by the action of chlorine on dry slaked lime [Ca(OH)2],
Ca(OH)2 + Cl2 → CaOCl2 + H2O

(C) Identify the correct statement from the following:
(a) MnO2 is getting reduced whereas HCl is getting oxidized
(b) MnO2 is getting oxidized whereas HCl is getting reduced.
(c) MnO2 and HCl both are getting reduced.
(d) MnO2 and HCl both are getting oxidized.
(a) Mn02 is getting reduced whereas HCl is getting oxidized.
Explanation: In the reaction between
MnO2 and HCl, MnO2 is getting reduced to manganese dichloride as it is losing oxygen atoms. Whereas, HCl is getting oxidized to chlorine by the removal of oxygen.

Related Theory
Oxidation is the addition of oxygen to a substance or the removal of hydrogen from a substance.
Reduction is the addition of hydrogen to a substance or removal of oxygen from a substance.
The oxidising agent is the substance that provides oxygen for oxidation or which removes hydrogen.
Reducing agent is the substance which provides hydrogen for reduction or which removes oxygen.

(D) In the above-discussed reaction, what is the nature of MnO2?
(a) Acidic oxide
(b) Basic oxide
(c) Neutral oxide
(d) Amphoteric oxide
(b) Basic oxide
Explanation: As MnO2 reacts with HCl to form salt, water and chlorine gas, it is a basic oxide since it reacts with an acid. Moreover, oxides of metals are basic in nature whereas oxides of non-metals are acidic in nature.

(E) What will happen if we take dry HCl gas instead of aqueous solution of HCl?
(a) Reaction will occur faster.
(b) Reaction will not occur.
(c) Reaction rate will be slow
(d) Reaction rate will remain the same.
(b) Reaction wiil not occur

Explanation: A substance shows its acidic properties only in presence of water as it is able to dissociate into H+ ions, which is responsible for its acidic properties.

So, if we use dry HCl, then no reaction will take place as HCl will not be able to dissociate into ion$ as shown by the following reaction:
HCl + H2O H3O+ + Cl

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers

Question 13.
Frothing in Yamuna:
The primary reason behind the formation of the toxic foam is high phosphate content in the wastewater because of detergents used in dyeing industries, dhobi ghats and households. Yamuna’s pollution level is so bad that parts of it have been labelled ‘dead’ as there is no oxygen in it for aquatic life to survive.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers 16
(A) Predict the pH value of the water of river Yamuna if the reason for froth is high content of detergents dissolved in it.
(a) 10-11
(b) 5-7
(c) 2-5
(d) 7
(a) 10-11

Explanation: Detergents are basic in nature having pH value of 10-11. As the froth has a high content of detergents dissolved in it, the pH value of water of river Yamuna will be 10 -11.

(B) Which of the following statements is correct for the water with detergents dissolved in it?
(a) low concentration of hydroxide ion (OH)and high concentration of hydronium ion (H3O+)
(b) high concentration of hydroxide ion (OH) and low concentration of hydronium ion (H3O+)
(c) high concentration of hydroxide ion (OH) as well as hydronium ion (H3O+)
(d) equal concentration of both hydroxide ion (OH) and hydronium ion (H3O+).
(b) high concentration of hydroxide ion (OH) and low concentration of hydronium ion (H3O+)

Explanation: As detergents are basic in nature, the concentration of hydroxide ions will be high and the concentration of hydronium ions will be less.

Related Theory
When bases are dissolved in water, they dissociate into hydroxide ions.
For example, NaOH(aq) → Na+(aq) + CH(aq)
KOH(aq) → K+(aq) + OH(aq)

(C) The table provides the pH value of four solutions P, Q, R and S

Solution PH Value
P 2
Q 9
R 5
S 11

Which of the following correctly represents the solutions in increasing order of their hydronium ion concentration?
(a) P > Q > R> S
(b) P > S > Q > R
(c) S < Q < R< P
(d) S < P < Q < R
(c) S < Q < R. < P

Explanation: The pH of a substance is related to the concentration of hydrogen or hydronium ions. An acid has a high concentration of hydronium ions and a low pH value whereas a base has a high pH value and a low concentration of hydronium ions.

So, we can say, lower the pH value, the more is the concentration of hydronium ions. Therefore, the hydronium ion concentration is least in S, followed by Q, R and then P which has the maximum concentration of hydronium ions.

(D) High content of phosphate ion in river Yamuna may lead to:
(a) decreased level of dissolved oxygen and increased growth of algae
(b) decreased level of dissolved oxygen and no effect of the growth of algae
(c) increased level of dissolved oxygen and increased growth of algae
(d) decreased level of dissolved oxygen and decreased growth of algae
(a) decreased level of dissolved oxygen and increased growth of algae

Explanation: When the amount of phosphate ions in water increases, it leads to decreased level of dissolved oxygen which is harmful for the aquatic organisms. This leads to an increased growth of algae due to presence of nutrients.

Related Theory
Eutrophication is the process in which a water body becomes overly enriched with nutrients, leading to plentiful growth of simple plant life. The excessive growth (or bloom) of algae and plankton in a water body are indicators of this process.

(E) If a sample of water containing detergents is provided to you, which of the following methods will you adopt to neutralize it?
(a) Treating the water with baking soda
(b) Treating the water with vinegar
(c) Treating the water with caustic soda
(d) Treating the water with washing soda
(b) Treating the water with vinegar

Explanation: As detergents are basic in nature, an acid will neutralize it. Out of the substances mentioned, only vinegar is acidic, as it is 5 – 8% solution of ethanoic acid in water.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What types of ions are formed: (a) when an acid is dissolved in water (b) when a base is dissolved in water?

Question 2.
‘A’ is a soluble acidic oxide and ‘B’ is a soluble base. Compared to pH of pure water, what will be the pH of (a) solution of A (b) solution of B?
pH of pure water is 7. As A is a soluble acid, its pH will be less than that of pure water whereas pH of B will be more than that of pure water as it is a soluble base.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers

Question 3.
When electricity is passed through a common salt solution, sodium hydroxide is produced along with the liberation of two gases “X” and “Y”. “X” burns with a pop sound whereas “Y” is used for disinfecting drinking water. Identify X and Y.
The reaction is chlor-alkali process. As X burns with a pop sound, X is hydrogen gas. Y is chlorine gas which is used for disinfecting drinking water.

Question 4.
Which bases are called alkalis? Give one example of alkali.
The bases that are soluble in water are called alkalies. One example of an alkali is sodium hydroxide, NaOH.

Question 5.
Name the acid and base that have com stituted the salt ammonium nitrate

Question 6.
Oxides of metals are basic while those of non-metals are acidle, Explain.
Oxides of metals are basic as they react with acids to produce salt and water.
CuO + 2HCl → CuCl2 + H2O
Oxides of non-metals are acidic as they react with bases to produce salt and water.
CO2 + Ca(OH)2 → CaCO3 + H2O

Question 7.
Write a balanced chemical eauatin for the renction between sodium carbonals and hydrochloric acid indicating the physical state of reactions and the products.
The balanced equation for the reaction between sodium carbonate and hydrochloric acid is given below:
Na2CO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) → 2NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

Question 8.
Give reasons for the following:
(A) Only one half of water molecule is shown in the formula of Plaster of Paris.
(B) Sodium hydrogen carbonates is used as an antacid.
(C) On strong heating, blue coloured copper sulphate crystals turn white.

Question 9.
A student prepared solutions of (I) an acid and (II) a base in two separate beakers. She forgot to label the solutions and litmus paper is not available in the laboratory. Since, both the solutions are colourless, how will she distinguish between the two?
In the absence of litmus, other natural or synthetic substances can be used to test acid and bases. Such substances are called indicators. Indicators such as methyl orange and phenolphthalein can be used to test the nature of a solution.

These indicators show change in their colour in acidic, neutral and basic solutions. We can also use natural indicators such as turmeric and grape juice. A few indicators with characteristic colour change are shown below:
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers 17

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers

Question 10.
Fill in the missing data in the given table.
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers 18
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers 19
MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers 20
1. Acid: HCl
NH4OH + HCl → NH4Cl + H2O

2. Formula: CuSO4 and base: Cu(OH)2
H2SO4 + Cu(OH)2 → CuSO4 + 2H2O

3. Acid: HCl
NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H2O

4. Base: Mg(OH)2
Mg(OH)2 + 2HNO3 → Mg(NO3)2 + 2H2O

5. Base: KOH and Acid: H2SO4
2KOH + H2SO4 → K2SO4 + 2H2O

6. Acid: HNO3
Ca(OH)2 + 2HNO3 → Ca(NO3)2 + 2H2O

Question 11.
How is washing soda prepared from sodium carbonate? Give its chemical equation. State the type of this salt. Name the type of hardness of water that can be removed by it?

Question 12.
(A) You are given two solutions A and B and their pH is 6 and 8 respectively. Answer the following:
(i) Which of the two solutions have more hydrogen ion concentration?
(ii) Which is acidic and which is basic?
pH of solution A = 6 pH of solution B = 8
(i) Solution A will have a higher hydrogen ion concentration. Explanation: We know that the pH of any solution is inversely proportional to the hydrogen ion concentration. This means that the solution that has lower pH number will have the higher hydrogen ion concentration.

(ii) Also solution A is acidic and solution B is basic because H+ ion concentration is higher in acidic solution.

(B) What is dilution?
Mixing an acid or base with water results in decrease in concentration of ions (H3O+/ OH) per unit volume. Such process is called dilution and the acid or base is said to be dituted. The process of dissolving an acid or a base in water is a highly exothermic reaction.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers

Question 13.
Equal lengths of magnesium ribbons are taken in test tubes A and B. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is added to test tube A, while acetic acid (CH3COOH) is added to test tube B. In which test tube will the fizzing occur more vigorously and why?

Question 14.
Crystals of a substance changes their color on heating in a closed vessel but regained it after sometime, when they were allowed to cool down.
(A) Name one such substance.
One such substance whose crystals changes its colour from blue to white on heating in a closed vessel for some time is hydrated copper sulphate, CuSO4.5H2O.

(B) Explaain the phenomenon involved.
Hydrated salts contain molecules of water known as water of crystallization. When such crystals are heated in a closed container, they lose their water of crystallization and hence change of colour is observed.

Related Theory:
When a salt which has lost its water of crystallization due to heating is left to cool down, it absorbs moisture from air and regains its water of crystallisation and thus, also its color.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids, Bases and Salts with Answers

Question 15.
The pH of the mouth of a person is lower than 5.5. What changes will occur in EMB his mouth? How these changes can be controlled? Write any two measures.
When the pH of the mouth of a person is lower than 5.5, the acid produced by the action of bacteria on sugar and food particles in mouth corrodes even the tooth enamel which is made up of calcium phosphate. This leads to dental caries and tooth decay.

These changes can be controlled by the following measures:

  1. By using tooth pastes, which are generally basic in nature, as they can neutralize the excess acid produced in the mouth and hence help in preventing tooth decay.
  2. By regular brushing of teeth twice a day and especially after eating sweets and chocolates.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 9 Environment and Sustainable Development with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 9 Environment and Sustainable Development with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 9 Environment and Sustainable Development with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Environment and Sustainable Development Class 12 Economics MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Environment and Sustainable Development Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

I. Choose the correct alternative.

Environment And Sustainable Development Class 12 MCQ Question 1.
Which of the following is not a biotic element?
(A) Birds
(B) Sunlight
(C) Forests
(D) Animals


Answer: (B) Sunlight

Which of the following is not a biotic element?

Sustainable Development MCQ Chapter 9 Class 12 Question 2.
Which of the following is a renewable resource?
(A) Fish
(B) Coal
(C) Petroleum
(D) Iron-ore


Answer: (A) Fish

MCQ On Sustainable Development Chapter 9 Class 12 Question 3.
Which of the following is an impact of global warming?
(A) Deforestation
(B) Rise in sea level
(C) Waste generation
(D) Rapid increase in population


Answer: (B) Rise in sea level

Environment And Sustainable Development MCQ Chapter 9 Class 12 Question 4.
In which of the following layers of the atmosphere is ozone shield found?
(A) Troposphere
(B) Exosphere
(C) Stratosphere
(D) Mesosphere


Answer: (C) Stratosphere

MCQ On Environment And Sustainable Development Chapter 9 Class 12 Question 5.
Which of the following is a consequence of ozone layer depletion?
(A) Skin cancer in humans
(B) Lower production of phytoplankton
(C) Hampers growth of terrestrial plants
(D) All of the above


Answer: (D) All of the above

MCQ On Sustainable Development In India Chapter 9 Class 12 Question 6.
When was the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) set up?
(A) 1964
(B) 1974
(C) 1984
(D) 1994


Answer: (B) 1974

Sustainable Development Means MCQ Chapter 9 Class 12 Question 7.
How many industrial categories have been identified as significantly polluting by the CPCB?
(A) 17
(B) 25
(C) 27
(D) 31


Answer: (A) 17

MCQ On Sustainable Development With Answers Chapter 9 Class 12 Question 8.
Which of the following is the modern concept of development?
(A) Economic development
(B) Economic growth
(C) Sustainable development
(D) Human development


Answer: (C) Sustainable development

Environmental Economics MCQ Pdf With Answers Chapter 9 Class 12 Question 9.
Use of which of the following has resulted in a significant reduction in Delhi’s pollution?
(A) LPG at homes
(B) Solar cells for electricity
(C) Thermal power plants
(D) CNG in public transport


Answer: (D) CNG in public transport

Sustainable Development MCQs Chapter 9 Class 12 Question 10.
Which of the following is a conventional source of energy?
(A) Sun
(B) Wind
(C) Dried dung
(D) Tides


Answer: (C) Dried dung

Which of the following is a conventional source of energy?

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

MCQ Questions On Sustainable Development Chapter 9 Class 12 Question 1.
Sunlight is an example of ______ elements.


Answer: abiotic

Sustainable Development MCQ Questions Chapter 9 Class 12 Question 2.
______ resources are those which get exhausted with extraction and use.


Answer: Non-renewable

Development Is Sustained By MCQ Chapter 9 Class 12 Question 3.
The absorptive capacity of the environment is the ability to absorb ________


Answer: degradation

Question 4.
Global warming is caused due to increase in greenhouse gases through the burning of fossil fuels and ________


Answer: deforestation

Question 5.
In India, the ________ of the Deccan Plateau is particularly suitable for the cultivation of cotton.


Answer: black soil

Question 6.
The origins of chlorine and bromine compounds in stratosphere are ________


Answer: chlorofluorocarbons

Question 7.
_______ emissions are the major contributors to air pollution in urban areas of India.


Answer: Vehicular

Question 8.
The CPCB has identified _______ categories of industries as significantly polluting.


Answer: seventeen

Question 9.
Thermal power plants emit large quantities of ________ which is a greenhouse gas.


Answer: carbon dioxide

Question 10.
________ plants use the energy of such streams to move small turbines.


Answer: Mini-hydel

III. State whether the following statements are true or false.

Question 1.
Fossil fuels can be used without the possibility of these becoming depleted or exhausted.


Answer: False

Question 2.
The environment is able to perform its functions without any interruption as long as the resource extraction does not exceed the rate of regeneration.


Answer: True

Question 3.
In the early days of civilisation, the supply of environmental resources and services was much less than their demand.


Answer: False

Question 4.
India alone accounts for nearly 20 percent of the world’s total iron-ore reserves.


Answer: True

Question 5.
Improper planning and management of irrigation systems are one of the factors responsible for land degradation.


Answer: True

Question 6.
Herman Daly defined sustainable development as one which is directly concerned with increasing the material standard of living of the poor at the grass-root level.


Answer: False

Question 7.
Sustainable development is synonymous with the conservation of the environment.


Answer: True

Question 8.
The products used under a western system of treatment are free from side effects.


Answer: False

Question 9.
Earthworms can convert organic matter into compost faster than the normal composting process.


Answer: True

Question 10.
Prior to the advent of the green revolution, food products were contaminated and soil, water bodies, and even groundwater were polluted.


Answer: False

IV. Match the following.

Question 1.

Column-I Column-II
1. Condition of sustainable development (A) Industrial machines
2. Reason for noise pollution (B) Long term increase in real per capita income
3. Cause of environmental degradation (C) Reduction in level of pollution
4. Non-renewable resources (D) Rapid industrialisation
5. Economic growth (E) Exhausted after use


Column-I Column-II
1. Condition of sustainable development (C) Reduction in level of pollution
2. Reason for noise pollution (A) Industrial machines
3. Cause of environmental degradation (D) Rapid industrialisation
4. Non-renewable resources (E) Exhausted after use
5. Economic growth (B) Long term increase in real per capita income

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 9 Environment and Sustainable Development with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 12 Economics Environment and Sustainable Development MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Unit 6 Development Experience (1947-90) and Economic Reforms Since 1991 with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Unit 6 Development Experience (1947-90) and Economic Reforms Since 1991 with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Unit 6 Development Experience (1947-90) and Economic Reforms Since 1991 with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Development Experience (1947-90) and Economic Reforms Since 1991 Class 12 Economics MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Development Experience (1947-90) and Economic Reforms Since 1991 Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

Economic Reforms Since 1991 Class 12 MCQs Question 1.
Industrial revolution came first in:
(a) France
(b) Germany
(c) England
(d) America.


Answer: (c) England

Industrial revolution came first in:

Economic Reforms Since 1991 MCQ Questions Question 2.
In which year first train ran on rails in India:
(a) 1950
(b) 1953
(c) 1853
(d) 1901.


Answer: (c) 1853

New Economic Policy 1991 Class 12 MCQ Question 3.
Development plans started in India in which year:
(a) 15 August 1947
(b) 1 April 1951
(c) 26 January 1950
(d) 15 July 1969.


Answer: (b) 1 April 1951

Development Experience (1947-90) And Economic Reforms Since 1991 MCQ Question 4.
Which of the following organisation frame 5 year plan:
(a) Yojana Ayog
(b) National development
(c) Finance ministry
(d) Home ministry.


Answer: (a) Yojana Ayog

MCQs On Economic Reforms In India Question 5.
In the year 1951 what % of contribution was from agriculture towards national income:
(a) 72%
(b) 65%
(c) 59%
(d) 51%.


Answer: (c) 59%

MCQ On Economic Reforms In India Question 6.
In India green revolution was successful for:
(a) Wheat and Potato
(b) Wheat and Rice
(c) Cereals and Rice
(d) Pulses and Com.


Answer: (b) Wheat and Rice

Economic Reforms Since 1991 MCQ Questions Class 12 Question 7.
Small scale industry is:
(a) Labour intensive
(b) Capital intensive
(c) Complementary to large scale industries
(d) None of these.


Answer: (a) Labour intensive

Small scale industry is:

Fill in the blanks:

1. In India iron production company TISCO was established in the year …………………….


Answer: 1907

2. In case of economic immobility industrial structure is ……………………………


Answer: Weak

3. Before British rule condition of cottage industry was ………………………..


Answer: High

4. Indian Poster Act was framed in the year ……………………………


Answer: 1898

5. In India till date use have ……………………… five year plans.


Answer: 12

6. In India during independence …………………………… was the area on which population independance was least.


Answer: Secondary

7. In planning period rate of savings and investment got ………………………………. times increased.


Answer: 2

8. ………………………….. is the main programme for organisational remedy for agriculture.


Answer: Land development

9. Declaration of National policy for farmers was done in the year …………………………..


Answer: 2007

10. At present only Number of private public sector is ……………………………..


Answer: 235

11. …………………………….. business has fear of Deflation.


Answer: International

12. At present only ………………………. type of industries are reserved.


Answer: Two

State true or false:

1. During independence 90% of working population was engaged in manufacturing unit.


Answer: False

2. Main aim of planning in India was to achieve equality.


Answer: False

3. Fourth plan started in 1969.


Answer: True

4. Indian agriculture is dependant on Monsoon.


Answer: True

5. NABARD is the best bank for agriculture.


Answer: True

6. Raw materials were exported during British rule.


Answer: False

7. In 1951 estimated age was 32 years.


Answer: True

8. First railway train ran in India from Bombay to Thane.


Answer: True

9. Chairman of Planning commission is President.


Answer: False

10. At present Planning commission has been discontinued in India.


Answer: True

11. Zamindari eradication Act was enforced first in Chennai in 1951.


Answer: True

12. Green revolution is related to food grains.


Answer: True

13. India is exporter of petroleum.


Answer: False

14. In 1991 India’s devaluation took place in three phases.


Answer: False

Match the columns:

Column A Column B
1. Colonialism (a) 18.3%
2. Literacy rate in 1951 (b) 50%
3. Year of Bombay plan (c) Economic exploitation
4. Industrial development Act (d) Investment in shares
5. Employment in agriculture (e) 1944
6. Second industrial policy (f) 1951
7. Privitization (g) 1956
8. Economic development programme (h) Economic immobility
9. Destructive effect of British rule (i) Liberalization, privatisation and globalisation.


Column A Column B
1. Colonialism (c) Economic exploitation
2. Literacy rate in 1951 (a) 18.3%
3. Year of Bombay plan (e) 1944
4. Industrial development Act (f) 1951
5. Employment in agriculture (b) 50%
6. Second industrial policy (g) 1956
7. Privitization (d) Investment in shares
8. Economic development programme (i) Liberalization, privatisation and globalisation.
9. Destructive effect of British rule (h) Economic immobility

Answer in one word:

1. Main problem arised due to partition of country?


Answer: Scarcity of raw material

2. When did Air transport started in India?


Answer: 1927

3. Who is the chairman of Planning commission?


Answer: Prime Minister

4. Full form of M.R.T.P?


Answer: Monopoly and restrictional business

5. Iron, Coal, Cement are which type of industry?


Answer: behaviour act

6. Which are the main crops of India?


Answer: Primary industry

7. When was New Industrial Policy declared?


Answer: 1991

8. What is selling of goods to other countries called ?


Answer: Foreign trade

9. How are the natural resources utilized in International trade ?


Answer: Complete

10. What is selling of goods at low prices to other nations called ?


Answer: Deflation

11. What was trade balance in 1950-51?


Answer: -2

12. What is called the interaction among economics of the world ?


Answer: Globalization

13. When was new economic policy enforced.


Answer: 1991

Question 14.
Which is regarded as the defining year to mark the demographic transition from its first to the second decisive stage?


Answer: 1921 is regarded as the defining year to mark the demographic transition from its first to the second decisive stage.

Question 15.
When was India’s first official census operation undertaken?


Answer: In 1881.

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Unit 6 Development Experience (1947-90) and Economic Reforms Since 1991 with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 12 Economics Development Experience (1947-90) and Economic Reforms Since 1991 MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Unit 7 Current Challenges Facing Indian Economy with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Unit 7 Current Challenges Facing Indian Economy with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Unit 7 Current Challenges Facing Indian Economy with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Current Challenges Facing Indian Economy Class 12 Economics MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Current Challenges Facing Indian Economy Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

Current Challenges Facing Indian Economy MCQ Question 1.
It is found in rural areas of India:
(a) Educated unemployment
(b) Disguised unemployment
(c) Seasonal unemployment
(d) Frictional unemployment.


Answer: (b) Disguised unemployment

It is found in rural areas of India:

Current Challenges Facing Indian Economy Class 12 MCQ Question 2.
What is important in organic farming:
(a) Crop rotation
(b) Animal manure
(c) Mechanical agriculture and Natural fertilizer control
(d) All of the above.


Answer: (d) All of the above.

Current Challenges Facing Indian Economy Class 12 Pdf Question 3.
Fair in villages are held:
(a) Weekly
(b) Fortnightly
(c) Daily
(d) On special occasions.


Answer: (a) Weekly

Current Challenges Facing Indian Economy Class 12 Question 4.
In 1951 number of universities in country:
(a) 25
(b) 27
(c) 36
(d) 53.


Answer: (b) 27

Current Challenges Facing Indian Economy Class 12 Important Questions Question 5.
When was state of Madhya Pradesh established:
(a) 1948
(b) 1956
(c) 1961
(d) 1856.


Answer: (b) 1956

Current Challenges Facing Indian Economy Class 12 Notes Question 6.
When price index increases it means:
(a) Value of currency increases
(b) Value of currency decreases
(c) No effect of value of currency
(d) None of the these.


Answer: (b) Value of currency decreases

MCQ Questions For Class 12 Economics Pdf Question 7.
Element of commercial energy:
(a) Coal
(b) Petroleum
(c) Gas and electricity
(d) All.


Answer: (d) All.

MCQ On Macroeconomics For Class 12 With Answers Question 8.
Energy from hot spring:
(a) Small hydro power
(b) Biomass
(c) Geothermal energy
(d) Hydro – electricity


Answer: (c) Geothermal energy

Economics Class 12 MCQ Questions Question 9.
In India supply of electricity started first:
(a) In Delhi
(b) In Chennai
(c) In Darjeeling
(d) In Bhopal.


Answer: (c) In Darjeeling

MCQ Questions For Class 12 Economics Chapter Wise Question 10.
National literacy mission is related to:
(a) Primary education
(b) High education
(c) Rural
(d) Adult education.


Answer: (d) Adult education.

National literacy mission is related to:

Fill in the blanks:

1. Economic development is ……………………..


Answer: Continuous

2. Percapita income = ……………………….. /Total population.


Answer: National income

3. Universal indicator of Quality of life is ………………………….


Answer: Three

4. Economic development leads to …………………….. pollution.


Answer: Environment

5. In approx ……………………….. % cities of India amount of sulphur – dioxide and S.P.M. is maximum.


Answer: 20

6. …………………… is a challenge for Indian economy.


Answer: Unemployment

7. For poverty eradication in Aug 1979 ………………………… plan was started.


Answer: Trisem

8. Nehru employment plan was started in …………………………


Answer: 28 April 1989

9. …………………………… % of Indian population lives in villages.


Answer: 74 – 3%

10. Main problems of farmers is …………………….. and ………………………..


Answer: Agriculture finance

11. Duration of ………………………….. loan is 15 months to 5 years.


Answer: Temporary

12. ………………………. is physical capital.


Answer: Dynamic

13. In order to improve quality of school education ……………………….. is the best organisation.


Answer: NCERT

14. In India for every 100 people there are ………………………………


Answer: 40

15. Repo Rate causes increase in consumption expenditure and …………………………… expenditure.


Answer: Investment

State true or false:

1. Poverty line is same for rural and urban areas.


Answer: False

2. Trisem plan is working at present.


Answer: False

3. Bio farming and organic farming are different.


Answer: False

4. Proportion of man in working population is higher to woman.


Answer: False

5. Rate of participation of women in rural areas as compared to urban area is higher.


Answer: True

6. By the end of 11 plan no. of unemployed people will be 480 lakh.


Answer: True

7. Inflation results in favourable settlement.


Answer: False

8. Economic development is a short term process.


Answer: False

9. Indian medical has six recognition system.


Answer: True

10. With the passing time use of electricity is decreasing in agriculture.


Answer: False

11. Life expectancy of women is less as compared to man.


Answer: False

12. Forest destruction is a result of soil erosion.


Answer: True

13. Environment includes biological and non – biological elements.


Answer: True

14. Midday meal programme started from 15 August 1995.


Answer: True

Match the columns:

Column A Column B
1. Employment Insurance Policy (a) 69%
2. Reason for poverty in India (b) 1994
3. Agriculture marketing (c) Natural reasons
4. Agriculture input (d) 16
5. According to 2011 least women women literacy rate in India (e) Biomass
6. According to 2011 Rural literacy rate (f) Shendi
7. Jawahar employment plan (g) Hybrid seed
8. Prime minister Gramoday ¥ojna (h) 64 years
9. Contingent unemployment (i) 69%
10. Non-conventional energy (j) Increase in living standard
11. Indicator of good health (k) High life expectancy
12. Life expectancy of women (l) 28 April, 1989
13. Sustainable development (m) Industrialization
14. Non-renewable resources (n) 2000-2001
15. Reasons for environment degration (o) Get finished with use.


Column A Column B
1. Employment Insurance Policy (b) 1994
2. Reason for poverty in India (d) 16
3. Agriculture marketing (f) Shendi
4. Agriculture input (g) Hybrid seed
5. According to 2011 least women women literacy rate in India (a) 69%
6. According to 2011 Rural literacy rate (i) 69%
7. Jawahar employment plan (l) 28 April, 1989
8. Prime minister Gramoday yojna (n) 2000-2001
9. Contingent unemployment (c) Natural reasons
10. Non-conventional energy (e) Biomass
11. Indicator of good health (k) High life expectancy
12. Life expectancy of women (h) 64 years
13. Sustainable development (j) Increase in living standard
14. Non-renewable resources (o) Get finished with use.
15. Reasons for environment degration (m) Industrialization

Answer in one word:

1. Reason for poverty in India.


Answer: Increase in population

2. Person who is willing to work and have qualification too but could not get job.


Answer: Unemployed

3. Farming were chemical fertilizer and insecticides are not used.


Answer: Organic farming

4. This type of marketing started in 1912 in India.


Answer: Agriculture

5. Reason for rural unemployment.


Answer: Mechanization of agriculture

6. When was NABARD was established.


Answer: 12 July

7. Define Poverty?


Answer: Poverty refers to a state in which an individual is unable to fulfill even the basic necessities of life.

8. What are the two sources of Human capital of a nation?


Answer: 1. Investment in Education
2. Investment in health.

9. Name two indicators of educational achievement of a nation?


Answer: 1. Primary Education
2. Youth literacy rate
3. Adult literacy rate.

10. What is worker?


Answer: All those persons who are engaged in various economic activities and hence . contribute to gross domestic products, are workers.

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Unit 7 Current Challenges Facing Indian Economy with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 12 Economics Current Challenges Facing Indian Economy MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Accountancy Chapter 6 Accounting for Share Capital with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Accountancy Chapter 6 Accounting for Share Capital with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Accountancy Chapter 6 Accounting for Share Capital with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Accountancy with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Accounting for Share Capital Class 12 Accountancy MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Accounting for Share Capital Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

Share Capital MCQs Class 12 Chapter 6 Question 1.
Reserve share capital means :
(a) Part of authorised capital to be called at the beginning
(b) Portion of uncalled capital to be called only at liquidation
(c) Over subscribed capital
(d) Under subscribed capital


Answer: (b) Portion of uncalled capital to be called only at liquidation

Accounting For Share Capital MCQ Chapter 6 Question 2.
When full amount is due on any call but it is not received, then the short fall is debited to :
(a) Calls-in-advance
(b) Calls-in-arrear
(c) Share Capital
(d) Suspense Account


Answer: (b) Calls-in-arrear

Accounting For Share Capital Class 12 MCQ Chapter 6 Question 3.
The difference between subscribed capital and called up capital is called :
(a) Calls-in-arear
(b) Calls-in-advance
(c) Uncalled capital
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) Uncalled capital

Share Capital Class 12 MCQ Chapter 6 Question 4.
Which statement is issued before the issue of shares ?
(a) Prospectus
(b) Articles of Association
(c) Memorandum of Association
(d) All of these


Answer: (d) All of these

Share Capital Of A Company Means MCQ Chapter 6 Question 5.
Company can utilise securities premium for :
(a) Writing off loss incurred on revaluation of asset
(b) Issuing fully paid bonus shares
(c) Paying divided
(d) Writing off trading loss


Answer: (b) Issuing fully paid bonus shares

MCQ Of Share Capital Class 12 Chapter 6 Question 6.
When a company issues fully paid shares to promoters
for their services, the journal entry will be:
(a) Bank A/c Dr.
To Share Capital A/c
(b) Good will A/c Dr.
To Share Capital A/c
(c) Promoters Personal A/c Dr.
To Share Capital A/c
(d) Promotion Expenses A/c Dr.
To Share Capital A/c


Answer: (b) Goodwill A/c Dr.
To Share Capital A/c

Accounting For Share Capital MCQs Class 12 Chapter 6  Question 7.
When a company issues shares at a premium, amount of premium may be received by the company :
(a) Along with application money
(b) Along with application money
(c) Along with calls
(d) Along with any of the above


Answer: (d) Along with any of the above

MCQs Of Share Capital Class 12 Chapter 6 Question 8.
Share Application Account is :
(a) Personal Account
(b) Real Account
(c) Nominal/ Account
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) Personal Account

Issue Of Shares Class 12 MCQ Chapter 6 Question 9.
Secrities Premium can not be applied :
(a) For paying dividend to members
(b) For issuing bonus shares to members
(c) For writing off preliminary expenses of company
(d) For writing off discount on issue of debentures


Answer: (a) For paying dividend to members

Accounting For Shares Class 12 MCQ Chapter 6 Question 10.
A joint stock company is :
(a) An artificial legal person
(b) Natural person
(c) A general person
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) An artificial legal person

Share Capital MCQ Questions Chapter 6 Question 11.
Equity shareholders are :
(a) Customers
(b) Creditors
(c) Debtors
(d) Owners


Answer: (d) Owners

Share Capital Of A Company Means MCQ Answer Chapter 6 Question 12.
Reserve capital means :
(a) A part of subscribed uncalled capital
(b) Reserve Profit
(c) A part of Capital Reserve
(d) A part of Capital Redemption Reserve


Answer: (a) A part of subscribed uncalled capital

Question 13.
Securities Premium is shown under which head in the Balance Sheet ?
(a) Reserve and Surplus
(b) Miscellaneous Expenditure
(c) Current Liabilities
(d) Share Capital


Answer: (a) Reserve and Surplus

Question 14.
Shares may be issued :
(a) At par value
(b) At FYemimum
(c) At Discount
(d) Both (a) & (b)


Answer: (d) Both (a) & (b)

Question 15.
Capital included in the liabilities of a company is called :
(a) Authorised Capital
(b) Issued Capital
(c) Subscribed Capital
(d) Paid-up Capital


Answer: (d) Paid-up Capital

Question 16.
An issue of shares which is not a public issue but offered to a selected group of persons is called :
(a) Public offer
(b) Private placement of shares
(c) Initial public offer
(d) None of these


Answer: (d) None of these

Question 17.
If a share of ₹ 10 on which ₹ 8 has been called and ₹ 6 is paid is forfeited, the Share Capital Account should be debited with :
(a) ₹ 8
(b) ₹ 10
(c) ₹ 6
(d) ₹ 2


Answer: (a) ₹ 8

Question 18.
When shares are forfeited, the Share Capital Account is debited with:
(a) Nominal value of Shares
(b) Market value of Shares
(c) Called-up value of Shares
(d) Paid-up value of Shares


Answer: (c) Called-up value of Shares

Question 19.
If the loss on reissue of shares is less than the amount forfeited, the ‘surplus’ or profit is transferred to :
(a) Capital Reserve
(b) Revenue Reserve
(c) Profit & Loss A/c
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) Capital Reserve

If the loss on reissue of shares is less than the amount forfeited, the ‘surplus’ or profit is transferred to :

Question 20.
J. Ltd. re-issue 2,000 shares which where forfeited by crediting share forfeiture account by ₹ 3,000. These shares were re-issued at ₹ 9 per share. The amount transferred to capital reserve will be :
(a) ₹ 3,000
(b) ₹ 2,000
(c) ₹ 1000
(d) Nil


Answer: (c) ₹ 1000

Question 21.
If a share of ₹ 10 on which ₹ 8 has been paid up is forfeited, it can be reissued at the minimum price of…….
(a) 10 Rs. per share
(b) 8 Rs. per share
(c) 5 Rs. per share
(d) 2 Rs. per share


Answer: (d) 2 Rs. per share

Question 22.
Z & Co. forfeited 100 shares of 10 Rs. each for non-payment of final call of 2 Rs. per share. All the forfeited shares were re-issued at 9 Rs. per share. What amount will be transferred to Capital Reserve A/c ?
(a) 700 Rs.
(b) 800 Rs.
(c) 900 Rs.
(d) 1,000 Rs.


Answer: (a) 700 Rs.

Question 23.
Forfeiture of shares results in the reduction of:
(a) Paid-up Capital
(b) Authorised Capital
(c) Fixed Assets
(d) Reserve Capital


Answer: (a) Paid-up Capital

Question 24.
Amount of calls in Arrear is :
(a) Added to capital
(b) Deducted from share capital
(c) Shown on the assets side
(d) Shown an the equity and liability side


Answer: (b) Deducted from share capital

Question 25.
Discount allowed on reissue of forfeited shares is debited to:
(a) Share Capital A/c
(b) Share Forfeiture A/c
(c) Profit & Loss A/c
(d) General Reserve A/c


Answer: (b) Share Forfeiture A/c

Question 26.
A company has…………
(a) Separate Legal Entity
(b) Perpetual Existence
(c) Limited Liability
(d) All the above


Answer: (d) All the above

Question 27.
The liability of members in a company is :
(a) Limited
(b) Unlimited
(c) Stable
(d) Fluctuating


Answer: (a) Limited

Question 28.
Equity shareholders are :
(a) Creditors of the company
(b) Owners of the company
(c) Customers of the company
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Owners of the company

Question 29.
Balance of Forfeited Shares Account after reissue of forfeited shares is transferred to :
(a) Profit & Loss A/c
(b) Capital Reserve Account
(c) General Reserve Account
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Capital Reserve Account

Question 30.
Under the provisions of Companies Act, company can issue:
(a) Only equity shares
(b) Only preference shares
(c) Preference shares and equity shares
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) Preference shares and equity shares

Question 31.
Reight shares are the shares, which :
(a) Are issued to the Direction of the company
(b) Are issued to existing shareholders of the company
(c) Are issued to promoters in consideration of their services
(d) Are issued to the vendors for purchasing assets


Answer: (b) Are issued to existing shareholders of the company

Question 32.
Total amount of liabilities side includes :
(a) Authorised Capital
(b) Issued Capital
(c) Subscribed Capital
(d) Paid-up Capital


Answer: (d) Paid-up Capital

Question 33.
A company issues its shares at premium under which Section of Indian Companies Act, 2013 ?
(a) 78
(b) 79
(c) 52
(d) 53


Answer: (c) 52

Question 34.
Shares can be forfeited :
(a) For failure to attend meetings
(b) For non-payment of call money
(c) For failure to repay the loan to the Bank
(d) For which shares are pledged as a security


Answer: (b) For non-payment of call money

Question 35.
Shareholders get:
(a) Interest
(b) Dividend
(c) Commission
(d) Profit


Answer: (b) Dividend

Question 36.
According to Table E of the Companies Act, 2013 interest on calls in arrears charged should not exceed :
(a) 5% p.a.
(b) 6% p.a.
(c) 8%p.a.
(d) 10%p.a.


Answer: (d) 10%p.a.

Question 37.
Premium on issue of shares is a :
(a) Capital Gain
(b) Capital Loss
(c) General Profit
(d) General Loss


Answer: (a) Capital Gain

Question 38.
Premium on issue of shares is shown on which side of the Balance sheet.
(a) Assets
(b) Liabilities
(c) Both
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Liabilities

Question 39.
Share Allotment Account is :
(a) Personal A/c
(b) Real A/c
(c) Nominal A/c
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) Personal A/c

Question 40.
The portion of the authorised capital which can be called-up only on the liquidation of the company is called:
(a) Issued Capital
(b) Called-up Capital
(c) Uncalled Capital
(d) Reserve Capital


Answer: (d) Reserve Capital

Question 41.
Premium on issue of shares can be used for :
(a) Issue of Bonus shares
(b) Distribution of Profit
(c) Transferring to General Reserve
(d) All these


Answer: (a) Issue of Bonus shares

Question 42.
If equity share of ₹ 10 Rs. each is issued at ₹ 12 each, it is called:
(a) Issued at Par
(b) Issued at Premium
(c) Issued at Discount
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Issued at Premium

Question 43.
The maximum capital beyond which a company is not allowed to raise funds, by issue of shares is called …………..
(a) Issued capital
(b) Reserve capital
(c) Authorised capital
(d) Subscribed capital


Answer: (b) Reserve capital

Question 44.
As per Table F the maximum rate of interest on calls in advance paid is:
(a) 8% p.a.
(b) 12% p.a.
(c) 5 % p.a.
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) 12% p.a.

Question 45.
As per the Companies Act, only preference shares, which are redeemable within …………. can be issued.
(a) 24 years
(b) 22 years
(c) 30 years
(d) 20 years


Answer: (d) 20 years

Question 46.
Which one of the following is the registered capital of the company ?
(a) Paid-up capital
(b) Uncalled capital
(c) Authorised capital
(d) Issued capital


Answer: (c) Authorised capital

Question 47.
Dividends are usually paid on :
(a) Authorised Capital
(b) Issued Capital
(c) Called-up Capital
(d) Paid-up Capital


Answer: (d) Paid-up Capital

Question 48.
If vendors are issued fully paid shares of ₹ 1,00,000 in consideration of net assets of ₹ 1,20,000 the balance of ₹ 20,000 will be credited to :
(a) Goodwill Account
(b) Capital Reserve Account
(c) Vendor’s Account
(d) Profit & Loss Account


Answer: (b) Capital Reserve Account

Question 49.
Which account should be debited when shows an issued to promoters:
(a) Share Capital A/c
(b) Assets A/c
(c) Promoter’s A/c
(d) Goodwill A/c


Answer: (d) Goodwill A/c

Question 50.
According to Section 52 of the Compaines Act, the amount in the Securities Premium Account cannot be used for the purpose of:
(a) Issue of fully Paid Bonus Shares
(b) Writing Off Losses of the Company
(c) Writing off Preliminary Expenses
(d) Writing Off Commission or Discount on Issue of Shares


Answer: (b) Writing Off Losses of the Company

According to Section 52 of the Compaines Act, the amount in the Securities Premium Account cannot be used for the purpose of:

Question 51.
10,000 equity shares of 10 Rs. each were issued to public at a premium of ₹ 2 per share payable on allotment.
Applications were received for ₹ 12,000 shares. Amount of securities premium account will be :
(a) ₹ 20,000
(b) ₹ 24,000
(c) ₹ 4,000
(d) ₹ 1,600


Answer: (a) ₹ 20,000

Question 52.
A Ltd. purchased a machinery for 1,80,000 Rs. for which it is paying by issue of shares of 100 Rs. each at 20% premium. How many shares will be issued as consideration. ?
(a) 2,500
(b) 2,000
(c) 1,500
(d) 3,000


Answer: (c) 1,500

Question 53.
Right Shares are issued to :
(a) Promoters for the Services
(b) Holders of Convertible Debentures
(c) Existing Shareholders
(d) All of the above


Answer: (c) Existing Shareholders

Question 54.
A company is registered with a share capital of ₹ 1,00,000 Rs. divided into ₹ 10,000 shares of ₹ 10 each. Of these shares 9,990 shares are held by Rajeev and 10 Shares are held by Sanjay. In the eye of law it is treated as:
(a) Partnership
(b) Private Company
(c) Public Compancy
(d) Government Company


Answer: (b) Private Company

Question 55.
Which of the following should be deducted from the called-up capital to find out paid-up capital:
(a) Calls-in-advance
(b) Calls-in-arrear
(c) Share forfeiture
(d) Discount on issue of shares


Answer: (b) Calls-in-arrear

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Accountancy Chapter 6 Accounting for Share Capital with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 12 Accountancy Accounting for Share Capital MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 4 India’s External Relations with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 4 India’s External Relations with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 4 India’s External Relations with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided India’s External Relations Class 12 Political Science MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

India’s External Relations Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

India’s External Relations Class 12 MCQ Question 1.
“The foreign policy of a country is the outcome of her economic policy” these remarks were made by:
(a) Indira Gandhi
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Morarji Desai
(d) Charan Singh


Answer: (b) Jawaharlal Nehru

India’s Foreign Policy Class 12 MCQ Question 2.
Bandung Conference was held in the year:
(a) 1954
(b) 1955
(c) 1956
(d) 1957


Answer: (b) 1955

India’s External Relations MCQ Question 3.
Bangladesh emerged as an independent nation in:
(a) January 1972
(b) December 1971
(c) March 1971
(d) November 1971


Answer: (b) December 1971

India External Relations Class 12 MCQ Question 4.
China made a sudden attack on India in:
(a) August 1962
(b) September 1962
(c) October 1962
(d) September 1965


Answer: October 1962

India Foreign Policy Class 12 MCQ Question 5.
The Architect of Non-alignment is:
(a) Pt. Nehru
(b) Indira Gandhi
(c) Y. B. Chavan
(d) Atal Behari Vajpayee


Answer: (a) Pt. Nehru

The Architect of Non-alignment is:

Class 12 Political Science Chapter 4 India’s External Relations MCQ Question 6.
Match the following:

(a) The goal of India’s foreign policy in the period 1950-1964 (I) Tibetan spiritual leader who crossed over to India
(b) Panchsheel (II) Preservation of territorial integrity, sovereignty, and economic development
(c) Bandung Conference (III) Five principles of peaceful coexistence
(d) Dalai Lama (IV) Led to the establishment of NAM


(a) The goal of India’s foreign policy in the period 1950-1964 (II) Preservation of territorial integrity, sovereignty, and economic development
(b) Panchsheel (III) Five principles of peaceful coexistence
(c) Bandung Conference (IV) Led to the establishment of NAM
(d) Dalai Lama (I) Tibetan spiritual leader who crossed over to India

Indian Foreign Policy Class 12 MCQ Question 7.
In the formulation of foreign policy, what was Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru’s first priority?


Answer: National interest was the first priority of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru.

MCQ Of India’s External Relations Question 8.
In which year McMahon Line boundary line was determined between India and China?


Answer: In 1914, McMahon Line was determined.

Indian External Relations MCQ Question 9.
Who proposed the partition of Kashmir?


Answer: M.C. Naughton.

Class 12 India’s External Relations MCQ Question 10.
In which year, who declared the five principles of Panchsheel?


Answer: In 1954, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru declared five principles of Panchsheel.

India’s External Relations MCQs Question 11.
In which year China invaded India?


Answer: China attacked India in 1962.

Class 12 Political Science Chapter 4 MCQ Question 12.
After the Chinese revolution in 1949, which country was the first to recognize the Communist Government?


Answer: India was the first country to recognize the Communist Government.

Indian Foreign Policy MCQ Class 12 Question 13.
What do you mean by Panchsheel?


Answer: The word ‘Pancbsheel’ stands for five principles of conduct and behaviour.

Class 12 Political Science India’s External Relations MCQ Question 14.
Write one basic principle of India’s foreign policy.


Answer: The most important basic principle of India’s foreign policy is non-alignment.

Indian Foreign Policy MCQ Pdf Class 12 Question 15.
Where the first Non-aligned Summit was held?


Answer: The first Non-aligned Summit was held in Belgrade in 1961.

Question 17.
Which is a major issue of dispute between India and Pakistan?


Answer: Kashmir is a major issue of dispute between India and Pakistan.

Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ against each of these statements.

Question 18.
Non-alignment allowed India to gain assistance both from U.S.A. and U.S.S.R.


Answer: True

Question 19.
India’s relationship with her neighbours has been strained from the beginning.


Answer: True

Question 20.
The Cold War has affected the relationship between India and Pakistan.


Answer: True

Question 21.
The treaty of Peace and Friendship in 1971 was the result of India’s closeness to the U.S.A.


Answer: False

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 4 India’s External Relations with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 12 Political Science India’s External Relations MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 8 Controlling with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 8 Controlling with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 8 Controlling with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Controlling Class 12 Business Studies MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Controlling Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

Question 1.
Which one of the following is not a feature of controlling?
(a) Continuous process
(b) Action-oriented
(c) Keeping employees busy
(d) Pervasive function


Answer: (c) Keeping employees busy

Question 2.
Which one of the following is not an importance of controlling?
(a) Better coordination
(b) Better use of resources
(c) Better planning
(d) Better grievance handling


Answer: (d) Better grievance handling

Question 3.
Which one of the following is a step of controlling?
(a) Assessing personnel required
(b) Taking corrective action
(c) Assessing environment
(d) Taking disciplinary action


Answer: (b) Taking corrective action

Question 4.
___ is the process of ensuring that actual results are in accordance with planned results.
(a) Controlling
(b) Coordinating
(c) Planning
(d) Directing


Answer: (a) Controlling

___ is the process of ensuring that actual results are in accordance with planned results.

Question 5.
___ is the focus point for a manager while controlling, as controlling at every step is not possible
(a) Controlling
(b) Coordinating
(c) Critical point control
(d) Both (a) and (b)


Answer: (c) Critical point control

Question 6.
Controlling is ___.
(a) Forward looking
(b) Backward looking
(c) Continous process
(d) All of these


Answer: (d) All of these

Question 7.
In a marketing firm, the Financial Manager pays more attention towards an increase of 3% in the marketing cost as compared to a 15% increase in the courier expenses. Identify the concept being used by the manager.
(a) Management by exception
(b) Critical point control
(c) Corrective action
(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) Critical point control

Question 8.
Reducing the workers, absenteeism in a factory by 20% is an example of
(a) Quantitative standard
(b) Qualitative standard
(c) Deviation
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Quantitative standard

Question 9.
The need for the controlling function is felt in
(a) Business organisations
(b) Political organisations
(c) Social organisations
(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above

Question 10.
When the deviations between the actual performance and the planned performance are within the limits
(a) A limited corrective action is required
(b) No corrective action is required
(c) A major corrective action is required
(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) No corrective action is required

Question 11.
The comparison of actual performance with the planned performance becomes easier if the standards are set in
(a) Qualitative terms
(b) Quantitative terms
(c) Either of the above
(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) Quantitative terms

Question 12.
Identify the correct sequence of the steps involved in the controlling process.
(a) Measurement of actual performance, Taking corrective action, Setting performance standards, Comparison of actual performance with standards, Analysing deviations
(b) Comparison of actual performance with standards, Setting performance standards. Measurement of actual performance, Analysing deviations, Taking corrective action
(c) Setting performance standards, Measurement of actual performance, Comparison of actual performance with standards, Analysing deviations, Taking corrective action
(d) Taking corrective action, Measurement of actual performance, Comparison of actual performance with standards, Analysing deviations, Setting performance standards


Answer: (c) Setting performance standards, Measurement of actual performance, Comparison of actual performance with standards, Analysing deviations, Taking corrective action

Question 13.
Deviations are said to be positive in nature when
(a) Planned performance is more than the actual performance
(b) Actual performance is more than the planned performance
(c) Both planned and actual performances are same
(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) Actual performance is more than the planned performance

Question 14.
The controlling function is performed by
(a) Top level management
(b) Lower level management
(c) Middle level management
(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above

Question 15.
Om Prakash has set up a small business unit for the manufacturing of detergent. In order to market the detergent in the local residential areas, he has appointed a team of ten salesmen. Each salesman is expected to sell at least 200 units of the detergent within a week’s time. Identify the point of importance of controlling being highlighted in the above case.
(a) Controlling helps in judging accuracy of standards.
(b) It ensures efficient use of resources.
(c) It helps in improving employee motivation.
(d) It facilitates co-ordination in action.


Answer: (c) It helps in improving employee motivation.
By making employees aware of the expected performance

Question 16.
Which of the following is not an importance of controlling function?
(a) It ensures order and discipline.
(b) It restricts co-ordination in action.
(c) It helps in judging accuracy of standards.
(d) It improves employee motivation.


Answer: (b) It restricts co-ordination in action.
It facilitates co-ordination in action

Question 17.
Yash runs a logistic company. The Tour Incharges of each trip in the company are expected to submit a report to the Event Manager on the completion of every trip. Identify the step in the controlling process being described in the above lines.
(a) Setting of standards
(b) Measurement of actual performance
(c) Taking corrective action
(d) Analysing the deviations


Answer: (b) Measurement of actual performance

Question 18.
Controlling is known as a backward-looking function because
(a) It relates to future course of action.
(b) It is like a post-mortem of the past activities
(c) To find out deviation, it aims at improving future performance.
(d) All of the above


Answer: (b) It is like a post-mortem of the past activities

Question 19.
In an artificial plants manufacturing unit, the standard output set for a worker is 50 units per day. Dinesh produces 48 units in one day. In the given case, the value of deviation is
(a) -2
(b) + 2
(c) 98
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) -2

Question 20.
This concept of Control Management is based on the belief that if you try to control everything, you may end up controlling nothing.
(a) Critical point control
(b) Key result areas
(c) Management by exception
(d) Deviations


Answer: (c) Management by exception

This concept of Control Management is based on the belief that if you try to control everything, you may end up controlling nothing.

True or False

State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False.

1. Controlling helps in achieving organisational objectives.


Answer: True; by suggesting corrective action, if required.

2. Control by action involves reporting of exceptional deviation between actual performance and standard performance to top management.


Answer: False; management by exception involves such reporting.

3. Management by exception is controlling performance in key result areas.


Answer: False; controlling performance in key result areas is critical point control.

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 8 Controlling with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding Controlling CBSE Class 12 Business Studies MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 10 Financial Markets with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 10 Financial Markets with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 10 Financial Markets with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Financial Markets Class 12 Business Studies MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Financial Markets Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

Question 1.
Which one of the following is not a function of financial market?
(a) Mobilisation of savings
(b) Price determination of securities
(c) Floating of companies
(d) Lowering transaction cost


Answer: (c) Floating of companies

Question 2.
Which one of the following is a money market instrument?
(a) Unit of mutual fund
(b) Debenture
(c) Bond
(d) Treasury bill


Answer: (d) Treasury bill

Which one of the following is a money market instrument?

Question 3.
Primary and secondary markets develop simultaneously because they
(a) complement each other.
(b) complement with each other
(c) control each other.
(d) function independently.


Answer: (a) complement each other.

Question 4.
Secondary market is in the form of
(a) stock exchange.
(b) money market
(c) new issue market.
(d) commercial exchange


Answer: (a) stock exchange.

Question 5.
SEBI is a regulator of
(a) capital market.
(b) money market
(c) commodity market.
(d) overseas market


Answer: (a) capital market.

Question 6.
___ is a short-term unsecured promissory note issued by reputed business organisations at a price lower than its face value and redeemable at par.
(a) Treasury bill
(b) Commercial paper
(c) Certificate of deposit
(d) Promissory note


Answer: (b) Commercial paper

Question 7.
___ is a source of financing to meet very short-term fund requirements of commercial banks with a provision of renewal.
(a) Treasury Bill
(b) Commercial Paper
(c) Certificate of Deposit
(d) Call Money


Answer: (d) Call Money

Question 8.
___ is the market which helps existing investors to sell their securities.
(a) Primary market
(b) Secondary market
(c) Capital market
(d) Commodity market


Answer: (b) Secondary market

Question 9.
___ is the institution which provides a platform for trading of existing securities having long-term maturity.
(a) SEBI
(b) WTO
(c) Stock exchange
(d) RBI


Answer: (c) Stock exchange

Question 10.
After the trade has been executed, the broker issues a Contract Note to the investor within
(a) 52 hours
(b) 24 hours
(c) 48 hours
(d) 12 hours


Answer: (b) 24 hours

Question 11.
On this day, the exchange will deliver the share or make payment to the other broker,
(a) Pay-in day
(b) Pay-out day
(c) Transaction day
(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) Pay-out day

Question 12.
The mandatory detail that an investor has to provide to the broker at the time of opening a demat account is
(a) Date of birth and address
(b) PAN number
(c) Residential status (Indian/NRI)
(d) Bank account details.


Answer: (b) PAN number

Question 13.
It is a number assigned to each transaction by the stock exchange and is printed on the contract note.
(a) PAN number
(b) Unique Order Code
(c) Contract Note
(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) Unique Order Code

Question 14.
It acts like a bank and keeps securities in electronic form on behalf of the investor,
(a) Depository Participant
(b) Depository
(c) Stock exchange
(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) Depository

Question 15.
The process of holding shares in electronic form is known as
(a) Demutualisation
(b) Dematerialisation
(c) Speculation
(d) None of the above


Answer: (b) Dematerialisation

Question 16.
Stock Exchange works as a mechanism for valuation of securities through the forces of demand and supply. Identify the related function of performed by the stock exchanges.
(a) Providing liquidity and marketability to existing securities.
(b) Safety of transaction.
(c) Pricing of security.
(d) Spreading of equity cult.


Answer: (c) Pricing of security.

Question 17.
PK Enterprises Limited has sold an entire lot of 5,00,000 equity shares @ ₹9 each to Prosperous Bank Private Limited. The bank intum will offer the shares to general public for subscription @ ₹11 per share. Identify the method of floatation being described in the given lines.
(a) Private placement
(b) Offer through prospectus
(c) Offer for sale
(d) Rights issue


Answer: (c) Offer for sale

Question 18.
Which of the following participants represent capital market?
(a) Development banks
(b) Commercial banks
(c) Stock exchanges
(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above

Question 19.
A company can raise capital through the primary market in the form of
(a) Equity shares
(b) Preference shares
(c) Debentures
(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above

Question 20.
It is a short-term, negotiable, self-liquidating instrument which is used to finance the credit sales of firms.
(a) Commercial bill
(b) Commercial papers
(c) Call money
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Commercial bill

It is a short-term, negotiable, self-liquidating instrument which is used to finance the credit sales of firms.

True or False

State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False.

1. Providing liquidity is an important function of stock exchange.


Answer: True; providing liquidity to securities is an important function of stock exchange.

2. Money Market is the market in which financial instruments having long-term maturity are dealt with.


Answer: False; financial instruments having short-term maturity are dealt with in the money market.

3. Stock exchange regulates the capital market.


Answer: False; SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) regulates the capital market.

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 10 Financial Markets with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding Financial Markets CBSE Class 12 Business Studies MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 7 Security in the Contemporary World with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 7 Security in the Contemporary World with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 7 Security in the Contemporary World with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Security in the Contemporary World Class 12 Political Science MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Security in the Contemporary World Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

MCQ Questions For Class 12 Political Science Chapter 7 Question 1.
Which of the following is a source of insecurity?
(a) Human Rights
(b) Balance of Power
(c) Global Poverty
(d) Alliance Building


Answer: (c) Global Poverty

Question 2.
Which of the following is a component of traditional security?
(a) Alliance building
(b) Preventing war
(c) Balance of power
(d) All of these


Answer: (c) Balance of power

Question 3.
How many States acceded to Chemical Weapons Conventions?
(a) 102
(b) 155
(c) 192
(d) 181


Answer: (d) 181

Question 4.
In which security, force is both the principal threat to security and the principal means of achieving security?
(a) Non-traditional
(b) Traditional
(c) Not a threat
(d) Balance of power


Answer: (b) Traditional

In which security, force is both the principal threat to security and the principal means of achieving security?

Question 5.
Match the terms with their meaning:

I. Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) (a) Giving up certain types of weapons
II. Arms Control (b) A process of exchanging information on defence matters between nations on a regular basis
III. Alliance (c) A coalition of nations meant to deter or defend against military attacks
IV. Disarmament (d) Regulates the acquisition or development of weapons


I. Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) (b) A process of exchanging information on defence matters between nations on a regular basis
II. Arms Control (d) Regulates the acquisition or development of weapons
III. Alliance (c) A coalition of nations meant to deter or defend against military attacks
IV. Disarmament (a) Giving up certain types of weapons

Question 6.
Write one international convention passed by the United Nations to eliminate terrorism.


Answer: The U.N. Convention for the suppression of unlawful seizure of Aircraft (1970).

Question 7.
In which year Global Security has emerged?


Answer: Global Security emerged in 1990.

Question 8.
Write one component of Traditional Security Policy.


Answer: Balance of power is an important component of Traditional Security Policy.

Question 9.
What is the basis of Alliance?


Answer: Alliances are based on national interests and can change when interests change.

Question 10.
Give one example of Arms Control.


Answer: Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty II or SALT II.

Question 11.
When Non-Proliferation Treaty was signed?


Answer: 1968

Question 12.
Write one component of India’s Security Strategy.


Answer: Strengthening its military capabilities because India has been involved in conflicts with neighbours.

Question 13.
In which year India first tested a nuclear device?


Answer: 1974

Question 14.
In your view, do the terrorists have any value for human rights and democratic means.


Answer: The terrorists have no value for human rights and democratic means. They believe in the cult of bombs and violence.

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 7 Security in the Contemporary World with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 12 Political Science Security in the Contemporary World MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 8 Infrastructure with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 8 Infrastructure with Answers

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 8 Infrastructure with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Infrastructure Class 12 Economics MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

Infrastructure Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers

I. Choose the correct alternative.

Economic Infrastructure Includes MCQ Chapter 8 Class 12 Question 1.
Which of the following statements is not correct with regards to infrastructure?
(A) Infrastructure contributes to economic development.
(B) Infrastructure provides support services.
(C) All infrastructural facilities have a direct impact on the production of goods and services.
(D) Inadequate infrastructure can have multiple adverse effects on health.


Answer: (C) All infrastructural facilities have a direct impact on the production of goods and services.

Which of the following statements is not correct with regards to infrastructure?

MCQ On Infrastructure Class 12 Chapter 8 Question 2.
Which of the following facilities is included in social infrastructure?
(A) Roads and highways
(B) Housing
(C) Internet
(D) Electricity


Answer: (B) Housing

Infrastructure Class 12 MCQ Chapter 8 Question 3.
What is morbidity?
(A) Proneness to fall ill
(B) High infant mortality rate
(C) High maternal mortality rate
(D) Low life expectancy


Answer: (A) Proneness to fall ill

Infrastructure MCQ Chapter 8 Class 12 Question 4.
What percent of rural households use bio-fuels for cooking?
(A) 50 percent
(B) 75 percent
(C) 80 percent
(D) 90 percent


Answer: (D) 90 percent

MCQ On Infrastructure Chapter 8 Class 12 Question 5.
Which of the following countries invest almost 50 percent of its GDP in infrastructure?
(A) India
(B) China
(C) Pakistan
(D) Sri Lanka


Answer: (B) China

Social Infrastructure Refers To MCQ Chapter 8 Class 12 Question 6.
Low-income countries do not invest in which of the given infrastructural services?
(A) Transport
(B) Irrigation
(C) Power
(D) Telecommunication


Answer: (D) Telecommunication

Question 7.
Which of the following statements is true for commercial sources of energy?
(A) Commercial sources are bought and sold.
(B) Commercial sources are renewable.
(C) Commercial sources are found in forests.
(D) Dried dung is an example of a commercial source of energy.


Answer: (A) Commercial sources are bought and sold.

Question 8.
Which of the following sector was the largest consumer of commercial energy in 1953-54?
(A) Households
(B) Transport
(C) Industries
(D) Agriculture


Answer: (B) Transport

Question 9.
Which of the following is not a function of primary health care?
(A) Spreading education concerning prevailing health problems
(B) Promoting food supply and proper nutrition
(C) Conducting research
(D) Providing essential drugs


Answer: (C) Conducting research

Question 10.
Which of the following systems is not included in the Indian System of Medicines?
(A) Allopathy
(B) Homeopathy
(C) Naturopathy
(D) Ayurveda


Answer: (A) Allopathy

Which of the following systems is not included in the Indian System of Medicines?

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

Question 1.
Infrastructure associated with energy, transportation, and communication is included in the ______ infrastructure.


Answer: social

Question 2.
______ and safety hazards connected to transportation affect morbidity.


Answer: Air pollution

Question 3.
Inadequate infrastructure can have multiple adverse effects on ________


Answer: health

Question 4.
Agriculture considerably depends on the adequate expansion and development of ______ facilities.


Answer: irrigation

Question 5.
_______ accounts for the largest share in the commercial energy consumption in India.


Answer: Coal

Question 6.
Hydel and wind power do not rely on _________


Answer: fossil fuel

Question 7.
________ sources of energy are found in nature/forests.


Answer: Non-commercial

Question 8.
The hospitals at the village level are known as ________


Answer: PHCs

Question 9.
_________ has huge potential because they are effective, safe, and inexpensive.


Answer: ISM (Indian System of Medicine)

Question 10.
Accessibility and _________ need to be integrated in our basic health infrastructure in order to provide basic healthcare to all.


Answer: affordability

III. State whether the following statements are true or false.

Question 1.
Both economic and social infrastructures are essential for the development of a country.


Answer: True

Question 2.
The share of basic infrastructure services such as irrigation, transport, and power is greater in high-income countries.


Answer: False

Question 3.
The private sector in India has started playing an important role in infrastructure development in joint partnership with the public sector.


Answer: True

Question 4.
The use of renewable energy sources can ensure an additional supply of electricity.


Answer: True

Question 5.
The growth rate of demand for power is always lower than the GDP growth rate.


Answer: False

Question 6.
Industries are the largest consumer of commercial energy.


Answer: True

Question 7.
The privatization of the power sector has benefitted certain sectors in terms of prices.


Answer: False

Question 8.
India’s health infrastructure and health care is made up of a three-tier system.


Answer: True

Question 9.
Infrastructural development in India has not been uniform over the last six decades.


Answer: True

Question 10.
Hospitals under the secondary sector have advanced level equipment and medicines.


Answer: False

IV. Match the following.

Question 1.

Column-I Column-II
1. Social infrastructure (A) The poor
2. Non-conventional energy (B) Education
3. Health infrastructure biased against (C) Outsourcing
4. Essential indication of good health (D) Biomass
5. Infrastructure facilitates (E) High expectancy of life


Column-I Column-II
1. Social infrastructure (B) Education
2. Non-conventional energy (D) Biomass
3. Health infrastructure biased against (A) The poor
4. Essential indication of good health (E) High expectancy of life
5. Infrastructure facilitates (C) Outsourcing

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics Chapter 8 Infrastructure with Answers Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class 12 Economics Infrastructure MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon.